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1. Convert the following into indirect speech

(a) He said to me, "What are you doing?" Ans: He asked me what I was doing.
(b) Anita said, "I met Subham yesterday".Ans: Anita said that she met Subham the previous day.
(c) The teacher said, "The earth goes round the sun".
Ans: The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.
(d) He said, "I have passed the examination".
Ans: He said that he had passed the examination.

2. Convert the following into passive voice:

(a) The people will make him a King. Ans: He will be made a King by the people.
(b) I am writing a letter. Ans: A letter is being written by me.
(c) I killed a snake. Ans: A snake was killed by me.
(d) Mr. Ravi teaches French. Ans: French is taught by Mr. Ravi.

3. Correct the following sentences only in English:

(a) Rajesh is my older brother. Ans. Rajesh is my elder brother.
(b) Here is a apple for you. Ans: Here is an apple for you.
(c) I have lost my furnitures. Ans: I have lost my furniture.
(d) The property was divided between Asha, Prabha and Nidhi. Ans The property was divided among Asha, Prabha
and Nidhi.

4. What do you understand by the following:

(a) SCJ Ans: Supreme Court Journal. A Weekly law report, giving comprehensive reporting of reportable and non-
reportable cases of the Supreme Court of India.
(b) AC Ans: Appeal Case
2017 4.(c) 2018 4(b) Ibid Ans: Ibid. is an abbreviation for the Latin word ibīdem, meaning "in the same place",
commonly used in an endnote, footnote, bibliography citation, or scholarly reference to refer to the source cited in
the preceding note or list item.
2017 4(d) 2018() AIR Ans: All India Reporter. All India Reporter (AIR) is India's oldest law publisher with
comprehensive coverage of all the High Courts and the Supreme Court of India. The monthly journal covers
judgments of the High courts and bench rulings as well as judgments of the Supreme Court of India.

2021, 2017, 2018 5. Write a note on the need and importance of Legal Language.
2017 6. Write a letter to the district magistrate complaining about the noise pollution by loudspeaker in your locality.
2018 6. Write a letter to the editor of a news paper on the topic "Increasing threat of terrorism in India".
2019 6. Write a letter to the collector of your district complaining the use of microphone / DJ or loudspeakers during
your examination days.
2020 6. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindustan Times about the menace of monkies in your area.
2021 6. Write a letter to the editor of a news paper on the increasing problem of 'Eve Teasing.

2017 7. Frame sentences on any five of the following to bring out the meaning:
(i) Amendment Ans: An amendment was introduced into the legislation.
(ii) Contempt Ans: Contempt of the court is an offense.
2021, 2017 2018(iii) Cruelty
Ans: Cruelty to animals is punishable under sections 428 and 429 of IPC. Cruelty towards animal is an offence.
(iv) Execution Ans: Execution of the court order as directed is imperative.
2017 2018 2019
(v) Hearsay Ans: In general hearsay evidences are not admissible in a court of law.
(vi) Heir Ans: My son is the legal heir to all my estates.
(vii) Void Ans: Void contracts are not enforceable in the court of law.
(viii) Oath Ans: The incumbent Prime Minister took oath of the office in the presence of dignitaries from different
2018 7. Frame sentences on any five of the following to bring out the meaning:
(i) Arbitrator Ans: He served as an arbitrator in a series of cases.
(iii) De jure Ans: He is the De Jure owner of the property.

(v) Ex Parte Ans: The judge passed the decree ex parte as the defendant absented himself in the court in
spite of legal notice served.
(vi) Intention Ans: Proving the criminal intention is also important in criminal proceedings.
(vii) Immovable Ans: House property is an example of immovable property. 
(viii) Obscene Ans: The obscene part of the film should be censored.
2019 7. Frame sentences to bring out the meaning of the following:
(a) Dispute Ans: Dispute between the two parties was settled by the tribunal.
(b) Announce Ans: The principal announced a cash prize of Rs. 10 thousand for the topper.
(c) Voluntary Ans: He was arrested under IPC Section 322 for voluntarily causing hurt to the plaintiff.
(d) Dishonour Ans: The cheque issued to the applicant was dishonoured by the bank because of insufficient fund.
(e) Dismiss Ans: The case was dismissed as there was no substantial evidence against the defendants.
7. Frame sentences to bring out the meaning of any five of the following:
(b) Voidable Ans: A contract made by misrepresentation of facts is voidable.
(c) Ejectment Ans: The new owner for the house property is filing for an ejectment order.
(d) Discharge Ans: He was discharged without notice.
(e) Insane Ans: Contract made by an insane person is void.
(f) Bona fide Ans: He is the bona fide owner of the property.

2020 8. Make sentences to bring out the meaning

(i) De facto Ans: Ram has established himself as de facto leader of the class.
(ii) Ex post facto Ans: A law is ex post facto only if it is explicitely mentioned in the law.
(iii) Prima facie Ans: Prima facie it looks like a case of murder.
(iv) Sine die Ans: The parliament is adjourned sine die.
(v) Audi alteram partem Ans: 'Audi alteram psrtem' is a rule of natural justice, it would be unjust to give a
decision without hearing both the parties.

2021 7. Make sentences to bring out the meaning

(iii) Arbitrator  Ans: Arbitrator is a person officially appointed to settle a case. 
(iv) Trespass Ans: Trespassing a private property is an offence.
(v) Abduction Ans: Abduction of any person is a criminal offence punishable by the law,

2017, 2018 8. Discuss the use of standard marking in proofreading with illustration.

9. Write any one essay on the following

2017 (a) Human Rights (b) Judicial Activism (c) Uniform Civil Code (d) Lok Adalat and its importance
2018 (i) Environment Law (ii) Public Interest Litigation (iii) Role of law in empowerment of women (iv)
2019 9. (a) Secularism (b) Right to Information (c) Judicial activism (d) Lok pal 
2019 9.(a) Judicial activism (b) Right to Information (c) Uniform Civil Code (d) Child Labour in India
2020 9. (i) Terrorism (ii) Public Interest Litigation (iii) Causes of Juvenile delinquency (iv) Independence of
2021 9. (i) Role of law in empowerment of women. (ii) Public Interest Litigation (iii) Independence of Judiciary (iv)
Dowry is a curse for our society.

2017 10. Explain the following maxim in hindi or in English

(a) Audi altarem partem (b) Res Ipsa Loquitor (c) Damnum sine injuria (d) Respondeat superior
2018 10. Explain the following maxims either in Hindi or in English
(i) Damnum Sine Injuria (ii) Ignorantia legis neminem excusat (iii) Res ipsa loquitur
(iv) Actus reus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea
2019 10. Explain the following maxims in Hindi or in English
(a) Nemo dat quot not habet (b) Res ipsa loquitur (c) Volenti non fit injuria (d) Damnum sine injuria
2019 10. Explain the following maxims in Hindi or in English
(a) Ubi jus ibi remedium (b) Audi alteram partem (c) Ignorantia facti excusat (d) Damnum sine injuria
2020 13. Explain (i) Res judicata (ii) Caveat Emptor (iii) Damnum sine injuria (iv) Animus domini (v) Doli

2021 10. Explain the foloowing legal maxims and use in sentence
(i) Res Ipsa Loquitur (ii) Actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea (iii) Dali Incapax (iv) Injuria sine damnum (v) Ubi
jus ibi remedium

2017 11. What do you understand by precedent? What is the difference between 'Ratio decidendi' and obiter dicta?
State the circumstances which weaken the binding forces of precedent.
2018 13. Discuss the importance of precedent as source of law. What is ratio decidendi? What is the method
of writing case comment?
2019 11. What are precedent in law? How legal rules are created by precedent? What is the difference between
Ratio-Decidendi and obiter dictum? Discuss
2020 7. Discuss the importance of precedent as source of law.

2017 2018 2019 12. Comprehension 201812. Comprehension

2019 11. Comprehension
The maker of our constitution while framing article 301 had before them the experience of other constitution
particularly of the US and Australian. They did not follow the US model. Following the Australian model they
introduced certain significant changes. They replaced the words "among the states" and "absolutely free" in Section
92 of the Australian constitution by the words ""throughout the territory of India" and "free" respectively in Article
301. The freedom in Article 301 is not confined to interstate trade and commerce but also extend to intra-state trade
and commerce. Further it is made expressly subject to other provisions of Part XIII.

(i) Explain "throughout the territory of India"

(ii) What is intra-state trade?
(iii) Give a suitable title to the above passage
(iv) Summarise the above passage"
2021 13. Comprehension-
In modern times, we see two types of terrorism, to be analysed from two angles one is internal terrorism and the
other one is external. Any kind of terrorism has became a menace, threat and challenge to the people of the world
and the peaceloving people living therein. Terrorism is the use of violence by a samll group of people to get their
demands fulfilled and their wishes satisfied. Thus cost too much for the peace and the people at large. The very bad
aspect of terrorism is that its creates a sort of fearful atmosphere and binds the people to live in a psycho fear
situation. It creates an alarm. It is foe of all and friend of none. Terrorist activities are not limited to one place or one
country, but it is worldwide phenomenon.

(i) What are types of Terrorism?

Ans There are two types of terrorisms, internal and external terrorisms.

(ii) Why is terrorism a menace?

Ans: Terrorism creates an atmosphere of fear for lives and property for the general people. It is enemy of the

(iii) What amounts to terrorism?

Ans:  Terrorism is the use of violence by a small group of people to get their demands fulfilled at the cost of lives and
properties of too many others.

(iv) Why the terrorists are the enemies of mankind?

Ans: Terrorists create alarming situation in the society to fulfill their self interests at the cost of others lives. 

2017, 2018 13. Discuss Indian practice of citing documents in written work with illustration.
2019 13. What is Indian practice of citing documents in written works? Explain with the help of certain examples.

1. Convert the following into passive voice
(a) The King gave him a reward Ans: He was rewarded by the King.
(b) Amit likes Rama. Ans: Rama is liked by Amit.

(c) Shyam is teaching Rajesh. Ans: Rajesh is being taught by Shyam.

(d) Help the poor. Ans. Let the poor be helped.

2. Convert the following into indirect speech

(a) Savita said, "I am unwell". Ans: Savita said that she was unwell.
(b) He said, "My master is writing a letter". Ans: He said that his master was writing a letter.
(c) The teacher said, "The earth goes round the Sun". Ans: The teacher said the earth goes round the Sun.
(d) He said to me, "I do not believe you".Ans: He said to me that he did not believe me.

3. Correct the following sentences only in English:

(a) I have a fifty rupees note. Ans: I have a fifty rupee note.
(b) Asha is a honest girl. Ans: Asha is an honest girl.
(c) Jaipur is hot than Delhi. Ans: Jaipur is hotter than Delhi.
(d) The two man hate one another. Ans: The two man hate each other.

4. What do you understand by the following:

(a) Supra Ans: Supra is a Latin word which means "above". The word is used in legal citation when a writer
desires to refer a reader to an earlier-cited authority. For example, an author wanting to refer to a source in
their third footnote would cite: See supra note 3.
(d) S.C.C Ans: Supreme Court Case. Supreme Court Cases (SCC) is the most cited law report by the
Supreme Court of India.

1. Write down the one word for the following sentences:
(a) with one voice / a decision or opinion on which all are agreed Ans: Unanimous
(b) One who is present everywhere Ans: Omnipresent
(c) One who eats vegetables only Ans: vegetarian
(d) The reason on which the decision of the case is based Ans: ratio decidendi

2. What do you understand by the following:

(a) C.A.T Ans: Central Administrative Tribunal
(b) Cr.L.J Ans. Criminal Law Journal of India
(c) I.T.J Ans: Income Tax Journal
(d) N.A.T.O Ans. National Atlantic Treaty Organisation

3. Write down the opposite of the following words:

(a) able Ans: Unable
(b) Blessing Ans: Curse
(c) Help Ans: Hinder
(d) Wisdom Ans: Stupidity

4. Give a very brief explanation of the following:

(a) Ab-initio Ans: Ab initio is a latin term which means 'from the beginning. This term is used to indicate the existence
of certain facts from the beginning of the case.

(b) Adjudicate Ans: To make a ruling or judgement on a case. This is a decision made by the court or any other
judging authority on any case under trial. This is often final but in certain cases may be temporary also.

(c) Alibi Ans: The fact of having been elsewhere when a crime was committed on a certain place. Alibi, therefore, is a
defense which can be taken by the accused in the criminal proceedings by taking the plea that when the offence was
committed, the accused was not present at that place.

(d) In pari-delicto Ans: In pari-delicto is a latin maxim which means "in equal fault". The phrase is used to denote a
situation where parties to a case are equally culpable for the wrong. They shall have no action against each other
and there can not ba any relief for them from the court of law.

5. Convert the following into indirect speech:

(a) He said, "My master is writing letters".

Ans: He said that his master was writing letters.

(b) He says "I am glad to be here this evening".

Ans; He says that he is glad to be here this evening.

(c) The policeman said to us, "where are you going"?

Ans: The policeman asked us where we were going.

(d) "Don't make a noise" the teacher said to the students.

Ans: The teacher ordered the students not to make a noise.

6. Write down a complaint to the SSP for non registering a FIR.

8. Fill up the blanks in legal terms in English

(a) Law is a ___________ of sovereign. Ans: Command
(b) Right is an ____________ protected by the law. Ans: entitlement
(c) A contract is an agreement ______________________ by the law. Ans: recognised
(d) PIL is not a _________________ for every ill. Ans: pill
(e) Muslim law ____________ recognise adoption. Ans: does not

12. Translate from English to Hindi

1. Convert the following into Passive voice
(a) Someone has stolen my books
Ans: My books are stolen.

(b) The stars brighten the sky.

Ans: The sky is brightened by the stars.

(c) MC Mehta filed a PIL in the Supreme Court.

Ans. A PIL was filed by MC Mehta in the Supreme Court.

(d) The judge delivers the judgement.

Ans: The judgement was delivered by the judge.

2. Convert the following into indirect speech:

(a) The mother said, "The sun rises in the east".
Ans: The mother said the sun rises in the east.

(b) The teacher said, "You must do as you are told".

Ans: The teacher advised them strictly to do as they were told.

(c) He said, "Success of democracy depends on freedom of press".

Ans: He said that the success of democracy depends on freedom of press.

(d) He said to me, "Wait until I come".

Ans: He ordered me to wait until he came.

3. Correct the following sentences:

(a) What is the last news? Ans: What was the last news?
(b) He is my oldest son. Ans: He is my eldest son.

(c) I have no any friend. Ans: I do not have any friends.

(d) He works hardly. Ans: He works hard.

4. Use legal term one word for the following:

(a) An act punishable by law Ans: Crime
(b) An offense punishable by death penalty. Ans: Capital offense
(c) Marriage with many husbands.Ans: Polyandry
(d) An accused tried twice for the same offence Ans: Double jeopardy

5. Write the full form of the following abbreviation

(a) ILR - Indian Law Reporter
(b) JILI - Journal of International Law Institutes
(c) Cr. LJ - Criminal Law Journal
(d) Vol. - Volume

8. What is the method of writing a case-comment? Explain.

1. Fill in the blanks:

(i) If Mala -------- about her fever, She would have helped him (had known/knew)
(ii) Gopal will be ---- neighbors dog while they were on a vacation. (looking into/ looking after)
(iii) My Grandmother made us --- our homework every afternoon. (do/ to do)
(iv) By the time mother arrives, we ---- our homework. (finish / will have finished)

2. Convert the following into indirect speech:

(i) He said, "The Sun arises in the east".

Ans: The Sun arises in the east.
(ii) Ram said, "Shyam is playing".
Ans: Ram said that Shyam was playing.
(iii) He said, "I was not playing with Ram".
Ans: He said that he was not playing with Ram.
(iv) Mohan says to Ram, "I will give you a book".
Ans: Mohan says to Ram that he will give Ram a book.

3. Correct the following sentences:

(i) She has no issues. Ans: She has no issue.
(ii) These are all my offsprings. Ans: These are all my offspring.
(iii) I have packed my luggeges. Ans: I have packed my luggege.
(iv) He wanted to help poor." Ans: He wanted to help the poor.
4. Convert the following sentences as directed:

(i) No wise man will tell a lie. (convert to interrogative) Ans: Will any wise man tell a lie?
(ii) Everybody would like to be rich (interrogative)Ans: Would everybody like to be reach?
(iii) It is not good to help him (affirmative) Ans: It is good to hinder him.
(iv) The question is no easy (affirmative) Ans: The question is difficult.

5. Convert the following sentences as directed:

(i) The boys made Mohan captain (Passive) Ans: Mohan was made captain by the boys.
(ii) He ran a race (Passive) Ans: A race was ran by him.
(iii) A pen was bought by her (Active) Ans: She bought a pen.
(iv) The book is being read by her (Active) Ans: She is reading the book.

10. Passage

2021 2020 11. Translate passage to English

2020 2021 12. Translate passage to Hindi

1. Convert the following as directed
(i) I said that I would be punctual in future. (Direct)
Ans: I said, "I will be punctual in future".
(ii) You said that you helped your friend. (Direct)
Ans: You said, "I help my friend".
(iii) He said, He learnt his lesson. (Indirect)
Ans: He said that he had learnt his lesson.
(iv) He said The teacher has gone. (Indirect)
Ans: He said that the teacher had gone.

2. Convert the following sentence

(i) He is my cousin brother.
Ans: He is my cousin.
(ii) She was carrying too many luggages.
Ans: She was carrying too many luggage.
(iii) They has gat two cars.
Ans: They have two cars.
(iv) The hanesty is the best policy.
Ans: The honesty is the best policy.

3. Convert the sentences as directed

(i) Who teaches you Hindi? (Passive) Ans: By whom are you thought Hindi?
(ii) Shall I ever forget those days? (Passive) Ans: Shall ever been forgotten those days by me?
(iii) A lion was seen by them. (Active) Ans: They saw a lion.
(iv) He is being taught by me. (Active) Ans: I am teaching him.

4. Fill in the blanks

(i) You --- to be a good boy. (Appear/Appears) Ans: Appear
(ii) Reema --- a rich girl. (seem to be/seems to be) Ans: seems to be
(iii) This mango --- sweet. (taste/testes) Ans: testes
(iv) The cloth --- soft. (feel / feels) Ans: feels

5. Write a short note on 'Ratio Decidendi'.

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