Marketing and Finance

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Anggota Kelompok:
Lilis Eka Dewi Saputri (2088203033)

Nona Lisma Dely (2088203008)

Dosen Pengampu: Syaifullah, S.pd M.pd





Praise and gratitude we say the presence of Allah SWT for all His mercy so that this paper can
be compiled to completion. We do not forget to say thank you for the help from those who have
contributed by contributing both thoughts and materials.

The author hopes that this paper can add knowledge and experience to readers. In fact, we hope
that this paper can be practiced by readers in everyday life.

For us as authors, we feel that there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper
due to our limited knowledge and experience. For this reason, we sincerely hope for constructive
criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.


Chapter I……………………………………………………..


1.1 Background of the paper………......................................

1.2 Problem formulation……………………………………..

Chapter II…………………………………………………….


Chapter III……………………………………………………



1.1 Background of the paper

Marketing is a process where buying and selling transactions can be carried out
in marketing it is not only products that must be considered but also with packaging,
branding, appearance, color and also others so that they can be attractive in the world of trade
Marketing strategy is one way to introduce products to consumers, and this is important
because it will related to the profit to be achieved by the strategic company Marketing will be
optimally useful if it is supported by proper planning structured both in terms of internal and
external company.
In marketing science, before doing various kinds of promotions or other marketing
approaches, companies must first clearly target the market or segment. Most business failures
that occur due to the company's failure to define a market that target and what its potential.
With the large number of consumers and diversity of purchase intentions causes companies
to be unable to entering all market segments, companies must be able to identify market
segments that can be served most effectively, namely by segmentation research.

1.2 Problem formulation

1.what is marketing?
2.what are the types of marketing?
3. What is advertising
4. What are the Types of Ads?
5. What is the function of advertising?
6. what does finance mean?
7. What's venture capital?
8. what is the purpose of venture capital financing?
9. what is the function of bonds?
10. what are the benefits of bonds?
11. What Are Stock?

12. What Are Shares?

13. What’s The Difference Between Shares And Stocks?

14. What Is a Take over?


A. marketing
Marketing definition

Marketing is a process that introduces products or services to be known to the public. Marketing
also means the marketing process of products or services, from strategy-making to what the
consumer feels.

The development of the business world made marketing a booming process. One evidence of
this development is the emergence of an online marketing approach that could be interpreted as
an introduction of products or services via the Internet. Marketing used to be limited to physical
forms such as billboards, pamphlets, to banners. But now it's advertising in the digital world, as
in social media, online advertising, etc.

"Marketing types
1. seo

Search engine optimization or seo is the most popular type of marketing today. This process
USES an optimistic web site for products or services to appear in search engines such as Google.
By using seo, the owner of a product or service can target and analyze the buyer specifically. For
example, those between the ages of 18 and 25 or those who live in a certain city.

2. shem

Search engine marketing known as shem's abbreviation. Shem set out to make products or
services that were offered appear in the first place on the search engine. Moreover, it can
maximize the arrival of potential buyers using the method of pay per click.

3. Social media

Social media also has a popularity similar to seo's. But in social media, products or services
offered will not be easy to find potential buyers. It's because every social media has different
segments and market targets.
4. video

The kind of marketing video changes over time. If a marketing video was used only to lure
potential buyers, it can now be used to maintain customer loyalty. One example is that of making
a series of short films or television sets.

5. Blogs and print media

Another type of marketing is blogs and print media. Through this type, product or services
owners can market products through banner and writing (when using blogs) and ads (when using
printing media).

Apart from the above, there are many types of marketing. Starting with ad-lips developed by
radio channels or the free trial, offering free products with specific probational periods.

1. Product marketing

First of all, we'll discuss what product marketing is.

By definition, drift points out that product product is a product marketing process to consumers,
in the hope that they will make the purchase.

The product may be an item or application developed by a company.

In practice, product marketing is a combination of sales, CRM (customer management), and also
product development itself.

Product development, of course, is a major focus in developing the product at best.

Sales focus on the sale of a product, while the CRM focus is on channeling existing products
keeping its sustainability as strong as possible.

Well, product marketing is a combination of all three aspects.

The marketers in it are responsible to make sure that marketers match the desired market, so it is
not only bought but also used.

4 the main pillar

There are four main pillars in what is now a mandatory product product product, so that the
marketing of the product is optimal and product accordingly.

1. Market research

The first pillar is the market research product product itself.

The chapter, without extensive market research, will be difficult for you to decide which market
segment to go to, how to reach them, and so on.

The main variable in this market research is the subject of the product, who it goes for, who it
looks like will use it.

2. Specify market criteria

After doing market research, another important stage in product marketing is to determine
specific consumer criteria.

Here we find out who our market is and also how we can deliver them a necessary product and
get what they want.

3. Determining product

Next, it is to create a product characteristic based on consumer characteristics already found at

the previous stage.

It can also be known as a product product, the focus rests on the consumer itself.

What are the limits?

Key message wanted to be delivered

* the delivery of the messages

* which channel should be used (traditional, social media, and others)

* go to market

Bottom line, forming a product product will help product marketers to shape product
characteristics based on existing consumers.

4. Product and market fit analysisAsa`

At this stage, product marketer will go out into the field and analyze whether the previous three
steps are measured or not.

When the time is right, there will be a specific synchronization between product and market.

That is, the consumer has accepted the products that are marketed and is happy to use them.
2. advertising
Advertising is one kind of effective promotion. Advertising or advertising is an important form
of marketing to advertise a product, service, or idea. Advertising is an ever-present promotion,
even though people may not realize it. Advertising is a medium of communication that is paid
for by those who send it and are intended to inform or influence people who receive it.
Advertising means making public announcements about items or services that are sold, being put
on the media (such as newspapers and magazines) or in public places.

Today advertising USES all kinds of media to advertising its message. Advertising is a common
promotion that is widely seen in television, radio, press, the Internet, anywhere. Advertising is an
industry that can continue to exist dynamic.

Advertising is a marketing sort that's different than anything else, because it pays. This makes
advertisers have complete control over content and the message. That is why advertising is a
guaranteed method of reaching audiences.

The advertising purpose is to attract new customers and to reach them with an effective
advertising campaign.

Types of advertising

1. Print ads

Advertising is advertising that appears in print media such as magazines, newspapers, posters, or
advertising. To this day print advertising remains an effective way to introduce a product or

2. ballyhoo

Great ballyhoos have been found towering in cities all over the world. Billboards or billboards
can be advertising a static product or move for almost anything.

3. Television advertisements

In television advertising is the most popular way to show products to people for more than 50
years. Its appeal has only decreased slightly since digital and cellular marketing became popular.
However, this type of advertising is still effective as advertising media.

4. Radio ads

Radio ads, though audio, without images to be attached, are still very effective. There were two
distinct audiences: older audiences and those who listened to the radio during their work trips. To
make a advertising that short and to the point would keep a listener interested.
Advertising function

1. Promoting products

Making advertising is a very important first step in the product's life cycle. Advertising serves to
deliver products for the prospective consumer. Advertising can also be a good way to introduce a
company or a brand name to an audience.


Ads make consumers aware of a new brand or product, educate them about the various features
and benefits of the product, and facilitate the creation of a positive brand image. Advertising also
facilitates the introduction of new products.

2. Appealing to audiences

One of the hallmarks of advertising is the absence of a persuasive message. The main purpose of
advertising is to persuade customers to try the advertised products and services.

3. reminder

Advertising keeps the brand brand fresh in consumer memory. Effective advertising also
increases consumers toward established brands and purchases a brand they may not choose.

Meeting 5

The definition of finance is money management and the process of acquiring needed funds.
Finance also includes the supervision, creation, and study of money, banking, credit, investment,
assets, and obligations that make up the financial system.

Many basic financial concepts are based on micro and macroeconomic theories. One of the most
basic theories is the time value of money, which states that a dollar currently is worth more than
a dollar in the future.

Financial activities remain as long as there are transactions (money in and out) of individuals,
businesses, and governments. As they strive to reach their economic goals. Say from the
individual's side, they sell products, buy stocks, start loans, and save money.

From the company's side, such activities include the sale of stocks and the payment of debts.
From the government's side, the government administration's financial activities include tax
paying to its citizens (taxpayers) and providing credit for businesses.
1. banking

Banking and finance will consider the business of finance, especially for the banking sector.
Generally, it studies banking operations in all banking sectors.

Banking is one of the activities that make transactions, payments, and other transactions through
the Internet.

It is a banking activity that USES Internet technology as a medium to deal with and obtain other
information through the bank's website. This activity USES the Internet asa middleman or link
between customers and the bank without having to visit the bank's office. Customers may use
desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone devices that are connected to the Internet network as links
between the customers and the bank system.

2. Venture capital.
Venture capital definition.

What's venture capital?

Venture capital or venture capital isa private equity and one of the types of financing that
investors provide to start-up companies and small businesses that are believed to have long-term
growth potential. Venture capital comes primarily from wealthy investors, investment Banks,
and other financial institutions. However, it is not always monetary; Can also be given in the
form of technical or managerial expertise. Venture capital is usually allocated to small
companies with overwhelming potential for growth, or to fast-growing companies that seem
ready to continue growing.

Venture capital's basic principle.

In venture capital agreements (subsequently called venture capital), most of the firm's holdings
are made and sold to some investors through limited independent partnerships founded by
venture capital. Sometimes it consists of the accumulation of similar companies. However, one
important difference between venture capital and other private equity agreements is that venture
capital tends to focus on new firms seeking large funds for the first time, while private equity
tends to fund larger, more secure firms seeking equity inputs or opportunities for co-founders to
divert part of their holdings.
Venture capital

The first step for any business seeking venture capital is to advance a business plan, either to a
venture capital firm or to an angel investor. If attracted by the proposal, then companies or
investors would have to do the final test, which would include comprehensive research, among
other things, the company's business model, products, management, and operational history.

As venture capital tends to invest larger amounts of dollars in fewer companies, this background
research is vital. Many venture capital professionals have previous investment experience, often
as equity research analysts; Others have master's degree in business administration (mba).
Venture capital professionals also tend to concentrate in certain industries. A venture capitalist
who specializes in health care, for example, may have had prior experience as an analyst in the
health-care industry.

A. venture capital financing purposes

Helping finance a company that is struggling with financing its development, especially in its
early stages. Helping companies both at the stage of development of a product and in the stage of
a regression.

B. characteristics
A key characteristic of venture capital is its financing in the form of equity financing with a
specified time frame. In addition, its absorption of capital, which, in turn, can be modified into a
semi equity financing.

C. source
Venture capital sources are channeled from companies or individuals who would like to invest
in assets such as stocks and land for profit. The fund includes Banks, pension and mutual funds.

D. financing
Kind of venture capital financing

Equity financing - venture capital firms take part of the total stake that is held by business
partners. Semi equity financing - venture capital firms buy conversion bonds issued by business


In general, the meaning of bonds is a certain period of transferable debt issued by borrowers of
funds. In this case, the borrower of funds can be the government, BUMN or private company
(corporation) to investors as creditors. The debt securities for a certain period of time must be
paid the amount of interest to investors or creditors by the issuer of the bond or bonds.

Bond can also be interpreted as an acknowledgment of debt from the issuer as a party who has a
debt to the bond holder in this case the investor as the creditor in which an agreement is written
to pay the principal debt along with the interest according to the maturity date.

Functions of Bonds or Bonds

The issuance of securities in the form of debt securities or bonds by the government or
companies certainly has a certain function. The following are some of the functions of these

1. As an alternative solution for issuers who need certain financing to obtain long-term funds at a
relatively low price.

2.Used by companies to increase the value of the corporation with low costs and minimal risk
compared to issuing shares

3.To keep the investment value and risk stable.

Benefits of Bonds or Bonds

The party issuing the bond will then sell it to the public with the benefits of several benefits that
can be obtained. What are the benefits of the bond or bonds, please refer to the following.

1. Investment Guaranteed by Law

Bond is a type of investment that is guaranteed by the government through law so that principal
payments and the amount of interest will be made according to the maturity period.

2. Fast and Flexible Disbursement

For people who want to invest but don't want to go through a complicated process, bonds are the
right choice. The process of disbursing funds on bonds is fast and flexible when compared to
stocks. The public as investors can withdraw their funds according to the time period at the
prevailing market price.

3. Earn Periodic Income

Interest payments on bonds owned are given in the form of coupons which can be a source of
regular income. The coupon will be paid directly to the customer's or investor's account where
the amount is in accordance with the agreed terms.
4. Minimal Risk

Bonds are the right choice for people who want to invest with a relatively low risk compared to
investing in stocks. The risk on the bond can be calculated from the start by looking at the rating
or rating of the issuer to find out its financial condition.

That is the meaning of a bond or a bond. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that
bonds are debt securities issued by the government or corporations and can be transferred with
an agreement regarding the return of principal and interest according to a certain period of time.
You can also consult a financial planner from if you want to invest in bond or bond

Terms in Bonds or Bonds

After knowing what a bond is, here Glints describes some terms that often appear in this

1. Coupon (interest rate)

Coupon is the yield or interest paid to bondholders within a certain period. Usually coupons are
paid every 3 or 6 months.

There are two types of bond coupons, namely fixed coupons and floating coupons.

Fixed coupon is a coupon that promises a fixed interest distribution as agreed at the beginning.

Meanwhile, a floating coupon is a coupon that promises a distribution of interest that can vary,
depending on the interest rate of Bank Indonesia (BI).

2. Maturity

Maturity is a predetermined time to return the principal or value of the bonds purchased by the
holder of this investment.

This payback time may vary depending on the type selected. Generally, principal returns range
from 365 days to 5 years.

The longer the maturity period, the greater the interest that will be received by the holder of this
3. Face value

Face value or par value is the principal amount that bondholders will receive at maturity.

4. Publisher (issuer)

The issuer is the party that issues the bonds. The parties in question can be the government or

5. Default risk

Default risk is the risk that bondholders receive when the issuer is unable to pay the interest
and/or principal of the bond at maturity.

6. Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that bondholders will not be able to sell their investment before maturity
for any reason, including when they are in need of cash.

7. Asset claims

An asset claim is a situation when a bond issuer is unable to pay principal and/or interest. The
only viable solution is to sell the publisher's assets and distribute them to the holders.

8. Rating (rating)

Each bond has a rating of a letter or number that indicates risk, such as AAA, AA+, and so on.

The higher the rating, the lower the risk and interest offered.

3.Stock and share

What Are Stock?

A stock is a security that represents an ownership share in a company. When you purchase a
company's stock, you're purchasing a small piece of that company, called a share.

Investors purchase stocks in companies they think will go up in value. If that happens, the
company's stock increases in value as well. The stock can then be sold for a profit.

For companies, issuing stock is a way to raise money to grow and invest in their business. For
investors, stocks are a way to grow their money and outpace inflation over time.

When you own stock in a company, you are called a shareholder because you share in the
company's profits.
What Are Shares?

Shares are units of equity ownership in a corporation. For some companies, shares exist as a
financial asset providing for an equal distribution of any residual profits, if any are declared, in
the form of dividends. Shareholders of a stock that pays no dividends do not participate in a
distribution of profits. Instead, they anticipate participating in the growth of the stock price as
company profits increase. Shares represent equity stock in a firm, with the two main types of
shares being common shares and preferred shares. As a result, "shares" and "stock" are
commonly used interchangeably.

What’s The Difference Between Shares And Stocks?


Let's confine ourselves to equities and the equity markets. Investment professionals often use the
word stocks as synonymous with companies—publicly-traded companies, of course. They might
refer to energy stocks, value stocks, large- or small-cap stocks, food-sector stocks, blue-chip
stocks, and so on. In each case, these categories don't refer so much to the stocks themselves as
to the corporations that issued them.

Financial pros also refer to common stock and preferred stock, but, actually, these aren't types of
stock but types of shares.

So, when people talk about the stock of a company, they are most often talking about their
common stock. Common stock represents shares of ownership in a corporation and the type of
stock in which most people invest. When people talk about stocks they are usually referring to
common stock. In fact, the great majority of stock is issued is in this form. Common shares
represent a claim on profits (dividends) and confer voting rights. Investors most often get one
vote per share-owned to elect board members who oversee the major decisions made by
management. Stockholders thus have the ability to exercise control over corporate policy and
management issues compared to preferred shareholder


A share is the single smallest denomination of a company's stock. So if you're divvying up stock
and referring to specific characteristics, the proper word to use is shares.

Common and preferred refer to different classes of a company's stock. They carry different rights
and privileges, and trade at different prices. Common shareholders are allowed to vote on
company referenda and personnel, for example. Preferred shareholders do not possess voting
rights, but on the other hand, they have priority in getting repaid if the company goes bankrupt.
Both types of shares may pay dividends, but those in the preferred class are guaranteed to be paid
first if a dividend is declared.
Common and preferred are the two main forms of stock shares; however, it is also possible for
companies to customize different classes of stock to fit the needs of their investors. The different
classes of shares, often designated simply as "A," "B," and so on, are given different voting
rights. For example, one class of shares would be held by a select group who are given perhaps
five votes per share, while a second class would be issued to the majority of investors who are
given just one vote per share.

Special Considerations

The interchangeability of the terms stocks and shares applies mainly to American English. The
two words still carry considerable distinctions in other languages. In India, for example, as per
that country's Companies Act of 2013, a share is the smallest unit into which the company’s
capital is divided, representing the ownership of the shareholders in the company, and can be
only partially paid up. A stock, on the other hand, is a collection of shares of a member,
converted into a single fund, that is fully paid up.

4.Take Over
What Is a Take over?

A take over occurs when one company makes a successful bid to assume control of or acquire
another. Takeovers can be done by purchasing a majority stake in the target firm. Takeovers are
also commonly done through the merger and acquisition process. In a takeover, the company
making the bid is the acquirer and the company it wishes to take control of is called the target.

Takeovers are typically initiated by a larger company seeking to take over a smaller one. They
can be voluntary, meaning they are the result of a mutual decision between the two companies.
In other cases, they may be unwelcome, in which case the acquirer goes after the target without
its knowledge or some times without its full agreement.

In corporate finance, there can be a variety of ways for structuring a takeover. An acquirer may
choose to take over controlling interest of the company’s outstanding shares, buy the entire
company outright, merge an acquired company to create new synergies, or acquire the company
as a subsidiary.

Marketing is a process that introduces products or services to be known to the public. Marketing
also means the marketing process of products or services, from strategy-making to what the
consumer feels.

There are several types of marketing, namely: seo,shem,social media, vidio ,blogs and print

Within this scope there is also an advertisement. and the type is print ads,ballyho,television
advertisement,and radio ads. there is also a bond here where the function is

1. As an alternative solution for issuers who need certain financing to obtain long-term funds at a
relatively low price.

2.Used by companies to increase the value of the corporation with low costs and minimal risk
compared to issuing shares

3.To keep the investment value and risk stable.

all of these are important things that must be known in marketing matters, especially in the

business world that will be passed or run by a businessman or entrepreneur.

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