AddisAbaba e-OfficeSystem FS FinalReport PDF
AddisAbaba e-OfficeSystem FS FinalReport PDF
AddisAbaba e-OfficeSystem FS FinalReport PDF
December, 2013
List of Figures .......................................................................................6
List of Tables.........................................................................................7
Executives Summary ............................................................................9
I. Introduction ................................................................................... 11
1. Project Background .................................................................................................. 11
2. Project Schedule ...................................................................................................... 11
3. Project Scope ........................................................................................................... 12
4. Project Organization ................................................................................................. 12
Figure 1. Project Schedule ...................................................................................... 11
Figure 2. Project Team ............................................................................................12
Figure 3. Map of Addis Ababa .................................................................................20
Figure 4. Comparison of Ethiopia National Infrastructure ........................................24
Figure 5. Ethiopia ICT 4D Plan ................................................................................27
Figure 6. Ethiopia Informatization Plan....................................................................29
Figure 7. Ethiopia ICT Policy Process .....................................................................30
Figure 8. Current Status of Ministry of Communication & Information Technoligy ....32
Figure 9. Current Status of Addis Ababa Information Communication Technology Devel
opment Agency ............................................................................................32
Figure 10. Curren Status of Addis Ababa City Hall Infrastructure ............................38
Figure 11. Work Flow Process Map.........................................................................43
Figure 12. Success Factors ....................................................................................48
Figure 13. Blue House System Diagram .................................................................50
Figure 14. MND Diagram ........................................................................................53
Figure 15. Seoul Style Work Management System Diagram ...................................56
Figure 16. e-Government Vision .............................................................................63
Figure 17. Addis Ababa TF ......................................................................................64
Figure 18. E-Office System Business Architecture ..................................................68
Figure 19. Authorization Process ............................................................................69
Figure 20. Sending Proces......................................................................................69
Figure 21. Receipt Process .....................................................................................70
Figure 22. Discards Proces .....................................................................................70
Figure 23. Data Architecture ...................................................................................71
Figure 24. Application Architecture ..........................................................................74
Figure 25. Technology Architecture .........................................................................79
Figure 26. Funding Process ....................................................................................90
Table 1. General Information of Ethiopia .................................................................13
Table 2. Major Economic Indicator of Ethiopia.........................................................16
Table 3. Trade Scale Between Ethiopia and Korea..................................................18
Table 4. Current Status of Korea Supports and Aids to Ethiopia ..............................19
Table 5. General Information of Addis Ababa ..........................................................19
Table 6. GTP Missions ............................................................................................23
Table 7. Expenses for Infrastructure Implementation in Ethiopia .............................24
Table 8. Addis Ababa Urban Development Index(UDI) ............................................25
Table 9. List of Ethiopia Projects by World Bank .....................................................26
Table 10. Ethiopia e-Government Vision, Outcomes and Targets ............................27
Table 11. Current Status of Ethiopia Informatization Organization ...........................31
Table 12. Current Status of ICT Infrastructure Benchmarking..................................34
Table 13. The Mission of ICT Departments in Ethiopia GTP ....................................35
Table 14. Comparison Analysis of e-GDI between Ethiopia and Korea....................35
Table 15. Specific Analysis of Ethiopia e-GDI ..........................................................36
Table 16. Ethiopia ICT Development Index (IDI)......................................................37
Table 17. Current Status of Ethiopia Informatization................................................37
Table 18. Current Status of the Ethiopian Informatization Legal Framwork Promoted40
Table 19. Task Force ...............................................................................................46
Table 20. Major Issues List......................................................................................60
Table 21. Directionality of Target Model List ............................................................62
Table 22. Improved Tasks .......................................................................................67
Table 23. Department Table ....................................................................................71
Table 24. User Table ...............................................................................................72
Table 25. Form Table...............................................................................................72
Table 26. Folder Table .............................................................................................73
Table 27. Document Table .......................................................................................73
Table 28. Approval Line ...........................................................................................74
Table 29. Portal Functions.......................................................................................75
Executives Summary
This report is a result of feasibility study on implementing e-Office System to Addis Ababa
City Government. Addis Ababa City Government has established and implemented a long-
term master plan on ICT associated with e-government by stages. WeGO(World e-
Governments Organization of cities and local governments) has been providing consultation
service to its member cities, and this year Addis Ababa sent a letter of intention(LOI) and
was selected as one of the city for consulting.
The objective of this business is to conduct a feasibility study on the e-Office System
which is essential for ICT e-government for Addis Ababa City Government. We have
analyzed general and ICT environments of Ethiopia and during the analysis, we have
analyzed various data collected by interviews and questionnaires to officials of Addis Ababa
City Government and have suggested e-Office System model appropriate to Addis Ababa e-
government based on advanced cases and up-to-date IT technologies for analysis results. In
addition, we have established implementation plan by stages to set e-Office System model
and, finally, described economic analysis and effects expected by e-Office System.
The result of ICT environment analysis on Addis Ababa and Ethiopian government has
been concluded by study of e-Government establishment plan and strategies of Ethiopian
government, laws and regulations, and organizations and ICT infrastructure. According to
establishment plan of Ethiopian e-Government, infrastructural system like e-Office System
should be established as a standard model and standardization and guidance of whole
processes for initial implementation, operation, and maintenance has been emphasized for
proliferation to other governmental organizations. It should also be established for easy
sharing various information and best practices in governmental organizations and the e-
Government establishment plan and strategies of Ethiopian government has specifically
described security issues and utilization of open sources. Revisions and additions of laws
and regulations for e-Office System is needed because there was no such law and
regulation for documents management based on e-document system. They had strong will
for National document management organization and well prepared and creation of the
organization and definition of its role were needed because there was no such organization
in organizations and ICT infrastructure of Ethiopia. They were well prepared for personal
capability of information utilization and sufficiently experienced for organizational ICT
environments since they were already suing PCs for their administrative works but facilities
for servers such as voltage facilities, air-cleaners, and thermostats were needed for stable
operation of severs.
Technical status analysis on Addis Ababa City Office was conducted through requests
analysis of e-Office System, status analysis of documents management, SWOT analysis,
and advanced cases analysis. Interviews and questionnaires for key officials in Addis Ababa
City Office were used for requests analysis. More and more officials were using email to
exchange information, and external portal website to search documents and information but
they were feeling much inconvenient since internal approval process or old documents
search in Addis Ababa had been done by hands. In particular, it was hard to trace
documents in approval process or exchanging them and there were many difficulties in
document management such as loss when an approval officer or person in charge was
absent. Since they did not have standard procedures for documents management and had
done their works by ways which they heard documents and improvement for utilization by
management system for written documents and maintenance of documents were needed.
According to SWOT analysis on Addis Ababa City Office for e-Office System implementation,
strong points were their strong will for e-Office System and high human resource capability
for information utilization, and weak points were insufficient organization for the plan and
insufficient experience of information technology. Threats were lack of security system for
sharing and utilization of information and working difficulty caused by limited transparency
and promptness of works, and opportunities were the fact that they supported e-Office
System as a key infrastructure for public organizations and environments was being
established by the master plan for e-government of Addis Ababa. Therefore, we set the
strategies to establish an implementation plan based on cultural features of Addis Ababa City
governmental organizations with advanced cases and to review swift stability strategy. We
reviewed e-Office Systems of Korean government and Ministry of National Defense as
advanced cases and found some points such as necessity of strong will of the decision
maker, architecture design for extension of e-Office System in future, and data storage and
backup plan for massive data.
We created 22 key issues for e-Office Systems through those analyses and selected 11
objectives for direction of e-Office System model. Also we set 6 key works for the model and
offered organizational, system establishment, education and training, and service strategy.
Finally we figured out convenience, quantitative and qualitative effects, by economic analysis
and described expected effects.
I. Introduction
1. Project Background
Clear and prompt management system for the Governmental Institutions is required
in the modern era with intensified globalization and rapid growth in intelligence
environment. Furthermore, system for effective decision making as well as cooperation
is also required. This so called 'e-Office' system would be the solution. It is electronic-
document-based system which is different from previously paper-based system. It is in
progress of automation in administration taking part of the world wide 'Digital
Government' project.
The City Government of Addis Ababa has established long-term master plan in ICT
(Information & Communication Technology) sector and has propelled it gradually. It has
put forth a multilateral effort into building the electronic documentation based
cooperative system. The City Government of Addis Ababa presented special interest in
the feasibility study project of implementing e-government, performed by WeGO.
2. Project Schedule
3. Project Scope
Analyze current business and ICT environment
4. Project Organization
During the 1970’s and 80’s, Ethiopia underwent many border disputes and civil war under
the socialistic military regime. At the same time, Ethiopia suffered from heavy droughts and
failure of socialistic policies. As a result, that made the Ethiopian society unstable and
impoverished. In 2013, the GDP per capita is USD 316, and a large amount of foreign aid is
provided to Ethiopia.
Ethiopian cabinet has the real power of the politics and military control, and since 1991
when the EPRDF subverted the Mengistu communist regime, EPRDF have conducted state
affairs for more than 20 years.
Location Northeastern side of the African continent, near the Red Sea
UN, AU, IMF, IBRD, IDA, AfDB, etc.
Strong point of
Plentiful agricultural development potential
Weak point of
Lack of natural resources, unsettled political situation
※ Source: CIA, the Export-Import Bank of Korea, Project team modification· reconstruction
The climate is hot and humid in the lowlands and mild on the plateau. The climate of
plateau is Afro-Alpine in character, so the change of temperature isn’t big. The climate of the
lowlands is hot and humid due to the tropic climate. The average temperature is 20℃ at
Addis Ababa.
The weather is usually sunny and dry, but the short rainy season is from February to April
and the big rain from mid-June to mid- September.
The population of Ethiopia is estimated at 94 million in 2012, and about 4.9% or 4.6
million of them live in Addis Ababa. Majority of Ethiopians are descendants of Semites and
Although Amharic is the second largest language in Ethiopia spoken by 30% of the
population, it is the official language of federal government, and speakers of 4 major
languages comprise about three quarters of the whole population. English is the medium of
instruction in secondary schools and is the most widely spoken foreign language. The
literacy rate is approximately 37~50%.
Ethiopia is one of the first Christian nations. Including Ethiopian Orthodox Church (43.5%),
more than 60% of Ethiopians are Christians. However, recently the number of Muslim
Ethiopians has been increasing.
According to the report of UNDP about the index for human development in 2013,
Ethiopia was ranked 173rd among 187 countries.
Due to lack of hospitals or medical facilities, the average life expectancy in 2011 was 60
years. 46% of whole Ethiopians have had benefits from health facilities, which means that
more than half of the people don’t get benefit from health care facilities even though they are
infected by AIDS/HIV, typhoid and malaria, etc.
Ethiopia is composed of more than 80 ethnic groups such as Oromo (35%) and Amhara
(27%). As a result, it is possible that opinions among tribes are various without finding point
of agreement.
Ethiopian cabinet has the real power of the politics and military control, and since 1992
when the EPRDF subverted the Mengistu communist regime, EPRDF has conducted state
affairs for more than 20 years.
Now the EPRDF is composed of 4 parties - TPLE, ANDM, OPDP and SDPDF.
In 2005, EPRDF faced many problems such as the decrease in the number of seats and
demonstration. However, EPRDF have achieved annual economic growth rate higher than
10%, so they could get overwhelming victory in the general election in 2010. In 2005 EPRDF
obtained 327 of 547 seats and in 2010, 499 of 547 seats.
Meles Zenawi had a strong leadership to control the administration as prime minister, but
on August 2012, he passed away from illness. Haile Mariam who was the Deputy Prime
Minister and Foreign Minister succeeded the role of Prime Minister.
In 2012, Haile Mariam distributed seats of the deputy prime minister to all 4 parties
comprising EPRDF. He tried to boost the approval rating and to keep the government
administration stable.
From 2004 to 2008, Ethiopia has recorded double digits economic growth rate. However
due to the global economic recession in 2009 and 2010, the remittances from Ethiopian
overseas workers declined. Furthermore, the drought occurred in 2011 aggravated the crops
condition. As a result, Ethiopia recorded 7.3% of economy growth rate.
Growth Rate of
8.5 8.1 33.1 22.9 8.4
Consumer Price Index
※ Source: The Export-Import Bank of Korea, Foreign Research Institute, Ethiopia national credit rate
evaluation reports (October, 2013)
86% of Ethiopians engage in agriculture and 46% of GDP comes from agriculture. As a
result, Ethiopian economic structure is vulnerable to the external factors such as price
changes of agriculture products and annual precipitation etc.
Coffee had accounted for the biggest part of Ethiopian exports, approximately 50%.
However, due to the dropping coffee price in international market, the sales of export
decreased. As a result, in 2009, the amount of coffee export took up only USD 40 million out
Ethiopia has rich amount of mineral resources, and two natural gas fields have been
found so far. Moreover, geological study showing that oil field from Sudan is extended to
Ethiopian territory, makes many foreign countries show interest in Ethiopian natural resource
After the collapse of the communist government in 1992, the Ethiopian government
decided to follow the pro-Western policy. Since then, it has maintained good relations with
the US and European countries.
Based on the military cooperation, USA has accounted for the biggest part in economic
support, and the European countries, such as UK, have been supporting in large scale of
aids based on the historical relationship.
Ethiopia has the strongest armed forces in Eastern Africa. So for the safety of that area, it
has emphasized geopolitical issues, and it needs to establish stronger cooperation
relationship with USA and Western countries.
Ethiopia is a landlocked country. So when it needs to trade through sea line transport,
Ethiopia has been using Djibouti Port in Djibouti instead of Assab Port in Eritrea since the
war with Eritrea. Most amount of trade is passing through the Djibouti Port due to the friendly
relations between Ethiopia and Djibouti.
After Eritrea’s independence from Ethiopia, the border dispute between Eritrea and
Ethiopia frequently occurred. Especially the dispute in 1998 spread to war and left a large
number of casualties.
In December 2005, Ethiopia attacked the Union of Islamic Courts in Somalia to support
the Somalian interim government, and in 2009 after the withdrawal of Ethiopian occupation
forces, Ethiopia still has observed the situation in Somalia.
Ethiopia maintains neutrality between Sudan and South Sudan, and sent 4,200 UN peace
keeping troops to Abyei, a disputed area between the two countries, for the economic
benefits such as oil import.
Since 2011, Ethiopian government is building the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on
the Nile River with an electric power capacity of 6,000MW, but as Egypt is relying heavily on
the water resource of the Nile, the tension between the two countries is getting higher.
Ethiopia sent troops during the Korean War as a member of the UN forces. It sent a
battalion with a total of 6,037 solders to Korea and since the establishment of diplomatic
relation in 1963 the two countries have maintained friendly relationship.
In July 2011, the President of Korea visited Ethiopia and the two heads of the countries
agreed on the establishment of partnership for growing together. Korean government also
promised the sharing of the Korean development experiences for strengthening the
cooperation between Ethiopia and Korea.
Ethiopia has supported the Korean policies and candidates in international stage.
Particularly, Ethiopia has considered Korea as a role model for economic development, so it
expects to exchange the technology or information industry knowhow from various sectors
from Korea.
The amount of trade between Korea and Ethiopia was 132 million dollars in 2012, and in
August 2013, the trade amount recorded 75 million dollars.
Ethiopia. Korea 11,722 19,730 24,662 Coffee, grain and fruit, leather
2. City overview
2.1 Addis Ababa’s General Information
Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia and is located in the highlands near equator.
The land area of Addis Ababa is 530 ㎢, approximately 0.9 times of Seoul.
The name Addis Ababa(meaning ‘new flower’) came from the city’s old name “Hora
Finfinnee”. Taytu Betul who was the empress of Ethiopia defined the border of Addis Ababa
and in 1886 the Emperor Menelik decided the name of the city as Addis Ababa when he
started building the city.
Owing to the central forced development of religion, politics, economy, and education,
Addis Ababa could achieve modernization without the forced intervention of foreign power.
Contents description
The land area of Addis Ababa is 530.12km², about 0.9 times of Seoul land area. Addis
Ababa is Ethiopia’s biggest city and the average altitude is 2,355m making it the 3rd highest
capital city in the world.
Addis Ababa is located near Entoto Mountain and the territory spreads from where the
Bole International Airport is located at an altitude 2,300m to the highland at an altitude
3,000m to the north.
Addis Ababa is influenced by subtropical plateau climate and the temperature varies
depending on the altitude and the direction of wind, which leads the temperature difference
more than 10℃. The average temperature of the city is approximately 20℃ year round.
It has 10 sub-cities and 116 Woredas in Addis Ababa and one sub-city controls 10~50
Woredas according to the region’s scale.
Bole international airport is located about 18km south of the Addis Ababa city center, and
it plays an important role for Ethiopian Airlines flights as a hub airport. Moreover there is a
train station connecting Ethiopia and Djibouti.
Before the development of Addis Ababa, Entoto played a role as a capital. However in the
19th century Addis Ababa was set up as the kingdom’s new capital.
From 1936 for 5 years, Italy occupied Ethiopia, and then they changed the name from
“Addis Ababa” to “Addis Abeba”. However, the emperor, Haile Selassie, renamed the city as
Addis Ababa.
In May, 2004, Korea and Addis Ababa established the sisterhood relationship based on
the ties which were generated at the Korean War in the 1950s. Korea promised to help Addis
Ababa build the war memorial, commemorative hall, Commemoration Park, etc. to enhance
the relationship.
The population of Addis Ababa is approximately 5 million and about half of them are from
the Amhara ethnic group. Other half of the population are of Oromo, Gurage, Tigray etc.
Most of the people in Addis Ababa use the Amharic language, others use their own
language, and English is the most widely spoken foreign language.
Including Ethiopian Orthodox Church (43.5%), more than 60% of Ethiopians have
Christian faith. However, the Muslim population has been increasing recently.
Addis Ababa is the economic center of Ethiopia. In case of coffee which is the main
export products, auction and examination are conducted in Addis Ababa to all the coffee
beans harvested in the entire area of Ethiopia. And then after the processing, coffee is
exported to overseas countries.
The main industrial products produced in Addis Ababa are fabric, wooden goods, plastic,
food, clothes, shoes, and chemical products, and the majority of industrial service
enterprises are located in Addis Ababa.
Each small cities or regions have their own institutions and the city government operates
74 agencies. Each small cities or regions don’t have position distinction, and after a certain
period, the changes of the high ranking officials are conducted under the agreement of the
Up to now, the two projects (Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Program,
and Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End poverty) have been completed.
Under the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) which has started in 2010, Ethiopian
government has been promoting the national development plans until 2015 as followed.
• Leap to the middle advanced country from the low developing country until 2025.
※ Source: KOTRA Addis Ababa Head Office, Current status of main industry (March, 2013)
Ethiopia government has established and conducted the Agricultural Development Led
Industrialization (ADLI) plan to strengthen the cooperation relationship between the
agriculture sector and industrial sector.
※ the project team explained the main contents in the ADLI plan regarding the national
infrastructure related issues for these projects.
To implement infrastructure, Ethiopia makes use of the credit assistants and grants from
foreign governments, international organizations with its own resources.
To implement infrastructure, international organizations such as the World Bank, EU, and
AfDB is helping raising the necessary fund. Moreover, the monetary supports from
developed countries such as Japan, China, Germany, the United Kingdom and the Middle
East countries are provided.
According to the World Bank report, the proportion of the Ethiopian budget to implement
infrastructure is approximately 42%, which is the highest level in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Road Network
- Water Supply
Infrastructure and
- Information and Communication
Water Supply
- Energy Consumption
- Transport
※ Source: Addis Ababa City Government, Finance & Economic Development Bureau, Urban
Development Indicators (2002), Project team reconstruction
Project Project ID Date
At the beginning, Ethiopian government conducted the ‘Additional Financing to the Public
Sector Capacity Building Program Support Project’ and ‘TFSCB Data Systems and
Economy-Wide Analysis Project’. In 2011, Ethiopia Ministry of Communication and
Information Technology set to work to implement e-Government with mid-long term strategy.
Moreover, Ethiopian government asked the Korean government to advise the policies for
development of ICT industry and improvement of national informatization level through
KSP(Knowledge Sharing Program) Projects conducted by KDI(Korea Development Institute)
in 2012.
2. High awareness regarding all 3. More than 70% of Customers aware of the
Government Schemes/Services e-Government program
Ethiopian government suggests specific plans and medium term strategies for successful
achievement in e-Government policies for 5 years from 2010 to 2015 by defining the
missions and goals of e-Government.
Informatization policies of Addis Ababa are promoted in the same way as the national
informatization polices are promoted. It aims at the improvement of administrative process
and transparent digital society, which is based on the inside and outside interaction, by
implementing the e-Government.
According to the modification of city government organization made recently, new city
informatization policies establishment is under process, and it is expected that the
establishment of informatization plan is completed. Besides, the issues on the national
informatization promotion roadmap are reflected until the end of this year.
The city informatization promotion policies are divided into two sectors. One is the
general informatization promotion plan, and the other is the establishment of the work
environment through the achievement management system. As of now, the city policies are
focused on improvement of the effectiveness of the data system implemented in the city
※ Source: MCIT, Ethiopia e-Government Strategy and Implementation Plan Report (2011)
When it comes to the land management system, a German company has conducted the
project and the ICTDA, which is the department in charge of city informatization, is planning
to implement computer based BSC system at the newly furbished Capacity Building Bureau
Moreover, Addis Ababa City Government is planning to increase the number of its LED
electronic display boards that are currently installed at several central points in the populated
area and around the city hall for notifying issues and announcements of the city
※ Source: National information Society Agency (NIA), reconstruction of AfDB trainee presentation
Ethiopia MCIT operates the national data center (NDC) and e-Service team through e-
Government Directorate.
• NDC conducts the projects for establishing and supporting ICT communication center
by carrying out services such as a video conference, network administration & security,
internet service and application program hosting, etc.
• E-Service team implements the online services system for public use with every
government sector and administrative institutions.
※ Source: MCIT, Ethiopia e-Government Strategy and Implementation Plan Report (2011), Project
team reconstruction
ICTDA is comprised of 4 case teams in charge of Software & Website, Data center &
Maintenance, Network, Research & Training and 1 department in charge of administration.
• Software & Website Case Team is in charge of city hall homepage management,
software development and management, etc.
• Data center & Maintenance Case Team is in charge of Data center management which
the city hall operates, video conference management and information equipment
maintenance, etc.
• Document Office is in charge of operation for all administrative work occurred in ICTDA
and director support in informatization training.
Moreover, ICTDA has a regular education programs for informatization by operating the
Training Center with IT training session in the department.
Currently, Addis Ababa’s city hall implemented the communication infrastructure and
information equipment in the city hall by its own budget, which led to more convenient work
environment with PCs and internet.
• The city administration of Addis Ababa has offices in 2 buildings; the main city hall and
the new building. The supply of IT equipment is already finished for both buildings.
• The old building is already equipped with information devices and network system, and
each public official use 1 desktop or laptop PC.
Most administration work in the department is done by conventional face to face talk and
printed document, and only basic works such as information search, document creation is
done by using PC.
• Recently introduced information devices are used only for the basic work such as
writing and printing documents. Most administrative works are conducted under the
approval of the person in charge, manually.
The overall level of information and communication technology in Ethiopia is quite low.
The state-owned telecommunication enterprise Ethio Telecom monopolizes the whole
market, which leads to the absence of the competition in market.
Other low
Contents Unit Ethiopia income
Mobile phone coverage % population 9.9 48.2
International bandwidth Mbps/capita 0.3 5.8
Internet subscribers/100 people 0.0 0.1
Landline subscribers/100 people 1.0 0.8
Mobile phone subscribers/100 people 1.6 15.1
Price of monthly mobile basket 3.37 11.12 9.9
Price of monthly fixed line basket 2.00 13.58 -
Price of 20-hour internet package 14.85 67.95 11.0
Price of a 3-minute call to United States 3.33 2.59 2.0
Price of inter-Africa telephone calls, mean 1.27 0.72 n.a
※ Source: KOTRA Addis Ababa Head Office, Current status of main industry (March, 2013)
The price of ICT service is relatively cheap compared to other countries. This price is due
to the support from high price of international telephone call. Ethiopia’s information and
communication fee doesn’t reflect the expense structure because of the absence of
competition in the market.
Ethiopian government’s goal is the establishment of government portal and e-Pay portal,
various information system for national assembly, finance, roads, national defense, society,
service, tax management, tourism industry, environment monitoring, rural development, etc.
Communication Total
Contents Online service Human resource
infrastructure index ranking
※ Online Service index: National portal site, Health, Education, Social welfare, labor finance, etc. It
evaluates the general capacity of providing public service to the people.
※ Information communication index: 5 index (The number of estimated internet user per 100people,
the number of telephone lines, the number of joining mobile phone. The number of wire internet
member) are surveyed in the way of weighted value.
※ Human resource Index: 2 index (The adult literacy rate, the rate of school attendance) are
surveyed in the way of weighted value, and it reflects the acceptance rate of e-Government service.
The level of Ethiopian e-Government is about to change from the first step which means
the starting stage to the second step which means the development stage and is able to
provide the complex one-way information service and the simple two-way online service
among the 4 steps mentioned in the e-Government survey.
Contents Description
Evaluation index 0.4706
Total 41%
According to the ITU ‘Measuring the information society 2013’ report, the informatization
development index of Ethiopia is 151st among 157 countries, which shows the current low
level of informatization status.
Internet speed per internet user (Bit/s) 6,974 5,065
Penetration rate of computer per household (%) 1.8 2.1
• Now Addis Ababa’s city hall has established and operated two data centers. The main
data center is located in the city hall, and the other data center is located in Bole for
prevention of disaster or emergency.
• Addis Ababa city government states that some of departments moved into the new
building and the infrastructure establishment projects for a new building which have
been conducting now are completed in 2013.
• The public officials in the Addis Ababa’s city hall use 1 PC per person and utilize
various OS system such as Window XP, Window Vista according to their work.
• Some manager level officials use more than 1 PC and laptop. It is thought that the
supply of information equipment in the city hall is sufficient.
Safety equipment such as UPS, dehumidifier, and fire extinguisher for prevention of
disaster or emergency which came from the irregular electronic power supply is quite well
• To prevent the damage from irregular power supply or black out, some offices has
small UPS. And big UPS, standby generating unit, dehumidifier and fire suppression
equipment also have been installed recently for data center operation.
※ Source: Addis Ababa City hall, data from the field trip in data center
Ethiopian government has finished all required preparation for making the legal
framework such as ‘the law for public use of government informatization system standard or
framework’, ‘national e-Commerce law’, etc. And the examination and approval process of
the legal framework is proceeding.
[Table 18] Current Status of the Ethiopia Informatization Legal Framework Promoted
5. e-Signature Law
Currently the legal framework of Addis Ababa informatization plan is in the stage of
preparation, and there are no policies of regulations for conducting this informatization
projects and administrative work.
5. Implications Analysis
Federal government of Ethiopia and Addis Ababa City Government shall promote the
active informatization projects under the necessity of establishing informatization and e-
Government system as an important factor to national development by improving the
effectiveness of public administrative work.
As a result, it is showing the strong will to establish the specific national informatization
policies and communication infrastructure.
However, the officials in the city government use the information equipment only when
they do very simple work. To improve work effectiveness and minimize repeated work, it is
required to expand usage of information equipment.
No one used hand-written paper document but used PC for the work
performance. For authorization, everyone used face-to-face meeting and signature
on the hard copy paper document. The process of the authorization was taking on
average of 9.1 hours, which is more than one working day. For the loss of the
document in the approval procedure, average of loss rate was 2.5%, but in many
cases, loss of the document means inconvenience of finding the document rather
than physically losing the document. Lastly, all the respondents felt monitoring is
necessary in the process of authorization.
Respondents answered that it took 9.2 hours for sending approval document
within Addis Ababa City Office, and 15.0 hours outside of the city office, which are
both more than one working day. For the loss of documents in the process of
receiving and sending documents, officials responded 3.6% for delivery within City
Office, and interestingly 1.8% for outside offices. Lastly, everyone felt inconvenient
due to the lack of monitoring in receiving and sending process, so felt the need of
monitoring function.
All of the respondents felt more or less uncomfortable for current system using
paper document. About the time for searching the document, the average time was
2.9 hours, but the answered varied from less than an hour to more than a day.
Lastly, all of the people answered that it would be more comfortable for searching
document to use searching engines such as Google.
2. Current status
2.1. System Configuration
The steps below outline the work flow process of document sending and
receiving in Addis Ababa city. All official flow of the documents created in Addis
Ababa can be divided as draft/sending and receiving/keeping.
a) Document draft: Person in charge makes a document regarding a specific issue
and give it to manager.
b) Manager Check: Manager reads and checks whether the contents of document
is appropriate.
c) Manager Authorization: Manager signs and approves the document.
d) Document Creation: Person in charge duplicates the approved document one
more copy than the number of recipients plus cc. and gives them to the
document officer.
e) Document Registration: Document officer stamps at each copy and records
description of document in the document logbook by creating reference number.
f) Document Delivery: Postman visits each assigned office and delivers documents.
g) Document Reception: Document officer of the receiving office writes description
of document in the document logbook and signs at the document for keeping (or
h) Signed document return: Postman returns to office with the document with
signature of receiving office(s).
i) Document keeping: Document officer keeps the returned document in the folder
according to reference number.
j) Manager read and sign: Manager reads and signs the received document (make
comment/orders on it)
k) Give to person in charge: Manager gives the corresponding document to the
person in charge of that issue.
l) Document keeping: Document officer keeps the signed document in the folder in
the order as recorded in the document logbook.
In this work flow scenario, the whole process relies on the handling of paper
made document, and when a created document is sent to external bureaus,
exceptional event that might occur are only dealt by non-standard manual method.
Each time a document is created, it should be duplicated as many as the number of
recipients, and during the delivery process, risks such as loss or damage exist.
Furthermore, because the process of signing and receiving are all done manually,
reliability is not guaranteed and it is very hard to monitor the process.
In Addis Ababa, the flow of business process for administrative works are based
on internal cooperation of sharing printed documents, flow of authorization,
managing documents for the records and receiving or sending documents to other
Governmental Institutions. The following is the analysis on each process:
There are memo, letter, phone, fax and email in Addis Ababa to share
information internally. The method of official communication, however, is limited on
hard copy. Generally, email is not regarded as an official communication method. In
current situation, documents sent through email should be re-sent in a hard copy
format. The method of communication could be changed according to the subjects
but there are no clear criteria on this.
for implementation of e-Office System in the future. Solution to handle the changed
environment is also needed.
Currently the biggest issue relating to the authorization in Addis Ababa is that
there is no management system for document tracking which can be used to
understand the flow of authorization. This is a serious problem for it takes long time
for the authorization and since there are no guideline(formal form of approval),
document may change every time it gets authorization. This is because of manual
offline authorization.
Another problem in manual authorization is the loss of document due to the lack
of management system for document tracking so that we can't keep track of the
flow of authorization. Especially when the person in charge of authorization is out of
office for long-term, document become more likely to be lost and the creator of that
document have to re-write the document.
Bookshelves that are used to store approved documents are also managed
manually and it takes long time to manage and use the documents. Searching,
obtaining, managing of information is not easy. For the list of document
management, it is written based on basic items.
Storage environment for the approved document is also inferior that the loss of
documents occurs frequently since humidity or temperature of the space is not
adequate for storage.
Physical space for increasing paper shall also be needed. In current system,
when the amount of authorized document becomes particular quantity, it is moved
to storage room.
It takes too much time for searching and obtaining the information needed for the
business performance under the current Library system.
There is no formulated form for the document which is being distributed internally
in Addis Ababa. For the document being sent or received between foreign
institutions, there is only a rough form. If the form of document is different between
institutions, the business performance process could be ineffective since reworking
of the document may be required for format modification. The lack of form also
makes problem in document management. Different formats in searching and using
of information make users confused and it is hard to personally manage them.
2.3.1. H/W
There is a main server facility in the City Hall building, and a backup server in a
separate building in Bole.
Personal computers
Every person in the City administration has a desktop or laptop PC. Some staff
even have both.
2.3.2. S/W
PC Operating Systems
Every PC uses MS Windows based operating system, and the version varies from
Windows XP to Windows 8.
Desktop Applications
All personal computers are using Microsoft Office (2007 and 2010).
E-mail System
Every staff has email accounts, but they are commercial email service such as
Yahoo Mail or Gmail..
2.3.3. N/W
City Hall
Every office is connected with fiber optics cable, but because of the limited
transmission speed from the telecommunication company, so far it doesn’t make big
difference from the conventional copper cable in terms of speed. Wi-Fi is installed
but doesn’t have any security means such as password. Some offices, including
Capacity Building Bureau, moved to a new building that doesn’t have high speed
internet, but will finish installment until end of year.
Woreda Office
Woredas in Addis Ababa are connected to a nationwide public high speed internet,
2.4. Organization
Addis Ababa organized the following Task Force for the F/S project. The TF is
composed of personnel from ICTDA which is in charge of the IT related works, but
as ICTDA is under the Capacity Building Bureau, it can play the role of making
overall improvement of the business process of Addis Ababa City Office.
3. SWOT analysis
3.1. Analysis on Internal Environment
Business Procedure
All tasks are processed with papers and completed documents are stored in the
folder and the folders in the storage box and storage book. Comments are noted
on blank spaces or back page of the documents.
Technical Stage
Lack of e-Office related system.
Analysis on policy
Lack of e-Office related system or strategy.
S1. Increasing necessity and will in strategy or policy on informatization of Addis
Ababa and Ethiopian leadership
W1. Lack of standard about system connection of Addis Ababa
W2. Lack of flexible cooperative system according to the change of the organization
W6. Lack of supporting function of gathering and deciding opinions for document
O1. Positive prospect for the business by advanced core infra of the Governmental
Institutions with the support from the City Government
O3. Opportunity for setting strategy made by modifying law/regulation and defining
T1. Lack of security system due to public use of connection and information
4. Benchmarking
4.1. Case of The Blue House (Korean Presidential Office)
4.1.1. Overview
The Blue House had needs of scientific management for records for low
productivity of administrative works, such as records and maintenance, based on
written documents and implemented e-Office system as a part of innovative policies
for national records management as a center of administrative works in government.
The e-Office system with special records management functions helped Korean
government accomplish transparent and highly reliable government by standards
for document and enhancing work effectiveness based on thorough records,
management, openness, and utilization.
Standards Management
- Standards for records management
- Classification table for working records
Record loss(notes, schedule, diary, individual work system, home page etc.) for
unclear rules of scope of records and acquisition
Abolition without approval and loss for unclear management of non-electronic
records and no automatic surveillance
Poor records arrangement for difficulty in checking creation records and
maintenance status
Hard to verify truthfulness of documents for unclear receiving method and
Hard to reflect change of classification table
Difficulty in opening information and public relations of policies in timely manner
for unclear standards for records open and no automatic surveillance
Self-storing or abolition of confidential records for unclear submission and
maintenance standards for confidential records
4.1.5. Results
The Blue House can create documents by standards of record management
from creation of records to utilization, and process the documents to transfer stage
in consistent manner by e-Office system. The administration that emphasized
4.2.1. Overview
In MND, since the Republic of Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army, Navy, Air Force,
and each subordinate organizations respectively had defense networks and the
networks were not connected, exchange of documents had been done by manual
methods. Also each armed forces within defense network had different electronic
approval systems so that it was hard to connect each other. Electronic documents
exchange system was established by interconnection of military information portal
system and revision of management rules. The system helped Korean military
become stronger by exchange of electronic documents among different
organizations including vessels in duty, remote posts, and small islands that had not
been connected to conventional defense network.
The following explains the effect after the introduction of e-Office System
It is available for troops in islands, remote areas, and navy vessels using the e-
Office System to provide quick decision making, and cooperation determination
4.2.5. Implications
The special e-document distribution lets low speed network in remote posts,
small islands, navy vessels and more in considering specific environments in
distribution documents, for it to be possible for document distribution in electronic
document distribution.
4.3.1. Background
In Seoul Metropolitan Government, implementation of “paperless” official
documents has been achieved using the e-Document System since 2001, but due
to the amendment of laws and regulations regarding the management of official
record and administrative work, a system reconstruction was required.
Required analysis for Addis Ababa users was done by surveys and interviews.
The content carried out was task of draft and approval, task among the dispatch
and reception of documents, task of document organizations, and below are some
of the analysis result.
a) With the current situation, for the user communication it provides inefficient
elements such as face-to-face talk, phone, paper documents and fax
b) Existing documents were done by manual works which cause longer lead time to
be processed. Especially the transmitting/receiving of documents takes a long
period of time.
c) There was no way to track and monitor the documents. The circumstance while
the authorization progress is difficult especially for the in process review report,
also the papers got lost relatively often.
e) Most Addis Ababa officials use PC to perform task of Email, internet search, and
word processing, which gives them a fine informational ability. Therefore, while
implementing e-Office System, the requests of the users should be thoroughly
c) The management for the paper documents that is being created continuously is
not clear, so expense for paper purchase and document storage space is
SWOT analysis was done not only with Addis Ababa but with Ethiopia
government’s ICT contents and it provided the following success elements.
a) Infra secured system is needed after the user’s connected documents. This is
because the document organization needs flexibility.
c) From now on, new technology affecting government environment and technology
environment is needed. Recently Web2.0 emerged and web technology are both
being developed and especially from the government branch the Open Source
usage is expanding. A review is needed with the new technology review with the
technology environment needed.
d) New business process with the new technology technique and process
refinement is needed. As the basic hand work has been changed to electronic
5.4. Benchmarking
Benchmarking Analyzing with e-Office System has been implemented for the
Blue House and Ministry of National defense. These systems were built and
managed 10 years ago with the e-Office System. The advanced example gave us
some important implications.
a) The determined will of the highest decision maker is essential. In Korea, the
President and the whole administration had a strong will for implementing
electronic government, and based on that will, all required standard about
government was made and information system appropriate for each departments
was implemented. The Korean e-Office System of course was spread in a quick
time and safe settlement was established.
b) e-Office System’s expansion and reliable expansion was needed. In Korea, the
e-Office System has been introduced and it took more than 10 years to manage
to expand by interlocking and connecting to the system. Therefore what is asked
in the e-Office System of Addis Ababa is that easy expansion for e-Office system
must be secured for interlocking and connection of diverse works and standards
about the information.
c) The data storage plan and backup plan is needed. As the paper documents
turned into electronic documents, the electronic documents number rose
tremendously. The consideration for this data storage and backup must be
1. Direction
The direction to build e-Office System implementation is based on ICT environment
and the implication of technical analysis. Each part of major issues to comprise e-Office
System target model materialize details to build e-Office System target system finally.
These charts are major issues based on ICT environment and the implication of
technical analysis.
The following issues that follows the important e-Office System for the target model
are as follows.
The picture is the Vision of government standard through building e-Office System in
Addis Ababa government invents a standard e-Office System and installs it at each
institution as a building plan of Addis Ababa electronic government. Addis Ababa’s
standard e-Office System provides a Groupware System and an Approval System to
change manual administration system to electronic administration system. Using by a
cooperation function, each government institution may secure information transmission
rate and cooperation system, and may manage Life Cycle such as deadline of data,
approval, data formation, and distribution electronically using by Approval System.
Document circulation with other institutions doesn’t depend on post or a person. Using
electronic document circulation server, the efficiency of administration between
institutions maximizes. The paper documents and electronic documents which have to
be preserved in the long term move to City Archives to complete the city information
management system. The efficiency through Vision may be summarized as follows.
Smooth communication
- Document information is recycled and shared through fast and quick search.
Paperless Office
- A more comfortable office environment is created by saving document storage
- Unnecessary documents are controlled not to increase.
Cost reduction
- Automated document tracking eliminates the risk of document loss and allows
missing document to be easily tracked.
- Automated document processing reduces the expenses incurred from producing
paper documents and receiving/sending documents.
- Document storage and management costs are reduced.
2.2. Strategy
2.1 Vision is aimed at all government institutions and it considers expansion and
management. It’s necessary to make a plan for each part to achieve its vision. Basically,
test-operating and expansion system are stable strategy, therefore, we suggest a
strategy of test-operating and expansion system. The strategies are Organizational unit
and strategy, Establishing system strategy, Service strategy, System management
strategy and Education training strategy.
AddisAbaba for
e-Office System
LAW Team Archive Team ICT Team
LAW Team
The major role of Law Team is amending legal regulation which is related to e-Office
System. This includes amending legal regulation to performing works for electronic
documents, electronic signature, and document circulation.
Administration Team
Archives Team
The major role of Archives Team is establishing the standardization of electronic
document preservation including paper document. The team may make guidelines to
preserve data and establish the standardization for storage and disposal.
ICT Team
ICT Team invents, installs, educates, and preserves the system which is defined by
Administration and Archives Teams.
Establishing system strategy is that a document manager involves in the first stage of
development to establish system which is mainly for users. Also, adopting the solution
which has many international experiences to customize for Ethiopia’s environment.
Analysis/design stage
On analysis/design stage, involving a document manager in, but selecting a system
which has a great international result to compare with Ethiopia’s document management
situation. Therefore, it adopts The Best Practice from advanced examples and reflects
Ethiopia’s situation. Also, implementing the standardization of document management
and preparing changed agendas to train users.
Development stage
On this development stage, introducing actual solution which has actual manage
experiences to customize according to Ethiopia’s environment. This is for securing The
Best Practice of advanced example, adopting the newest technique and minimizing
error on development stage.
Testing strategy
On strategy of test-operating, there are function test, integrated test, and
performance test. Comprising user group for function test to check reflection of the
claims postulated of users. If other systems are connected, integrated test may include
connection test, and it implements scenario-centric system. Performance test is testing
an efficiency of server. Using by performance test tool to test objectively.
For education training strategy, is implements manager education training and users
training separately. Especially, manager education trains how to manage system stably
including error measure and backup system step. User education trains including online
manual and video manual to maximize education efficiency.
Although the system is established, it needs each part of verification for opening
stable system. This considers the expansion of main work’s stage and the expansion of
user’s stage. Therefore, assigning several departments to implement assigned work to
minimize error and user efficiency for security. To manage expansion work, expands
assigned works to the whole works and expands user after.
Strategy of test-operating
On strategy of test-operating stage, object work and group have to be selected.
Expanding object work and eliminating problem on function and management together
to verify the whole object work. If it’s not possible to verify, makes multiple test-operating
departments to verify the whole object work.
Diffusion system
Diffusion system implements after education training user. Operates Help Desk for
user to response error and question quickly. Therefore, Help Desk can be divided into
two parts which are education part to response user’s error and maintenance part to
response system error. Besides Help Desk and telephone call education, responses well
using by various communication system such as manual, video, and FAQ. For
maintenance part, it establishes a group and steps for complement, test and reflection
cycle to response error quickly.
3. Scope of Development
The target development objective would be e-Office System directive to the
establishment. The next shows the e-Office System model goal of the improved task
and connection.
The improving task above included a task of e-Office System and document
distribution system, the following report of Addis Ababa shows the e-Office System
shows a construction reasonable for the e-Office System
4. System Architecture
E-Office System Architecture Direction is shown as it follows.
Business Architecture of e-Office System is made based on the analysis from the
research about Addis Ababa and from best practices. Business analysis was made from
the view point of documents handling, the following model is established
In the phase of creating a document for approval, approval process is composed of the
following organization and process.
Authorized documents are discarded according to keeping period that is set for each
document, and is composed of the following organization and process.
Data Architecture is a diagram of the data structure in the e-Office System. Basically,
the e-Office System operates based on organization data and user data. Each
organization has each document folder and each document folder can have
documents. Also each document can have an approval list which is connected with the
user data. Each document is then mapped with the format information.
[Table 23] Department Table
Attribute Properties
Department ID Department Innate Number
Department Name Department Name
Top Department ID Top Department’s ID
Turn Same High Rank Department of my turn Department
Represent Department 0 - Normal Department
certainty 1 - Represent Department
0 – No Mailbox
Mailbox possessing
1 – Have Mailbox
0 – No Document
Document possessing
1 – Have Document
Department Abbreviation Department Abbreviation
Department Code Department Code
National Code National Code
Department Fax Number Department Fax Number
Homepage Address Department Homepage Address
Email Address Department Email Address
Main Number Department Main Number
Zipcode Department Zipcode
Address Department Address
Department Introduction Department Introduction
[Table 24] User Table
Attribute Properties
User ID User inherent ID(Automatic number)
Department ID Afflicted Department ID
User Name User Name
Approval number Approval user number
Absence certainty 0 – not Absence, 1 – Absence
Gender M – Male, F – Female
Certainty of the manager receiving 0 – normal user , 1 – receiving manager
Security Level Self Security Level
Number Department user number
Concurrent certainity 0 – not concurrent , 1 – concurrent
Login Password User Login Password
Byname User byname
email Address email Address
Homepage Address Homepage Address
HouseZipcode House Zipcode
HouseAddress House Address
House phone number House phone number
House fax number House fax number
Mobile phone number Mobile phone number
Beeper Number Beeper Number
Photograph name Road of the photograph name
Wedding anniversary YYYYMMdd
Year Month Birthday YYYYMMdd
Business responsible Description of business responsible
Employee Employee Number
[Table 25] Form Table
Attribute Properties
[Table 26] Folder Table
Attribute Properties
Folder ID Folder ID
Process Chart ID Process Chart ID
Folder Name Folder Name
Folder Description
Folder Description
Personnel ID ID of person in charge
Keeping Period 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, semi-permanent, permanent
1 : High
Expected reading
2 : Low
3 : Medium (Default)
[Table 27] Document Table
Attribute Properties
Approval ID Approval document ID
Registration Number Document Registration Number
Title Approval Document Title
Keeping Period 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, semi-permanent,
Document Security Level Security level of the document
Open selection 1 : Open
2 : Partial open
3 : Confidential
Format ID ID of the format
Draft Date Date when the document was drafted
Draft ID ID of the person that made draft
Urgency 0 : Normal
1 : Urgent(Notified as Urgent on document. Applied in Notify)
Secrecy 0 : Normal
1 : Secret document
Secret document needs password to open
Attachment 0 : No attachment
1 : Attachment exists
External Document Classification when registering external document
0 : normal document
1 : document body exists
2 : only the title is registered
Storage ID ID created when stored after approval
Approval completion date Date of completion of approval
Approval Status One of the following: draft, absence, waiting, complete, and
Final approver ID ID of the final approver
Return date Final approval and return date
Registration Division 1 : E- Document creation/Sent
2 : Normal document submission
3 : Drawing creation/sent
4 : Drawing submission
5 : Photo film yype
6 : Audio/Video record
7 : Card creation/submission
8 : Card transfer/sent
Approval Line
[Table 28] Approval Line
Attribute Properties
Approval ID Approval ID
[Table 29] Portal Functions
[Table 30] Collaboration Functions
Key functions Description
・ Write post to several boards concurrently
Write post
・ Send original post as body of text or attachment of e-mail
・ Configure boards at multiple levels
・ Set up member authority per board (Read title, Read body of
text, Write post, etc.) to allow several organizations to use the same
groupware without mutual interface and interface boards among
multiple groups as necessary
・ Create and utilize boards (team board) for specific organization,
View post
department or project team
・ Search all boards or some sub-boards at choice by specific
condition (postdate, number of hits, recent/unchecked posts, etc.)
Board ・ Ensure quick and accurate search returns by a variety of
conditions without using separate commercially available search
・ Support posting reservation, emergency posting, secure posting
(designate access authority), anonymous posting, posting for
circulation (comment collection possible)
・ Set up board attributes such as posting template, validity term
Manage (posting expiration date), disclosure/non-disclosure, reminder/secret
board and community, etc.
・ Designate manager per board (in case of board for community
or department)
・ Allow manager to register, edit, delete default posting template
at choice
・ Default search (by mail box, sender, title, date, read (Y/N), etc.)
・ Sort mail list (in ascending/descending order, by date or read
(Y/N), etc.)
・ Save original copy of internal/external Web mail or multiple
mails from mail list at a time
The number of users affects hardware specifications. The table below is based on
200 users in Addis Ababa
Software specification is also based on the assumption of 200 users
5. Implementation Schedule
Implementation Schedule is to show the overall schedule for developing the target
system. In order to successfully build the E-Office System, not only we need to
develop the target system, but also need to revise law/system and standardize
document management as noted in the range of development of V.3. Therefore, in the
implementation schedule, we redefine goals and propose the overall schedule.
6. Implementation Organization
[Table 35] Implementation Organization
Name of
Main function memo
Responsible for providing leadership on all administrative issues
related to the project. He/She will be stationed in Ethiopia and will
monitor and evaluate progress of all project tasks and provide Full time
directions for timely completion. participation
Responsible for quality control of each document created by the project
QA project team. He/She will examine all documents in each phase and
report the results regarding quality to the project manager
7. Training Plan
Given the specific needs of overseas project, training team will be organized along
with actual project team members. In addition, technical support organization will
provide remote support to the project team to facilitate training programs.
[Table 36] Training Classification
Classification Description
・ e-Office System
Solution training ・ Delivery System
・ Record Management System
Technology Transfer
[Table 37] Technology Transfer
Classification Description
Participation of hands-on Spontaneous technology transfer via project implementation
staff in project Internalize project management techniques
Technology transfer by
Technology transfer via hands-on training programs
Head office organizations to provide technical advice
Technical advice and data
Provide materials on best practices and e-Government/ICT trends
Following the completion of the project, e-office solution provider will help the
customer stabilize the system as early as possible, harnessing its experience in
numerous system implementation and maintenance projects as follows.
8.1. Hot-Line
A standard visit will be Monday to Friday, and unless the visit is due to system failure,
USD500 per day will be charged after exceeding five days.
8.4. Option
In case of visits for maintenance per request other than regular visits, airfare and
accommodation will be charged at cost. Maintenance and repair cost will be charged
USD500 a day, including the day of departure and return
When database or database column is added for system improvements, additional
fee according separate quotation will be charged .
V. Economic Analysis
On this page, investment costs shall be estimated to fully propel the business to give
great efficiency on administration by automating document management of the Addis
Ababa City Government. Major propulsions are demonstrations of building e-office
system in Addis Ababa City Office and its sub-cities, building document distribution
system for distributing electronic document between Governmental Institutions and
document management system managing the whole city document.
2. Cost Breakdown
These are the total costs details divided by propulsions and items.
Each expense spent on hardware, software and personnel by each propulsion and
total costs are as in the following:
nt system system
document in 3 Y+3 6M 6 18 6 - 165,600
Subtotal 353,160
Total 1,297,800
2.5. Required Cost by Year
EDCF is the aid fund of the Korean Government, which founded in 1987 to support
developing countries and contribute to the global community as required of its global
3.1.1. Procedures
EDCF throws funds according to 5 stages; review and preparation on project, test,
decision, performance and evaluation.
Step Explanation
The Export-Import Bank determines whether the applicant’s
country is eligible to receive the tied aid pursuant to the OECD
Preliminary review guidelines, and whether there is a risk of default. It also reviews
feasibility of the project and whether the project is for
commercial purposes.
The bank collects data first through researches on literature.
Then, it sends the project questionnaire and legal questionnaire
Data Gathering
to the beneficiary country as well as the agency in charge to
gather further information.
The bank sends to the beneficiary country a delegation
Field Research consisting of experts including, if necessary, lawyers to conduct
a field investigation.
The bank prepares a report considering all the data gathered
Final Report through application, feasibility reports, questionnaires and
Based on the final report, the Ministry of Finance and Economy
Approval determines whether to grant aid, and, if so, how much to
support on what conditions.
African countries, and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF), set up in 1976 by the Federal
Government of Nigeria.
The overarching objective of the African Development Bank (AFDB) Group is to spur
sustainable economic development and social progress in its regional member countries
(RMCs), thus contributing to poverty reduction.
3.2.1. Procedures
AFDB throws funds according to 5 stages; review and preparation on project, test,
decision, performance and evaluation.
- After the project facilities and technical assistance activities are completed,
ADB prepares a project completion report (PCR) or technical assistance
completion report to document the implementation experience. These
reports are prepared within 12 - 24 months of the completion of the project.
4. Estimated Benefit
4.1. Poll
12 officials from 4 agencies/offices answered to the questionnaire, and the result and
expected effect after implementing e-office is as follows.
We made quantitative measuring tool for decrease in expense and business hours
and calculated the output using the results from interviews and surveys. Assuming that a
public officer of Ethiopia get average $300 a month, work 22 days a month and 8 hours
a day. Inflation rate and wage rate shall not be considered.
These are the advantages that can hardly be quantitatively calculated in the aspect of
efficiency in business and customer service.
5. Economic Analysis
Standard for the analysis according to the propulsion shall be 5 years. 12% social
rate of discount shall be the discount rate to decide the validity of common investment.
Analysis on net present value, benefit costs ratio and internal rate of return shall be
The result is: Net present value is over 0, benefit costs ratio is over 1 and internal
rate of return is bigger than social rate of discount. Accordingly, economical value is
Estimate the yearly profit with the investment costs by each year according to the
schedule of propulsions and direct advantage by each year of major propulsion and
apply social discount rate (12%). Convert it with present value and calculate Net Present
Previously calculated investment costs, profit from yearly direct advantage and Net
Present Value of present value of profit are as in the following. $542,767 is Net Present
Value of the business which is the total of present value of yearly profit. Accordingly,
NPV is over 0 and it is judged economical.
Total of present value of yearly induced investment costs is $4,254,817 and total present
value of advantage is $4,790,247 so Benefit Costs Ratio is estimated 1.13. Details are
as in the following. Accordingly, as Benefit Costs Ratio(1.13) is over 1, that it is judged to
be economical.
Internal rate of return is the discount rate that the present value of total advantage and
total investment costs become as same of follow-up propulsion. The calculating formula
is as in the following:
Internal Rate of Return(IRR) : ∑𝑛𝑛𝑡𝑡=0 (1+𝑟𝑟)
𝑡𝑡 =
∑𝑛𝑛𝑡𝑡=0 𝑡𝑡 𝑡𝑡
Here, 𝐵𝐵𝑡𝑡 is present value of advantage, 𝐶𝐶𝑡𝑡 is present value of investment costs, r
means social discount rate, t means time of analysis and calculated internal rate of
return is 27.9%. Accordingly, 27.9% of internal rate of return is bigger than 12% social
discount rate and so that it is judged for economical.
These are the potential risk elements that are to be solved to fully accomplish the
business with details. They are divided into 3 sections: in the aspect of customer,
technology and business propulsion
To keep continuous relationship with people in charge of Ethiopia and Addis Ababa
- Ask for budget or performance planning
- Ask for internal propulsion process of Ethiopia and Addis Ababa city
- Educate continuous use of the system and Regularly provide related information
- Use the system in other Governmental institutions in Ethiopia and expand the
business with the promotion effects
Disseminating the usage of the system to surrounding nations and its promotion
- Get the chance of expanding the business or starting the new one by presenting
and introducing the usage of the system in Ethiopia Addis Ababa city in various
conferences such as KOAFEC Conference, IT Service Conference.
Continual financing planning for the follow-up propulsion
- Apply to International Organizations such as EDCF, World Bank, AfDB for the
result of Feasibility Study to propel the follow-up project propulsion