Statistics and Probability Q4 - M2 - LAS

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Statistics and Probability – Senior High School Core Subject

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Quarter 4 – Module 2: Formulating Appropriate Null and Alternative Hypotheses on a
Population Mean

A statistical hypothesis is a statement about a parameter and deals with evaluating the value of parameter.
In statistical hypothesis testing, there are always two hypotheses: the null and
alternative hypotheses.
Below is a comparison between the two.

To state the null and alternative hypotheses correctly:

1. Identify the parameter in a given problem.
2. Identify the claim to be tested that may show up in null or alternative hypothesis.
3. Translate the claim into mathematical symbols/notations.
4. Formulate first the null hypothesis (Ho) then alternative hypothesis (Ha) based on
the three different ways in writing hypothesis as illustrated below:

Let us take an example from your previous activity.

“The survey shows that the number of students (n) who have parents with a house of their own is less than 20.”
The claim used the word “less than” which as seen in the table above, corresponds to the symbol (<). Therefore, the answer is

Illustrative Examples:
1. The average weight of all Grade 11 students in Senior High School is 169cm.
Is this claim t
Solution: First, identify the parameter which is the mean height of all Grade 11 students. Since it is a population mean, use the
notation μ. The claim in this example is that the average weight is 169 cm which translates to μ=169 and is considered as null
hypothesis. To formulate the alternative hypothesis, write the complement/opposite of the null hypothesis which is the average
weight is not equal to 169 cm.

2. The average price per square meter of residential lot in an exclusive subdivision is above ₱15,000. A buyer wants to test the
agent’s claim.

Solution: In this hypothesis, the parameter is the average. Therefore, you will use the symbol μ. The claim is above ₱15,000 can be
written as μ > ₱15,000 and greater than falls at alternative hypothesis, Ha:μ>₱15,000. Since you have already formulated the
alternative, the null hypothesis will be Ho:μ≤₱15,000 as complement of >. You can also write your null hypothesis as
Ho:μ≤₱15,000 or Ho:μ=₱15,000
Ha:μ>₱15,000 (claim)

Directions: Write the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis in notations for each
given situation.

1. Mrs. Dela Cruz claims that her students scored an average of 91 in their
Mathematics quiz. The master teacher wants to know whether the teacher’s claim is
acceptable or not.
Ho: _________________________________________________
Ha: _________________________________________________

2. A car manufacturer claims that the mean selling price of all cars manufactured is
only ₱150,000. A consumer agency wants to test whether the mean selling price of all
the cars manufactured exceeds ₱150, 000.
Ho: _________________________________________________
Ha: _________________________________________________

3. A manufacturer of soft drinks claims that all labeled 1.5-liter bottles contain an
average of 1.49 liters of soft drinks. A retailer wishes to test whether the mean amount
of soft drinks in labeled 1.5-liter bottle is less than 1.49 liters.
Ho: _________________________________________________
Ha: _________________________________________________

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