Flash Arghhhhh! PocketMod A4

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Introduction Good: investigator.

will use the "Prone" to get the character into

trouble. It's a fallibility.
Doing Things
In Flash ARGHHHHH! you will play the part Alexis Zarkov: (Professor) For instance Flash has "Prone to adventure." This game is "rules light", meaning that your
of Flash Gordon and his friends as they battle Prone: to flattery. If he sees something adventuresome, such as a characters can do lots of things without having
the evil Ming the Merciless! Good: at inventing. fight, a mysterious cave, or an unclimbed to resort to the traditional Role Playing game
This game is inspired by the 1936 black and mountain he has to get involved, and this gets technique of rolling dice to accomplish things.
white cliff hanger series starring Buster Crabbe. If you have more than three players then him into all sorts of scrapes. Even before you've Instead, your characters are able to do pretty
You can download the series from the Internet Archive . you'll need to invent a new character. These cleared up the last adventure, the Flash player much anything they want. This game is all about
The structure of the game follows the classic characters are always an ally to Flash and his can drag everyone into a new disaster using his telling a fun adventurous story, so if you think it
cliff-hanger formula, meaning your play session friends. Allies should be exotic, possibly coming Prone! is fun for your character to knock out seven bad
will end with a hero perched on the very edge of from Ming's home planet of Mongo. Mongo has When coming up with your own "Prone" guys with his fists, then he does it. Likewise if
destruction! The next session will pick up where all kinds of peoples; Lion-Men, Winged-Men, consider how it could be used to get the you think it's fun for him to be overpowered by
the last one left off, and the adventure continues Robotic-Men, Ice-Men, Lizard-men etc. In the character into scrapes, the more scrapes, the two sickly waifs, go for it. Tell the story you
until they reach the next cliff hanger! original serials Buster would often find a friend better, it'll give you more problems to solve. want.
in the most unexpected locations. Once you've However! The players at your table can call
Characters decided on the type of character you must come Good for a die roll, if they think you've gone too far, or
up with a "Prone" and a "Good" for the A characters "Good", describes what the not far enough. For instance if Flash takes out a
Three pre-generated characters are supplied nine dudes with his fists, the other players might
character. Then all you need is a good space- character is good at doing, their speciality in the
for you to play with. Each character has both a think you've gone too far. At this point they can
age name, and a wacky hat for them to wear stories. You should make use of it when telling
"Prone" and "Good" attribute. call for a die roll. Roll a standard six sided die,
(seriously, wacky hat is required, watch the the stories to highlight your character.
Flash Gordon: (Polo player) series if you don't believe me!) A Good can be interpreted in any way you and consult the following table.
want. For instance, Dale is good at 1: Failed, and went really wrong.
Prone: to adventure. Prone investigating; you can interpret that as being 2-3: The character failed at the task.
Good: in a fight.
A characters "Prone", is a liability of the able to hunt through files, spot hidden doors or 4-5: The character succeeded.
Dale Arden: (Reporter) character. During play as the story is told you even getting the villain to monologue his plot! 6: Success! But introduce a twist!
Prone: to being captured.

after him "Flash! " Then frustrated, "Arghhhhh!"

cave and in he charged. Dale and Zharkov called village or enslave a race, you decide!
attack, Flash did it again. He saw an interesting this story. Does Ming kidnap someone, attack a
to this during each scene as play progresses.
Ming's Lieutenant and stopped the poison gas the episode goal, and tell the opening scene of
details ahead of time. Let everyone add details
Just when they'd escaped the Ice Giants, killed this episode. Chat together and come up with
bring out during play. Be sure NOT to plan the
their characters embroiled in the new story for
how. The details of that plan are up to you to
create an EPS (extreme peril situation)! In this scene the players should work to get
Now you know what Ming is trying to do and
climactic end for the session. Don't be afraid to The Hook 6: Controlling a giant Monster.
Work together to produce an exciting
their characters out of trouble. 5: Using an evil ally
rocket fuel and they're plunging into the sun!
the most exciting way they can think of to get 4: Highly placed spies
Perhaps the rocket ship they're in runs out of
During this scene the players come up with 3: Using a super-weapon
captured by Ming or one of his minions.
session gets re-written! 2: Mounting an invasion
a most perilous situation. Perhaps they're
in the nick of time or the ending of the previous 1: Spreading a plague
players characters needs to find themselves in
episode they do get out of it. Help often arrives is trying to accomplish his goal:-
implement a characters "Prone". One of the
peril with no way of getting out of it. In the next Now roll a second die to determine how Ming
This scene is a great opportunity to
hanger where one of the heroes was in terrible 4-6: Ming is trying to conquer the Earth.
The Cliff The classic serials always ended with a cliff- 1-3: Ming is trying to destroy the Earth
add additional "Drive" scenes. If it's your first game, skip this scene. consulting this table:-
escapes. If you have enough ideas, you can The Cheat drive the series. Start by rolling a die and
enemies, destroy death rays and make lucky that series you need to create a plot that will
Mongo, battle the enemy hordes, defeat minor structure of an episode of the classic serial. like that 1936 adventure series. But to create
battling the evil villains, they fly from Earth to into a number of scenes, these reflect the ARGHHHHH!" you are recreating something
In this scene the characters rush to and fro Each session of the game is broken down Each time you sit down to play "FLASH
The Drive Structure of a Session Getting Started

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