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1 Choose the correct answer.

1. If Heather feels better later, she would meet / will meet us at the cinema.
2. Dan will move into his new flat as soon as he signs / will sign the contract.
3. I won’t call / wouldn’t call unless I need your help.
4. If you could meet any film star, who will it be / would it be?
5. I would buy a big house if I were / am rich.
6. When I would go / go to university, I won’t forget my friends at home.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. As soon as we get to the theme park, we ................................………… (go) on the roller-coaster.
2. If the service were better, this ................................………… (be) a fabulous restaurant.
3. Unless you ................................………… (give) me directions, I won’t know how to get to your house.
4. If they weren’t good at maths, they ................................………… (not be able to) give private lessons.
5. When I ................................………… (see) Bill, I’ll tell him about your new job.
6. If I ................................………… (can afford) to go to Australia, I would go there.

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the third conditional.
1. I didn’t have a good time at the club. I probably ......................………… (enjoy) myself more if I ............................... (dance).
2. Shari got her driving licence today. If she ............... (not have) such a good teacher, she ........................ (not pass) the test.
3. I missed my favourite TV programme tonight. I ................……… (watch) it if my homework ..........……… (not take) so long.
4. If you ……………..............................(pay) attention in class, you …………………………….… (know) what the teacher said.
5. Thomas ......................................………… (tell) us if he .....................................………… (break up) with Lindsey.

4 Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets. Use the first, second or third conditional or a time clause.

Ann:You’re really late!

Joe:I know, but it’s not my fault. I 1. ................................………… (not be) late if my dad’s car 2. ..................…………
(not break down). It seems to have a different problem every week. If he 3. ................................………… (take)
better care of his car, it 4. ................................………… (not break down) so much. If I 5. .............................…………
(be) him, I 6. ................................………… (get) a new car. Anyway, did I miss much in maths and history?
Ann:Not too much. As soon as this lesson ends, I 7. ...............................………… (give) you my notebook so you can
copy my notes.
Joe:Thanks. I don’t know what I 8. ................................………… (do) without you!
Ann:If I 9. ................................………… (not be) around, I’m sure you 10. ................................………… (find)
someone else to help you out!
Ms Larsen:Ann, Joe, please be quiet! Unless you 11. ................................………… (stop) talking, I 12. ........…………
(ask) you to leave the classroom!

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the first conditional, second conditional or a time clause.
not contact ■ invite ■ call ■ be
1. If I could cook better, I .................................................... you all to dinner.
2. As soon as Robert gets to the station, he ........................................................... us.
3. They ............................................. me again unless they need more information.
4. If you could buy anything you wanted, what .................................. it .................................. ?

6 Arrange the words in the correct order to write sentences that logically follow the original sentence. Use the first
conditional, second conditional or a time clause. There may be more than one possible answer.
1. I’ve been looking for a pair of purple trainers. find / I / a / buy / as soon as / I / pair / them /.
2. Let’s make sure that the film has got English subtitles. subtitles / we / English / there / be / not understand / it / unless / .
3. I haven’t been to the library yet. science-fiction / when / I / there / I / get / go / two / books / .
4. I can’t afford my own flat. afford / I / can / my / flat / I / will / live / if / own / alone / .
7 Write sentences that logically follow the original sentence. Use the words in brackets. Use the third conditional.
There may be more than one possible answer.
1. John slept past eight o’clock this morning. (oversleep / set alarm)
2. Fiona earned a lot of money last summer. (have a good job / earn so much)
3. I got to the airport late. (be on time / be stuck in a traffic jam)

8 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the first, second or third conditional or a
time clause.
Linda: How do you feel?
Allan: Terrible! I think I should have taken your advice. This infection 1. .................................. (not get) so bad
if I 2. ................................... (go) to the doctor a few days ago.
Linda: Well, if you 3. .................................. (not be) so stubborn, you 4. .................................. (listen) to other people once
in a while! Did the doctor give you any medicine?
Allan: Yes. I’m sure that as soon as it begins to work, I 5. .................................. (feel) better.
Linda: If I 6. ................................... (be) you, I 7. .................................. also .................................. (drink)
a lot of tea.
Allan: I’ll do that. Did I miss anything important at school today?
Linda: Not too much; here are my notes from English.
Allan: Thanks. I’ll look at them later. I don’t know what I 8. .................................. (do) without you!
Linda: Remember when I was ill for a week last year? If you 9. .................................. (not visit) me and
10. .................................. (bring) me the homework, I 11. .................................. (fall) behind in my schoolwork.
Allan: Well, thank you again. I’m suddenly feeling tired.
Linda: I’d better leave. Unless you 12. .................................. (get) some rest, you 13. .................................. (not recover)

9 Rewrite each sentence using a first, second or third conditional sentence so that it has got a similar meaning to
the original sentence. Use the words in brackets and make any other necessary changes.
There may be more than one possible answer.
1. I think you should apply for a job at Computer Land. (be you)
2. I gained weight because I ate too many sweets. (not eat)
3. Lisa is worried because her grandmother is ill. (not ill)
4. Unless Jason arrives in the next five minutes, he’ll miss the beginning of the film. (not miss)
5. I didn’t want a salad, so I didn’t order one. (want)

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