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Notre Dame Of Midsayap College

College of Education
A.Y. 2022-2023

Midterm Examination
Teaching Social Studies in the Elem. Grades
EED 305 Score:

Name: ____________________________

Course & Year: _____________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter that Date: ____________________________

corresponds to the best answer. Write the
Instructor: ____________________________
letter of the correct answer in capital letters in
the space provided before the number.
_____ 5. This theme includes the examination of
For numbers 1-20. Read and understand the Philippine Constitution, highlighting the
each question carefully. serious responsibilities of government leaders in
various levels of governance.
____1. This theme puts premium on how human
interacts not only with his environment but also to A. Time, Continuity, and Change
a bigger society thus providing learners the B. People, Environment, and Society
opportunities to locate him/herself in his C. Culture, Identity, and Nationhood
immediate environment, understand the impact of D. Power, Authority, and Governance
human decisions to the environment and vice-
versa, examine dynamism of human mobility and ______ 6. What are these logically arranged
realize his/her roles and responsibilities as a objectives that must be aimed in classroom
member of the society and stewards of the natural instruction for the students to achieve the
resources among others. required content and performance standards?
A. Time, Continuity, and Change
A. Content Standards
B. People, Environment, and Society
B. Performance Standards
C. Rights,Responsibilities, and
C. Learning Competencies
D. Learning Content
D. Power, Authority, and Governance
_____ 7. This outline what students should be
_____2. This is vital as they fully and
able to do once the concepts and skills are
meaningfully engage in their respective
community, country, and even in the community taught.
of nations. A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
A. Time, Continuity, and Change C. Learning Competencies
B. People, Environment, and Society D. Learning Content
C. Rights,Responsibilities, and
Citizenship _____ 8. What are broad descriptions of WHAT
D. Power, Authority, and Governance students should learn?
A. Content Standards
_____ 3. This theme is essential in the B. Performance Standards
understanding of cultural and national identity in C. Learning Competencies
the evolution and development of a given society. D. Learning Content

A. Time, Continuity, and Change _____ 9. After delivering an instructional plan,

B. People, Environment, and Society they need to revisit the curricular standards and
C. Rights,Responsibilities, and competencies and ensure they are attained.
D. Power, Authority, and Governance A. Informed Teachers
B. Informed-decision makers
______ 4. This theme, provides learners the C. Reflective Practitioners
opportunities to develop their identity as D. Constructivist Practitioners
individual, as youth, and as a Filipino. This
identity is the basis of national pride which is _____ 10. Teachers need to be fully familiar with
essential in understanding and participating in in the curriculum in order to determine which topics
international and global arena. should be given greater emphasis and how
standards and competencies could be best
A. Time, Continuity, and Change realized.
B. People, Environment, and Society A. Informed Teachers
C. Culture, Identity, and Nationhood B. Informed-decision makers
D. Power, Authority, and Governance C. Reflective Practitioners
D. Constructivist Practitioners
_____ 11. The following are under Garde 2: _____ 19. A template teachers use to log parts of
Learning Contents EXCEPT their daily lesson. It covers a day’s or week’s
worth of lessons.
A. My Responsibilities in My Community
B. The Culture of My Community A. Daily Lesson Plan (DLP)
C. The Livelihood in My Community B. Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
D. Valuing the Environment
_____ 20. A teacher’s “roadmap” for a lesson. It
_____ 12. The following are under Garde 5: contains detailed description of the steps a
Learning Contents EXCEPT teacher will take to teach a particular topic.
A. Daily Lesson Plan (DLP)
A. The Filipino-American War B. Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
B. Spanish Colonization
C. Ancient Philippine Culture and Society
D. Emergence of Philippine Civilization TRUE OR FALSE: Answer the following
questions. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
______ 13.. The following are under Garde 3: and FALSE if not. Write your answers in capital
Learning Contents EXCEPT letters.

A. The Location of My Province _______1. Human interaction with his

B. The Rich Culture of My Province environment is one of the fundamental concepts
C. Philippine Cultural Identities in Social Studies.
D. Geographical Basis and Instruments
_______2. Identity is not anchored on culture
_____ 14.. The following are under Garde 1: which pertains to the complex whole that includes
Learning Contents EXCEPT belief system, values, tradition, language, and
arts of a group of people in a given society.
A. Valuing My Family
B. Me and School _______3. The Philippines is a member of a
C. The Story of Myself bigger community called global village.
D. Knowing My Community
_______4. As early as Kindergarten, learners are
_____ 15. This type of constructivism upholds the expected to “demonstrate a basic understanding
social nature of knowledge and that knowledge is of one’s self and of others being the foundation of
the result of social interaction and language social consciousness’ development”.
usage, and thus is a shared, rather than an
individual experience. _______5. Knowledge is not passively
accumulated, but rather, is the result of active
A. Radical Constructivism cognizing by the individual.
B. Cognitive Constructivism
C. Social Constructivism _______6. Authentic and real-world environments
D. Rational Constructivism are not necessary for learning to take place.

_____ 16. This type of constructivism believes ______7. Instructional planning is an ongoing
that the acquisition of knowledge is an adaptive process.
process that could be attributed from active
cognition of an individual translating experientially ______ 8 Curriculum mapping- the process of
based mind. determining when you will teach each topic or
A. Radical Constructivism
B. Cognitive Constructivism _______9. Instructional planning takes one form.
C. Social Constructivism
D. Rational Constructivism ______ 10. Teachers must employ multiple
perspectives and representations of content.
_____ 17. This is a type of constructivism that is
typically associated with information processing ______ 11. Teachers should act as guides and
and relies heavily on the component process of demonstrators of learning.
A. Radical Constructivism ________12. Grade 2 Social Studies intends
B. Cognitive Constructivism learners to “demonstrate awareness,
C. Social Constructivism understanding, and appreciation toward the
D. Rational Constructivism community’s history using relevant concepts on
continuity and change, power and authority,
_____ 18. A teacher’s “roadmap” for a lesson. It leadership and responsibility, needs and wants,
contains detailed description of the steps a identity, geography, and primary historical
teacher will take to teach a particular topic. resources like oral traditions, artifacts, and relics.
A. Daily Lesson Plan (DLP)
B. Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
________13. Grade 6 students are required to
“demonstrate an understanding of self as a
member of the family and the school who values
physical environment, employing concepts on
continuity, change, distance, and direction in
establishing personal and cultural identity.

_______14. Grade 4 standard envisions learners

to “develop national pride in being a Filipino who
value cultural diversities and national goals”.

______ 15. Grade 5 standard intends that Filipino

learners “demonstrate understanding and
appreciation of the nation’s history from the 20th
century until the contemporary period toward the
development of Filipino identity and nationhood.”

IDENTIFICATION: Read the following items and

give the correct answers. Write your answer in the
space provided. Make sure you write your answer
legibly and in capital letters.(2 points each)

LRP – Long-range Planning

UP – Unit Planning
LP – Lesson Planning
IP – Instructional Planning

_______1. Follow a logical sequence that will

facilitate maximum learning for students.

_______2. A week or a whole quarter plan.

_______3. Curriculum guide serves as the

teacher’s most important tool.

_______4. Managing the instructional process.

_______5. Major division of the year-long plan.

_______ 6. Cluster of related lessons organized

around a central topic, theme, issue or problem
and developed in a logical sequence.

_______ 7. Planning for the whole year.

_______ 8. Curriculum mapping

_______9. Process of systematically planning.

_______ 10. Outline of what you will be teaching

in a given day or days.

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

-William Shakespeare

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