Lecture 28
Lecture 28
Lecture 28
Day of Judgment.
V.19. Indeed, mankind was created anxious:
The righteous ones .v.22-27.
Second revelation.
Few weeks passed after iqra, he ﷺagain seen Gibreel AS, he ﷺrushed to
Khadija RA.
Certain Commandments are mentioned.
Mentions Waleed Ibn mugeerah. He was mesmerized by the recitation of
the Qur'an.
Abu jahl said to him it's not acceptable.
Allah describe what’s in his mind.
People of jahannam converse with the angels.v.31.
They say that they were not of the people of prayer.
Powerful surah.
The power of Allah.
People testifying against themselves.
Allah promise the prophet ﷺthat he will memorize the Qur'an.
Faces will be shining bright by seeing Allah.
Does man think that he will be left without a purpose?