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Yummytackkie Street Food

Diversion Road Brgy. Molave Catarman, Northern Samar


[email protected]


Good day! We are compose of thirteen friends and we came up with the decision to
make a business for us to have a income in the days of our youth, we suppose to help each other in
finances and if it become more profitable we could be able to help also our parent as well as those
who are in needs. Supposedly we are dreaming for more profitable an expensive business but yet as
a youth we come up with huge amount to start up a business with determination and passion.

We are heartedly looking for most trusted and open minded investor to our small
business. We are now facing the needs of our business so that our investor could help us to provide
our necessary needs. We will use the investment by putting into bank account to secure that no
personnel allowed to use the money without any permission among the group. We will buy the most
and important daily needs of our business. And we are warmly grateful to our investor, we will
secure that their trust will never waver in investing to our business. We would like also to
acknowledge thier ideas and suggestions.

Yummytakkie street food was made up with the mixture of fishball, kikiam, french
fries, squid ball, kwek kwek, kalamares and other necessary foods. We also need the material like
stick, cup and of course the ingredient for souce and oil for cooking. We sell it in front of out yard
with my team and of course we're looking forward to our customer who are passing by exclusively
those children playing outside and those teenager happy fun with thier peers.

• Financial Plan

Fixed Assets Quantity Amount Total

Monthly rent 1 10 000 30,000.00

Open frier 3pcs 75,000.00 225,000.00

Measure devices 5 pcs 2,500.00 12,500.00

Tuppers 20 boxes 5,000.00 25,000.00

Table and chairs 24 set 57,000.00 57,000.00

Necessary utensils 6set 31,995.00 31,995.00

Goods and ingredients 200 box of good and 78,600.00 78,600.00

36 Kilos of different
Tal Total amount = 435, 095

The yummytakkie street food assured the healthy and sanctify snacks for everyone
who love to eat street food. This might be necessary and often see near in the road but we will
make a different from it. We will make sure that our tools and utensil are clean, dried up and
we'll sanitized. We also promote the local tradition of every filipino's who love to eat using their
finger. We will provide plastic glove for them and as well stick if needed. This business fucos in
supporting the youth empowerment with the ability they had and dream they can conquered. We
will pursue the business with passion and determination no matter what circumstance may come
along our ways. And probably we cannot deny the fact that their are competitors in this kind of
business so that good communication skill and marketing strategy is most needed. So we decide
to create homur and advertising strategy to gain more and keep our client or customer intouch on
us. Our team provided with a vision for us to be guided to what we are dreaming for, we have
also a mission to what business we want to build up today for the future, we values present to
show that everyone of us must know what is the best conduct to act during and after the business.

Yummytakkie is affordable for all especially for the student or

children who face difficulties in budgeting their finances. Yummytakkie can help them to enjoy
their bonding moment with their family and friends. And take pleasure with the small amount of
money. Our business concerned with both children and parents, to both poor and rich so that we
could obtain fairness to what kind of socio-econimic they could have. Our team as well the
equipment wtih place are already standardized and prepared as well as Our team are ready to
take a risk in opening this business.




General Environment
Sociocultural Market likely to Survey & FGD
Conditions grow with increasing

Technological More responsive Survey

Conditions service required and
new digital

Economic Conditions Increased pressure Survey

from shareholders
and pricing.

Politico-legal Reference pricing Survey

Conditions and exposing prices
across borders.

Specific Environment

Supply and Demand Increase in demand Survey

Condition by decrease in

Competition Growing competitions Survey

due to increase of

• Managing Marketing Risk

Since were are youtth and we loved to enjoy our days with friends and classmate we
prepare a business that could attract them to stay, eat and enjoy. We could say that our
business is profitable enough aside from it's near to school and infront of park we could say
that we are surrounded by our valuable customers. We could say that were facing some
compititors nearby but then compititors was made for us to have opportunity to more be
competitive and more responsible in our business. Compititors was made up along our business
play for us to be more excellent and that would the biggest opportunity for us. It might be our
compititors also make a threat upo our business just like splitting some mischievous words
upon our business.

-Well trained staff ensures -Competition, although there
optimum costumer service. is a significant
-Well thought of business differentiation between the
model addressing market competitors.
demand. -A limited marketing budget
-differentiated facilities. needed to create brand

-Participation in steadily -Future/potential competition
growing industry of a large franchised
-large target market. business.
-A constant, consistent market -lack of simenars about growing business
demand because everyone has a
hungry stomach.



To Provide yummy, delicious and satisfying services to our beloved clients.

Our mission to is provide the necessary needs of our client and we also want to
cope up our business with unity and determination. We build a productive business that
is able to bring pleasure to our customer we also dedicated to have a large company
with 5 branches each year. By God's speed and grace were praying to become succeful
entrepreneur with humbless and humanity.


In providing pleasure and affordable price with satisfying services

yummytakki street food aims to:

 Establish profitable and productive business in the end of year

 Have first year total sales in excess of ₱1M
 Producing net profits.

•Unique Selling Proposition, Value Proposition and Tagline

Unique selling proposition

Our company “Yummytakkie Street Food” have 3 unique selling


-First come first serve

-Secure and delicious

-saves money.

Value proposition


-Time serving

-Fast services


-Employee satisfaction


“Our life is like yummytakki, sweet and spicy”

•Products and/or services

Fry as you order. The yummytakkie would like to serve with loyalty, passion and love to
our valuable customers and as we promise to provide affordabox to our client we will makes
sure that every big order will get some additional promo. Each product will be Wight 30 grams
in every pack with the maximum of 50 grams the product should be serve hot with their
desirable flavor and we also like to meet the expectation of our client by doing our best and
Ofcourse providing thier most needs.

• Size of the business


Eat all you can and fry as you want. Our industry offers our client with unlimited street food
as long as they can, they pay us back if they can't eat all they fry and take. We also promote
the pay as you recieve the order.

• Location of the business

The proposed business location for the first yummytakki Street

food will be in Diversion road Brgy. Molave Catarman, Northern Samar.
Two possible sites are being considered in the area. Since the
southern part of Diversion are where the residents are and the
northern part is where most commercial buildings are.

Each site will need approximately 2,170 square feet. This

area will include the reception and the laundry room. The
operating space will be consist of a set of 3 set of open frier, a cabinet
that contains plate and pork with the different cups. We also have a dine in contain with 8
round tables and each table contain 4 chairs.

The Yummytakki was built in along the road and it was surrounded with different
kinds of flowers and plants, it was also well ventalited due to the fresh air produces by plants
that make our customers comfortable. We are open around 24 hours and 6 days. Ofcourse we
send time to God every Sunday with our family and that is the rest day of our staff.




Tools, Machine FUND /FINANCE
*Open frier Open frier helps us to From the ₱35,000 per
cooked easily the profit unit
foods with minimum
heat and oil.

*Table and chairs Used by our From the ₱2,500 per

beloved customers profit unit

for dine in.

*Melanie, for and For more newness From the ₱31.995.00 per

other Kitchen and use to carry the profit unit

utensils. food that was
ordered by the



Plastic plus Product: Brgy. Narra Catarman Through Every
Fries, fish ball, Northern Samar Online 2

squid ball, egg, Transacti Weeks

oil, ET. Al on

Norsamelco Electricit Brgy.Magsasay, Bobon Over The Every

o y Counter End
Transacti Of
on The



Machinery, Tools, *Unexpected *Put A Limit On
and /Or Equipment Malfunction Every Item That Was
Currently Used.
*Electricity *Bought A Generator.
Interruption *Check the open frier, check
the wires and every part of it.
*Unclean Pipe,
If there's a problem We must
causes by the small goods
provide an action to make
trap by.
solution and we must clean it
every before and after use.
We Must know how to apply
the clay in and clay go.
SUPPLIER *Out Of Stock/Items *Order Ahead Of
*Bought Fundamental
*Power Interruption Replacement For Any
Case Of Emergency,
And Always Make A
Back Up Plan.


• Company description

Yummaytakki Sheet food company provide the pleasure that everyone needs, our place bring
peace and overwhelming joy to them, our food was serve with love and passion. Determination
and honesty is the attitude that put into practice that the yummytakki organization had. We
also love to serve our client and nice to them. Yummytakki is the organization that provide
clean and most trusted street food all over Samar and even in the whole country. We serve not
by mouth but by heart.

Managing Operational Risks


Company’s operation *Lack of supply. *Contact another

company or supplier.

Flow of order’s for *Delay of *Find another

goods & services distributing or supplier that has a
releasing products. good services and


• Pricing
Our pricing system is going to be based on what is obtainable in
the industry, we don’t intend to charge more (except for premium
and customized services) and we don’t intend to charge less than
our competitors are offering. However, we would use penetration
pricing for the start where our pricing is very lower than that
of our competitors then later switch to completion based pricing
where we would not charge more than our competitors; either the
same pricing or a bit lower but not as lower as it was at start.
Be that as it may, the management have put plans in place to
offer discount services once in a while and also to reward our
loyal customers especially when they refer clients to us. The
prices of our products (snacks, detergents et al) will be same as
what is obtainable in any part of the country.

• Distribution

We intend to prioritize customer service and make it a key

component of our marketing programs. We believe that providing
our customers with what they want, when and how they want it, is
the key to repeat business and to word-of-mouth advertising. Not
only will we train our employees to deliver excellent service, we
will give them the flexibility to respond creatively to client
requests. In addition, we will continually monitor our clients’
level of satisfaction with our service through surveys and other
convenient feedback opportunities. Two of the partners would be
there to handle all customer service issues. As our business
grows we intend to hire additional customer service people one at
a time and pay a premium over market labor rates to attract and
retain quality help.

• Promotion

Product/Service How to promote Solution

Food services *Promote through *Promote through
online platform. different social
media platform

*make a tag line *Broadcast our

promoting our laundry service
service, for us get through local media
recognize easily by such as radio
customers station or give

*Managing Market Risk

Factors Risk Solution
Pricing *Service might not *make a friendly
be affordable for affordable price.
majority of the
Distribution Customers might be Make customer risks
dissatisfied with review, to improve
our foods. our service.
Promotion Customer might not Make a effective
patronage our marketing strategy.


• Form of ownership

The business is a partner between all the members of the group.

All members will own equal shares and therefore profit will be
equally shared among them. We will work as one and well shared with fairness when
the other two was cooking, the other four will do the marketing and the other was to serve the

• Staff


We want to build a team, a dedicated workforce that will work

together to help the organization achieve its set targets. We
would employ skilled people to occupy the following position;
Managers, Accountant / Cashier Marketing Officer, Laundry
Personel, marketing strategist, delivery personnel, Security

Name of Title /role & Necessary Specialist

owners responsibility experience skills and or
Larisah B. Manager- to manage none Managing and
CabahUg the shop good
Catherine Direct laundry none Perform
A.Pajarito And uniform laundry
personnel –to activity
ensure consistent
supply of clean,
net and quality
linens and uniforms
Lovely Marketing none Making plan to
strategist able to

Ferlyn B. Cashier/treasurer-to none Approachable

moscare assist the customers to customer
in the shop for and
check-out process interpersonal
and to include communication
ringing up sales and and customer
collecting payment service skill
Florence Business manager- none Good at
Jimryl G. managing the inside managing the
Bello and coming out of income and
money and proper budgeting
budgeting properly
Abundio Making plan to able none Knowledge of
Poyawan Jr to attract consumers stain
treatment in
order to
utilize the
strategies to
remove the
Jayvee Laundry attendant- none Ability to
P.Trinidad assisting the lift up to 50
customer, making the pounds ,as
heavy work and well as and
maintaining the move around
cleanliness and for majority
proper hygiene of of day
the shop
Jeric Laundry attendant- none Ability to
andrie assisting the follow the
H.Gayo customer, making the washing
heavy work and instructions
maintaining the detailed on
cleanliness and individual
proper hygiene of garments
the shop
Christian Laundry attendant- none Ability to
L.Recare assisting the Operate and
customer, making the maintain
heavy work and machine
maintaining the
cleanliness and
proper hygiene of
the shop


Legal document Responsible How will you meet

office/Agencies your legal
BIR permit Bureau of Internal


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