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Detailed lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to;
1.Identify the elements of short story
2.Create a graphic organizer of a story and;
3. Appreciate value of sharing one’s blessing to others

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Elements of Short story
Story: The Grouchy Lady Bug by Eric Carle
Reference: LM English Grade 7, You tube
Materials: Laptop, Power point Presentation, Envelope

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
Teachers activity Students Activity

a. Greetings
A pleasant morning to my beautiful Good morning ma’am
and handsome students

b. Prayer
Lord Jesus, we praise you and thank you
Let us all stand and pray for giving us the wonderful day. Thank
(Danica can you lead the prayer.) you for good health and good mind. Bless
us with our activities that we are going to
have for today specially with our lessons.
All these things we pray to you. Oh lord
Jesus Crist, Amen.

c. Checking of Attendance Aniana: ma’am I’m glad to tell you that

(secretary, please report about the no one is absent today.
attendance of your classmates)

d. Review
Do you still remember our last One of the students will say the name
lesson? who is absent

Very good Yes, ma’am

So what are those? Icao: Our last topic ma’am is all about
Demonstrative Pronoun

What are demonstrative Pronoun? Buntag: This, these, that, and those

Very good! Let’s give a round of

applause for everyone

B. Development Activities
Do you have a favorite animal? Yes, ma’am
What is your favorite animal? (students answer may vary)

2. Introduction of the lesson

Do you want to hear a story about
“The Grouchy Lady Bug” Yes, ma’am

Please sit properly, watch and listen


The teacher will play the story about Student’s will watch silently
“The Grouchy Lady Bug”

Did you understand the story? Yes, ma’am

Before we go. I will divide the class into
three groups. So count 1-3 that will serve (Students will group themselves)
as your groupings.

I have here a 3 pieces of envelope. Each

envelope has a topic that you are going to
discuss with your group mates. Please
help each other I will give you 10 minutes
to finish the task.

Group 1. List/write the setting of the story (Mark, Dave, Lorenz)

Where was the story happen? Answer; at five o clock in the morning
(include time and place)
Group 2. List the character and describe
their role (Loquincio, Danica, Modeo)
Who was the main character of the story? Answer: a friendly ladybug

Group 3. Plot of the story (Nacion, Albert, Icao)

What are the series of the event in the Answer:
story? A Grouchy lady bug picks fight with
other insects but ultimately learns the
value of sharing and cooperation.

Are you all done? Please read out loud

your answers.

What are the elements of a short story? Bell: Character, setting and plot
What is a short story?
Elijun: It is a short work of fiction

Modeo: It is a short written story

usually dealing with few characters

With the same group, you will create a
Story Map of the story.
Students will do the same
They work with their group mates
Write the title, under the table are the
elements of short story.
Students answer may vary

6. Infusion of values Group 1: sharing our blessings with

In the story, why is it important to share others increase our sense of self-
your blessings to others? worth and creates a positive impact on
our life.
7. Evaluation
Get one forth sheet of paper
Direction; Read the statement carefully,
write the letter of the correct answer.

1. The ladybug landed on a leaf one

early morning. What element of Students will get their papers and
short story the statement refers to? answer then question silently

a. Plot b. setting c. character

2. “At five o’clock in the morning, the

sun came up”. What element of
short story the statement refers to?
a. Plot b. setting c. character

3. What do you call the series of

events that happen in the story?

a. Plot b. setting c. character

4. Where do we find the lady bug at

the end of the story?
A. At the leaf b.at the grass
c.at the tress

5. “Ah, here you go again”, said the

friendly ladybug. “you must be
hungry. There are some aphids
left. You can have them for dinner”
what would the selection like to tell

a. It is better to give than to receive

b. Share your blessing to others
c. Be kind who in need

8. Assignment

For your take home activity. I want you to

create a story that has a setting,
characters, conflict, and resolution. Make
use the knowledge you learned today in
creating you own story.

I will be checking them personally next

meeting. Thank you class see you next

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