1614327107659-Objective Questions Strength of Material MET - 06
1614327107659-Objective Questions Strength of Material MET - 06
1614327107659-Objective Questions Strength of Material MET - 06
1. The property by which a body returns to its original shape after removal of the force is called
a) Plasticity
b) Elasticity
c) Ductility
d) Malleability
2. The property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into thin plates is called
a) Malleability
b) Plasticity
c) Ductility
d) Elasticity
4. The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions are called __________
a) Isotropic
b) Brittle
c) Homogeneous
d) Hard
5. A member which does not regain its original shape after removal of the load producing
deformation is said __________
a) Plastic
b) Elastic
c) Rigid
d) None of the mentioned
6. The body will regain it is previous shape and size only when the deformation caused by the
external forces, is within a certain limit. What is that limit?
a) Plastic limit
b) Elastic limit
c) Deformation limit
d) None of the mentioned
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7. The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions are called __________
a) Isotropic
b) Brittle
c) Homogenous
d) Hard
9. What kind of elastic materials are derived from a strain energy density function?
a) Cauchy elastic materials
b) Hypo elastic materials
c) Hyper elastic materials
d) None of the mentioned
10. What the number that measures an object’s resistance to being deformed elastically when
stress is applied to it?
a) Elastic modulus
b) Plastic modulus
c) Poisson’s ratio
d) Stress modulus
11. A cube subjected to three mutually perpendicular stress of equal intensity p expenses a
volumetric strain
(A) 3p/ E × (2/m - 1)
(B) 3p/ E × (2 - m)
(C) 3p/ E × (1 - 2/m)
(D) E/ 3p × (2/m - 1)
12. The strain energy stored in a solid circular shaft subjected to shear stress (τ) is:
(Where, G = Modulus of rigidity for the shaft material)
(A) τ²/ 2G × Volume of shaft
(B) τ/ 2G × Volume of shaft
(C) τ²/ 4G × Volume of shaft
(D) τ/ 4G × Volume of shaft
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13. The strain energy stored in a solid circular shaft in torsion, subjected to shear stress (τ), is:
(Where, G = Modulus of rigidity for the shaft material)
(A) τ²/ 2G × Volume of shaft
(B) τ/ 2G × Volume of shaft
(C) τ²/ 4G × Volume of shaft
(D) τ/ 4G × Volume of shaft
14. The stress induced in a body, when suddenly loaded, is _________ the stress induced when
the same load is applied gradually.
(A) Equal to
(B) One-half
(C) Twice
(D) Four times
16. The torque transmitted by a solid shaft of diameter (D) is (where τ = Maximum allowable
shear stress)
(A) π /4 × τ × D³
(B) π /16 × τ × D³
(C) π /32 × τ × D³
(D) π /64 × τ × D³
17. The torque transmitted by a hollow shaft of outer diameter (d₁) and inner diameter (d2) is
(where, τ = Maximum allowable shear stress)
(A) π /4 × τ × (d₁⁴ - d⁴₂)/ d₁
(B) π /16 × τ × (d₁⁴ - d⁴₂)/ d₁
(C) π /32 × τ × (d₁⁴ - d⁴₂)/ d₁
(D) π /64 × τ × (d₁⁴ - d⁴₂)/ d₁
18. If Th is the torque resisting capacity of a hollow shaft and Ts is that of a solid shaft, of the
same material, length and weight. Then,
(A) Th>Ts
(B) Th<Ts
(C) Th = Ts
(D) None of these
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19. If Kh is the torque resisting capacity of a hollow shaft and Ks is that of a solid shaft, of the
same material, length and weight. Then,
(A) Kh> Ks
(B) Kh< Ks
(C) Kh = Ks
(D) None of these
20. After reaching the yielding stage while testing a mild steel specimen, strain
(A) Becomes constant
(B) Starts decreasing
(C) Increases without any increase in load
(D) None of the above
22. If the slenderness ratio for a column is 100, then it is said to be a _________ column.
(A) Long
(B) Medium
(C) Short
(D) None of these
23. A body is subjected to a tensile stress of 1200 MPa on one plane and another tensile stress of
600 MPa on a plane at right angles to the former. It is also subjected to a shear stress of 400 MPa
on the same planes. The maximum normal stress will be
(A) 400 MPa
(B) 500 MPa
(C) 900 MPa
(D) 1400 MPa
24. Young’s modulus of a wire is defined as the stress which will increase the length of wire
compared to its original length by
(A) Half
(B) Same amount
(C) Double
(D) One-fourth
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25. True stress strain-curve for materials is plotted between
(A) Load/original cross-sectional area and change in length/original length
(B) Load/ instantaneous cross-sectional area and loge (original area/ instantaneous area)
(C) Load/ instantaneous cross-sectional area and change in length/ original length
(D) Load/ instantaneous area and instantaneous area/original area
26. A hollow shaft of same cross-section area as compared to a solid shaft transmit
(A) Same torque
(B) Less torque
(C) More torque
(D) Unpredictable
27. A steel bar of 5 mm is heated from 25°C to 45°C and it is free to expand. The bar will induce
(A) No stress
(B) Shear stress
(C) Tensile stress
(D) Compressive stress
28. Two shafts 'A' and 'B' transmit the same power. The speed of shaft 'A' is 250 r.p.m. and that
of shaft 'B' is 300 r.p.m.
(A) The shaft 'B' has the greater diameter
(B) The shaft 'A' has the greater diameter
(C) Both are of same diameter
(D) None of these
30. A thick cylindrical shell having ro and ri as outer and inner radii, is subjected to an internal
pressure (p). The maximum tangential stress at the inner surface of the shell is
(A) (ro² - ri²)/ 2p ri²
(B) 2p ri²/ (ro² - ri²)
(C) p (ro² + ri²)/ (ro² - ri²)
(D) p (ro² - ri²)/ (ro² + ri²)
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31. A vertical column has two moments of inertia (i.e. Ixx and Iyy ). The column will tend to
buckle in the direction of the
(A) Axis of load
(B) Perpendicular to the axis of load
(C) Maximum moment of inertia
(D) Minimum moment of inertia
33. The neutral axis of the cross-section a beam is that axis at which the bending stress is
(A) Zero
(B) Minimum
(C) Maximum
(D) Infinity
34. A composite bar made up of steel and copper bars of equal lengths are heated through 100°C.
The stresses developed shall be
(A) Tensile in both the material
(B) Tensile in steel and compressive in copper
(C) Compressive in steel and tensile in copper
(D) Compressive in both the materials
36. The bending moment at a point on a beam is the algebraic ________ of all the moments on
either side of the point.
(A) Sum
(B) Difference
(C) Multiplication
(D) None of the above
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37. The maximum diameter of the hole that can be punched from a plate of maximum shear
stress 1/4th of its maximum crushing stress of punch, is equal to (where t = Thickness of the
(A) t
(B) 2t
(C) 4t
(D) 8t
39. Two closely coiled helical springs 'A' and 'B' are equal in all respects but the number of turns
of spring 'A' is half that of spring 'B' The ratio of deflections in spring 'A' to spring 'B' is
(A) 1/8
(B) 1/4
(C) 1/2
(D) 2
42. For a simply supported beam of length ‘l’, when a concentrated load W is applied in the
center of the beam, the maximum deflection is
(A) 5WL³/ 384EI
(B) WL³/384EI
(C) WL³/ 348EI
(D) WL³/ 48EI
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43. The point of contra flexure is a point where
(A) Shear force changes sign
(B) Shear force is maximum
(C) Bending moment changes sign
(D) Bending moment is maximum
45. The ultimate tensile stress of mild steel compared to ultimate compressive stress is
(A) Same
(B) More
(C) Less
(D) Unpredictable
46. The energy stored in a body when strained within elastic limit is known as
(A) Resilience
(B) Proof resilience
(C) Strain energy
(D) Impact energy
48. In compression test, the fracture in cast iron specimen would occur along
(A) The axis of load
(B) An oblique plane
(C) At right angles to the axis of specimen
(D) Would not occur
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49. A coil is cut into two halves, the stiffness of cut coil will be
(A) Double
(B) Half
(C) Same
(D) None of these
51. When shear force at a point is zero, then bending moment is _________ at that point.
(A) Zero
(B) Minimum
(C) Maximum
(D) Infinity
54. If the radius of wire stretched by a load is doubled, then its Young’s modulus will be
(A) Doubled
(B) Halved
(C) Becomes four times
(D) None of the above
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55. In order to know whether a column is long or short, we must know its
(A) Ultimate shear stress of the column
(B) Factor of safety
(C) Torque resisting capacity
(D) Slenderness ratio
58. In order to prevent crushing of masonry at the base of the dam, the maximum stress should
be __________ the permissible stress of the soil.
(A) Equal to
(B) Less than
(C) More than
(D) None of these
59. Volumetric strain for a rectangular specimen of length ‘l’, breadth ‘b’ and thickness ‘t’
subjected to a pull of ‘P’ is given by
(A) e (1 - 2m)
(B) e (1 - 2/m)
(C) e (m - 2)
(D) e (2/m - 1)
60. When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite pushes, as a result of which the body
tends to reduce its length, then
(A) The stress and strain induced is compressive
(B) The stress and strain induced is tensile
(C) Both A and B is correct
(D) None of these
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61. A thin cylindrical shell of diameter (d) and thickness (t) is subjected to an internal pressure
(p). The ratio of longitudinal strain to volumetric strain is
(A) (m - 1)/ (2m - 1)
(B) (2m - 1)/ (m - 1)
(C) (m - 2)/ (3m - 4)
(D) (m - 2)/ (5m - 4)
63. In the torsion equation T/J = τ/r = Gθ/ L, the term J/R is called
(A) Shear modulus
(B) Section modulus
(C) Polar modulus
(D) None of these
65. When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the maximum compressive stress is
developed on the
(A) Top layer
(B) Bottom layer
(C) Neutral axis
(D) Every cross-section
66. In a uniform bar, supported at one end in position, the maximum stress under self weight of
bar shall occur at the
(A) Middle of bar
(B) Supported end
(C) Bottom end
(D) None of these
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67. When both ends of a column are fixed, the effective length is
(A) Its own length
(B) Twice its length
(C) Half its length
(D) 1/√2 × its length
68. A composite shaft consisting of two stepped portions having spring constants K₁ and K₂ is
held between two rigid supports at the ends. Its equivalent spring constant is
(A) K₁ K₂
(B) (K₁ + K₂)/ 2
(C) (K₁ + K₂)/ K₁ K₂
(D) K₁ K₂/ (K₁ + K₂)
71. A shaft revolving at ω rad/s transmits torque (T) in Nm. The power developed is
(A) T.ω watts
(B) 2π. T.ω watts
(C) 2π. T.ω/75 watts
(D) 2π. T.ω/4500 watts
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73. When a beam is subjected to a bending moment, the strain in a layer is __________ the
distance from the neutral axis.
(A) Equal to
(B) Directly proportional to
(C) Inversely proportional to
(D) Independent of
74. In the tensile test, the phenomenon of slow extension of the material, i. e. stress increasing
with the time at a constant load is called
(A) Creeping
(B) Yielding
(C) Breaking
(D) Plasticity
75. The given figure shows the Mohr's circle of stress for two unequal and like principal stresses
(σx and σy) acting at a body across two mutually perpendicular planes. The normal stress on an
oblique section making an angle θ with the minor principle plane is given by
(A) OC
(B) OP
(C) OQ
(D) PQ
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77. The stress induced in a body due to suddenly applied load compared to when it is applied
gradually is
(A) Same
(B) Half
(C) Two times
(D) Four times
79. When two plates are butt together and riveted with cover plates with two rows of rivets, the
joint is known as
(A) Lap joint
(B) Butt joint
(C) Single riveted single cover butt joint
(D) Double riveted double cover butt joint
80. A bar of copper and steel form a composite system, which is heated to a temperature of 40°C.
The stress induced in the copper bar will be
(A) Tensile
(B) Compressive
(C) Shear
(D) Zero
81. A boiler shell 200 cm diameter and plate thickness 1.5 cm is subjected to internal pressure of
1.5 MN/m, and then the hoop stress will be
A) 30 MN/m²
(B) 50 MN/m²
(C) 100 MN/m²
(D) 200 MN/m²
82. When a thin cylindrical shell is subjected to an internal pressure, the volumetric strain is
(where ε₁ = Hoop strain, and ε₂ = Longitudinal strain)
(A) 2ε₁ - ε₂
(B) 2ε₁ + ε₂
(C) 2ε₂ - ε₁
(D) 2ε₂ + ε₁
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83. Shear stress induced in a shaft subjected to tension will be
(A) Maximum at periphery and zero at center
(B) Maximum at center
(C) Uniform throughout
(D) None of the above
84. The relation between equivalent length (L) and actual length (l) of a column for both ends
fixed is
(A) L = l/2
(B) L = l/√2
(C) L = l
(D) L = 2l
86. The percentage reduction in area of a cast iron specimen during tensile test would be of the
order of
(A) More than 50%
(B) 25-50%
(C) 10-25%
(D) Negligible
87. The deformation of a bar under its own weight is _________ the deformation, if the same
body issubjected to a direct load equal to weight of the body.
(A) Equal to
(B) Half
(C) Double
(D) Quadruple
88. The ratio of maximum shear stress developed in a rectangular beam and a circular beam of
the samecross-sectional area is
(A) 2/3
(B) 3/4
(C) 1
(D) 9/8
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89. Formula based on IS codes is based on
(A) Straight line formula
(B) Euler’s formula
(C) Rankine’s formula
(D) Secant formula
92. The shear force at the center of a simply supported beam with a gradually varying load from
zero atboth ends to w per meter at the center, is
(A) Zero
(B) wl/4
(C) wl/2
(D) wl²/2
93. A riveted joint in which the number of rivets decrease from innermost to outer most rows is
(A) Chain riveted joint
(B) Diamond riveted joint
(C) Crisscross riveted joint
(D) Zigzag riveted joint
94. A closely-coiled helical spring is cut into two halves. The stiffness of the resulting spring will
(A) Same
(B) Double
(C) Half
(D) One-fourth
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95. The torsional rigidity of a shaft is expressed by the
(A) Maximum torque it can transmit
(B) Number of cycles it undergoes before failure
(C) Elastic limit up to which it resists torsion, shear and bending stresses
(D) Torque required to produce a twist of one radian per unit length of shaft
96. The limit of eccentricity for no tensile conditions for a column of circular section of diameter
(d) is
(A) d/4
(B) d/8
(C) d/12
(D) d/16
97. The property of a material by virtue of which a body returns to its original, shape after
removal of the load is called
(A) Plasticity
(B) Elasticity
(C) Ductility
(D) Malleability
98. The state of stress at a point in a loaded member is shown in the below figure. The magnitude
of maximum shear stress is
(A) 10 MPa
(B) 30 MPa
(C) 50 MPa
(D) 100 MPa
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99. For a beam, as shown in the below figure, the deflection at C is (where E = Young's modulus
for the beam material, and I = Moment of inertia of the beam section.)
(A) Wl3/48 EI
(B) Wa²b²/3EIl
(C) [Wa/(a√3) x EIl] x (l² - a²)3/2
(D) 5Wl3/384 EI
103. When it is indicated that a member is elastic, it means that when force is applied, it will
(A) Not deform
(B) Be safest
(C) Stretch
(D) Not stretch
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104. For a beam, as shown in the below figure, when the load W is applied in the center of the
beam, the maximum deflection is
105. The relation between Young's modulus (E), shear modulus (C) and bulk modulus (K) is
given by
(A) E = 3K.C/(3K + C)
(B) E = 6K.C/(3K + C)
(C) E = 9K.C/(3K + C)
(D) E = 12K.C/(3K + C)
106. The distance between the centers of the rivets in adjacent rows of zigzag riveted joint is
known as
(A) Pitch
(B) Back pitch
(C) Diagonal pitch
(D) Diametric pitch
107. In the below figure, the stress corresponding to point ‘D’ is
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108. A body is subjected to a direct tensile stress of 300 MPa in one plane accompanied by a
simple shear stress of 200 MPa. The maximum shear stress will be
(A) -100 MPa
(B) 250 MPa
(C) 300 MPa
(D) 400 MPa
110. A beam which is fixed at one end and free at the other is called
(A) Simply supported beam
(B) Fixed beam
(C) Overhanging beam
(D) Cantilever beam
111. The neutral axis of a transverse section of a beam passes through the centre of gravity of the
section and is
(A) In the vertical plane
(B) In the horizontal plane
(C) In the same plane in which the beam bends
(D) At right angle to the plane in which the beam bends
113. The columns whose slenderness ratio is less than 80, are known as
(A) Short columns
(B) Long columns
(C) Weak columns
(D) Medium columns
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114. The stress developed in a material at breaking point in extension is called
(A) Breaking stress
(B) Fracture stress
(C) Yield point stress
(D) Ultimate tensile stress
115. For riveting, the size of hole drilled in plates is __________ shank diameter of rivet.
(A) Equal to
(B) Less than
(C) Greater than
(D) None of these
117. The capacity of a strained body for doing work on the removal of the straining force, is
(A) Strain energy
(B) Resilience
(C) Proof resilience
(D) Impact energy
118. In a tensile test on mild steel specimen, the breaking stress as compared to ultimate tensile
stress is
(A) More
(B) Less
(C) Same
(D) More/less depending on composition
119. A column of length (l) with both ends fixed may be considered as equivalent to a column of
length __________ with both ends hinged.
(A) l/8
(B) l/4
(C) l/2
(D) l
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120. If the depth is kept constant for a beam of uniform strength, then its width will vary in
proportional to
(A) Bending moment (i.e. M)
(B) Bending moment² (i.e. M²)
(C) Bending moment³ (i.e. M³)
(D) Bending moment⁴ (i.e. M⁴)
122. The pull required to crush the rivet per pitch length is
(A) p.t.σt
(B) d.t.σc
(C) π/4 × d² × σt
(D) π/4 × d² × σc
124. The extension of a circular bar tapering uniformly from diameter d₁ at one end to diameter
d₂ at the other end and subjected to an axial pull of ‘P’ is given by
(A) δl = 4PE/ πl²
(B) δl = 4πld²/PE
(C) δl = 4Pl/πEd₁d₂
(D) δl = 4PlE/ πd₁d₂
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125. The maximum bending moment for the beam shown in the below figure, is
(A) wl²/3√3
(B) wl²/6√3
(C) wl²/9√3
(D) wl²/12√3
126. Efficiency of a riveted joint is the ratio of its strength (max. load it can resist without
failure) to the strength of the unpunched plate in
(A) Tension
(B) Compression
(C) Bearing
(D) Any one of the above
127. The pull required to tear off the plate per pitch length is (where p = Pitch of rivets, t =
Thickness of plates, and σt, τ and σc = Permissible tensile, shearing and crushing stresses
(A) (p - 2d) t × σc
(B) (p - d) t × τ
(C) (p - d) t × σt
(D) (2p - d) t × σt
128. In a belt drive, the pulley diameter is doubled, the belt tension and pulley width remaining
same. The changes required in key will be
(A) Increase key length
(B) Increase key depth
(C) Increase key width
(D) Double all the dimensions
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129. In the below figure, curve D represents_________.
130. The bending moment of a cantilever beam of length ‘l’ and carrying a uniformly distributed
load of ‘w’ per unit length is __________ at the fixed end.
(A) wl/4
(B) wl/2
(C) wl
(D) wl²/2
132. The layer at the center of gravity of the beam as shown in the below figure, will be
(A) In tension
(B) In compression
(C) Neither in tension nor in compression
(D) None of these
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133. When a body is subjected to a direct tensile stress (σx) in one plane accompanied by a
simple shear stress (τxy), the minimum normal stress is
(A) (σx/2) + (1/2) × √(σx² + 4 τ²xy)
(B) (σx/2) - (1/2) × √(σx² + 4 τ²xy)
(C) (σx/2) + (1/2) × √(σx² - 4 τ²xy)
(D) (1/2) × √(σx² + 4 τ²xy)
134. Tensile strength of a material is obtained by dividing the maximum load during the test by
(A) Area at the time of fracture
(B) Original cross-sectional area
(C) Average of (A) and (B)
(D) Minimum area after fracture
135. The section modulus of a circular section about an axis through its C.G., is
(A) πd²/4
(B) πd²/16
(C) πd3/16
(D) πd3/32
137. The moment of resistance of a balanced reinforced concrete beam is based on the stresses in
(A) Steel only
(B) Concrete only
(C) Steel and concrete both
(D) None of these
138. The property of a material by virtue of which it can be beaten or rolled into plates is called
(A) Malleability
(B) Ductility
(C) Plasticity
(D) Elasticity
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139. In case of an under-reinforced beam, the depth of actual neutral axis is __________ that of
the critical neutral axis.
(A) Same as
(B) Less than
(C) Greater than
(D) None of these
140. The energy absorbed in a body, when it is strained within the elastic limits, is known as
(A) Strain energy
(B) Resilience
(C) Proof resilience
(D) Modulus of resilience
141. A simply supported beam with a gradually varying load from zero at ‘B’ and ‘w’ per unit
length at ‘A’ is shown in the below figure. The shear force at ‘B’ is equal to
(A) wl/6
(B) wl/3
(C) wl
(D) 2wl/3
143. Percentage reduction in area performing tensile test on cast iron may be of the order of
(A) 50%
(B) 25%
(C) 20%
(D) 30%
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144. A beam is loaded as cantilever. If the load at the end is increased, the failure will occur
(A) In the middle
(B) At the tip below the load
(C) At the support
(D) Anywhere
146. If the rivets in adjacent rows are staggered and the outermost row has only one rivets, the
arrangement of the rivets is called
(A) Chain riveting
(B) Zigzag riveting
(C) Diamond riveting
(D) Crisscross riveting
148. The value of shear stress which is induced in the shaft due to the applied couple varies
(A) From maximum at the center to zero at the circumference
(B) From zero at the center to maximum at the circumference
(C) From maximum at the center to minimum at the circumference
(D) From minimum at the center to maximum at the circumference
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150. The materials having same elastic properties in all directions are called
(A) Ideal materials
(B) Uniform materials
(C) Isotropic materials
(D) Piratical materials
151. The ratio of the largest load in a test to the original cross-sectional area of the test piece is
(A) Elastic limit
(B) Yield stress
(C) Ultimate stress
(D) Breaking stress
153. The total elongation produced in a bar of uniform section hanging vertically downwards due
to its own weight is equal to that produced by a weight
(A) Of same magnitude as that of bar and applied at the lower end
(B) Half the weight of bar applied at lower end
(C) Half of the square of weight of bar applied at lower end
(D) One fourth of weight of bar applied at lower end
154. The lower layer of the beam as shown in the below figure, will be
(A) In tension
(B) In compression
(C) Neither in tension nor in compression
(D) None of these
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155. The tensile strength of the welded joint for double fillet is (where s = Leg or size of the
weld, l = Length of weld, and σt = Allowable tensile stress for weld metal)
(A) 0.5 s.l.σt
(B) s.l.σt
(C) √2 s.l.σt
(D) 2.s.l.σt
157. When a body is subjected to biaxial stress i.e. direct stresses (σx) and (σy) in two mutually
perpendicular planes accompanied by a simple shear stress (τxy), then maximum normal stress is
(A) (σx + σy)/2 + (1/2) × √[(σx - σy)² + 4 τ²xy]
(B) (σx + σy)/2 - (1/2) × √[(σx - σy)² + 4 τ²xy]
(C) (σx - σy)/2 + (1/2) × √[(σx + σy)² + 4 τ²xy]
(D) (σx - σy)/2 - (1/2) × √[(σx + σy)² + 4 τ²xy]
158. The stress at which extension of the material takes place more quickly as compared to the
increase in load is called
(A) Elastic point of the material
(B) Plastic point of the material
(C) Breaking point of the material
(D) Yielding point of the material
160. In a prismatic member made of two materials so joined that they deform equally under axial
stress, the unit stresses in two materials are
(A) Equal
(B) Proportional to their respective moduli of elasticity
(C) Inversely proportional to their moduli of elasticity
(D) Average of the sum of moduli of elasticity
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161. The ductility of the material __________ with the decrease in percentage elongation of a
specimen under tensile test.
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Remain same
(D) None of these
162. The length of a conical bar is l, diameter of base is d and weight per unit volume is w. It is
fixes at its upper end and hanging freely. The elongation of the bar under the action of its own
weight will be
(A) wl²/2E
(B) wl²/4E
(C) wl²/6E
(D) wl²/8E
164. For no tension condition in the base of a short column of circular section, the line of action
of the load should be within a circle of diameter equal to __________ of the main circle.
(A) One-half
(B) One-third
(C) One-fourth
(D) One-eighth
165. The shear modulus of most materials with respect to the modulus of elasticity is
(A) Equal to half
(B) Less than half
(C) More than half
(D) None of these
166. Whenever a material is loaded within elastic limit, stress is __________ strain.
(A) Equal to
(B) Directly proportional to
(C) Inversely proportional to
(D) None of these
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167. In the below figure, Hook's law holds good, for the portion from_________.
(A) O to A
(B) B to D
(C) D to E
(D) None of these
169. The bending moment of a cantilever beam of length l and carrying a gradually varying load
from zero at free end and w per unit length at the fixed end is ________ at the fixed end.
(A) wl/2
(B) wl
(C) wl²/2
(D) wl²/6
170. The maximum deflection of a cantilever beam of length ‘l’ with a uniformly distributed load
of ‘w’ per unit length is (where W = wl)
(A) Wl³/3EI
(B) Wl³/8EI
(C) Wl³/16EI
(D) Wl³/48EI
171. When a bar of length l, width b and thickness t is subjected to a pull of P, its
(A) Length, width and thickness increases
(B) Length, width and thickness decreases
(C) Length increases, width and thickness decreases
(D) Length decreases, width and thickness increases
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172. A beam of T-section is subjected to a shear force of F. The maximum shear force will occur
at the
(A) Top of the section
(B) Bottom of the section
(C) Neutral axis of the section
(D) Junction of web and flange
173. The maximum deflection of a fixed beam of length l carrying a central point load W is
(A) wl³/48 EI
(B) wl³/96 EI
(C) wl³/192 EI
(D) wl³/384 EI
174. The torque transmitted by a hollow shaft of outer diameter (D) and inner diameter (d) is
(A) (π/4) × τ [(D² - d²)/d]
(B) (π/16) × τ [(D³ - d³)/d]
(C) (π/16) × τ [(D⁴ - d⁴)/d]
(D) (π/32) × τ [(D⁴ - d⁴)/d]
176. The bending moment of a cantilever beam of length l and carrying a uniformly distributed
load of w per unit length is __________ at the free end.
(A) Zero
(B) wl/4
(C) wl/2
(D) wl
177. For a shaft, the shear stress at a point is __________ the distance from the axis of the shaft.
(A) Equal to
(B) Directly proportional to
(C) Inversely proportional to
(D) None of these
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178. The bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed
load of ‘w’ per unit length, will be
(A) A horizontal line
(B) A vertical line
(C) An inclined line
(D) A parabolic curve
179. When one plate overlaps the other and the two plates are riveted together with two rows of
rivets, the joint is known as
(A) Single riveted lap joint
(B) Double riveted lap joint
(C) Double riveted single cover butt joint
(D) Double riveted double cover butt joint
180. When a body is subjected to a direct tensile stress (σ) in one plane, the maximum shear
stress is __________ the maximum normal stress.
(A) Equal to
(B) One-half
(C) Two-third
(D) Twice
181. The ductility of a material __________ with the increase in percentage reduction in area of
a specimen under tensile test.
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Remains same
(D) None of these
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183. The simply supported beam 'A' of length ‘l’ carries a central point load ‘W’. Another beam
'B' is loaded with a uniformly distributed load such that the total load on the beam is ‘W’.
The ratio of maximum deflections between beams 'A' and 'B' is
(A) 5/8
(B) 8/5
(C) 5/4
(D) 4/5
184. The rectangular beam 'A' has length ‘l’, width ‘b’ and depth ‘d’. Another beam 'B' has the
same length and depth but width is double that of 'A'. The elastic strength of beam 'B' will be
_________ as compared to beam ‘A’.
(A) Same
(B) Double
(C) Four times
(D) Six times
185. The bending moment in the center of a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly
distributed load of w per unit length is
(A) Zero
(B) wl²/2
(C) wl²/4
(D) wl²/8
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188. A simply supported beam 'A' of length ‘l’, breadth ‘b’ and depth ‘d’ carries a central load
‘W’. Another beam 'B' of the same dimensions carries a central load equal to 2W. The deflection
of beam 'B' will be __________ as that of beam 'A'.
(A) One-fourth
(B) One-half
(C) Double
(D) Four times
189. When a bar of length ‘l’ and diameter ‘d’ is rigidly fixed at the upper end and hanging
freely, then the total elongation produced in the bar due to its own weight is (where w = Weight
per unit volume of the bar)
(A) wl/2E
(B) wl²/2E
(C) wl³/2E
(D) wl⁴/2E
190. In a riveted joint, when the rivets in the various rows are opposite to each other, the joint is
said to be
(A) Chain riveted
(B) Zig-zag riveted
(C) Diamond riveted
(D) None of these
191. When a rectangular bar of length l, breadth b and thickness t is subjected to an axial pull of
P, then linear strain (ε) is given by (where E = Modulus of elasticity)
(A) ε = P/b.t.E
(B) ε = b.t.E/P
(C) ε = b.t/P.E
(D) ε = P.E/b.t
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193. A beam of triangular section is placed with its base horizontal. The maximum shear stress
occurs at
(A) Apex of the triangle
(B) Mid of the height
(C) Center of gravity of the triangle
(D) Base of the triangle
194. The Young's modulus of a material is 125 GPa and Poisson’s ratio is 0.25. The modulus of
rigidity of me material is
(A) 30 GPa
(B) 50 GPa
(C) 80 GPa
(D) 100 GPa
195. In the above question, the normal stress on an oblique section will be maximum, when θ is
equal to
(A) 0°
(B) 30°
(C) 45°
(D) 90°
196. In a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load w per unit length, the
point of contraflexure
(A) Lies in the center of the beam
(B) Lies at the ends of the beam
(C) Depends upon the length of beam
(D) Does not exist
198. In a thin cylindrical shell subjected to an internal pressure p, the ratio of longitudinal stress
to the hoop stress is
(A) 1/2
(B) 3/4
(C) 1
(D) 1.5
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199. The unit of modulus of elasticity is same as those of
(A) Stress, strain and pressure
(B) Stress, force and modulus of rigidity
(C) Strain, force and pressure
(D) Stress, pressure and modulus of rigidity
200. The stress at which the extension of the material takes place more quickly as compared to
the increase in load, is called
(A) Elastic limit
(B) Yield point
(C) Ultimate point
(D) Breaking point
201. Two bars of different materials and same size are subjected to the same tensile force. If the
bars have unit elongation in the ratio of 2:5, then the ratio of modulus of elasticity of the two
materials will be
(A) 2 : 5
(B) 5 : 2
(C) 4 : 3
(D) 3 : 4
202. In a thick cylindrical shell subjected to an internal pressure (p), the maximum radial stress at
the inner surface of the shell is
(A) Zero
(B) p (tensile)
(C) -p (compressive)
(D) 2p (tensile)
203. When a body is subjected to direct tensile stresses (σx and σy) in two mutually
perpendicular directions, accompanied by a simple shear stress τxy, then in Mohr's circle
method, the circle radius is taken as
(A) [(σx - σy)/2] + τ
(B) [(σx + σy)/2] + τ
(C) (1/2) × √[(σx - σy)² + 4τ²xy]
(D) (1/2) × √[(σx + σy)² + 4τ²xy]
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204. A section of beam is said to be in pure bending, if it is subjected to
(A) Constant bending moment and constant shear force
(B) Constant shear force and zero bending moment
(C) Constant bending moment and zero shear force
(D) None of the above
206. The polar moment of inertia of a hollow shaft of outer diameter (D) and inner diameter (d)
(A) π/16 (D³ - d³)
(B) π/16 (D⁴ - d⁴)
(C) π/32 (D⁴ - d⁴)
(D) π/64 (D⁴ - d⁴)
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210. The bending moment at the free end of a cantilever beam is
(A) Zero
(B) Minimum
(C) Maximum
(D) None of these
212. In a stress-strain diagram as shown in the below figure, the curve ‘A’ represents
(A) Mild steel
(B) Soft brass
(C) Low carbon steel
(D) Cold rolled steel
213. The ratio of bulk modulus to Young's modulus for a Poisson's ratio of 0.25 will be
(A) 1/3
(B) 2/3
(C) 1
(D) 3/2
214. The ratio of shear modulus to the modulus of elasticity for a Poisson's ratio of 0.4 will be
(A) 5/7
(B) 7/5
(C) 5/14
(D) 14/5
215. A column of length (l) with both ends fixed may be considered as equivalent to a column of
length __________ with one end fixed and the other end free.
(A) l/8
(B) l/4
(C) l/2
(D) l
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216. The pull required to shear off a rivet, in double shear, per pitch length is
(A) π/4 × d² × σt
(B) π/4 × d² × τ
(C) π/2 × d² × σt
(D) π/2 × d² × τ
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