Talk Box Series
Talk Box Series
Talk Box Series
Package Contents
Dual Band AC1600 ADSL2+/VDSL2 Modem Router with VoIP (DVA-2800)
Power Adapter
Ethernet Cable
xDSL Microfilter/Splitter
If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller/retailer.
Minimum Requirements
Internet Requirements:
• ADSL / VDSL / Cable / NBN / UFB Internet Service
Supported Browsers:
• Internet Explorer 7 or higher
• Safari 4 or higher
• Chrome
• Firefox
Phone Cable
Connect the Ethernet cable from the LAN port of the modem router to the
2 Ethernet port on your computer.
Ethernet Cable
Plug the power adapter into your modem router and connect to an
3 available power outlet.
Power Adapter
After the modem router has powered up, verify that the Power and
4 DSL LEDs are both lit.
2 When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to start the wizard.
3 Select your WAN Access Type, Country and ISP from the drop down menus.
All relevant information will auto fill. Click Next to continue
4 Enter your User Name and Password as provided by your Internet Provider,
click Next to continue.
5 Enter a new Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID) as well as a Wi-Fi Password (also
known as a passphrase) for both the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz networks available in
this modem router, click Next to continue.
6 Enter a new Password to secure your modem router, click Next to continue.
The Summary page will show the settings you have just configured.
7 Make sure to note down your Wi-Fi details for connecting other devices
to your router via Wi-Fi and the Device Password, as you may need it in
the future.
You will be taken to the modem routers Home page that shows
9 the connection status and and basic connection statistics. If you
have configured your setting correctly in the Setup Wizard, your
Home page will be showing a successful Internet connection.
VoIP Setup
Before setting up your DVA-2800 to make VoIP phone calls, you will need to know
your user name, password and any other relvant connection details from your VoIP
Service Provider
In the VoIP settings section, there is a drop down menu that will
1 automatically fill in details for several main VoIP providers. Select your VoIP
Provider and then fill in your User Name and Password and click Save. To
enter details manually, sellect Other from the VoIP Provider list
2 To enable VoIP on your modem, navigate to the Internet settings sections
and select INTERNET_VOIP under Service Type.
Technical Support
Having trouble installing your new product? D-Link’s website contains the latest
user documentation and software updates for D-Link products. Australian and New
Zealand customers can contact D-Link Technical Support through our website.
Australia New Zealand
Internet: Internet:
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of D-Link Corporation or its subsidiaries in Australia and other countries. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch are registered trademarks of Apple
Inc. Android is a trademark of Google, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Maximum wireless signal rate
derived from IEEE Standard 802.11g and 802.11n specifications. Actual data throughput will vary. Network conditions and environmental
factors, including volume of network traffic, building materials and construction, and network overhead, lower actual data throughput
rate. Environmental factors will adversely affect wireless signal range. Product specifications, size and shape are subject to change
without notice, and actual product appearance may differ from that depicted on the packaging. Visit for more details.