Kassandra Paz Examen Ingles

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Date: Tuesday, February 13th  

1. Complete the sentences with the following words.

live, lives, work, works, study
a. I work part-time at a gas station.
b. I live in a university dormitory.
c. She works in a restaurant on weekends.
d. I study history at university.
e. He lives with some friends in a big apartment.

2. Put the underlined letters in the correct order to complete the sentences.
a. Do you teg dressed before you have breakfast? ___ Do you get dressed before you have breakfast?.
b. What time do you akwe pu in the morning? What time do you wake up in the morning?.
c. I don't veha lunch at work. __ I don’t have lunch at work.
d. When do you enstli to music? __When do you listen to music.

3. Complete the conversation with the correct answers.

A: Do you study in the library?
B: No, I don’t. I study at home. What about you?
A: Yes, I do. I study in the library during the week.
B: When do you go home?
A: I go home at seven in the evening.

4. Circle the word that doesn't belong.

judo, yoga, aerobics, basketball

5. Circle the word that doesn't belong.

basketball, tennis, soccer, aerobics

6. Circle the word that doesn't belong.

piano, guitar, drive, band

7. Complete the sentences.

a. Can he swim? No, he can’t
b. I like to watch soccer on the TV.
c. Does she like tennis?

8. Put the words in the correct order.

a. get / by / You / to / the / park / can / subway /. You can get to the park by the subway.
b. train / right / at / station / Turn / the /. Turn right at the train station.
c. store / near / There / department / here / isn't / a /. _there isn’t a store department near
d. here / Is / store / near / a / music / there /? Is there a music store near here?
e. I / do / Street / get / to / Chicago / How /? How do I get to Chicago Street?_________________

9. Fill in the missing letters.

a. Are these your j_eans _ _ _?
b. How much are these e_arrings _ _ _ _ _ _?
c. Is this her c_ollar _ _ _ _?
d. Can I use your c_ _om _ p_ uter_ _ _?
e. I want to buy an u_mbrella _ _ _ _ _ _.

10. Fill in the missing letters.

a. Is this his b_ ack_ _ pack?
b. These aren't my s_un _ glass_es _.
c. How much are those _ear _ _rings?
d. Where is my _ _watch?
e. How much is this _sk _irt?

11. Circle the correct answer.

a. Are this/that/these your shoes?
b. Those/This/That aren't my sunglasses.
c. How much are/is/have this necklace?
d. How much are those/are this/is these jeans?
e. Where are this/are these/are that MP3 players from?

12. Write a paragraph about your favorite shops.

Write a paragraph about your favourite shops.
My favourite shops are many, but in this paragraph I will mention the ones I always go to, for example I
like to go to Zara shop, because they sell very nice clothes, I also like to go to Newbell store a beautiful
make up shop, and for shoes I go to platanitos, these are my favourite shops, there the prices are
accessible for everyone. thanks for reading this small description of my favourite

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