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Grade: VI Subject: SCIENCE 6

Quarter: Second Week No: 1 Day 5

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human
body work together to form organ systems
Performance The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that
Standard promote proper functioning of the musculoskeletal, integumentary, digestive,
circulatory, excretory, respiratory, and nervous systems
Learning Explain how the organs of each organ system work together
Competencies S6LT-IIa-b-1
Explain how the organs of the digestive system work together S6LT-IIa-b-1.5
Knowledge Identify the organs that work together to form the digestive system
Skills Describe how the parts of the digestive system work together
Attitude Enumerate ways of maintaining proper functioning of the digestive
Parts and Functions of the Digestive System
Teacher’s Guide K-12 Curriculum
Science Beyond Borders 6 Teacher’s Manual
Textbook Evelyn T. Sarte, Edanliza Garcia, Eliza Lopez, Mary Jean De la Cruz,,
Harold Arradaza, Science Beyond Borders
Other https://ib.bioninja.com.au/standard-level/topic-6-human-physiology/61-
Learning digestion-and-absorption/digestive-system.html
A. Preparatory Word search. Fruits and vegetables .
Find the words in the grid and write it in your paper.

(Ans: apple, eggplant, cucumber, mushroom, watermelon, lemon)

B. Motivation Look at the picture and observe.
(Teaching across Ask: Why do you eat food? What do you think happens next after
English on Visual swallowing the food? What system changes the food into substances that
Literacy; can be absorbed by the body cells?

Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY

Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
inferences )

(Ans: Food is needed in our body. It is needed to carry out all our body
processes and activities. Food provides nutrients for growth, repair and
energy of the body. However, the body cannot use the food you eat right
away. Food needs to be digested and processed inside your body.
Digestion is the process by which food is change into simpler
substances that can be used by the body cells to produce energy.

(Ans. Digestive system)

C. Activity Activity
Group pupils into four (4) groups. Let each member observe and act on
the given activity. Have a discussion of all the members after performing the
activity to answer on the given questions.

Investigating Digestion of Food

Problem: What processes happen when the food is in the mouth?

Science Skills: Observing and Identifying
What you Need:
Piece of bread (or crackers)

What you need to do:

1. Bite a piece of bread or crackers
2. Have them chew the biscuit.
3. Then, let them swallow it.

What have you found out?

1. While chewing the biscuit/bread, what is being produced by your
2. What changes take place in your mouth while chewing the food?
Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY
Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
3. What happens to the throat and esophagus as you swallow the food?

D. Analysis Let each group present their output. Discuss their answers.
Asks: What are the parts of the digestive system that helps in digesting
the food?
(Ans: The parts of the digestive system are: mouth, esophagus,
stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus)

(Ans.The digestive system )

E. Abstraction


Parts and Functions of Digestive System

Parts Description / Function(s)
1. mouth  digestion begins here. The food is mechanically
digested by chewing. There are four types of teeth
that break down food into smaller pieces. The
incisors have thin edges and are used for cutting
food. The canines are pointed and are for tearing
food, particularly the meat. The broader and bigger
premolars and molars are for crushing and
grinding food.
As the food is chewed, saliva is released by
the salivary glands, moistening the food for easy
swallowing. The saliva also helps in the partial
breakdown of the food.
2. Esophagus  the chewed food called bolus, passes through the
pharynx and then to this esophagus. It contracts in
a rhythmic and wavelike motion to push the chewed
Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY
Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
food in the stomach.
3.Stomach  is the large, pear-shaped organ that can
temporarily expand to store food. As the bolus
enters the organ , the sphincter muscles at the end
of the stomach contract to keep it in. The churning
action of the stomach breaks down the bolus into
smaller food parts. The bolus is also mixed with
acid. Because of this, the bolus changes
consistency. It is now called chyme. The chyme is
then pushed into the small intestine.
4.liver  largest gland in the body. It secrets bile that helps
digest fats. The bile is stored in a small pouch
called the gallbladder. Bile has substances that aid
in the digestion of fats and lipids.
5.pancreas  produces pancreatic juices that neutralize the acidic
stomach contents before they are move into the
small intestine. Pancreas also secretes lipase, an
enzyme that breaks fat molecules.
6 .Small intestine  is a long coiled tube. It is here where digestion
takes place. It adds substances in the chyme to
break it down further. It also absorbs the nutrients
from the food and prepares it for circulation
throughout the body.
7.Large intestine  it is where the water from the undigested food is
absorbed. The indigested food materials is broken
down until all parts not useful to the body are left.
These wastes will be expelled from the body in the
form of feces.
8. Rectum and  the last sections of the alimentary canal. This
Anus provides a temporary storage for the feces before
they are excreted. Peristalsis of the smooth
muscles in the rectum pushes the feces out of the
body through the anus.
Ways to take care of the digestive system
1. Drink plenty of water everyday.
2. Avoid sweets in-between meals.
3. Avoid eating too much spicy and fatty foods.
4. Eat food rich in fiber to regulate bowel movement.
5. Eat slowly and chew the food well.
E. Application Directions: Identify the important roles of the following parts of the digestive
using the statements in the box.
____1. Teeth
____ 2. Stomach
____ 3. Small intestine
____ 4. Large intestine
a. It is where undigested food goes.
b. It absorbs nutrients from the food and prepares it for circulation
throughout the body.
c. It is where the foods are temporarily stored.
d. It breaks down food into smaller particles.

Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY

Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
F. Practical  How come a person lying upside down can still eat or drink?
Applications of ( Ans.This is because of peristalsis or the muscular contractions of the
Concepts and esophagus to push food down towards the stomach)
Skills in Daily  Why is digestion considered as a mechanical and chemical
Living process?
(Ans. Digestion is considered mechanical process because foods are
broken down into smaller pieces and is considered a chemical process
because foods are broken down into nutrients and other substances.
G. Generalization What are the parts and functions of the digestive system?
( Ans; Parts of the digestive system are ;mouth, esophagus, stomach,
liver, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus)

(Ans: Function: The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients
such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They can then be absorbed into
the bloodstream so the body can use them for energy, growth and repair.
The digestive system prepares nutrients for utilization by body cells
through six activities or functions.
 Ingestion
 Mechanical Digestion
 Chemical Digestion
 Movements
 Absorption
 Elimination
H. Assessment/ Directions:
Evaluation A. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Which part of the digestive system physically digest the food?
A. esophagus C. saliva
B. large intestine D. teeth

2. What is the role of the large intestine in the digestion process?

A. It secrets bile.
B. It absorbs some of the water and salts
C. It secrets enzymes that digest proteins.
D. It serves as a temporary storage of water and food.

3. Which teeth are used for grinding and crushing food before it is
A. Incisors and premolars C. premolars and molars
B. Canines and incisors D. canines and molars

4. What is the function of the small intestine?

Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY

Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
A. Aids in physical digestion of food.
B. Acts as a temporary storage of food.
C. For the digestion and absorption of nutrients
D. Allows movement of food from the stomach to the rest of the

5. What do you call the opening at the end of the digestive tract where
the undigested materials are excreted?
A. anus C. rectum
B. large intestine D. small intestine

B.Label the parts of the Digestive system. Write your answer in your




I. Additional Give your answer on the given questions.

activities for 1. What are the differences between sweat glands and oil glands?
application or 2. Why is a person with oily skin is more prone to pimples than a
remediation person with dry skin?
No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
No. of learners who
continue to require
Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who caught
up the lesson
No. of learners who
Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY
Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
require remediation
Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which
principal and
supervisor can help
or solve?
What innovation or
localized did I
use/discover which I
wish to share?

Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY

Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
ATTACHMENT A ( Preparatory Activity)


Rubric in Assessing Group Performance in Simple Science Activity (Self-Assessment)

Direction: Assess your group performance in accomplishing the task provided.

Description Ratings
1. All members take part in the group activities. 1 2 3 4 5
2. Members agree and supports with each other. 1 2 3 4 5
3. Group members keep on the assigned task. 1 2 3 4 5
4. Group members practice collaborative skills. 1 2 3 4 5
5. Group members perform well as a whole. 1 2 3 4 5

1 = Needs Improvement
2 = Fairly Satisfactory
3 = Satisfactory
4 = Very Satisfactory
5 = Outstanding

1. My mouth produces saliva
2. The biscuit undergoes physical change when cut down into pieces and chemical change
when mixes with various substances, changes.
3. The throat and esophagus contact in a rhythmic and wavelike motion
Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY
Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
ATTACHMENT D (Application)
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a

ATTACHMENT E ( Assessment)
A. 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. A

1. mouth
2. esophagus
3. stomach
4. small intestine
5. large intestine

Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY

Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District
Prepared by: MERCY G. DAGOY
Master Teacher II
Amlan Central School, Amlan District

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