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Loh Su Ling, 2Vincent Pang & 3Denis Lajium
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Perempuan Sandakan,
90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia.
Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS,
88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Background and Purpose: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in
the formal school curriculum can be described as a STEM-related individual subject; as a learning
package offering learning pathway for STEM elective subjects and as an integrated STEM learning
approach. This study focuses on the needs assessment of STEM education as a learning approach among
lower secondary school teachers in a local district in Malaysia. The current and desired situations were
analysed as well as the causal factors which guide the choice of any intervention programs to address
the actual needs.
Methodology: Three schools were selected through heterogenous purposive sampling. The teachers
from each school were selected through criterion sampling based on predetermined criteria. 31 teachers
from the lower secondary level who teach STEM related subjects as well as the head of panel and
departments of the STEM subjects, were selected as the participants. Focus group and one-to-one
interviews were conducted with the participants after receiving their consent.
Findings: There is a gap between the desired situation and the current situation in the implementation
of integrated STEM education. The implementation of STEM education at the lower secondary level
can be facilitated through various means such as a comprehensive STEM education professional
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
development or training for teachers, collaborations between STEM subjects teachers through lesson
studies or professional learning community, and working together with local STEM expertise or
community of practice.
Contributions: The findings provide relevant information and guidance on the selection of intervention
for the integrated STEM education in addressing the needs. It also initiates the planning of the integrated
STEM education programs which focuses on the gaps as the means to achieve the desired results.
Cite as: Loh, S. L., Pang, V., & Lajium, D. (2021). A case study of needs assessment of science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in lower secondary schools. Journal of
Nusantara Studies, 6(1), 242-264. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol6iss1pp242-264
One of the learning approaches highlighted in the new Secondary School Standard Curriculum
(Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah, KSSM) in Malaysia is known as Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. There are three descriptions of
STEM education in the formal school curriculum: as a STEM-related individual subject; as a
learning package offering learning pathway for STEM elective subjects and as an integrated
STEM learning approach (MOE, 2016). The description of STEM education as discrete STEM
subjects and learning package has a long-standing in the previous and current curricula. More
importantly, the definition of STEM education as an approach that is integrated with STEM
content, skills, and values in solving a contextual problem is in agreement with the literature
(Kim, Chu, & Lim, 2015; Jolly, 2017; Kelley & Knowles, 2016; Roberts, 2012; Truesdell,
2014; Xie, Fang, & Shauman, 2015).
However, this approach may not be familiar to a great number of educators in Malaysia;
hence, relevant guidelines and resources are provided to assist educators in implementing the
integration of STEM as an approach in classroom teaching and learning. For instance, the
general guidelines and several teaching plan samples are presented in the Implementation
Guidelines for STEM Education in Teaching and Learning by MOE (2016) with the aim of
assisting teachers to carry out the integrated STEM education during class or co-curricular
activities. Apart from that, the application of STEM education as an approach is in the recent
STEM resource modules for upper secondary subjects, namely Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Additional Mathematics, Computer Science, and Design and Invention (Rekacipta) (BPK,
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
2017a, 2017b, 2017c, 2017d, 2017e, 2017f). Overall, it is crucial to understand that the
comprehensive resource aims to assist the teacher for pre, during, and post-teaching and
learning session. On the other hand, the modules can benefit the students through the emphasis
on the application of the design process and scientific inquiry which are considered as the main
approaches in solving contextual issues. The degree of STEM content and skills integration in
each subject tends to vary depending on the issues or problems posed for each topic. On another
note, the design of the series serves as a model that can be adopted by teachers in developing
their STEM education material for other topics in the future. These resource modules are
among the initial resources available for the teachers at the time of writing.
Nevertheless, a documented study on the implementation and effectiveness of these
modules are deemed necessary considering that teachers may not have a clear understanding
of how to effectively deliver the integrated STEM education approach. Furthermore, there has
been no reliable evidence on teachers STEM pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in
conducting the integrated STEM education at the point of writing. Hence, this may lead to
“curriculum bandwagon” in which teachers may end up carrying out the integrated STEM
education lessons or programs without proper training, analysis, and planning due to the desire
to be a part of national and global education scenario. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the gap
in the implementation of integrated STEM education as an approach to learning for the purpose
of enabling more programs or interventions to be planned in the attempt to address the needs.
Otherwise, all the activities, programs, and projects will only be carried out without fulfilling
the real needs, thus making it impossible to achieve the desired results which will only lead to
a waste of time, resources, and human efforts. Therefore, the current research presents a
qualitative case study of a needs assessment of STEM education among lower secondary school
teachers in a local district in Malaysia. Specifically, the present study seeks to answer two
research questions described as follows: (1) What are the gaps in the implementation of STEM
education in the lower secondary level? and (2) What are the problems identified in the
implementation of STEM education in the lower secondary level? Overall, the findings of this
study are expected to provide relevant information and guidance on the selection of
intervention for the integrated STEM education in addressing the needs. Other than that, this
study also aims to provide an effective method that can initiate the planning of the integrated
STEM education programs which focuses on the gaps as the means to achieve the desired
results. More importantly, the replication of this procedure can be used to plan similar
integrated STEM programs for teachers and students in school.
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
Current Desired
results results
On another note, the objectives of educational interventions can be identified when the
information about the learner is compared with certain desirable standards or acceptable norms;
hence, these differences are described as needs (Tyler, 1949). Accordingly, it is important to
have measurable statements about the desired conditions in comparing with the current
situations in the attempt to perform the needs assessment. In this case, the measurable desired
conditions refer to educational goals or objectives that are related to students learning
behaviour (English & Kaufman, 1975). The sources of goals can be derived from activities,
programs, or curriculum standard documents. However, the planning, derivation, validation,
prioritisation, and translation of the goals require time, resources, and involvement of a great
number of educational experts and stakeholders. In particular Yoder, Bodary, and Johnson
(2016) recommended the goals and objectives of STEM education need to be formulated from
the top-down approach starting with the local STEM advocates and policymakers. Hence, clear,
relevant, and validated goals and objectives will be able to set a clear direction for educators to
effectively implement STEM education programs. However, there is an absence of clear,
agreeable, and measurable STEM education goals and performance objectives at the point of
writing. Furthermore, it is beyond the capacity of the researchers as well as the scope of the
present study to formulate the goals and measurable performance objectives for STEM
education. Hence, the present study intends to subscribe to the generic goal of integrated
STEM education that is established in the STEM Reinforcement Initiatives (MOE, 2018b)
which is “to produce STEM-literate students who have the potential to identify, apply, and
integrate the STEM components or concepts to understand and solve problems creatively and
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
innovatively through integrated STEM learning in real-world context” as the desired situation
in this needs assessment.
Concerning this, Watkins et al. (2012) further describe the three-step process involved
in a basic needs assessment which is to identify, analyse, and decide. This is to ensure that the
assessment focuses on the following matters: (1) results before solutions, (2) needs are analysed
before making decisions, and (3) decisions are justified. Generally, this involves identifying
the gaps, analysing the causal factors, and deciding the intervention. Therefore, the needs
assessment employed by the present study will initially identify the gap between the current
and the desired situations, followed by the analysis of the causal factors that lead to the gaps
(Figure 2). On a final note, the current research will provide several suggestions on the
interventions that may address the gaps identified in this study.
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
Meanwhile, the teachers from each school were selected through criterion sampling based on
predetermined criteria, which is individual STEM subject teachers in the lower secondary level
as well as the head of panel and department of the STEM subjects. In the case of the current
research, 31 teachers from the lower secondary level who teach Science, Mathematics, Design
of Technology (Rekabentuk Teknologi, RBT), and Basic Computer Science (Asas Sains
Komputer, ASK), as well as the head of panel and departments of the STEM subjects, were
selected as the participants for this study. Besides, it should be noted that the RBT teachers
were selected because the content and skills in RBT subject are similar to the engineering
design process (EDP). Apart from that, the aspect of technology is included in the curriculum
standard of RBT and ASK. A focus group discussion and one-to-one interviews were
conducted with the participants after receiving their consent. Specifically, the interviews were
conducted in the Malay language based on a semi-structured interview protocol (Appendix 1),
while the interview participants are presented in Table 2.
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
The present study also performed document analysis to reveal the needs and problems involved
in the implementation of integrated STEM education in the lower secondary level. In this case,
the documents include the curriculum standards developed by the Ministry of Education
(MOE), and yearly teaching plan (Rancangan Pengajaran Tahunan, RPT) for Form One
Science, Mathematics, RBT, and ASK of the schools. Accordingly, the interview transcripts
were coded manually by assigning specific codes to label meaningful units which contained
the insights related to the research questions. Next, the excerpts of the interviews were then
translated from the Malay language into English.
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
in the lower secondary level, while the second question aims to understand the causal factors
that lead to the gaps.
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
Regarding this matter, projects in the form of activities tend to be carried out for the individual
subjects, particularly during class teaching time or academic week. Moreover, most of the
projects are in the form of classroom activities that are aimed to apply or enhance the
understanding of relevant content and skills for a particular topic by not only focusing to solve
the contextual problem.
In short, there is no explicit mention of integrated STEM programmes or projects based
on the findings obtained from the interviews and document analysis. Meanwhile, the focus of
the projects or course works for individual STEM subjects to solve contextual problems has
not been emphasized in teaching and learning. Instead, projects are carried out in the fulfilment
of the syllabus requirement with the main purpose of enhancing and applying the understanding
of a particular topic or area of the subject. Thus, there has not been any implementation of the
STEM education programme that focuses on the integration of STEM subjects as well as the
process of solving the contextual problem. Therefore, the existence of a gap in the
implementation of integrated STEM education in the lower secondary level is undeniable in
this context.
Table 3: The Gap in The Implementation of STEM Education in The Lower Secondary
Current situation Desired situation
No implementation of a STEM education Implementation of STEM education program to
programme that focuses on STEM subjects’ produce STEM-literate students who have the
integration and solving the contextual problem. potential to identify, apply, and integrate the
STEM components or concepts in the attempt to
understand and solve problems creatively and
innovatively through integrated STEM learning
in a real-world context.
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
The interview revealed that the teachers are uncertain about STEM education itself. For
example, teachers AA, SMDB, and TVDC were not convinced about STEM education as well
as its purpose in the teaching and learning process even though the briefings by the district
education officers have provided basic information about STEM education as an approach.
Hence, this clearly reflects the lack of the right orientation, particularly in terms of their belief
and attitude towards the goals of integrated STEM education as a learning approach. As a
result, teachers may end up to misunderstand and misconduct STEM education as the usual
individual STEM subject teaching and learning without the proper understanding of the
definition and purpose of integrated STEM education. Regarding this matter, a few of the
interviewees especially the RBT teachers admitted that they do not have the content knowledge
to teach their subject because it was only introduced in 2017. For instance, RA, an RBT teacher
admitted that she is not equipped with sufficient knowledge in science and other STEM
disciplines, thus preventing her to effectively carrying out STEM education. Apart from
content knowledge, the teachers also stated that they are clueless on how to deliver STEM
education through an integrated approach. For instance, a Science teacher mentioned that she
does not know how to apply STEM education in her teaching (SC1), while a Mathematics
teacher has no idea on how to integrate the subjects in her teaching (MB2). This indicates a
lack of STEM education pedagogical knowledge among the teachers as well as limited
collaborations among the teachers. Meanwhile, a science teacher admitted that she is not aware
of the content of other STEM subjects, thus making it difficult for them to integrate the content
(SA1). On another note, the participants also mentioned the lack of STEM expertise such as
qualified engineering teachers who can relate some of the contents with the real-world situation
as one of the causal factors. For example, the RBT teacher (RPB) lamented that he does not
have the engineering qualification to teach about building construction in a real-life context.
Besides, the content-driven and examination orientated nature of the teaching and
learning in school has led to time constraint for the planning and implementation of any STEM
programs in the school. In the case of the present study, teachers from the three schools agreed
that their teaching mainly focuses on completing the specified content only to prepare their
students for the examinations. Teachers have to prepare lessons and maximise the classroom
teaching time to complete the required content as well as drill the students to prepare for their
examination. Hence, this has reduced the time to think, plan, and implement any integrated
STEM projects or even the current coursework projects for individual STEM subjects.
The limited availability of facilities and resources is seen as another obstacle in the
implementation of the integrated STEM programs. In most cases, teachers have been struggling
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
to teach with limited facilities and resources in the classroom and laboratory even for individual
subjects. For example, a science teacher (SB) mentioned that the insufficient amount of
materials and apparatus tend to prevent every student from experiencing hands-on inquiry-
based learning. In addition, the lack of tools and equipment is also prevalent in technical
subjects such as RBT and ASK which further hinders the students from carrying out the
projects, particularly in RBT subject. Hence, RBT teacher (RC2) resolved by conducting a
demonstration using video clips after introducing the basic theories without any hands-on
activities. Similarly, the ASK teachers, namely AB and AC complained about the lack of
computers, laptops, LCDs, and other tools such as microprocessor kits, which limits their
ability to teach effectively. For instance, AC mentioned that he had to use the whiteboard to
teach which is not appropriate for the current content, thus preventing the students from having
a hands-on learning experience. There was a sense of frustration as the teachers shared their
views regarding the problems and challenges involved in the implementation of the integrated
STEM education as well as their STEM discipline. The summary of the codes and teachers’
excerpts that describe the problems in the implementation of STEM education in lower
secondary level is presented in Appendix 2.
4.3 Implications
This section discusses the implication of the findings by suggesting several interventions that
can be adapted to address the gaps in the implementation of STEM education in the lower
secondary level. As previously mentioned, the lack of STEM education pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK) among teachers has been considered as one of the main causal factors in the
current needs assessment. The results revealed that the teachers have inadequate knowledge
about the content of STEM subjects, instructional strategies, and orientation on the integrated
STEM education which are regarded as the components of PCK as described by Grossman
(1990). Hence, the lack of PCK may hinder the implementation and effectiveness of integrated
STEM education among the students. In this case, effective teachers who know how to
integrate the available curriculum standards, develop, and deliver the hands-on project-based
instruction are considered as the backbone to the implementation of innovative STEM
education (Yoder et al., 2016). Hill, Rowan, and Ball (2005) mentioned that teachers’
knowledge of a particular subject is directly related to the learning and achievement of students.
More importantly, this is considered as a crucial factor that determines whether the integrated
STEM education programmes or lessons can be carried out well either during formal classroom
learning or after-school settings (NRC & NAE, 2014).
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
& Knowles, 2016). However, cautions need to be taken in selecting STEM experts or
organisations that will be involved in the collaboration efforts. Hence, teachers and school
administration have to ensure that every knowledge is appropriately shared and in line with the
integrated STEM education learning approach among the students considering that not every
student can learn in this particular type of social setting. Apart from that, there may be
organisations that are willing to collaborate with schools to promote specific education
products or programs, in which the teachers and school administrator may be obliged to
purchase or commit to the products and programs. For example, there may be STEM
educational products or programs that only require passive assembly and do not explicitly
integrate the STEM subject content as well as the need to solve a contextual problem. In this
case, students are allowed to complete the activity without the need to apply the essential
concepts and skills of the integrated STEM approach. Therefore, a certain amount of
discernment is required to judge the type of collaboration, particularly regarding whether it will
meet the teachers or the students’ needs in integrated STEM education.
Besides, the emphasis of standardised examinations in schools seems to take up all the
effort and focus of teachers in teaching and learning. Generally, most of the resources and time
seem to be geared towards achieving the desired results in the standardised examinations and
other administrative works. This requires the teachers to spend most of their time preparing
and completing the required curriculum standards before drilling the students for the
examinations. In this case, it should be noted that all of these are influenced by school policies,
visions, practices, and administration leadership. Moreover, it is undeniable that schools are
governed by the policies and practices of the district and state education departments, including
the Ministry of Education of each country. Similarly, parental and community expectations
also play an important role in influencing the schools’ norms and practices (NRC & NAE,
2014). For instance, there is an emphasis on the grades and results in the standardised
examinations, particularly concerning the need for securing scholarships and placement in local
college and universities. Hence, this seems to drive the schools to perform well in the various
examinations. However, the Ministry of Education Malaysia is slowly gearing towards holistic
education which indicates that students will not be streamed according to their academic
achievements beginning in 2018. Schools are advised not to place great emphasis on school
rankings based on the Average School Grade. Apart from that, the Ministry of Education also
intends to reduce the administrative work of teachers to allow them to have more time to
prepare and implement teaching and learning activities as stated in the ‘12 Initiatives in
Schools’ (MOE, 2018a). Therefore, it is hoped that teachers, school administrator, parents, and
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
the community will shift toward holistic teaching and learning to allow more time to conduct
student-centred learning activities such as integrated STEM education program considering
that these changes require time. Other than that, the 12 new initiatives for the schools
established by the Ministry of Education is also committed to addressing the lack of facilities
and resources. More importantly, the aim is to focus on the necessary educational investments
and infrastructure repairs in schools. In other words, it aspires that the educational investments
will facilitate the implementation of integrated STEM education, especially in supplying
laboratory and technological tools and equipment. Therefore, further work should be conducted
regarding the aspects that might hinder or advance the implementation of the integrated STEM
education which may go beyond the scope of this writing.
On a more important note, there is abundant room for further progress in designing and
developing more integrated STEM education training for different groups of teachers such as
pre-schools, primary, secondary, and pre-university level. Also, longitudinal studies can be
conducted to determine its effectiveness in increasing the PCK and efficacy of teachers as well
as students learning in integrated STEM education. Further research should be undertaken to
investigate the integrated STEM education lesson studies or any professional learning
community (PLC) at the school level. Moreover, lesson study is a type of research by itself that
focuses on education innovation intending to improve the process of teaching and learning. As
previously mentioned, a collaboration between different STEM subjects’ teachers may assist
in the effective delivery of the integrated STEM instruction. In terms of direction for future
research, further work on any integrated STEM education professional development program
or training for teachers should be carried out in determining how it affects the PCK and efficacy
of teachers in the teaching and implementation of the integrated STEM lessons or programs.
The present study managed to identify the gap in the implementation of integrated STEM
education. Specifically, it was revealed that integrated STEM education programs have not
been implemented in the selected schools. In this case, it should be noted that the pedagogical
content knowledge of teachers is one of the main issues in the implementation of the integrated
STEM education in and outside the classroom. Furthermore, it was discovered that the teachers
are not familiar with the integration, approach, and application of STEM subjects content in
solving contextual problems. Also, there is a lack of STEM expertise among teachers. On
another note, content-driven and examination orientated culture in the school have caused the
teachers to allocate more time and effort in completing the curriculum standards as well as
Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
drilling and preparing the students to face the high-stakes standardised examinations. The lack
of resources and facilities were also discovered as one of the challenges in teaching and
learning of individual STEM subjects. Overall, the findings suggested the need for
comprehensive STEM education professional development or training, collaborations between
STEM subjects teachers through lesson studies or professional learning community as well as
working together with local STEM expertise or community of practice to facilitate the
implementation of STEM education in the lower secondary level.
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Journal of Nusantara Studies 2021, Vol 6(1) 242-264 ISSN 0127-9386 (Online)
Lack of STEM No engineering “….we want to teach engineering, but the teachers are language teachers, sound not logical. As for
expertise qualification science and technology, they are still manageable, but not engineering. How can we teach the students?
The buildings will collapse. We don’t have the qualification. The school must have at least one teacher
who is certified in this field so that we can teach the students in a proper way. Now, all we depend is
on the internet as our reference.” (RPB)
Lack of facilities Lack of teaching facilities “ We did not do many projects. As said just now, we are lacking of facilities. What we can do is just
teach the basic theory, then show a video. That is all we can do. To carry out projects, we seem not
able to do that yet.” (RC2)
“ For us here, our computers are same ones since the year 2004 until now, no change. So, we can see
all the plans are very good, but in terms of implementation and facilities…you can look at them yourself,
the learning environment, the classrooms, the facilities. Sometimes, teachers have to buy own LCDs.
The content we are teaching now no longer suitable for chalk and talk. A lot of the notes and teaching
material require graphics. So, the lack of equipment…I feel sad, if possible we want to achieve the
learning objectives, whatever we teach, let the students be able to grasp. But now, students are at a
lost. We are also sad to see this.” (AC)
“For example, the form two syllabus (ASK) regarding a circuit computer kit, Phyton. We only have a
few. In order for students to do a project, every students need to have one. We are lack of that. There
is no budget allocation for this” (AB)
“Our chemical and apparatus are not sufficient. For example I teach and conducted experiments to
be carried out in five groups. We only have three crucibles. Then there was once I conducted an
experiment but failed because the chemicals have expired” (SB)