The document introduces the author, Lĩnh NTL, a 20-year-old student majoring in Business Administration at NCT University. Lĩnh enjoys playing games and watching anime in their free time. They are good at math but not learning languages. The author then provides responses to speaking topics about their school, free time activities, holidays, shopping, personal details, and food.
The document introduces the author, Lĩnh NTL, a 20-year-old student majoring in Business Administration at NCT University. Lĩnh enjoys playing games and watching anime in their free time. They are good at math but not learning languages. The author then provides responses to speaking topics about their school, free time activities, holidays, shopping, personal details, and food.
The document introduces the author, Lĩnh NTL, a 20-year-old student majoring in Business Administration at NCT University. Lĩnh enjoys playing games and watching anime in their free time. They are good at math but not learning languages. The author then provides responses to speaking topics about their school, free time activities, holidays, shopping, personal details, and food.
The document introduces the author, Lĩnh NTL, a 20-year-old student majoring in Business Administration at NCT University. Lĩnh enjoys playing games and watching anime in their free time. They are good at math but not learning languages. The author then provides responses to speaking topics about their school, free time activities, holidays, shopping, personal details, and food.
My name is Lĩnh, my full name is NTL, I live in Cái Nước- Cà Mau I am 20 year old I am a student at NCT University and my major is Business Administration there for 3 years My hobbies are playing game and watching Anime My favorite food is I'm pretty good at math but I'm bad at learning new languages To the topic of today, i will talk about my school
Speaking Part 1 (8 topic)
Topic 1: School Topic 5: Personal details 1. Tell me something about your school? 1. What type of person are you? 2. How do you go to school every day? 2. Tell me about your best friends? 3. Do you have a lot of homework after school? (How much?) 3. Do you like to live in a big or small family? 4. What is your favorite subject at school? 4. What are you going to do for the next ten years? - I study at NCT University, address at 168 (hundred), Nguyen Van Cu - I'm a pretty friendly and funny person, my friends say. (extension), An Binh Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City. The school is - I have a group of close friends with similar interests but different large and the very good equipment. Teachers are sociable and fun. Every day, personalities, they love to help each other and we are very united. - I go to school by motorbike about 4 kilometers every day with my friend. - I live in a small family with only my mother and I. - My homework is quite a lot but teacher supports so much in class - I will graduate and find a job in the next 2 years and earn money to fulfill - My favorite subject at school is math because I'm pretty good at it and it my dream, because it has been my idea since childhood. helps me a lot for this job Topic 6: Way of life Topic 2: Free time activities 1. What is the most important event in your life? 1. What do you in your free time? 2. How old can people get a driver’s license? 2. Who do you spend your free time with? 3. Is it important to go to the university? (Why? / Why not?) 3. Do you usully hang out with your friends? (How often?) 4. What is the best age to get marrieb? 4. Tell me something about what you did last weekend? - I think the most important event in my life is first time going to work - In my spare time I will play games and watch movies on Youtube. because it big turning point in my life. - Sometimes I spend my free time with my mother to go to the market and - Everyone over the age of 18 gets a driver's license and it goes with them to eat with her. the end of life. - I often go out with my friends and every day I go to coffee with my friends - I don't think college is important because there are so many successful after school. people who didn't go to college and it helped them succeed faster than any - Last weekend I went for a health check and then I went home to do my other path. exercises online - I think the most reasonable age to get married is thirty because then they are adults and have stable jobs that can take control of your own life Topic 3: Holiday 1. Where do you like going on holiday? Topic 7: Getting on ( Reference source : Unit 7 , Level 4 ) 2. How often do you go on holiday? 1. What usually makes you angry ? 3. Do you always go on holiday to the same place? (If Yes, Where?) 2. Who do you ask for help when you have a problem ? 4. How do you usully get there? 3. Do you have common interest with your friends ? ( If Yes , What ? ) - I will go to Đà Lạt next vacation because I love the it. 4. How do you have fun ? - I will prepare all the necessary supplies one day in advance of departure and - Noise is usually makes me angry because noise happens makes people don't check the vehicle and health before leaving. listen to me - I won't go to the same place every vacation because I like novelty and - When having a problem, I prefer asking my mom to help me because she is discovery. the person i love best in my life - I often go by motorbike to tourist places even though it is far away because - Yes , I have a common interest with my friends, that is play game and go I like the feeling of traveling by motorbike shopping with them. - To have fun , I usually play game with my friend and... reading book Topic 4: Shopping 1. What shops do you go to the most? Topic 8: Food (Reference source: Unit 10, Level 4) 2. When do you usully go shopping? 1. What are your favorite types of food? 3. Do you like shopping? (Why? / Why not?) 2. What is the most delicious food you have ever eaten? 4. Tell me some online shopping websites that you know? 3. Is your diet healthy? (How?) - I often go to Uniqlo to buy clothes and other accessories for myself. 4. Tell me some famous foods or drinks in Vietnam? - I will go shopping at the beginning of the month because then I have just - My favourite food is Bún nước lèo. received the money and there will be many promotions at that time. - The most delicious food i have ever eaten is Pho. - I like shopping very much because it make me feel comfortable - Yes, my diet is healthy because I eat vegetables, meat, rice in a balanced way - I know a lot of online shopping websites including Shopee, Tiki, Lazada,.... - Some famous food or drinks in VN like bun bo, banh xeo, pho, Speaking Part 2 (4 topic) Topic 1: there are many benefit of talking a holiday Topic 3: The internet brings many benefits to people's life. You know that when we take a holiday, we will widen knowledge, I agree that internet brings many benefits to people's life. They reduce stress and strengthen knowledge. Moreover, I think when we take a can connect people, widen knowledge and help relax. Moreover, they can holiday can have more motivation to work better because we can make more help our life easier. You can control your home devices, such as lights or money to visit new place. Furthermore, you can be healthier because we can door when you are not at home. Furthermore, you can use your phone to see enjoy fresh air of tourist attractions such as Da Lat or SaPa. To conclude, your house via internet cameras. To conclude, your life is more convenient motivation and good heath are the benefits I am keen on. because of internet. Topic 2: people do many ways to have a good health We know that should plays sports, go to bed early and have a Topic 4: There are various ways to have fun in life. balanced diet to be healthy Moreover, we should have positive thinking I agree that we should play sport, go travelling and go out with because it will improve your healthy. If your have positive thinking, your friends to have fun life. Moreover, we should try to cook food at home mind will create good ennergy that help you avoid sickness. To conclude, because you can make food yourshelf and enjoy it. Furthermore, we should positive think will help you healthy. communicate with more people so that we can share our happiness,. To conclude, cooking and communication are ways to have a fun life.
Writing (8 topic 150-180 words)
Topic 1: The internet has broughtmany benefits to human life, but it also Topic 3: Machines are helping people in many aspects of life. Do you created many problems. I your opinion what are the most serios agree that machines will replace humans in the future of work? Use problems associated with internet and your solutions? specific details and examples in your answer. (Reference source: Unit 8, Nowadays the internet has brought many benefits to human life, but it Level 3) makes people face many problems. There are two problems which people Machincs are very helpful in many aspects of our life. They can help us usually deal with and the solutions of these problems will be mentioned in manage almost everything from work to relaxation. Many people cannot live the following graphs well when they do not have the help of machines. Therefore, I strongly The first problem is time consuming. People usually spend more believe that machines will replace humans in the future and more time playing online games, chatting, watching videos or listening Machines will replace humans in housework. People used to to music on the internet, so they do not have enough time to do other things. spend hours cooking, washing dishes or cleaning their houses. They will be Moreover, they are required to spend hours to finish online tasks which are very tired when they have to manage housework after a long working day. very complicated. The solution suggested to overcome this problem is As a result, companies invent washing machines, dishwashers or even robots making strict schedules of online services. so that they can help people finish their housework casily. Therefore. The second problem is the risk of losing personal information, machines are going to replace humans because humans do not want to do Hackers I usually attack people's database in order to steal their bank these boring things by themselves anymore accounts or delete their information. Furthermmore, these bad people use Machines will take over humans' work in the fields of production their acoount to cheat other people. so the victims will get problems with the or medicine. Factories are buy more machines and cut down the number of authorities. The solution of this problem is installing security software to workers because machines can work more efticiently and machines do not protect your information. get tired. Hospitals are using machines to do surgery without the presence of To conclude, time consuming and the risk of losing information doctors because machines can work more accurately. To conclude, machines are noticeable problems. We can overcome these problems by setting are believed to replace humans in many ficlds of this life. Machines can work schedule of services and security layers. as servants, lactory workers or surgeons. Topic 2: Today, many people prefer going on noiday by motorbike to going by cars or planes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Topic 4: Social development requires people to work a lot, therefore they this trend? Use specific details and examples in your answer. (Reference do not have much free time left. What kind of free time activities will you source: Unit 3, Level 3) do in such a limited amount of time? Use specific details and examples Nowadays many people like going on holiday by motorbike. They also in your answer. (Reference source: Unit 15, Level 3) form motorbike groups to travel together. This trend has some advantages In our daily social development, we rarely have much free time so I and disadvantages. They will be discussed in the following paragraphs. usually choose indoor activities to do at home like doing yoga and cooking The first advantage is time saving. People do not need to wait for new, fresh food for me and family. bus or plane so as to go to their destination. They only need to fill fuel and Firstly, I work as an official worker at the company so everyday go. The second advantage is that they can stop at certain places to take photos I rarely spend a lot of free time for out door workings. I choose yoga to relax or make camps. Moreover, they can stay at their favorite places until they get and entertain my mind and metal after hard time working in the workplace. I bored and go home. only need a carpet and light music to help me to do yoga in my room The first disadvantage is getting traffic accidents. Every year Secondly, I like to make new and healthy food by mysclf after marry people get accidents while they are travelling by motorbikes. linishing work beca I want to take care of my family and me by good food Moreover, some are dead because they get very serious accidents. The second like Indian food or Chinese good food. For examples, after complete my disadvantage is getting tired when travelling by motorbike in a far distance. work, my mind can forget stressed things at the workforce because I cook People will get exhausted when riding motorbikes from Sai Gon to Da Nang. with nutritious food. When they get tired, the trip is not inter esting arry more. In conclusion, Inslead of doing much outdoor activities, I decide To conclude, traveling by motorbikes has two advantages and two to to two above things indoor activities like yoga and cooking good food disadvantages. Two advantages are timne saving and convenience. Two disadvantages are the risk of accidents and tiredness. writing 40 câu: Sentence completion 1. It was raining so I did not go out 21. As soon as the exam is over, Students are very happy 2. I do not want to go to the movies because I am tired 22. Lina listens to music whenever She like 3. Although she tried very hard, I did not pass her test 23. My parents were very happy when I passed university 4. My wife loves cat but I love dogs 24. Many children do not want to sleep alone because They scare a lot 5. I will not talk to her though she is very kind 25. I will not get married until she gets married before me 6. Unless you come with me, you will miss the train 26. As soon as the weather gets better, children will go to school 7. John said nothing when he came back 27. My friends studied very hard so They all passed the exam 8. When he appeared on the stage, many people laughed 28. Nancy decided to leave though her boyfriend appeared 9. Because the security guard slept, I could go out 29. Whenever I feel tired, go to bed to sleep 10. Whenever she watches that movie, I cries a lot 30. After their first date, She falls in love with him 11. Before you go to the beach, you should finish your homework 31. Since we only live once, so do what you like 12. Now that you are here, let's start our party 32. Rather than spend a lot of money on gifts, She spends money on food 13. I always try my best to study in order that I can pass the exam 33. No matter how hard life is, we still love her 14. Although I had played that games many times, I didn’t win 34. We needn't go fast as we are going to be our home 15. Whenever I have money, I will buy a house 35. Katherine was very kind because she loves me 16. Once your test starts, you will answer all questions 36. So as to get good seats, we have to go early 17. I always love my mother since she is very kind 37. Venice is only 17 and therefore she is very young 18. After I graduate from universisty, I will find a good job. 38. If only I had a lot of money, i would buy a pretty big house 19. Due to the terrible weather, I do not go to school 39. Assuming that you are free this weekend, we will go fishing 20. In case it rains, you should bring an umbrella 40. Lest she cries, she will feel better