Lesson Plan Unit 1 Language Sách Global Success L P 10

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MÃ SV: 705701138
LỚP: K70A4
Lesson 2: Language
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge
- Pronounce the consonant blends /br/, /kr/, and /tr/ correctly in individual words
and in sentences;

- Understand and use some lexical items about the topic family life;

- Distinguish and use present simple and present continuous.

2. Competence
- Identify the sounds which have learnt in the listening task.

3. Qualities
- Be aware of the importance of sharing household chores for each family member.
- Be aware of responsibilities towards family

II. Teaching aids & materials

- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 1, Language

- Computer connected to the Internet

- Projector

III. Teaching procedures

Notes: In each activity, each step will be represented as following:

- Deliver the task

- Implement the task

- Have discussions

- Give feedback

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

WARM-UP - To bring up Game: Match pictures with 5 mins

the classroom words
* T gives instructions:
- To lead into
- There are 6 pictures related
the lesson S-S
to the topic “Family life”, and
6 words/phrases corresponding
to those 6 pictures.

- Ss have 7 seconds to think,

then match pictures with the
right words/phrases.

+ Correct answer: +1 point

+ Wrong answer: keep the

** T counts the points,
announces the winner, asks a
few more simple questions,
then leads in the lesson.

PRONUN- To help Task 1: Listen and repeat. 5 mins

CIATION students
Pay attention to the
recognize and
consonant blends /br/, /kr/,
practice the T-S
and /tr/. (page 9)
blends /br/, * T:
/kr/, and /tr/
in words. - plays the recording and asks
ss to listen to the words and
repeat; asks them to pay
attention to the consonant

( T can play the recording 2-3

- makes sure that Ss know the
meaning of each word. T-S

** Ss do as t’s instructions. T-S

*** T checks to see if ss have

improved their pronunciation
by randomly inviting
individuals to read the words

To help ss Task 2: Listen to the 5 mins

practice sentences and circle the
identifying words you hear.
the consonant (page 9) T-S
blends /br/,
* T:
/kr/, and /tr/
in sentences - ask Ss to read all the words
once, paying attention to the
different combinations of
consonants in the words in
each group; make sure Ss
understands the meaning of
the words.

- plays the recording for Ss to

listen and circle the words
with consonant combinations
they hear.

- has Ss work in tables to

compare their answer with
others; checks answers by
asking some students to read
out the words they have S-S

- plays the recording one more

time, pausing after each
sentence, for Ss to repeat. S-S

** Ss do as T’s instructions.

*** Ss practice reading the

sentences in tables

**** T goes round the

classroom to help and collect
common mistakes to correct


1. b

2. c

3. a

VOCABU- To make sure Task 1: Match the words 4 mins

LARY that students with their meanings. (page
understand 10)
the meaning
* T instructs clearly.
of some
vocabulary S-S
** Ss work in tables to discuss
items about and do the matching
chores *** Ss share the answers with S-S
the whole class
**** T confirms the correct



2. d

3. e

4. a
5. c

To give Task 2: Complete the 5 mins

students sentences using the words in
practice using 1.
words/phrases T-S
(page 10)
in meaningful
contexts. * T:

- ask Ss to work in the table;

tells them to read the sentences
cautiously and decides which
word in task 1 can be used to
fill the gap in each sentence. T
explains that Ss should use the
context clues to decide on the

- check the answers with the

whole class, then ask Ss to call
out the word they used in each
sentence first.

- confirm the correct answers.

T asks Ss to give reasons why
they have chosen the word for
each sentence.
- asks 2 Ss to read the
complete sentences.

** Ss work in pairs to discuss S-S

and find the answers.
*** Ss share their answers
with class.

**** T confirms the correct

answers, and asks Ss to give
reasons why they have chosen
the word for each sentence.


1. homemaker

2. groceries

3. heavy lifting

4. housework

5. breadwinner

GRAMMAR To give Ss a Task 1: Choose the correct

chance to form of the verb in each
revise the use sentence. (page 10) 15
of present T-S mins
* T: (task
simple tense
& present - tells Ss to read the sentences
continuous in task 4 in Getting Started;
tense asks them what tense(s) is/are
used in each of them.

- in weaker classes, has Ss

read through the “Remember
box” and checks their
understanding of the grammar
points; asks some questions to
elicit more examples from Ss.
(For example: What is your
friend doing? – She is
learning English)

- in stronger classes, asks Ss

when we use each sentence
and elicit answers without
using “Remember box”; then
puts Ss into groups to go
through the explanations and
checks if their answers are

- asks Ss to work individually

to choose the correct form of
the verb in each sentence (T
explains that they should pay
attention to some clues in the
sentences to decide on the
correct tense form like adverbs
of frequency. E.g: “usually” in
sentence 1).

- checks answers and asks Ss S-S

to explain why they have
chosen so.

** Ss do as T’s instructions. T-S

*** Ss share their answers

with their friend.

**** T checks Ss’ answers

and asks them to explain their

1. does

2. is putting out

3. cleans

4. is studying

5. does

To give Ss a Task 2: To complete the

further paragraph. Read the text &
chance to put the verbs in brackets in
revise the use the present simple or present
of present continuous.
simple & S-S
* T:
continuous - asks students to review the
“Remember box” to T-S
understand the difference
between the present simple
and the present continuous.

- asks Ss to work individually.

** Ss do as T’s instructions.

*** Ss share their answers

with their partner.

**** T checks Ss’ answers

and asks them to explain why
they have chosen so (using the
clues above).

1. does

2. is not doing/ isn’t doing

3. is watching

4. are doing

5. is tidying up

6. is trying

EXTRA To give Ss GAME: 6 questions 4 mins

ACTIVITY * T explains the rules of game. T-S
practice the
present tenses ** Ss do as T’s instructions. S-S
*** T praises Ss for attractive T-S
ideas and having a good
memory & decides the winner.


- The whole of class are

devided into 2 teams ( A & B).

- 2 teams are given 6 words

related to “Family life”.
E.g. Housework

- Each team alternately

nominates 2 Ss to do 1 task.
Each task takes place within
30 seconds. In each task,
student A stands facing the
projector screen, while B
stands with his back to A. A
uses present simple & present
continuous sentences to
describe the word on the
screen until B get the correct

+ Correct answer: +1 point

+ Wrong answer: keep the


- Finally, T counts points of

each team, announce the
winner, and give feedback.

CONSOLI- To help Ss WRAP-UP: (Aim: To 2 mins

DATION memorize the consolidate what students
target have learnt in the lesson)
language &
* T asks: Class, what have you
skills that
learnt today?
they have
learnt. - consonant blends /br/, /kr/, &

- some lexical items about

household chores

- present simple tense &

present continuous tense

review the lesson and prepare
for the next lesson)

- Do exercises in the

- Read in advance lesson 3 of

unit 1.

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