Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam
College of Education
A.Y. 2022-2023
Midterm Examination
Teaching Social Studies in the Elem. Grades
EED 305 Score:
Name: ____________________________
_____ 16. This type of constructivism believes ______7. Instructional planning is an ongoing
that the acquisition of knowledge is an adaptive process.
process that could be attributed from active
cognition of an individual translating experientially ______ 8 Curriculum mapping- the process of
based mind. determining when you will teach each topic or
A. Radical Constructivism
B. Cognitive Constructivism _______9. Instructional planning takes one form.
C. Social Constructivism
D. Rational Constructivism ______ 10. Teachers must employ multiple
perspectives and representations of content.
_____ 17. This is a type of constructivism that is
typically associated with information processing ______ 11. Teachers should act as guides and
and relies heavily on the component process of demonstrators of learning.
A. Radical Constructivism ________12. Grade 2 Social Studies intends
B. Cognitive Constructivism learners to “demonstrate awareness,
C. Social Constructivism understanding, and appreciation toward the
D. Rational Constructivism community’s history using relevant concepts on
continuity and change, power and authority,
_____ 18. A teacher’s “roadmap” for a lesson. It leadership and responsibility, needs and wants,
contains detailed description of the steps a identity, geography, and primary historical
teacher will take to teach a particular topic. resources like oral traditions, artifacts, and relics.
A. Daily Lesson Plan (DLP)
B. Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
________13. Grade 6 students are required to
“demonstrate an understanding of self as a
member of the family and the school who values
physical environment, employing concepts on
continuity, change, distance, and direction in
establishing personal and cultural identity.