Notes - Adamic - Abrahamic

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Before God stablished his covenant with Abraham, He tested him. (God tempted
Hebrew = to proof if it is true
God wanted to proof that his faith on Him was unshakable
It allow us to see how weak we are, we have Peter, Jesus knew his heart that is why He
told Peter that He will deny him later

Exodus 20:20 - (I will test you ) = It represents a moral standard that God call us to be

In the book of Judges God said he will let some Canaanites near the Israelites to test them

There were 2 trees in the midst of the garden, they both were very beautiful, good
looking, their fruit wasn’t poisoned
It’s noting related with the fruit, it is with the command that God made. Something God
is going to tell us not to do some things, and maybe what you want to do is not
destructive or poisoned, but God knows is not going to be a blessing for you.

The moral code you have depends of the word of God nor on what everyone is doing,
maybe everybody is eating from that tree that God tell you not to eat, but the rules of this
world can not rule your life, it must be ruled by the word of God.

There are two trees (Knowledge of good and evil & Tree of life) in the Garden.
o   God preserved the tree of life, but one must overcome in order to eat of its fruit.
o   God knew when he planted the trees that one of them would be the source of man’s
downfall. However, it did not stop God from putting it in the garden.
o   Why would God put that tree in the Garden?
§  When God enters into a covenant with people, it is a guarantee that the covenant will
be tested. There will be pressure on the covenant partners to test their obligations. The
probation of a covenant.
§  Genesis 22—after God has formed a covenant with Abraham, he tests (tempted-KJV)
Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son.
§  God doesn’t test us to prove something to Him; testing allows us to see how weak we
§  The same temptation can be used for good or evil depending on the source.
§  The death resulting from the eating of the fruit has nothing to do with the nature of the
fruit (poisonous or not) but everything to do with God’s commandment.
§  One thing may be right for someone and sin for another. It all depends on God’s
Genesis 3 - Eve saw the fruit was desirable, it does not say it was bad.

1. Satan damages the relationship with God (by distracting him, He opened the
possibility to be rebellious against God, he put his sight towards the tree in order man can
not see God glory)
2. Rephrases the commandment into a question
3. Satan emphasizes prohibition and ignored the gracious command
4. Satan misrepresents God´s motives
5. He denies the word of God (He lied to Eve)
6. Satan offers human to seemingly pain free option

Adam and Eve were innocent. They were in the best place in the entire universe, he
didn’t have the sinful natura and could not do anything against satan, he did his best but it
was not enough. We also need help (through Jesus) to fight against satan.

Man even at his best cannot fight Satan on his own.

Man at his best is not enough.


⁃ Psalms 16:2 “I say to the Lord, 'You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.
'” You are my Lord, and you are my good. That is, as my Lord you govern all the
good that comes to me, and you are the good that comes to me”

⁃ Jesus always communicated to his disciples that He never do anything

without asking his Father first. He was connected with the Father (John 15:6) -
“”without me you can do nothing”

⁃ The mindset of the world is “I can be whatever I want to be”, this is a diabolic
mindset, that’s an issue of autonomy, lack of loyalty, lack or morality, these gives us
as a result an increasing rate in depression, immorality, etc.

⁃ When Adam and Eve sinned, their eyes were opened, they saw their

⁃ Genesis 3 make ”knowledge” look like the bad guy (Enlightenment)

⁃ Si el ser humano insiste en ser lo que el quiere ser, nunca va a encontrar una
respuesta valida, el unicoq que nos dice que somos el Dios es su palabra, el sabe
quienes somos. Dios nos dice, que somos amagos, escogidos, hijos De Dios.

·      Satan repeatedly attacked the authority of God.

·      We must renew our sense of dependance on God.
·      We must get rid of our self-reliance.
·      “…apart from Me you can do nothing.” (Jn 15:5)
·      America and its enlightenment roots
o   Lady Liberty
o   Closing the church
o   Rejecting organized religion
Adamic Covenant


⁃ Promises

- sin affected our relationship with God, God before man sinned
prepared everything to take us back. (redemption)
- before to sin we had 5 promises of blessing and 1 for judgement, now
because of the sin, os the opposite, because sin is an issue.
- human experience because disobedience (shame, fear ) discipline
reestablish real love.
- the devil and the earth are cursed because of Adam, but humanity
wasn’t coursed (Rev 12:9-10 / Ran 20:3-4)

“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring[a] and
hers; he will crush[b] your head, and you will strike his heel.”
- Genesis 3:15-



Serpent He questions the word of He was stripped of his
God. He maligns the exalted position. He was
character of God. He lies reduced to a Lower state.
to man. He was cursed.
Woman She ate the forbidden She lost the joyfulness of
fruit. She led her husband fruitfulness and
into desobediente childbearing, she found
herself in conflict with her

Genesis 3:16 … Yet your desire (Teshuqah) will be for your husband, and He will
rule (mashal) over you.

Genesis 4:7 … and its desire (teshuqah) is your you, but you must master (mashal)


Man He ate the forbidden fruit Food production became
in an act of deliberate a painful endeavor. The
desobedience earth no longer
cooperated with his

⁃ Promises
⁃ Terms
⁃ Oath
⁃ Book
⁃ Blood: Sacrifices


7. Signet
8. Token

First Adam Last Adam
Fell by the serpent Became like a serpent
Sinned Became sin for us
Tasted fruit —> death sweat Tasted death, sweat like blood
Work —> thorns Crown of thorns
Sinned by a tree Died on a tree
Affected by a curse Took a curse
Broke a covenant Became a covenants
Adam took what was forbidden Died with two hives
Naked----> shame Naked —> our shame

Genealogy of Adam
1 Adam 930
2 Cain Seth 912
3 enoch Enosh 905
4 iPad Kenan 910
5 mehujael Mahalalei 895
6 methushael Jared 962
7 Lamech Enoch 365
8 Jabal (tubal, tubal, cain) Mathusaleh 969
9 Lamech 777
10 Noah 950


Genesis 6—Sons of God
Demonic Sethite Normal
Sons of God Fallen Angels Godly line Men
Daughters of Men Human Women Cain’s Daughters Women
Nephilim Demon Seed Intermarriage Heroes
Between Lines
Nature of Sin Demonic Intrusion Pollution of the Wickedness
Godly Line Behind Normal
Relation to the Cause Cause Context of the
Flood Flood
Key Support Job 1:6 Continuation of the Matt 24:37-38;
Seth Line Luke 17:26
Adam and Noah
Adam Noah
1st Adam 2nd Adam
1st Generation 10th Generation
Wind blew over the water Wind blew over the water
Cycles of nature established Cycles of nature maintained
Creation—separation of the waters Flood—joining of the waters above and
above from those below those below
Reference to animals Reference to animals
Animals were at peace with Adam Animals were at peace with Noah
Food was provided Food was stored
Adam had three sons and one went bad Noah had three sons and one went bad
Divine Blessing Divine Blessing
Adam’s genealogy—Gen 4 Noah’s genealogy—Gen 10


SONS OF GOD Fallen angels Godly Line Men
DAUGHTERS OF Human women Cain’s Daughters Women
NEPHELIM Demon seed Intermarriage Heroes
between Lines
NATURE OF SIN Demonic intrusion Pollution of the Wickedness
Godly line Behind Normal
RELATION TO Cause Cause Context of the
KEY SEPPORT Job 1:6 Continuation of the Matt 24:37-38,
Seth Line Luke 17:26
Nephelim: the vehicle was a woman but the source was a spiritual being.

The patience of God give us time to change.


Noahic Covenant
·      Promises
o   I will never again curse the ground on account of man.
o   I will never again destroy every living thing as He has done.
o   The ceaseless seasons, day and night will continue till the very end.
o   Man is still at the top of the food chain.
o   The fear of man will be over the animals.
o   You can eat every animal, but you cannot eat of the blood.
o   Curse: The killer of a human must be put to death. (Eye for eye, tooth for tooth).
·      Terms
o   God requires faith.
o   Forbidding of eating blood (forerunner for Levitical food laws).
§  Reason: the life is in the blood.
§  Ancient blood rituals said that eating the blood of something would transfer the power
and life of the thing that died.
§  Did not stop with the New Covenant
§  Acts 15
o   Do not murder because humans are made in the image of God.
o   Capital punishment.
·      Oath
o   I will never…
·      Book
o   Gen 6-8
·      Sacrifices
o   7 of all clean animals: could kill one and still have even breeding pairs.
·      Mediator
o   Noah: priest
·      Sanctuary
o   Altar
·      Signet
o   Rainbow
o   Jesus has the rainbow around His head in Revelation.
o   Bow hung up represents peace. Mardok’s victory signified by the bow being hung up.
o   They saw the rainbow as the connection between the earth and the sky.
o   Gnosticism/New Age: rainbow was the sign of the movement. What connects you to
the cosmic forces are 7 stages of being/meditation.
·      Token


Genesis 9:25
• God curses Canaan, Ham’s son (Canaanites came from Ham).
• This is the outworking of the rivalry between the Israelites and the Canaanites
• Noah picked Shem of his three sons to be dominant over the others
Chapter 10 - The Table of Nations (Jews called it this)
• The Hebrews are the descendants of Eber, which how they get their name (Eber —>
Eberites —> Ebrews —> Hebrews)
• The name Israel doesn’t come in until Genesis 32
• The name Judah doesn’t come in until the Babylonian captivity
• All the nations come out of one
• All of the nations are united in their origin
• No characteristics of race or skin color in this chapter
• Genesis 10 does not even whisper of racial superiority but supports the fact that all
nations come from the same origin of people
• There is no distinction.
• Israel’s origin, located outside Israel territory, were seen as no different from any other
• The thing that made Israel different was their covenant relationship with God
• This being the case, if breaking the covenant, they will just become another nation,
identical to the other nations.
• Abraham is an example of this because he was not a Jew, but a Chaldean.
• Abraham was the gentile through whom the Jewish race came
• God redeemed Abraham as a gentile

Sins of Babylon Character of God’s people

Self-exalted Humility
Rebellion Submission
Centralization Scatter, disperse
Monument building Pilgrim life

In Genesis 12, God commands Abraham to go away from the central place he lived in. He was to
live as a nomad. Isaac and Jacob did this too. The first word that God said to Abraham was to
separate himself and leave his old place.
• God calls us, just like Abraham, to separate ourselves from our old ways and repent.
• Do not build a tower of Babel,Build relationships, not customers. Inspire character and
not ego.
• This tower was an altar and sacred mountain,
• The latter to heaven is not human effort, it is Jesus Christ
Acts 7
• Abraham did not have any devotions to go through about to give him knowledge
• Abraham committed his family and future to the unknown
• God was impressed by this guy
• To follow the “God of glory” we may have to leave something that defines our life (Acts

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