Base Prospectus - 2022 05 13

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Base Prospectus

13 May 2022

This document constitutes the base prospectus of Eurogrid GmbH for the purposes of Article 8 (1) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017, as amended
(the "Prospectus Regulation") with a denomination of at least EUR 100,000 (or the equivalent in any other
currency as at the relevant date of issuance) and a minimum maturity of one year (the "Prospectus").

Eurogrid GmbH
(Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany)
as Issuer

50Hertz Transmission GmbH

(Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany)

50Hertz Offshore GmbH

(Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany)
as Guarantors

€ 5,000,000,000
Debt Issuance Programme
(the "Programme")

Application has been made to the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the
"CSSF"), in its capacity as the competent authority under the Prospectus Regulation and the Luxembourg
act relating to prospectuses for securities dated 16 July 2019 (Loi du 16 juillet 2019 relative aux prospectus
pour valeurs mobilières et portant mise en oeuvre du règlement (UE) 2017/1129, the "Luxembourg Law").
The CSSF only approves this Prospectus as meeting the standards of completeness, comprehensibility and
consistency imposed by the Prospectus Regulation. Such approval should not be considered as an
endorsement of the economic and financial soundness of the operation or the quality and solvency of the
Issuer and/or the Guarantors or of the quality of the Notes that are the subject of this Prospectus pursuant
to Article 6 (4) of the Luxembourg Law. Investors should make their own assessment as to the suitability of
investing in the Notes.

Application has been made to list notes issued under the Programme (the "Notes") on the official list of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange and to trade Notes on the regulated market "Bourse de Luxembourg". The
Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s regulated market is a regulated market for the purposes of Directive
2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial
instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU ("MiFID II"). Notes issued under
the Programme may also be listed on an alternative stock exchange or may not be listed at all.

Arrangers and Dealers


This Prospectus will be published in electronic form on the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
( as well as on the website of Eurogrid GmbH (

The validity of the Prospectus will expire on 13 May 2023. Any obligation to supplement a
prospectus in the event of significant new factors, material mistakes or material inaccuracies does
not apply when a prospectus is no longer valid.

Potential investors should be aware that any website referred to in this document does not form
part of this Prospectus and has not been scrutinised or approved by the CSSF.

This Prospectus should be read and understood in conjunction with any supplement hereto and with any
other documents incorporated herein by reference and, in relation to any series of Notes, together with the
relevant final terms (the "Final Terms"). Full information on any tranche of Notes is only available on the
basis of the combination of the Prospectus, any supplement thereto and the relevant Final Terms.

Eurogrid GmbH ("Eurogrid" or the "Issuer" or the "Company", together with all consolidated subsidiaries,
the "Group") with its registered office in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, and 50Hertz Transmission
GmbH and 50Hertz Offshore GmbH (each a "Guarantor" and together the "Guarantors"), each with its
registered office in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany and in respect of information on itself only, accept
responsibility for the information given in this Prospectus. The Issuer and each Guarantor with regard to
information for which it is responsible has confirmed to the Dealers (as defined herein) that this Prospectus
contains all information with regard to the Issuer, the Guarantors and the Notes which is material in the
context of the Programme and the issue and offering of Notes thereunder; that the information contained
herein with respect to the Issuer, the Guarantors and the Notes is accurate and complete in all material
respects and is not misleading; that any opinions and intentions expressed herein are honestly held and
based on reasonable assumptions; that there are no other facts with respect to the Issuer, the Guarantors or
the Notes, the omission of which would make this Prospectus as a whole or any of such information or the
expression of any such opinions or intentions misleading; that the Issuer and the Guarantors have made all
reasonable enquiries to ascertain all facts material for the purposes aforesaid.

The Issuer has undertaken with the Dealers to supplement this Prospectus in the event of any significant
new factor, material mistake or inaccuracy relating to the information included in this Prospectus in respect
of Notes issued on the basis of this Prospectus which is capable of affecting the assessment of the Notes
and which arises or is noted between the time when this Prospectus has been approved and the closing of
any tranche of Notes offered to the public or, as the case may be, when trading of any tranche of Notes on a
regulated market begins in respect of Notes issued on the basis of this Prospectus.

No person has been authorised to give any information which is not contained in or not consistent with this
Prospectus or any other document entered into in relation to the Programme or any information supplied by
the Issuer or any other information in the public domain and, if given or made, such information must not be
relied upon as having been authorised by the Issuer, the Dealers or any of them.

Neither any Arranger nor any Dealer nor any other person mentioned in this Prospectus, excluding the
Issuer and the Guarantors, is responsible for the information contained in this Prospectus or any supplement
hereto, or any Final Terms or any document incorporated herein by reference, and accordingly, and to the
extent permitted by the laws of any relevant jurisdiction, none of these persons accepts any responsibility for
the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in any of these documents.

The distribution of this Prospectus, any supplement thereto and any Final Terms and the offering, sale and
delivery of Notes in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this
Prospectus or any Final Terms come are required to inform themselves about and observe any such
restrictions. For a description of the restrictions applicable in the United States of America, the United
Kingdom and Japan; see "Selling Restrictions". In particular, the Notes have not been and will not be
registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and include
Notes in bearer form that are subject to tax law requirements of the United States of America; subject to
certain exceptions, Notes may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States of America or to
United States persons.

MIFID II PRODUCT GOVERNANCE / TARGET MARKET – The Final Terms in respect of any Notes may
include a legend entitled "MiFID II Product Governance" which will outline the target market assessment in
respect of the Notes and which channels for distribution of the Notes are appropriate. Any person

subsequently offering, selling or recommending the Notes (a "distributor") should take into consideration
the target market assessment; however, a distributor subject to Directive 2014/65/EU (as amended, "MiFID
II") is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the Notes (by either
adopting or refining the target market assessment) and determining appropriate distribution channels.

A determination will be made in relation to each issue about whether, for the purpose of the MiFID Product
Governance rules under EU Delegated Directive 2017/593 (the "MiFID Product Governance Rules"), any
Dealer subscribing for any Notes is a manufacturer in respect of such Notes, but otherwise neither the
Arrangers nor the Dealers nor any of their respective affiliates will be a manufacturer for the purpose of the
MiFID Product Governance Rules.

UK MIFIR PRODUCT GOVERNANCE / TARGET MARKET – The Final Terms in respect of any Notes may
include a legend entitled "UK MiFIR Product Governance" which will outline the target market assessment in
respect of the Notes and which channels for distribution of the Notes are appropriate. Any person
subsequently offering, selling or recommending the Notes (a "distributor") should take into consideration
the target market assessment; however, a distributor subject to the FCA Handbook Product Intervention and
Product Governance Sourcebook (the "UK MiFIR Product Governance Rules") is responsible for
undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the Notes (by either adopting or refining the
target market assessment) and determining appropriate distribution channels.

A determination will be made in relation to each issue about whether, for the purpose of the UK MiFIR
Product Governance Rules, any Dealer subscribing for any Notes is a manufacturer in respect of such
Notes, but otherwise neither the Arrangers nor the Dealers nor any of their respective affiliates will be a
manufacturer for the purpose of the UK MIFIR Product Governance Rules.

IMPORTANT – EEA RETAIL INVESTORS - If the Final Terms in respect of any Notes include a legend
entitled "Prohibition of Sales to EEA Retail Investors", the Notes are not intended to be offered, sold or
otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail
investor in the European Economic Area ("EEA"). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who
is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II or (ii) a customer within
the meaning of Directive 2016/97/EU (as amended, the "Insurance Distribution Directive"), where that
customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II.
Consequently no key information document required by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (as amended, the
"PRIIPs Regulation") for offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors
in the EEA has been prepared and therefore offering or selling of the Notes or otherwise making them
available to any retail investor in the EEA may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.

IMPORTANT – UK RETAIL INVESTORS – If the Final Terms in respect of any Notes include a legend
entitled "Prohibition of Sales to UK Retail Investors", the Notes are not intended to be offered, sold or
otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail
investor in the United Kingdom ("UK"). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or
more) of: (i) a retail client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017/565 as it forms part
of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("EUWA"); or (ii) a customer
within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA") and any rules
or regulations made under the FSMA to implement Directive (EU) 2016/97, where that customer would not
qualify as a professional client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 as it
forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the EUWA. Consequently no key information document required
by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 as it forms part of English law by virtue of the EUWA (the "UK PRIIPs
Regulation") for offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the UK
has been prepared and therefore offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to any
retail investor in the UK may be unlawful under the UK PRIIPs Regulation.

Each potential investor in Notes must determine the suitability of that investment in light of its own
circumstances. In particular, each potential investor should:

(i) have sufficient knowledge and experience to make a meaningful evaluation of the relevant Notes,
the merits and risks of investing in the relevant Notes and the information contained or
incorporated by reference into this Prospectus or any supplement hereto;

(ii) have access to, and knowledge of, appropriate analytical tools to evaluate, in the context of its
particular financial situation and the investment(s) it is considering, an investment in the Notes and
the impact the Notes will have on its overall investment portfolio;

(iii) have sufficient financial resources and liquidity to bear all of the risks of an investment in the
relevant Notes, including where the currency for principal or interest payments is different from the
potential investor’s currency;

(iv) understand thoroughly the terms of the relevant Notes and be familiar with the behaviour of
financial markets;

(v) be aware that it may be required to pay taxes or other documentary charges or duties in
accordance with the laws and practices of the country where the Notes are transferred or other

(vi) ask for its own tax adviser’s advice on its individual taxation with respect to the acquisition, sale
and redemption of the Notes; and

(vii) be able to evaluate (either alone or with the help of a financial adviser) possible scenarios for
economic, interest rate and other factors that may affect its investment and its ability to bear the
applicable risks.

This Prospectus and any Final Terms may not be used for the purpose of an offer or solicitation by
anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to
whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation.

This Prospectus, any supplement thereto and any Final Terms do not constitute an offer or an
invitation to subscribe for or purchase any Notes.

In connection with the issue of any tranche of Notes, the Dealer or Dealers (if any) named as
Stabilisation Manager(s) in the applicable Final Terms (or persons acting on behalf of any
Stabilisation Manager(s)) may over-allot Notes or effect transactions with a view to supporting the
market price of the Notes at a higher level than that which might otherwise prevail. However,
stabilisation may not necessarily occur. Any stabilisation action may begin on or after the date on
which adequate public disclosure of the terms of the offer of the relevant tranche of Notes is made
and, if begun, may cease at any time, but it must end no later than the earlier of 30 days after the
Issue Date of the relevant tranche of Notes and 60 days after the date of the allotment of the relevant
tranche of Notes. Any stabilisation action or over-allotment must be conducted by the relevant
Stabilisation Manager(s) (or person(s) acting on behalf of any Stabilisation Manager(s)) in
accordance with all applicable laws and rules.

Any U.S. Person who holds an obligation under this Programme that is treated as in bearer form for
U.S. federal income tax purposes will be subject to limitations under the U.S. income tax laws,
including the limitations provided in Clauses 165(j) and 1287(a) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended.

In this Prospectus, all references to "€", "EUR" or "Euro" are to the currency introduced at the start of the
third stage of the European economic and monetary union, and defined in Article 2 of Council Regulation
(EC) No 974/98 of 3 May 1998 on the introduction of the Euro, as amended.

Tranches of Notes may be rated or unrated. Where a tranche of Notes is rated, such rating and the
respective rating agency will be specified in the relevant Final Terms. A rating is not a recommendation to
buy, sell or hold Notes and may be subject to suspension, reduction or withdrawal at any time by the
assigning rating agency.

To the extent not otherwise indicated, the information contained in this Prospectus on the market
environment, market developments, growth rates, market trends and competition in the markets in which the
Issuer or the Guarantors operate is taken from publicly available sources, including, but not limited to, third-
party studies or the Issuer’s or the Guarantors’ estimates that are also primarily based on data or figures
from publicly available sources. The information from third-party sources that is cited here has been
reproduced accurately. As far as the Issuer is aware and able to ascertain from information published by
such third-party, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced information published
inaccurate or misleading.

This Prospectus also contains estimates of market data and information derived from these estimates that
would not be available from publications issued by market research firms or from any other independent
sources. This information is based on the Issuer’s or the Guarantors’ internal estimates and, as such, may
differ from the estimates made by their competitors or from data collected in the future by market research
firms or other independent sources. To the extent the Issuer derived or summarized the market information
contained in this Prospectus from a number of different studies, an individual study is not cited unless the
respective information can be taken from it directly.

Neither the Issuer nor the Guarantors have independently verified the market data and other information on
which third parties have based their studies or the external sources on which the Issuer’s own estimates are
based. Therefore, neither the Issuer nor any of the Guarantors assumes any responsibility for the accuracy
of the information on the market environment, market developments, growth rates, market trends and
competitive situation presented in this Prospectus from third-party studies or the accuracy of the information
on which the Issuer’s and the Guarantors’ own estimates are based. Any statements regarding the market
environment, market developments, growth rates, market trends and competitive situation presented in this
Prospectus regarding the Issuer, the Guarantors and their operating divisions contained in this Prospectus
are based on their own estimates and/or analysis unless other sources are specified.

Any websites referred to in this Prospectus are for information purposes only and do not form part of the
Prospectus (except with respect to the documents incorporated by reference into this Prospectus).


This Prospectus contains certain forward-looking statements. A forward-looking statement is a statement

that does not relate to historical facts and events. They are based on analyses or forecasts of future results
and estimates of amounts not yet determinable or foreseeable. These forward-looking statements are
identified by the use of terms and phrases such as "anticipate", "believe", "could", "estimate", "expect",
"intend", "may", "plan", "predict", "project", "will" and similar terms and phrases, including references and
assumptions. This applies, in particular, to statements in this Prospectus containing information on future
earning capacity, plans and expectations regarding Eurogrid's and the Guarantors' business and
management, their growth and profitability, and general economic and regulatory conditions and other
factors that affect them.

Forward-looking statements in this Prospectus are based on current estimates and assumptions that the
Issuer and the Guarantors make to the best of their present knowledge. These forward-looking statements
are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause actual results, including the Issuer's
and the Guarantors' financial condition and results of operations, to differ materially from and be worse than
results that have expressly or implicitly been assumed or described in these forward-looking statements.
The Issuer's and the Guarantors' business is also subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could
cause a forward-looking statement, estimate or prediction in this Prospectus to become inaccurate.

Accordingly, investors are strongly advised to read the following sections of this Prospectus: "Risk Factors",
"Business Description of the Issuer" and "Business Description of the Guarantors". These sections include
more detailed descriptions of factors that might have an impact on the Issuer's and the Guarantors' business
and the markets in which they operate.

In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, future events described in this Prospectus may not
occur. In addition, neither the Issuer nor the Guarantors nor the Dealers assume any obligation, except as
required by law, to update any forward-looking statement or to conform these forward-looking statements to
actual events or developments.


Neither the Dealers nor the Issuer nor the Guarantors make any representation as to the suitability of any
green bonds, sustainable bonds or social bonds, including the listing or admission to trading thereof on any
dedicated "green", "sustainable" or other equivalently-labelled segment of any stock exchange or securities
market (whether or not regulated), to fulfil any present or future investor expectations or requirements with
respect to investment criteria or guidelines which any investor or its investments are required to comply with
under its own by-laws or other governing rules or investment portfolio mandates. The Dealers have not
undertaken, nor are they responsible for, any assessment of the eligibility criteria for ESG Projects (as
defined in this Base Prospectus), any verification of whether the ESG Projects meet such criteria or the
monitoring of the use of (net) proceeds of any such Notes. Investors should refer to the Issuer’s Green Bond
Framework (as defined in this Base Prospectus), and any public reporting by or on behalf of the Issuer in
respect of the use of the (net) proceeds of any such Notes for further information. None of the Dealers
makes any representation as to the suitability or contents of the Green Bond Framework.


IMPORTANT NOTICE...................................................................................................................................... 3

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS ........................................................................................................... 6

GREEN BONDS, SUSTAINABLE BONDS OR SOCIAL BONDS ................................................................. 7

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME ..................................................................................... 9

RISK FACTORS ...............................................................................................................................................10

RISKS IN RESPECT OF THE ISSUER AND THE GUARANTORS ..................................................................10

RISK FACTORS IN RESPECT OF THE NOTES ...............................................................................................22

BUSINESS DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER ................................................................................................28



ISSUE PROCEDURES .....................................................................................................................................57

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE NOTES ..............................................................................................59

FORM OF FINAL TERMS ...............................................................................................................................93

GUARANTEE AND NEGATIVE PLEDGE ("GUARANTEE") ...................................................................103

USE OF PROCEEDS ......................................................................................................................................109

WARNING REGARDING TAXATION ......................................................................................................... 110

SUBSCRIPTION AND SALE ........................................................................................................................ 111

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................... 115

DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE ................................................................................... 117

NAMES AND ADDRESSES ..........................................................................................................................120


Under this € 5,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Programme, the Issuer may from time to time issue notes
(the "Notes") to one or more of the Dealers (as defined herein). The maximum aggregate principal amount
of the Notes from time to time outstanding under the Programme will not exceed € 5,000,000,000 (or the
equivalent in other currencies at the time of the issue). The Issuer may increase the amount of the
Programme in accordance with the terms of the Dealer Agreement from time to time.

Notes will be issued on a continuous basis in tranches of Notes ("Tranches"), each Tranche consisting of
Notes which are identical in all respects. One or more Tranches, which are expressed to be consolidated
and forming a single series and are identical in all respects, but which may have different issue dates,
interest commencement dates, issue prices and dates for first interest payments may form a series of Notes
("Series"). Further Notes may be issued as part of existing Series. The specific terms of each Tranche will
be set forth in the applicable Final Terms. The Final Terms of Notes listed on the official list of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange will be displayed on the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
( In the case of Notes listed on any other stock exchange, the Final Terms will be displayed
on the website of the Issuer (

The Notes are freely transferable. Notes may be issued at an issue price which is at par or at a discount to,
or premium over, par, as stated in the applicable Final Terms. The yield for Fixed Rate Notes will be
calculated by the use of the ICMA method, which determines the effective interest rate of notes taking into
account accrued interest on a daily basis.

Notes under the Programme may be issued with fixed interest rates or as Notes without periodic payments
of interest (zero coupon).


The Issuer and the Guarantors believe that the following factors may affect their ability to fulfil their
obligations under the Notes issued under the Programme and under the Guarantee.

Factors which the Issuer and the Guarantors believe may be material for the purpose of assessing the
market risks associated with Notes issued under the Programme are also described below. Many of the
regulatory, environmental, legal and business operational risks to which 50Hertz Transmission GmbH
("50Hertz") is subject may, due to the group structure and contractual obligations between 50Hertz and
50Hertz Offshore GmbH ("50Hertz Offshore"), also have an impact on 50Hertz Offshore. Accordingly,
references below to such risks relating to 50Hertz and its business also apply to 50Hertz Offshore and its
business (as described in "Business Description of the Guarantors - 50Hertz Offshore GmbH").

The Issuer and the Guarantors believe that the factors described below represent the principal risks
inherent in investing in Notes issued under the Programme. The Issuer or the Guarantors may be unable to
pay interest, principal or other amounts on or in connection with Notes issued under the Programme for
other reasons. Prospective investors should also read the detailed information set out elsewhere in this
Prospectus (including any documents incorporated by reference herein) and reach their own views prior to
making any investment decision. Additional risks and uncertainties, including those currently unknown, or
deemed immaterial, could have the effects set forth above.

The risk factors in respect to (i) the Issuer and the Guarantors and (ii) the Notes are presented in categories
depending on their nature with the most material risk factor presented first in each category:

Risks in respect of the Issuer and the Guarantors

Risks related to the Group structure

The Issuer is a holding company with no material operations and relies on its subsidiaries to
provide itself with funds necessary to meet its financial obligations

The Issuer is a holding company with no material, direct operations. The Issuer’s principal asset is the
equity interest it holds in 50Hertz. As a result, the Issuer’s ability to pay interest on and repay principal of the
Notes and its other indebtedness is dependent upon the operations of its subsidiaries and the distributions,
transfers, advances or other payments of funds the Issuer receives. The Issuer cannot provide any
assurance that it will receive sufficient funds to make payments on the Notes when due. The Issuer’s
subsidiaries are separate and distinct legal entities and, except for the Guarantors pursuant to the
Guarantee, they will have no obligation, contingent or otherwise, to pay amounts due under the Notes or to
make any funds available to pay those amounts, whether by dividends, distributions, advances, loans or
other payments. Accordingly, all risk factors that have an impact on the Guarantors have an impact on the

Any decisions made or actions taken within companies in which 50Hertz has minority participations
(and thus no control) may result in higher costs, lower revenues or a lower profit margin concerning
such companies

In the course of its business, 50Hertz engages in economic activities with other companies through
collaborations or joint undertakings, which currently includes minority participations in Elia Grid International
NV/SA ("EGI"), TSCNET Services GmbH ("TSCNET Services"), CORESO SA ("CORESO"), Joint
Allocation Office SA ("JAO") and European Energy Exchange AG ("EEX"). As 50Hertz does not hold a
controlling interest in such minority participations, 50Hertz cannot ensure that all decisions taken within
such companies are approved by 50Hertz or in its interests. In such cases, the decisions made or actions
taken may result in higher costs, lower revenues or a lower profit margin concerning the minority

Risks arising from regulatory, legislative and political matters

Decisions made by the German federal regulatory agency under the current regulatory framework
may have a significant impact on 50Hertz

Almost the entire profit of 50Hertz as a German Transmission System Operator ("TSO") is generated from
regulated activities via network user charges and surcharges, which are subject to regulation by the
German national regulatory authority, the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur – "BNetzA"). The
two main sources of profit from regulated activities are the network user charges for access to and usage of
the 50Hertz transmission system (based on an annual revenue cap) and the surcharge for the recovery of
costs incurred by 50Hertz due to the obligation to connect offshore windfarms (so-called Offshore-
Netzumlage – "Offshore Grid Surcharge"). In addition, 50Hertz receives substantial revenues from non-
profit business under the surcharge for the recovery of costs under the Renewable Energy Sources Act
(Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz – "EEG") ("EEG Umlage" – "EEG Surcharge"). The EEG Surcharge that is
currently paid by consumers as a premium to the energy price shall be set to 0 cent per kWh as of July
2022 and shall be replaced by direct federal governmental grants that are to cover all cost resulting from the
EEG business. Apart from the aforementioned surcharges, several other surcharges exist which are,
however, of minor relevance for the revenues of 50Hertz.

The decisions made and the actions taken by BNetzA under the current regulatory framework may have a
negative impact on 50Hertz. In particular, such decisions or actions could be based on inadequate
assumptions, defective research or unreasonable efficiency goals and may fail to acknowledge costs which
50Hertz cannot avoid incurring. BNetzA is under no statutory obligation to ensure the solvency of a TSO
under all circumstances and there can be no assurance that revenue limits such as the annual revenue cap
imposed by BNetzA will allow 50Hertz to generate sufficient revenues, which would allow the Issuer to meet
its financial obligations (for more information on the tariff-setting mechanism in Germany, see section "The
Group’s business – Tariff setting in Germany").

The determination of and potential changes to the initial level of 50Hertz’s revenue cap for a
regulatory period may negatively impact 50Hertz if the initial level is too low or is reduced

The initial level of the revenue cap is determined for a five-year regulatory period based upon a cost
assessment for a "base" year. This cost base is subject to an efficiency benchmark resulting in an individual
efficiency value (Effizienzwert – "Xind") for each TSO. The Xind cannot exceed 100%. If the Xind is set
below 100%, the difference between 100% and Xind is considered inefficient. In this case, the TSO has to
decrease its initial level of the revenue cap in five equal annual steps of 1/5 of the inefficient difference until
the end of the regulatory period. Furthermore, the initial level of the revenue cap is subject to an annual
adjustment by a general productivity factor ("Xgen") and the inflation rate as part of the regulation formula.

The cost assessment for a "base" year concerns cost items, for example, for onshore assets. The
regulatory framework (i.e. the Ordinance on Incentive Regulation Anreizregulierungsverordnung – "ARegV")
basically classifies some costs as permanently non-influenceable costs, others as temporarily non-
influenceable costs and influenceable costs. Temporarily non-influenceable costs are determined during the
cost assessment. Influenceable costs are derived from the individual efficiency factor and reduce the
revenue cap. Both are subject to the adjustment by Xgen and the inflation rate. Permanently non-
influenceable costs (which, in the case of 50Hertz, currently represent approximately two thirds of the costs)
are not subject to the adjustment by Xind, Xgen and the inflation rate and are adjusted on an annual basis.

There is a risk that neither the base year costs nor the results of the costs assessment of the applied costs
provide a sufficient basis for the cost coverage in the following regulatory period.

The initial level of the revenue cap for the current third regulatory period is based on approved costs from
the base year 2016. The third regulatory period came into effect in 2019 and will expire in 2023. The fourth
regulatory period will start in 2024.

On 21 January 2019, BNetzA decided on the initial level of 50Hertz’ revenue cap for the third regulatory
period (cf. BK8-17/0450-11).

BNetzA set the Xgen for the third regulatory period to 0.9 per cent in the energy sector (cf. BNetzA,
determination of 28 November 2018, BK4-17-056). As a result, currently the Xgen reduces the initial level of
the revenue cap as part of the regulation formula. 50Hertz has appealed against the decision applicable to
the electricity sector before the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, but is not actively pursuing the case,
pending final decisions in other model proceedings. In one model proceeding, the Higher Regional Court of
Düsseldorf revoked the corresponding BNetzA decision applicable to the gas sector. BNetzA successfully
appealed against the court’s decision before the Federal High Court of Justice, which confirmed BNetzA’s
Xgen determination in January 2021. Regarding the electricity sector, a final decision in a model proceeding
is still pending. The outcome of the Xgen proceedings could potentially have a negative effect on 50Hertz’
liquidity and profitability.

Currently, BNetzA considers 50Hertz as 100 per cent efficient in the third regulatory period. Thus, there are
no deductions from the revenue caps that would incentivise increasing efficiency. In 2021, BNetzA started
the efficiency benchmark procedure again in order to determine a new Xind. The procedure applies the
same methods as in the efficiency benchmarking for the third regulatory period. There is a risk that 50Hertz
will no longer be considered 100 per cent efficient. In that case, an Xind below 100 per cent could be set by
BNetzA, which would reduce 50Hertz’s revenue cap and would have a negative impact on profitability.

Likewise, Xgen is expected to be newly determined for the fourth and later regulatory periods. There is a
risk that an Xgen above zero will be set by BNetzA, reducing 50Hertz’ revenue cap and thus having a
negative impact on profitability.

The current regulatory framework provides for the use of a "quality factor" which allows an annual
adjustment to the revenue cap. With the amendment of the ARegV in 2021, an incentive mechanism for
redispatch costs was introduced for the four TSOs. The incentive mechanism starts as a pure bonus system
for the 2022 – 2023 period, followed by a bonus/malus system in 2024. The bonus/malus is calculated on a
yearly basis and will be included in the revenue cap in the quality element. There may be a negative impact
on the profitability of 50Hertz starting from 2024 if redispatch costs in Germany increase.

Changes to the recognition of permanently non-influenceable costs by BNetzA may negatively

impact 50Hertz’ annual revenue cap

A significant part of the annual revenue cap is based on the recognition of permanently non-influenceable
costs associated with 50Hertz’ obligations. If such costs are not completely recognised, it may negatively
impact the profitability of 50Hertz. The two main categories of permanently non-influenceable costs consist
of costs associated with energy management (control power, onshore grid losses, reserves, redispatch,
curtailment of renewable energies) and costs related to investment measures.

In the context of 50Hertz’ annual revenue caps, costs related to energy management may negatively
impact 50Hertz if not recognized by BNetzA

The main risks regarding the energy management business result from cost increases, in particular with
respect to control power, reserves, curtailment of renewable energies, procurement of energy volumes to
cover onshore grid losses and redispatch costs. Such cost increases may result from volume effects and/or
(except for curtailment of renewable energies) price increases (for further information on volume and price
effects and financial risks arising therefrom, see "Risks arising from Markets and finances" below).

In order to reduce the risks arising from these effects, BNetzA has accepted separate procedural
regulations for the third regulatory period (so called "Freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung" acc. to Sec. 11 para. 2
ARegV) for control power, grid losses and national redispatch. The third regulatory period will expire at the
end of 2023. The renegotiation for the procedural regulations for the fourth regulatory period started in
2022. Amendments to the procedural regulations may result in higher risks for 50Hertz if costs cannot be
fully passed on via network charges.

Regarding cross-border redispatch, another procedural regulation is in place, which has no expiration date.
Discussions are ongoing with BNetzA as to whether the procedural regulation applicable to cross-border
redispatch can be integrated in the procedural regulation for national redispatch in the fourth regulatory
period. Amendments to the procedural regulations may result in higher risks for 50Hertz.
Moreover, BNetzA approved a new definition of reasonable compensation for redispatch in 2018 ((cf.
BNetzA, determination of 10 December 2018, BK8-18/0007-A), which was subject to legal challenges by
several generation operators before the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf. However, BNetzA reached an
out-of-court settlement with the generation operators regarding a higher level of compensation. The
procedural regulation was amended accordingly in 2021 to allow for full reimbursement.

Furthermore, even under the current regime, a risk remains that not all energy management costs will be
fully recognised due to already included incentive elements. Currently, for onshore grid losses, actual
volumes are recognised, but prices are limited to a reference price. For control power, the actual prices are
fully recognised, whereas the costs resulting from volume differences are subject to a bonus/malus system.

Apart from that, several further procedural regulations exist, inter alia one for costs arising from European
activities and one for the costs and revenues from the Inter-Transmission System Operator Compensation
("ITC"). These procedural regulations cover actual costs; nevertheless, liquidity risks may arise due to time
lags between the incurrence of costs and the receipt of reimbursement.

Recognition of onshore investment costs in the context of 50Hertz’s annual revenue cap, which may
negatively impact 50Hertz if not recognized by BNetzA

Until the end of the third regulatory period in 2023, German regulation provides for a specific remuneration
regime for predefined onshore transmission network investments called investment measures ("IM"). If an
expansion or restructuring measure is approved as an IM, the operational and capital costs incurred for
such an IM are generally considered as permanently non-influenceable costs for the approved period
without time delay (Sec. 23 ARegV). After the approved period, the costs resulting from the respective IM
will become a part of the regulated asset base. Investment projects with an overall investment volume of €
9.6 billion contemplated by 50Hertz had been approved by BNetzA as of 31 December 2021, while
additional projects have been approved since that date, others are still in the approval phase. With regard to
the projects in the approval phase, there is a risk that BNetzA does not acknowledge the need for the
investment as such and, as a result, may decline to approve the IM (in whole or in part). With regard to
already approved IM, there is a risk that BNetzA does not acknowledge all costs incurred due to the
conditional ex-post review of investing activities by the regulatory authorities in terms of appropriateness,
scope and amount. In particular, in cases where IM are not realized, the inclusion of the costs accrued in
relation to such IM in the network user charges may not be acknowledged by BNetzA.

As part of the ARegV revision in 2016, the methodology for the determination of the replacement share in
IM was changed. For new IM, the replacement share must be calculated under consideration of the real
current values of the assets to be replaced. This will probably increase the replacement share compared to
the former methodology. While the extent of such increase is currently unknown, such an increase could
negatively impact the profitability of the IM and Hertz50.

BNetzA has issued a self-binding determination with regard to the calculation of capital cost and cost of
operation for approved IM. According to this determination, actual costs of debt are accepted as long as
they conform to usual market conditions (marktüblich), which have to be proven by the network operator.
The determination contains reference values to match the market conformity for the different options of
financing. If the cost of debt exceeds the reference values and market conformity cannot be proven by the
network operator, the cost of debt will not be completely accepted for the IM. The allowed cost of debt
related to the IM is capped at the lower value of the actual cost of debt or cost of debt as calculated in
accordance with a published BNetzA determination. Due to these caps, 50Hertz may only partially recover
its actual cost of debt, which may negatively impact 50Hertz’s financial results. In addition, the
determination can be revoked or amended by BNetzA. If financings and investments are not aligned, a risk
for the profit and hence liquidity might arise.

In general, operational costs linked to IM are recognised by BNetzA as a lump sum. The lump sum is
subject to reassessment and revision by BNetzA. Hence, there is a risk that a lower lump sum could be
determined. The operational costs recognised by BNetzA may be insufficient to cover actual operational
costs of IMs and BNetzA may use a different approach in the future. Consequently, operational costs of IM
may not be fully recovered.
The ARegV revision in 2021 introduced the capital cost adjustment (Kapitalkostenabgleich “KKA”) as the
new remuneration regime for onshore transmission network investments. The new regime will replace the
current IM regime in 2024. Under the KKA regime, claimed costs will be subject to annual ex-post reviews
of the actual costs by BNetzA. In the capital cost adjustment system, for each year of the regulatory period
the capital costs of the base year are reduced by depreciation and increased by the capital costs of new
investments within that year. Depending on the parameters to be set and the provisions for a transitional
solution, this may have a negative impact on 50Hertz’ profitability. In order to mitigate financial risks,
transitional arrangements were enacted by the legislature. According to the legal transition arrangements,
50Hertz still has the option to settle ongoing investment measures within the IM regime. The declaration as
to the future settlement for each ongoing project must be made by 30 June 2023. New investment
measures could only be filed until March 2022. All projects filed after March 2022 will be settled under the
KKA regime. The remaining investment measures will terminate by the end of 2028 at the latest.

The lump sum for operational costs linked to offshore connections in 2018 was determined using a rate of
3.4 per cent on approved actual investment volume (cf. BNetzA, determination of 12 December 2011, BK4-
11-026). However, BNetzA subsequently revoked this determination for 2019 and 2018 due to the
introduction of the Offshore Grid Surcharge (as defined below), which foresees a plan cost approach with
an ex-post settlement of actual costs. In relation to 2018, 50Hertz appealed against BNetzA’s decision to
the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf. The proceedings are currently pending. The risk is that a rate
below 3.4 per cent will be determined for 2018 retrospectively, which would require 50Hertz to repay the
difference between the rates. While 50Hertz has made a provision for this risk and therefore not expected to
affect 50Hertz’ results of operations, the resulting cash outflow could nevertheless pose a liquidity risk.

Recognition of offshore investment costs in the context of Offshore Grid Surcharge, which may
negatively impact 50Hertz if not recognized by BNetzA

With the introduction of the Offshore Grid Surcharge as of 2019, offshore assets were excluded from the
cost base for the network user charges and transferred to the Offshore Grid Surcharge. Consequently,
these significant costs are no longer subject to the IM regime or the base year principle. Instead, under the
Offshore Grid Surcharge, planned costs for offshore grid connections are subject to annual ex-post reviews
of the actual costs by BNetzA. Due to the introduction of the new regime, the specific implementation of the
new regulation and the recognition of offshore costs by BNetzA is currently uncertain. If costs are not
recognised (in whole or in part), this would have an impact on 50Hertz’ profitability and thus ultimately the
Issuer’s ability to meet its debt service obligations.

Insufficient return on the capital invested represents a financial risk with respect to both
investments already made and future investments

Return on equity is determined by an imputed equity and a specific rate of return on this equity. Every
5 years, BNetzA determines the rate of return and thereby the return on equity for the following regulatory
period. The rate of return consists of a risk-free base rate calculated using historical values for the past ten
years published by the Central Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany and a risk premium. BNetzA has
used a Capital Asset Pricing Model to calculate the return on equity. The return on equity for the third
regulatory period starting in 2019 was determined by BNetzA in October 2016 at 6.91 per cent for
investments realized after 2006 (5.12 per cent for investments until 2006) ("Return on Equity I"). This
meant a decrease of 24 per cent compared with the return on equity valid for the second regulatory period
(9.05 per cent for investments made since 2006 and 7.14 per cent for investments made before 2006) that
was mainly driven by the development of the base rate. In October 2021, BNetzA determined the return on
equity for the fourth regulation period starting 2024. The Return on Equity I was determined at 5.07 per cent
for investments realized after 2006 (3.51 per cent for investments until 2006). Thus, the Return on Equity I
will decline by another 27% compared to the current level. Along with the other German TSOs, 50Hertz
appealed against this decision by BNetzA. All of the aforementioned percentages are calculated before
corporate tax and after imputed trade tax. The equity to which the Return on Equity I applies is limited to 40
per cent of the value of the regulated asset base. If the value of the regulated asset base financed by equity
exceeds 40 per cent, a rate of return fixed in the StromNEV is applicable ("Return on Equity II"). An
insufficient return on equity may result if the rate of return is too low compared to the market level or if
BNetzA does not recognize all balance sheet items in the calculation of the regulated asset base. Cost of
debt is accepted as long as it conforms to usual market conditions (marktüblich). For cost of debt not
allocated to investment measures, the base year mechanism applies. Thus, costs incurred in between base
years might not be fully covered and can subsequently have a negative impact on liquidity and profit.

Future changes to the regulatory framework on the national and European levels may have a
negative impact on 50Hertz

In 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) ruled inter alia that German legislation
regarding the competences of BNetzA is not compliant with higher ranking European Union law. The CJEU
ruled that German law infringes the BNetzA’s exclusive powers by assigning the determination of
methodologies for calculating or setting network tariffs to the Federal Government. The German legislation
has yet to be amended as a result of the CJEU’s ruling. It is expected that BNetzA competences with regard
to tariff setting and BNetzA’s independence and impartiality requirements will increase. The impact on
50Hertz resulting from these upcoming changes in the German legislation cannot be assessed yet as the
timing and amendments to the legal framework are not known yet. However, BNetzA has stated publicly
that it intends to apply the existing legal framework, which complies with the jurisprudence of Germany’s
highest court in this regard, for the time being. BNetzA takes the view that the legal basis for its decisions
remains valid and enforceable until the CJEU’s decision is implemented by the legislature.

Furthermore, the implementation of the Clean Energy Package is progressing at the national and European
levels. In particular, the transposition of the amended European Directive concerning the rules for the
internal electricity market into national law was completed in July 2021. The Clean Energy Package
assigned stronger market and regulatory oversight competences to the Agency for the Cooperation of
Energy Regulators ("ACER") and the role of the European Network of TSOs for Electricity ("ENTSO-E")
was strengthened at the expenses of the national regulatory authorities such as BNetzA and the national
TSOs. The scope of the already existing mandatory regional TSO cooperation was broadened and the
Regional Cooperation Centres (“RCCs” like TSCNET and Coreso) were entrusted with further tasks. Finally,
existing (legally binding) network codes in the electricity sector were amended in February 2021 to take into
account these changes regarding tasks and responsibilities.

Regulation (EU) 2019/943 sets out the areas in which further network codes can be developed. It is
expected that new binding rules will be developed and existing network codes will be further amended.
These changes will considerably impact 50Hertz’ business. The drafting and implementing of network codes
and their respective methodologies require considerable financial and human resources. Thus, there are
ongoing discussions with BNetzA on how these additional costs can be included in the national regulatory
framework. As a result, this could lead to a mismatch in timing regarding the reimbursement of these costs
via the network user charges, which could lead to a negative impact on 50Hertz’ liquidity and profitability.

In December 2019, the European Commission published a set of proposals known as the "European Green
Deal", which includes measures for a sustainable development of Europe’s economy. The European Green
Deal measures will lead to amendments to European energy legislation that impact the business of 50Hertz.
Part of this European Green Deal is the so-called "European Climate Law", which aims to reach climate
neutrality in Europe by 2050. The European Climate Law entered into force in July 2021. As the legislative
negotiations are still ongoing, it remains unclear how the German Federal Government and the German
regulatory authorities will interpret these new measures and how they will be implemented on the national
level. The implementation of such measures could have a negative impact on several aspects of the
regulatory framework and, hence, the profitability of 50Hertz.

TSO permit to operate / certification may be revoked or could be modified

50Hertz is permitted to operate as a TSO in Germany and, while this authorisation is not limited in time, it
can be revoked by the Energy Authority of the State of Berlin (Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie
und Forschung (Energiewirtschaft/Energieaufsicht)) if, for example, 50Hertz fails to maintain the personnel,
technical and financial means to guarantee the continuous and reliable operation of the network in
accordance with applicable law. Revocation of 50Hertz’ permit would have a material adverse impact on
50Hertz and the Issuer, including their ability to meet their respective obligations under the Notes.

The unbundling regime in the German Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz — "EnWG") provides
for different models (Ownership Unbundling, Independent Transmission Operator, Independent System
Operator). In a certification process, BNetzA assesses whether the unbundling provisions are met by the
respective TSO. BNetzA has certified 50Hertz as an ownership unbundled TSO, but BNetzA may revoke
the certification and/or impose fines on 50Hertz if it ceases to meet the unbundling provisions. Although
50Hertz would still be able to operate the network following a revocation of certification, such revocation
could have a negative impact on 50Hertz’ reputation and thereby affect its business results and operations.

50Hertz may incur significant costs to manage potential environmental and public health risks and
to accommodate planning constraints

50Hertz’ operations and assets are subject to European, national and regional regulations dealing with, inter
alia, environmental matters, regional planning and zoning, building and environmental permits and rights of
way. These regulations are often complex and subject to continual change (resulting in a potentially stricter
regulatory framework or enforcement policy). The most significant environmental issues faced by 50Hertz
relate to the visual impact of the infrastructure, electromagnetic fields, soil pollution, water contamination,
noise and waste as well as the impact on protected species and habitats. Compliance with such regulations
may impose significant additional costs on 50Hertz, including expenses relating to the implementation of
preventive or remedial measures. Additional costs may also be incurred by 50Hertz in respect of, inter alia,
compensation for the impact of infrastructure on the environment, managing environmental and public
health risks or planning constraints, actual or potential liability claims, and the defence of 50Hertz in legal or
administrative procedures or the settlement of third-party claims.

Moreover, for years legal grounds have been expanded to allow a greater number of field testing of high-
voltage underground cables in pilot projects. Legislation has introduced greater numbers of pilot projects for
alternating current ("AC") underground cables while, for direct current ("DC"), the legislature has mandated
underground cables as the norm. In consequence, the costs of the concerned DC technology projects have
risen significantly, as the use of high-voltage underground cables is more expensive than the use of
overhead lines. This could give rise to discussions requiring increased underground cabling also for AC
connections. This might lead to future changes in law and may impose additional costs on 50Hertz.

Changes to the timing and amounts of investments may negatively impact the financial position of

Uncertainties about the timing and size of investments caused by, for example, delays in implementing or
even a political decision on the discontinuance of the energy transition, public opposition or long-lasting
permission procedures could cause a lower return on investments than expected and have a negative
impact on the cost of debt associated with investments in the case of a mismatch between financing needs
and financing activities of 50Hertz.

In addition, the customers of 50Hertz, which include power producers, expect to have access to a reliable
level of capacity to dispatch power at all times. An inability of 50Hertz to make the investments necessary to
maintain sufficient capacity on the grid may lead to financial penalties being payable by 50Hertz due to,
inter alia, damage claims by customers.

Possible retroactive changes to, or different interpretations of, applicable laws, including tax laws,
additional tax assessments, anticorruption laws and antitrust laws, may have a negative impact on
the Issuer and the Guarantors

The Issuer and the Guarantors may inadvertently violate their legal obligations and may be liable for
substantial administrative fines. In particular, accounting standards, commercial, company and tax laws and
their interpretation, e.g. by accounting standard setters and committees, accounting enforcers, tax
authorities and courts are subject to changes, potentially with retroactive effect. Such changes may have a
negative impact on the Issuer’s and the Guarantors’ net assets, financial position, results of operations and
key performance indicators. Furthermore, the Issuer’s and the Guarantors’ interpretation of applicable tax
laws may differ from that of the relevant authorities. For instance, the relevant authorities may not accept
the tax grouping based on the profit and loss transfer agreements between the Issuer and 50Hertz, and
between 50Hertz and 50Hertz Offshore. Tax audits may result in a higher taxable income or in a lower
amount of carried forward tax losses being available to the Issuer and the Guarantors.

Risks arising from markets and finances

Market price developments on power exchanges could negatively impact 50Hertz’ liquidity
Due to 50Hertz’ activities linked with the areas of EEG management, the procurement of grid losses and
balancing energy as well as the handling of congestion, 50Hertz is directly exposed to fluctuations in market
prices on power exchanges in spot and futures markets as well as to market developments on balancing
trading platforms. High volatility has increased the margins for which exchanges require 50Hertz to provide
collateral in the form of bank guarantees or cash to execute trades. Derivative positions are marked to
market on a daily basis. Changing price levels on futures markets therefore lead to a daily reassessment of
derivative positions and a corresponding cash flow from or to the exchange. Increasing volatility of power
prices increases the risk that collateral requirements negatively impact 50Hertz’ available liquidity to a
greater extent, which could require 50Hertz to draw down available credit facilities. Extraordinary
developments in power prices may also have negative effects in the areas of EEG management, the
procurement of grid losses and balancing energy, the handling of congestion itself and may also lead to
higher financing requirements.

Mismatch in timing of generating revenues from surcharges and or grants (namely in relation to the
EEG) and costs incurred to be covered by the respective surcharge/ grant
With regard to obligations in respect of which 50Hertz is reimbursed through surcharges or governmental
grants, 50Hertz is exposed to the risk of delay between when the costs are incurred and when the
corresponding surcharge/ grant is paid.

This risk applies to the EEG Surcharge respectively the federal governmental grant which replaces the EEG
Surcharge in particular.

Previously, network operators were obliged to purchase all renewable energy within their network area at
fixed rates. The costs incurred, as well as the produced electricity, were passed on to the four German
TSOs, who sold the energy on the spot market of an energy exchange in accordance with Sec.2 of the
Renewable Energy Ordinance (Erneuerbare-Energien-Verordnung – "EEV"). In August 2014, this prior
mechanism was replaced by the principle of direct marketing (Direktvermarktung), according to which
operators of new renewable energy facilities are obliged to sell their electricity directly or involve a direct
marketer. However, the operators of renewable energy facilities are still paid a market premium
(Marktprämie) by the network operators in the amount of the difference between the spot price and a feed-in

Currently, 50Hertz receives the EEG Surcharge to recover the costs of the market premium and, if
renewable energy facilities are still marketed by the TSOs, the difference between the revenues for selling
the energy and the feed-in tariffs. The EEG Surcharge is calculated in accordance with the EEV annually
and is published by 15 October for the next calendar year. The calculation is based on forecasts of factors
such as spot prices and volumes of energy from renewable energy facilities and takes into consideration
federal grants (if applicable) provided to stabilize the amount of the EEG Surcharge. However, during the

course of the year, volumes and spot prices can differ significantly from the forecasts, resulting in liquidity
requirements for 50Hertz on its specific EEG account, which may have an adverse impact on its cash
position. Since previous calculations usually led to a deficit, the difference between actual costs and
revenues were factored into the EEG Surcharge for the following calendar year, targeting full recovery.

To reduce the risk of such a deficit, since 2012 the EEG Surcharge has been calibrated to allow for the
establishment of a liquidity reserve amounting to 5 per cent in 2022. Although the current EEG account has
a positive cash position, a reduction of the liquidity reserve could have a negative impact on 50Hertz’
liquidity and increase its financing needs.

However, as already stated above (see above “Risks arising from regulatory, legislative and political matters
- Decisions made by the German federal regulatory agency under the current regulatory framework may
have a significant impact on 50Hertz”) the EEG Surcharge shall, be set to 0 cent per kWh as of July 2022
and will be replaced by direct federal governmental grants that are to cover all cost resulting from the EEG
business. While the new mechanism would eliminate risks related to the collection of the surcharge, there
would continue to be liquidity risks related to the timing of the payments under the new scheme of federal
governmental grants.

Extraordinary events, such as epidemics (including the COVID-19 pandemic), natural catastrophes, strikes
and riots, either individually or in combination with others, could exacerbate the timing mismatch. Such
events may cause, as can be seen in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, significant decreases in power
prices, leading to a higher market premium to be paid by network operators to the producers. At the same
time, lower consumption of energy and payment deferrals or defaults by counterparties could lead to lower
cash flow from the EEG Surcharge. These effects could become more severe than anticipated and
negatively affect 50Hertz’s liquidity. However, due to currently increasing power prices and federal grants
issued because of the COVID-19 crisis in 2021, the current cash flow from EEG is positive.

Taking into account regional differences in the generation of renewable energy in Germany, the EEG 2021
provides for a nationwide equalisation mechanism amongst the TSOs in Germany with respect to the costs
resulting from paying legally fixed feed-in tariffs or, as of 1 August 2014, market premiums in their control
area. The TSOs in Germany with control area responsibility (Regelzonenverantwortlichkeit) currently share
the EEG costs according to the load amongst themselves in accordance with the EEG 2021. Changes to
the EEG cost-sharing mechanism between the TSOs in Germany with control area responsibility could
therefore have a negative impact on 50Hertz’ liquidity.

Mismatch in timing of generating revenues from network user charges and costs incurred to be
covered by the network user charges
Network user charges are calculated on the basis of forecasted volumes of capacity and consumption.
Differences between planned and actual volumes may arise for various reasons, such as loss of customers
(for example, as a consequence of epidemics, such as the COVID-19 pandemic) or as consequence of
armed conflicts (like the Russia – Ukraine conflict) and differing feed-in of renewable energy on the level of
distribution system operators (“DSO”). Any mismatch between the forecasted and actual volumes forming
the basis for the calculation of network user charges may have a negative impact on 50Hertz’ liquidity and

The main cost risks regarding the energy management business result from cost increases, in particular
with respect to control power, reserves, curtailment of renewable energies, procurement of energy volumes
to cover onshore grid losses and redispatch costs. Such cost increases may result from volume effects
and/or (except for curtailment of renewable energies) price increases (inter alia as a consequence of the
Russia – Ukraine conflict). The volume effects may be exacerbated by fluctuating feed-in from renewable
energy facilities, which need to be compensated to maintain a system balance between generation and
consumption at all times. Due to the rapid development of renewable energy with which the grid expansion
at this speed is unable to keep pace, the aforementioned effects could increase in future and may thus lead
to an increase in financing needs due to a mismatch in timing.

The TEN-E Regulation (EU Regulation No 347/2013 on guidelines for Trans-European energy
infrastructure) was passed in order to achieve the EU's energy policy objectives by promoting projects of
common interest ("PCIs"). For PCIs, TSOs can claim European cost sharing with other TSOs if their
countries profit from those projects. In the past, the European national regulatory authorities as well as
ACER decided against cost-sharing claims of other TSOs on a case-by-case basis. More projects are
expected to address cost contribution applications to Germany and hence the German TSOs in the future
and there is a risk that the authorities may decide differently in future cases. Even though the revision of the
ARegV in 2016 considers such costs as permanently non-influenceable costs, reimbursement can only be
obtained with a time-delay of two years. Accordingly, in case the German TSOs had to bear a share of the
costs of PCIs, this could lead to liquidity and profitability risks. The upcoming amendment of the TEN-E
Regulation will not mitigate these risks.

Supplier risks may negatively affect the budget, quality and/or the timely commissioning of
infrastructure works
Electricity transmission infrastructure is a key component of the business of the Company and of the
relevant affiliates of the Company. The Company and the relevant affiliates of the Company rely on a
selected number of key suppliers to realize their infrastructure objectives.

Given the complexity of the infrastructure works and increasing demand in the market or as consequence of
armed conflicts (like the Russia – Ukraine conflict), the Company and the relevant affiliates of the Company
may be unable to find sufficient suppliers and supplies for their projects. In addition, the Company and the
relevant affiliates of the Company are also exposed to the risk that their respective suppliers may fail to
comply with their contractual obligations due to, for example, financial or other difficulties, arising for
instance from epidemics (including the COVID-19 pandemic) or as consequence of armed conflicts (like the
Russia – Ukraine conflict).

Any cancellation of or delay in the completion of infrastructure projects of the Company or the relevant
affiliates of the Company could have an adverse effect on the realization of the CAPEX plan of the
Company or its relevant affiliates.

The Guarantors may not have adequate insurance coverage

The Guarantors have put into place insurance contracts necessary to operate their business in line with
current industry standards. The Guarantors cannot provide an assurance that such insurance will prove to
be sufficient and/or adequate. In particular, insurance may not be available or not cover certain risks
whether due to faults, natural disasters, other causes such as damage to overhead lines or cables including
sea cables, third-party losses, damages or blackout claims or losses as a result of terrorism, sabotage,
crime etc. Furthermore, damages, losses or claims may turn out to exceed insurance coverage. Any
uninsured financial loss or claim could have a material impact on the business, results of operations and
financial condition of the Guarantors.

A rating downgrade may increase the Issuer’s financing costs

The Issuer’s credit ratings influence the Issuer’s financing costs. Any actual or anticipated suspension,
reduction or withdrawal of a credit rating assigned to the Issuer or any Notes by one or more credit rating
agencies may adversely affect the cost and terms and conditions of the Issuer’s financings, limit the Issuer’s
access to the capital markets and harm the Issuer’s ability to finance its operations and investments.

Counterparty credit risk of the customers of 50Hertz and other TSOs may have a negative impact on

TSOs are exposed to the risk of insolvency of various counterparties, including the DSOs paying the
network tariffs, electricity sales companies paying the EEG Surcharge, persons obliged to pay the
Combined Heat and Power (“KWK”) surcharge and balance responsible parties (Bilanzkreisverantwortliche
- “Balance Responsible Parties”)responsible for running balancing accounts (such as traders and
electricity suppliers”) in the control areas of the TSOs, as well as the other TSOs and their customers. Any
counterparty credit risk that materialises could have a material adverse effect on 50Hertz’ financial position
and results of operations.
In particular, there is a risk that p Balance Responsible Parties carry out cross-border chain transactions,
which lead to an unbalanced system balance sheet, and 50Hertz cannot pass on the costs for settlement
due to insolvency (or similar condition) of the Balance Responsible Parties.

Risks arising from technology and infrastructure

Specific risks arising from grid connections of offshore wind farms may have a negative impact on

Planning, construction and operation of grid connections of offshore wind farms is a business involving
uncertainties (e.g. weather and soil conditions) and technical challenges. Moreover, there is only a small
number of potential suppliers for main components of such grid connections. Delays and changes in the
planning and construction stages as well as later, unplanned outages in the operational stage are therefore
possible and may result in compensation payments to the offshore windfarm operators pursuant to Sec. 17e
EnWG, which may not be fully recoverable.

Technical problems are often only discovered in the implementation and operational stage and have to be
resolved immediately. In particular, as there is still no experience with long-term operation of this
technology, there is a risk that design flaws are only discovered once a cable is in use. To reduce this risk,
various tests are performed before production and commissioning and the cables are monitored during
operation. However, this does not ensure that all or a combination of causes of errors can be identified. In
extreme cases, this can lead to an entire cable system having to be replaced. With cables representing a
considerable value in 50Hertz Offshore’s fixed assets, this would result in high impairment charges and
investment costs. Furthermore, compensation payments to the offshore windfarm operators pursuant to
Sec. 17e EnWG would become due. Apart from potential liquidity risks, there is a risk that these costs are
not fully covered by insurance or by the Offshore Grid Surcharge (depending, among other factors, on the
scale of 50Hertz’ potential fault) and thus resulting in a profitability risk for 50Hertz.

In the event of transmission fluctuations, disruptions, system breakdowns/blackouts of the grid, or

non-implementation of emergency measures as prescribed by law, 50Hertz may be held liable for
damages by its customers and/or third parties or incur additional costs
Transmission fluctuations, disruptions, system breakdowns or blackouts of the grid (caused by unforeseen
events such as an overload of the very high voltage network, network imbalances, intrusions of computer
viruses and natural events) that affect 50Hertz’ network may result in a failure of 50Hertz to maintain a
sufficient and reliable grid capacity and to deliver electricity to customers or to inject energy from power
generation facilities, and may expose 50Hertz to liability claims and litigation. The probability of transmission
disruptions, as well as required emergency measures, has increased with the increasing distance between
the locations of generation and consumption and the volatility of energy in-feed as a result of increasing
fluctuating feed-in from renewable energy facilities. Moreover, in 2019 significant generation deficits
occurred in certain cases due to market behaviour of balancing group participants (which were encouraged
by false incentives) which had to be balanced. Even though the auction methodology has been changed to
abolish the previous incentives, it cannot be excluded that, due to similar abusive behaviour of balancing
group participants, critical grid situations might arise in the future.

Furthermore, 50Hertz may also be liable if emergency measures required under Sec. 13 para. 2 of the
EnWG have not been implemented as required, unless the event qualifies as force majeure.

A failure of the IT systems and processes or a breach of their security measures e.g. by cyber-
attacks may have a negative impact on 50Hertz
50Hertz’ operations depend on IT systems, hardware and software, including fibre optic and copper cable
based communication networks. The reliability and continuity thereof are essential in particular for an
efficient and reliable operation of the electricity network and the electronic transfer of funds.

In a complex project, 50Hertz’ grid control system (which ensures the secure operation of its transmission
grid) is being replaced by a new system. Due to project delays, the old grid control system must operate
beyond its planned duration and operations must be secured in cooperation with the manufacturers of the
subsystems. As a result of this transition, risks to the security of supply could arise. Moreover, there is no
certainty that important system hardware and software failures, viruses, accidents, security breaches e.g. as
a consequences of cyber-attacks or acts of terrorism and sabotage will not occur and these could impair
50Hertz’ ability to provide all or part of the services or to fulfil other obligations required by law or under the
contracts to which it is a party. Such failures could endanger 50Hertz’ reputation, which in turn could lead to
the undermining of 50Hertz' business model caused by negative regulatory and legal decisions, potentially
resulting in an adverse effect on 50Hertz’ financial position and results of operations.

The Issuer and 50Hertz are also subject to a number of IT security and privacy and data protection rules
and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 as well as the
German IT Security Act (IT-Sicherheitsgesetz). Failure to comply with any of these acts by the Issuer or
50Hertz may have an adverse effect on their financial position and results of operations.

Acts of terrorism, sabotage or crime may adversely affect the operations of the Guarantors
The Guarantors’ electricity network (being considered as critical infrastructure) and assets are widely
spread geographically and potentially exposed to acts of terrorism, sabotage or crime. Such events could
negatively affect the Guarantors’ networks or operations and may cause network failures or system
breakdowns. Network failures or system breakdowns could, in turn, have a material adverse effect on the
Guarantors’ financial condition and results of operations, particularly if the destruction caused by acts of
terrorism, sabotage or crime are of major importance (e.g. through the reduction of revenues and for
incurrence of costs for damages due to the unavailability of some parts or all of the network) or last for a
longer period of time.

Use of innovative technologies involves higher technological risks for 50Hertz

Following extensive technical tests of the four German transmission system operators and in-depth
consultation with the BNetzA and federal policymakers, it was decided for economic and ecological reasons
to use the world's first extruded 525 kV cables for the large DC connections from northern to southern
Germany (i.e. for 50Hertz the South-East Link (SuedOstLink) and South-East Link+ (SuedOstLink+)).
However, this decision to use an innovative technology naturally involves technological risks compared to
using more established cable technology solutions. This could lead to risks of significantly higher costs and
loss of reputation, which could cause the loss of business fields for 50Hertz.

Risks arising from delay regarding the construction of new lines due to delay in permission
The construction of new lines regularly faces opposition from local or regional stakeholders and triggers
complex administrative proceedings, leading to long-lasting permission processes, potentially followed by
court proceedings. Line construction delays are therefore still possible despite the intense efforts of 50Hertz’
permission and public participation experts. This can lead to an increase in congestion and critical situations
for grid operations as the new lines are urgently needed to link high-consumption areas to the production
centres, mainly for transporting the ever-growing highly variable feed-in volume of renewable energies in
50Hertz’ balancing zone, and also because the shutdown of nuclear power plants in southern Germany has
started. Any delay regarding the construction of new lines might have an adverse effect on 50Hertz’s
financial position and results of operations.

Risks arising from delays in the connection of renewable energy facilities

In accordance with current laws and regulations, 50Hertz is obligated to connect without undue delay all
renewable energy facilities in its control area. Any delay in such connections may subject 50Hertz to
damage claims which, if not allowed to be passed on, could negatively impact 50Hertz’ profitability.

Risks arising from legal and regulatory requirements to be implemented in IT systems (e.g. the
Digitalization Act)
In 2016, the German Digitalization Act (Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende) entered into force.
The main aspect of the Digitalization Act for 50Hertz is the redesign of communication systems and
processes to ensure the processing of a high volume of smart meter data. The responsibility for the
aggregation of the metering data in order to enhance the balancing of energy generation with consumption
is given to the TSOs. However, the reimbursement of the respective costs is currently under discussion with
the BNetzA. The outcome of these discussions is unclear and could have a negative impact on 50Hertz’

In general, legal and regulatory requirements often lead to high implementation efforts for new processes
resulting in the adaptation of IT systems that often need to be coordinated with numerous stakeholders and
have ambitious deadlines. If 50Hertz is not able to implement the requirements within a set deadline or to
the required extent, there is a risk of penalty payments and loss of reputation.

Risks regarding occupational health and safety and personnel

A lack or loss of highly qualified employees may result in insufficient expertise and knowhow to
meet strategic objectives
50Hertz pursues an active human resources policy that aims to maintain an adequate level of expertise and
knowhow in a tight labour market due to the highly specialised nature of its business. 50Hertz may,
however, experience difficulties in attracting and retaining highly qualified staff required to support its
operations, implement its investment programme and develop new business fields. Such a lack or loss of
highly qualified staff may result in insufficient expertise and knowhow, in unsatisfactory quality levels and in
the inability to maintain or operate the grid or complete infrastructure projects in time or not to meet strategic
objectives. This may negatively affect 50Hertz’ earnings, financial position and results of operations.

Accidents at the Guarantors’ facilities and involving the Guarantors’ assets may have serious
Accidents that may occur at the Guarantors’ facilities or involve the Guarantors’ assets (e.g. high voltage or
offshore assets) may result in harm and death of humans or other serious consequences. As such, the
Guarantors may be exposed to potential claims resulting in significant liabilities, use of financial and
management resources and possible harm to their reputation.

Risk Factors in respect of the Notes

Risks related to the nature of the Notes

Market Price Risk

The development of market prices of the Notes depends on various factors, such as changes of market
interest rate levels, the policies of central banks, overall economic developments, inflation rates or the lack
of or excess demand for the relevant type of Note. The Holders of Notes ("Holder" meaning any holder of a
proportionate co-ownership or other beneficial interest or right in the Notes) are therefore exposed to the
risk of an unfavorable development of market prices of their Notes which materialize if the Holders sell the
Notes prior to the final maturity of such Notes. If Holders of Notes decide to hold the Notes until final
maturity, the Notes will be redeemed at the amount set out in the relevant Final Terms.

Holders of Fixed Rate Notes are particularly exposed to the risk that the price of such Notes falls as a result
of changes in the market interest rate levels. While the nominal interest rate of a Fixed Rate Note as
specified in the applicable Final Terms is fixed during the life of such Notes, the current interest rate on the
capital market typically changes on a daily basis. As the market interest rate changes, the price of Fixed
Rate Notes also changes, but in the opposite direction. If the market interest rate increases, the price of
Fixed Rate Notes typically falls, until the yield of such Notes is approximately equal to the market interest
rate of comparable issues. If the market interest rate falls, the price of Fixed Rate Notes typically increases,
until the yield of such Notes is approximately equal to the market interest rate of comparable issues. If
Holders of Fixed Rate Notes hold such Notes until maturity, changes in the market interest rate are without
relevance to such Holders as the Notes will be redeemed at a specified redemption amount, usually the
principal amount of such Notes.

Holders of Zero Coupon Notes are exposed to the risk that the price of the Notes falls as a result of
changes in the market interest rate. Prices of Zero Coupon Notes are more volatile than prices of Fixed
Rate Notes and are likely to respond to a greater degree to market interest rate changes than interest
bearing Notes with a similar maturity.
Liquidity Risk

Application has been made to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for Notes issued under this Programme to
be admitted to trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and to be listed on the
official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. In addition, the Programme provides that Notes may be
listed on other or further stock exchanges or may not be listed at all. Regardless of whether the Notes are
listed or not, there can be no assurance regarding the future development of a market for the Notes or the
ability of Holders to sell their Notes or the price at which Holders may be able to sell their Notes. If such a
market were to develop, the Notes could trade at prices that may be higher or lower than the initial offering
price depending on many factors, including prevailing interest rates, the Issuer’s operating results, the
market for similar securities and other factors, including general economic conditions, performance and
prospects, as well as recommendations of securities analysts. The liquidity of, and the trading market for,
the Notes may also be adversely affected by declines in the market for debt securities generally. Such a
decline may affect any liquidity and trading of the Notes independent of the Issuer’s financial performance
and prospects. If Notes are not listed on any exchange, pricing information for such Notes may, however,
be more difficult to obtain which may affect the liquidity of the Notes adversely. In an illiquid market, an
investor might not be able to sell his Notes at any time at fair market prices.

Risks related to specific Terms and Conditions of the Notes

Risk of Early Redemption

The applicable Final Terms will indicate if the Issuer has the right to call the Notes prior to maturity (optional
call right) or for reason of minimal outstanding amount. In addition, the Issuer will always have the right to
redeem the Notes if the Issuer is required to pay additional amounts (gross-up payments) on the Notes for
reasons of taxation as set out in the Terms and Conditions. If the Issuer redeems the Notes prior to
maturity, the Holders of such Notes are exposed to the risk that due to such early redemption his
investment will have a lower than expected yield. The Issuer can be expected to exercise his call right if the
yield on comparable Notes in the capital market has fallen which means that the investor may only be able
to reinvest the redemption proceeds in comparable Notes with a lower yield. On the other hand, the Issuer
can be expected not to exercise his call right if the yield on comparable Notes in the capital market has
increased. In this event an investor will not be able to reinvest the redemption proceeds in comparable
Notes with a higher yield. It should be noted, however, that the Issuer may exercise any call right
irrespective of market interest rates on a call date.

Currency Risk

Holders of Notes denominated in a foreign currency (i.e. a currency other than euro) are particularly
exposed to the risk of changes in currency exchange rates which may affect the yield of such Notes.
Changes in currency exchange rates result from various factors, such as macro-economic factors,
speculative transactions and interventions by central banks and governments.

A change in the value of any foreign currency against the euro, for example, will result in a corresponding
change in the euro value of Notes denominated in a currency other than euro and a corresponding change
in the euro value of interest and principal payments made in a currency other than euro in accordance with
the terms of such Notes. If the underlying exchange rate falls and the value of the euro rises
correspondingly, the price of the Notes and the value of interest and principal payments made thereunder
expressed in euro falls.

In addition, government and monetary authorities may impose (as some have done in the past) exchange
controls that could adversely affect an applicable currency exchange rate. As a result, investors may
receive less interest or principal than expected.

Risks related to the to the German Act on Debt Securities of 2009 (Schuldverschreibungsgesetz)

Since the Terms and Conditions of Notes issued under the Programme provide for meetings of Holders of a
series of Notes or the taking of votes without a meeting, the Terms and Conditions of such Notes may be
amended (as proposed or agreed by the Issuer) by majority resolution of the Holders of such Notes and any
such majority resolution will be binding on all Holders. Any Holder is therefore subject to the risk that its
rights against the Issuer under the Terms and Conditions of the relevant series of Notes are amended,
reduced or even cancelled by a majority resolution of the Holders. Any such majority resolution will even be
binding on Holders who have declared their claims arising from the Notes due and payable based on the
occurrence of an event of default but who have not received payment from the Issuer prior to the
amendment taking effect. According to the German Act on Debt Securities of 2009
(Schuldverschreibungsgesetz – "SchVG"), the relevant majority for Holders’ resolutions is generally based
on votes cast, rather than on the aggregate principal amount of the relevant Notes outstanding. Therefore,
any such resolution may effectively be passed with the consent of less than a majority of the aggregate
principal amount of the relevant Notes outstanding.

Under the SchVG, an initial common representative (gemeinsamer Vertreter) of the Holders (the "Holders’
Representative") may be appointed by way of the terms and conditions of an issue.

No initial Holders’ Representative might be appointed by the Terms and Conditions. Any appointment of a
Holders’ Representative post issuance of Notes will, therefore, require a majority resolution of the Holders
of the Notes. If the appointment of a Holders’ Representative is delayed, this will make it more difficult for
Holders to take collective action to enforce their rights under the Notes.

If a Holders’ Representative will be appointed by majority decision of the Holders it is possible that Holders
may be deprived of their individual right to pursue and enforce its rights under the Terms and Conditions
against the Issuer, if such right was passed to the Holders’ Representative by majority vote who is then
exclusively responsible to claim and enforce the rights of all the Holders.

The applicable Final Terms will indicate if, in case of certain events of default, any notice declaring the
Notes due and payable shall become effective only when the Fiscal Agent has received such default notices
from Holders representing at least 25 per cent of the aggregate principal amount of the Notes then
outstanding. Under the SchVG, even if a default notice is given by a sufficient number of Holders, it could
be rescinded by majority resolution within three months. A simple majority of votes would be sufficient for a
resolution on the rescission of such acceleration but, in any case, more Holders would have to consent to a
rescission than have delivered default notices. Holders should be aware that, as a result, they may not be
able to accelerate their Notes upon the occurrence of certain events of default, unless the required quorum
of Holders with respect to the Notes delivers default notices and such acceleration is not rescinded by
majority resolution of the Holders.

Other related Risks

Risks related to Credit Ratings

One or more independent credit rating agencies may assign credit ratings to the Notes. The ratings may not
reflect the potential impact of all risks related to the structure, market, additional risk factors discussed
herein and other factors that may affect the value of the Notes. A credit rating is not a recommendation to
buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to revision, suspension or withdrawal by the rating agency at
any time. No assurance can be given that a credit rating will remain constant for any given period of time or
that a credit rating will not be reduced or withdrawn entirely by the credit rating agency if, in its judgment,
circumstances so warrant. Rating agencies may also change their methodologies for rating securities in the
future. Any suspension, reduction or withdrawal of the credit rating assigned to the relevant Notes by one or
more of the credit rating could adversely affect the value and trading of such Notes.

Risks relating to structural subordination

Generally, claims of creditors of a subsidiary, including trade creditors, secured creditors, and creditors
holding indebtedness and guarantees issued by such subsidiary, will have priority with respect to the assets
and earnings of the subsidiary over the claims of creditors of its parent company. However, Holders will
have direct claims against the Guarantors themselves under the Guarantee on a senior unsecured basis.

Accordingly, the Notes will be structurally subordinated to all creditors, including trade creditors, of the
Issuer’s subsidiaries other than the Guarantors. Any right of the Issuer and the Guarantors to receive assets
of any subsidiary upon the insolvency or liquidation of the subsidiary (and the consequent rights of Holders
to participate in those assets) will be structurally subordinated to the claims of these subsidiary’s creditors,
except to the extent the Issuer’s and the Guarantors’ claims do not result from (i) their respective
shareholdings, (ii) shareholder loans (or their economic equivalent) subordinated by law, or (iii) contractually
subordinated claims, in which case their claims would still be subordinated with respect to any assets of the
subsidiary pledged to secure other indebtedness, and any indebtedness of the subsidiary senior to that held
by the Issuer and the Guarantor. In addition, holders of secured indebtedness of the Issuer and the
Guarantors would have a claim on the assets securing such indebtedness that is prior to the Holders and
would have a claim that is pari passu with the Holders to the extent the security did not satisfy such

Risks relating to limitations of the Guarantee

The Guarantors are incorporated in the form of a German limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit
beschränkter Haftung, "GmbH"). Consequently, the grant of a guarantee by it is subject to certain
provisions of the German Limited Liability Company Act (Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaft mit
beschränkter Haftung, "GmbHG").

As a general rule, Sections 30 and 31 of the GmbHG prohibit a GmbH from disbursing its assets to its
shareholders to the extent that the amount of the GmbH’s net assets (i.e., assets minus liabilities and
liability reserves) is already less or would fall below the amount of its stated share capital (Stammkapital).
The granting of a guarantee by a GmbH in order to secure liabilities of a direct or indirect parent or sister
company may be considered disbursements under Sections 30 and 31 of the GmbHG. Therefore, in order
to enable German subsidiaries to grant guarantees and to create security interests to secure liabilities of a
direct or indirect parent or sister company without the risk of violating Sections 30 and 31 of the GmbHG, it
is standard market practice for terms and conditions, credit agreements, guarantees and security
documents to contain so-called "limitation language" in relation to subsidiaries in the legal form of a GmbH
incorporated in Germany. Pursuant to such limitation language, the beneficiaries of the security interests
(including any guarantee) agree, subject to certain exemptions, to require payments under the Guarantee
or, as the case may be, enforce the security interests against the German subsidiary only if and to the
extent that such payment or, as the case may be, enforcement does not result in the GmbH’s net assets
falling below its stated share capital or, as the case may be, if the net assets are already below the amount
of its stated share capital, to cause such amount to be further reduced. Accordingly, the security documents
and other relevant documents relating to the Guarantee provided by the Guarantors contain such limitation
language and the Guarantee will be limited in the manner described. These limitations would, to the extent
applicable, restrict the right of payment and would limit the claim accordingly irrespective of the granting of
the subsidiary guarantee. This could lead to a situation in which the Guarantee cannot be enforced at all.
German capital maintenance rules are subject to evolving case law (Rechtsprechung). Future court rulings
may further limit the access of shareholders to assets of their subsidiaries constituted in the form of a
GmbH, which can negatively affect the ability of the subsidiaries to make payments on the Guarantee and
of the beneficiaries of the Guarantee to enforce the Guarantee.

Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that the case law of the German Federal Supreme Court
(Bundesgerichtshof) regarding so-called destructive interference (existenzvernichtender Eingriff) (i.e., a
situation where a shareholder deprives a German limited liability company of the liquidity necessary for it to
meet its own payment obligations) may be applied by courts with respect to the enforcement of a guarantee
or security granted by a German (direct or indirect) subsidiary of the Issuer. In such a case, the amount of
proceeds to be realised in an enforcement process may be reduced, even to zero.

In addition, enforcement of the Guarantee and security interests granted by subsidiaries of the Issuer may
be limited under its respective terms to the extent that it would lead to the illiquidity (Zahlungsunfähigkeit) of
the Guarantors.

The specific risk is that the Guarantors may be restricted in making payments under the Guarantee which in
turn may result in a Holders’ loss of the investment in the Notes.

Risks associated with green, sustainable or social bonds

The Final Terms relating to any specific Tranche of Notes may provide that it will be the Issuer's intention to
apply an amount equivalent to the proceeds from an issue of those Notes specifically for projects and
activities that promote climate-friendly and other environmental purposes or social purposes ("ESG
Projects") if specified so in the relevant Final Terms in accordance with certain prescribed eligibility criteria
set out in the green bond framework of the Issuer (as amended from time to time) (the "Green Bond
Framework") for which a second party opinion has been provided and which both can be viewed on the
Issuer’s website ( For
the avoidance of doubt, neither the Green Bond Framework nor the second party opinion are incorporated
into or form part of this Base Prospectus.

Prospective investors should refer to the information set out in the relevant Final Terms regarding such use
of proceeds and must determine for themselves the relevance of such information for the purpose of any
investment in such Notes together with any other investigation such investor deems necessary.

Due to the envisaged use of the proceeds from the issuance of such Tranche of Notes, the Issuer may refer
to such Notes as "green bonds", "sustainable bonds" or "social bonds". The definition (legal, regulatory or
otherwise) of, and market consensus as to what constitutes or may be classified as, a "green",
"sustainable", "social" or an equivalently-labelled project is currently under development. In addition, it is an
area which has been, and continues to be, the subject of many and wide-ranging voluntary and regulatory
initiatives to develop rules, guidelines, standards, taxonomies and objectives such as the green bond
principles by ICMA, the development of a future European Green Bond Standard and a regulation to
establish a framework to facilitate sustainable development.

Application of proceeds of such Notes for a portfolio of ESG Projects will not result in any security, pledge,
lien or other form of encumbrance of such assets for the benefit of the Holders of any such Note, nor will the
performance of such projects or assets give rise to any specific claims under the Notes or attribution of
losses in respect of the Notes.

Accordingly, no assurance can be given by the Issuer, the Guarantors or the Dealers, any sustainability
advisor or second party opinion provider that the use of such proceeds for any ESG Projects will satisfy,
whether in whole or in part, any existing or future legislative or regulatory requirements, or any present or
future investor expectations or requirements with respect to investment criteria or guidelines with which any
investor or its investments are required to comply under its own by-laws or other governing rules or
investment portfolio mandates.

In the event that any Tranche of Notes is listed or admitted to trading on any dedicated "green",
"environmental", "sustainable", "social" or other equivalently-labelled segment of any stock exchange or
securities market (whether or not regulated), no representation or assurance is given by the Issuer, the
Guarantors, the Dealers or any other person that such listing or admission satisfies, whether in whole or in
part, any present or future investor expectations or requirements with respect to investment criteria or
guidelines with which any investor or its investments are required to comply under its own by-laws or other
governing rules or investment portfolio mandates. Furthermore, it should be noted that the criteria for any
such listings or admission to trading may vary from one stock exchange or securities market to another. Nor
is any representation or assurance given or made by the Issuer, the Guarantors, the Dealers or any other
person that any such listing or admission to trading will be obtained in respect of any Tranche of Notes or, if
obtained, that any such listing or admission to trading will be maintained during the life of that Tranche of

While it is the intention of the Issuer to apply an amount equivalent to the proceeds of any Notes so
specified for ESG Projects in, or substantially in, the manner described in the relevant Final Terms, there
can be no assurance by the Issuer, the Guarantors, the Dealers or any other person that the relevant
project(s) or use(s) the subject of, or related to, any ESG Projects will be capable of being implemented in
or substantially in such manner and/or accordance with any timing schedule and that accordingly such
proceeds will be totally or partially disbursed for such ESG Projects. Nor can there be any assurance by the
Issuer, the Guarantors, the Dealers or any other person that such ESG Projects will be completed within
any specified period or at all or with the results or outcome (whether or not related to the environment) as
originally expected or anticipated by the Issuer. Any such event or any failure by the Issuer to do so will not
give the Holder the right to early terminate the Notes or give rise to a claim to any Holders against the
Issuer, the Guarantors and the Dealers.

Any failure to apply an amount equivalent to the proceeds of any issue of Notes for any ESG Projects as
aforesaid and/or withdrawal of any such opinion or certification or any such opinion or certification attesting
that the Issuer is not complying in whole or in part with any matters for which such opinion or certification is
opining or certifying on and/or any such Notes no longer being listed or admitted to trading on any stock
exchange or securities market as aforesaid may have a material adverse effect on the value of such Notes
and also potentially the value of any other Notes which are intended to finance ESG Projects and/or result
in adverse consequences for certain investors with portfolio mandates to invest in securities to be used for a
particular purpose.

Holders must be aware of the risk that if any of the afore-mentioned risks materialise this could lead to a
substantial decrease of the quoted price of the Notes and a loss of the capital invested by a Holder if such
Holder choses to sell the Notes in the secondary market prior to their maturity.


General Information
The legal and commercial name is Eurogrid GmbH (the "Issuer").

The Issuer operates under the laws of Germany and was incorporated as a limited liability company on
26 February 2010. The Issuer has its corporate seat in Berlin, Germany and its registered office is at
Heidestraße 2, 10557 Berlin. The Issuer is registered with the commercial register of the local court
(Amtsgericht) of Charlottenburg under registration number HRB 130427 B. The telephone number of the
Issuer is +49-30-5150-2363. The website of the Issuer is

The Issuer’s legal entity identifier (LEI) is 967600Q53854Z2NBCC81.

There have been no relevant recent events particular to the Issuer which are to a material extent relevant to
the evaluation of the Issuer’s solvency.

Object of the Issuer

Article 2 of the Issuer’s articles of association (as translated from the German original), regarding its objects,
reads as follows:

"2.1 The object of the Company shall be to acquire, hold and manage participations in other
businesses, in particular in the transmission grid operation sector.

2.2 The Company may enter into all transactions and take all measures related to or useful for the
object of the Company."

Business Overview
The Issuer is a holding company and as such, its principal asset is its investment in 50Hertz and its
subsidiaries. See "Business Description of the Guarantors - 50Hertz Transmission GmbH" and "Business
Description of the Guarantors - 50Hertz Offshore GmbH" for a description of 50Hertz and its subsidiaries,
including 50Hertz Offshore.

Organisational Structure

The Issuer is the parent company of the Group. The following diagram depicts, in simplified form, the
organisational structure of the Issuer and 50Hertz and its subsidiaries, including relevant minority
participations, as at the date of this Prospectus:

Eurogrid (Issuer)



49.99% 6.7% 7.9% 100% 4.0% 5.4%


Services Offshore

A more detailed description of 50Hertz can be found under "Business Description of the Guarantors -
50Hertz Transmission GmbH".
A more detailed description of the subsidiaries of 50Hertz can be found under "Business Description of the
Guarantors - 50Hertz Transmission GmbH – Subsidiaries".

Share Capital

The registered share capital of the Issuer amounts to € 25,000 comprising 25,000 shares with a nominal
value of € 1.00 each. The share capital has been fully paid up.

Major Shareholders

80 per cent of the share capital of the Issuer is held by Eurogrid International NV/SA ("Eurogrid
International"), a company incorporated in Brussels, Belgium and registered under 0823.637.886 RPR.
Eurogrid International is directly owned by Elia Group NV/SA ("Elia"). 20 per cent of the share capital of the
Issuer is held by Selent Netzbetreiber GmbH ("Selent"), a company incorporated in Frankfurt am Main,
Germany and registered with the commercial register of the local court (Amtsgericht) of Frankfurt am Main
under registration number HRB 115815. Selent is fully and directly owned by the state-owned Kreditanstalt
für Wiederaufbau (Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts) ("KfW").

KfW is a public-law institution (Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts) serving domestic and international public
policy objectives of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany ("Federal Government").
KfW promotes its financing activities under the umbrella brand name KfW Bankengruppe ("KfW Group").
KfW conducts its business in the following business sectors: standardized products primarily for small and
medium-sized enterprises, business founders, start-ups, self-employed professionals and private individuals
(SME Bank & Private Clients / Mittelstandsbank & Private Kunden), Customized Finance & Public Clients
(Individualfinanzierung & Öffentliche Kunden), KfW Capital, Export and Project Finance, Promotion of
Developing Countries and Emerging Economies, and Financial Markets. The Federal Republic of Germany
holds 80 per cent of KfW’s subscribed capital, and the German federal states hold the remaining 20 per
cent. KfW is organized under the Law Concerning KfW (Gesetz über die Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) as
a public-law institution with unlimited duration.

Elia is a public limited liability company incorporated in Belgium with its shares listed on Euronext Brussels.
Elia, a holding company, is organised, via its subsidiaries, around two electricity transmission system
operators: Elia Transmission Belgium NV/SA ("ETB") in Belgium and 50Hertz and it also has a stake in
entities offering a range of consultancy and engineering activities. ETB, as the Belgian TSO, owns 100 per
cent of the Belgian very high voltage electricity network and owns (or has the right to use) approximately 94
per cent of the Belgian high voltage electricity network. In addition to its system operator activities in
Belgium, ETB’s core business is the operation, maintenance and development of very high voltage (380 kV,
220 kV and 150 kV) and high voltage (70 kV, 36 kV and 30 kV) networks to maintain a reliable electricity
flow from electricity producers, whether located in Belgium or elsewhere in Europe, to distributors and large
corporate clients. ETB also aims to improve the functioning of the open electricity market by acting as a
market facilitator, both in the context of a single European electricity market as well as in the framework of
the integration of renewable energy, in accordance with national and European policies.

In July 2018, KfW was mandated by the Federal Government pursuant to and in accordance with article 2
paragraph 4 of the KfW Law (Zuweisungsgeschäft) to acquire a 20 per cent shareholding in Eurogrid
International (formerly: Eurogrid International CVBA). Eurogrid International CVBA indirectly held all shares
in the German transmission systems operator 50Hertz via its 100 per cent subsidiary Eurogrid. The
transaction closed on August 22, 2018. In June 2019 and in accordance with its mandate by the Federal
Government, KfW swapped its 20 per cent equity stake in Eurogrid International CVBA for a 20 per cent
equity stake in Eurogrid. This share swap was executed to simplify the holding structure. Under the
mandate, KfW is fully covered by a guarantee provided by the Federal Republic of Germany against any
economic risks resulting from its investment in Eurogrid. KfW’s stake in Eurogrid is held via the holding
company Selent, a 100 per cent subsidiary of KfW. Selent’s principal asset is its investment in Eurogrid.
Selent’s business purpose is to hold and administer participations in other companies, in particular in

Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies
The Issuer is managed by a board of managing directors comprising at least two managing directors
(Geschäftsführer) who are appointed by the Supervisory Board of the Issuer. Their details are shown below:

Name Responsibility Principal activities outside the


Stefan Kapferer Managing Director Chief Executive Officer, 50Hertz

Transmission GmbH
Yannick Managing Director Investor Relations Officer, Elia Group
Dekoninck NV/SA

The business address of both managing directors is Heidestraße 2, 10557 Berlin, Germany.

Supervisory Board

Eurogrid is supervised by a non-obligatory supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat) consisting of five members.

The members of the supervisory board of Eurogrid are as follows:

Name Position Principal activities outside Business Address


Christiaan Chairman Chairman of the Executive Elia Group NV/SA

Peeters Committee and Chief Executive Bd. de l’Empereur 20
Officer of Elia Group NV/SA; B – 1000 Brussels
Chairman of the Executive
Committee and Chief Executive
Officer of Elia Transmission
Belgium NV/SA;

Chairman of the Executive

Committee and Chief Executive
Officer of Elia Asset NV/SA;

Member of the Board of

Directors of Elia Grid
International NV/SA;

Chairman of the Board of

Directors and the Audit
Committee of Eurogrid
International NV/SA;

Chairman of the Supervisory

Board of 50Hertz Transmission

Member of the Board of

Directors of Synergrid ASBL,
Fédération des Gestionnaires de
Réseaux Electricité et Gaz
en Belgique;

Chairman of the Board of

Directors of re.alto-energy SRL;

Member of the Supervisory

Board of re-alto-energy GmbH

Chairman of the Roundtable for

Europe Energy’s Future

Dr. Lutz- Vice Chairman Secretary General of Palmengartenstraße 5-9,

Christian Funke Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau D – 60325 Frankfurt /
AöR; Main

Managing Director of KfW

Beteiligungsholding GmbH;

Managing Director of
Gesellschaft zur
Beteiligungsverwaltung GZBV

Member of the Board of KfW


Member of the Supervisory

Board of IKB Deutsche
Industriebank AG;

Member of the Supervisory

Board of 50Hertz Transmission

Markus Berger Member Member of the Supervisory Elia Transmission Belgium

Board of 50Hertz Transmission Elia Group NV/SA
GmbH Bd. de l’Empereur 20
B – 1000 Brussels
Member of the Executive Belgium
Committee and Chief
Infrastructure Officer of Elia
Transmission Belgium NV/SA;

Member of the Executive

Committee and Chief
Infrastructure Officer of Elia
Asset NV/SA;

Managing Director of Elia

Engineering NV/SA;

Chairman of the Board of

Directors of Elia Grid
International NV/SA;

Member of the Board of

Directors of Eurogrid
International NV/SA;

Member or the Board of

Directors of Elia Re (Lux) SA;

Chairman of the Board of

Directors of Nemo Link Limited;

Chairman of the Board of

Directors and Administrative
Council Member of Cigre Belgïe

Member of the Board of Directors

of Bemas ASBL

Member of the Strategic

Committee of Union Wallonne
des Entreprises

Peter Michiels Member Member of the Executive Elia Group NV/SA

Committee of Elia Group NV/SA; Bd. de l’Empereur 20
B – 1000 Brussels
Member of the Executive Belgium
Committee and Chief Human
Resource and Internal
Communication Officer of Elia
Transmission Belgium NV/SA;

Member of the Executive

Committee and Chief Human
Resource and Internal
Communication Officer of Elia
Asset NV/SA;

Member of the Board of

Directors of Eurogrid
International NV/SA;

Board Member of Contassur


Director of Enerbel OFP;

Director of Elgabel OFP ;

Member of the remuneration

committee of Synergrid ASBL,
Fédération des Gestionnaires de
Réseaux Electricité et Gaz en

Independent Board Member of

Myskillcamp S.A.

Catherine Member Member of the Executive Elia Group NV/SA

Vandenborre Committee and Chief Financial Bd. de l’Empereur 20
Officer of Elia Group NV/SA; B – 1000 Brussels
Member of the Executive
Committee and Chief Financial
Officer of Elia Transmission
Belgium NV/SA;

Member of the Executive

Committee and Chief Financial
Officer of Elia Asset NV/SA;

Member or the Board of

Directors of Elia Engineering

Member of the Board of

Directors of Eurogrid
International NV/SA;

Member of the Board of

Directors and Chairwoman of the
Audit Committee of Contassur
Member of the Board of Director
and Chairwoman of the Audit
Committee of Proximus SA;
Member of the Board of
Proximus OFP;

Member of the Board of

Directors of re.alto-energy SRL;

Member of the Supervisory
Board of re-alto-energy GmbH

Independent Board Member of

SN Airholding SA

Manager of Canel SRL

Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies Conflicts of Interest

None of the members of the board of managing directors have declared that there are any potential conflicts
of interest between any duties to the Issuer and their private interests or other duties.

Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Issuer is the calendar year.

Financial Information
The audited consolidated financial statements of the Issuer as of and for the fiscal years ended
31 December 2020 and 31 December 2021 which have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of
the International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union ("IFRS") and the
additional requirements of German commercial law pursuant to Sec. 315e German Commercial Code
(Handelsgesetzbuch – "HGB"), and the respective qualified independent auditor’s reports
(Bestätigungsvermerke des unabhängigen Abschlussprüfers) on these audited IFRS consolidated financial
statements, are incorporated by reference into this Prospectus.

The qualified independent auditor’s reports are fully reproduced on pages 157 to 166 of the pdf document of
the Issuer’s Group management report and consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2020 and
independent auditor’s report thereon and on pages 163 to 171 of the pdf document of the Issuer’s Group
management report and consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2021, respectively.

Statutory Auditors
Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, office Berlin, Friedrichstraße 140, 10117
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany ("EY") was the statutory auditor of the Issuer for the fiscal year ended
31 December 2020. BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin, Katharina-Heinroth-Ufer 1, 10787
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (“BDO”) was the statutory auditor of the Issuer for the fiscal year
ended 31 December 2021. EY or BDO, as the case may be, have conducted their audits in accordance with
Section 317 HGB and German generally accepted standards for the audit of financial statements
promulgated by the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland
e.V. (IDW)) the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS ("IFRS Consolidated
Financial Statements"), of the Issuer as of and for the fiscal years ended 31 December 2020 and 31
December 2021, and in each case issued a qualified independent auditor’s report thereon.

EY and BDO are members of the Chamber of Public Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer), Berlin.

Statement of No Material Adverse Change

There has been no material adverse change in the prospects of the Issuer since 31 December 2021.

Significant Change in the Financial Position

There has been no significant change in the financial position and the financial performance of the Group
since 31 December 2021.

Legal and Arbitration Proceedings
The Issuer has not been involved in any governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any such
proceedings which are pending or threatened of which the Issuer is aware) during the 12 months preceding
the date of this Prospectus which may have or have had in the recent past significant effects on the financial
position or profitability of the Issuer or the Group.

Material Contracts
The Issuer is party to a profit and loss transfer agreement with 50Hertz, see "Business Description of the
Guarantors - 50Hertz Transmission GmbH – Material Contracts".

As of the date of this Prospectus, S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited1,2 has assigned the long-term credit
rating of BBB+ and Moody's Investor Services3 has assigned an unsolicited long-term credit rating of Baa1
to the Issuer.

A credit rating assesses the creditworthiness of an entity and informs an investor therefore about the
probability of the entity being able to redeem invested capital. It is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold
securities and may be revised or withdrawn by the rating agency at any time.

S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (SPGRE), a Dublin-based Irish company is registered with the European Securities and
Markets Authority (ESMA) as a credit rating agency (CRA) under Regulation (EC) No. 1060/2009 as amended ("the CRA
The European Securities and Markets Authority publishes on its website (
and-certified-CRAs) a list of credit rating agencies registered in accordance with the CRA Regulation. That list is updated
within five working days following the adoption of a decision under Article 16, 17 or 20 CRA Regulation. The European
Commission shall publish that update list in the Official Journal of the European Union within 30 days following such update.
Moody's Investor Services is established in the European Community and is registered under Regulation (EC) No
1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies, as most recently
amended by the CRA Regulation.


General Information
The legal and commercial name is 50Hertz Transmission GmbH ("50Hertz").

50Hertz operates under the laws of Germany and was incorporated as a limited liability company on
10 October 2001. The company has its corporate seat in Berlin, Germany and has its registered office at
Heidestraße 2, 10557 Berlin. 50Hertz is registered in the commercial register at the local court
(Amtsgericht) of Charlottenburg under registration number HRB 84446 B. The telephone number of 50Hertz
is +49-30-5150-0. The website of 50Hertz is

50Hertz’ legal entity identifier (LEI) is 529900N6V96MBOIRXV55.

There have been no relevant recent events particular to 50Hertz which are to a material extent relevant to
the evaluation of 50Hertz’ solvency.

Object of 50Hertz
Article 2 of 50Hertz’ articles of association (as translated from the German original), regarding its objects,
reads as follows:

"2.1 Object of the Company shall be the construction, acquisition, operation, commercial use and
provision of energy supply and telecommunication systems, in particular of a transmission network for
electrical power with lines, switching devices and substations including other auxiliary equipment and the
provision of all related services.

2.2 The Company may enter into all transactions and take all measures serving directly or indirectly
the object of the Company. In particular, the Company may acquire or incorporate companies of the same
or similar kind, and participate in such domestic and foreign companies, and enter into cooperation and
enterprise agreements."

Business Description

Regulatory Framework

Relevant German Legislation and TSO Obligations

In order to understand the business of 50Hertz, which operates in a regulated environment, an overview of
the applicable regulatory framework is provided below:

The German legal framework for electricity markets is laid down in various pieces of legislation. The key act
is the EnWG, which defines the overall legal framework for the gas and electricity industry in Germany. The
EnWG is supported by a number of laws, ordinances and regulatory decisions, which provide detailed rules
on the current regime of incentive regulation, regulatory accounting methods and network access
arrangements, including but not limited to the following acts (please note that the legal framework will be
amended to implement the CJEU ruling on the non-compliance of the German legislation with higher
ranking EU law, in particular the independence of the BNetzA):

 The Ordinance on Electricity Network Tariffs (Verordnung über die Entgelte für den Zugang zu
Elektrizitätsversorgungsnetzen (Stromnetzentgeltverordnung — "StromNEV")), which establishes,
inter alia, principles (Grundsätze) and methods for the network tariff calculations and further
obligations of network operators;

 The Ordinance on Electricity Network Access (Verordnung über den Zugang zu

Elektrizitätsversorgungsnetzen (Stromnetzzugangsverordnung — "StromNZV")), which, inter alia, sets
out the further detail on how to grant access to the transmission systems grids (and other types of
grids) by way of establishing the balancing account system (Bilanzkreissystem), scheduling of
electricity deliveries, control power and further general obligations, e.g. capacity shortage

(Engpassmanagement), publication obligations, metering, minimum requirements for various types of
contracts and the duty of certain network operators to manage the balancing account system for
renewable energy; and

 The Ordinance on Incentive Regulation ARegV, which sets out the basic rules for incentive regulation
of TSOs and other network operators (as further described below in "Tariff Setting in Germany"). It also
describes in general terms how to benchmark efficiency, which costs enter the efficiency
benchmarking, the method of determining inefficiency and how this translates into yearly targets for
efficiency growth.

All TSOs in Germany with control area responsibility are subject to a number of obligations as a result of,
inter alia, the following laws and ordinances (please note that the legal framework will be amended to
implement the CJEU ruling on the non-compliance of the German legislation with higher ranking EU law, in
particular the independence of the BNetzA):

 Network expansion obligations: All German network operators are obliged to operate, maintain and, in
line with demand, optimise and expand their network systems (Sec. 11 para. 1 EnWG). Based on this
more general obligation, the German TSOs with control area responsibility are obliged to set up so-
called network development plans (Netzentwicklungspläne - "NEP") every two years in order to
safeguard a coordinated development and the expansion of the German network systems. The NEP is
subject to consultation and confirmation by the BNetzA. By confirmation of the NEP BNetzA confirms
the network expansion projects included in the NEP. At least every four years, BNetzA provides the
confirmed NEP to the Federal Government as draft for the federal demand plan (Bundesbedarfsplan)
which is binding for the TSOs as to implementing the confirmed expansion measures as well as for the
planning authorities as to the planning law and energy law related necessity of the measures. Further
statutes, such as the Network Expansion Acceleration Act (Netzausbaubeschleunigungsgesetz) and
Energy Line Expansion Act (Energieleitungsausbaugesetz), further promote the network expansion.
The costs associated with such network expansion measures can be included in the network fee

 Connection obligations in respect of power generation facilities: The EnWG sets the general rules for
connection of power generation facilities. According to these rules, the German TSOs with control area
responsibility must connect power generation facilities to their network on technical and economic
conditions that are appropriate, non-discriminatory, transparent, and no less favourable than the
network operator would apply to itself or to affiliated companies. TSOs can refuse a connection if they
can prove that the connection is not possible or unreasonable for operational, technical or economic
reasons. The details of the procedures are laid down, inter alia, in the Kraftwerks-Netzanschluss-
Verordnung ("KraftNAV").

 In the past, the German TSOs with control area responsibility were obliged to set-up a so-called
offshore network development plan (Offshore-Netzentwicklungsplan – "O-NEP") to harmonise the
further development of cable connections in accordance with the construction of new wind farms. As of
2019, the contents of the O-NEP were replaced partially by an accordingly extended NEP and partially
by a so-called Site Development Plan (Flächenentwicklungsplan – "FEP") that was created for the first
time in 2019 and will be renewed at least every four years thereafter by the Federal Maritime and
Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie). As of 2017 and 2018 for a
transitional model and beginning in 2021 on an annual basis, the BNetzA tenders network connection
capacities according to the specifications of the Offshore Wind Energy Act (Gesetz zur Entwicklung
und Förderung der Windenergie auf See (Windenergie-auf-See-Gesetz – WindSeeG)). Furthermore,
according to Sec. 17d EnWG, German TSOs with control area responsibility are obligated to connect
at their expense offshore wind farms according to the provisions of the NEP und FEP. The costs
incurred in connection with this obligation are covered via the offshore grid surcharge.

 EEG and EEV (Erneuerbare-Energien-Verordnung) obligations: To promote the use of renewable

energy facilities, the former Renewable Energy Sources Act (2009) provided for a system of fixed
tariffs for electricity generated from renewable sources which has been replaced for new facilities by
so-called market premiums according to the current EEG that came into effect as of 1 January 2017.
New wind, biomass and solar plants above a certain size will receive a bonus only if they have
previously won in a tender procedure. The German TSOs with control area responsibility have to take
off the energy generated by renewable energy facilities either connected directly to their network or
being connected to distribution system operators ("DSOs") who then pass the electricity on to the TSO
level and pay such fixed tariffs or market premiums to the plant operators or reimburse prior DSO
payments if the facility is connected to their network. Taking into account regional differences in the
generation of renewable energy, the EEG provides in Sec. 58 EEG for a nationwide equalisation
mechanism amongst the TSOs with control area responsibility for the costs associated with this
obligation. As a result, the four TSOs in Germany with control area responsibility share these costs
amongst themselves based on an agreed mechanism, technical proceedings and necessary
information exchange. With regards to the sale of the electricity produced by the renewable energy
facilities, the EEV is supplemented by the Renewable Energy Implementation Ordinance
(Erneuerbare-Energien-Ausführungsverordnung – "EEAV"). Under the EEV combined by with EEAV,
the TSOs with control area responsibility must sell the infeed from renewable energy facilities on the
day-ahead or intraday markets of a power exchange. The costs related to meeting the EEG
obligations, including the associated costs of managing and financing them, are treated as pass-
through costs. In cases when there is a difference between actual costs and actual revenues in a given
year, the net costs are recovered in the following years.

 Combined Heat and Power Act ("CHP" Act or "KWKG"): The stated purpose of the law is "to make a
contribution" to increase the electricity production from Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants or
cogeneration in Germany towards 110 TWh until 2020 and 120 TWh until 2025. To ensure this aim,
the KWKG defines a support mechanism for CHP plants and certain newly built or expanded heat
networks. The law places a duty on network operators to connect certain eligible types of CHP plants
and to prioritise the feed-in of their electricity. Whilst operators of a CHP plant with a CHP capacity
exceeding 100 kW are obliged to direct marketing, operators of smaller CHP plants may opt for the
purchase of the CHP energy by the network operator. The production of electricity from CHP is
promoted up to a certain amount with a bonus payment to be paid by the network operator to whose
network the CHP plant is connected, depending on the kilowatt-hours generated and in some cases on
whether the plants have won a tender issued by the BNetzA. If such a CHP plant is connected to the
DSO level, occurring costs of the DSO can be passed on to the upstream TSOs who share them pro
rata to ensure that financial burdens are equally shared amongst all network operators. The equalised
costs are then passed back to the downstream networks in form of a uniform nationwide "KWK-
surcharge" which will then be paid by the end consumers together with the respective network fees.
The TSOs with control area responsibility are responsible to collect the KWK-surcharge from the
electricity-intensive network customers within the meaning of Sec. 64 EEG directly.

 Obligations in context with individual grid tariffs according to StromNEV: Grid users can apply for so-
called individual grid tariffs which are, compared to the standard grid tariffs, lower and take into
account that particularly large industrial grid users contribute to a permanent and steady usage of the
network system. The TSOs are obligated to reimburse DSOs for loss of income resulting from such
lower individual grid tariffs. The TSOs then balance their respective compensation payments towards
DSOs and their own loss of income amongst each other according to a specific distribution key. The
financial burden is then passed back to the downstream networks in the form of a uniform nationwide
"Sec.19 StromNEV surcharge" which will then be paid by the end consumers together with the
respective network fees.

 Obligations according to the Ordinance on Interruptible Loads (Verordnung über Vereinbarungen zu

abschaltbaren Lasten (Verordnung zu abschaltbaren Lasten) – "AbLaV"): According to AbLaV facility
operators connected to the network can offer detachable load (abschaltbare Leistungen) to their
respective TSO. The TSO has to compensate the facility-operators. The costs arising from AbLaV are
passed back to the downstream networks in accordance with Sec. 18 AbLaV according to Sec. 26, 28,
30 KWKG to the downstream networks in the form of a uniform nationwide "AbLaV surcharge" which

will then be paid by the end consumers together with the respective network fees. The AbLaV is
supposed to terminate on 1 July 2022.

 Obligations according to Electricity Market Act: In July 2016, the Electricity Market Act
(Strommarktgesetz) entered into force. Main aspects with relevance to the TSOs were the introduction
of several kinds of reserves (the so-called grid reserve and the grid stability units for the purpose of
congestion management, voltage stability and black start capability, the capacity reserve to ensure
generation adequacy and the security reserve that shall allow for a phase-out of lignite power plants
and also ensure generation adequacy in the meantime). The costs resulting from these reserves are
permanently non-influenceable costs in terms of the incentive regulation and therefore can be charged
within the network tariffs without efficiency requirements.

 Obligations according to the Digitalization Act (Gesetz zur Digitalisierung der Energiewende): In July
2016, the Digitalization Act, the core of which is the new German Smart Meters Operation Act
(Messstellenbetriebsgesetz - MsbG) entered into force. The main aspects of the Digitalization Act
which have an impact on the TSOs are the redesign of communication systems and processes to
ensure the processing of a high volume of smart meter data. The responsibility for the aggregation of
the metering data for better balancing energy generation with consumption is given to the TSOs.
However, remuneration of the respective costs is not regulated by the law and currently under
discussion with BNetzA.

 As mentioned before, in 2021 the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled inter alia that
German legislation regarding the competences of BNetzA is not compliant with higher European Union
law. That is why the German legislation has still to be amended in order to take into account the CJEU
ruling. It is expected that BNetzA’s competences with regard to tariff setting and BNetzA’s
independence and impartiality requirements will increase. The impact on 50Hertz resulting from these
upcoming changes in the German legislation cannot be assessed yet as the timing and details of the
changes to the legal framework are not known yet.

Regulatory agencies in Germany

The regulatory agency for the energy sector in Germany is the BNetzA in Bonn for network systems to
which 100,000 or more network users are directly or indirectly connected and the specific regulatory
authorities in the respective federal states for network systems to which less than 100,000 network users
are directly or indirectly connected. The regulatory agencies are, inter alia, in charge of ensuring non-
discriminatory third-party access to networks and monitoring the tariffs levied by the TSOs. 50Hertz is
subject to the authority of the BNetzA.

Tariff Setting in Germany

The tariff regulation mechanism in Germany is determined by EnWG, StromNEV and ARegV. The grid
tariffs are calculated based on the revenue cap (Sec. 17 ARegV) and comprise the onshore business. The
revenue cap is determined by the BNetzA for each TSO and for each regulatory period. The revenue cap
can be adjusted to account for specific cases provided for in the ARegV. The network operators are not
allowed to retain revenue in excess of their individually determined revenue cap. If network operators
nevertheless retain revenues in excess of their individually determined revenue cap, a compensation
mechanism applies that leads to the reduction of future tariffs (Sec. 5 ARegV). Each regulatory period lasts
five years, and the third regulatory period started on 1 January 2019 and will end on 31 December 2023.
Tariffs are public and are not subject to negotiation with customers. Only certain customers (under specific
circumstances that are accounted for in the relevant laws) are allowed to agree to individual tariffs
according to Sec. 19 StromNEV (for example, in the case of sole use of a network asset). The Network
Tariffs Modernisation Act (Netzentgeltmodernisierungsgesetz – "NEMoG"), which entered into force in July
2017 and the Ordinance on the Gradual Introduction of Uniform Federal Network Transmission Tariffs
(Verordnung zur schrittweisen Einführung bundeseinheitlicher Übertragungsnetzentgelte) of 5 April 2018,
introduce a step by step implementation of nationwide uniform network tariffs for all German TSOs with
control area responsibility. This step by step approach started in 2019 with a nationwide uniform share of 20
per cent of the individual cost basis of each TSO and will lead to nationwide uniform network tariffs in 2023.
Moreover, the NEMoG introduces the transfer of offshore grid connection and operation costs as of 2019 to
the former offshore liability surcharge which consequently was renamed offshore grid surcharge (Offshore-

For the purposes of the revenue cap, the costs incurred by a network operator are classified into two
categories as follows:

 Permanently non-influenceable costs ("PNIC"): these costs are generally direct pass through costs to
customers and are recovered in full, albeit with a two-year time lag, unless stated otherwise. The cost
items recognized in the PNIC are defined in the ARegV and include a selected number of allowed cost
items, such as worker council costs, operational taxes and costs and revenues resulting from so-called
procedural regulations (see below). In addition, the capital investments that have been allowed in the
IMs are also considered as PNIC until certain conditions are fulfilled and the investments become a
part of the regulated asset base. These costs are passed through without time lag. The allowance for
IM within PNIC includes remuneration for return on equity (based on a cap of 40 per cent), cost of debt
(also subject to a cap), depreciation, imputed trade tax and operational expenditure (currently at a
fixed rate of 0.8 per cent of the capitalized investment costs of the respective recognized onshore
investments for IM applied for before 2019. For IM applied for afterwards, according to a revision of the
ARegV and the StromNEV the German government approved in March 2019, a fixed rate of 0.2 per
cent applies before commissioning and 0.8 per cent after commissioning. All OPEX and CAPEX
related to an approved IM which are reimbursed via the grid tariffs during the last three years of the
approval phase for the respective IM used to be deducted from the revenue cap distributed over a 20-
year period, starting after the approval phase and with the roll-over of the investment in the regulated
asset base (so-called claw back). However, the ARegV revision in 2021 introduced the capital cost
adjustment (Kapitalkostenabgleich “KKA”) as the new remuneration regime for onshore transmission
network investments. The new regime will replace the current regime of investment measures (“IM”) in
2024. In this context, the CAPEX part of the already deducted claw backs for the third regulatory
period will be refunded without interest via the regulatory accounts 2019 to 2021 . Furthermore, several
procedural regulations also considered as PNIC are in place covering such cost items, inter alia,
relating to control power, onshore grid losses and redispatch as well as costs from European
initiatives, ITC, grid reserves and auction revenues and redispatch costs on interconnectors.

 Temporarily non-influenceable costs ("TNIC") and influenceable costs ("IC"): TNIC and IC are all costs
that do not classify as PNIC, e.g. maintenance costs. TNIC are all respective costs which are deemed
fully efficient. They are included in the revenue cap, taking into account an annual adjustment for
inflation and the Xgen. The Xgen reduces the revenue cap as part of the regulation formula and was
set by section 9 ARegV at annually 1.25 per cent in the first regulatory period and annually 1.5 per
cent in the second regulatory period. Pursuant to section 9 para. 3 ARegV BNetzA prior to the third
regulatory period had to determine a new Xgen. With decision dated 28 November 2018 it set the
Xgen for power network operators at 0.90 per cent (cf. BK4-17-056). 50Hertz appealed against the
decision concerning the power sector in front of the the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf.
Currently, 50Hertz is not actively pursuing the case, pending a final decision in other model
proceedings. A first decision in a model proceeding was taken in 2021: On 9 July 2019, the Higher
Regional Court of Düsseldorf revoked in a model procedure the corresponding BNetzA decision in the
gas sector (cf. BK4-17-093). BNetzA successfully appealed against the Higher Regional Court of
Düsseldorf’s decision at the BGH. BGH confirmed on 26 January 2021 BNetzA’s determination of
Xgen (cf. EnVR 101/19). Regarding the electricity sector, a final decision in a model proceeding is still
pending. The IC are also included in the revenue cap. The IC are annually adjusted with regard to
inflation and a general productivity factor, but, in addition, IC are also subject to Xind (with 50Hertz
being deemed 100 per cent efficient for the third regulatory period, there are no IC and no inefficient
costs). The efficiency factor provides an incentive to the TSO to reduce or eliminate the inefficient
costs over the course of the regulatory period. If a grid operator is deemed 100 per cent efficient, the
full respective cost volume is allocated to TNIC, thus the cost basis (excluding PNIC) is only adjusted
with regard to the general productivity factor and inflation by a general inflation factor computed based
on a statutorily fixed formula. In addition, the current incentive mechanism provides for the use of a
quality factor which could also be applied vis-à-vis the TSOs but the criteria and implementation
mechanism for such a quality factor for TSOs is yet to be established by the BNetzA. Both TNIC and
IC include the capital costs (i.e. remuneration for return on equity (based on a cap of 40 per cent), cost
of debt (also subject to a cap), depreciation and imputed trade tax for assets which are included in the
base year and do not qualify as PNIC).

With regard to return on capital, the BNetzA provides separate revenue allowances for the return on equity
and cost of debt. For the allowed return on equity, which is included in the TNIC/IC for assets belonging to
the regulatory asset base and the PNIC for assets approved in IM, the return on equity for the third
regulatory period is set at 5.12 per cent for investments made before 2006 and 6.91 per cent for
investments made since 2006, based on 40 per cent of the total asset value regarded as "financed by
equity" with the remainder of the investment treated as "quasi-debt". The return on equity is calculated
before corporate tax and after imputed trade tax. Post tax, this return on equity for the third regulatory
period would result in a rate of 4.18 per cent for investments made before 2006 and 5.64 per cent for
investments made since 2006. The return on equity rate is redetermined by the BNetzA for every regulatory
period. In October 2021 BNetzA determined the return on equity for the fourth regulation period starting
2024. The return on equity was determined at 5.07 per cent for investments realized after 2006 (3.51 per
cent for investments until 2006). 50Hertz appealed against BNetzA’s decision regarding the revenue cap
determination of the return on equity for the fourth regulation period. A decision of the court is pending. With
respect to the cost of debt, the allowed cost of debt related to TNIC/IC is capped if it cannot be proven as
being in line with the market (marktkonform). The allowed cost of debt related to PNIC incurred by approved
investment measures is capped at the lower of the actual cost of debt or cost of debt as calculated in
accordance with a BNetzA determination – unless exceeding cost of debt is proven as being in line with the

In addition to the grid tariffs, costs and revenues regarding the offshore business are subject to the offshore
grid surcharge as of 2019. The offshore grid surcharge comprises CAPEX (including return on equity) and
actual OPEX according to the Ordinance on Grid Tariffs (StromNEV) and the Ordinance on Incentive
Regulation (ARegV) as well as payments to offshore wind farms following the offshore liability provisions
established in the EnWG to compensate for interruptions or delays of offshore grid connections. The
offshore grid surcharge is calculated annually based on planned costs for year t with a later actual cost
settlement in year t+1 and corresponding compensation for deviations between planned and actual costs in
the offshore grid surcharge of the year t+2.

In addition to the grid tariffs and the offshore grid surcharge, 50Hertz is compensated for costs incurred
related to its renewable energy obligations, including EEG and CHP/KWKG, and other obligations like the
individual grid tariffs mechanism according to StromNEV and the AblaV subject to surcharges.

European Regulation and Laws

The activities of 50Hertz are influenced not only by the regulatory framework in Germany, but also by
European Union regulation and legislative acts, which are to be implemented into German law.

In respect of electricity, the Third Energy Package – which was adopted in 2009 consisting of a set of
European Union (EU) Regulations and Directives relating to the European internal energy market – included
also Regulation (EC) 713/2009 establishing an Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER),
which is entitled to handle within its competences electricity matters. ACER is a decentralised body of the
European Union with legal personality. It shall issue opinions on all questions related to the field of energy
regulators. It can participate in the creation of network codes in the fields of electricity and gas and it can
make decisions regarding cross-border infrastructure within its competences, including derogations from
certain provisions in the applicable regulations.

In 2018 and 2019 the European legislator adopted the so-called "Clean Energy Package", which largely
replaces the Third Energy Package. However, the key principles of the Third Energy Package are
maintained by the Clean Energy Package. For 50Hertz’ business as a TSO the Regulation on the internal
market for electricity (EU) 2019/943 ("Electricity Regulation") and the Directive on common rules for the
internal market for electricity (EU) 2019/944 are most relevant.
Regulation (EC) 714/2009, which was part of the Third Energy Package, sets out areas in which network
codes were to be developed. This regulation was recasted by the Electricity Regulation which requires in
addition further network codes to be developed. Network codes are sets of rules which apply to specific
areas of the energy sector. They are based on framework guidelines developed by ACER. ENTSO-E, a
group consisting of all European TSOs, then has to draft the network codes. They become binding after
being adopted by the European Commission as a regulation via the comitology procedure. Most relevant
network codes for 50Hertz’ business developed under the Third Energy Package are in particular the
Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and
congestion management – CACM, Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 of 2 August 2017 establishing a
guideline on electricity transmission system operation – SOGL and Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195
of 23 November 2017 establishing a guideline on electricity balancing,- EB GL. They establish obligations
on the European TSOs to cooperate on facilitating cross border energy exchanges with the aim to
implement the European internal energy market.

Business Overview
50Hertz is one of the four TSOs in Germany that owns, operates, maintains and develops a 400 kV — 150
kV transmission network with an installed capacity of around 53,250 MW (thereof around 39,600 MW
renewables, thereof around 21,000 MW wind on- and offshore). The 50Hertz-grid has a length of around
10,325 km in an area covering the five Eastern German states of Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt,
Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as well as Berlin and Hamburg and also the grid
connections of offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea. 50Hertz’ control area covers approximately 109,000
km² (a third of Germany) with about 18 million inhabitants consuming approximately 20 per cent of
Germany’s electricity. Maintenance of the transmission system, substations and switching stations is
organized through five regional centers operating in a region characterized by a lot of wind; renewable
energy already accounts for over 56 per cent of the electricity consumption in the 50Hertz-grid region. This
share will further increase over the next years following further investments in integrating photovoltaic
generation, wind onshore and connecting the offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea. 50Hertz has the
youngest asset base among the German TSOs. Its administrative center is situated in Berlin-Mitte. In
addition, 50Hertz’ grid is situated at the crossroads between the Western and North Eastern European
electricity markets due to the central location of its network between Scandinavia, Poland, the Czech
Republic and Central Western Europe.

As of 31 December 2021, 50Hertz reported total assets amounting to € 9,643.9 million. In the fiscal year
ended 31 December 2021, the operations of 50Hertz generated revenue of € 7,902.2 million and cash flow
from operating activities of € 3,650.4 million. The number of employees of 50Hertz as of 31 December 2021
was 1,375 including 30 apprentices.

50Hertz’ location within Europe and Germany is shown below:

A map with the grid operated by 50Hertz is shown below:

Under the German legal and regulatory framework, 50Hertz performs the following services:

 Operate a safe, reliable and efficient transmission grid on a non-discriminatory basis: 50Hertz has to
operate, maintain and develop its grid meeting the demands of its customers to the extent this is
economically reasonable. In particular, the TSOs have to contribute to security of supply by providing
appropriate transmission capacity and system reliability.

 Provide grid connection and transport electricity through the high voltage grid: 50Hertz is obligated to
provide physical connection to its grid to final customers, level or downstream electricity supply grids
and lines, as well as generation facilities (whose statutory priority feed-in might have to be considered
in case of congestions) subject to technical and economic conditions that are appropriate, non-
discriminatory, and transparent. In addition, and in accordance with regulated third party access
("TPA") rules, 50Hertz must also grant TPA to their grid on an economically reasonable, non-
discriminatory and transparent basis.

 Provide preferential grid connection to, and feed-in electricity produced from renewable energy
sources: With regards to electricity generated from renewable energy facilities, TSOs in Germany are
under the obligation to optimise, amplify and expand their grid and, as far as economically reasonable,
to ensure the purchase, transmission and distribution of such electricity. Accordingly, 50Hertz is
obligated to connect without undue delay all renewable energy facilities in its control area to its
transmission grid and any delay in such connections may subject 50Hertz to damages claims. In
particular, 50Hertz is obligated to construct connections to all offshore wind farms in its control area
under the further prerequisites of the EnWG and to share the costs incurred thereby with the other
German TSOs;

 Provide system service: 50Hertz has the responsibility to maintain a secure and reliable energy supply
system. The development of the German electricity market in recent years has led to a
disproportionate share of energy being consumed in the southern and western parts of Germany,
whereas the majority of the renewable energy generation is expected to be located in the northern and
eastern parts of Germany. Taking into account these regional differences in the generation of
renewable energy and fluctuating feed-in from renewable energy facilities, 50Hertz is focused on
maintaining a system balance between generation and consumption at all times. In order to
continuously balance demand and supply of electricity, 50Hertz primarily relies on the use of different
types of control power (primary, secondary and tertiary control power). In addition, 50Hertz conducts
congestion management measures when required and manages grid losses in its transmission system
by procuring energy; and

 Manage cross-border connections: 50Hertz operates a number of cross-border interconnections to

Poland, Denmark and the Czech Republic. Their management involves non-discriminatory and
transparent transfer capacity allocation mechanisms under pertinent European legislation and under

In addition to the core businesses with respect to system operation and transmission ownership mentioned
above, 50Hertz has two further roles in the German electricity market:

 It is responsible as trustee for managing cash-flows resulting from the German Renewable Energy
Sources Act ("EEG"). Amongst others, the electricity generated from renewable installations in the
50Hertz control zone under the feed-in-tariff regime is sold by 50Hertz at the day-ahead and intra-day
market of nominated electricity market operators.

 It is facilitator for the development of the energy market, especially in the capacity calculation regions
(CCRs) Core and Hansa. Amongst others, 50Hertz is active in designing the European and national
electricity market in a way that it serves best an efficient and secure system operation.

Key Projects
In the upcoming five years (2022-2026), 50Hertz plans to invest €3.9 billion in Germany, after investing
about €1.8 billion in the past 5 years (2017-2021). 50Hertz’ most important projects at present are the
South-East Link (SuedOstLink, the direct current connection between Saxony-Anhalt and Bavaria) and its
extension to the North (SuedOstLink+ connecting Offshore capacities from North and Baltic Sea from
Mecklenburg to Bavaria), the 380kV Berlin diagonal power link (380kV Kabeldiagonale Berlin) and

supporting measures in the infrastructure of Berlin as the overheadline “Nordring Berlin” (380kV Berliner
Nordring), reinforcement of pylons and ampacity increase all over the 50Hertz grid
(Mastverstärkungsprogramm, Ampacity Increase Program), the Uckermark Line (Uckermarkleitung) and the
reinforcement of further sections of the overheadlines Wolmirstedt-Guestrow and Pulgar-Vieselbach.
Adding new substations as well as restructuring existing ones will contribute significantly in the future to
increase number and capacity of connections with the distribution systems and improve flexibility of the grid,
i.e. with phaseshifters and reactive power.

From the very first project planning phase on, each of the grid development projects of 50Hertz is
systematically accompanied by a transparent dialogue and public participation process in order to integrate
external stakeholder input. This enhances the project quality, lowers the risk of delays and enhances
acceptance for required new infrastructure.

The 50Hertz strategy is developed around its mission to work “in the interest of society and make the
energy transition happen to decarbonise Europe by delivering the needed power infrastructure and shaping
the European markets. We operate a reliable and sustainable system and innovate to meet evolving
consumers’ needs in an efficient way and to protect people’s safety. 50Hertz creates further value for
society in the changing energy landscape. 50Hertz pursues the vision of “a successful energy transition for
a sustainable world”.

By establishing the company-wide "Act Now"-program, 50Hertz has embedded sustainability into its
strategy and defined long-term objectives to further improve its performance along five key dimensions
closely linked with its core business activities. The five key dimensions Climate Neutrality,
Environment/Circular Economy, Health & Safety, Diversity & Inclusion and Ethical Values/Governance have
been derived from the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. 50Hertz is
committed to avoiding and reducing its direct CO2 emissions, increasing biodiversity around 50Hertz
assets, and further advancing occupational safety and diversity in the workplace. In addition, 50Hertz will
work more closely with its suppliers and partners on concepts for the reduction of the CO2-footprint, the
reuse and reconditioning (circularity) of the materials used and the eco-design of its assets.

As Transmission System Operator, 50Hertz’ ambition is to go beyond the mere delivery of its own value
chain activities and to become an active promoter for integrating even more renewables and for helping
consumers to decarbonize and electrify in order to foster climate sustainability in its grid control area. For
this purpose, the strategic objective “100 percent by 2032” was established which is about achieving a 100
percent coverage of electricity consumption through renewables in the 50Hertz grid control area by 2032. In
this context, 50Hertz develops its digital skills and cooperates with many different stakeholder groups. It
aims to support renewable energy sources to accelerate their deployment to meet the ambitious targets and
the industry in their decarbonization efforts, achieving a leveraged contribution in fighting climate change.
50Hertz sees the future in the secure integration of maximum shares of volatile renewable energies into the
grid, the system, and the market to create value for society and industry.

With the "Act Now"-program and the strategic objective "100 percent by 2032" 50Hertz has operationalized
its strategy and identified activities to be delivered that become then part of the business plan.

As part of its capital investment strategy, 50Hertz had received approval from BNetzA for investment
projects with an overall investment volume of € 9.6 billion by 31 December 2021. Since 2012, the biennially
issued NEP is the basis for onshore grid development projects of 50Hertz. Offshore grid development
projects used to be integrated into the O-NEP. As of 2019 the O-NEP as well as the Spatial Offshore Grid
Plan (Bundesfachplan Offshore – "BFO") were replaced partially by the FEP in primary responsibility of the
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie) and partially
by an accordingly extended NEP responsibility by BNetzA. The FEP and NEP are since then the basis for
the grid development projects of 50Hertz. The Issuer and the Guarantors will look to meet these and other
financing needs through diversified sources of funding.

50Hertz’ subsidiaries include its 100 per cent subsidiary 50Hertz Offshore and its minority shareholdings in
JAO (4.0 per cent ownership), CORESO (7.9 per cent ownership), EEX (5.4 per cent ownership), EGI
(49.99 per cent ownership) and TSCNET Services (6.7 per cent ownership). Each is described further

 50Hertz Offshore: 50Hertz Offshore GmbH was established in 2007 to facilitate the grid connection of
the offshore wind farms to the control area of 50Hertz and operate these connections on behalf of
50Hertz as required now under Sec. 17d of the EnWG in accordance with the 2006 Infrastructure
Planning Acceleration Act (Infrastrukturplanungsbeschleunigungsgesetz 2006). See "Business
Description of the Guarantors - 50Hertz Offshore GmbH" for additional information on 50Hertz

 JAO: As of 31 December 2014, 50Hertz Transmission had an 11.1 per cent shareholding in CAO
Central Allocation Office GmbH ("CAO") based in Freising. In 2015, CAO was merged into Capacity
Allocation Service SA ("CASC"), Luxembourg. CASC was subsequently renamed Joint
Allocation Office SA, keeping its registered office in Luxembourg. In 2017, based on all European
TSOs’ proposal, all European national regulatory authorities have assigned JAO the function of
operating the single allocation platform in accordance with article 49 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1719
(FCA Regulation). As a consequence, the number of JAO shareholders has increased. Currently,
50Hertz holds shares in the issued capital of JAO of 4.0 per cent;

 CORESO: CORESO SA was established by Elia (which in between transferred its participation to its
wholly owned subsidiary ETB a Belgium TSO) and RTE (a French TSO). Beside 50Hertz other
European TSOs joined, namely National Grid ESO (UK), Terna (Italy), REN (Portugal) REE (Spain),
EirGrid (Ireland) and SONI (UK Northern Ireland). The purpose of CORESO is to provide supporting
services in the framework of security of supply inter alia by common system security calculations and
coordination services between the respective customers or in cooperation with similar service
providers; 50Hertz holds shares in the issued capital of CORESO of 7.9 percent;

 EEX: European Energy Exchange AG is an energy exchange offering e.g. exchange trading of energy
and energy related products as well as registration services. 50Hertz holds shares in the issued capital
of EEX of 5.4 per cent;

 EGI: Elia Grid International NV/SA is a company founded by 50Hertz (49.99 per cent) and Elia (50.01
per cent.) in 2014 offering consultancy and engineering services on the international energy market.
EGI owns 100 per cent of Elia Grid International GmbH, 100 per cent of Elia Grid International LLC in
Saudi Arabia and 100 per cent of Elia Grid International LLC in Singapore; and

 TSCNET Services: TSCNET Services GmbH was registered in 2014, 50Hertz being one of the
founding shareholders. Since 2013, experts dispatched from TSC member TSOs work in Munich day
and night (24/7), providing tailor-made coordination services for operational planning, forecast data
merging, congestion assessment and capacity calculation for the control centers of TSOs in
continental Europe. 50Hertz holds shares in the issued capital of TSCNET of 6.7 percent. Other
shareholders are European TSOs, namely Amprion (Germany), APG (Austria), ČEPS (Czech
Republic), ELES (Slovenia), HOPS (Croatia), MAVIR (Hungary), PSE (Poland), SEPS (Slovakia),
Swissgrid (Switzerland), TenneT TSO (Germany), TenneT TSO (the Netherlands), Transelectrica
(Romania) and TransnetBW (Germany).

Major Shareholders, Organisational Structure and Share Capital

The registered share capital of 50Hertz amounts to € 200,000,000 comprising four shares with nominal
values of € 25,000, € 149,975,000, € 49,000,000 and € 1,000,000, respectively. All four shares have been
issued and fully paid up, and are owned by the Issuer, which acquired 50Hertz from Vattenfall Europe AG
on 19 May 2010. A brief description of the organisational structure of the Issuer, 50Hertz and its
subsidiaries can be found under "Business description of the Issuer – Organizational Structure", above.

Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies


50Hertz is managed by a board of managing directors, comprising five managing directors as listed below.
It is legally represented by two managing directors (Geschäftsführer) jointly or by one managing director
jointly with a holder of a commercial power of attorney (Prokura). The managing directors are appointed and
removed by the supervisory board. The company has a personnel director (Arbeitsdirektor) whose duties
and powers are determined by Section 33 para 2 of the German Co-detemination Act 1976
(Mitbestimmungsgesetz 1976). The personnel director is nominated by the trade union IG BCE
(Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie) and shall not be appointed or removed against the vote
of the majority of the employees’ representatives in the supervisory board.

The current managing directors of 50Hertz are as follows:

Name Responsibility Principal activities outside 50Hertz

Stefan Kapferer Chief Executive Member of the Board of Directors of Elia

Officer Group S.A.
Managing Director of Eurogrid GmbH
Member of the Board of Directors of Elia
Grid International NV/SA
Marco Nix Chief Financial Managing Director of 50Hertz Offshore
Officer GmbH
Dr Frank Chief Technical Managing Director of 50Hertz Offshore
Golletz Officer GmbH
Dr Dirk Chief Markets & Member of the Board of Directors of Elia
Biermann System Operation Grid International NV/SA
Officer Member of the Board of Directors of
Member of the Supervisory Board of
European Energy Exchange AG
Member of the Supervisory Board of
TSCNET Services GmbH
Sylvia Chief Human None
Borcherding Resource Officer
(personnel director)

The business address of all managing directors is Heidestraße 2, 10557 Berlin, Germany.

Supervisory Board

50Hertz is supervised by a co-determined supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat) consisting of six members. In

accordance with the articles of association of 50Hertz, two of the supervisory board members are employee
representatives. The remaining four members, one of whom is nominated by the trade union IG BCE, are
elected by the shareholder (Eurogrid) based on the proposal of the shareholders of Eurogrid International.

The members of the supervisory board of 50Hertz are as follows:

Name Position Principal activities Business Address

outside 50Hertz

Christiaan Chairman Chairman of the Executive Elia Group NV/SA

Peeters Committee and Chief Bd. de l’Empereur 20
Executive Officer of Elia B – 1000 Brussels
Group NV/SA;

Chairman of the Executive

Committee and Chief
Executive Officer of Elia
Transmission Belgium

Chairman of the Executive

Committee and Chief
Executive Officer of Elia
Asset NV/SA;

Member of the Board of

Directors of Elia Grid
International NV/SA;

Chairman of the Board of

Directors and the Audit
Committee of Eurogrid
International NV/SA;

Member of Supervisory
Board (Chairman) of
Eurogrid GmbH

Member of the Board of

Directors of Synergrid
ASBL, Fédération des
Gestionnaires de Réseaux
Electricité et Gaz
en Belgique;

Chairman of the Board of

Directors of re.alto-energy

Member of the Supervisory

Board of re-alto-energy

Chairman of the Roundtable

for Europe Energy’s Future

Karin Erhard* Vice Member of the Executive Industriegewerkschaft
Chairwoman Committee of the trade Bergbau, Chemie, Energie
union IG BCE Königsworther Platz 6
(Industriegewerkschaft 30167 Hanover, Germany
Bergbau, Chemie, Energie);

Member (Vice
Chairwomen) of the
Supervisory Board of
Evonik Industries AG;

Markus Berger Member Member of the Executive Elia Transmission Belgium

Committee and Chief Elia Group NV/SA
Infrastructure Officer of Elia Bd. de l’Empereur 20
Transmission Belgium B – 1000 Brussels

Member of the Executive

Committee and Chief
Infrastructure Officer of Elia
Asset NV/SA;

Managing Director of Elia

Engineering NV/SA;

Chairman of the Board of

Directors of Elia Grid
International NV/SA;

Member of the Board of

Directors of Eurogrid
International NV/SA;

Member or the Board of

Directors of Elia Re (Lux)

Chairman of the Board of

Directors of Nemo Link
Member of the Supervisory
Board of Eurogrid GmbH

Chairman of the Board of

Directors and Administrative
Council Member of Cigre
Belgïe ASBL;

Member of the Board of

Directors of Bemas ASBL
Member of the Strategic
Committee of Union
Wallonne des Entreprises

Dr. Lutz- Member Secretary General of Palmengartenstraße 5-9

Christian Funke Kreditanstalt für 60325 Frankfurt am Main
Wiederaufbau AöR; Germany

Managing Director of KfW

Beteiligungsholding GmbH;

Managing Director of
Gesellschaft zur
GZBV Verwaltungs-GmbH;

Member of the Board of

KfW Stiftung;

Member of the Supervisory

Board of IKB Deutsche
Industriebank AG;

Member of Supervisory
Board (Vice Chairman) of
Eurogrid GmbH

Andrea Ludwig* Member None 50Hertz Transmission

Heidestraße 2
10557 Berlin Germany
Ralf-Günter Member None 50Hertz Transmission
Schloms* Heidestraße 2
10557 Berlin
*Employee representatives.

Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies Conflicts of Interest

None of the managing directors or members of the supervisory board of 50Hertz have declared that there
are any potential conflicts of interest between any duties to 50Hertz and their private interests or other

Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of 50Hertz is the calendar year.

Financial Information
The audited annual financial statements of 50Hertz as of and for the fiscal years ended 31 December 2020
and 31 December 2021 which have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the HGB and the

respective unqualified independent auditor’s reports (Bestätigungsvermerke des unabhängigen
Abschlussprüfers) thereon, are incorporated by reference into this Prospectus.

Statutory Auditors
Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, office Berlin, Friedrichstraße 140, 10117
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany ("EY") was the statutory auditor of 50Hertz for the fiscal year ended 31
December 2020. BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin, Katharina-Heinroth-Ufer 1, 10787 Berlin,
Federal Republic of Germany (“BDO”) was the statutory auditor of 50Hertz for the fiscal year ended 31
December 2021. EY and BDO, as the case may be, have conducted their audits in accordance with Section
317 HGB and German generally accepted standards for the audit of financial statements promulgated by
the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. (IDW)) the
HGB annual financial statements of 50Hertz as of and for the fiscal years ended 31 December 2020 and 31
December 2021 and in each case issued an unqualified independent auditor’s report thereon.

EY and BDO are members of the Chamber of Public Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer), Berlin.

Statement of No Material Adverse Change

There has been no material adverse change in the prospects of 50Hertz since 31 December 2021.

Significant Change in the Financial Position

There has been no significant change in the financial position and the financial performance of the Group
since 31 December 2021.

Legal and Arbitration Proceedings

50Hertz is regularly involved in legal and governmental proceedings and may also become involved in
arbitration proceedings. Two disputes which are of particular note concern the initial level of 50Hertz’
revenue cap:

With decision of 12 October 2019, BNetzA determined the return on equity for the fourth regulation period
starting 2024. The Return on Equity I was determined at 5.07 per cent for investments realized after 2006
(3.51 per cent for investments until 2006). Thus, the Return on Equity I will decline by another 27%
compared to the current level. 50Hertz appealed against BNetzA’s decision regarding the determination of
the return on equity for the fourth regulation period. A decision of the court is pending.

Moreover, BNetzA set the Xgen for the third regulatory period to 0.9 per cent in the energy sector (cf.
BNetzA, determination of 28 November 2018, BK4-17-056). 50Hertz appealed against the decision
concerning the electricity sector in front of the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf. Currently, 50Hertz is
not actively leading the procedure, but waits for a final decision in other model proceedings. A first decision
in a model proceeding was taken in 2021: On 9 July 2019, the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf revoked
in a model procedure the corresponding BNetzA decision in the gas sector (cf. BK4-17-093). BNetzA
successfully appealed against the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf’s decision at the BGH. BGH
confirmed on 26 January 2021 BNetzA’s determination of Xgen (cf. EnVR 101/19). Regarding the electricity
sector a decision of the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf in a model proceeding is still pending.

BNetzA revoked the decision regarding the lump sum for operational costs linked to offshore connections
for 2018. 50Hertz appealed against this decision of the BNetzA to the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf.
A decision of the court is still pending.

Material Contracts

50Hertz has entered into a profit and loss transfer agreement with its parent company, the Issuer, effective
as of June 2010. The aim of the profit and loss transfer agreement is to create a fiscal unity between
50Hertz and the Issuer for trade and corporate tax purposes. Pursuant to the profit and loss transfer
agreement, 50Hertz is obliged to transfer its profits to the Issuer and in return, the Issuer is obliged to
compensate 50Hertz (in accordance with the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act (Sec. 302

Aktiengesetz)) for any annual losses 50Hertz incurs during the term of the agreement and subject to the
terms of the profit and loss transfer agreement. The agreement is valid for an unlimited period of time and
may only be terminated after five years with a one month notice period prior to the end of a fiscal year of

50Hertz is also party to a profit and loss transfer agreement with 50Hertz Offshore, see "Business
Description of the Guarantors - 50Hertz Offshore GmbH – Material Contracts".

On 19 May 2010 the Issuer, 50Hertz and 50Hertz Offshore entered into a German law cash pool agreement
(the "Cash Pool Agreement"). The purpose of the Cash Pool Agreement is to optimise the treasury
activities (cash, interest, foreign exchange, financing and investment management) within these three
companies. However, at instigation of the BNetzA, as of 30 September 2016 the accounts to settle the EEG
held by 50Hertz were removed from the cash pool process. Each Guarantor owes ongoing information
disclosure duties to the Issuer (including periodically informing the Issuer of its ongoing financial position
and of the occurrence of any extraordinary risks or a material deviation from its planned liquidity, revenue or
profit levels) and the Issuer has corresponding information disclosure duties to the Guarantors. In addition,
the Issuer has an obligation to inform the other parties about new participations or retirement of any cash
pool participant. There is no fixed termination date for the Cash Pool Agreement. A prerequisite for
participation in the Cash Pool Agreement is that the share capital of the participating company is fully paid
up. In addition, the continued participation of a company in the Cash Pool Agreement is only possible if the
company does not have negative equity, or if the company can recover its losses under a profit and loss
transfer agreement. Failure to meet these conditions would trigger a right to terminate participation.

50Hertz is not rated.


General Information
The legal and commercial name is 50Hertz Offshore GmbH ("50Hertz Offshore").

50Hertz Offshore operates under the laws of Germany and was incorporated as a limited liability company
on 29 June 2007. The company has its corporate seat in Berlin, Germany, and has its registered office at
Heidestraße 2, 10557 Berlin. The company is registered in the commercial register at the local court
(Amtsgericht) of Charlottenburg under registration number HRB 108780 B. The telephone number of
50Hertz Offshore is +49-30-5150-0. The website of 50Hertz Offshore is

There have been no relevant recent events particular to 50Hertz Offshore which are to a material extent
relevant to the evaluation of 50Hertz Offshore’s solvency.

50Hertz Offshore’s legal entity identifier (LEI) is 8755005LVIN8ES5KAA34.

Object of 50Hertz Offshore

Article 2 of 50Hertz Offshore’s articles of association (as translated from the German original), regarding its
objects, reads as follows:

"1. Object of the company is the construction, acquisition, maintenance, system management and
operation of electricity lines as well as related equipment and facilities for the connection of offshore-
plants primarily to be erected in the Baltic Sea to an electricity transmission or distribution network.

2. The company may take all measures and enter into all transactions serving directly or indirectly the
object of the company. In particular, the company may acquire or incorporate companies of the same
or similar kind, and participate in such domestic and foreign companies, and enter into cooperation
and enterprise agreements."

Business Overview
50Hertz Offshore was formed to facilitate the connection of offshore wind farms to the 50Hertz control area
and to provide for a transparent accounting of the costs and capital employed. 50Hertz Offshore is expected
to incur all the capital expenditure and other related costs related to these offshore connections.

In accordance with EnWG, 50Hertz is obliged to construct the grid connections to offshore clusters foreseen
in the NEP or the Site Development Plan, as the case may be, connect wind farms to which the BNetzA has
assigned capacity on the grid connection and operate the connection assets after commissioning.
Furthermore, according to Sec. 17f EnWG the German connecting TSOs are obliged to distribute the costs
of constructing and operating the grid connections to the offshore wind farms among them according to the
electricity supply volume in their respective control areas.

By way of a framework agreement signed in November 2008 between 50Hertz and 50Hertz Offshore,
50Hertz has delegated its obligation to construct and operate the grid connections to the offshore clusters
and wind farms to 50Hertz Offshore, granting at the same time the right of being reimbursed for all
respective costs. For the avoidance of doubt, this delegation did not result in 50Hertz Offshore qualifying as
a TSO or itself becoming a company directly subject to regulation. 50Hertz Offshore currently has no
employees and instead relies on services provided by 50Hertz pursuant to service contracts. See "Business
description of the Guarantors – 50Hertz Offshore GmbH – Material Contracts".

Important investment needs of 50Hertz Offshore are primarily triggered by the procurement and installation
of sea and land cables and other electrical equipment to connect offshore wind farms. The first commercial
offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea ("Baltic 1") was connected to 50Hertz’ transmission grid in 2011. A
second grid connection ("Baltic 2") was finalized in 2015; a third offshore cluster connection ("Ostwind 1")
was approved by the BNetzA in the O-NEP in 2013, with a further approval in 2015. This grid connection
consists of three cable systems and was allocated to two wind farms (Wikinger and Arkona). The
commissioning of the grid connection was completed in 2019, in line with the foreseen completion dates.
During the 2018 capacity auction, three additional offshore wind farms (Arcadis Ost 1, Baltic Eagle and
Wikinger Süd1) in the Baltic Sea north of Lubmin were awarded. As a result, BNetzA has approved three
additional cable systems and associated on- and offshore substations in the Cluster Westlich Adlergrund
("Ostwind 2"). 50Hertz Offshore placed orders for these cable systems in 2018. In 2019 agreements with
the windfarm owners were concluded in relation to joint platforms. In the 2019 grid development plan, the
grid connection OST-1-4 was awarded. The site development plan foresees a single cable solution and a
platform owned and operated by 50Hertz. The 2021 auction of the associated offshore site (O.1.3) was
held and awarded. Preparatory works and tenders for major components are ongoing. Several additional
offshore projects are foreseen by 50Hertz Offshore. The size of the offshore investment portfolio may
fluctuate considerably over the coming years depending on the contents of the future FEP that shall
determine a "balanced distribution of projects between North and Baltic Sea" for the period after 2025.

As of 31 December 2021, the total assets of 50Hertz Offshore, which mainly consisted of grid connection
related assets and assets under construction, amounted to € 2,491.5 million. 50Hertz Offshore’s income is
driven by direct operating costs and imputed regulatory costs linked to the offshore activities, which are
chargeable to 50Hertz. Revenue for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021 amounted to € 270.7 million.

Major Shareholders, Organisational Structure and Share Capital

The registered share capital of 50Hertz Offshore amounts to € 1,000,000, comprising one share with a
nominal value of € 1,000,000 which has been issued and is fully paid up. 50Hertz Offshore is a wholly
owned subsidiary of 50Hertz. A brief description of the organisational structure of 50Hertz and its
subsidiaries including 50Hertz Offshore can be found under "Business description of the Guarantors –
50Hertz Transmission GmbH - Subsidiaries", above.

Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies

50Hertz Offshore is managed by a board of managing directors. The board of managing directors
comprises two managing directors as listed below. 50Hertz Offshore is represented by two managing
directors jointly or by one managing director together with a holder of a commercial power-of-attorney

Name Responsibility Principal activities outside 50Hertz


Marco Nix Managing Managing Director of 50Hertz

Director Transmission GmbH

Dr. Frank Golletz Managing Managing Director of 50Hertz

Director Transmission GmbH

The business address of both managing directors is Heidestraße 2, 10557 Berlin, Germany.

Administrative, Management, and Supervisory Bodies Conflicts of Interest

None of the managing directors of 50Hertz Offshore have declared that there are any potential conflicts of
interest between any duties to 50Hertz Offshore and their private interests or other duties.

Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of 50Hertz Offshore is the calendar year.

Wikinger Süd belongs to the Wikinger cluster but was awarded separately

Financial Information
The audited annual financial statements of 50Hertz Offshore as of and for the fiscal years ended
31 December 2020 and 31 December 2021 which have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of
the HGB and the respective unqualified independent auditor’s reports (Bestätigungsvermerke des
unabhängigen Abschlussprüfers) thereon are incorporated by reference into this Prospectus.

Statutory Auditors
Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, office Berlin, Friedrichstraße 140, 10117
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany ("EY") was the statutory auditor of 50Hertz Offshore for the fiscal year
ended 31 December 2020. BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin, Katharina-Heinroth-Ufer 1,
10787 Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (“BDO”) was the statutory auditor of 50Hertz Offshore for the
fiscal year ended 31 December 2021. EY and BDO, as the case may be, have audited in accordance with
Section 317 HGB and German generally accepted standards for the audit of financial statements
promulgated by the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland
e.V. (IDW)) the HGB annual financial statements of 50Hertz Offshore as of and for the fiscal years ended 31
December 2020 and 31 December 2021 and, in each case, issued an unqualified independent auditor’s
report thereon.

EY and BDO are members of the Chamber of Public Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer), Berlin.

Statement of No Material Adverse Change

There has been no material adverse change in the prospects of 50Hertz Offshore since 31 December 2021.

Significant Change in the Financial Position

There has been no significant change in the financial position and the financial performance of the Group
since 31 December 2021.

Legal and Arbitration Proceedings

50Hertz Offshore has not been involved in any governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any
such proceedings which are pending or threatened of which 50Hertz Offshore is aware) during the 12
months preceding the date of this Prospectus which may have or have had in the recent past significant
effects on the financial position or profitability of 50Hertz Offshore or the Group.

Material Contracts
50Hertz Offshore has entered into a domination/profit and loss transfer agreement with its parent company,
50Hertz, effective as of January 2008. The aim of the domination/profit and loss transfer agreement is to
achieve a fiscal unity between 50Hertz and 50Hertz Offshore for trade tax and corporate tax purposes.
Pursuant to the domination part of the agreement, 50Hertz is entitled to issue instructions to the
management of 50Hertz Offshore. Pursuant to the profit and loss transfer part of the agreement, 50Hertz
Offshore is obliged to transfer its profits to 50Hertz and in return, 50Hertz is obliged to compensate 50Hertz
Offshore (in accordance with the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act (Sec. 302 Aktiengesetz
(AktG)) and subject to the terms of the profit and loss transfer agreement) for any annual losses 50Hertz
Offshore incurs during the term of the agreement. The agreement was concluded for a fixed term until 31
December 2013, and thereafter it is automatically renewed if not terminated by three months’ notice prior to
the end of the respective fiscal year of 50Hertz Offshore.

50Hertz Offshore is also party to the Cash Pool Agreement between the Issuer and 50Hertz (see "Business
Description of the Guarantors – 50Hertz Transmission GmbH – Material Contracts").

The business of 50Hertz Offshore is based on a framework agreement signed in November 2008 with
50Hertz, under which 50Hertz has delegated its obligation to construct and operate the grid connections to
the offshore clusters and wind farms to 50Hertz Offshore, granting at the same time the right of being
reimbursed for all respective costs. Further, as 50Hertz Offshore currently has no employees and instead

relies on services provided by 50Hertz pursuant to service contracts, such service contracts are of material
importance to the business of 50Hertz Offshore.

50Hertz Offshore is not rated.


The Issuer and the relevant Dealer(s) will agree on the terms and conditions applicable to each particular
Tranche of Notes (the "Conditions"). The Conditions will be constituted by the relevant set of Terms and
Conditions of the Notes set forth below (the "Terms and Conditions") as further specified by the provisions
of the Final Terms as set out below.

Options for sets of Terms and Conditions

A separate set of Terms and Conditions applies to each type of Notes, as set forth below. The Final Terms
provide for the Issuer to choose among the following Options:

Option I – Terms and Conditions for Notes with fixed interest rates (Fixed Rate Notes); and

Option II – Terms and Conditions for Notes without periodic interest payments (Zero Coupon Notes).

In addition, a separate set of Terms and Conditions for Notes with fixed interest rates, included in the Debt
Issuance Programme Prospectus of the Issuer dated 13 May 2015, is incorporated by reference into this
Prospectus for the purpose of a potential increase of Notes outstanding and originally issued prior to the
date of this Prospectus ("Option I A").

Documentation of the Conditions

The Issuer may document the Conditions of an individual issue of Notes in either of the following ways:

- The Final Terms shall be completed as set out therein. The Final Terms shall determine which of
Option I, Option I A or Option II, including certain further options contained therein, respectively, shall
be applicable to the individual issue of Notes by replicating the relevant provisions and completing
the relevant placeholders of the relevant set of Terms and Conditions as set out in the Prospectus in
the Final Terms. The replicated and completed provisions of the set of Terms and Conditions shall
constitute the Conditions, which will be attached to each global note representing the Notes of the
relevant Tranche.

- Alternatively, the Final Terms shall determine which of Option I, Option I A or Option II and of the
respective further options contained in each of Option I, Option I A or Option II are applicable to the
individual issue by only referring to the specific sections of the relevant set of Terms and Conditions
as set out in the Prospectus. The Final Terms will specify that the provisions of the Final Terms and
the relevant set of Terms and Conditions as set out in the Prospectus, taken together, shall constitute
the Conditions. Each global note representing a particular Tranche of Notes will have the Final Terms
and the relevant set of Terms and Conditions as set out in the Prospectus attached.

Determination of Options/ Completion of Placeholders

The Final Terms shall determine which of Option I, Option I A or Option II shall be applicable to the
individual issue of Notes. Each of the sets of Terms and Conditions of Option I, Option I A or Option II also
contains certain further options (characterised by indicating the optional provision through instructions and
explanatory notes set out either on the left of or in the square brackets within the text of the relevant set of
Terms and Conditions as set out in the Prospectus) as well as placeholders (characterised by square
brackets which include the relevant items) which will be determined by the Final Terms as follows:

Determination of Options

The Issuer will determine which options will be applicable to the individual issue either by replicating the
relevant provisions in the Final Terms or by reference of the Final Terms to the sections of the relevant set
of Terms and Conditions as set out in the Prospectus. If the Final Terms do not replicate or refer to an
alternative or optional provision it shall be deemed to be deleted from the Conditions.

Completion of Placeholders

The Final Terms will specify the information with which the placeholders in the relevant set of Terms and
Conditions will be completed. In case the provisions of the Final Terms and the relevant set of Terms and
Conditions, taken together, shall constitute the Conditions the relevant set of Terms and Conditions shall be
deemed to be completed by the information contained in the Final Terms as if such information were
inserted in the placeholders of such provisions. In that case, all instructions and explanatory notes and text
set out in square brackets in the relevant set of Terms and Conditions and any footnotes and explanatory
text in the Final Terms will be deemed to be deleted from the Conditions.


The Terms and Conditions of the Notes (the "Terms and Conditions") are set forth below for two options:

Option I comprises the set of Terms and Conditions that apply to Tranches of Notes with fixed interest rates
(Fixed Rate Notes).

Option II comprises the set of Terms and Conditions that apply to Tranches of Notes without periodic
interest payments (Zero Coupon Notes).

The set of Terms and Conditions for each of these Options contains certain further options, which are
characterised accordingly by indicating the respective optional provision through instructions and
explanatory notes set out in square brackets within the set of Terms and Conditions.

In the Final Terms the Issuer will determine, which of Option I or Option II including certain further options
contained therein, respectively, shall apply with respect to an individual issue of Notes, either by replicating
the relevant provisions or by referring to the relevant options.

To the extent that upon the approval of the Prospectus the Issuer had no knowledge of certain items which
are applicable to an individual issue of Notes, this Prospectus contains placeholders set out in square
brackets which include the relevant items that will be completed by the Final Terms.

Terms and Conditions

This Series of Notes is issued pursuant to a Fiscal Agency Agreement dated on or about 13 May 2022
(the "Agency Agreement") between Eurogrid GmbH, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, 50Hertz Offshore
GmbH and ING Bank N.V. as fiscal agent (the "Fiscal Agent", which expression shall include any
successor fiscal agent there under) and the other parties named therein.

The provisions of these Terms and Conditions apply to the Notes as completed by the terms of the final
terms attached hereto (the "Final Terms"). The blanks in the provisions of these Terms and Conditions
which are applicable to the Notes shall be deemed to be completed by the information contained in the Final
Terms as if such information were inserted in the blanks of such provisions; alternative or optional
provisions of these Terms and Conditions as to which the corresponding provisions of the Final Terms are
not completed or are deleted shall be deemed to be deleted from these Terms and Conditions; and all
provisions of these Terms and Conditions which are inapplicable to the Notes (including instructions,
explanatory notes and text set out in square brackets) shall be deemed to be deleted from these Terms and
Conditions, as required to give effect to the terms of the Final Terms. Copies of the Final Terms may be
obtained free of charge at the specified office of the Fiscal Agent and at the specified office of any Paying
Agent and at the principal office of the Issuer provided that, in the case of Notes which are not listed on any
stock exchange, copies of the relevant Final Terms will only be available to Holders of such Notes.

OPTION I – Terms and Conditions for Notes with fixed interest rate ("Fixed Rate Notes")


(1) Currency; Denomination. This Series of Notes (the "Notes") of Eurogrid GmbH ("Eurogrid" or the
"Issuer") is being issued in [Specified Currency] (the "Specified Currency") in the aggregate principal
amount [in the case the Global Note is an NGN the following applies: (subject to § 1(4))] of [Aggregate
Principal Amount] (in words: [Aggregate Principal Amount in words]) (the "Aggregate Principal
Amount") in the denomination of [Specified Denomination] (the "Specified Denomination").

(2) Form. The Notes are being issued in bearer form.

[In the case of Notes which are represented by a Permanent Global Note the following applies:

(3) Permanent Global Note. The Notes are represented by a permanent global note (the "Permanent
Global Note" or the "Global Note") without coupons. The Permanent Global Note shall be signed manually
by authorized signatories of the Issuer and shall be authenticated by or on behalf of the Fiscal Agent.
Definitive Notes and interest coupons will not be issued.]

[In the case of Notes which are initially represented by a Temporary Global Note the following

(3) Temporary Global Note — Exchange.

(a) The Notes are initially represented by a temporary global note (the "Temporary Global
Note") without coupons. The Temporary Global Note will be exchangeable for Notes in Specified
Denominations represented by a permanent global note (the "Permanent Global Note" and together with
the Temporary Global Note, the "Global Notes") without coupons. [In the case of Euroclear and CBL and
if the Global Note is an NGN the following applies: The details of such exchange shall be entered in the
records of the ICSDs (as defined below).] The Global Notes shall only be valid if each of them bears the
handwritten signatures of two authorized representatives of the Issuer and the control signature of a person
instructed by the Fiscal Agent. Definitive Notes and interest coupons will not be issued.

(b) The Temporary Global Note shall be exchanged for the Permanent Global Note on a
date (the "Exchange Date") not earlier than 40 days after the date of issue of the Notes. Such exchange
shall only be made upon delivery of certifications to the effect that the beneficial owner or owners of the
Notes is not a U.S. person (other than certain financial institutions or certain persons holding Notes through
such financial institutions). Payment of interest on Notes represented by a Temporary Global Note will be
made only after delivery of such certifications. A separate certification shall be required in respect of each
such payment of interest. Any such certification received on or after the 40 th day after the date of issue of
the Notes will be treated as a request to exchange the Temporary Global Note pursuant to subparagraph
(b) of this § 1(3). Any Notes delivered in exchange for the Temporary Global Note shall be delivered only
outside of the United States (as defined in § 1(6).]

(4) Clearing System. Each Global Note will be kept in custody by or on behalf of the Clearing System
until all obligations of the Issuer under the Notes have been satisfied. "Clearing System" means [if more
than one Clearing System the following applies: each of] the following: [Clearstream Banking AG,
Frankfurt am Main,] [Clearstream Banking, société anonyme Luxembourg ("CBL")] [Euroclear Bank SA/NV
Brussels as operator of the Euroclear System ("Euroclear"),] [additional or alternative Clearing System]
and any successor in such capacity. [In the case of CBL and Euroclear as Clearing System the
following applies: "International Central Securities Depositary" or "ICSD" means each of CBL and
Euroclear (together, the "ICSDs").]

[In the case of Notes kept in custody on behalf of the ICSDs and the global note is a NGN,
the following applies: The Notes are issued in new global note ("NGN") form and are kept in custody by a
common safekeeper on behalf of both ICSDs.

The principal amount of Notes represented by the Global Note shall be the aggregate amount from
time to time entered in the records of both ICSDs. The records of the ICSDs (which expression means the
records that each ICSD holds for its customers which reflect the amount of such customer's interest in the
Notes) shall be conclusive evidence of the principal amount of Notes represented by the Global Note and,
for these purposes, a statement issued by an ICSD stating the principal amount of Notes so represented at
any time shall be conclusive evidence of the records of the relevant ICSD at that time.

On any redemption or interest payment being made in respect of, or purchase and cancellation
of, any of the Notes represented by the Global Note the Issuer shall procure that details of any redemption,
payment or purchase and cancellation (as the case may be) in respect of the Global Note shall be entered
pro rata in the records of the ICSDs and, upon any such entry being made, the principal amount of the
Notes recorded in the records of the ICSDs and represented by the Global Note shall be reduced by the
aggregate principal amount of the Notes so redeemed or purchased and cancelled.]

[In the case of Notes kept in custody on behalf of the ICSDs and the global note is a CGN,
the following applies: The Notes are issued in classical global note ("CGN") form and are kept in custody
by a common depositary on behalf of both ICSDs.]

(5) Holder of Notes. "Holder" means any holder of a proportionate co-ownership or other beneficial
interest or right in the Notes.

[In the case the Temporary Global Note is a NGN, the following applies: On an exchange of
a portion only of the Notes represented by a Temporary Global Note, the Issuer shall procure that details of
such exchange shall be entered pro rata in the records of the ICSDs.]

(6) United States. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions "United States" means the
United States of America (including the States thereof and the District of Columbia) and its possessions
(including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Wake Island and Northern
Mariana Islands).


(1) Status. The obligations under the Notes constitute unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of

the Issuer ranking pari passu among themselves and pari passu with all other present or future unsecured
and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer, unless such obligations are accorded priority under
mandatory provisions of statutory law.

(2) Negative Pledge. So long as any of the Notes remain outstanding, but only up to the time all
amounts of principal and interest have been placed at the disposal of the Fiscal Agent, the Issuer
undertakes (i) not to grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land charge, lien or any other security right in
rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or future assets, as security for any present
or future Capital Market Indebtedness or any guarantee or other suretyship in respect of any such Capital
Market Indebtedness, and (ii) to procure, to the extent legally permissible, that none of its Material
Subsidiaries will grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land charge, lien or any other security right in rem
(dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or future assets, as security for any present or
future Capital Market Indebtedness or any guarantee or other suretyship in respect of any such Capital
Market Indebtedness, unless at the same time the Holders share equally and rateably in such security or
other security as shall be approved by an independent accounting firm as being equivalent security has
been made available to Holders.

For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Capital Market Indebtedness" means any
obligation for the payment of borrowed money (including contingent liabilities) which is represented by any
bond or debt security with an original maturity of more than one year which is, or is intended to be, or is
capable of being listed or traded on a stock exchange or other recognised securities market.

(3) Guarantee and Negative Pledge.

(a) Each of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH and 50Hertz Offshore GmbH (each of them a
"Guarantor" and together the "Guarantors") has given an unconditional and irrevocable guarantee (the
"Guarantee") under which the Guarantors jointly and severally guarantee subject to certain limitations set
out therein for the due and punctual payment of principal of, and interest on, and any other amounts
payable under any Notes.

The Guarantee constitutes a contract for the benefit of the Holders from time to time as third party
beneficiaries in accordance with Section 328 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB)1, giving rise to
the right of each Holder to require performance of the Guarantee directly from the relevant Guarantor and to
enforce the Guarantee directly against the relevant Guarantor. Copies of the Guarantee may be obtained
free of charge at the specified office of the Fiscal Agent.

(b) Each Guarantor has undertaken in the Guarantee, as long as any of the Notes remain
outstanding, but only up to the time all amounts of principal and interest have been placed at the disposal of
the Fiscal Agent, (i) not to grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land charge, lien or any other security
right in rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or future assets, as security for any
present or future Capital Market Indebtedness or any guarantee or other suretyship in respect of any such
Capital Market Indebtedness (as defined in § 2 (2)), and (ii) to procure, to the extent legally possible, that
none of its Material Subsidiaries will grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land charge, lien or any other
security right in rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or future assets, as security
for any present or future Capital Market Indebtedness, unless at the same time the Holders share equally
and rateably in such security or such other security as shall be approved by an independent accounting firm
as being equivalent security has been made available to Holders.

An English language convenience translation of Section 328 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB) reads as follows:
"A contract may stipulate performance for the benefit of a third party, to the effect that the third party acquires the right
directly to demand performance".

(c) For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Material Subsidiary" means a Subsidiary of the
Issuer, or, as applicable, a Guarantor, (i) which, based on the latest audited annual consolidated financial
statements of the Issuer (Konzernabschluss) and the latest audited annual financial statements of the
relevant Subsidiary, has (x) unconsolidated gross assets (i.e. the sum of fixed assets (Anlagevermögen)
and current assets (Umlaufvermögen) within the meaning of Section 266 paragraph 2 of the German
Commercial Code (HGB) (without group internal positions) representing 10 per cent. or more of the
consolidated gross assets of the Issuer, (y) unconsolidated operating profits before net interest expenses
and taxes (without group internal positions) representing 10 per cent. or more of the consolidated operating
profits before net interest expenses and taxes of the Issuer, or (ii) to which all or substantially all of the
assets of a Subsidiary which was a Material Subsidiary before such transfer having occurred have been
transferred, or to which such assets have passed in any other way, in which case the disposing entity will
cease to be a Material Subsidiary. "Subsidiary" means (i) an entity of which a person owns directly or
indirectly more than 50 per cent. of the voting capital or similar right of ownership or (ii) an entity which is
controlled, directly or indirectly, by a person within the meaning of Section 17 of the German Stock
Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz).


(1) Rate of Interest and Interest Payment Dates. The Notes shall bear interest on their principal
amount at the rate of [Rate of Interest]% per annum from (and including) [Interest Commencement Date]
to (but excluding) the Maturity Date (as defined in § 5(1)). Interest shall be payable in arrear on [Interest
Payment Date(s)] in each year (each such date, an "Interest Payment Date"). The first payment of interest
shall be made on [First Interest Payment Date] [if the First Interest Payment Date is not the first
anniversary of the Interest Commencement Date the following applies: and will amount to [Initial
Broken Amount per Specified Denomination] per Specified Denomination.] [If Maturity Date is not an
Interest Payment Date the following applies: Interest in respect of the period from (and including) [last
Interest Payment Date preceding the Maturity Date] to (but excluding) the Maturity Date will amount to
[Final Broken Amount per Specified Denomination] per Specified Denomination.]

(2) Late Payments. If the Issuer for any reason fails to render any payment of principal in respect of
the Notes when due, interest shall continue to accrue at the default rate of interest established by statutory
law2 on the outstanding amount from (and including) the due date to (but excluding) the day on which such
payment is made to the Holders.

(3) Calculation of Interest for Periods of less than one Year. If interest is to be calculated for a period
of less than one year, it shall be calculated on the basis of the Day Count Fraction (as defined below). [If
the Specified Currency is Euro and if Actual/Actual (ICMA) is applicable the following applies: The
number of Interest Payment Dates per calendar year (each a "Determination Date") is [number of regular
Interest Payment Dates per calendar year].]

The default rate of interest established by statutory law is five percentage points above the basis rate of interest published by
Deutsche Bundesbank from time to time, Sections 288 paragraph 1, 247 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code.

(4) Day Count Fraction. "Day Count Fraction" means with regard to the calculation of the amount of
interest on the Notes for any period of time (the "Calculation Period"):

[If the Specified Currency is Euro and if Actual/Actual (ICMA) is applicable the following

(i) if the Calculation Period (from and including the first day of such period but excluding
the last) is equal to or shorter than the Determination Period during which the Calculation Period ends, the
number of days in such Calculation Period (from and including the first day of such period but excluding the
last) divided by the product of (1) the number of days in such Determination Period and (2) the number of
Determination Dates (as specified in § 3(3)) that would occur in one calendar year; or

(ii) if the Calculation Period is longer than the Determination Period during which the
Calculation Period ends, the sum of: (A) the number of days in such Calculation Period falling in the
Determination Period in which the Calculation Period begins divided by the product of (1) the number of
days in such Determination Period and (2) the number of Determination Dates (as specified in § 3(3)) and
(B) the number of days in such Calculation Period falling in the next Determination Period divided by the
product of (1) the number of days in such Determination Period and (2) the number of Determination Dates
(as specified in § 3(3)) that would occur in one calendar year.

"Determination Period" means the period from (and including) a Determination Date to, (but
excluding) the next Determination Date.]

[In the case of 30/360, 360/360 or Bond Basis the following applies: the number of days in
the Calculation Period divided by 360, the number of days to be calculated on the basis of a year of 360
days with twelve 30-day months (unless (A) the last day of the Calculation Period is the 31st day of a month
but the first day of the Calculation Period is a day other than the 30th or 31st day of a month, in which case
the month that includes that last day shall not be considered to be shortened to a 30-day month, or (B) the
last day of the Calculation Period is the last day of the month of February in which case the month of
February shall not be considered to be lengthened to a 30-day month).]

[In the case of 30E/360 or Eurobond Basis the following applies: the number of days in the
Calculation Period divided by 360 (the number of days to be calculated on the basis of a year of 360 days
with twelve 30-day months, without regard to the date of the first day or last day of the Calculation Period
unless, in the case of the final Calculation Period, the Maturity Date is the last day of the month of February,
in which case the month of February shall not be considered to be lengthened to a 30-day month).]


(1) (a) Payment of Principal. Payment of principal in respect of the Notes shall be made,
subject to subparagraph (2) below, to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the accounts of the
relevant account holders of the Clearing System.

(b) Payment of Interest. Payment of interest on the Notes shall be made, subject to
subparagraph (2), to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the accounts of the relevant account
holders of the Clearing System.

[In the case of interest payable on a Temporary Global Note the following applies: Payment
of interest on Notes represented by the Temporary Global Note shall be made, subject to subparagraph (2),
to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the accounts of the relevant account holders of the
Clearing System, upon due certification as provided in § 1(3)(b).]

(2) Manner of Payment. Subject to applicable fiscal and other laws and regulations, payments of
amounts due in respect of the Notes shall be made in the Specified Currency.

(3) Discharge. The Issuer or, as the case may be, the Guarantors shall be discharged by payment to,
or to the order of, the Clearing System.

(4) Payment Business Day. If the date for payment of any amount in respect of any Note is not a
Payment Business Day then the Holder shall not be entitled to payment until the next such day in the
relevant place and shall not be entitled to further interest or other payment in respect of such delay.

For these purposes, "Payment Business Day" means any day which is

[In the case the Notes are not denominated in Euro the following applies: a day (other than a Saturday
or a Sunday) on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets settle payments in [relevant
financial center(s)][.][and]]

[In the case the Clearing System and TARGET2 shall be open the following applies: a day (other than
a Saturday or a Sunday) on which the Clearing System as well as all relevant parts of the Trans European
Automated Real time Gross Settlement Express Transfer payment system (TARGET2) are operational to
forward the relevant payment].

(5) References to Principal and Interest. References in these Terms and Conditions to principal in
respect of the Notes shall be deemed to include, as applicable: the Final Redemption Amount of the Notes;
the Early Redemption Amount of the Notes; [if the Notes are redeemable at the option of the Issuer for
other than tax reasons or reasons of minimal outstanding principal amount the following applies:
the Call Redemption Amount of the Notes;] [if the Notes are redeemable at the option of the Holder the
following applies: the Put Redemption Amount of the Notes;] and any premium and any other amounts
which may be payable under or in respect of the Notes. References in these Terms and Conditions to
interest in respect of the Notes shall be deemed to include, as applicable, any Additional Amounts which
may be payable under § 7.

(6) Deposit of Principal and Interest. The Issuer or, as the case may be, the Guarantors may deposit
with the competent authority (Hinterlegungsstelle) at the seat of the Issuer (at the time of issuance of the
Notes the local court (Amtsgericht) in Berlin-Tiergarten) principal or interest not claimed by Holders within
twelve months after the Maturity Date, even though such Holders may not be in default of acceptance of
payment. If and to the extent that the deposit is effected and the right of withdrawal is waived, the respective
claims of such Holders against the Issuer shall cease.


(1) Final Redemption. Unless previously redeemed in whole or in part or purchased and cancelled,
the Notes shall be redeemed at their Final Redemption Amount on [Maturity Date] (the "Maturity Date").
The "Final Redemption Amount" in respect of each Note shall be its principal amount.

(2) Early Redemption for Reasons of Taxation. If as a result of any change in, or amendment to, the
laws or regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany or any political subdivision or taxing authority
thereto or therein affecting taxation or the obligation to pay duties of any kind, or any change in, or
amendment to, an official interpretation or application of such laws or regulations, which amendment or
change is effective on or after the date on which the last tranche of this series of Notes was issued, the
Issuer or the Guarantors, as the case may be, are required to pay Additional Amounts (as defined in § 7
herein) on the next succeeding Interest Payment Date (as defined in § 3(1)), and this obligation cannot be
avoided by the use of reasonable measures available to the Issuer or a Guarantor, as the case may be, the
Notes may be redeemed, in whole but not in part, at the option of the Issuer, upon not more than 60 days'
nor less than 30 days' prior notice of redemption given to the Fiscal Agent and, in accordance with § 13 to
the Holders, at their Final Redemption Amount (as defined above), together with interest (if any) accrued to
the date fixed for redemption (excluding).

However, no such notice of redemption may be given (i) earlier than 90 days prior to the earliest
date on which the Issuer or the Guarantors would be obligated to pay such Additional Amounts were a
payment in respect of the Notes then due, or (ii) if at the time such notice is given, such obligation to pay
such Additional Amounts does not remain in effect.

Any such notice shall be given in accordance with § 13. It shall be irrevocable, must specify the

date fixed for redemption and must set forth a statement in summary form of the facts constituting the basis
for the right of the Issuer so to redeem.

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer for Reasons of Minimal
Outstanding Principal Amount, the following applies:

[(3)] Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer for Reasons of Minimal Outstanding Principal

If 80 per cent. or more in principal amount of the Notes then outstanding have been redeemed or
purchased by the Issuer, the Guarantors or any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Issuer or the Guarantors
pursuant to the provisions of this § 5 or otherwise (a "Clean-up Call Event"), the Issuer may, on not less
than 30 nor more than 60 days’ notice to the Holders of Notes given within 30 days after the Clean-up Call
Event, redeem, at its option, the remaining Notes in whole but not in part at their Early Redemption Amount
(as defined below) plus interest accrued to but excluding the date of such redemption.]

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer at specified Call
Redemption Amounts the following applies:

[(4)] Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer.

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at specific Call Redemption Dates, the following

(a) The Issuer may, upon notice given in accordance with clause (b), redeem all or some
only of the Notes at the Call Redemption Date(s) at the Call Redemption Amount(s) set forth below together
with accrued interest, if any, to (but excluding) the relevant redemption date.

Call Redemption Date(s) Call Redemption


[Call Redemption [Call Redemption

Date(s)] Amount(s)]

[●] [●]

[●] [●]]

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at specific Call Redemption Periods, the following

(a) The Issuer may, upon notice given in accordance with clause (b), redeem all or some
only of the Notes within the Call Redemption Period(s) at the Call Redemption Amount(s) set forth below
together with accrued interest, if any, to (but excluding) the relevant redemption date.

Call Redemption Call Redemption

Period(s) Amount(s)

[Call Redemption [Call Redemption

Period(s)] Amount(s)]

[●] [●]

[●] [●]]

[If Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Holder the following applies:
The Issuer may not exercise such option in respect of any Note which is the subject of the prior exercise by

the Holder thereof of its option to require the redemption of such Note under subparagraph [(6)] of this § 5.]

(b) Notice of redemption shall be given by the Issuer to the Holders of the Notes in
accordance with § 13. Such notice shall specify:

(i) the Series of Notes subject to redemption;

(ii) whether such Series is to be redeemed in whole or in part only and, if in part
only, the aggregate principal amount of the Notes which are to be redeemed;

(iii) the relevant redemption date, which shall be not less than [Minimum Notice
to Holders] nor more than [Maximum Notice to Holders] days after the date on which notice is given by
the Issuer to the Holders; and

(iv) the Call Redemption Amount at which such Notes are to be redeemed.

(c) In the case of a partial redemption of Notes, Notes to be redeemed shall be selected in
accordance with the rules of the relevant Clearing System.] [In the case of Notes in NGN form the
following applies: For technical procedure of the ICSDs, in the case of a partial redemption the
outstanding principal amount following such partial redemption will be reflected in the records of the ICSDs
as either a reduction in nominal amount or as a pool factor, at the discretion of the ICSDs.]]

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer at Early Redemption
Amount the following applies:

[(5)] Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer.

(a) The Issuer may, upon notice given in accordance with clause (b), at any time redeem
all or some only of the Notes (each a "Call Redemption Date") at the Early Redemption Amount (as
defined below) together with accrued interest, if any, to (but excluding) the relevant Call Redemption Date.

[If Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Holder the following applies:

The Issuer may not exercise such option in respect of any Note which is the subject of the prior
exercise by the Holder thereof of its option to require the redemption of such Note under subparagraph [(6)]
of this § 5.]

(b) Notice of redemption shall be given by the Issuer to the Holders of the Notes in
accordance with § 13. Such notice shall specify:

(i) the Series of Notes subject to redemption;

(ii) whether such Series is to be redeemed in whole or in part only and, if in part
only, the aggregate principal amount of the Notes which are to be redeemed; and

(iii) the Call Redemption Date, which shall be not less than [Minimum Notice to
Holders] nor more than [Maximum Notice to Holders] days after the date on which notice is given by the
Issuer to the Holders.

(c) In the case of a partial redemption of Notes, Notes to be redeemed shall be selected in
accordance with the rules of the relevant Clearing System.] [In the case of Notes in NGN form the
following applies: For technical procedure of the ICSDs, in the case of a partial redemption the
outstanding principal amount following such partial redemption will be reflected in the records of the ICSDs
as either a reduction in nominal amount or as a pool factor, at the discretion of the ICSDs.]]

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Holder the following applies:

[(6)] Early Redemption at the Option of a Holder.

(a) The Issuer shall, at the option of the Holder of any Note, redeem such Note on the Put
Redemption Date(s) at the Put Redemption Amount(s) set forth below together with accrued interest, if any,
to (but excluding) the Put Redemption Date.

Put Redemption Date(s) Put Redemption
[Put Redemption [Put Redemption
Dates(s)] Amount(s)]

[●] [●]

[●] [●]

The Holder may not exercise such option in respect of any Note which is the subject of the prior
exercise by the Issuer of any of its options to redeem such Note under this § 5.

(b) In order to exercise such option, the Holder must, not less than [Minimum Notice to
Issuer] nor more than [Maximum Notice to Issuer] days before the Put Redemption Date on which such
redemption is required to be made as specified in the Put Redemption Notice (as defined below), submit
during normal business hours at the specified office of the Fiscal Agent a duly completed early redemption
notice ("Put Redemption Notice") in the form available from the specified offices of the Fiscal Agent and
the Paying Agents. The Put Redemption Notice must specify (i) the principal amount of the Notes in respect
of which such option is exercised, and (ii) the securities identification number of such Notes, if any. No
option so exercised may be revoked or withdrawn. The Issuer shall only be required to redeem Notes in
respect of which such option is exercised against delivery of such Notes to the Issuer or to its order.]

[(7)] Early Redemption Amount.

(a) For purposes of subparagraph (2) [and (3)] of this § 5 and § 9, the "Early Redemption
Amount" of a Note shall be its principal amount.

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer at Early Redemption
Amount the following applies:

[(b) For purposes of subparagraph [(5)] of this § 5, the Early Redemption Amount of a Note shall
be the higher of (i) its Final Redemption Amount and (ii) the Present Value. The "Present Value" will be
calculated by the Calculation Agent by discounting the sum of the principal amount of a Note and the
remaining interest payments to [Maturity Date][first call date] on an annual basis, assuming a 365-day
year or a 366-day year, as the case may be, and the actual number of days elapsed in such year and using
the Comparable Benchmark Yield plus [percentage]%. "Comparable Benchmark Yield" means the yield
at the Redemption Calculation Date on the corresponding [euro denominated benchmark debt security of
the Federal Republic of Germany] [other relevant benchmark security] [due [maturity], carrying ISIN
[ISIN], or, if such benchmark security is no longer outstanding on the Redemption Calculation Date, such
other comparable benchmark security selected as appropriate by the Calculation Agent], [as daily published
by the Deutsche Bundesbank on its website www.bundesbank. de,][as appearing around [relevant time] on
[relevant screen page]], or, if such yield cannot be so determined, the yield determined as aforesaid as
appearing or published on such other comparable page or pricing source (or, if applicable, at such other
time on the Redemption Calculation Date) as may be considered to be appropriate by the Calculation
Agent, in each case as having a maturity comparable to the remaining term of the Note to [Maturity
Date][first call date], that would be used at the time of selection and in accordance with customary
financial practice, in pricing new issues of corporate debt securities of comparable maturity to [Maturity
Date][first call date]. "Redemption Calculation Date" means the third Payment Business Day prior to the
relevant Call Redemption Date.]


(1) Appointment; Specified Office. The initial Fiscal Agent and the initial Paying Agent and its initial
specified office shall be:

ING Bank N.V.

Issuer Services
Attn: Remko Los
Location Code: TRC 02.039
Foppingadreef 7
1102 BD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel.:+31 (0)20 5636619
Email: [email protected]

[If the Fiscal Agent is to be appointed as Calculation Agent the following applies: The Fiscal Agent
shall also act as Calculation Agent.]

[If a Calculation Agent other than the Fiscal Agent is to be appointed the following applies: The
Calculation Agent and its initial specified office shall be:

Calculation Agent: [name and specified office]]

The Fiscal Agent [,][and] the Paying Agents [and the Calculation Agent] reserve the right at any
time to change their respective specified offices to some other specified office in the same city.

(2) Variation or Termination of Appointment. The Issuer reserves the right at any time to vary or
terminate the appointment of the Fiscal Agent or any Paying Agent [or the Calculation Agent] and to appoint
another Fiscal Agent or additional or other Paying Agents [or another Calculation Agent]. The Issuer shall at
all times maintain (i) a Fiscal Agent [in the case of Notes listed on a stock exchange (the "Stock
Exchange") the following applies: [,] [and] (ii) so long as the Notes are listed on the [name of Stock
Exchange], a Paying Agent (which may be the Fiscal Agent) with a specified office in [location of Stock
Exchange] and/or in such other place as may be required by the rules of such stock exchange] [and] [,]
[(iii)] a Paying Agent in an EU member state, if possible, that will not be obliged to withhold or deduct tax in
connection with any payment made in relation to the Notes unless the Paying Agent would be so obliged in
each other EU Member State if it were located there, [in the case of payments in United States dollar
the following applies: [and] [(iv)] if payments at or through the offices of all Paying Agents outside the
United States (as defined in § 1(6)) become illegal or are effectively precluded because of the imposition of
exchange controls or similar restrictions on the full payment or receipt of such amounts in United States
dollar, a Paying Agent with a specified office in New York City], [and [(v)] a Calculation Agent [if
Calculation Agent is required to maintain a Specified Office in a Required Location the following
applies: with a specified office located in [Required Location]]. Any variation, termination, appointment or
change shall only take effect (other than in the case of insolvency, when it shall be of immediate effect) after
not less than 30 nor more than 45 days' prior notice thereof shall have been given to the Holders in
accordance with § 13.

(3) Agent of the Issuer. The Fiscal Agent [,][and] the Paying Agents [and the Calculation Agent] act
solely as the agents of the Issuer and do not assume any obligations towards or relationship of agency or
trust for any Holder.


All payments of principal and interest made by the Issuer in respect of the Notes to the Holders
shall be made free and clear of, and without withholding or deduction for, any present or future taxes or
duties of whatever nature imposed or levied by way of deduction or withholding by or on behalf of the
Federal Republic of Germany or any political subdivision or any authority therein or thereof having power to
tax (the "Taxing Jurisdiction"), unless such deduction or withholding is required by law. In that event the
Issuer shall pay such additional amounts (the "Additional Amounts") as shall result in receipt by the
Holders of such amounts as would have been received by them had no such withholding or deduction been
required, except that no Additional Amounts shall be payable with respect to

(a) any taxes that are payable by any person acting as custodian bank or collecting agent
on behalf of a Holder, or otherwise in any manner which does not constitute a deduction or withholding by
the Issuer from payments of principal or interest made by it; or

(b) payments which are to be withheld or deducted by reason of the relevant Holder having
some connection with Germany other than the mere holding of the Notes; or

(c) payments to, or to a third party on behalf of, a Holder where no such withholding or
deduction would have been required to be made if the Notes were credited at the time of payment to a
securities deposit account with a bank, financial services institution, securities trading business or securities
trading bank, in each case outside Germany; or

(d) payments where such withholding or deduction is imposed pursuant to (i) any
European Union Directive or Regulation concerning the taxation of interest, or (ii) any international treaty or
understanding relating to such taxation and to which Germany or the European Union is a party/are parties,
or (iii) any provision of law implementing, or complying with, or introduced to conform with, such Directive,
Regulation, treaty or understanding; or

(e) payments pursuant to, or as a consequence of (i) an international agreement, to which

Germany is a party, or (ii) a directive or regulation passed pursuant to, or in the consequence of, such
agreement, or

(f) payments to the extent such withholding or deduction is payable by or on behalf of a

Holder who could lawfully mitigate (but has not so mitigated) such withholding or deduction by complying or
procuring that any third party complies with any statutory requirements or by making or procuring that a third
party makes a declaration of non-residence or other similar claim for exemption to any tax authority in the
place where the payment is effected; or

(g) payments which are payable by reason of a change in law that becomes effective more
than 30 days after the relevant payment becomes due, or is duly provided for and notice thereof is
published in accordance with § 13, whichever occurs later; or

(h) payments to the extent such withholding or deduction is required pursuant to Sections
1471 through 1474 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Internal Revenue
Code"), any current or future regulations or official interpretations thereof, any agreement entered into
pursuant to Section 1471(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, or any fiscal or regulatory legislation, rules or
practices adopted pursuant to any intergovernmental agreement entered into in connection with the
implementation of such Sections of the Internal Revenue Code; or

(i) payments which are withheld or deducted from any payment to be made to a Holder
residing in a noncooperative country or territory (nicht cooperatives Steuerhoheitsgebiet) within the meaning
of the act to prevent tax evasion and unfair tax competition (Steueroasen- Abwehrgesetz) as amended or
replaced from time to time (including any ordinance (Verordnung) enacted based on this act); or

(j) any combination of items (a)-(i);

nor shall any Additional Amounts be paid with respect to any payment on a Note to a Holder who
is a fiduciary or partnership or who is other than the sole beneficial owner of such payment to the extent
such payment would be required by the laws of the Taxing Jurisdiction to be included in the income, for tax
purposes, of a beneficiary or settlor with respect to such fiduciary or a member of such partnership or a
beneficial owner who would not have been entitled to such Additional Amounts had such beneficiary, settlor,
member or beneficial owner been the Holder of the Note.

For the avoidance of doubt, the withholding tax (Kapitalertragsteuer) currently levied in the Federal Republic
of Germany at the level of the custodian bank or collecting agent and the solidarity surcharge
(Solidaritätszuschlag) imposed thereon pursuant to tax law as in effect as of the date of issue of the Notes
do not constitute a tax or duty as described above in respect of which Additional Amounts would be payable
by the Issuer.


The presentation period provided in Section 801 paragraph 1, sentence 1 of the German Civil
Code (BGB) is reduced to ten years for the Notes.


(1) Events of default. Each Holder shall be entitled to declare due and payable by notice to the Fiscal
Agent its entire claims arising from the Notes and demand immediate redemption thereof at the Early
Redemption Amount (as described in § 5 [(7)]), together with accrued interest (if any) to (but excluding) the
date of repayment, in the event that:

(a) the Issuer fails to pay principal or interest under the Notes within 30 days from the
relevant due date, or

(b) any Guarantor fails to pay amounts payable under the Guarantee within 30 days from
the relevant due date, or

(c) the Issuer fails to duly perform any other material obligation arising from the Notes or
any Guarantor fails to perform any other material obligation arising from the Guarantee and such failure
continues unremedied for more than 30 days after the Fiscal Agent has received a request thereof in the
manner set forth in § 9(3) from a Holder to perform such obligation; or

(d) (i) any Capital Market Indebtedness of the Issuer or any of its Material Subsidiaries or
of any Guarantor or any of its Material Subsidiaries becomes prematurely repayable as a result of a default
in respect of the terms thereof, or (ii) the Issuer or any of its Material Subsidiaries or any Guarantor or any
of its Material Subsidiaries fails to fulfill any payment obligation under any Capital Market Indebtedness or
under any guarantees or suretyships given for any Capital Market Indebtedness of others within 30 days
from its due date or, in the case of such guarantee or suretyship, within 30 days of such guarantee or
suretyship being invoked, given that the obligations under (i) and (ii) above exceed 2 per cent. of the
balance sheet total of the Issuer, as stated in its latest consolidated balance sheet drawn up in accordance
with IFRS and unless the Issuer or its relevant Material Subsidiary or the respective Guarantor or its
relevant Material Subsidiary contests in good faith that such payment obligation exists or is due or that such
guarantee or suretyship has been validly invoked or if a security granted therefor is enforced on behalf of or
by the creditor(s) entitled thereto; or

(e) the Issuer or any Guarantor announces its inability to meet its financial obligations or
ceases its payments generally; or

(f) a court opens insolvency proceedings against the Issuer or any Guarantor and such
proceedings are instituted and have not been discharged or stayed within 90 days, or the Issuer or the
Guarantor applies for or institutes such proceedings; or

(g) the Issuer or any Guarantor enters into liquidation unless this is done in connection
with a merger (Verschmelzung) or other form of transformation under the German Transformation Act
(Umwandlungsgesetz) or other form of combination with another company and such company assumes all
obligations contracted by the Issuer or the relevant Guarantor in connection with the Notes or the
Guarantee; or

(h) any governmental order, decree or enactment shall be made in or by the Federal Republic of
Germany whereby the Issuer or any Guarantor is prevented from observing and performing in full its
obligations as set forth in these Terms and Conditions and in the Guarantee, respectively, and this situation
is not cured within 90 days; or

(i) the Guarantee ceases to be valid and legally binding.

(2) No Termination. The right to declare Notes due shall terminate if the situation giving rise to it has

been cured before the right is exercised.

(3) Notice. Any default notice in accordance with § 9(1) shall be made by means of a declaration at
least in text form (section 126b of the German Civil Code, Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) delivered to the
specified office of the Fiscal Agent together with evidence by means of a certificate of the Holder's
Custodian (as defined in § 14(3)) that such Holder, at the time of such notice, is a holder of the relevant

(4) Quorum. In the events specified in subparagraph (1) (c) and/or (d), any notice declaring Notes
due shall, unless at the time such notice is received any of the events specified in subparagraph (1) (a), (b)
and (e) through (h) entitling Holders to declare their Notes due has occurred, become effective only when
the Fiscal Agent has received such default notices from the Holders representing at least 25 per cent. of the
aggregate principal amount of Notes then outstanding.

§ 10

(1) Substitution. The Issuer (reference to which shall always include any previous Substitute Debtor
(as defined below)) may, at any time, if no payment of principal of or interest on any of the Notes is in
default, without the consent of the Holders, substitute for the Issuer any Affiliate (as defined below) of the
Issuer as the principal debtor in respect of all obligations arising from or in connection with the Notes (any
such company, the "Substitute Debtor"), provided that:

(a) the Substitute Debtor assumes all obligations of the Issuer in respect of the Notes and
is in a position to fulfill all payment obligations arising from or in connection with the Notes in the Specified
Currency without, subject to para. (e) below, the necessity of any taxes or duties levied by the country or
jurisdiction in which the Substitute Debtor is domiciled (other than taxes which would also be levied in the
absence of such substitution) to be withheld or deducted at source and to transfer all amounts which are
required therefore to the Paying Agent without any restrictions, and that in particular all necessary
authorizations to this effect by any competent authority have been obtained, and, to the extent service of
process must be effected to the Substitute Debtor outside of Germany, a service of process agent in
Germany is appointed;

(b) the Issuer and the Guarantors if they are not themselves the Substitute Debtor
irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee in favor of each Holder the payment of all sums payable by the
Substitute Debtor in respect of the Notes on terms equivalent to the terms of the Guarantee (the
"Substitution Guarantee");

(c) the Substitute Debtor, the Issuer and the Guarantors have obtained all necessary
governmental and regulatory approvals and consents for such substitution and for the giving by the Issuer
and the Guarantors if they are not themselves the Substitute Debtor of the Substitution Guarantee in
respect of the obligations of the Substitute Debtor, that the Substitute Debtor has obtained all necessary
governmental and regulatory approvals and consents for the performance by the Substitute Debtor of its
obligations under the Notes, and that all such approvals and consents are in full force and effect and that
the obligations assumed by the Substitute Debtor and the Substitution Guarantee given by the Issuer and
the Guarantors if they are not themselves the Substitute Debtor are each valid and binding in accordance
with their respective terms and enforceable by each Holder;

(d) § 9 shall be deemed to be amended so that it shall also be an Event of Default under
such provision if the Substitution Guarantee shall cease to be valid or legally binding against the Issuer and
the Guarantors if they are not themselves the Substitute Debtor;

(e) the Substitute Debtor undertakes to reimburse any Holder for such taxes, fees or duties
which may be imposed upon such Holder in connection with any payments on the Notes (including taxes or
duties being deducted or withheld at source), upon conversion or otherwise, as a consequence of the
assumption of the Issuer's obligations by the Substitute Debtor, provided that such undertaking shall be
limited to amounts that would not have been imposed upon the Holder had such substitution not occurred;


(f) there shall have been delivered to the Fiscal Agent one opinion for each jurisdiction
affected of lawyers of recognized standing to the effect that subparagraphs (a) through (e) above have been

For purposes of this § 10, "Affiliate" shall mean any affiliated company (verbundenes
Unternehmen) within the meaning of Sections 15 et seq. of the German Stock Corporation Act
(Aktiengesetz) held by the Issuer.

(2) Discharge from Obligations. References. Upon a substitution in accordance with this § 10, the
Substitute Debtor shall be deemed to be named in the Notes as the principal debtor in place of the Issuer as
issuer and the Notes shall thereupon be deemed to be amended to give effect to the substitution including
that the relevant jurisdiction in relation to the Issuer in § 7 shall be the Substitute Debtor's country of
domicile for tax purposes. Furthermore, in the event of such substitution the following shall apply:

(a) in § 7 and § 5(2) an alternative reference to the Federal Republic of Germany shall be
deemed to have been included in addition to the reference according to the preceding sentence to the
country of domicile or residence for taxation purposes of the Substitute Debtor;

(b) in § 9(1)(c) to (g) an alternative reference to the Issuer in its capacity as guarantor shall
be deemed to have been included in addition to the reference to the Substitute Debtor.

Any such substitution, together with the notice referred to in subparagraph (3) below, shall, in the
case of the substitution of any other company as principal debtor, operate to release the Issuer as issuer
from all of its obligations as principal debtor in respect of the Notes.

(3) Notification to Holders. Not later than 15 Payment Business Days after effecting the substitution,
the Substitute Debtor shall give notice thereof to the Holders and, if any Notes are listed on any stock
exchange, to such stock exchange in accordance with § 13 and to any other person or authority as required
by applicable laws or regulations.

§ 11

(1) Further Issues. The Issuer may from time to time, without the consent of the Holders, issue
further Notes having the same terms and conditions as the Notes in all respects (or in all respects except for
the settlement date, interest commencement date and/or issue price) so as to form a single Series with the

(2) Purchases. The Issuer may at any time purchase Notes in the open market or otherwise and at
any price. Notes purchased by the Issuer may, at the option of the Issuer, be held, resold or surrendered to
the Fiscal Agent for cancellation. If purchases are made by tender, tenders for such Notes must be made
available to all Holders of such Notes alike.

(3) Cancellation. All Notes redeemed in full shall be cancelled forthwith and may not be reissued or

§ 12

(1) Resolutions of Holders. The Holders may with consent of the Issuer (if required) by a majority
resolution pursuant to section 5 et seqq. of the German Act on Issues of Debt Securities (Gesetz über
Schuldverschreibungen aus Gesamtemissionen) (the "SchVG"), as amended from time to time, agree to
amendments of the Terms and Conditions or resolve any other matters provided for by the SchVG. In
particular, the Holders may consent to amendments which materially change the substance of the Terms
and Conditions, including such measures as provided for under section 5 paragraph 3 SchVG by
resolutions passed by such majority of the votes of the Holders as stated under § 12(2) below. A duly

passed majority resolution shall be binding upon all Holders.

(2) Majority. Except as provided by the following sentence and provided that the quorum
requirements are being met, the Holders may pass resolutions by simple majority of the voting rights
participating in the vote. Resolutions which materially change the substance of the Terms and Conditions, in
particular in the cases of section 5 paragraph 3 numbers 1 through 9 SchVG, or relating to material other
matters may only be passed by a majority of at least 75% of the voting rights participating in the vote (a
"Qualified Majority").

(3) Passing of resolutions. The Holders can pass resolutions in a meeting (Gläubigerversammlung)
in accordance with section 5 et seqq. of the SchVG or by means of a vote without a meeting (Abstimmung
ohne Versammlung) in accordance with section 18 and section 5 et seqq. of the SchVG.

(4) Holders’ meeting. If resolutions of the Holders shall be made by means of a meeting the
convening notice will provide for further details relating to the resolutions and the voting procedure. The
subject matter of the vote as well as the proposed resolutions shall be notified to the Holders together with
the convening notice. Attendance at the meeting and exercise of voting rights is subject to the Holders’
registration. The registration must be received at the address stated in the convening notice no later than
the third day preceding the meeting. As part of the registration, Holders must demonstrate their eligibility to
participate in the vote by means of a special confirmation of the Custodian (as defined in § 14 (3)) in
accordance with § 14(3)(i)(a) and (b) hereof in text form and by submission of a blocking instruction by the
Custodian stating that the relevant Notes are not transferable from and including the day such registration
has been sent until and including the stated end of the meeting.

(5) Vote without a meeting. Together with casting their votes, Holders must demonstrate their
eligibility to participate in the vote by means of a special confirmation of the Custodian in accordance with
§ 14(3)(i)(a) and (b) hereof in text form and by submission of a blocking instruction by the Custodian stating
that the relevant Notes are not transferable from and including the day such votes have been cast until and
including the day the voting period ends.

(6) Second meeting. If it is ascertained that no quorum exists for the meeting pursuant to § 12(4) or
the vote without a meeting pursuant to § 12(4), in case of a meeting the chairman may convene a second
meeting in accordance with Section 15 paragraph 3 sentence 2 of the SchVG or in case of a vote without a
meeting the scrutineer may convene a second meeting within the meaning of Section 15 paragraph 3
sentence 3 of the SchVG. Attendance at the second meeting and exercise of voting rights is subject to the
Holders’ registration. The provisions set out in § 12(4) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Holders’
registration for a second meeting.

(7) Holders' representative. [If no Holders' Representative is designated in the Terms and
Conditions of the Notes the following applies: The Holders may by majority resolution appoint a
common representative to exercise the Holders' rights on behalf of each Holder (the "Holders’

The Holders' Representative shall have the duties and powers provided by law or granted by majority
resolution of the Holders. The Holders' Representative shall comply with the instructions of the Holders. To
the extent that the Holders' Representative has been authorised to assert certain rights of the Holders, the
Holders shall not be entitled to assert such rights themselves, unless explicitly provided for in the relevant
majority resolution. The Holders' Representative shall provide reports to the Holders on its activities. The
regulations of the SchVG apply with regard to the recall and the other rights and obligations of the Holders'

[If the Holders’ Representative is appointed in the Terms and Conditions of the Notes, the following
applies: The joint representative (the "Holders' Representative") shall be [name and address]. The
Holders’ Representative shall have the duties and responsibilities and powers provided for by law. The
liability of the Holders’ Representative shall be limited to ten times of the amount of its annual remuneration,
unless the Holders’ Representative has acted wilfully or with gross negligence. The provisions of the SchVG
apply with respect to the dismissal of the Holders’ Representative and the other rights and obligations of the

Holders’ Representative.]

(8) Publication. Any notices concerning this § 12 shall be made exclusively pursuant to the provisions
of the SchVG.

(9) Guarantee. The provisions set out above applicable to the Notes shall apply mutatis mutandis to
the Guarantee and any Substitution Guarantee.

§ 13

[In the case of Notes which are listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange the
following applies:

(1) Publication. Subject to § 12 (8), all notices concerning the Notes will be made by means of
electronic publication on the internet website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (www.bourse. lu). Any
notice will be deemed to have been validly given on the third day following the date of such publication (or, if
published more than once, on the third day following the date of the first such publication).

(2) Notification to Clearing System. So long as any Notes are listed on the official list of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange, subparagraph (1) shall apply. If the Rules of the Luxembourg Stock
Exchange otherwise so permit, the Issuer may deliver the relevant notice to the Clearing System for
communication by the Clearing System to the Holders, in lieu of publication as set forth in subparagraph (1)
above; any such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the seventh day after the day on which the
said notice was given to the Clearing System.]

[In the case of Notes which are listed on a stock exchange other than on the official list of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange the following applies:

(1) Publication. Subject to § 12 (8), all notices concerning the Notes will be made by means of
electronic publication on the internet website of the stock exchange with respect to which the Issuer applied
for listing of the Notes, if the rules of such stock exchange so permit. Any such notice will be deemed to
have been validly given on the third day following the date of such publication (or, if published more than
once, on the third day following the date of the first such publication).

(2) Notification to Clearing System. So long as any Notes are listed on such a stock exchange,
subparagraph (1) shall apply. If the rules of such stock exchange otherwise so permit, the Issuer may
deliver the relevant notice to the Clearing System for communication by the Clearing System to the Holders,
in lieu of publication as set forth in subparagraph (1) above; any such notice shall be deemed to have been
given on the seventh day after the day on which the said notice was given to the Clearing System.]

[In the case of Notes which are unlisted the following applies:

Notification to Clearing System. Subject to § 12 (8), the Issuer will deliver all notices to the Clearing System
for communication by the Clearing System to the Holders. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been
given to the Holders on the seventh day after the day on which the said notice was given to the Clearing

§ 14

(1) Applicable Law. The Notes, as to form and content, and all rights and obligations of the Holders
and the Issuer, shall be governed in every respect by German law.

(2) Submission to Jurisdiction. The District Court (Landgericht) in Frankfurt am Main shall have non-
exclusive jurisdiction for any action or other legal proceedings ("Proceedings") arising out of or in
connection with the Notes.

(3) Enforcement. Any Holder of Notes may in any proceedings against the Issuer, or any Guarantor
or to which such Holder and the Issuer or any Guarantor are parties, protect and enforce in his own name

his rights arising under such Notes on the basis of (i) a statement issued by the Custodian with whom such
Holder maintains a securities account in respect of the Notes (a) stating the full name and address of the
Holder, (b) specifying the aggregate principal amount of Notes credited to such securities account on the
date of such statement and (c) confirming that the Custodian has given written notice to the Clearing
System containing the information pursuant to (a) and (b) which has been confirmed by the Clearing
System; (ii) a copy of the Note in global form certified as being a true copy by a duly authorized officer of the
Clearing System or a depositary of the Clearing System, without the need for production in such
proceedings of the actual records or the global note representing the Notes or (iii) any other means of proof
permitted in legal proceedings in the country of enforcement. For purposes of the foregoing, "Custodian"
means any bank or other financial institution of recognized standing authorized to engage in securities
custody business with which the Holder maintains a securities account in respect of the Notes and which
maintains an account with the Clearing System, and includes the Clearing System. Each Holder may,
without prejudice to the foregoing, protect and enforce his rights under these Notes also in any other way
which is admitted in the country of the Proceedings.

§ 15

These Terms and Conditions are written in the English language only.

OPTION II – Terms and Conditions for Notes without periodic interest payments ("Zero
Coupon Notes")


(1) Currency; Denomination. This Series of Notes (the "Notes") of Eurogrid GmbH ("Eurogrid" or
the "Issuer") is being issued in [Specified Currency] (the "Specified Currency") in the aggregate
principal amount [in the case the Global Note is an NGN the following applies: (subject to § 1(4))] of
[Aggregate Principal Amount] (in words: [Aggregate Principal Amount in words]) (the "Aggregate
Principal Amount") in the denomination of [Specified Denomination] (the "Specified Denomination").

(2) Form. The Notes are being issued in bearer form.

[In the case of Notes which are represented by a Permanent Global Note the following applies:

(3) Permanent Global Note. The Notes are represented by a permanent global note (the
"Permanent Global Note" or the "Global Note"). The Permanent Global Note shall be signed manually
by authorized signatories of the Issuer and shall be authenticated by or on behalf of the Fiscal Agent.
Definitive Notes will not be issued.]

[In the case of Notes which are initially represented by a Temporary Global Note the following

(3) Temporary Global Note — Exchange.

(a) The Notes are initially represented by a temporary global note (the "Temporary
Global Note") without coupons. The Temporary Global Note will be exchangeable for Notes in Specified
Denominations represented by a permanent global note (the "Permanent Global Note" and together
with the Temporary Global Note, the "Global Notes") without coupons. [In the case of Euroclear and
CBL and if the Global Note is an NGN the following applies: The details of such exchange shall be
entered in the records of the ICSDs (as defined below).] The Global Notes shall only be valid if each of
them bears the handwritten signatures of two authorized representatives of the Issuer and the control
signature of a person instructed by the Fiscal Agent. Definitive Notes will not be issued.

(b) The Temporary Global Note shall be exchanged for the Permanent Global Note on a
date (the "Exchange Date") not earlier than 40 days after the date of issue of the Notes. Such exchange
shall only be made upon delivery of certifications to the effect that the beneficial owner or owners of the
Notes is not a U.S. person (other than certain financial institutions or certain persons holding Notes
through such financial institutions). Payment of interest on Notes represented by a Temporary Global
Note will be made only after delivery of such certifications. A separate certification shall be required in
respect of each such payment of interest. Any such certification received on or after the 40th day after the
date of issue of the Notes will be treated as a request to exchange the Temporary Global Note pursuant
to subparagraph (b) of this § 1(3). Any Notes delivered in exchange for the Temporary Global Note shall
be delivered only outside of the United States (as defined in § 1(6).]

(4) Clearing System. Each Global Note will be kept in custody by or on behalf of the Clearing
System until all obligations of the Issuer under the Notes have been satisfied. "Clearing System" means
[if more than one Clearing System the following applies: each of] the following: [Clearstream
Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main,] [Clearstream Banking, société anonyme Luxembourg ("CBL")]
[Euroclear Bank SA/NV Brussels as operator of the Euroclear System ("Euroclear"),] [additional or
alternative Clearing System] and any successor in such capacity. [In the case of CBL and Euroclear as
Clearing System the following applies: "International Central Securities Depositary" or "ICSD"
means each of CBL and Euroclear (together, the "ICSDs").]

[In the case of Notes kept in custody on behalf of the ICSDs and the global note is a
NGN, the following applies: The Notes are issued in new global note ("NGN") form and are kept in

custody by a common safekeeper on behalf of both ICSDs.

The principal amount of Notes represented by the Global Note shall be the aggregate amount
from time to time entered in the records of both ICSDs. The records of the ICSDs (which expression
means the records that each ICSD holds for its customers which reflect the amount of such customer's
interest in the Notes) shall be conclusive evidence of the principal amount of Notes represented by the
Global Note and, for these purposes, a statement issued by an ICSD stating the principal amount of
Notes so represented at any time shall be conclusive evidence of the records of the relevant ICSD at that

On any redemption or interest payment being made in respect of, or purchase and cancellation
of, any of the Notes represented by the Global Note the Issuer shall procure that details of any
redemption, payment or purchase and cancellation (as the case may be) in respect of the Global Note
shall be entered pro rata in the records of the ICSDs and, upon any such entry being made, the principal
amount of the Notes recorded in the records of the ICSDs and represented by the Global Note shall be
reduced by the aggregate principal amount of the Notes so redeemed or purchased and cancelled.]

[In the case of Notes kept in custody on behalf of the ICSDs and the global note is a
CGN, the following applies :The Notes are issued in classical global note ("CGN") form and are kept in
custody by a common depositary on behalf of both ICSDs.]

(5) Holder of Notes. "Holder" means any holder of a proportionate co-ownership or other
beneficial interest or right in the Notes.

[In the case the Temporary Global Note is a NGN, the following applies: On an exchange
of a portion only of the Notes represented by a Temporary Global Note, the Issuer shall procure that
details of such exchange shall be entered pro rata in the records of the ICSDs.]

(6) United States. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions "United States" means the
United States of America (including the States thereof and the District of Columbia) and its possessions
(including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Wake Island and Northern
Mariana Islands).


(1) Status. The obligations under the Notes constitute unsecured and unsubordinated obligations
of the Issuer ranking pari passu among themselves and pari passu with all other present or future
unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer, unless such obligations are accorded priority
under mandatory provisions of statutory law.

(2) Negative Pledge. So long as any of the Notes remain outstanding, but only up to the time all
amounts of principal and interest have been placed at the disposal of the Fiscal Agent, the Issuer
undertakes (i) not to grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land charge, lien or any other security right
in rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or future assets, as security for any
present or future Capital Market Indebtedness or any guarantee or other suretyship in respect of any
such Capital Market Indebtedness, and (ii) to procure, to the extent legally permissible, that none of its
Material Subsidiaries will grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land charge, lien or any other security
right in rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or future assets, as security for any
present or future Capital Market Indebtedness or any guarantee or other suretyship in respect of any
such Capital Market Indebtedness, unless at the same time the Holders share equally and rateably in
such security or other security as shall be approved by an independent accounting firm as being
equivalent security has been made available to Holders.

For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Capital Market Indebtedness" means any
obligation for the payment of borrowed money (including contingent liabilities) which is represented by
any bond or debt security with an original maturity of more than one year which is, or is intended to be, or

is capable of being listed or traded on a stock exchange or other recognised securities market.

(3) Guarantee and Negative Pledge.

(a) Each of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH and 50Hertz Offshore GmbH (each of them a
"Guarantor" and together the "Guarantors") has given an unconditional and irrevocable guarantee (the
"Guarantee") under which the Guarantors jointly and severally guarantee subject to certain limitations
set out therein for the due and punctual payment of principal of, and interest on, and any other amounts
payable under any Notes.

The Guarantee constitutes a contract for the benefit of the Holders from time to time as third party
beneficiaries in accordance with Section 328 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB)1, giving rise to
the right of each Holder to require performance of the Guarantee directly from the relevant Guarantor and
to enforce the Guarantee directly against the relevant Guarantor. Copies of the Guarantee may be
obtained free of charge at the specified office of the Fiscal Agent.

(b) Each Guarantor has undertaken in the Guarantee, as long as any of the Notes
remain outstanding, but only up to the time all amounts of principal and interest have been placed at the
disposal of the Fiscal Agent, (i) not to grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land charge, lien or any
other security right in rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or future assets, as
security for any present or future Capital Market Indebtedness or any guarantee or other suretyship in
respect of any such Capital Market Indebtedness (as defined in § 2 (2)), and (ii) to procure, to the extent
legally possible, that none of its Material Subsidiaries will grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land
charge, lien or any other security right in rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or
future assets, as security for any present or future Capital Market Indebtedness, unless at the same time
the Holders share equally and rateably in such security or such other security as shall be approved by an
independent accounting firm as being equivalent security has been made available to Holders.

(c) For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "Material Subsidiary" means a
Subsidiary of the Issuer, or, as applicable, a Guarantor, (i) which, based on the latest audited annual
consolidated financial statements of the Issuer (Konzernabschluss) and the latest audited annual
financial statements of the relevant Subsidiary, has (x) unconsolidated gross assets (i.e. the sum of fixed
assets (Anlagevermögen) and current assets (Umlaufvermögen) within the meaning of Section 266
paragraph 2 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) (without group internal positions) representing 10
per cent. or more of the consolidated gross assets of the Issuer, (y) unconsolidated operating profits
before net interest expenses and taxes (without group internal positions) representing 10 per cent. or
more of the consolidated operating profits before net interest expenses and taxes of the Issuer, or (ii) to
which all or substantially all of the assets of a Subsidiary which was a Material Subsidiary before such
transfer having occurred have been transferred, or to which such assets have passed in any other way,
in which case the disposing entity will cease to be a Material Subsidiary. "Subsidiary" means (i) an entity
of which a person owns directly or indirectly more than 50 per cent. of the voting capital or similar right of
ownership or (ii) an entity which is controlled, directly or indirectly, by a person within the meaning of
Section 17 of the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz).


(1) No Periodic Payments of Interest. There will not be any periodic payments of interest on the

An English language convenience translation of Section 328 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB) reads as follows:
"A contract may stipulate performance for the benefit of a third party, to the effect that the third party acquires the right
directly to demand performance".

(2) Late Payments. If the Issuer for any reason fails to render any payment of principal in respect
of the Notes when due, interest shall accrue at the default rate of interest established by statutory law2 on
the outstanding amount from (and including) the due date to (but excluding) the day on which such
payment is made to the Holders.

(3) Day Count Fraction. "Day Count Fraction" means in respect of a Calculation Period (as
defined below in § 5 [(7)].

[In the case of 30/360, 360/360 or Bond Basis the following applies: the number of days in
the Calculation Period divided by 360, the number of days to be calculated on the basis of a year of 360
days with twelve 30-day months (unless (A) the last day of the Calculation Period is the 31st day of a
month but the first day of the Calculation Period is a day other than the 30th or 31st day of a month, in
which case the month that includes that last day shall not be considered to be shortened to a 30-day
month, or (B) the last day of the Calculation Period is the last day of the month of February in which case
the month of February shall not be considered to be lengthened to a 30-day month).]

[In the case of 30E/360 or Eurobond Basis the following applies: the number of days in the
Calculation Period divided by 360 (the number of days to be calculated on the basis of a year of 360
days with twelve 30-day months, without regard to the date of the first day or last day of the Calculation
Period unless, in the case of the final Calculation Period, the Maturity Date is the last day of the month of
February, in which case the month of February shall not be considered to be lengthened to a 30-day


(1) Payment of Principal. Payment of principal in respect of the Notes shall be made, subject to
subparagraph (2) below, to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the accounts of the relevant
account holders of the Clearing System.

(2) Manner of Payment. Subject to applicable fiscal and other laws and regulations, payments of
amounts due in respect of the Notes shall be made in the Specified Currency.

(3) Discharge. The Issuer or, as the case may be, the Guarantors shall be discharged by payment
to, or to the order of, the Clearing System.

(4) Payment Business Day. If the date for payment of any amount in respect of any Note is not a
Payment Business Day then the Holder shall not be entitled to payment until the next such day in the
relevant place and shall not be entitled to further interest or other payment in respect of such delay.

For these purposes, "Payment Business Day" means any day which is

[In the case the Notes are not denominated in Euro the following applies: a day (other than a
Saturday or a Sunday) on which commercial banks and foreign exchange markets settle payments in
[relevant financial center(s)][.][and]]

[In the case the Clearing System and TARGET2 shall be open the following applies: a day (other
than a Saturday or a Sunday) on which the Clearing System as well as all relevant parts of the Trans
European Automated Real time Gross Settlement Express Transfer payment system (TARGET2) are
operational to forward the relevant payment].

(5) References to Principal and Interest. References in these Terms and Conditions to principal in
respect of the Notes shall be deemed to include, as applicable: the Final Redemption Amount of the
Notes; the Early Redemption Amount of the Notes; the Amortized Face Amount of the Notes; [if the

The default rate of interest established by statutory law is five percentage points above the basis rate of interest published by
Deutsche Bundesbank from time to time, Sections 288 paragraph 1, 247 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code.

Notes are redeemable at the option of the Issuer for other than tax reasons or reasons of minimal
outstanding principal amount the following applies: the Call Redemption Amount of the Notes;] [if
the Notes are redeemable at the option of the Holder the following applies: the Put Redemption
Amount of the Notes;] and any premium and any other amounts which may be payable under or in
respect of the Notes. References in these Terms and Conditions to interest in respect of the Notes shall
be deemed to include, as applicable, any Additional Amounts which may be payable under § 7.

(6) Deposit of Principal and Interest. The Issuer or, as the case may be, the Guarantors may
deposit with the competent authority (Hinterlegungsstelle) at the seat of the Issuer (at the time of
issuance of the Notes the local court (Amtsgericht) in Berlin-Tiergarten) principal or interest not claimed
by Holders within twelve months after the Maturity Date, even though such Holders may not be in default
of acceptance of payment. If and to the extent that the deposit is effected and the right of withdrawal is
waived, the respective claims of such Holders against the Issuer shall cease.


(1) Final Redemption. Unless previously redeemed in whole or in part or purchased and
cancelled, the Notes shall be redeemed at their Final Redemption Amount on [Maturity Date] (the
"Maturity Date"). The "Final Redemption Amount" in respect of each Note shall be its principal amount.

(2) Early Redemption for Reasons of Taxation. If as a result of any change in, or amendment to,
the laws or regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany or any political subdivision or taxing authority
thereto or therein affecting taxation or the obligation to pay duties of any kind, or any change in, or
amendment to, an official interpretation or application of such laws or regulations, which amendment or
change is effective on or after the date on which the last tranche of this series of Notes was issued, the
Issuer or the Guarantors, as the case may be, are required to pay Additional Amounts (as defined in § 7
herein) at maturity or upon sale or exchange of any Note, and this obligation cannot be avoided by the
use of reasonable measures available to the Issuer or a Guarantor, as the case may be, the Notes may
be redeemed, in whole but not in part, at the option of the Issuer, upon not more than 60 days' nor less
than 30 days' prior notice of redemption given to the Fiscal Agent and, in accordance with § 13 to the
Holders, at their Amortized Face Amount (as defined below).

However, no such notice of redemption may be given (i) earlier than 90 days prior to the
earliest date on which the Issuer or the Guarantors would be obligated to pay such Additional Amounts
were a payment in respect of the Notes then due, or (ii) if at the time such notice is given, such obligation
to pay such Additional Amounts does not remain in effect.

Any such notice shall be given in accordance with § 13. It shall be irrevocable, must specify
the date fixed for redemption and must set forth a statement in summary form of the facts constituting the
basis for the right of the Issuer so to redeem.

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer for Reasons of Minimal
Outstanding Principal Amount, the following applies:

[(3)] Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer for Reasons of Minimal Outstanding Principal

If 80 per cent. or more in principal amount of the Notes then outstanding have been redeemed
or purchased by the Issuer, the Guarantors or any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Issuer or the
Guarantors pursuant to the provisions of this § 5 or otherwise (a "Clean-up Call Event"), the Issuer may,
on not less than 30 nor more than 60 days’ notice to the Holders of Notes given within 30 days after the
Clean-up Call Event, redeem, at its option, the remaining Notes in whole but not in part at their Amortized
Face Amount (as defined below).]

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer at specified Call
Redemption Amounts the following applies:

[(4)] Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer.

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at specific Call Redemption Dates, the following

(a) The Issuer may, upon notice given in accordance with clause (b), redeem all or
some only of the Notes at the Call Redemption Date(s) at the Call Redemption Amount(s) set forth

Call Redemption Date(s) Call Redemption


[Call Redemption [Call Redemption

Date(s)] Amount(s)]

[●] [●]

[●] [●]]

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at specific Call Redemption Periods, the following

(a) The Issuer may, upon notice given in accordance with clause (b), redeem all or
some only of the Notes within the Call Redemption Period(s) at the Call Redemption Amount(s) set forth

Call Redemption Call Redemption

Period(s) Amount(s)

[Call Redemption [Call Redemption

Period(s)] Amount(s)]

[●] [●]

[●] [●]]

[If Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Holder the following
applies: The Issuer may not exercise such option in respect of any Note which is the subject of the prior
exercise by the Holder thereof of its option to require the redemption of such Note under subparagraph
[(6)] of this § 5.]

(b) Notice of redemption shall be given by the Issuer to the Holders of the Notes in
accordance with § 13. Such notice shall specify:

(i) the Series of Notes subject to redemption;

(ii) whether such Series is to be redeemed in whole or in part only and, if in

part only, the aggregate principal amount of the Notes which are to be redeemed;

(iii) the relevant redemption date, which shall be not less than [Minimum
Notice to Holders] nor more than [Maximum Notice to Holders] days after the date on which notice is
given by the Issuer to the Holders; and

(iv) the Call Redemption Amount at which such Notes are to be redeemed.

(c) In the case of a partial redemption of Notes, Notes to be redeemed shall be selected
in accordance with the rules of the relevant Clearing System. [In the case of Notes in NGN form the
following applies: For technical procedure of the ICSDs, in the case of a partial redemption the
outstanding principal amount following such partial redemption will be reflected in the records of the

ICSDs as either a reduction in nominal amount or as a pool factor, at the discretion of the ICSDs.]]

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer at Early Redemption
Amount the following applies:

[(5)] Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer.

(a) The Issuer may, upon notice given in accordance with clause (b), at any time
redeem all or some only of the Notes (each a "Call Redemption Date") at the Early Redemption Amount
(as defined below).

[If Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Holder the following applies:

The Issuer may not exercise such option in respect of any Note which is the subject of the prior
exercise by the Holder thereof of its option to require the redemption of such Note under subparagraph
[(6)] of this § 5.]

(b) Notice of redemption shall be given by the Issuer to the Holders of the Notes in
accordance with § 13. Such notice shall specify:

(i) the Series of Notes subject to redemption;

(ii) whether such Series is to be redeemed in whole or in part only and, if in

part only, the aggregate principal amount of the Notes which are to be redeemed; and

(iii) the Call Redemption Date, which shall be not less than [Minimum Notice
to Holders] days nor more than [Maximum Notice to Holders] days after the date on which notice is
given by the Issuer to the Holders.

(c) In the case of a partial redemption of Notes, Notes to be redeemed shall be selected
in accordance with the rules of the relevant Clearing System.] [In the case of Notes in NGN form the
following applies: For technical procedure of the ICSDs, in the case of a partial redemption the
outstanding principal amount following such partial redemption will be reflected in the records of the
ICSDs as either a reduction in nominal amount or as a pool factor, at the discretion of the ICSDs.]]

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Holder the following applies:

[(6)] Early Redemption at the Option of a Holder.

(a) The Issuer shall, at the option of the Holder of any Note, redeem such Note on the
Put Redemption Date(s) at the Put Redemption Amount(s) set forth below.

Put Redemption Date(s) Put Redemption


[Put Redemption [Put Redemption

Dates(s)] Amount(s)]

[●] [●]

[●] [●]

The Holder may not exercise such option in respect of any Note which is the subject of the
prior exercise by the Issuer of any of its options to redeem such Note under this § 5.

(b) In order to exercise such option, the Holder must, not less than [Minimum Notice to
Issuer] nor more than [Maximum Notice to Issuer] days before the Put Redemption Date on which
such redemption is required to be made as specified in the Put Redemption Notice (as defined below),
submit during normal business hours at the specified office of the Fiscal Agent a duly completed early
redemption notice ("Put Redemption Notice") in the form available from the specified offices of the
Fiscal Agent and the Paying Agents. The Put Redemption Notice must specify (i) the principal amount of

the Notes in respect of which such option is exercised, and (ii) the securities identification number of
such Notes, if any. No option so exercised may be revoked or withdrawn. The Issuer shall only be
required to redeem Notes in respect of which such option is exercised against delivery of such Notes to
the Issuer or to its order.]

[(7)] Amortized Face Amount.

(a) The "Amortized Face Amount" of a Note shall be an amount equal to the sum of:

(i) [Reference Price] (the "Reference Price "), and

(ii) the product of [Amortization Yield] (compounded annually) and the

Reference Price from (and including) [Issue Date] to (but excluding) the date fixed for redemption or (as
the case may be) the date upon which the Notes become due and payable.

Where such calculation is to be made for a period which is not a whole number of years, the
calculation in respect of the period of less than a full year (the "Calculation Period") shall be made on
the basis of the Day Count Fraction (as defined in § 3).

If the Issuer fails to pay the Amortized Face Amount when due, the Amortized Face Amount of
a Note shall be calculated as provided herein, except that references in subparagraph (a)(ii) above to the
date fixed for redemption or (as the case may be) the date on which such Note becomes due and
payable shall refer to the date on which, upon due presentation and surrender of the relevant Note (if
required), payment is made. In such case, § 3 (2) does not apply.

[If the Notes are subject to Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer at Early Redemption
Amount the following applies:

[(b) For purposes of subparagraph [(5)] of this § 5, the "Early Redemption Amount" of a Note
shall be the higher of (i) its Amortized Face Amount and (ii) the Present Value. The "Present Value" will
be calculated by the Calculation Agent by discounting the sum of the principal amount of a Note using
the Comparable Benchmark Yield plus [percentage]%. "Comparable Benchmark Yield" means the
yield at the Redemption Calculation Date on the corresponding [euro denominated benchmark debt
security of the Federal Republic of Germany] [other relevant benchmark security] [due [maturity],
carrying ISIN [ISIN], or, if such benchmark security is no longer outstanding on the Redemption
Calculation Date, such other comparable benchmark security selected as appropriate by the Calculation
Agent], [as daily published by the Deutsche Bundesbank on its website www.bundesbank. de,][as
appearing around [relevant time] on [relevant screen page]], or, if such yield cannot be so determined,
the yield determined as aforesaid as appearing or published on such other comparable page or pricing
source (or, if applicable, at such other time on the Redemption Calculation Date) as may be considered
to be appropriate by the Calculation Agent, in each case as having a maturity comparable to the
remaining term of the Note to [Maturity Date][first call date], that would be used at the time of selection
and in accordance with customary financial practice, in pricing new issues of corporate debt securities of
comparable maturity to [Maturity Date][first call date]. "Redemption Calculation Date" means the
third Payment Business Day prior to the relevant Call Redemption Date.]


(1) Appointment; Specified Office. The initial Fiscal Agent and the initial Paying Agent and its initial
specified office shall be:

ING Bank N.V.

Issuer Services
Attn: Remko Los
Location Code: TRC 02.039

Foppingadreef 7
1102 BD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel.:+31 (0)20 5636619
Email: [email protected]

[If the Fiscal Agent is to be appointed as Calculation Agent the following applies: The Fiscal Agent
shall also act as Calculation Agent.]

[If a Calculation Agent other than the Fiscal Agent is to be appointed the following applies: The
Calculation Agent and its initial specified office shall be:

Calculation Agent: [name and specified office]]

The Fiscal Agent [,][and] the Paying Agents [and the Calculation Agent] reserve the right at
any time to change their respective specified offices to some other specified office in the same city.

(2) Variation or Termination of Appointment. The Issuer reserves the right at any time to vary or
terminate the appointment of the Fiscal Agent or any Paying Agent [or the Calculation Agent] and to
appoint another Fiscal Agent or additional or other Paying Agents [or another Calculation Agent]. The
Issuer shall at all times maintain (i) a Fiscal Agent [in the case of Notes listed on a stock exchange
(the "Stock Exchange") the following applies: [,] [and] (ii) so long as the Notes are listed on the
[name of Stock Exchange], a Paying Agent (which may be the Fiscal Agent) with a specified office in
[location of Stock Exchange] and/or in such other place as may be required by the rules of such stock
exchange] [and] [,] [(iii)] a Paying Agent in an EU member state, if possible, that will not be obliged to
withhold or deduct tax in connection with any payment made in relation to the Notes unless the Paying
Agent would be so obliged in each other EU Member State if it were located there, [in the case of
payments in United States dollar the following applies: [and] [(iv)] if payments at or through the
offices of all Paying Agents outside the United States (as defined in § 1(6)) become illegal or are
effectively precluded because of the imposition of exchange controls or similar restrictions on the full
payment or receipt of such amounts in United States dollar, a Paying Agent with a specified office in New
York City], [and [(v)] a Calculation Agent [if Calculation Agent is required to maintain a Specified
Office in a Required Location the following applies: with a specified office located in [Required
Location]]. Any variation, termination, appointment or change shall only take effect (other than in the
case of insolvency, when it shall be of immediate effect) after not less than 30 nor more than 45 days'
prior notice thereof shall have been given to the Holders in accordance with § 13.

(3) Agent of the Issuer. The Fiscal Agent [,][and] the Paying Agents [and the Calculation Agent]
act solely as the agents of the Issuer and do not assume any obligations towards or relationship of
agency or trust for any Holder.


All payments of principal and interest made by the Issuer in respect of the Notes to the Holders
shall be made free and clear of, and without withholding or deduction for, any present or future taxes or
duties of whatever nature imposed or levied by way of deduction or withholding by or on behalf of the
Federal Republic of Germany or any political subdivision or any authority therein or thereof having power
to tax (the "Taxing Jurisdiction"), unless such deduction or withholding is required by law. In that event
the Issuer shall pay such additional amounts (the "Additional Amounts") as shall result in receipt by the
Holders of such amounts as would have been received by them had no such withholding or deduction
been required, except that no Additional Amounts shall be payable with respect to

(a) any taxes that are payable by any person acting as custodian bank or collecting
agent on behalf of a Holder, or otherwise in any manner which does not constitute a deduction or

withholding by the Issuer from payments of principal or interest made by it; or

(b) payments which are to be withheld or deducted by reason of the relevant Holder
having some connection with Germany other than the mere holding of the Notes; or

(c) payments to, or to a third party on behalf of, a Holder where no such withholding or
deduction would have been required to be made if the Notes were credited at the time of payment to a
securities deposit account with a bank, financial services institution, securities trading business or
securities trading bank, in each case outside Germany; or

(d) payments where such withholding or deduction is imposed pursuant to (i) any
European Union Directive or Regulation concerning the taxation of interest, or (ii) any international treaty
or understanding relating to such taxation and to which Germany or the European Union is a party/are
parties, or (iii) any provision of law implementing, or complying with, or introduced to conform with, such
Directive, Regulation, treaty or understanding; or

(e) payments pursuant to, or as a consequence of (i) an international agreement, to

which Germany is a party, or (ii) a directive or regulation passed pursuant to, or in the consequence of,
such agreement; or

(f) payments to the extent such withholding or deduction is payable by or on behalf of a

Holder who could lawfully mitigate (but has not so mitigated) such withholding or deduction by complying
or procuring that any third party complies with any statutory requirements or by making or procuring that
a third party makes a declaration of non-residence or other similar claim for exemption to any tax
authority in the place where the payment is effected; or

(g) payments which are payable by reason of a change in law that becomes effective
more than 30 days after the relevant payment becomes due, or is duly provided for and notice thereof is
published in accordance with § 13, whichever occurs later; or

(h) payments to the extent such withholding or deduction is required pursuant to

Sections 1471 through 1474 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Internal
Revenue Code"), any current or future regulations or official interpretations thereof, any agreement
entered into pursuant to Section 1471(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, or any fiscal or regulatory
legislation, rules or practices adopted pursuant to any intergovernmental agreement entered into in
connection with the implementation of such Sections of the Internal Revenue Code; or

(i) payments which are withheld or deducted from any payment to be made to a Holder
residing in a noncooperative country or territory (nicht cooperatives Steuerhoheitsgebiet) within the
meaning of the act to prevent tax evasion and unfair tax competition (Steueroasen- Abwehrgesetz) as
amended or replaced from time to time (including any ordinance (Verordnung) enacted based on this
act); or

(j) any combination of items (a)-(i);

nor shall any Additional Amounts be paid with respect to any payment on a Note to a Holder
who is a fiduciary or partnership or who is other than the sole beneficial owner of such payment to the
extent such payment would be required by the laws of the Taxing Jurisdiction to be included in the
income, for tax purposes, of a beneficiary or settlor with respect to such fiduciary or a member of such
partnership or a beneficial owner who would not have been entitled to such Additional Amounts had such
beneficiary, settlor, member or beneficial owner been the Holder of the Note.

For the avoidance of doubt, the withholding tax (Kapitalertragsteuer) currently levied in the Federal
Republic of Germany at the level of the custodian bank or collecting agent and the solidarity surcharge
(Solidaritätszuschlag) imposed thereon pursuant to tax law as in effect as of the date of issue of the
Notes do not constitute a tax or duty as described above in respect of which Additional Amounts would
be payable by the Issuer.


The presentation period provided in Section 801 paragraph 1, sentence 1 of the German Civil
Code (BGB) is reduced to ten years for the Notes.


(1) Events of default. Each Holder shall be entitled to declare due and payable by notice to the
Fiscal Agent its entire claims arising from the Notes and demand immediate redemption thereof at the
Amortized Face Amount (as described in § 5 [(7)]), in the event that:

(a) the Issuer fails to pay principal or interest under the Notes within 30 days from the
relevant due date, or

(b) any Guarantor fails to pay amounts payable under the Guarantee within 30 days
from the relevant due date, or

(c) the Issuer fails to duly perform any other material obligation arising from the Notes or
any Guarantor fails to perform any other material obligation arising from the Guarantee and such failure
continues unremedied for more than 30 days after the Fiscal Agent has received a request thereof in the
manner set forth in § 9(3) from a Holder to perform such obligation; or

(d) (i) any Capital Market Indebtedness of the Issuer or any of its Material Subsidiaries
or of any Guarantor or any of its Material Subsidiaries becomes prematurely repayable as a result of a
default in respect of the terms thereof, or (ii) the Issuer or any of its Material Subsidiaries or any
Guarantor or any of its Material Subsidiaries fails to fulfill any payment obligation under any Capital
Market Indebtedness or under any guarantees or suretyships given for any Capital Market Indebtedness
of others within 30 days from its due date or, in the case of such guarantee or suretyship, within 30 days
of such guarantee or suretyship being invoked, given that the obligations under (i) and (ii) above exceed
2 per cent. of the balance sheet total of the Issuer, as stated in its latest consolidated balance sheet
drawn up in accordance with IFRS and unless the Issuer or its relevant Material Subsidiary or the
respective Guarantor or its relevant Material Subsidiary contests in good faith that such payment
obligation exists or is due or that such guarantee or suretyship has been validly invoked or if a security
granted therefor is enforced on behalf of or by the creditor(s) entitled thereto; or

(e) the Issuer or any Guarantor announces its inability to meet its financial obligations or
ceases its payments generally; or

(f) a court opens insolvency proceedings against the Issuer or any Guarantor and such
proceedings are instituted and have not been discharged or stayed within 90 days, or the Issuer or the
Guarantor applies for or institutes such proceedings; or

(g) the Issuer or any Guarantor enters into liquidation unless this is done in connection
with a merger (Verschmelzung) or other form of transformation under the German Transformation Act
(Umwandlungsgesetz) or other form of combination with another company and such company assumes
all obligations contracted by the Issuer or the relevant Guarantor in connection with the Notes or the
Guarantee; or

(h) any governmental order, decree or enactment shall be made in or by the Federal Republic
of Germany whereby the Issuer or any Guarantor is prevented from observing and performing in full its
obligations as set forth in these Terms and Conditions and in the Guarantee, respectively, and this
situation is not cured within 90 days; or

(i) the Guarantee ceases to be valid and legally binding.

(2) No Termination. The right to declare Notes due shall terminate if the situation giving rise to it
has been cured before the right is exercised.

(3) Notice. Any default notice in accordance with § 9(1) shall be made by means of a declaration
at least in text form (section 126b of the German Civil Code, Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) delivered to the
specified office of the Fiscal Agent together with evidence by means of a certificate of the Holder's
Custodian (as defined in § 14(3)) that such Holder, at the time of such notice, is a holder of the relevant

(4) Quorum. In the events specified in subparagraph (1) (c) and/or (d), any notice declaring Notes
due shall, unless at the time such notice is received any of the events specified in subparagraph (1) (a),
(b) and (e) through (h) entitling Holders to declare their Notes due has occurred, become effective only
when the Fiscal Agent has received such default notices from the Holders representing at least 25 per
cent. of the aggregate principal amount of Notes then outstanding.

§ 10

(1) Substitution. The Issuer (reference to which shall always include any previous Substitute
Debtor (as defined below)) may, at any time, if no payment of principal of or interest on any of the Notes
is in default, without the consent of the Holders, substitute for the Issuer any Affiliate (as defined below)
of the Issuer as the principal debtor in respect of all obligations arising from or in connection with the
Notes (any such company, the "Substitute Debtor"), provided that:

(a) the Substitute Debtor assumes all obligations of the Issuer in respect of the Notes
and is in a position to fulfill all payment obligations arising from or in connection with the Notes in the
Specified Currency without, subject to para. (e) below, the necessity of any taxes or duties levied by the
country or jurisdiction in which the Substitute Debtor is domiciled (other than taxes which would also be
levied in the absence of such substitution) to be withheld or deducted at source and to transfer all
amounts which are required therefore to the Paying Agent without any restrictions, and that in particular
all necessary authorizations to this effect by any competent authority have been obtained, and, to the
extent service of process must be effected to the Substitute Debtor outside of Germany, a service of
process agent in Germany is appointed;

(b) the Issuer and the Guarantors if they are not themselves the Substitute Debtor
irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee in favor of each Holder the payment of all sums payable by the
Substitute Debtor in respect of the Notes on terms equivalent to the terms of the Guarantee (the
"Substitution Guarantee");

(c) the Substitute Debtor, the Issuer and the Guarantors have obtained all necessary
governmental and regulatory approvals and consents for such substitution and for the giving by the
Issuer and the Guarantors if they are not themselves the Substitute Debtor of the Substitution Guarantee
in respect of the obligations of the Substitute Debtor, that the Substitute Debtor has obtained all
necessary governmental and regulatory approvals and consents for the performance by the Substitute
Debtor of its obligations under the Notes, and that all such approvals and consents are in full force and
effect and that the obligations assumed by the Substitute Debtor and the Substitution Guarantee given by
the Issuer and the Guarantors if they are not themselves the Substitute Debtor are each valid and
binding in accordance with their respective terms and enforceable by each Holder;

(d) § 9 shall be deemed to be amended so that it shall also be an Event of Default under
such provision if the Substitution Guarantee shall cease to be valid or legally binding against the Issuer
and the Guarantors if they are not themselves the Substitute Debtor;

(e) the Substitute Debtor undertakes to reimburse any Holder for such taxes, fees or
duties which may be imposed upon such Holder in connection with any payments on the Notes (including
taxes or duties being deducted or withheld at source), upon conversion or otherwise, as a consequence
of the assumption of the Issuer's obligations by the Substitute Debtor, provided that such undertaking
shall be limited to amounts that would not have been imposed upon the Holder had such substitution not
occurred; and

(f) there shall have been delivered to the Fiscal Agent one opinion for each jurisdiction
affected of lawyers of recognized standing to the effect that subparagraphs (a) through (e) above have
been satisfied.

For purposes of this § 10, "Affiliate" shall mean any affiliated company (verbundenes
Unternehmen) within the meaning of Sections 15 et seq. of the German Stock Corporation Act
(Aktiengesetz) held by the Issuer.

(2) Discharge from Obligations. References. Upon a substitution in accordance with this § 10, the
Substitute Debtor shall be deemed to be named in the Notes as the principal debtor in place of the Issuer
as issuer and the Notes shall thereupon be deemed to be amended to give effect to the substitution
including that the relevant jurisdiction in relation to the Issuer in § 7 shall be the Substitute Debtor's
country of domicile for tax purposes. Furthermore, in the event of such substitution the following shall

(a) in § 7 and § 5(2) an alternative reference to the Federal Republic of Germany shall
be deemed to have been included in addition to the reference according to the preceding sentence to the
country of domicile or residence for taxation purposes of the Substitute Debtor;

(b) in § 9(1)(c) to (g) an alternative reference to the Issuer in its capacity as guarantor
shall be deemed to have been included in addition to the reference to the Substitute Debtor.

Any such substitution, together with the notice referred to in subparagraph (3) below, shall, in
the case of the substitution of any other company as principal debtor, operate to release the Issuer as
issuer from all of its obligations as principal debtor in respect of the Notes.

(3) Notification to Holders. Not later than 15 Payment Business Days after effecting the
substitution, the Substitute Debtor shall give notice thereof to the Holders and, if any Notes are listed on
any stock exchange, to such stock exchange in accordance with § 13 and to any other person or
authority as required by applicable laws or regulations.

§ 11

(1) Further Issues. The Issuer may from time to time, without the consent of the Holders, issue
further Notes having the same terms and conditions as the Notes in all respects (or in all respects except
for the settlement date and/or issue price) so as to form a single Series with the Notes.

(2) Purchases. The Issuer may at any time purchase Notes in the open market or otherwise and at
any price. Notes purchased by the Issuer may, at the option of the Issuer, be held, resold or surrendered
to the Fiscal Agent for cancellation. If purchases are made by tender, tenders for such Notes must be
made available to all Holders of such Notes alike.

(3) Cancellation. All Notes redeemed in full shall be cancelled forthwith and may not be reissued
or resold.

§ 12

(1) Resolutions of Holders. The Holders may with consent of the Issuer (if required) by a majority
resolution pursuant to section 5 et seqq. of the German Act on Issues of Debt Securities (Gesetz über
Schuldverschreibungen aus Gesamtemissionen) (the "SchVG"), as amended from time to time, agree to
amendments of the Terms and Conditions or resolve any other matters provided for by the SchVG. In
particular, the Holders may consent to amendments which materially change the substance of the Terms

and Conditions, including such measures as provided for under section 5 paragraph 3 SchVG by
resolutions passed by such majority of the votes of the Holders as stated under § 12(2) below. A duly
passed majority resolution shall be binding upon all Holders.

(2) Majority. Except as provided by the following sentence and provided that the quorum
requirements are being met, the Holders may pass resolutions by simple majority of the voting rights
participating in the vote. Resolutions which materially change the substance of the Terms and
Conditions, in particular in the cases of section 5 paragraph 3 numbers 1 through 9 SchVG, or relating to
material other matters may only be passed by a majority of at least 75% of the voting rights participating
in the vote (a "Qualified Majority").

(3) Passing of resolutions. The Holders can pass resolutions in a meeting

(Gläubigerversammlung) in accordance with section 5 et seqq. of the SchVG or by means of a vote
without a meeting (Abstimmung ohne Versammlung) in accordance with section 18 and section 5 et
seqq. of the SchVG.

(4) Holders’ meeting. If resolutions of the Holders shall be made by means of a meeting the
convening notice will provide for further details relating to the resolutions and the voting procedure. The
subject matter of the vote as well as the proposed resolutions shall be notified to the Holders together
with the convening notice. Attendance at the meeting and exercise of voting rights is subject to the
Holders’ registration. The registration must be received at the address stated in the convening notice no
later than the third day preceding the meeting. As part of the registration, Holders must demonstrate their
eligibility to participate in the vote by means of a special confirmation of the Custodian (as defined in
§ 14(3)) in accordance with § 14(3)(i)(a) and (b) hereof in text form and by submission of a blocking
instruction by the Custodian stating that the relevant Notes are not transferable from and including the
day such registration has been sent until and including the stated end of the meeting.

(5) Vote without a meeting. Together with casting their votes, Holders must demonstrate their
eligibility to participate in the vote by means of a special confirmation of the Custodian in accordance with
§ 14(3)(i)(a) and (b) hereof in text form and by submission of a blocking instruction by the Custodian
stating that the relevant Notes are not transferable from and including the day such votes have been cast
until and including the day the voting period ends.

(6) Second meeting. If it is ascertained that no quorum exists for the meeting pursuant to § 12(4)
or the vote without a meeting pursuant to § 12(4), in case of a meeting the chairman may convene a
second meeting in accordance with Section 15 paragraph 3 sentence 2 of the SchVG or in case of a vote
without a meeting the scrutineer may convene a second meeting within the meaning of Section 15
paragraph 3 sentence 3 of the SchVG. Attendance at the second meeting and exercise of voting rights is
subject to the Holders’ registration. The provisions set out in § 12(4) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
Holders’ registration for a second meeting.

(7) Holders' representative. [If no Holders' Representative is designated in the Terms and
Conditions of the Notes the following applies: The Holders may by majority resolution appoint a
common representative to exercise the Holders' rights on behalf of each Holder (the "Holders’

The Holders' Representative shall have the duties and powers provided by law or granted by majority
resolution of the Holders. The Holders' Representative shall comply with the instructions of the Holders.
To the extent that the Holders' Representative has been authorised to assert certain rights of the
Holders, the Holders shall not be entitled to assert such rights themselves, unless explicitly provided for
in the relevant majority resolution. The Holders' Representative shall provide reports to the Holders on its
activities. The regulations of the SchVG apply with regard to the recall and the other rights and
obligations of the Holders' Representative.]

[If the Holders’ Representative is appointed in the Terms and Conditions of the Notes, the
following applies: The joint representative (the "Holders' Representative") shall be [name and
address]. The Holders’ Representative shall have the duties and responsibilities and powers provided for
by law. The liability of the Holders’ Representative shall be limited to ten times of the amount of its annual
remuneration, unless the Holders’ Representative has acted wilfully or with gross negligence. The
provisions of the SchVG apply with respect to the dismissal of the Holders’ Representative and the other
rights and obligations of the Holders’ Representative.]

(8) Publication. Any notices concerning this § 12 shall be made exclusively pursuant to the
provisions of the SchVG.

(9) Guarantee. The provisions set out above applicable to the Notes shall apply mutatis mutandis
to the Guarantee and any Substitution Guarantee.

§ 13

[In the case of Notes which are listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange the
following applies:

(1) Publication. Subject to § 12 (8), all notices concerning the Notes will be made by means of
electronic publication on the internet website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (www.bourse. lu). Any
notice will be deemed to have been validly given on the third day following the date of such publication
(or, if published more than once, on the third day following the date of the first such publication).

(2) Notification to Clearing System. So long as any Notes are listed on the official list of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange, subparagraph (1) shall apply. If the Rules of the Luxembourg Stock
Exchange otherwise so permit, the Issuer may deliver the relevant notice to the Clearing System for
communication by the Clearing System to the Holders, in lieu of publication as set forth in subparagraph
(1) above; any such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the seventh day after the day on
which the said notice was given to the Clearing System.]

[In the case of Notes which are listed on a stock exchange other than the official list of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange the following applies:

(1) Publication. Subject to § 12 (8), all notices concerning the Notes will be made by means of
electronic publication on the internet website of the stock exchange with respect to which the Issuer
applied for listing of the Notes, if the rules of such stock exchange so permit. Any such notice will be
deemed to have been validly given on the third day following the date of such publication (or, if published
more than once, on the third day following the date of the first such publication).

(2) Notification to Clearing System. So long as any Notes are listed on such a stock exchange,
subparagraph (1) shall apply. If the rules of such stock exchange otherwise so permit, the Issuer may
deliver the relevant notice to the Clearing System for communication by the Clearing System to the
Holders, in lieu of publication as set forth in subparagraph (1) above; any such notice shall be deemed to
have been given on the seventh day after the day on which the said notice was given to the Clearing

[In the case of Notes which are unlisted the following applies:

Notification to Clearing System. Subject to § 12 (8), the Issuer will deliver all notices to the Clearing
System for communication by the Clearing System to the Holders. Any such notice shall be deemed to
have been given to the Holders on the seventh day after the day on which the said notice was given to
the Clearing System.]

§ 14

(1) Applicable Law. The Notes, as to form and content, and all rights and obligations of the
Holders and the Issuer, shall be governed in every respect by German law.

(2) Submission to Jurisdiction. The District Court (Landgericht) in Frankfurt am Main shall have

non-exclusive jurisdiction for any action or other legal proceedings ("Proceedings") arising out of or in
connection with the Notes.

(3) Enforcement. Any Holder of Notes may in any proceedings against the Issuer, or any
Guarantor or to which such Holder and the Issuer or any Guarantor are parties, protect and enforce in his
own name his rights arising under such Notes on the basis of (i) a statement issued by the Custodian
with whom such Holder maintains a securities account in respect of the Notes (a) stating the full name
and address of the Holder, (b) specifying the aggregate principal amount of Notes credited to such
securities account on the date of such statement and (c) confirming that the Custodian has given written
notice to the Clearing System containing the information pursuant to (a) and (b) which has been
confirmed by the Clearing System; (ii) a copy of the Note in global form certified as being a true copy by
a duly authorized officer of the Clearing System or a depositary of the Clearing System, without the need
for production in such proceedings of the actual records or the global note representing the Notes or (iii)
any other means of proof permitted in legal proceedings in the country of enforcement. For purposes of
the foregoing, "Custodian" means any bank or other financial institution of recognized standing
authorized to engage in securities custody business with which the Holder maintains a securities account
in respect of the Notes and which maintains an account with the Clearing System, and includes the
Clearing System. Each Holder may, without prejudice to the foregoing, protect and enforce his rights
under these Notes also in any other way which is admitted in the country of the Proceedings.

§ 15

These Terms and Conditions are written in the English language only.


[PROHIBITION OF SALES TO EEA RETAIL INVESTORS – The Notes are not intended to be offered, sold
or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail
investor in the European Economic Area ("EEA"). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who
is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/65/EU (as
amended, "MiFID II"); or (ii) a customer within the meaning of Directive 2016/97/EU (as amended the
"Insurance Distribution Directive"), where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as
defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II. Consequently, no key information document required by
Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (as amended or superseded, the "PRIIPs Regulation") for offering or selling
the Notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA has been prepared and
therefore offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA
may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.]1

[PROHIBITION OF SALES TO UK RETAIL INVESTORS – The Notes are not intended to be offered, sold
or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail
investor in the United Kingdom ("UK"). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or
more) of: (i) a retail client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017/565 as it forms part
of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("EUWA"); or (ii) a customer
within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended (the
"FSMA") and any rules or regulations made under the FSMA to implement Directive (EU) 2016/97, where
that customer would not qualify as a professional client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation
(EU) No 600/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the EUWA. Consequently no key
information document required by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by
virtue of the EUWA (the "UK PRIIPs Regulation") for offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making
them available to retail investors in the UK has been prepared and therefore offering or selling the Notes or
otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the UK may be unlawful under the UK PRIIPs


COUNTERPARTIES ONLY TARGET MARKET – Solely for the purposes of [the/each] manufacturer's
product approval process, the target market assessment in respect of the Notes has led to the conclusion
that: (i) the target market for the Notes is eligible counterparties and professional clients only, each as
defined in Directive 2014/65/EU (as amended, "MiFID II"); and (ii) all channels for distribution of the Notes
are appropriate [including investment advice, portfolio management, non-advised sales and pure execution
services][, subject to the distributor's suitability and appropriateness obligations under MiFID II, as
applicable]. [Consider any negative target market] Any person subsequently offering, selling or
recommending the Notes (a "distributor") should take into consideration the manufacturer['s/s'] target
market assessment; however, a distributor subject to MiFID II is responsible for undertaking its own target
market assessment in respect of the Notes (by either adopting or refining the manufacturer['s/s'] target
market assessment) and determining appropriate distribution channels[, subject to the distributor's suitability
and appropriateness obligations under MiFID II, as applicable]. [Insert further details on target market, client
categories etc.]


COUNTERPARTIES ONLY TARGET MARKET – Solely for the purposes of [the/each] manufacturer's
product approval process, the target market assessment in respect of the Notes has led to the conclusion
that: (i) the target market for the Notes is only eligible counterparties, as defined in the FCA Handbook
Conduct of Business Sourcebook ("COBS"), and professional clients, as defined in Regulation (EU) No
600/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("UK

Include legend unless the Final Terms specify "Prohibition of Sales to EEA Retail Investors" as "Not Applicable".
Include legend unless the Final Terms specify "Prohibition of Sales to UK Retail Investors" as "Not Applicable".

MiFIR"); and (ii) all channels for distribution of the Notes are appropriate [including investment advice,
portfolio management, non-advised sales and pure execution services][, subject to the distributor's
suitability and appropriateness obligations under COBS, as applicable] [Consider any negative target
market] Any person subsequently offering, selling or recommending the Notes (a "distributor") should take
into consideration the manufacturer['s/s'] target market assessment; however, a distributor subject to FCA
Handbook Product Intervention and Product Governance Sourcebook (the "UK MiFIR Product
Governance Rules") is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the
Notes (by either adopting or refining the manufacturer['s/s'] target market assessment) and determining
appropriate distribution channels[, subject to the distributor's suitability and appropriateness obligations
under COBS, as applicable]. [Insert further details on target market, client categories etc.]3



Eurogrid GmbH

[Title of relevant Series of Notes]4

Series: [], Tranche []

issued pursuant to the

€ 5,000,000,000
Debt Issuance Programme

dated 13 May 2022


Eurogrid GmbH

guaranteed by
50Hertz Transmission GmbH and
50Hertz Offshore GmbH

Issue Price: [ ] per cent.

Issue Date: [ ]5
Trade Date [ ]

These are the Final Terms of an issue of Notes under the € 5,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Programme of
Eurogrid GmbH (the "Programme") which have been prepared for the purpose of Article 8 (4) of Regulation
(EU) 2017/1129, as amended. Full information on Eurogrid GmbH as issuer, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH
and 50Hertz Offshore GmbH as guarantors and the offer of the Notes is only available on the basis of the
combination of the Base Prospectus dated 13 May 2022 [as supplemented by [a] supplement[s] dated []]
(the "Prospectus") and these Final Terms, which must be read in conjunction with each other. The

Include legend in case UK MiFIR target market assessment in respect of the Notes is "Professional Investors and Eligible
Counterparties only". The legend may not be necessary if the Dealers in relation to the Notes are also not subject to UK
MiFIR and therefore there are no UK MiFIR manufacturers. Depending on the location of the manufacturers, there may be
situations where either the MiFID II product governance legend or the UK MiFIR product governance legend or both are
In case Green Bonds are issued, include the term "Green Bond" in the title of the Notes.
The Issue is the date of payment and settlement of the Notes. In the case of free delivery, the Issue Date is the delivery date.

Prospectus and any supplement thereto are available for viewing in electronic form on the website of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange (www.bourse. lu) and on the website of Eurogrid GmbH
( and copies may be
obtained free of charge at the specified office of the Fiscal Agent and from Eurogrid GmbH, Heidestraße 2,
10557 Berlin, Germany.

In case of Notes listed on the official list and admitted to trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg
Stock Exchange, the Final Terms of Notes will be displayed on the website of the Luxembourg Stock
Exchange ( In case of Notes listed on any other stock exchange, the Final Terms will be
displayed on the website of Eurogrid GmbH (
Issuance-Programme). In case of Notes which are not listed on any stock exchange, copies of the relevant
Final Terms will only be available to Holders of such Notes.

[This Tranche of Notes will be consolidated and form a single Series with [Title(s) of relevant Tranches of
Notes] on [●].]6

To be inserted in the case that the Notes will be consolidated and form a single Series with one or several existing Tranches
of Notes.


[A. In the case the options applicable to the relevant Tranche of Notes are to be determined by
replicating the relevant provisions set forth in the Prospectus as Option I, Option I A or Option II,
including certain further options contained therein, respectively, and completing the relevant
placeholders, insert:

The Terms and Conditions applicable to the Notes (the "Conditions") are as set out below.

[in the case of Fixed Rate Notes replicate here the relevant provisions of Option I or Option I A7 including
relevant further options contained therein, and complete relevant placeholders]

[in the case of Zero Coupon Notes replicate here the relevant provisions of Option II including relevant
further options contained therein, and complete relevant placeholders]]

[B. In the case the options applicable to the relevant Tranche of Notes are to be determined by
referring to the relevant provisions set forth in the Prospectus as Option I, Option I A or Option II,
including certain further options contained therein, respectively, insert:

This Part I. of the Final Terms is to be read in conjunction with the set of Terms and Conditions that apply to
[Fixed Rate] [Zero Coupon] Notes (the "Terms and Conditions") set forth in the Prospectus as [Option I]
[Option I A]8 [Option II]. Capitalised terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings specified in
the Terms and Conditions.

All references in this Part I. of the Final Terms to numbered paragraphs and subparagraphs are to
paragraphs and subparagraphs of the Terms and Conditions.

The blanks in the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, which are applicable to the Notes, shall be
deemed to be completed with the information contained in the Final Terms as if such information were
inserted in the blanks of such provisions. All provisions in the Terms and Conditions corresponding to items
in these Final Terms which are either not selected or not completed or which are deleted shall be deemed
to be deleted from the Terms and Conditions applicable to the Notes (the "Conditions").


Currency and Denomination

Specified Currency [ ]

Aggregate Principal Amount [ ]

Aggregate Principal Amount in words [ ]

Specified Denomination9 [ ]

Permanent Global Note

Temporary Global Note exchangeable for Permanent Global Note

Global Note10

In case of an increase of an issue of Notes which were originally issued prior to the date of this Prospectus, the Terms and
Conditions of the Tranches have to be identical in all respects, but may have different issue dates, interest commencement
dates, issue prices and dates for first interest payments.
In case of an increase of an issue of Notes which were originally issued prior to the date of this Prospectus, the Terms and
Conditions of the Tranches have to be identical in all respects, but may have different issue dates, interest commencement
dates, issue prices and dates for first interest payments.
At least € 100,000 or its equivalent in any other currency.
Complete for Notes kept in custody on behalf of the ICSDs.

Classical Global Note (CGN)

New Global Note (NGN)

Clearing System

Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main

Clearstream Banking, société anonyme, Luxembourg

Euroclear Bank SA/NV, Brussels

additional or alternative Clearing System [specify details, including address]


Fixed Rate Notes [(Option I)] [(Option I A)]

Rate of Interest and Interest Payment Dates

Rate of Interest [ ] per cent. per annum

Interest Commencement Date [ ]

Interest Payment Date(s) [ ]

First Interest Payment Date [ ]

Initial Broken Amount [ ]

(per Specified Denomination)

Last Interest Payment Date preceding the Maturity Date [ ]

Final Broken Amount

(per Specified Denomination) [ ]

Number of regular Interest Payment Dates per calendar year [ ]

Zero Coupon Notes (Option II)

Amortized Face Amount

Reference Price [ ]

Amortization Yield [ ]

Day Count Fraction

Actual/Actual (ICMA)

30/360, 360/360 or Bond Basis

30E/360 or Eurobond Basis


Payment Business Day

Relevant Financial Center(s) [ ]

Clearing System and TARGET2


Final Redemption

Maturity Date11 [ ]

Early Redemption

Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer for [Yes/No]

reason of Minimal Outstanding Principal Amount

Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer at specified Call Redemption Amounts [Yes/No]

Call Redemption Date(s) [Not applicable.][ ]

Call Redemption Period(s) [Not applicable.][ ]

Call Redemption Amount(s) [ ]

Minimum Notice12 [ ]

Maximum Notice [ ]

Early Redemption at the Option of the Issuer at Early Redemption Amount [Yes/No]

Early Redemption Amount

Percentage above Comparable Benchmark Yield [ ] per cent.

Relevant benchmark security

Euro denominated benchmark debt security of the Federal Republic of Germany

Other relevant benchmark security [ ]

Specification of benchmark security: maturity, ISIN [ ]

as daily published by the Deutsche Bundesbank on its website

Relevant time [ ]

Relevant screen page [ ]

Maturity Date

First call date [ ]

Minimum Notice13 [ ]

Maximum Notice [ ]

Minimum maturity of one year following the Issue Date.
Euroclear requires a minimum notice period of five days.
Euroclear requires a minimum notice period of five days.

Early Redemption at the Option of a Holder [Yes/No]

Put Redemption Date(s) [ ]

Put Redemption Amount(s) [ ]

Minimum Notice [ ] days

Maximum Notice (not more than 60 days) [ ] days


Calculation Agent [Yes/No]

Fiscal Agent

Other [ ]

Specified Office [ ]

Required Location [ ]



Holder’s Representative

No Holder’s Representative is designated in the Conditions.

A Holder’s Representative is appointed in the Conditions.

Name of Holders’ Representative [ ]

Address of Holders’ Representative



A. Essential information
Interests of Natural and Legal Persons involved in the Issue [Not applicable] [specify details]
Use of proceeds [specify details]
[Estimated net proceeds15] [ ]
Eurosystem eligibility
Intended to be held in a manner which
would allow Eurosystem eligibility [Yes/No]
[Yes. Note that the designation "Yes" simply
means that the Notes are intended upon issue to be
deposited with (i) in the case of a NGN, one of the ICSDs
as common safekeeper, or (ii) in case of a CGN,
Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt am Main, and does
not necessarily mean that the Notes will be recognized
as eligible collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and
intra day credit operations by the Eurosystem either upon
issue or at any or all times during their life. Such
recognition will depend upon the ECB being satisfied that
Eurosystem eligibility criteria have been met.]
[No. Whilst the designation is specified as "No"
at the date of these Final Terms, should the Eurosystem
eligibility criteria be amended in the future such that the
Notes are capable of meeting them the Notes may then
be deposited with one of the ICSDs as common
safekeeper. Note that this does not necessarily mean
that the Notes will then be recognised as eligible
collateral for Eurosystem monetary policy and intra day
credit operations by the Eurosystem at any time during
their life. Such recognition will depend upon the ECB
being satisfied that Eurosystem eligibility criteria have
been met.]

B. Information concerning the securities to be admitted to trading

Securities Identification Numbers
Common Code [ ]
ISIN [ ]
German Securities Code (WKN) [ ]
Any other securities number [ ]
Yield to final maturity [ ]
Resolutions, authorisations and approvals by virtue
of which the Notes will be created [Specify details]

C. Distribution

There is no obligation to complete Part II. of the Final Terms in its entirety in case of Notes that will not be listed on any
regulated market within the European Economic Area. To be completed in consultation with the Issuer.
If proceeds are intended for more than one use they will need to be split out and presented in order of priority.
Select "Yes" if the Notes are in NGN form and are to be kept in custody by an ICSD as common safekeeper or if the Notes
are in CGN form and to be kept in custody by Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt. Select "No" if the Notes are in NGN form
and are to be kept in custody by the common service provider as common safekeeper.
Only applicable for Fixed Rate Notes.

Method of distribution
Management Details
Specify Management Group or Dealer (names and addresses) [ ]
Management/Underwriting Commission (specify) [ ]
Selling Concession (specify) [ ]
Listing Commission (specify) [ ]
Stabilisation Manager(s) [insert details/None]
D. Listing(s) and admission to trading [Yes/No]
Official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock
Other [ ]
Date of admission [ ]
Estimate of the total expenses related to admission to trading [ ]

Prohibition of Sales to EEA Retail Investors [Not applicable] [Applicable]

(If the Notes clearly do not constitute
"packaged" products, "Not Applicable"
should be specified. If the Notes may
constitute "packaged" products,
"Applicable" should be specified.)

Prohibition of Sales to UK Retail Investors [Not applicable] [Applicable]

(If the Notes clearly do not constitute
"packaged" products, "Not Applicable"
should be specified. If the Notes may
constitute "packaged" products,
"Applicable" should be specified.)

E. Additional Information
Rating of the Notes [Not applicable] [ ]
[include brief explanation of the meaning of the
rating if this has previously been published by the
rating provider]
[S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited is established in
the Republic of Ireland and is registered pursuant to
Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009
on credit rating agencies, as amended.] [Moody's
Investor Services is established in the European
Community and is registered under Regulation (EC) No
1060/2009 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 16 September 2009 on credit rating
agencies, as most recently amended by the CRA
Regulation] [specify other rating agency whether the
relevant rating agency is established in the European
Community and is registered or has applied for
registration pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009
of the European Parliament and of the Council of
16 September 2009 on credit rating agencies, as
amended.] The European Securities and Markets
Authority ("ESMA") publishes on its website
(http://www.esma.europa. eu) a list of credit rating
agencies registered in accordance with the CRA
Regulation. That list is updated within five working days
following the adoption of a decision under Article 16, 17
or 20 CRA Regulation. The European Commission
shall publish that updated list in the Official Journal of
the European Union within 30 days following such

[Third Party Information

With respect to any information included herein and specified to be sourced from a third party (i) the Issuer
confirms that any such information has been accurately reproduced and as far as the Issuer is aware and is
able to ascertain from information available to it from such third party, no facts have been omitted which
would render the reproduced information inaccurate or misleading and (ii) the Issuer or the Guarantors have
not independently verified any such information and accept no responsibility for the accuracy thereof.]



50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, and of

50Hertz Offshore GmbH, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany,
for the benefit of the holders of notes (the "Notes"), issued by Eurogrid GmbH, Berlin, Germany
under its € 5,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Programme (the "Programme")


(A) Eurogrid GmbH ("Eurogrid" or the "Issuer") intends to issue Notes under the Programme from time
to time, the outstanding aggregate nominal amount of which will not exceed the programme amount
of € 5,000,000,000.

(B) The Notes will be issued with Terms and Conditions under German law (as amended, supplemented
or modified by the applicable Final Terms, or, subsequent to their issuance, by majority resolution of
the Holders, the "Conditions").

(C) Each of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH and 50Hertz Offshore GmbH (each of them a "Guarantor" and
together the "Guarantors") intends to give an unconditional and irrevocable guarantee under which
the Guarantors jointly and severally guarantee subject to certain limitations for the due and punctual
payment of principal of, and interest on, and any other amounts payable under any Notes. Each
Guarantor furthermore intends to enter into a negative pledge for the benefit of each Holder of Notes
that may be issued under the Programme from time to time.


(1) Guarantee: Each Guarantor jointly and severally (als Gesamtschuldner) and unconditionally and
irrevocably guarantees (garantiert) by way of independent payment obligation (selbständiges
Zahlungsversprechen) to each Holder of a Note (which expression shall include any Note
represented by a Temporary Global Note or Permanent Global Note) issued by Eurogrid on or after
the date hereof under the Programme, the due and punctual payment of the principal of, and interest
on, the Notes and any other amounts which may be payable under the relevant Note, as and when
the same shall become due, in accordance with the Conditions.

(2) Status of Guarantee: This Guarantee constitutes an unconditional, irrevocable, unsecured (subject to
paragraph (4) hereunder) and unsubordinated obligation of the respective Guarantor on a joint and
several basis, and ranks pari passu with all other present or future unsecured and unsubordinated
obligations of the respective Guarantor outstanding from time to time, subject to any obligations
preferred by law.

(3) Payments Free of Taxes: All amounts payable in respect of this Guarantee shall be made free and
clear of, and without withholding or deduction for, any present or future taxes or duties of whatever
nature imposed or levied by way of deduction or withholding by or on behalf of the Federal Republic
of Germany or any political subdivision or any authority therein or thereof having power to tax, unless
such deduction or withholding is required by law. In that event the Guarantor shall pay such
additional amounts (the "Additional Amounts") as shall result in receipt by the Holders of such
amounts as would have been received by them had no such withholding or deduction been required,
except that no Additional Amounts shall be payable with respect to:

(a) any taxes that are payable by any person acting as custodian bank or collecting agent on
behalf of a Holder, or otherwise in any manner which does not constitute a deduction or
withholding by the Guarantor from payments of principal or interest made by it; or

(b) payments to, or to a third party on behalf of, a Holder where such Holder (or a fiduciary,
settlor, beneficiary, member or shareholder of such Holder, if such Holder is an estate, a trust,
a partnership or a corporation) is liable to such withholding or deduction by reason of having
some present or former connection with Germany, including, without limitation, such Holder
(or such fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, member or shareholder) being or having been a citizen
or resident thereof or being or having been engaged in a trade or business or present therein
or having, or having had, a permanent establishment therein, other than by reason only of the
holding of such Note or the receipt of the relevant payment in respect thereof or the fact that
payments in respect of the Notes are, or for purposes of taxation are deemed to be, derived
from sources in, or are secured in, the Federal Republic of Germany; or

(c) payments to, or to a third party on behalf of, a Holder where no such withholding or deduction
would have been required to be made if the Notes were credited at the time of payment to a
securities deposit account with a bank, financial services institution, securities trading
business or securities trading bank, in each case outside Germany; or

(d) payments where such withholding or deduction is imposed pursuant to (i) any European Union
Directive or Regulation concerning the taxation of savings, or (ii) any international treaty or
understanding relating to such taxation and to which Germany or the European Union is a
party/are parties, or (iii) any provision of law implementing, or complying with, or introduced to
conform with, such Directive, Regulation, treaty or understanding; or

(e) payments to the extent such withholding or deduction is payable by or on behalf of a Holder
who could lawfully mitigate (but has not so mitigated) such withholding or deduction by
complying or procuring that any third party complies with any statutory requirements or by
making or procuring that a third party makes a declaration of non-residence or other similar
claim for exemption to any tax authority in the place where the payment is effected; or

(f) payments to the extent such withholding or deduction is payable by or on behalf of a Holder
who would have been able to mitigate such withholding or deduction by effecting a payment
via another Paying Agent in a member state of the European Union, not obliged to withhold or
deduct tax; or

(g) payments to the extent such withholding or deduction is for or on account of the presentation
by the Holder of any Note for payment on a date more than 30 days after the date upon which
presentation may first be made hereunder; or

(h) payments to the extent such withholding or deduction is required pursuant to Sections 1471
through 1474 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Internal
Revenue Code"), any current or future regulations or official interpretations thereof, any
agreement entered into pursuant to Section 1471(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, or any
fiscal or regulatory legislation, rules or practices adopted pursuant to any intergovernmental
agreement entered into in connection with the implementation of such Sections of the Internal
Revenue Code; or

(i) any combination of items (a)-(h);

nor shall any Additional Amounts be paid with respect to any payment on a Note to a Holder
who is a fiduciary or partnership or who is other than the sole beneficial owner of such
payment to the extent such payment would be required by the laws of the Taxing Jurisdiction
to be included in the income, for tax purposes, of a beneficiary or settlor with respect to such
fiduciary or a member of such partnership or a beneficial owner who would not have been
entitled to such Additional Amounts had such beneficiary, settlor, member or beneficial owner
been the Holder of the Note.

(4) Negative Pledge: Each Guarantor undertakes towards each Holder, so long as any of the Notes
remain outstanding, but only up to the time all amounts of principal and interest have been placed at
the disposal of the Fiscal Agent, (i) not to grant or permit to subsist any mortgage, land charge, lien
or any other security right in rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its present or future
assets, as security for any present or future Capital Market Indebtedness or any guarantee or other
suretyship in respect of any such Capital Market Indebtedness s, and (ii) to procure, to the extent
legally permissible, that none of its Material Subsidiaries will grant or permit to subsist any mortgage,
land charge, lien or any other security right in rem (dingliches Sicherungsrecht) over any or all of its
present or future assets, as security for any present or future Capital Market Indebtedness or any
guarantee or other suretyship in respect of any such Capital Market Indebtedness, unless at the
same time the Holders share equally and rateably in such security or such other security as shall be
approved by an independent accounting firm as being equivalent security has been made available
to Holders.

For these purposes, "Capital Market Indebtedness" means any obligation for the payment of
borrowed money (including contingent liabilities) which is represented by any bond or debt security
with an original maturity of more than one year which is, or is intended to be, or is capable of being
listed or traded on a stock exchange or other recognised securities market.

For these purposes, "Material Subsidiary" means a Subsidiary of the Guarantor, (i) which, based on
the latest audited annual consolidated financial statements of the Issuer (Konzernabschluss) and the
latest audited annual financial statements of the relevant Subsidiary, has (x) unconsolidated gross
assets (i.e. the sum of fixed assets (Anlagevermögen) and current assets (Umlaufvermögen) within
the meaning of Section 266 paragraph 2 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) (without group
internal positions) representing 10 per cent. or more of the consolidated gross assets of the Issuer,
(y) unconsolidated operating profits before net interest expenses and taxes (without group internal
positions) representing 10 per cent. or more of the consolidated operating profits before net interest
expenses and taxes of the Issuer, or (ii) to which all or substantially all of the assets of a Subsidiary
which was a Material Subsidiary before such transfer having occurred have been transferred, or to
which such assets have passed in any other way, in which case the disposing entity will cease to be
a Material Subsidiary. "Subsidiary" means (i) an entity of which a person owns directly or indirectly
more than 50 per cent. of the voting capital or similar right of ownership or (ii) an entity which is
controlled, directly or indirectly, by a person within the meaning of Section 17 of the German Stock
Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz).

(5) Separate Liability: The obligations of each Guarantor under this Guarantee (i) shall be separate and
independent from the obligations of the Issuer under the Notes as well as from the obligations of the
other Guarantor or any other present or future guarantor of the Notes, and (ii) shall exist irrespective
of the legality, validity and binding effect or enforceability of the Notes issued under the Programme.
Payment of any amounts under the Guarantee excludes the right of a Holder to demand payment of
such amounts from the Issuer. Nothing in this Guarantee shall limit own objections or legal defences
of a Guarantor against a Holder or the non-occurrence of a payment obligation under the Guarantee
(Nichtvorliegen eines Garantiefalls).

(6) Avoidance of Payments: If a payment of a Guarantor under the Guarantee was challenged or
reduced in an insolvency or liquidation or on a similar legal basis, the obligations of the Guarantors
remain as if the payment, the waiver, reduction or avoidance would not have occurred.

(7) Extension to obligations of Substitute Debtor: The obligations of each Guarantor under this
Guarantee shall, without any further act or thing being required to be done or to occur, extend to the
obligations of any Substitute Debtor which is not the Guarantor arising in respect of any Note by
virtue of a substitution pursuant to the Conditions.

(8) Contract for the benefit of third parties: This Guarantee constitutes a contract for the benefit of the
Holders from time to time as third party beneficiaries pursuant to Sec. 328 (1) of the German Civil
Code (BGB). They give rise to the right of each such Holder to require performance of the obligations
undertaken herein directly from each Guarantor, and to enforce such obligations directly against
each Guarantor.

Any Holder has the right in case of non-performance of any payments on the Notes to enforce the
Guarantee by filing a suit directly against the respective Guarantor without the need to take prior
proceedings against the Issuer.

(9) Limitations on Enforcement: The enforcement of claims under the Guarantee is subject to the
following limitations (the "Limitations on Enforcement"):

(a) No Holder nor any other person shall be entitled to enforce the Guarantee against a Guarantor
if (i) the Guarantee secures an obligation of an affiliated company (verbundenes
Unternehmen) within the meaning of Section 15 of the German Stock Corporation Act
(Aktiengesetz) (the "Stock Corporation Act") (in each case other than any of the relevant
Guarantor's direct or indirect subsidiaries), and (ii) the enforcement of the Guarantee would

(x) the relevant Guarantor’s net assets (Nettovermögen) (the "Net Assets") to be less than
its stated share capital (Stammkapital) (Begründung einer Unterbilanz), or

(y) (if its Net Assets are already lower than its stated share capital) such amount to be
further reduced (Vertiefung einer Unterbilanz),

and thereby affects its assets which are required for the obligatory preservation of its stated
share capital according to Section 30 et seq. of the German Limited Liability Companies
Act (Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung) (the "GmbH-Act")
(each, a "Capital Impairment"); or

(z) such Guarantor demonstrates that such enforcement has the effect that the Guarantor
would be unable to make payments as they fall due (Zahlungsunfähigkeit), thereby
taking into account all possible measures in order to increase its liquidity
(Zahlungsfähigkeit) to the extent necessary to satisfy the amounts demanded under this
Guarantee (a "Liquidity Impairment").

(b) For the purpose of determining whether a Capital Impairment has occurred:

(i) any recourse claim (Rückgriffsanspruch) which the relevant Guarantor has, or would
acquire against a shareholder or another affiliate in the meaning of section 15 of the
Stock Corporation Act as a result of the enforcement of the Guarantee, shall be taken
into account to the extent that such recourse claim is valuable (werthaltig). To the
extent that there is such valuable (werthaltig) recourse claim, no Limitations on
Enforcement apply;

(ii) the value of the Net Assets shall be determined in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in Germany from time to time consistently applied by the
relevant Guarantor in preparing its unconsolidated balance sheets (Jahresabschluss
according to Section 42 of the GmbH-Act and Sections 242 and 264 of the German
Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch)) in the previous years;

(iii) in case the stated share capital of the relevant Guarantor is not fully paid up (nicht voll
eingezahlt) and has not been demanded (nicht eingefordert), the amount which is not
paid up and not demanded shall be deducted from the stated share capital;

(iv) the amount of any increase of the relevant Guarantor's stated share capital that has
been effected out of retained earnings (Kapitalerhöhung aus Gesellschaftsmitteln) shall
be disregarded to the extent that such increase would cause such Guarantor’s Net
Assets to fall below its stated share capital.

(c) The Limitations on Enforcement do not apply to a Guarantor:

(i) if and to the extent that such Guarantor’s managing directors (Geschäftsführer) on
behalf of such Guarantor have not notified (in accordance with § 13 of the Conditions
(Notices)) the relevant Holder in writing within 15 Guarantee Business Days after the
Holder has notified such Guarantor of its intention to demand payment under the
Guarantee that a Capital Impairment or Liquidity Impairment would occur (setting out in
reasonable detail (including an up-to-date balance sheet) to what extent a Capital
Impairment or Liquidity Impairment would occur and establishing prima facie evidence
(glaubhaft machen) that the measures undertaken in accordance with Clause (8)(d)(i)
below would not prevent such Capital Impairment or Liquidity Impairment); (A
"Guarantee Business Day" means a day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) on
which banks are open for general business in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), London
(United Kingdom), Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Berlin and Frankfurt am Main
(Germany)) and/or

(ii) if such Guarantor has not provided (in accordance with § 13 of the Conditions
(Notices)) an Auditors’ Determination (as defined below) to the relevant Holder within
45 days from the date the Holder has received the written notice by the managing
director(s) (Geschäftsführer) of such Guarantor referred to above; and/or

(iii) in relation to amounts that correspond to such part of the issuance proceeds of the
Notes (if any) that have been on-lent or otherwise passed on to such Guarantor or any
of its subsidiaries and have not been repaid by such Guarantor; and/or

(iv) with regards to a Limitation of Enforcement due to a Capital Impairment only, if and so
long as a domination agreement (Beherrschungsvertrag) and/or a profit and loss
transfer agreement (Gewinn- und Verlustabführungsvertrag) (either directly or through a
chain of domination and/or profit and loss transfer agreements) is or becomes effective
between such Guarantor and the Issuer, unless the relevant Guarantor would not be
able to recover (including being restricted from enforcing or exercising any right to
recover) the annual loss (Jahresfehlbetrag) which the Issuer in its capacity as
dominating entity (herrschendes Unternehmen) is obliged to pay pursuant to Section
302 Stock Corporation Act; and/or

(v) if and to the extent, at the time of enforcement of the Guarantee, the restrictions under
Clause (9)(a) are, due to a change of the applicable laws or otherwise, not required to
protect the managing directors of the relevant Guarantor or of any of its direct or
indirect shareholders from the risk of personal liability; and/or

(vi) if and to the extent that a Guarantor is legally permitted to take measures (including,
without limitation, setting-off claims) to avoid the demanding of payment under the
Guarantee causing a Capital Impairment provided that it is commercially justifiable to
take such measures.

(d) If any Guarantor intends to demonstrate that the enforcement of the Guarantee would lead to
the occurrence of a Capital Impairment or a Liquidity Impairment, then such Guarantor shall:

(i) realise at market value all of its assets that are shown in its balance sheet with a book
value (Buchwert) which is significantly lower than its market value and which are not
necessary for such Guarantor’s business (nicht betriebsnotwendig), to the extent
necessary to satisfy the amounts demanded under the Guarantee; and

(ii) instruct, at its own cost and expense, an independent accounting firm of international
standing to determine whether (and, if so, to what extent) payment under the
Guarantee would cause a Capital Impairment or Liquidity Impairment, taking into
account the adjustments set forth under Clauses (9)(b), (9)(c) and (9)(d)(i) (the
"Auditors’ Determination").

(e) The Limitations on Enforcement do not affect the right of the Holders to claim again any
outstanding amount under the Guarantee at a later point in time if and to the extent that
Clause (9) would allow this at that later point in time.

(10) ING Bank N.V., which accepted this Guarantee, in its capacity as Fiscal Agent does not act in a
relationship of agency or trust, a fiduciary or in any other similar capacity for the Holders.

(11) Exercise of Guarantors’ Rights: So long as any sum remains payable under the Notes or this
Guarantee, no right of the Guarantors, by reason of the performance of any of its obligations under
this Guarantee, to be indemnified by the Issuer or to take the benefit of or enforce any security or
other guarantee or indemnity shall be exercised or enforced. For the avoidance of doubt, this shall
not apply to any claim pursuant to, or within the meaning of, Section 302 of the German Stock
Corporation Act or any successor provision.

(12) Amendment of Guarantee: The Holders may consent to amendments of this Guarantee by majority
resolution passed in accordance with § 12 of the Conditions, provided that no obligation to make any
payment or render any other performance shall be imposed on any Holder by majority resolution.
Majority resolutions shall be binding on all Holders. Resolutions which do not provide for identical
conditions for all Holders are void, unless Holders who are disadvantaged have expressly consented
to their being treated disadvantageously.

(13) Terms used herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning attributed to them in the

(14) This Guarantee shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, German law.

(15) This Guarantee is written in the English language only.

(16) The original version of this Guarantee shall be delivered to, and kept by, the Fiscal Agent.

(17) Place of performance shall be Berlin.

(18) Non-exclusive place of jurisdiction for all legal proceedings arising out of or in connection with this
Guarantee against the Guarantors shall be Frankfurt am Main.

(19) On the basis of a copy of this Guarantee certified as being a true copy by a duly authorised officer of
the Fiscal Agent each Holder may protect and enforce in his own name his rights arising under this
Guarantee in any legal proceedings against the respective Guarantor or to which such Holder and
the Guarantor are parties, without the need for production of this Guarantee in such proceedings.

13 May 2015

50Hertz Transmission GmbH

50Hertz Offshore GmbH

We accept the terms of the above Guarantee without recourse, warranty or liability.

13 May 2015

ING Bank N.V.


Except as disclosed in the relevant Final Terms, as applicable, an amount equal to the net proceeds of the
issue of each Tranche of Notes will be used by the Issuer for general corporate purposes. If in respect of
any particular issue there is a particular identified use of proceeds, this will be stated in the applicable Final

If specified in the relevant Final Terms, the proceeds of any Tranche of Notes issued may be used to
finance and/or refinance specified ESG Projects if specified so in accordance with certain prescribed
eligibility criteria set out in the Green Bond Framework of the Issuer for which a second party opinion has
been provided and which both can be viewed on the Issuer’s website (
de/Investor-Relations/Gr%C3%BCne-Finanzierungen). For the avoidance of doubt, neither the Green Bond
Framework nor the second party opinion are incorporated into or form part of this Base Prospectus.





The Notes may be issued on a continuing basis to one or more of the Dealers specified herein and any
additional Dealer appointed under the Programme from time to time by the Issuer, which appointment may
be for a specific issue ("Dealer of the Day") or on an ongoing basis (together, the "Dealers"). The Notes
will be distributed on a syndicated or non-syndicated basis. The method of distribution of each Tranche will
be stated in the relevant Final Terms.

Notes may be sold from time to time by the Issuer to any one or more of the Dealers specified herein and
any additional Dealer appointed under the Programme from time to time by the Issuer. The arrangements
under which Notes may from time to time be agreed to be sold by the Issuer to, and purchased by, Dealers
are set out in a Dealer Agreement dated on or about 13 May 2022 (the "Dealer Agreement") and made
between the Issuer, the Guarantors and the Dealers specified herein. Any such agreement will, inter alia,
make provision for the form and terms and conditions of the relevant Notes, the price at which such Notes
will be purchased by the Dealers and the commissions or other agreed deductibles (if any) payable or
allowable by the Issuer in respect of such purchase. The Dealer Agreement makes provision for the
resignation or termination of appointment of existing Dealers and for the appointment of additional or other
Dealers either generally in respect of the Programme or in relation to a particular Tranche of Notes. A
subscription agreement prepared in connection with a particular Tranche of Notes, if any, will typically be
dated on or about the respective date of the Final Terms applicable to such Tranche of Notes.

No public offering

No action has been or will be taken in any country or jurisdiction by the Issuer or the Dealers that would
permit a public offering of the Notes, or possession or distribution of any offering material in relation thereto,
in any country or jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required. Persons who have access to this
Prospectus are required by the Issuer and the Dealers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in
each country or jurisdictions in or from which they purchase, offer, sell or deliver the Notes or have in their
possession or distribution such offering material, in all cases at their own expense.

Selling Restrictions

Each Dealer has represented, warranted and undertaken that it has complied and will comply with all
applicable laws and regulations in each country or jurisdiction in or from which it purchases, offers, sells or
delivers Notes or possesses, distributes or publishes the Prospectus or any Final Terms or any related
offering material and will obtain any consent, approval or permission required by it for the purchase, offer,
sale or delivery by it of Notes under the laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction to which it is subject
or in which it makes such purchases, offers, sales or deliveries and neither the Issuer, nor the Guarantors,
nor any other Dealer shall have any responsibility therefor.

With regard to each Tranche, the relevant Dealer will be required to comply with such other additional
restrictions as the Issuer and the relevant Dealer shall agree and as shall be set out in the applicable Final

United States of America (the "United States")

(a) With regard to each Tranche, each Dealer has acknowledged that the Notes have not been and will
not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered or sold within the United States
except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration
requirements of the Securities Act. Each Dealer has represented, warranted and undertaken that,
except in accordance with Rule 903 of Regulation S under the Securities Act, it has not offered or
sold, and will not offer or sell, any Note within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of
U.S. persons (i) as part of its distribution at any time, or (ii) otherwise until 40 days after the later of

the commencement of the offering or the closing date, and it will have sent to each Dealer to which it
sells Notes during the 40-day restricted period a confirmation or other notice setting forth the
restrictions on offers and sales of the Notes within the United States or to, or for the account or
benefit of, U.S. persons. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by
Regulation S.

Accordingly, each Dealer has further represented, warranted and undertaken that neither it, its
affiliates nor any persons acting on its or their behalf have engaged or will engage in any directed
selling efforts with respect to any Note.

The Notes are subject to U.S. tax law requirements and may not be offered, sold or delivered within
the United States or its possessions or to a United States person, except in transactions permitted by
U.S. tax regulations. Terms used in this paragraph have the meanings given to them by the United
States Internal Revenue Code and regulations thereunder.

The Notes may not be purchased by or transferred to any employee benefit plan subject to Title I of
the U.S. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, any plan or arrangement
subject to Section 4975 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any entity
whose underlying assets include the assets of any such employee benefit plans, plans or

(b) From and after the time that the Issuer notifies the Dealers in writing that it is no longer able to make
the representation set forth in Clause 4 (1) (p) of the Dealer Agreement, each Dealer
(i) acknowledges that the Notes have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act
and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S.
persons except in certain transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities
Act; (ii) represents, warrants and undertakes that it has not offered, sold or delivered any Notes, and
will not offer, sell or deliver any Notes, (x) as part of its distribution at any time or (y) otherwise until
40 days after the later of the commencement of the offering and closing date, except in accordance
with Rule 903 of Regulation S under the Securities Act; and accordingly, (iii) further represents,
warrants and undertakes that neither it, its affiliates nor any persons acting on its or their behalf have
engaged or will engage in any directed selling efforts with respect to any Note, and it and they have
complied and will comply with the offering restrictions requirements of Regulation S; and (iv) also
agrees that, at or prior to confirmation of any sale of Notes, it will have sent to each distributor, dealer
or person receiving a selling concession, fee or other remuneration that purchases Notes from it
during the distribution compliance period a confirmation or notice to substantially the following effect:

"The Notes covered hereby have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as
amended (the "Securities Act"), and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for
the account or benefit of, U.S. persons by any person referred to in Rule 903(b)(2)(iii) of Regulation S
under the Securities Act (i) as part of their distribution at any time or (ii) otherwise until 40 days after
the later of the commencement of the offering and the closing date, except in either case in
accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act. Terms used above have the meanings given
to them by Regulation S under the Securities Act."

(c) Each Dealer who has purchased Notes of a Tranche hereunder (or in the case of a sale of a Tranche
of Notes issued to or through more than one Dealer, each of such Dealers as to the Notes of such
Tranche purchased by or through it or, in the case of a syndicated issue, the relevant Lead Manager)
shall determine and notify to the Fiscal Agent and the Issuer the completion of the distribution of the
Notes of such Tranche.

(d) With regard to each Tranche, each Dealer represents, warrants and undertakes that it has not
entered and will not enter into any contractual arrangement with respect to the distribution or
delivery of Notes, except with its affiliates or with the prior written consent of the Issuer and the
Guarantors, if applicable.

(e) Notes will be issued (i) in accordance with the provisions of U.S. Treas. Reg. § 1.163-5(c)(2)(i)(C) (or
any successor rules in substantially the same form that are applicable for purposes of Section 4701
of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended) (the "TEFRA C Rules"), or (ii) in
accordance with the provisions of U.S. Treas. Reg. § 1.163-5(c)(2)(i)(D) (or any successor rules in
substantially the same form that are applicable for purposes of Section 4701 of the U.S. Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended) (the "TEFRA D Rules"), as specified in the Final Terms.

In addition, where the TEFRA C Rules are specified in the Final Terms as being applicable to any Tranche
of Notes, Notes must be issued and delivered outside the United States and its possessions in connection
with their original issuance. Each Dealer has represented, warranted and undertaken that it, in connection
with the original issuance of Notes has not offered sold or delivered and will not offer, sell or deliver, directly
or indirectly, Notes within the United States or its possessions in connection with their original issuance.
Further, each Dealer has represented, warranted and undertaken in connection with the original issuance of
Notes, that it has not communicated, and will not communicate, directly or indirectly, with a prospective
purchaser if either such Dealer or such purchaser is within the United States or its possessions and will not
otherwise involve its U.S. office in the offer or sale of Notes. Terms used in this paragraph have the
meanings given to them by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and regulations thereunder, including
the TEFRA C Rules.

In addition, in respect of Notes issued in accordance with the TEFRA D Rules, each Dealer has
represented, warranted and undertaken that:

(i) except to the extent permitted under the TEFRA D Rules, (x) it has not offered or sold, and during the
restricted period will not offer or sell, Notes to a person who is within the United States or its
possessions or to a United States person, and (y) such Dealer has not delivered and will not deliver
within the United States or its possessions definitive Notes that are sold during the restricted period;

(ii) it has, and throughout the restricted period will have, in effect procedures reasonably designed to
ensure that its employees or agents who are directly engaged in selling Notes are aware that such
Notes may not be offered or sold during the restricted period to a person who is within the United
States or its possessions or to a United States person, except as permitted by the TEFRA D Rules;

(iii) if such Dealer is a United States person, it has represented that it is acquiring the Notes for purposes
of resale, in connection with their original issuance and if such Dealer retains Notes for its own
account, it will only do so in accordance with the requirements of U.S. Treas. Reg. § 1.163-
5(c)(2)(i)(D)(6) (or any successor rules in substantially the same form that are applicable for
purposes of Section 4701 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended); and

(iv) with respect to each affiliate that acquires from such Dealer Notes for the purposes of offering or
selling such Notes during the restricted period, such Dealer either (x) has repeated and confirmed
the representations and agreements contained in sub-clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) above on such affiliate's
behalf or (y) has agreed that it will obtain from such affiliate for the benefit of the purchaser of the
Notes and the Issuer the representations and agreements contained in sub-clauses (i), (ii) and (iii)

Terms used in this paragraph (e) have the meanings given to them by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of
1986 and regulations thereunder, including the TEFRA D Rules.

European Economic Area

Unless the Final Terms in respect of any Notes specify "Prohibition of Sales to EEA Retail Investors" as
"Not Applicable", each Dealer has represented and agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the
Programme will be required to represent and agree, that it has not offered, sold or otherwise made available
and will not offer, sell or otherwise make available any Notes which are the subject of the offering
contemplated by the Prospectus as completed by the Final Terms in relation thereto to any retail investor in
the European Economic Area. For the purposes of this provision, the expression "retail investor" means a
person who is one (or more) of the following:

(i) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/65/EU (as
amended, "MiFID II"); or

(ii) a customer within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/97 (as amended, the
"Insurance Distribution Directive"), where that customer would not qualify as a
professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II.

United Kingdom

Prohibition of Sales to UK Retail Investors

Unless the Final Terms in respect of any Notes specify "Prohibition of Sales to UK Retail Investors" as "Not
Applicable", each Dealer has represented and agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the
Programme will be required to represent and agree, that it has not offered, sold or otherwise made available
and will not offer, sell or otherwise make available any Notes which are the subject of the offering
contemplated by this Prospectus as completed by the Final Terms in relation thereto to any retail investor in
the United Kingdom. For the purposes of this provision, the expression "retail investor" means a person
who is one (or more) of the following:

(i) a retail client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017/565 as it
forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
("EUWA"); or

(ii) a customer within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act
2000, as amended ("FSMA"), where that customer would not qualify as a professional
client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 as it forms part
of UK domestic law by virtue of the EUWA.

Other regulatory restrictions

Each Dealer has represented and agreed, and each further Dealer appointed under the Programme will be
required to represent and agree, that:

(a) it has only communicated or caused to be communicated and will only communicate or cause to be
communicated an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the meaning of
Section 21 of the FSMA) received by it in connection with the issue or sale of any Notes in
circumstances in which Section 21(1) of the FSMA does not apply to the Issuer; and

(b) it has complied and will comply with all applicable provisions of the FSMA with respect to anything
done by it in relation to any Notes in, from or otherwise involving the United Kingdom.

The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of
Japan (Law No. 25 of 1948, as amended) and, accordingly, each Dealer has undertaken that it will not offer
or sell any Notes, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to, or for the benefit of, any Japanese Person or to others
for re-offering or resale, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to a Japanese Person except under circumstances
which will result in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and guidelines promulgated by the
relevant Japanese governmental and regulatory authorities and in effect at the relevant time. For the
purposes of this paragraph, "Japanese Person" shall mean any person resident in Japan, including any
corporation or other entity organised under the laws of Japan.


1. Responsibility Statement

The Issuer and each Guarantor in respect of information on itself only, accept responsibility for the
information given in this Prospectus. The Issuer and each Guarantor hereby declares that, having
taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, the information contained in this Prospectus
for which it is responsible is, to the best of its knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no
omission likely to affect its import.

ING Bank N.V. in its capacity as fiscal agent and listing agent, does not accept any responsibility
whatsoever for the contents of this Prospectus nor for any other statements made or purported to be
made by either themselves or on their behalf in connection with Eurogrid. Accordingly, ING Bank N.V.
disclaims any and all liability, whether arising in tort or contract or otherwise in respect of this
Prospectus and/or any such statement.

2. Interests of Natural and Legal Persons involved in the Issue/Offer

Certain of the Dealers and their affiliates may be customers of, borrowers from or creditors of the
Issuer and its affiliates. In addition, certain Dealers and their affiliates have engaged, and may in the
future engage, in investment banking and/or commercial banking transactions with, and may perform
services for Eurogrid and its affiliates in the ordinary course of business. Furthermore, certain of the
Dealers and their affiliates may have positions, deal or make markets in the Notes issued under the
Programme, related derivatives and reference obligations, including (but not limited to) entering into
hedging strategies on behalf of the Issuer and its affiliates, investor clients, or as principal in order to
manage their exposure, their general market risk, or other trading activities.

Moreover, in the ordinary course of their business activities, the Dealers and their affiliates may make
or hold a broad array of investments and actively trade debt and equity securities (or related derivative
securities) and financial instruments (including bank loans) for their own account and for the accounts
of their customers. Such investments and securities activities may involve securities and/or
instruments of the Issuer or Issuer’s affiliates. Certain of the Dealers or their affiliates that have a
lending relationship with the Issuer routinely hedge their credit exposure to the Issuer consistent with
their customary risk management policies. Typically, such Dealers and their affiliates would hedge
such exposure by entering into transactions which consist of either the purchase of credit default
swaps or the creation of short positions in securities, including potentially the Notes issued under the
Programme. Any such positions could adversely affect future trading prices of Notes issued under the
Programme. The Dealers and their affiliates may also make investment recommendations and/or
publish or express independent research views in respect of such securities or financial instruments
and may hold, or recommend to clients that they acquire, long and/or short positions in such securities
and instruments.

3. Authorisation
The establishment of the Programme has been duly authorised by the Managing Board of the Issuer
and the shareholder of the Issuer on 11 May 2015.

The Issuer has obtained or will obtain from time to time all necessary consents, approvals and
authorisations in connection with the issue and performance of its obligations under the Notes. The
Guarantors have obtained or will obtain from time to time all necessary consents, approvals and
authorisations in connection with the Guarantee and performance of their obligations under the

4. Listing and Admission to Trading
Application has been made to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for Notes issued under this
Programme to be admitted to trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and
to be listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

The Programme provides that Notes may be listed on other or further stock exchanges, as may be
agreed between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer(s) in relation to each issue. Notes may further be
issued under the Programme which will not be listed on any stock exchange.

5. Clearing Systems
The Notes have been accepted for clearance through Clearstream Banking AG, Neue Börsenstraße 1,
60487 Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany ("CBF"), Clearstream Banking société
anonyme, 42 Avenue JF Kennedy, 1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ("CBL") and
Euroclear Bank SA/NV, 1 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 1210 Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium
("Euroclear"). The appropriate German securities number ("WKN") (if any), Common Code and ISIN
for each Tranche of Notes allocated by CBF, CBL and Euroclear will be specified in the applicable
Final Terms. If the Notes are to clear through an additional or alternative Clearing System the
appropriate information will be specified in the applicable Final Terms.

6. Fiscal Agent and Paying Agent

The Fiscal Agent and Paying Agent is ING Bank N.V., Bijlmerdreef 106, 1102 CT Amsterdam, The

7. Luxembourg Listing Agent

The Luxembourg Listing Agent is ING Luxembourg SA, 26, Place de la Gare, L-2965 Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

8. Documents on Display
So long as Notes are capable of being issued under this Prospectus, copies of the following
documents will, when published, be available free of charge during normal business hours from the
registered office of the Issuer and from the specified offices of the Paying Agents and will be published
on the website of the Issuer (

(i) this Prospectus;

(ii) the documents incorporated by reference into this Prospectus;

(iii) any supplements to this Prospectus;

(iv) the Guarantee;

(v) the constitutional documents (with an English translation where applicable) of each of the
Issuer, 50Hertz and 50Hertz Offshore.

In the case of Notes listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, the Final Terms will
be displayed on the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (www.bourse. lu). In the case of Notes
listed on any other stock exchange, the Final Terms will be displayed on the website of the Issuer


The pages specified below of the following documents which have been published or which are published
simultaneously with this Prospectus and filed with the CSSF shall be incorporated by reference in, and form
part of, this Prospectus:

Audited consolidated financial statements of Eurogrid GmbH as of and for the fiscal year ended
31 December 2020 prepared in accordance with IFRS, included in the Group management report and
consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2020 of Eurogrid GmbH and the independent
auditor’s report thereon (English language version)

page(s) of the pdf

Consolidated statement of profit or loss 85
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 86
Consolidated statement of financial position 87
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 88
Consolidated statement of cash flows 89
Notes to the consolidated financial statements 90 - 154
Independent auditor’s report 157 - 166

Audited consolidated financial statements of Eurogrid GmbH as of and for the fiscal year ended
31 December 2021 prepared in accordance with IFRS, included in the consolidated financial
statements for fiscal year 2021 of Eurogrid GmbH and the independent auditor’s report thereon
(English language version)

page(s) of the pdf

Consolidated statement of profit or loss 2
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 3
Consolidated statement of financial position 4
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 5
Consolidated statement of cash flows 6
Notes to the consolidated financial statements 7 - 74
Independent auditor’s report 77 - 85


Audited annual financial statements of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH as of and for the fiscal year
ended 31 December 2020 prepared in accordance with HGB, included in the Report on the fiscal
year 2020 of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH and the independent auditor’s report thereon (English
language version)

page(s) of the pdf

Statement of financial position 40
Income statement 41
Statement of cash flows 42
Statement of changes in fixed assets 43
Notes to the financial statements 44 – 66
Independent auditor’s report 67 – 73

Audited annual financial statements of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH as of and for the fiscal year
ended 31 December 2021 prepared in accordance with HGB, included in the Financial statements of
50Hertz Transmission GmbH, Berlin as of 31 December 2021 and the independent auditor’s report
thereon (English language version)

page(s) of the pdf

Statement of financial position 3
Income statement 4
Statement of cash flows 5

Notes to the financial statements 6 – 31

Statement of changes in fixed assets (part of the notes to the financial statements) 32
Independent auditor’s report 33 – 38

Audited annual financial statements of 50Hertz Offshore GmbH as of and for the fiscal year ended
31 December 2020 prepared in accordance with HGB and the independent auditor’s report thereon,
included in the Report on the fiscal year 2020 of 50Hertz Offshore GmbH (English language version)

page(s) of the pdf

Statement of financial position 15
Income statement 16
Statement of cash flows 17
Statement of changes in fixed assets (part of the notes to the financial statements) 18
Notes to the financial statements 19 – 31
Independent auditor’s report 32 – 36


Audited annual financial statements of 50Hertz Offshore GmbH as of and for the fiscal year ended
31 December 2021 prepared in accordance with HGB, included in the Annual financial statements of
50Hertz Offshore GmbH, Berlin December 31, 2021 and independent auditor’s report thereon
(English language version)

page(s) of the pdf

Balance sheet 3
Income statement 4
Statement of cash flows 5

Notes to the financial statements 6 – 16

Statement of changes in fixed assets (part of the notes to the financial statements) 17
Independent auditor’s report 18 – 21
The financial statements and independent auditor’s reports mentioned above are English language
translations of the respective German language audited financial statements and independent auditor’s
reports. The respective independent auditor’s reports refer to the respective consolidated financial
statements and group management reports of Eurogrid GmbH, the respective annual financial statements
and management reports of 50Hertz Transmission GmbH and the respective annual financial statements
and management reports of 50Hertz Offshore GmbH, each as a whole, and not solely to the respective
consolidated financial statements or annual financial statements incorporated by reference into this

Debt Issuance Programme Prospectus of the Issuer dated 13 May 2015

Terms and Conditions of the Notes (Option I A)

Set of Terms and Conditions for Notes with fixed interest rates pages 51 – 68

Any information not incorporated by reference into this Prospectus but contained in one of the documents
mentioned as source documents in the cross-reference lists above is either not relevant for investors or
covered elsewhere in this Prospectus.

Availability of documents incorporated by reference

All documents incorporated herein by reference are available free of charge and may be inspected during
usual business hours on any working day from the date hereof for the whole life of the Prospectus at the
offices of Eurogrid GmbH as set out at the end of this Prospectus. In addition, such documents will be
available free of charge and may be inspected during usual business hours on any working day from the
date hereof for the whole life of the Prospectus at the principal office in Luxembourg of ING Luxembourg SA
for Notes listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and will be published on the website
of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (



Eurogrid GmbH
Heidestraße 2
10557 Berlin
Federal Republic of Germany


50Hertz Transmission GmbH 50Hertz Offshore GmbH

Heidestraße 2 Heidestraße 2
10557 Berlin 10557 Berlin
Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany


ING Bank N.V.

Bijlmerdreef 106
1102 CT Amsterdam
The Netherlands


ING Luxembourg SA
26, Place de la Gare
L-2965 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


Banco Santander, S.A. BNP Paribas

Ciudad Grupo Santander 16, boulevard des Italiens
Avenida de Cantabria s/n 75009 Paris
Edificio Encinar, planta baja, France
28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid

Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A.

Kaiserstraße 16 (Kaiserplatz) Croeselaan 18
60311 Frankfurt am Main 3521 CB Utrecht
Federal Republic of Germany The Netherlands

ING Bank N.V. Mizuho Securities Europe GmbH

Foppingadreef 7 Taunustor 1
1102 BD Amsterdam 60310 Frankfurt am Main
The Netherlands Germany

NatWest Markets NV UniCredit Bank AG

Claude Debussylaan 94 Arabellastrasse 12
Amsterdam 1082 MD 81925 Munich
The Netherlands Federal Republic of Germany


Banco Santander, S.A. BNP Paribas

Ciudad Grupo Santander 16, boulevard des Italiens
Avenida de Cantabria s/n 75009 Paris
Edificio Encinar, planta baja, France
28660, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid

Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A.

Kaiserstraße 16 (Kaiserplatz) Croeselaan 18
60311 Frankfurt am Main 3521 CB Utrecht
Federal Republic of Germany The Netherlands

ING Bank N.V. Mizuho Securities Europe GmbH

Foppingadreef 7 Taunustor 1
1102 BD Amsterdam 60310 Frankfurt am Main
The Netherlands Germany

NatWest Markets NV UniCredit Bank AG

Claude Debussylaan 94 Arabellastrasse 12
Amsterdam 1082 MD 81925 Munich
The Netherlands Federal Republic of Germany


To the Issuer and the Guarantors as to German law

White & Case LLP
Bockenheimer Landstraße 20
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Federal Republic of Germany

To the Dealers as to German law

Hogan Lovells International LLP
Grosse Gallusstrasse 18
60312 Frankfurt am Main
Federal Republic of Germany


To the Issuer To the Guarantors

Ernst & Young GmbH Ernst & Young GmbH

Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart
office Berlin office Berlin
Friedrichstraße 140 Friedrichstraße 140
10117 Berlin 10117 Berlin
Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany

Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Katharina-Heinroth-Ufer 1 Katharina-Heinroth-Ufer 1
10787 Berlin 10787 Berlin
Federal Republic of Germany Federal Republic of Germany


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