Hsus Complete-Guide-To-Horse-Care

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Both novice and experienced horse caretakers will benefit from The
Humane Society of the United States Complete Guide to Horse Care. It’s
a beautiful book with vital information, and it will be a great source
of information for years to come.
—From the Foreword by Doris Day
Founder, The Doris Day Animal Foundation

The horse is nature in its finest form. This book asks us to treat horses
not as disposable machines, but as living, thinking, feeling animals who
teach us to value relationships and take us on a never-ending journey of
self improvement. Through horses, we discover our potential, we fuel our
dreams. No wonder they still deserve such honor in our modern times.
—Pat Parelli
Author, Natural Horse-Man-Ship
Coauthor, Keeping a Horse the Natural Way

A refreshing addition to every horse lover's library, The Humane Society

of the United States Complete Guide to Horse Care challenges readers to be
responsible stewards of their horses. Erin Harty combines an interesting
perspective on the horse's relationship with mankind with practical
advice on compassionate care.
—Cindy Hale
Contributing editor, Horse Illustrated and horsechannel.com
Author, Riding for the Blue; A Passion for Horses; Horse
Sense and Nonsense

erin harty
and the
Humane staff of
Society the humane
Press society of
the united

erin harty and the staff of

the humane society of the united states
Erin Harty is a freelance writer and former moderator/administrator
of The Chronicle of the Horse’s online discussion forums, which have
more than 32,000 registered members. She received her B rating
from the United States Pony Clubs and competes in eventing.
The Staff of The Humane Society of the United States contributors were
Keith Dane, Eric Davis, D.V.M., Holly Hazard, and Deborah Salem.

Copyright © 2008 by The Humane Society of the United States.

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic

or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems,
without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer
who may quote brief passages in a review.

Reference to commercial products does not imply endorsement by

The Humane Society of the United States.

First edition
ISBN 798-1-934785-00-3
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Harty, Erin. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
The Humane Society of the United States complete guide to horse care /
Erin Harty and the Staff of the Humane Society of the United States. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index. chapter 1
ISBN 978-1-934785-00-3 The Mystique Versus the Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. Horses. I. Humane Society of the United States. II. Title.
SF285.3.H36 2008 chapter 2
636.1’083–dc22 The Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
chapter 3
Printed in the United States of America Horses and Humans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Humane Society Press
The Humane Society of the United States
2100 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037

Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, processed iii

chlorine free and FSC certified, with soy-based ink.
chapter 4 chapter 14

Should You Get a Horse of Your Own?. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

chapter 5 chapter 15

Finding Your New Horse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Activism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

chapter 6

Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

chapter 7
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Breeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
chapter 8

Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
chapter 9

Feeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
chapter 10

Veterinary Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

chapter 11

Farriery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
chapter 12

Riding and Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

chapter 13

Competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

iv v

when our animal welfare partners

at The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
told us about plans to write and distribute its
Complete Guide to Horse Care, I was delighted.
Much-needed attention is being paid to the plight
of America’s horses, and I know how many people
have stepped in to help, with everything from
donations to legislation to adoption and fostering.

This project brought back a lot of memories from decades ago of our Acknowledgments
work to help people care for their dogs and cats. For twenty-five-plus
years much of our mission has been to provide information about pet The authors are grateful for the support of Wayne Pacelle, president
overpopulation and the numbers of companion animals being sacrificed and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, and The Doris Day
because of a lack of good homes. Happily, animal welfare advocates Animal Foundation and for the contributions of Stacy Segal (research),
spurred people to adopt dogs and cats for the first time or to add to the Paula Jaworski (art direction), Jean Bernard (copyediting), and Fran Jurga
numbers of pets who were already family members. That meant we had and Amy Kolzow (photography).
many people who either had little or no experience caring for companion
animals or were faced with new challenges as more animals were added
to the family. We mobilized as information providers, with vehicles such
as call-in help lines and newspaper columns. The HSUS’s earlier guides
for cat and dog guardians were extremely helpful and are great templates
for the necessary information this book provides about caring for horses.
Now, even with some seven million horses in the United States, there
is a general lack of knowledge about how to help and care for these
special animals. People are concerned, but they do not know what to do.
Fortunately, The HSUS is stepping in to provide another worthy public
service, this time for our horses.
The Doris Day Animal Foundation was invited to help fund The
Humane Society of the United States Complete Guide to Horse Care, and
it was a privilege to say yes. This is a wonderful educational project.
We know that, with the right information, people will be better equip-
ped to care for their horses. Our message—that caring for horses,
like caring for dogs and cats, is a lifetime commitment—will reach
those interested in caring for horses.
Both novice and experienced horse caretakers will benefit from The
Humane Society of the United States Complete Guide to Horse Care. It’s
a beautiful book with vital information, and it will be a great source
of information for years to come. We’re proud to be involved.

Doris Day

viii ix

The Mystique
Versus the Reality

few among us likely remember our first

introduction to a dog or a cat. But a horse? If you
don’t recall every detail of the encounter, there’s almost
certainly a photograph tucked away somewhere in a
family album that memorializes it. Perhaps you were
riding a pony at a birthday party, patting a police horse
on a busy city street, or perching on an equine retiree
on a neighbor’s farm.
The moment’s significance stems from the fact that horses aren’t been trained to do and to follow human beings’ instructions. They select
common fixtures in the lives of modern-day Americans, so meeting a horses for their “job openings” on the basis of the animals’ qualifications
horse tends to be pretty memorable. But there’s more to it than that. and potential, much as an employer selects a new employee. And owners
You can see the emotions writ large on the face of a child who’s meeting expect their horses to try hard to succeed in those jobs.
his first horse—it’s a mixture of wonder, awe, and curiosity, with a dash There is a dichotomy in this relationship, though—one with which
of trepidation thrown in for good measure. numerous horsemen struggle. In the past, horses have been thought of
Horses are big. Very, very big. Bigger than most animals we encounter primarily as tools, as a means to an end. That mindset has evolved gradually
in daily life. That’s the first thing most people notice as they cautiously to the point where many of us also consider our horses to be companion
inch toward a new equine friend. Horses are also strikingly beautiful. animals. Their value isn’t solely dependent on what they can do for us; as
Those large, expressive eyes exude a depth of character and intelligence, with our pet dogs and cats, we also enjoy their company and personalities,
even in the plainest of horses. The powerful and fluid way a horse moves and we simply love them and care about them. They are important to us
almost demands admiration and seems to embody the phrase, “poetry because of who they are, not just because of what they can do.
in motion.” Horses are just different. While cats and dogs, wonderful So how to reconcile the roles of working animal and companion ani-
creatures in their own rights, trigger our “Aww!” response, horses truly mal? Horses don’t fit neatly into either category, and the responsibilities
inspire awe. And, of course, a little bit of “Aww!” as well. and expectations of each may sometimes compete or outright conflict.
Although humankind has forged many friendships across the divide Most of us consider ownership of a cat, dog, or other pet to be a lifetime
that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom, our relationship commitment, yet horses may have half a dozen owners (or more!) in their
with horses is unique, as are the animals themselves. lifetimes. Is that wrong? Is it fair to use a horse in a manner that might
In the beginning, the relationship was a utilitarian one. Generally docile cause him to become injured, such as racing or jumping? Can a horse
and relatively easy to domesticate, horses were used as beasts of burden be happy kept in a stall, considering that he’s a creature found in nature
and machines of war. We human beings harnessed their strength to plow roaming the plains?
fields and pull heavy loads, and we carried out on their backs our quest One reason we have written this book is to try to help you answer
to explore and expand our horizons. these questions. Our perspective is that of an animal protection orga-
As our knowledge grew and technology advanced, horses were nization with fifty years of experience in dealing with the best—and,
replaced with machinery that could transport human beings faster and unfortunately, the worst—of what horses experience in the modern
carry heavier loads. Our relationship changed from one of necessity to world. We are also longtime horse owners ourselves.
one primarily of recreation. Horsemanship is an ancient art, and one that has remained largely
Most horses still have “jobs,” however, and are expected to earn their unchanged—the skills that made someone a good horseman five
keep in some fashion, whether it’s as a backyard pony who gives rides to hundred years ago are just as applicable today. But circumstances
the grandkids or as a stakes-winning racehorse with millions of dollars in change, and the ways in which we keep, use, and think about horses
earnings. For many people, the relationship between an owner and a horse are constantly evolving. To be the best custodians of our horses, we
may mirror a boss/employee relationship: human beings, as the “bosses,” sometimes need to rethink old habits as well as constantly reassess
are the authority figures. Owners expect their horses to behave as they’ve our own personal situations to be sure everyone’s needs are met.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care The Mystique Versus the Reality

2 3
Think of your experience with your horse or horses as a series of Although little boys aren’t immune, females are definitely afflicted
crossroads: you will make decisions that will influence your life and the more frequently by the horsey disease. About 92 percent of the more than
life of your horse in ways that reflect your view of animals and their role twelve thousand members of the United States Pony Clubs, a youth organ-
in the world. Your views will come into play when you acquire a horse; ization dedicated to teaching English riding and horse care, are female.1
when you solve any behavior, training, or medical problems that may The majority of the thirty-one thousand youth members at the American
arise during your life together; when you decide your horse’s future with Quarter Horse Association, a breed organization with a focus on Western
or without you; and when you decide how your old friend and partner riding, are also female.2 Some of the inclination toward horses may
will end his life. be innate. Girls tend to include nurturing in their play and may enjoy
If you’re reading this book, it’s because these unique and amazing ani- caring for horses as much as they enjoy riding them.
mals have captured your heart. The more time you spend with them, the The benefits of being around these creatures are easy to document.
more fully you will realize that horses are always teaching and challeng- Riding can be a tremendous boost to self-esteem—in fact, horses are often
ing you, and, no matter how experienced you are, a horse can always add used as therapy animals, not just for riders with physical handicaps, but
to your enjoyment and appreciation of life. If you keep in mind that awe also for those with emotional issues. Riding therapy has been used to
and reverence of your first introduction to horse-kind, you’ll be well treat everything from eating disorders to attention deficit hyperactivity
equipped to make the best choices for your equine friends. disorder (ADHD).
There’s just something about horses that makes an impact—whether Let’s not completely overlook the boys, however. The attraction is just
you’re a small child stroking a pony’s velvet-soft nose for the first time or an as real—if, perhaps, less frequent—for them, as are the benefits! In the
adult marveling at polo ponies on a polo field pounding by at top speed. western United States, the cowboy culture is the norm and is more male-
Horses embody traits that humans admire and want to emulate. It’s not oriented than is the formally attired gentility of English-style riding sports.
solely what they can do that draws us to them; it’s also what they symbolize. At the highest levels of virtually all English and Western competitive riding
sports, men often outnumber women, although both sexes compete in the
same events on equal terms—a rarity in modern competitive sports. The
The Allure of the Horse Man from Snowy River, Kentucky Derby-winning jockey Edgar Prado, or
Whether nature or nurture is to blame, you’d be hard-pressed to find an the legendary western trainer Ray Hunt might be a boy’s role model.
elementary-school-age munchkin who wouldn’t do anything for a pony. Adults, of course, are far past the point of youthful infatuation. (Well,
In some families, the obsession with horses pops up out of the blue— mostly.) We’re too mature to want to live our own versions of Black Beauty
no one in the family is “horsey,” nor has anyone gone out of his way to or The Black Stallion. (Mostly.) But there is still somewhat of a fairy-tale
introduce Susie to the wonderful world of equines. It may start with a allure…after all, this is the “sport of kings” and of cowboys, too. Think of
pink plastic My Little Pony, then interest may turn to the long-running Prince William and Prince Harry of England on their polo ponies, or John
Saddle Club series of books and progress to television shows and movies Wayne galloping across endless cinematic deserts of the Southwest.
about horses. Soon it’s a full-blown obsession that can only be appeased The so-called English riding sports embrace the stately image whole-
with riding lessons, living in real life the adventures of th e Saddle Club’s heartedly. The competition “uniforms” for many English sports look nearly
hero and heroines, who learn to ride at Pine Hollow Stables. identical to what riders wore two hundred years ago—highly polished

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care The Mystique Versus the Reality

4 5
boots, crisp breeches, and smartly tailored hunt coat topped off with a Consider this hypothetical example: a Thoroughbred colt is born on
velvet cap, and the horse decked out in spotless tack, his mane and tail a farm in Kentucky, sired by a prolific winner on the track who has just
neatly braided. A horse and rider ready to show look like they’ve just recently retired to stud. The breeder, Owner #1, has carefully matched
stepped out of an eighteenth-century English painting. Having “the look” the stud with a lovely mare and is hoping for the best.
is part of the fun of showing. Owner #2 purchases the colt as a yearling for a considerable sum in
The Western disciplines call to mind a different fairy tale: the simpler the hopes that he will have a stellar career on the racetrack.
times and romantic cowboy folklore of the American Old West. Don a pair As a two-year-old, however, the colt’s performances are nothing spe-
of jeans and cowboy boots; add a pair of chaps, gloves, and a cowboy hat; cial. Owner #2 sells him (at a considerable loss) to Owner #3, who races
swing up into a comfy Western saddle aboard a smart and willing Quarter horses at the smaller tracks against less talented company. The colt earns
Horse; and you’re ready to ride all day on the plains working cattle. his keep, but at the end of his three-year-old year, the owner decides the
horse just isn’t cut out to be a racehorse.
The colt is gelded and finds himself with Owner #4, a young, profes-
The Reality sional horseman who specializes in buying horses off the track, retraining
In the abstract horses occupy an exalted position in our society. In reality, them, and selling them to new homes as show horses. The gelding spends
however, they’re not always so lucky. As their champions and caretakers, six months with Owner #4, learning his new job under this horseman’s
we bear the responsibility for ensuring that every horse—from a stakes- careful tutelage. The gelding proves to be an amazingly talented jumper,
winning racehorse to a child’s pony—enjoys a life befitting the horse’s and Owner #4 is thrilled to have found such a diamond in the rough. The
stature in our culture. gelding is sold to Owner #5, who puts him in training with a professional
Although it’s an uphill battle for animal advocates to secure conscien- show jumping rider, looking for a grand prix superstar.
tious treatment for all species, horses present a special challenge. For any The gelding begins his show career in the lower jumper divisions, ris-
domestic animal, life is something of a roll of the dice: the quality of his ing up through the levels as he gains experience. He wins frequently and
care depends on the resources—and the intentions—of the person he shows great promise. He is brought along slowly and carefully, so as not
draws in the human lottery. A dog or cat usually only has to take a chance to overface him or cause an injury.
once or twice, since most people who bring pets into their home keep The gelding spends several years with Owner #5 and the professional
them for the duration of the animals’ lives. But every time a horse rider. He makes it to the grand prix classes, the top level of show-jumping
changes hands, his fate hangs in the balance. competition. He earns a few ribbons at this level, but he seems to have
(A note on terminology: Throughout this book, we refer to the person reached the limits of his abilities.
with legal ownership of the horse as the horse owner, by far the most The gelding, now seven years old, is sold to Owner #6, a teenage girl
common noun used to describe the relationship between horse and with high aspirations seeking a horse with talent. The pair begins in the
human being. We define the word in our own terms, however: the horse children’s jumper divisions, eventually moving up into the juniors. The
owner to us is also a caregiver, advocate, partner, and guardian—a safe- gelding is well within his comfort zone and is able to teach the girl and
guarder of the horse’s well-being, and a conscientious steward.) “forgive” her mistakes.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care The Mystique Versus the Reality

6 7
The two compete together for several more years, earning ribbons and With so many years of service and instruction to so many different riders,
accolades, until it comes time for the girl to go to college. She won’t have the gelding deserves to retire in comfort at the end of his serviceable years.
time to ride, so she sells the gelding to Owner #7, a teenage boy who
needs an experienced, talented horse on which to learn to ride. The boy
and the horse do extremely well for several years. Changing Hands
By this time, the horse is in his mid-teens and has logged many miles The above hypothetical example is a best-case scenario for a horse who
in the show ring. His body is starting to show the signs of this wear and changes hands over and over again. A well-bred, well-mannered horse
tear. He comes out of the stall stiff some days, and jumping is more of had a couple of different “jobs” early on until he found the one for which
an effort for him than it used to be. The gelding is ready to start slowing he was best suited. He was served well by horsemen who trained him
down, but the boy has advanced (thanks to his horse’s experience) and expertly, giving him a good chance at a long, healthy, and productive life
is ready to move up to the next level. in service to the human beings crossing his path. These horsemen kept
The gelding is sold to Owner #8, an older adult who competes at the horse’s well-being in mind and found him a career where he could
a few shows each year but mostly likes to ride at home, take lessons, use his talents to their fullest. Although various circumstances led to the
and go on the occasional trail ride. The workload is a little lighter for horse’s being sold many times, his owners took care to find him suitable
the gelding, who is still happy to work but needs a more forgiving job. homes. When he was no longer sellable, he had a conscientious final
His owner enjoys the benefit of a well-traveled, older horse who can owner who assumed responsibility for caring for him for the rest
handle just about anything, but the owner also has to be mindful of of his natural life.
the horse’s aches and pains and limitations. But there were a number of crossroads in this horse’s journey where he
Unfortunately, after a couple of years of happy partnership, the owner could have been sent down a much different path. Each time he changed
loses her job to corporate downsizing and needs to limit her expenses. hands, the old owner was putting his fate in the hands of the new. If just
She sells the gelding to Owner #9, an experienced horsewoman whose one of this horse’s nine owners had not had the horse’s interests at heart,
husband has decided he’d like to ride with her occasionally. As a “husband his life story might have turned out dramatically different.
horse,” the gelding goes on trail rides, taking care of the new-to-horses The horse industry in the United States is vast and varied. According
husband. to the American Horse Council, there were approximately nine million
This arrangement works well for several years, until the gelding, horses in this country in 2003, the most recent year for which figures are
now about twenty, develops a lameness. The owner works with her available. There is no central equine registry, no universal identification
veterinarian to treat it, but the gelding just never seems to recover number for a horse. Even those horses who are registered with various
fully and isn’t sound enough for steady work. individual organizations often don’t keep the same names throughout
Owner #9 knew this day could come when she purchased the gelding. their lifetimes, making it very difficult for former owners to keep track
Some horses remain rideable until the day they die; others develop of them. On equine discussion forums on the Internet, one can often find
conditions that don’t interfere with their everyday comfort, but are people looking for a horse they owned years ago, wondering where he is
enough to keep them from being ridden. The owner is prepared to let and how he’s doing, if he’s still alive, even regretting that they sold him
the horse live out his days on her farm and to be the horse’s final owner. and wanting to buy him back.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care The Mystique Versus the Reality

8 9
There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with selling a horse. After all, most forgiving natures. These horses tolerate inadvertent jabs in the side or
people buy their “horse of a lifetime” from someone else—knowledgeable bumps in the mouth from unsteady new riders and tread carefully so as
and talented breeders and trainers develop these horses for the rest of not to squash the feet of humans who haven’t yet learned to move out
us. But the process is also fraught with uncertainty, and there are horror of the way. Above all, these horses take care of the riders until the riders
stories aplenty. are able to take care of themselves.
As our example demonstrated, there are countless reasons why people As riders advance, however, and want to learn new skills or compete
decide to sell their horses. Sometimes it’s a matter of choice, and some- in a chosen sport, they may believe they need a horse with different
times it’s outright necessity. qualities from those that make a horse an excellent teacher for begin-
ners. It’s a conundrum that an ambitious rider can encounter as well
while aspiring to be a better—or more competitive—participant. Some
Growing Pains equestrians are fortunate enough to find a horse whose interests and
There’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” horse. The perfect horse for a talents dovetail with their own and with whom they can advance in
beginner isn’t always perfect for an advanced rider. The tiny pony who’s tandem. Others, however, have to face the choice between sticking
well suited for a small child becomes much less suitable when the child is with their partner and following their own goals as riders.
taller than his parents. Riders who have outgrown their horses—in either Reaching this crossroads isn’t indicative of a failing in the horse.
size or talent—account for many of those “for sale” fliers hanging on tack Quite the contrary: often, a horse has done his job so well that the
shop bulletin boards. pupil has surpassed the teacher. Some horses are best suited to activi-
This is especially true for the littlest riders. Many budding equestrians ties requiring only moderate athletic skill; others have talent and
begin their riding careers on ponies, who are easier for those with small potential limited only by their pilots’ aptitudes. In some instances a
hands and short legs to manage and much closer to the ground (in the horse may not be able to perform at as high a level as a rider wishes—
event of their riders’ inevitable falls). he might be capable of completing a twenty-five-mile endurance ride,
But if you think keeping a sprouting child in clothes that fit is frustrat- but not a fifty-miler.
ing, imagine the difficulty in keeping that child appropriately mounted. The Outgrowing a horse can be really heartbreaking—for many riders, that
pony likely doesn’t care (an old rule of thumb dictates that most equines close partnership between human and horse is what attracted them to
can comfortably carry 20 to 25 percent of their body weight). Long before a riding in the first place, and it’s sad to have to close the book on a rela-
child is too heavy, however, her feet will dangle well below the pony’s belly. tionship with a particular horse.
From such situations was born the phrase seen in many advertisements When all parties involved handle the situation responsibly, however,
for horses for sale: “sadly outgrown.” it can actually be a happy and exciting, if bittersweet, time. A horse or
It’s not just physical growth that can end a partnership, however. Riders pony can use his talents to help another rider learn and advance, while
grow in their abilities as well. a rider can use the skills imparted by a treasured old friend to reach
The horses who taught most of us to ride are saintly creatures, per- new goals. Ideally, both horse and rider go on to shine in their now-
haps not fancy or much to look at, but invaluable for their patience and separate roles.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care The Mystique Versus the Reality

10 11
and lovingly, caring for him attentively so that he can go on to be enjoyed
Changing Priorities by yet another family if circumstances require it.
Sometimes the circumstances that lead a horse and rider to part ways aren’t When responsible and caring owners decide to sell, certainly they hope
foreseen as easily. It may seem incomprehensible to those of us who have the new home will be just as good as, if not better than, the current one.
been smitten with horses for decades, but people—especially children and But do they ever entertain the possibility that it will be worse?
young adults—do lose interest in horses and decide to follow other pursuits. Ignorance is bliss. Everyone prefers to focus on the positive and mini-
Being a dedicated rider is hard work. For every hour spent riding, there mize the negative. But when another living being’s life is in your hands, you
might be two or three hours of grooming, tacking up, cooling down, and don’t have the luxury of sticking your head in the sand and simply trusting
commuting back and forth to the barn (if you aren’t fortunate enough to that everything will turn out okay. As difficult as it may be, owners need to
be able to keep horses at home or nearby). Riding isn’t a twice-a-week be aware of what could happen, and weigh the risks and take steps to mini-
sport if you have your own horse. Your horse needs to be ridden almost mize them, before handing over the lead rope to someone else.
daily. There’s no “off season”—even if a horse is given some time off, he Is it frightening and depressing to consider such worst-case scenar-
still needs grooming and other attention. It’s a lot of responsibility for a ios? Absolutely. If doing so makes you afraid to sell a horse at all, you’re
young person, and a huge time commitment during a period when most not alone. Although some people claim that buying and selling is simply
kids are hanging out at the mall or instant messaging their friends. part of owning horses, there are plenty of individuals in the horse world
So the choice is made to move the horse to a new home. With luck, who eschew that businesslike approach for a very simple reason: they
these situations work out better for all parties involved: the horse can enjoy don’t want to take the risk, however small, o f their horse’s landing in
the attentions of someone who makes him a priority and his skills can be bad situations.
put to good use, and the previous owner is free to pursue other interests. Let’s look at another hypothetical “life story.” A young Quarter Horse
Younger riders aren’t the only ones who find that life’s changes force a foaled on a Plains state ranch is started under saddle by a good, low-key
reevaluation of their life with horses, of course. The trappings and respon- horseman, then ridden on the ranch for everyday work for five years. He
sibilities of adulthood bring their own challenges and tough decisions. learns useful skills such as loading in all kinds of horse trailers, standing
Sometimes, the decision to put a horse up for sale isn’t made willingly, like a stone while being mounted or tied, and acclimating himself to pretty
but is forced by finances. Drastic changes in one’s circumstances—losing much any experience the West can offer. At age nine, he is purchased by
a job or going through a divorce, for example—may lead to drastic reeval- a horse trader who makes up truckloads of horses sent east to be sold as
uation of priorities and to selling a horse who might otherwise never have quiet trail horses or “kid horses” through a network of horse dealers. Our
been for sale. horse is in good health, about fifteen hands tall, but nothing fancy to look
at and with no particular aptitude other than his quiet nature. A young,
intermediate-level rider in Pennsylvania who is looking for a safe horse to
A Good Beginning Doesn’t ride, but without many lessons under her belt, buys him. All goes well for
Guarantee a Good Ending a few months, until a motorcycle backfire startles the horse while they are
In an ideal world, when horses are sold, they are passed from home to crossing a road. He bolts down the trail for a few hundred feet before his
home like treasured family heirlooms. Each owner treats the horse gently rider can manage to stop him. This shakes her confidence. She begins to

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grip her reins rigidly every time she rides outside the riding ring, making they have good intentions, but are either uneducated and don’t know any
the horse more and more tense, until, instead of walking quietly under better or are overwhelmed and have been unable to stop their horses’
saddle, he develops a jiggy little trot step to get away from the pressure of downward spirals toward ill health. In the happier instances, animal-
her heavy, unyielding hands. Rather than consult a trainer or instructor to control officials step in before the situation becomes too dire, but often,
help her fix her problem (which is a direct result of her own riding inexpe- such cases only come to officials’ attention when horses are near death.
rience), the owner begins to ride less and less. She eventually sells her Neglect usually arises from ignorance. Sometimes owners aren’t aware
horse through a local newspaper ad to a young man who doesn’t mind that most horses can’t simply subsist off the land year-round and fail to
the jiggy trot. In fact, he likes it, gunning the horse forward on every ride, provide enough hay when pasture isn’t adequate, or they don’t provide
only to jerk him to a halt like cowboys do on TV—twenty times a ride. horses with appropriate shelter from the elements. They might not be
This treatment basically deadens the horse to the rider’s cues and makes aware that horses’ teeth need periodic floating, or that their hooves
him so nervous and jumpy that he becomes a real challenge to ride. In a need regular trimming.
year the so-called cowboy has lost interest and sends the horse to a local Despite their size and strength, horses are relatively fragile creatures,
auction. An experienced trainer could retrain this horse into a safe, and certain horses are especially so. If a horse who tends to be a hard
enjoyable riding animal, but Quarter Horses without such “issues” can be keeper becomes slightly underweight as winter sets in, her condition can
had for six hundred dollars apiece. Why should the trainer put the time deteriorate rapidly during cold weather when she’s burning calories just
into this eleven-year-old? At the auction the local equine rescue volunteer to keep warm. And if the mare’s uneducated owner doesn’t know that a
has to pass him up (too many horses, too little cash); the owner of a lesson heavy winter coat can hide protruding ribs that would be easily seen in
barn thinks he is too difficult for her beginner students to ride, and summer, the mare could be in a shocking state by the time she sheds
the only bidder is the local “killer buyer.” The horse is loaded on a truck out in the spring.
with a bunch of other unwanted horses destined for a slaughterhouse Although the results may not always be as obvious as when horses
somewhere, only halfway through what should have been his normal who are starving to death, lack of knowledge is usually at the root of
life span, and that’s the end of the story. most horses’ suffering, both on the ground and in the tack.
Ignoring the importance of proper grooming can lead to thrush in the
hooves (and, likely, lameness) or painful cases of rain rot, an infection of
What Can Go Wrong the horse’s skin. Asking a horse to perform strenuous work that’s beyond
Such an ending is shocking and dramatic and deeply unsettling. But it’s his level of fitness can lead to injuries, colic, or tying-up. Ill-fitting tack
not the only unseemly end our old friends may encounter, and when can lead to painful rubs and sore backs and mouths. These issues are
horse slaughter is successfully outlawed in the United States, even that easily prevented (or, if discovered early, quickly remedied), but if an
milestone won’t guarantee safety for our horses. owner doesn’t know better, the horse will suffer.
No, there are much more mundane dangers out there, such as simple All horse folk start out knowing nothing: being a new horse owner
lack of food and improper care. Every year there are highly publicized inci- doesn’t automatically make one a bad horse owner. The problems arise
dents where dozens of horses are found starving in a field, in horrible when owners don’t realize how much they don’t know and don’t seek
states of neglect. In some cases the owners simply don’t care; in others guidance or education.

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A lack of education in the saddle can lead to problems as well. The
idea is to learn and improve throughout the process, ideally with the help
Horse Trading Roulette
of a qualified instructor. When riders don’t continue along that learning It’s rare to be able to track a horse throughout her lifetime and all
curve, their horses are sentenced to a life of amateur mistakes—caught her various homes. More often, former owners are left wondering
in the mouth by the bit because of a rider’s uneducated hands on the “what-ever happened to…,” and new owners are in the dark about
reins or thumped endlessly on the spine by riders who haven’t developed their horse’s history.
a balanced, educated seat. While the horse might not suffer much Buying and selling will always be a part of the horse world. But just
physically from this behavior compared to other abuses, such repeated because it is common doesn’t mean horse folk should be cavalier about
injustices take a mental toll and lead to horses who have soured on it. If your horse spun the new owner roulette wheel, how would you feel
their jobs and no longer enjoy their work. about her chances of landing somewhere that would provide her with
Abuse and mistreatment aren’t solely the domain of the unedu- the same kind of home you do? What about her second, third, and fourth
cated. They’re there—in subtle and blatant forms—at all levels of spins of the wheel after that? Would her luck run out at some point?
horsemanship. Selling your horse to a well-known show barn or a Although the majority of horsemen are good people who try to
“big name” trainer doesn’t guarantee she’ll be treated well. It could do right by their animals, there will always be exceptions. There will
be argued that the unscrupulous horsemen who perpetrate abuse always be facilities that you drive by and shudder to think about the
in the name of competition or a quick sale bear more responsibility lives of the horses there, or the riders you can’t bear to watch. Sadly,
than their lesser-educated counterparts, because the former know many of those horses likely have former owners somewhere who
better and do it anyway. would be equally appalled on behalf of their old friends, if they
Some of the most egregious examples have actually occurred at the had any idea where they were.
highest levels of the competitive equestrian world. In the 1990s several
prominent riders and trainers in the hunter/jumper world were convicted
of charges related to having their horses electrocuted by a killer-for-hire
to collect on the horses’ insurance policies.
Other practices of unscrupulous individuals on various show circuits
include withholding water to make a horse quiet, tying a horse’s head
up high all night so he will carry it low during competition the next day,
administering pain-masking drugs so an injured horse can continue
competing, and shooting off fire extinguishers at a horse when schooling
at home to encourage an “up” look in the ring.
Clearly, the ribbons hanging on the tack room wall don’t always signify
how well the horses are treated.

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The Species

in the world of horses, simply knowing

how to ride or professing a love of horses doesn’t make
you a horseman. That badge of honor comes from
knowing a horse inside and out: knowing how he thinks,
how his body works, and how best to work in harmony
with the often-puzzling qualities that make horses…
well, horses. The very qualities that attract us to these
unique creatures can also be the downfall of many
an inexperienced trainer or caretaker.
Those who do understand equine behaviors learn to love their recent development: horses are the way they are because they were
horses all the more for them. Often, our horses do the opposite of required to be that way to survive in the wild for millions of years. Keeping
what instinct tells them they should do, simply because we ask them the equine “design plan” in mind helps to make sense of the things
to and they trust us. It’s a covenant that every horse owner should horses do and what they require to be happy and comfortable.
understand and respect.
The essence of “horseness” comprises two parts, the mental and the
physical. To be a real horseman, you need to know the depths of the A Day in the Life of a Horse
equine body and soul. Most horses live their lives on a schedule their human beings set for
When you consider a horse’s physical being—his body—it’s truly an them. Eat, go out, come in, eat, get ridden, eat, go out—that’s pretty much
example of a living machine that is perfectly adapted to its environment. the schedule. But what about horses left to their own devices? How do
The equine is a highly effective grass-to-manure conversion factory with they spend their days when they, not human beings, decide how their
a sensitive surveillance system, all wrapped up in a sleek, aerodynamic time is spent?
package that can travel at speeds of nearly fifty miles an hour. Whether horses are wild and free-roaming, or domestic and confined
Thanks to a remarkably complete fossil record, we can see exactly to pasture, they exhibit similar preferences for how they spend their time
how today’s horses came to be the creatures they are. Scientists can when given their own free will. The vast majority of a horse’s day is spent
trace the evolution of the horse from Eohippus, the fox-size “dawn horse” grazing. That single activity occupies 50 to 80 percent of his time over a
of fifty-five million years ago, all the way to modern-day Equus caballus, twenty-four hour period. Horses graze in spurts throughout the day and
who first appeared in the last million years. Over the millennia, horses night, although a number of factors can influence when and how long
have grown taller and longer-legged, presumably because the added they graze. Horses spend more time grazing when forage quality is poor
speed and agility made them better able to elude the predators that or when their nutritional needs are increased (such as when pregnant or
evolved along with them. Horses’ teeth also changed, becoming better nursing a foal). They may alter their grazing patterns due to weather or
equipped for grinding as their diet came to consist more of grasses biting insects, choosing to stand in the shade during the hot, buggy times
than of vegetation and fruit. Most notably, their multiple toes evolved to of the day. But, despite day-to-day variations, the one constant is that the
become a single hoof, corresponding with their adaptation from being horse spends most of his day eating.
a forest-dwelling creature to one that roamed open plains.3 When horses aren’t grazing, they’re usually sleeping, either dozing
Likewise, understanding the horse’s mind comes from knowledge of lightly or sacking out for deep sleep. Horses don’t take a long, uninter-
the way the horse lived in the wild, how she interacted with others, how rupted period of sleep as humans do. Rather, they sleep for short peri-
she spent her days, and how she stayed out of the clutches of predators ods of time throughout the day and night, with the cumulative amount
and lived to reproduce another day. varying from day to day and horse to horse, depending on weather and
Does this seem like ancient equine history? Although pampered show other factors. Horses who are stabled tend to sleep more than those
horses and sedate trail buddies might seem far removed from the wild who are at pasture, but still only sleep for a few hours each day—much
horses who roamed the plains, knowing where horses come from is integral less than the eight hours human beings sleep or the ten to twelve
to understanding the way they are today. Domestication is only a very hours dogs and cats enjoy.

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The horse is aided in this endeavor by a unique system of tendons and requires seasonal adjustment. Horses aren’t able to dig burrows or create
ligaments known as the “stay apparatus,” which allows the horse to lock nests or other shelter to protect them from the elements, whether it’s
his legs, relax his muscles, and sleep lightly while remaining standing up. summer’s heat or winter’s chill. They have to make do with windbreaks
The horse stands with one hind leg cocked and resting, his head hanging provided by hills or stands of trees, shade where they can find it, and the
low, ears and lips drooping, and his eyes fully or partially closed. heat their own bodies can generate. Through a combination of physical
Horses do sleep lying down as well, some more than others. Most lie attributes and instinct, however, most horses are ably equipped to handle
down for at least a brief period once daily, either flat out on their sides or whatever Mother Nature sends their way.
propped up on their chests with their legs folded beneath them. Due to Horses generally are able to handle extremes of both cold and heat,
horses’ large body mass, lying down is actually less relaxing for them than although there can be great variation among breeds and individuals. For
sleeping standing up; the weight of the horse’s own body puts pressure on example, an Arabian, with his desert heritage, is better equipped to handle
internal organs when he is lying down and may cause additional stress on oppressively hot weather, while a Shetland pony, whose ancestors hail
the heart and lungs.4 Horses only lie down for short periods, which is also from the harsh islands of Scotland, is more impervious to bitter winter
why it is so difficult for horses to recover from severe injuries like broken chill. Individual horses also have the ability to adapt to their own
legs. A human is laid up in bed for six weeks while such an injury heals, surroundings, however; so an Arabian who was born and raised in
but this simply isn’t physically possible for a horse.5 Ontario might actually fare better in a harsh winter than would a
Like humans, horses experience different stages of sleep, characterized Shetland pony raised in Florida and abruptly moved north.
by different brain-wave patterns (measured by an electroencephalogram). To stay warm in the colder months, horses begin growing a long winter
In slow-wave sleep, brain activity is much slower than it is in an awake coat (replacing their sleek summer one) when the days begin to shorten.
animal, but the quality of sleep is relatively light and the animal can The length of hair itself does its part to keep the animal warm, but horses
be roused easily. In paradoxical or REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the (and other animals) are also equipped with muscles under the skin
brain is more active. It is during this period of sleep that humans, and that cause the hair of the coat to stand on end when the animal starts
presumably animals, experience dreams, but the muscles of the body to get cold. This traps air in the now-fluffy hair coat, which adds another
are very relaxed. This is a much deeper period of sleep from which it insulating layer. (This phenomenon is also responsible for human
is more difficult to awaken. goosebumps, although it does little to keep us warm.)
Because of the state of muscle relaxation that occurs, horses must be Horses are often quite comfortable outside in cold temperatures or
lying down to experience REM sleep. It is possible for horses to become wintry conditions and can continue grazing rather than seek shelter.
sleep deprived if they are unable to lie down, and thus unable to partake More bothersome than the thermometer reading is the wind and wet,
of REM sleep, for extended periods.6 so savvy equines seek shelter in the form of buildings, hills, or stands
of trees, turning their tails to the wind and standing in close proximity
to one another to tak e advantage of neighbors’ body heat.
Dealing with the Elements Horses are also able to shiver to generate heat, and the action of
A horse’s day-to-day behavior can be summed up as an endless cycle digestion generates heat to help keep them warm as well.
of “eat, sleep, repeat,” but keep in mind that this year-round proposition

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A horse’s primary defense against the heat is to sweat. Glands in the Keeping those differences in mind, let’s take a look at the equine
skin release sweat to the skin’s surface, and the action of evaporation digestive tract. We begin at the very beginning, with the horse’s mouth.
helps to cool the body. (The process of sponging a horse off with water Horses have agile, expressive upper lips, capable of wiggling gate locks
after a ride does the same thing.) Horses are quite proficient sweaters, open and offering the goofy equine equivalent of a smile. Study a horse
giving rise to the phrase, “sweating like a horse.” as he grazes sometime, and you’ll see that lip in action in its natural
An additional aggravation for horses in warm weather is bothersome environment. Seeming to have a mind all its own, it ferrets through the
biting insects. At best, they annoy a horse and distract him from eating densest vegetation in search of the good stuff and ably steers those choice
or sleeping; at worst, insects can draw blood with painful bites and can bits into the horse’s mouth. Once the grass is guided into the mouth, the
harass a horse to the point of making him frantic for relief. horse’s teeth—adapted over millions of years for this specific diet—tear
Horses are equipped with subcutaneous muscles that can make it off and chew it.
certain portions of skin twitch rapidly in an attempt to dislodge insects. When the horse swallows, food moves down the horse’s esophagus
If that and a swishing tail are insufficient, a horse usually retreats to via a process called peristalsis, a wave of contractions in the muscles
a less buggy spot and waits out the pests. ringing the esophagus that pushes the food along, in much the same
way you squeeze the last bit of toothpaste out of a tube. You can actually
see the wave of muscle action move along the bottom of a horse’s
Form Follows Function neck when he swallows.
It’s important to understand the way horses were intended to live in the The esophagus empties into the stomach, and here we find one of
wild, because that’s the lifestyle for which their bodies were designed. the oddities of the equine digestive tract. The muscular valve found at
Domestic life is quite different. Often we ask a horse to live in a com- the junction of the esophagus and stomach allows only one-way passage.
pletely unnatural state, and doing so can have adverse consequences. This means that horses are unable to vomit (or burp), except in very
A smart caretaker keeps in mind the way horses are supposed to live rare circumstances that involve very severe digestive illness. If you’ve
and tries to tailor the horses’ barn-kept lifestyle to approximate it. got unpleasant memories from a recent bout of the flu, not being able to
Perhaps nowhere is this more important than when considering the vomit might seem like a good thing, but it means that a horse is unable
equine digestive system. Of the myriad things that can go wrong with to resolve simple cases of digestive upset by expelling whatever is causing
horses, digestive tract problems are responsible for considerably more the problem. This is why equine digestive problems are considered so
than their fair share. serious and are quite frequently life-threatening.
If you think about a horse’s diet and eating habits, it should be immedi- Herbivores are classified by the way they digest plant material; they
ately apparent that his digestive system is somewhat different from yours, are separated into ruminants and nonruminants. Cattle, goats, and sheep
as an omnivorous human being, and different from your carnivorous cat or are ruminants, meaning they chew a cud and their stomachs have four
dog’s. Horses are herbivores; their diet is comprised entirely of plants, so compartments. Horses are nonruminants and thus have a simple single
their digestive system is geared toward using those foods. And while carni- stomach, as do humans, dogs, cats, and pigs.
vores spend their days hunting and eating a large meal when they make a The equine stomach is small relative to the animal’s overall size. Its
kill, herbivores spend their days grazing: a “meal” is an hours-long event. maximum capacity is about four gallons, but it functions best when it

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contains about two and a half gallons of food. It’s designed to handle grazing twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Instead, many horses
small amounts of food at frequent intervals (which, considering the find themselves in a completely unnatural environment, spending a
natural state of grazing in the wild, makes perfect sense). good portion of their days in stalls and eating highly concentrated sources
The stomach fills up as the horse eats, and when it’s about two- of energy in the form of grain rather than their natural staple of roughage.
thirds full, digested food begins to exit (via another muscular valve) Deviating too far from the horse’s natural diet and way of eating can
into the small intestine to make room for more food coming in. If a lead not only to inefficient use of nutrients (which means a good portion
horse consumes a large amount of food at one time, however, material of the expensive grain you’re feeding is going straight from the feed
must be rushed out of the stomach before it has been digested properly bucket to the manure pile without benefiting your horse), but also
to make room for additional food coming in. The process is designed to severe digestive problems that can affect performance or require
to accommodate the leisurely eating habits of a grazing animal and is dangerous and expensive surgery. It can even be fatal.
disrupted when a horse consumes food in a less natural manner. The most common digestive issue in horses is colic, an all-encompass-
In the small intestine, various enzymes act on fat, protein, and carbo- ing term used to describe most any kind of abdominal pain. (We examine
hydrates to break them down into the basic components that can be colic more thoroughly in chapter 10.) Horses can colic from eating too
absorbed through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream to be much grain or from not having enough roughage in their diets, among
used by the body. The system is designed for a grazing animal and is many other causes. Severe colic cases often require surgery (which is
optimized for frequent, small deposits of digested material. When a a risky proposition in itself) and may result in the horse being euthanized.
horse consumes very large meals, certain enzymes are not as effective. In fact, colic is considered one of the leading causes of death in adult
Muscle contractions move the contents, mostly fibrous material and horses.7
water by this point, through the small intestine and into the large intes- Gastric ulcers are another common digestive ailment, frequently found
tine. This portion of the digestive tract has a large capacity and is rela- in high-performance show and racehorses. Ulcers can have many causes,
tively slow, as the bacteria in the gut need ample time to ferment and but a diet that includes large quantities of grain is considered to be a
break down the fiber that comprises a great portion of the horse’s diet. contributing factor.
As digestive material nears the end of the large intestine, most of the Proper management is no guarantee against colic or other digestive
useable nutrients and water have been absorbed; what’s left is formed ailments, but it minimizes the risk considerably. Try to imitate the natural
into fecal balls and exits the horse’s body. At this point, it becomes a diet as much as possible, relying on roughage (hay or pasture) for the
matter for you and your pitchfork! lion’s share of the horse’s daily calories. The age-old feeding mantra is
So why is understanding this anatomy important? Because today’s “little and often,” meaning small amounts of food at frequent intervals.
horses often aren’t kept in the manner for which they were designed Grain should be fed only as necessary and doled out in multiple small
and often don’t eat the diet they were intended to eat in the way they meals (two or three times daily) rather than in one big one.
were intended to eat it.
As the human population expands and more land is developed, there’s
less room for farms and pastures. Even those folks lucky enough to have
some acreage often don’t have the amount necessary to keep horses out

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ally, and it’s better for him to run away from nothing than to end up as
Avoiding Becoming a Lion’s Lunch a mountain lion’s lunch because he paused to think about it.
There’s much to be gleaned from understanding the way various equine You don’t need to observe horses in the wild to see this instinct in
bodily systems work and the many practical applications to everyday action. In fact, if you’ve spent much time around horses at all, you’ve
horse-keeping. Equally important is an understanding of the equine likely experienced the phenomenon of the “spook,” when a horse spots
mind, and to delve into this, we once again consider the way horses some kind of equine-eating monster (invisible to everyone else, of course) in
exist in nature. the most innocuous of places and takes off in a panic. Usually the culprit is
The horse is a prey animal, meaning that large carnivores like wolves something like a blowing plastic bag, or an overturned bucket, or…anything,
or mountain lions are quite happy to eat the horse for lunch. His really. That’s the point. Instinct tells the horse that he should simply run
survival depends on being alert to any approaching predators and away from anything he finds suspicious, rather than investigate to find out
his ability to get away before it’s too late. that, yes, it really is just a bucket.
Thanks to Mother Nature, the horse is well equipped for this. The Although it’s no fun to fall off when your horse spooks at a lawn chair
horse’s eyes are placed along the sides of his head, rather than in the and spins out from underneath you, it’s important to understand that this
front, as they are in humans, dogs, and cats. This gives the horse a field is something intrinsic and central to a horse’s very being. After all, natural
of vision of about 330 degrees—almost a complete circle around his selection favored the horses who ran away instead of those who stood
body—without even moving his head. Since he’s blessed with a long their ground to sniff the mountain lion! The flight mentality is a tendency
neck, he’s able to turn and look directly behind him, expanding his field that can be a little more or a little less prevalent in any individual horse,
of vision to a full 360 degrees. Without moving his feet or twisting his but it’s there in all of them.
body at all, the horse can see easily in all directions. His vision is quite Good horsemen and trainers help horses learn to overcome this innate
good, compared to that of other non-primate mammals; it’s better fear through careful engineering of good experiences, desensitizing, and
than a dog or cat’s and almost as good as a human being’s. establishing trust. When a young horse is taken to a local schooling show
Couple those two attributes with the horse’s keen senses of smell just to hang out and see the sights while munching grass, this introduces
and hearing, and his ears that can swivel to and fro like little satellite in an unthreatening way the concept of showing and all the hoopla that
dishes, and you have an animal who is extraordinarily tuned into his goes with it. The horse leaves the show with nothing but a pleasant,
surroundings. A crackle in the brush in the distance? Head is up, ears relaxed memory, rather than a sense that there’s something to fear.
are cocked toward it, and he’s assessing the situation to see if there’s When working at home with a young horse, a thoughtful rider doesn’t
any danger. Something moving across the field behind him? He’s seen punish a spook, but recognizes it for what it is, the horse’s natural reaction
it without even having to turn around. to a frightening situation. Imagine a young Quarter Horse who’s just getting
Of course, noticing an approaching danger doesn’t do a horse much started under saddle with arena work. She’s convinced that the new tractor
good if he’s just going to sit there and wait for it to arrive. Contrary to parked outside the arena will eat her if she gets too close. Her handler
cinematic depictions of stallions fighting to the death, when it comes calms and steadies her, lets her study the tractor from a distance, and then
to the age-old question of “fight or flight,” horses usually choose flight. slowly and quietly leads her gradually closer, and closer, and closer until
They don’t even consider their options—they just run. Speed is a horse’s she’s near enough to sniff the tractor with a carefully outstretched nose

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and see there’s nothing to fear. Her handler leads her back and forth in there, although their offspring leave the band when they’re old enough,
front of the tractor several times, praising her for being brave, until she’s preventing inbreeding between a stallion and his progeny.
calm and even bored with the situation. Then it’s back to work, with nary Domesticated horses don’t need the herd’s protection, but the instinct
a worry about the “horse-eating monster” in the corner. to stay together is still strong. Horses are social creatures. They enjoy
Thanks to that good training, the mare can go on to have an impressive company, primarily that of other horses, but in a pinch, even a goat or a
reputation for quiet behavior, giving hardly a thought to scary things like donkey is an acceptable substitute. They generally graze in loosely knit
wind-whipped flags around an arena or raucous crowds, because she’s groups rather than strike off on their own. They develop friends within
been taught to trust in her human rider and focus on her job. the herd, often engaging in mutual grooming or fly-swatting. And when
The extent to which horses can learn to suppress their flight instinct separated from their herd, they can get anxious and upset, calling back
through proper training and trust in their handlers is remarkable, really. to the group and pacing nervously. A horse who is extremely herd-bound
So much of what we routinely ask horses to do goes against their better can be difficult to work with and to train, as he is distracted and nervous
judgment—getting into small, confined spaces like horse trailers; jumping whenever away from his friends.
huge obstacles without being able to see where they’ll land on the other The equine herd is a complex social structure in which each member
side; standing in the middle of busy traffic on a crowded city street. Not is keenly aware of his place. The highest-ranking horses have first priority
all horses are able to overcome their natural fears to such a degree, of for resources, such as food, water, or the choice shady resting spot. Horses
course, but careful training and understanding the way the equine mind who are lower in the hierarchy simply yield to those who occupy a higher
works can help almost any horse learn to cope with scary situations. social position.
Ignorance of the horse’s natural instincts can lead a handler to In wild herds, the stallion is usually in charge, with other members
assume a horse is misbehaving when she’s simply frightened and to sorting out their places by virtue of age and the length of time they’ve
punish a horse inappropriately, creating an even less trusting animal. been in the herd. An older mare assumes the role of “alpha,” leading the
band on its travels to water sources and grazing areas, while the stallion
drives the herd from behind. The stallion occasionally is challenged for
The Herd Mentality control of his harem by younger stallions; if the younger horse wins the
Although horses are well equipped to be on high alert for danger, no animal battle, he assumes the leadership position in the herd, and the former
can maintain that state of readiness all the time. They have to sleep, after leader, vanquished, must find another herd.
all. Horses, like many other prey animals, find safety in numbers. The In a herd of domestic horses, the roles are not defined so rigidly. There’s
herd is an insurance policy—if one horse is dozing and doesn’t hear the generally no de facto leader, unlike the stallion-led wild herds; in domestic
approaching wolf, another horse might, and his hasty departure will herds, the horses simply sort out who the leader is among themselves,
alert the other horses to the danger. independent of age, sex, size, or length of time in the herd.
Wild herds usually include three to twenty horses, and are either a If you’ve ever seen a new horse turned out with an established group,
“bachelor” band of young stallions or a harem of mares and their offspring you’ve seen how this process works. The squealing and posturing, the
led by a mature stallion (who is continually challenged by younger stallions laid-back ears and bared teeth, the double-barreled kicks, all are acts of
seeking to take over his harem). The mares within a herd usually stay aggression that horses use to sort out a dominance hierarchy among

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themselves. It can be a little hair-raising to watch sometimes, and, of
course, human beings should stay nearby to separate horses if need be.
But generally, after lots of squealing and some nicks and scrapes, the
newly reordered hierarchy is set and everyone coexists peacefully. If
a horse ever forgets his place and oversteps his bounds with a horse
above him in the hierarchy, the more dominant horse needs only to
threaten to bite or kick to put the submissive horse back in line—there’s
no need to go through the whole production again.
The dominance hierarchy gives the group stability. It can change over
time, or if one horse is removed from the group and later reintroduced.

 
But for the most part it stays relatively constant. Even when horses
are moved to a new herd, they often adopt similar positions. Certain
horses always tend to try to occupy the “alpha” position, while others
Ears pressed back, an angry horse turns to defend himself from a pursuing dog.
are content to submit and be lower-ranking members of the herd. And
the alphas might not be who you would think—mares can be dominant
over geldings; small horses can be dominant over large ones.8 unquestioned—the human handler. Learn to understand the equine body
Although we humans tend to anthropomorphize—feeling pity for language that depicts aggression, like the flattened ears and bared teeth
the horses who are lower in the hierarchy, or feeling that higher-ranked that signify a horse is threatening to bite, or the rump turned toward the
horses are being “mean” to their subordinates—it’s important to remember handler with a leg cocked, threatening a kick. Horses should never be
that this is a natural behavior for horses, and that a stable hierarchy allowed to show aggression toward any human being. If such behavior
prevents constant squabbling over position and access to resources. It is allowed to continue, the horse might become dangerous to handle,
may seem unfair that certain horses have a lower social position than and certainly difficult to work with and train. Humans should always
others (some owners blanch to see their “expensive” show horse submit be unchallenged in their position at the very top of the hierarchy.
to a scruffy pony), but horses shouldn ’t be punished simply for acting Humans use their superior reasoning ability, knowledge of equine
on their instincts to establish peace in a group situation. behavior and of their own equine herds in particular—not kicks, whips,
In some cases, though—say, when herds have two very “alpha” horses or nearby farm implements—to maintain respectful order on the ground,
constantly fighting with each other for supremacy—a stable hierarchy may of course. Horses who push past human handlers to charge into the field
never be established (or the horses’ owners might simply lose patience ahead of them; who won’t stand still to be mounted or administered to
with the ongoing fighting). In these situations, it might be best to rearrange by a veterinarian or farrier; who crowd handlers while being led, need
the herds if possible, splitting a large group into two smaller ones and some lessons in horse/human etiquette. Manners are a wonderful gift
putting the alphas in separate groups, for instance. to a horse.
While horses should be allowed to sort differences out among them-
selves, there should always be one leader in the “herd” whose position is

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The cribbing has all but gone, now that he’s getting an ample oral
A Very Different Environment workout from grazing and his hay.
When considering all the aspects of horses’ behavior, it’s striking When uneducated horse owners fail to recognize the effects of
to realize how dramatically different we have made their lives in an unnatural lifestyle, their horses are blamed for acting out when
domestication. Rather than slowly ambling along an open plain all day, it’s really no fault of their own.
a horse might be cooped up in a twelve-by-twelve box for all but an hour Fortunately, in most cases, a happy medium can be struck between
a day. Instead of constantly nibbling grass, a horse might get a tub what the horse needs and the realities of suburban horse-keeping. But
full of highly concentrated grain to devour in a few minutes and a paltry it falls on the caretakers to recognize the unnatural demands that can
flake of hay to occupy him the rest of the day. Rather than enjoying the be placed on their horses in these situations and to examine possible
social camaraderie of a herd, horses might find themselves isolated causes and solutions before blaming the animal.
in individual turnout paddocks, unable even to sniff noses with a friend
across the fence.
These substantial changes in a horse’s lifestyle can have physical
consequences, as in the case of colic, as well as psychological effects.
Imagine a horse who bares his teeth and lays back his ears whenever
someone opens his stall door. He’s incorrigible to handle, nipping when-
ever he gets a chance, and bulldozing his way down the barn aisle with
no respect for his handler’s tugs on the lead shank. Under saddle,
he bucks and tries to take off. And on top of everything else, he has
just about destroyed his stall, gnawing away giant portions of the
wooden boards.
Would you buy such a horse for your young child? Or would you
consider him dangerous and disagreeable?
Imagine the same horse after some significant management changes.
Instead of being allowed fifteen minutes of turnout daily in a small dirt
paddock, he now goes out in a large field for twelve full hours with a
group of other geldings and has a chance to play and “get his bucks out.”
Instead of a huge portion of sweet feed, he now receives a much more
modest serving of a pelleted feed and plentiful helpings of hay. The
increased turnout, combined with a more reasonable diet, diminishes
his nervous energy, and he’s now pleasant and able to focus under saddle.
He no longer acts aggressively toward his handlers or misbehaves on
the ground because he no longer is trying to act out his unhappiness.

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Horses and Humans

in the beginning, human beings and horses

were adversaries—the hunter and the hunted.
Archaeological records suggest that, beginning about
fifty thousand years ago, wild horses were a primary
source of food for early human beings. (These early
horses were generally the size of ponies, not the larger
animals we know today.) Historians speculate that
human beings scavenged the remains of horses who
were killed by other animals.
Eventually hunters learned to drive horses into confined areas where became part of human society, and physical changes (also observable in
they could be killed with a club, or they simply drove them off a cliff and the fossil record) often accompany domestication and help differentiate
let them fall to their deaths. At one site near Salutre, France, the remains these remains from those of wild animals.
of some ten thousand horses have been recovered at the base of the cliffs. Horses were likely first domesticated as production animals, kept
But at the same time, and perhaps as a portent, horses appeared in in herds and used to provide meat and milk. Nomadic societies based
cave paintings as objects of both prey and admiration. Obviously these around these herds migrated from area to area to provide grazing for
early hunters not only depended on horses for meat but also admired their horses.
them for their beauty and fleetness of foot. The transition to riding probably happened by chance, when some
From those humble (and somewhat violent) beginnings has emerged enterprising tender of a group of horses realized he could herd them
a long partnership that has forever changed both species. Human beings more easily when mounted on one of them. Early bridles consisted
owe much of their early progress to the domestication of horses, which of cheekpieces made of antlers or bone, and a soft “bit” made of rawhide,
allowed them to travel, work the land, and haul goods more easily. Among sinew, or hemp.10 In Mesopotamia, a nose ring similar to that used on
our relationships with domestic animals, the one we have with horses is oxen was used for control instead of a bridle. What we know as snaffle
unique because of how dramatically it has changed over the millennia— bits first appeared in the Near East around 1500 BCE.11
from prey, to beast of burden, to companion and athletic partner. The first saddles consisted of nothing more than a pad or piece
of cloth, which likely explains why riders were just as likely to ride
bareback—there wasn’t much difference between the two. Saddles that
Domestication and Early Use actually aided a rider’s stability didn’t appear until the first century CE.
The layperson’s impression of domestication is confining and taming a These saddles had a wooden frame, or tree, which allowed construction
wild animal. But the proper use of the term refers to taming and changing of a deep seat that helped the rider stay on the horse. The later addition
an entire population of animals, not just a few select members. of stirrups further improved a rider’s security, and made it much easier
To be truly domesticated, a species must be able to assimilate into for him to wield a weapon in battle. 12
human culture. When a species begins to be domesticated, the species It’s interesting to note that rather sophisticated training and breeding
itself begins to change and adapt. Some experts believe this is due to methods also appeared during this time. The first recorded training plan
natural selection, in which the animals who are naturally inclined to be for horses was written in 1345 BCE by Kikkuli, who was responsible for the
friendlier toward humans are able to be domesticated and thrive, while Hittite king Suppiluliuma’s horses. Written in cuneiform script on clay
other animals are left to take their chances with nature. The changes tablets, the “Kikkuli text” explained how to care for and feed the chariot
may also be due to selective breeding. Those animals with traits that horse. It used what is now known as interval training, specifying the
people want to keep in the population are bred, and eventually those distances and frequencies horses should be ridden. It also included
traits become common. regular swimming for conditioning and detailed instructions on feeding.
Horses were among the later species to be domesticated, probably Xenophon, who lived from about 430 to 356 BCE, was a Greek
in about 4000 BCE.9 The presence of fossilized animal remains among soldier, historian, philosopher, and lifelong horseman, and was known
ancient human civilizations indicates at about what point the animals as the father of classical equitation. He wrote the first fully preserved

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training manual for riding horses, The Art of Horsemanship. In this work,
Xenophon became perhaps the first documented advocate of humane
Human Beings’ Use of Horses
care and training for the horse. He emphasized the importance of gentle It’s difficult to imagine how different our history would have been without
handling, good management practices, proper tack fit, and an under- horses. Horses allowed humans to travel farther and faster than they were
standing of the horse’s mind. able to before, enabling separate cultures to meet, interact, and exchange
ideas (or to invade and conquer each other, depending on the culture).
The one great precept and practice in using a horse is this— In more modern times, horses were as indispensable and ubiquitous
never deal with him when you are in a fit of passion. When your as cars are today. They were part of all aspects of culture, working along-
horse shies at an object and is unwilling to go up to it, he should side humans to till the soil, log forests, and build roads; providing trans-
be shown that there is nothing fearful in it, least of all to a coura- portation, not just to town or to church on Sunday, but also across coun-
geous horse like him; but if this fails, touch the object yourself tries and continents; and providing a form of entertainment and sport.
that seems so dreadful to him, and lead him up to it with gentle- There’s seemingly no aspect of modern human life to which horses
ness. Compulsion and blows inspire only the more fear; and have not contributed in some manner.
when horses are at all hurt at such times, they think what they
shied at is the cause of the hurt.13 Warfare
One of the first uses of domesticated horses was to assist one tribe in
Horse sport was already flourishing at the time of Xenophon. The attacking another, and horses continued to be used in battle up through
ancient Olympic Games, held every four years in Olympia, Greece, World War II.
included four-horse chariot racing for the first time in 680 BCE, and The Hittite empire, which existed from about 1800 to 1200 BCE, used
two-horse chariot races in 408 BCE. Races on horseback also took place chariots very effectively. The Scythians, a nomadic tribe of marauding
as far back as 648 BCE.14 horsemen who harassed the Persian Empire, were expert archers who
It was the Romans, however, who elevated chariot racing to a national let loose volleys of arrows while galloping at full tilt. The Parthians,
passion. Races were held at the Circus Maximus until 549 CE. Twelve races descendents of the Scythians, developed a highly effective maneuver:
made up a day-long event, although at the height of the sport’s popularity, they would feign retreat, then fire arrows back at their enemies over
as many as one hundred races were held in a single day. their horses’ tails while galloping away.
The horses used in chariot racing were treasured and carefully trained. The Greeks and Romans used chariots and mounted soldiers in war,
They were introduced to harness at the age of three, but were not raced although primarily as support for foot soldiers. The cavalry scouted
until they were five. At one point, the Romans kept a stable of fourteen ahead of main armies, while draft horses were used to move supplies.
thousand chariot horses.15 The Macedonians used both light and heavy cavalry, the former being
lightly armored units that were more mobile and could carry out
reconnaissance and raids, and the latter being heavily armed and
armored, often used to mount a fearsome charge at opposing armies.

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The cavalry truly rose to prominence with Charles the Hammer’s During the Roman Empire, thousands of miles of excellent roads were
defeat of the Moors at the Battle of Poitiers in 732 CE. The Moorish built that allowed for easy travel by chariot. After the fall of the empire,
armies relied on light cavalries, using small, agile horses in loose for- these roads fell into disrepair; it wasn’t until the late eighteenth century
mation. Charles amassed a heavy cavalry, which was able to withstand that a reliable system of roads existed again in Britain, for example,
the Moorish attacks, then decimate their armies with a forceful charge.16 making it possible to use horse-drawn coaches for extensive travel.
Their success convinced Charles to use heavy cavalry more extensively, As the Industrial Revolution took hold and railroads were built, the
and his armies—and those throughout Western Europe—were trans- horse-drawn coach was no longer needed for long-distance transportation,
formed to rely on mounted soldiers, a tradition that continued through but horses were needed by the hundreds of thousands to transport
medieval times. passengers, goods, and coal to and from the rail stations. Within growing
Later armies returned to the light cavalry tradition primarily, with cities, horses hauled trams, trash carts, fire engines, canal barges,
riders swooping in to mount hit-and-run attacks while a battle was already cabs, and hearses.
in progress. As firearms became more prevalent, cavalry units were relegated It’s estimated that New York City had between 150,000 and 175,000
to a mostly supportive role for the infantry. A role was developed for horses in 1880, while a smaller city like Milwaukee (population 350,000)
mounted infantrymen, who rode into battle, then dismounted to fight. had about 12,500. In 1900 an estimated three to five million horses lived
Most cavalry use in the American Civil War was of this type. and worked in America’s cities.
Although cavalry units were still used in World War I, the advent of
machine guns and tanks quickly made them obsolete in conventional Communication
warfare, and horses were used primarily to bring supplies to the troops.
The Persians established post stations a day’s ride apart in the third
It’s estimated that about six million horses were used in that war, and
century BCE. The Greeks, Romans, and Mongols had similar arrangements.
most of them were killed.
Centuries later, fledgling postal services operated in the same manner
Today the U.S. Army maintains one detachment of horse cavalry for
in the United States and Britain. Post riders began carrying mail between
ceremonial uses, but the use of the horse in warfare still hangs on in
New York and Boston (a distance of 250 miles) in 1673.17 Mounted “post-
other parts of the world, even in the era of “smart bombs” and laser-
boys” were also used in Britain (from them comes the term “posting,” as
guided missiles. U.S. Army Green Berets rode horses in the rocky hills of
they invented the practice of rising in their stirrups on every other beat
Afghanistan in 2001 to conduct reconnaissance and scouting missions.
of the trot to make their mounts’ rough gaits more comfortable to ride
over long distances).18
Transportation The Pony Express route traversed 1,966 miles, from St. Joseph, Missouri, to
Although the horse was not humans’ first mode of transportation (other Sacramento, California, from April 1860 until October 1861. Riders covered
than their own two feet), until recently he was certainly the most effective seventy-five to a hundred miles apiece at a fast clip, switching to a fresh
one. Able to move along quickly when necessary, but also to cover great pony every ten to fifteen miles, then handing the saddlebag specifically
distances at a slower pace, the horse enabled early humans to expand designed to carry mail to the next rider at the end of a run. The development
their sphere of influence and travel almost anywhere. of the telegraph doomed the Pony Express, although it lives on in lore.

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A cowboy of Native
American ancestry
Until the 1700s, oxen were preferred for the mundane work of plowing
rides the country
fields. Agricultural technology began to improve during this time, making
the work of farming faster and more productive. This new emphasis of his forefathers.

on volume and speed ushered in the use of the horse, who was capable
of doing more work more quickly than oxen.
The early agricultural machinery had to be pulled by teams of horses. As
the machines got larger and heavier and they became more complex, even
more horses were required. (By 1890 the combine harvester was forty feet
wide and required forty-two horses, controlled by six drivers, to pull it.)


In the United States, agriculture was booming at the end of the 1800s,
and the horse population was booming right along with it. In 1860 there
were about seven million horses in the United States.19 In 1915 their num-
bers reached an all-time high of almost 26.5 million.
Just as quickly as the horse population had exploded, it was decimated. Early cowboys rode Indian ponies or wild mustangs, but the capable
The proliferation of the tractor and internal combustion engine spelled the Quarter Horse soon supplanted those breeds. The cow ponies were used
end of the widespread use of horses in agriculture. By 1935, there were just to move cattle on the range and to cut individuals from the herd when
over 16.6 million horses, 10 million fewer than there had been twenty necessary. The ponies were sturdy and hardy; they were also adept at
years earlier. By 1950 the population was only 7.6 million, and by 1960, managing the herds and provided able assistance when a cowboy needed
there were only 3 million horses in the United States.20 to rope a steer.
Horses and other equines, such as mules and donkeys, are still used Horses are still the preferred means of moving cattle today, as they’re
for agriculture in some parts of the world, and in the United States as able to traverse any kind of terrain and are nimble and fast enough
well, in small numbers, by the Amish and other small-scale farmers. to keep up with a herd without spooking the cattle.

Ranching Mining
Cattle ranching was brought to North America by the Spanish Coal was needed to fuel much of the new machinery that was developed
conquistadors, and the same population pressures that brought the during the Industrial Revolution. Ironically, old-fashioned horsepower
agriculture boom in the early 1800s also led to a great demand for beef. helped provide much of this coal.
The wide-open plains of the American West were ideal for raising cattle, Horses were used aboveground, turning giant winches that hoisted
although it was not an easy existence for the cowboys who tended loads of coal from the depths below. They were also used below ground
them, or for their horses. to pull cartloads of coal up from the depths. Known as “pit ponies,” these
hardy animals (Shetlands in America and Welsh ponies in England) lived

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and worked underground for most of their lives. They needed to be sturdy, associated today, in the eleventh century. At the time, the quarry was
muscular, and sure-footed, so they could traverse the steep, rocky grades usually a stag or boar, but as the number of those species dwindled
within the mines while hauling loads of coal up toward the surface. in the fifteenth century, the fox and the hare became targets.
Mining was a dangerous occupation for these ponies. They suffered Although the sport had a practical, if inhumane purpose—foxes were
injuries from accidents, eye and breathing problems caused by coal dust, considered vermin and were fond of helping themselves to a farmer’s
and hearing loss caused by loud equipment. According to mining lore, the chickens—it became a sport of the aristocracy. The sport was introduced
ponies were sometimes able to sense roof collapses before they occurred to the United States in 1650, and many of the founding fathers, includ-
and would stop in their tracks and refuse to budge, thus saving them- ing George Washington (who had his own pack of hounds) and Thomas
selves and the miners working with them.21 Jefferson, enjoyed it.24 Although thirty-five states have recognized hunt
clubs, foxhunting is popular in only a handful of states. Many horseman
Entertainment and Sport and landowners find the chasing and occasional killing of foxes repugnant,
and real estate development has limited the activity’s growth as well.
Equestrian sports have been part of humans’ relationship with the horse
from the very beginning.
Polo, one of the world’s oldest horse sports, was played in Persia and
China in the first millennium BCE. The first recorded match was between
The Impact of Domestication
Historians believe that there were four types of primitive horses: the Forest
the Turkomans and the Persians in 600 BCE.22
Horse, a very heavy animal (similar to a smaller version of today’s drafts)
In ancient Rome horses didn’t just pull chariots in the circus; they also
that lived in northern Europe; the Asian Wild Horse; the Tarpan, which was
participated in gladiatorial mounted fights against animals such as bulls
found in eastern Europe; and the Tundra Horse, which lived near the Arctic
and elephants.
Circle. The first three of these primitive horses are believed to have devel-
In medieval times, the tournament became a source of entertainment.
oped into the more modern types—pony-size animals who lived in the
These war games likely originated in France in the eleventh century and
cold, wet climates of Europe and Asia, and lighter desert horses who were
later became elaborate events that drew knights from many different
found in the hot, arid areas of central and western Asia. (The Tundra Horse
countries. The main feature of a tournament was the mêlée, a battle
is not thought to have contributed significantly to the development of
(using real weapons) between knights who had been assigned to one
modern horses.)25
of two sides. Jousting also took place at these tournaments.
Domestication allowed for the increased movement and mingling of
By the end of the thirteenth century, rules for tournaments had been
these early horses, leading to crosses between types and the creation of
established, changing them from all-out brawls to organized spectacles
distinct breeds. The modern horse is found in a nearly mind-boggling array
with a strict code of chivalry. Jousting and riding at the rings (galloping
of breeds that are vastly different, ranging from ponies to massive drafts
at a series of suspended rings with a lance, spearing them one by one)
and displaying an enormous variety of coat patterns and colors. These
eventually replaced the mêlée tournaments. These sports remained
modern breeds owe their existence to selective breeding (see chapter 7).
popular until the seventeenth century.23
Amid the flurry of new breeds, however, the primitive types mostly
Hunting on horseback was another popular pastime. The tradition began
disappeared. Only one has survived in its original form, the Asian Wild
in France and was introduced in Britain, the country with which it is most

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Horse, also known as Przewalski’s horse, which was almost hunted to In the Quarter Horse breed, there has been criticism of horses who
extinction, but survived in zoos and was reintroduced to the wild in its are bred specifically to show in halter (classes where horses are judged
native Mongolia.26 The wild horses in other parts of the world, such as on looks and conformation, not on movement or performance), because
the mustangs in the American West, the ponies who live on Assateague the fad in recent years has been toward very heavy, muscular horses
Island off the coast of Virginia, and the brumbies in Australia, are actually with very straight legs and small feet. Although this type of horse may
feral horses, descendants of domesticated horses who escaped or were win lots of halter ribbons, his legs and feet can absorb less concussion,
turned loose. a harbinger of problems later in life.
Horses accompanied humans on their early travels, allowing the
species to be reintroduced in North America, where it had become
extinct some eight thousand years ago for unknown reasons. Hernán The Modern Horse Industry
Cortés brought sixteen horses with him when he landed in Mexico When horses ceased being used for agriculture, the government no
in 1519; from these animals and later imports from Europe, North longer closely tracked their numbers, so there is no single definitive
American equines were repopulated. 27 “horse census” of precisely how many equines live in the United States.
Domestication ensured that horses, as a whole, proliferated and Various groups do attempt to estimate the number of horses as well
thrived, even though certain breeds and types died out. But the effects as their uses. The American Horse Council (AHC), a national group
of domestication and selective breeding were not always beneficial. dedicated to the promotion of equine-industry interests, conducted
Although certain cultures have cherished horses and treated them a survey that estimated the American horse population to be 9.2 million
well, horses have been considered expendable property. Untold millions in 2003, up from 6.9 million a decade before. The horse population has
died accompanying humans into war, and many more were worked been climbing steadily since the precipitous decline in the mid-twentieth
to death in cities, where cab and coach drivers were more concerned century, with the advent of mechanization, but it still pales in comparison
with making a living themselves than with feeding or caring for their to other farmed animals (there are about one hundred million cattle
horses. Legislating humane treatment for animals is a relatively recent in the United States at any given time) and is also dwarfed by the
development (Britain passed its first law in 1822), and it is still a foreign populations of household companion animals (seventy-three million
concept in many developing countries. dogs and ninety million cats).
Although selectively crossing horses has produced both remarkable The majority of today’s horses—about 42 percent—are used for recre-
individuals and wonderful breeds, it has also created its share of problems. ational purposes, with 29 percent used for showing or competition, and
Breeders often pursue fads to the detriment of horse health or breed 9 percent in racing. Texas has the most horses of any state in the Union,
horses with significant flaws in favor of more marketable qualities. For according to the AHC—just shy of one million in 2003. California, Florida,
example, in Thoroughbreds, the trend has been toward breeding Oklahoma, and Kentucky round out the top five. But raw numbers don’t
sprinters, since there are more races for sprinters at racetracks nationwide. tell the only story, as the smaller states in the Northeast can assert. Mary-
Sprinters tend to have a slighter body type than do more substantial land is actually tops for the number of horses per square mile of land
horses who are capable of longer distances. Although sprinters are able area, followed by New Jersey and Connecticut, then Florida and Kentucky.
to run at faster speeds at two and three years of age, they often don’t Still another measurement is the number of horses compared with the
stand up to continued hard work later in life.

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number of humans, a metric in which Wyoming claims top honors, with A Recreational Partner
5.1 people per horse, followed by South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and For the majority of riders, their horses are primarily pleasure mounts.
North Dakota. While there might not be very many residents in those This designation can include horses whose only work is a slow monthly
states, those who do live there are much more likely to be “horsey” than trail ride and those who are ridden, conditioned, and trained just
anywhere else. as diligently as any show mount. Some of these “recreational” horses
The Quarter Horse has enjoyed undisputed dominance in the United work pretty hard, being loaded up on trailers and hauled off near
States for decades. It remains, as popularly billed, “America’s horse,” and far to attend clinics, ride in parades, trail ride in different locales,
with approximately 40 percent of the overall equine population. The or participate in demonstrations at expositions. Clearly, no two
Thoroughbred is next most common, at around 10 percent.28 recreational horses have the same job description.
Many horse owners joke that they try never to calculate exactly how
much money they spend on their horses, for fear of what the amount is.
Considering the cost of basic care (boarding, bedding, feed), veterinary
A Competition Partner
care (vaccinations, emergencies), tack and equipment, show and/or There are horses everywhere who, along with their riders, lay their skills
training fees, the investment can be quite significant (see chapter 4). on the line in competition. The lifestyle of an elite equine athlete rivals
According to the AHC, the horse industry is a $39-billion-per-year that of any NFL or NBA star, replete with whirlpool baths for their legs
business and has a $102-billion impact on the U.S. economy, when and massage therapy for their aching backs. These horses travel across
spending by industry suppliers and employees is factored in. Of this the United States and the world, earning Olympic medals or millions
$102 billion, racing contributes about $26.1 billion to the gross domestic of dollars in purses for their owners.
product, showing about $28.7 billion, and recreational pursuits around Racing is the sport with which most people are familiar, and, indeed,
$31.9 billion. (In other words, “recreational” riding is actually big business.) more equine athletes are in use in this sport—whether racing in harness,
About 4.6 million people are involved in the horse industry in some on the flat, or over steeplechase or timber fences—than in any other, but
fashion. Two million actually own horses, while others are employees, there are literally dozens of other sports that involve horses regardless
service providers, or volunteers.29 of age or breeding. Although some horses are bred specifically for
a certain sport, others are simply pressed into service in whatever
discipline appeals to their riders at the time. Since racing is a sport
A Horse’s Many Jobs for professionals (there are very few amateur riders, although they do
Today horses exist in pockets, appearing wherever there is enough land to exist in steeplechasing), we explore other competitive athletic activities
keep them comfortably and affordably. They are part of niche sports and open to amateur as well as professional riders in chapter 6.
recreational endeavors that are, for the most part, out of the mainstream. Horses may be moved from sport to sport (with the same or different
The industry itself is so varied and fragmented, one where those with riders) before one is found that best suits their talents. Thoroughbred
different interests tend to travel in discrete circles that may not often racehorses in particular often find a second career when they retire
intersect with others, that even the individuals who are part of the from the track (because of injury or lack of speed or competitive
horse world may not be aware of all its aspects. spirit), and may end up excelling in sports their breeders might never
have imagined.

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A Working Partner conclusion of a long partnership, where the owner is rewarding the horse
Horses who truly work for a living are definitely in the minority, usually for efforts from his younger days. In others, the owner might never have
falling under the heading “other,” which claimed 19 percent of the horse known the horse in his previous life, but perhaps rescued him from
population in 2003, according to the AHC. They work on ranches, as a slaughter pen or took him in to be a companion for other horses.
lesson horses, or in a number of other pursuits. Riding is just one aspect of our relationship with horses, and nowhere
Police horses are still in wide use in the United States, in both major is it written that a horse must be ridden to be useful or live a valuable
metropolitan areas and national parks. These well-trained horses are life. It can be incredibly rewarding to provide a safe and happy home
most often pressed into use for crowd control, thanks to their imposing to a horse with no expectations for anything in return.
size, but are also used in routine patrols and for ceremonial duties.
At the opposite end of the spectrum from the formidable police mounts
are therapeutic riding horses, who are called on to bolster the confidence
of people with physical or mental disabilities. They are a unique subset
of “lesson” or “school” horses, who also qualify as “working horses,”
since their services are paid for.
Therapeutic riding, sometimes also called hippotherapy, has been used
since the 1950s with often amazing results. Disabled riders are mounted
on horses (carefully selected for their quiet and unflappable demeanor)
and led around at the walk, generally with an assistant walking on each
side for safety and another leading the horse. The movement of the rider’s
body in the saddle is similar to the movement of walking, and riding often
leads to improvements in the rider’s balance, flexibility, and strength.

A Friend and Companion

Finally, some horses are the equine equivalent of the retiree. They
may have been used previously for sport or recreation. They may have
sustained an injury early in life that precluded any kind of athletic career.
Their owners and riders may have lost interest in actually riding, but
continue to keep horses as companions, fulfilling their responsibilities
to their “companions for life.”
Humorously referred to as “pasture puffs” or “lawn ornaments,” these
horses live out their days under their owners’ watchful eyes, receiving
the same dutiful care as any competition horse. In some cases, it’s the

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52 53

Should You Get a

Horse of Your Own?
every longtime horseman has a personal
highlight reel filed away in his memory bank—moments
spent with horses that have special meaning or
poignancy. They might include competitive successes,
such as winning a prestigious event, or training
milestones, like starting a young horse under saddle
for the first time.
Among those public and private victories, however, are scattered
other memories that are much smaller and more personal—a shared
An Expensive Hobby
moment in the stall late at night, when a horse nickers softly and For most prospective horse owners, the first perceived hurdle to horse
snuffles through jacket pockets for carrots; a pause while on a trail ride ownership is financial. Horses are not inexpensive creatures, although
to admire the scenery, perfectly framed through a horse’s pricked ears; purchase prices vary widely. Top competition horses routinely sell
watching a future competitive partner first raise his wet head from the for several hundred thousand dollars, or even into the millions for
straw after foaling. These moments are snippets of joy gleaned from racehorses. We’re lucky that most of us don’t need that kind of cash for
a life with horses, born from the sense of connection fostered through an appropriate animal! But a well-trained horse, especially one suitable
partnership with these great creatures. for a beginner rider, is likely going to be at least a moderate investment.
You don’t need to own a horse to appreciate them, but nothing The purchase price of any individual horse is influenced by an
compares to the kinship experienced in a long-term equine-human array of factors, including the horse’s level of training, age, breeding,
relationship. It’s simply not something that can be experienced on conformation, competition record, rideability, ground manners—
an hour-long guided trail ride or occasional lesson on a rotating cadre even color, breed, location, or gender.
of school horses. It’s no wonder that many equestrians yearn for a The overall economy can also affect horse sales. Horses are considered
horse to call their own, a familiar face peering over the stall door—ears “luxury items,” and sales tend to suffer whenever the economy causes
pricked and muzzle outstretched for a treat—day after day. individuals to cut back on non-essential purchases. Prices are also
Buying a horse isn’t an endeavor to take lightly. Our combined influenced by the local market—horses with identical résumés can
many decades of direct and indirect experience with hundreds of horse sell for vastly different prices in different areas of the country.
owners convinces us that the horse you buy will have an enormous For most horse purchasers, the factors that influence an animal’s price
influence on all of your subsequent experience with horses. Buying the are much more concrete. A horse in the prime of his life—old enough to
right horse may spare you from having to learn some horsemanship be ridden but not yet so old as to be developing physical limitations—will
lessons most horse folk could do without, such as how to catch a horse be more expensive than will a very young or very old horse. An attractive
who runs away from you in the paddock, or how to manage a horse horse with pretty markings will be more expensive than a plain horse who’s
who won’t allow his feet to be handled by the farrier. You might also nothing special to look at. For horses who compete, as show mileage
avoid the tough decisions that come with owning a horse whose useful increases, so do their purchase prices.
life has been cut in half by chronic health issues, or any number of other Buying the horse isn’t the most costly part of this endeavor—it’s
heart- and wallet-breaking problems. keeping the horse that proves pricey. Consider the recurring costs for
Before you make the decision, be sure you understand all the pitfalls even very basic horse-keeping—board, farriery, and routine veterinary
of the journey you’re embarking on. Be honest with yourself regarding care. Add the cost of lessons and entry fees, if you plan to compete,
your abilities, your financial situation, your level of interest, and your time and all the new horse’s accoutrements: tack, blankets, boots, and
constraints. And most important, enlist a trusted horse-savvy friend or so on. Then factor in the unexpected, yet inevitable—an emergency
a professional instructor to help you make the decision and guide you veterinary call for a serious wound or colic episode, for example
through the purchase process. (see the table on page 68).

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What horse owners spend varies tremendously from person to ongoing treatment? Can your pocketbook handle the unexpected expense
person. At the cheaper end of the spectrum might be the casual trail of an emergency veterinary call or long-term medications?
rider who keeps her easy-keeping Appaloosa gelding in a small field It’s important to confront all the financial realities before signing that
at home and leaves him barefoot. The polar opposite is the dressage bill of sale and taking responsibility for a horse’s care. Sometimes owners
rider in full training at a fancy show barn whose Danish Warmblood may have to make tough decisions—for example, when facing an expen-
schoolmaster needs joint supplements, corrective shoeing, and massage sive colic surgery that may offer the horse only a slim chance of survival.
treatments to stay comfortable and perform well at the many shows It doesn’t make one a “bad” horseman to factor cost into the decision-
in which they compete. The difference in these two riders’ monthly making equation; a horseman may decide against such a surgery because
expenses can easily be thousands of dollars. she simply can’t take on such debt for an uncertain outcome. There’s
Since expenses for the same services can differ greatly depending on no shame in this, as long as the horse’s suffering is not prolonged and,
where you live, the best way to estimate how much it will cost to own a instead, is ended quickly and humanely by a veterinarian.
horse in your area is to talk to other local horsemen. Ask what they pay Although no one wants to think of the partnership ending before it
for routine vaccinations, farrier work, or lessons. Check the bulletin board begins, you should research the costs of euthanasia and body disposal
at local tack shops or scan local equine publications to see what different as well. These are an inevitable component of the horse-human bond,
local barns charge for board. and a responsibility you should be prepared to undertake no matter
You’ll usually find that you get what you pay for when it comes to what the age of your horse.
horsey goods and services. If you’re on a budget, there’s no reason to go Most veterinarians are sensitive to their clients’ financial limitations;
for the Cadillac of boarding barns when the Chevy will do, but you are they often help owners minimize costs where possible, perhaps by
entrusting these professionals with your horse’s health, soundness, and starting with the most conservative method of treatment or by forgoing
well-being. The farrier who charges half as much as all the others in the the more expensive diagnostics. It’s also a good idea to look into medical
area won’t turn out to be such a bargain if he causes your horse to go and mortality insurance for your horse—while you’ll have to factor the
lame, nor will a dirt-cheap boarding facility be a good choice if your recurring cost of the policy into your budget, insurance can help minimize
horse’s stall never gets cleaned and your horse is fed moldy hay. the financial impact of the more costly, nonroutine treatments.
There are plenty of opportunities for cost-cutting in horse ownership,
but they shouldn’t be taken at the expense of the horse’s care. When
conducting your informal pricing surveys, don’t count on being able More Than Money: It’s Time as Well
to use whoever is cheapest; instead, plan your budget around the median You’ve crunched the numbers and determined that you can financially
prices. handle the addition of a four-footed family member. You’re not done
Once you’ve got a good idea of how horsey services are priced in yet—you also have to evaluate whether you can budget the time you’ll
your area, you can estimate your routine expenses. But before taking need to devote to your new charge.
the plunge, remember that horses don’t always stick to the routine. Take a good look at your schedule and your responsibilities. Consider
What if your horse is kicked in the pasture and needs stitches on a where your horse will be kept, and how long it will take you to get there
Sunday afternoon? What if he develops a chronic condition that requires

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from home or work. Then take inventory of your goals. What do you see Consistent riding is important for fitness and safety. You can’t give a
yourself doing with your new horse? What do you want to accomplish? horse a month off and then pull him out of the field to go on a three-hour
Consider two riders who have very different sets of goals. Rider A is an trail ride, for example—he won’t be fit enough for it and will be at risk for
amateur eventer with lofty competitive ambitions. She is single with no fatigue-related injuries. Consistency is also important for the continued
children and works full time. She rides six days a week, either before or progression of horse and rider. You both need to practice the skills you’ve
after work, spending two to three hours at the barn each day. She takes already learned and work on adding new ones to your repertoire.
two intensive lessons per week with a trainer and spends many weekends For most people who are bitten by the horse bug, that daily trip to the
at competitions. barn is part responsibility and part play—you need to go to further your
Rider B is a recreational rider and a stay-at-home mom with two kids in training and keep your horse in shape, but you also want to ride because
elementary school. She usually rides once a week (twice if she’s lucky), on you enjoy it. There are certainly days when it’s very hot or very cold,
the weekend, when her husband can watch the kids. Her rides are leisurely you’re tired or busy, or the alarm clock just seems to be going off too
trail rides, maybe an hour or two long and purely for fun. She also tries early, and that trip to the barn can fall by the wayside. When those days
to stop by the barn once or twice during the week, with children in tow, become the rule rather than the exception, it’s the horse who suffers as
just to groom and say hello to the horse and let the kids take a pony ride. he sits idly in his pasture or stall. The time to think about this is before
These two riders with very different ambitions and lifestyles have you take on the responsibility for a horse’s life, not afterward.
tailored their riding around their responsibilities. They represent So before you make the decision to buy your own horse, honestly
opposite ends of the amateur rider spectrum. assess your time and your level of motivation. Be sure it’s something you
There’s no “right” amount of riding time; it varies with each rider really want. (If you do decide you cannot commit to horse ownership
and horse, the situation, and the rider’s goals. You need to take stock at this stage of your life, lessons at training barns, “catch riding” for
of your goals and your available time and judge whether the two horse owners, or volunteering at equine-assisted therapy classes allow
are compatible. you to get your horse “fix” while improving your horsemanship skills.)
Unlike other hobbies, riding isn’t something you can shelve for
several weeks or months when something else comes up. While the
staff at a boarding barn will see to your horse’s basic needs—feeding, Responsibility
stall cleaning, turnout, etc.—everything else is usually up to the owner. Taking the horse ownership plunge is unique in one very important
You’re the one your horse looks to for individual attention, treats, way—a horse will eventually reach the end of his “serviceable” life, when
and grooming. Most boarded horses really do notice when their owners he can no longer be ridden or driven, however lightly. At this point, which
go AWOL for any length of time. may or may not be anywhere near the end of a horse’s actual life span,
If you’re planning to keep a potential new horse at home and care he will no longer be of use in his original capacity—or, perhaps, in any
for him yourself, then it goes without saying that you can’t simply “take physical capacity. Since most people who own horses do so because they
a break” from taking care of him—your horse counts on you to be there enjoy riding or driving them, this situation poses a bit of a dilemma.
daily for feeding, watering, turnout, and mucking duties (or to delegate
those duties to someone else).

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When a car reaches the end of its serviceable life, we trade it in on horse’s career does. Sometimes a horse with lameness issues can be given
a new one. But a horse is not an inanimate object that can be replaced (or free-leased) to a home where he can be ridden more lightly or can
if it wears out. He’s a living, breathing, feeling being. provide companionship to another horse who would otherwise be living
When you purchase a horse, you’re taking responsibility for another alone fretfully. If the horse is a mare worthy of being bred, she might find
creature’s life—a particularly fragile creature, prone to perplexing injuries a home as a broodmare. The owner might be able to find a retirement
and accidents, and one who, at some point, will no longer be able to farm where the injured horse can live out his days as a pasture ornament.
perform a job. You hope, of course, that this point comes after many years It might take a lot of legwork and networking, and it may mean paying
of happy partnership and at a ripe old age. But that’s not always the case. expenses for a horse you can’t even ride, but there are workable solutions
Consider this scenario: you purchase an eight-year-old gelding, in the out there for owners who care enough to look for them.
prime of his life, and plan to compete on the local hunter circuit in the In the cases where no other solutions can be found, it is likely kinder
adult amateur classes. All goes swimmingly for a year or two, but then to put the horse down than to let him take his chances at a sale, where
the horse becomes lame. Your veterinarian diagnoses ringbone, advising he could wind up in unkind hands or on a killer buyer’s truck.
you that the lameness will only worsen if you continue to ride him in the
same capacity. That means no more jumping or showing, but the good
news is that he can still live a long and comfortable life, and perhaps To Lease or Buy?
enjoy a few more years of light work, if managed properly. If all this forethought has you feeling a little overwhelmed, there’s another
Suddenly, your dream horse is no longer able to perform the job option available for those who want that one-on-one relationship with
for which he was purchased, and your promising show partnership has a horse but perhaps aren’t ready or able to dive headfirst into horse
come to a crashing end. You adore your horse, but you also love to train ownership. Leasing a horse provides many of the benefits of ownership
and show and aren’t really interested in simply going on trail rides. The without requiring a lifelong commitment. It can be a good first step for
lameness renders your horse unsellable; basically, you are now the many would-be horse owners.
owner of a very large and expensive pet. Lease situations vary with the terms of the lease agreement, which can
This is a crossroads every horseman dreads encountering, but it’s hardly be written however the owner desires. In general, though, a lease transfers
a rare occurrence. Lameness, injuries, illness, freak pasture accidents all the day-to-day care and responsibility of a horse over to another party
can signal an abrupt end to a horse’s riding career. What then? (the lessee), while the owner (the lessor) maintains ownership of the horse.
The path chosen in these unfortunate instances is what separates A lease might involve a fee, paid to the owner, for use of the horse
those who consider themselves mere owners of a piece of property from (in the case of very talented horses), or it might be a “free lease,” where
those who think of themselves instead as guardians of another living the lessee takes over the horse’s expenses but does not pay anything
being. Rather than dumping a horse at a sale or with a dealer—the above that.
equine equivalent of a used car lot—and leaving his fate to chance, these For owners, leases are often a good solution for temporary circum-
caretakers keep their end of the bargain and do right by their friends. stances, saving the owner from having to make the rather permanent
If you’re going to purchase a horse, you should do so with these kinds choice to sell a horse. A horse might be leased out while his owner is
of situations in mind, because your responsibility doesn’t end when a pregnant, for instance, or away at college. A lease might be a way for

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an owner to gain respite from a horse’s expenses during a time of In well-thought-through circumstances, leases offer benefits to both
financial difficulty—after being laid off from a job, for example. the lessor and the lessee, and, most important, to the horse.
A lease can also be a long-term solution, a way to rehome a horse with-
out the original owner giving up ultimate control and responsibility. For
some owners it’s an attractive alternative to selling a horse outright because Taking Stock
it minimizes the risk of a horse ending up in a dangerous situation. For Horse-shopping is a little bit like dating—you’ll know you’ve found “the
example, an amateur breeder might be trying for a homebred dressage star one” when the chemistry is right, you have common interests, you can
and instead wind up with a spectacular jumper. If the owner has no interest tolerate each other’s faults, and you work well together. Finding the right
in jumping but doesn’t want to sell the horse outright, he can be leased partner can take time, but it’s better to wait for the right match than to
instead to a jumper rider for as long as the rider wishes to ride him. settle for something that’s less than perfect. (This is where a short-term
In the case of a horse who would be difficult to sell, a lease eliminates lease may come in handy: preventing an “I’ve got to have a horse now”
the risk for the new “owner” and opens more doors for rehoming the horse. decision you’ll regret later.)
In the case of our hypothetical horse with ringbone, the horse owner might Not every horse is right for every rider. Finding the one who is right for
lease him to someone wanting a trail horse without asking that person you begins with an honest assessment of your own abilities, strengths,
to assume permanent responsibility for a horse with an uncertain future weaknesses, and goals. Ideally, and especially if you’re new to riding, you
under saddle. While there would likely be little interest in buying such should also have a trainer, or an experienced and trustworthy friend who
a horse, the horse can simply be returned to the owner if he becomes rides, to help in this process and provide an impartial opinion.
physically unable to perform the job for which he was leased. Perhaps the single most decisive factor is your own level of experi-
For the lessee, leasing offers many of the benefits of horse ownership ence. There’s more to riding than just “knowing how to ride.” Only after
without much of the risk. There’s no long-term commitment. If a rider’s years of experience does a rider learn the subtleties and nuances of this
level of experience or interest changes, or if a young rider shoots up sport. That wealth of knowledge is what allows a rider to adapt to new
six inches over eighteen months and “outgrows” his mount, the horse horses and new situations, to know when to ask a horse to do more and
can go back to his owner. when to quit for the day, and to solve training problems as they arise.
A lease carries its own risks—the owner can end it at any time, as Experience isn’t just the amount of time you’ve spent in the saddle,
long as it’s in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement, and although that’s an important part of it. It also comes from riding a variety
it can be heartbreaking to say goodbye to a horse who’s become a friend of horses in a variety of situations and from taking lessons, reading, ask-
when you’re not ready to let him go. There can be misunderstandings ing questions, and watching. Be humble in your self-assessment here—
over expectations, management, and workload. It’s important to while you may be sure of your own abilities, compare what you’ve done
have a detailed written lease agreement that spells out each party’s to the résumés of other riders you know. If you find that yours is much
responsib ilities to minimize potential conflicts. The lease should shorter, that’s a sign that you might not know quite as much as you think
address worst-case scenarios—such as end-of-life decisions, liability you do. Remember, this is a sport with a lifelong learning curve, and horses
for/collection of unpaid fees/bills, and insurance coverage—as well always come up with new lessons to teach.
as boarding, travel, training, and care arrangements.

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There’s nothing “wrong” with being light on experience, of course— worry about having the best horse in the show ring—you just need to
even Olympic-level riders had to learn the basics at some point in their have the best horse for you.
careers. The danger in overestimating your experience comes from having You also want to assess your approach to riding. Are you a rider who
a horse who’s not appropriate for your level. A horse with whom you’re enjoys being challenged, or do you prefer to operate within your comfort
well-matched will teach you much more than a horse with whom you’re zone? Are you easily rattled by a spook or a buck? Do you get very nervous
in over your head. or even become crippled with fear?
Matching a green rider with a green horse is one of the most common If confidence is an issue for you, be honest with yourself about it. There
recipes for producing an incompatible pair. Green horses are often less are horses out there who can help you learn to trust your own abilities; if
expensive than well-trained ones. They are enormously appealing, full of you don’t acknowledge your confidence issues, however, you’re more likely
youth, energy, and bloom, and many parents are charmed by the idea of to end up with an unsuitable match who will only make the problem worse.
two youngsters (one a horse, the other a rider) learning together. Unfortu- You should take into account where and how you will keep and ride
nately, it’s easy for an inexperienced rider to inadvertently create bad your potential new horse. If your schedule is such that you’re often away
habits in a horse’s under-saddle performance, or worse, frighten a young from the barn for days at a time, you need a horse who won’t regress in
horse and undermine his trust in human beings. A green horse may also his training every time he gets a few days off. If you live in an area where
pose training dilemmas that a green rider is incapable of solving. While boarding facilities don’t offer much turnout time, you want a horse who’s
such combinations can be successful, the horse must be very honest and emotionally and physically able to handle a more sedentary life, lived
forgiving, and a trainer should be deeply involved every step of the way primarily in a stall. An older horse who might have some mild arthritis
so small problems can be corrected before they become big ones. might not do well, nor would a very young horse with lots of energy.
An experienced horse can be one of an inexperienced rider’s greatest Do you prefer mares or geldings? (Even experienced horse folk may
teachers. She may not have the vigor and beauty of the youngster, she prefer one or the other.) Large horses or small? Do you like a horse with
may be plain or big-kneed or even worn down by years of service. How- lots of get up and go, or do you prefer one who is laid-back? You have
ever, she’s seen it all, with her cooperative, trusting nature still intact. to compromise somewhere, but it’s important to know the kind of
One type of experienced horse—the “schoolmaster”—is always in high temperament you prefer, what you can tolerate, and what you can’t.
demand for new riders. These older, well-educated horses have kind
temperaments, know what’s expected of them, and are more tolerant
of a green rider’s mistakes than a less experienced horse would be.
(Top schoolmasters are also sought after by experienced riders trying
to break onto the national or international stage in their chosen sport.
These elite horses often carry big price tags.)
If you’re lacking in experience, you also want to keep in mind the types
of horses you feel comfortable riding. A horse might be a wonderful mover
and jumper, but if you can’t sit her trot, or her exuberant jump jostles you
loose from the saddle, she’s not the right horse for you. You don’t need to

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table 4.1

Budgeting for a Horse

Estimates are for one horse for one year.

Cost Median Cost Median

Feed Costs Quantity Units per Unit Cost Total Maintenance Quantity Units per Unit Cost Total
Hay or $4.00– Less
7,300 lbs. 146 bales $8.00 $1,168.00 Bedding 15 yds. Bulk $142.50 $142.50
Hay Pellets $18.00 expensive

$4.00– Farrier 8.6 times/ $45.00–

Grain or Pellets 700 lbs. 14 bags $10.00 $140.00 — $75.00 $645.00
$16.00 Service year $100.00

Minerals $5.00–
30 lbs. 4 lb. block $2.75 $2.75 $20.00 Worming 4 times/year — $12.00 $48.00
and Salts $15.00

Horse Kept at Home— 2 times/year — Varies $15.00 $30.00
$1,328.00 (minimum)
Total Annual Feed Cost Estimate
Varies — Varies Varies $375.00
and Medicine

Horse Care
Varies — Varies Varies $100.00

Miscellaneous — — — — $50.00

Private Riding
and/or Horseman- 2 times/mo. — $40.00 $960.00
ship Lessons

— — — — $50.00

Maintenance, etc.—
Total Annual Cost Estimate

Total Estimated Annual Cost: $3,728.50

(continued on next page)

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68 69
Boarding Horse (Depending on locale and type of facility)

Boarding Costs Quantity Price Range Cost Total
Board 12 mos. $300.00 $3,600.00

• All costs vary tremendously from one area of the country to another.
• Hay or hay pellet quantities assume that a thousand-pound horse consumes
2 percent of his body weight daily.
• Grain/pellets are fed to the majority of horses, but some owners may disagree.
This judgment may be based on the quality of hay available in their area and
Finding Your
their feeding philosophy, etc.
• A bale of hay is calculated at fifty pounds, but like most things in this guide,
it can vary. (Two-wire bales range from forty to seventy-five pounds; three-
wire bales generally run ninety-five to a hundred pounds.)
New Horse
• Salt and mineral consumption assumes 39 grams per day.
• Horse care products calculation includes hoof picks, brushes, shampoo,
fly mask, fly spray, wound dressing, hoof dressing, scraper, and bucket.
• None of the estimates includes taxes, delivery charges, or personal vehicle
expenses (e.g., picking up hay).
• No estimates for costs of land, equipment, insurance, or tack are included. Finding Mr./Ms. Right
• The cost estimates used here are based on a pleasure horse: a horse used
for recreational riding, trails, and general enjoyment. They assume the horse when it comes to actually looking at
is not shown.
• Veterinarian estimates assume this horse has one or two minor injuries or
horses and choosing the one who’s right for you, you
illnesses during the year and may also get a minor checkup each year. need to resist the urge to be influenced by the “in”
• Vaccine and worming estimates assume you, not the vet, do the worming
and administer the vaccination. breed, striking markings, or a pretty face. (“You can’t
• The boarding cost amounts used in this guide are based on a study done in
200l in the state of Arizona, adjusted for 2006. ride the head!” old horsemen will tell you.) Instead,
• Boarding costs generally include feed only. Shoeing, vet, horse care products,
worming, vaccinations, riding instruction/lessons are all extra.
keep in mind what’s really important—temperament,
Source: AllAboutHorses.com. Reprinted with permission. health, conformation, and experience. Only these
qualities truly matter when you’re in the saddle.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care

Horses are individuals. Although certain breeds tend to have certain Older horses come with their own sets of benefits and drawbacks,
qualities, individual horses are not necessarily defined by their breeds. of course. With experience can come some wear and tear. These horses
(We explore the various breeds more thoroughly in chapter 7.) If you loved are more likely to develop lameness-related issues or to need mainte-
Walter Farley’s book The Black Stallion, you might think an Arabian is the nance, such as joint supplements or injections. They also have fewer
best horse for you, but don’t necessarily discount the odd-sounding Ten- years left in their serviceable life span; while you can plan on being
nessee Walker/Quarter Horse cross. Sometimes the perfect horse comes in partnered with the four-year-old for two decades or more, that won’t
a rather surprising package. be the case with an eighteen-year-old schoolmaster. The older the
As you venture on your horse-shopping journey, think of yourself horse, the more likely you’ll be the one responsible for caring for him
as someone conducting interviews for a job, where the horses are the in his well-deserved retirement.
job candidates. Write a mental job description for the position you’re What older horses offer is a “been there, done that” attitude. They’ve
seeking to fill, whether it’s for a trail/pleasure horse or a competitive been everywhere and seen everything, their behavior is predictable, and
mount. As you see and ride different horses, judge how they match they know their jobs better than you do. The confidence these horses
up against the job description. instill and the experience they can provide can be invaluable. They can be
Perhaps the most important attributes to consider are the horse’s age a true joy to ride, every ride, bringing you years of happy memories. For
and experience, which usually—though not always—go hand-in-hand. many owners, it’s worth the higher purchase price and the responsibility
Young, green horses are usually less expensive, but it costs just of caring for the older horse in retirement.
as much to feed, board, and maintain a green horse as it does an Another important quality to consider is the horse’s temperament,
experienced one. You won’t have to fix as many problems as you might not just under tack, but also on the ground. It’s a matter of compatibil-
have with an older horse (a wily, hard-to-catch-in-the-field veteran ity—will your horse’s personality suit yours? If much of the enjoyment
can be frustrating, day in and day out), but you’ll need a talented trainer you derive from being around horses comes from interacting with them
to help you every step of the way to “make up” your green horse into on the ground, you’re unlikely to enjoy owning a standoffish horse who
the partner you want him to be. doesn’t want to be fussed with in his stall. If the herd clown’s antics
Young horses can also be unpredictable—star pupils one day and annoy rather than amuse you, you’ll be better off with a horse with
troublemakers or class clowns the next. Two steps forward, one step a less playful, less engaging personality.
back is typical with young horses, which can test all but the most Finally, you want to consider the horse’s conformation—how he’s put
patient of riders. together. Form follows function, and conformation can provide important
And although you (or your trainer) generally can get a good idea clues to the horse’s future soundness and how well he’ll be able to perform
of where a young horse’s talent lies, young animals are works in in a given job.
progress, and there are no guarantees. If your potential eventer won’t get Here’s where the educated eyes of a trainer or a veterinarian are
his feet wet, your dressage prospect turns ring-sour, or your trail-bound especially helpful. What looks like an ordinary horse leg to you might
youngster hasn’t seen a road he’s liked yet, many months of hard work make your trainer either gasp in horror or nod in approval. And the leg,
must be lost, chalked up to “experience.” You may choose to send your arguably, is the key to an average horse’s life as an athletic performer.
youngster to a new home, putting you back at square one.

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These three “Miracle Horses” were part of a load

on its way to a slaughter plant when the plant
was closed by legal action. In 2007 The HSUS

cared for and placed all the surviving horses from
this shipment in sanctuaries or adoptive homes.
Horse A is a twenty-three-year-old Arabian mare.
She has a beautiful head and gray color, but an
injury or congenital malformation, evidenced by her

B swayback (the dip behind her withers), rendered
her unrideable. Her set back front legs would place
strain on their tendons, joints, and ligaments, so This twenty-one-year-old horse, also one of the slaughter-bound “Miracle Horses,” has a more
she was retired to an equine sanctuary after rescue. traditional Quarter Horse build, including a well-angled shoulder; larger rump, and well-set neck
Horse B was a big, colorfully marked eleven-year-
(although set lower on the body than is the Arabian mare A’s, opposite page). This horse also
old paint gelding. Although he had a long back
has an attractive head. Western riders prefer a horse with a slightly higher croup-than-withers
and thick, high-set neck—considered conformation
faults in a top equine athlete—he had a successful conformation, which provides greater power and more “stop.”

career as a riding horse before an unrelated


medical condition put him on the slaughter-bound

The basic premise underlying conformation of the leg is that undue
truck (the condition did not respond to treatment
stress can lead to lameness. A horse with very straight, upright pasterns
after the horse was rescued, and he was
will have a more up-and-down, jarring gait. She is more likely to
euthanized to prevent his suffering). Horse C is
a twenty-three-year-old Thoroughbred. He has an
develop lameness that is exacerbated by increased concussive forces on
athletic build: a well-angled shoulder (facilitating the limb and joints. A horse with pasterns that are too long and sloping
C a long, economical stride); well-set neck (and is at greater risk for bowing a tendon due to the increased forces
one neither too thick nor too thin); and well- created by the angle of the pastern. There’s a small window that
proportioned back, when measured from withers defines “perfect,” and the ability to evaluate these qualities comes
to croup. His withers are slightly higher than with experience, experience, experience.
his croup, and he has a deep girth area with The way your horse is built not only influences his soundness and
well-sprung ribs, providing ample room for
the length of time he’ll be serviceable for use in whatever discipline you
internal organs such as the heart and lungs.
choose, but also how good he’ll be at it. If your goal is to do dressage, for
These photos show that even unkempt horses
example, a long-backed horse who’s built slightly “downhill” (rump higher
can be evaluated for conformational strengths
than his withers/shoulders) is likely going to lead to more frustration than

and weaknesses.
success. Such a horse simply isn’t built to carry himself in the way required
for dressage. He can do it, and perhaps quite proficiently at the low levels,
but it will be more difficult for him than for a shorter-backed, “uphill”
horse, for whom the correct carriage is more natural.

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Horses (including foals and in-foal mares) come into rescues at all
Avenues for Horse-Shopping ages and from all backgrounds. You may find a former show or race-
By now, you’ve got a reasonably good idea of what you’re looking for horse or an untrained horse from a Native Nation in the Western states.
in your first horse. All that remains is finding your new Mr./Ms. Right. Some rescues purchase horses at auction to keep them out of the hands
Be forewarned that this can be a lengthy, time-consuming process, of killer (slaughter) buyers; others may have been granted ownership
as well as an expensive and aggravating one. Your budget, your patience, of horses involved in animal-cruelty actions, including hoarding and
and the amount of spare time you have at your disposal will likely starvation cases. Some may accept horses for which their prior owners
influence how you shop. Fortunately, you have quite a few options. could not find homes.
Typically a rescue evaluates each horse’s soundness and suitability
Equine Rescues and tries to find a good match with a prospective adopter. Just as with
The first place we recommend may be the last place you might think of sale horses, some horses may require an experienced rider; others may
otherwise: an equine rescue. Equine rescues have multiplied in the last be beautifully trained. Some are suitable for light riding rather than
ten years, and many horse folk have found them to be great places to go heavy campaigning over jumps. Others may have been retrained
to adopt. Of all the players you will encounter on this important journey, for a particular job or discipline by rescue staff or volunteers. Many
from trainers, to dealers, to individual horse sellers, rescues and rehabili- rescues have available horses profiled on their websites, and there
tation/retraining centers are the most likely to have the least reason to push are online search engines that allow you to view the horses available
you into a commitment that isn’t right for you. It is just as important for at rescues in a specific geographical area (the HSUS website
them to be sure it’s a good match as it is for you, because they deal with www.humanesociety.org has a link to horses available for adoption.)
the outcomes of bad “fits” every day. Even if you end up not adopting from Rescue staff members want to find the best home for each horse,
a rescue, the questions the rescue staff ask and the answers they provide pony, donkey, or mule, so they will assess your level of experience to
will give you a good baseline for what to expect as you travel from barn determine whether you are a good fit for the skills and temperament
to barn in your horse search. of the animal you want to adopt. Be prepared to be patient if the
In 2007 thirty-nine states had Internet listings for at least one equine right horse is not available on the first try and keep checking back
rescue organization. Some states, like California and Texas, had more with rescues, as their inventory changes frequently.
than ten such facilities. These organizations are all independent, with Once you’ve identified a horse who matches your needs, you are
different criteria for accepting, rehabilitating, and adopting out the required to complete an adoption application, provide references, and
horses in their care. Many are non-profits; most require adoption fees, perhaps permit a site visit of the premises where you intend to keep
professional (veterinary) references, and/or pre-adoption barn inspections. your horse. You shouldn’t view this as a challenge of your barn’s horse-
Many also require, as a stipulation of their adoption criteria, that they be keeping virtues, but rather as a helpful way of assuring that your horse
allowed to conduct follow-up visits for a time to ensure that your horse is will receive the care he requires. Sometimes even experienced riders
well cared for. Others may place geographical limitations on adopters or overlook simple horse care needs, and a trained rescue worker can point
specialize in one breed, such as Thoroughbreds or Arabians. In this way, out deficiencies and give advice to ensure the best future for your horse.
they are similar to animal shelters and dog-breed rescue organizations.

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Selling your horse should breed, age, sex, location, discipline, height, even color. Ads usually include
be a well-thought-out photos and sometimes even videos.
decision, and finding the In addition to the mega-size nationwide sites, there are lots of smaller
right home should be online resources. Some serve only a limited geographical region, such
a methodical process. as the Bay Area in California, or focus on a specific discipline, such as
eventing. While these sites don’t have as many horses listed and might
not have search features, their parameters have already done a lot of
the work for you if you’re in their target audience.
Internet ads are easy to use and are instantaneous, but it can some-

times be difficult to narrow your search appropriately on the larger web-
sites. If the type of horse you’re looking for is relatively common, you’ll be
overwhelmed by a large number of ads that match your criteria. On the
other hand, sometimes you can get so specific in your search criteria that
you inadvertently eliminate horses that might be just about perfect for
you, even if they’re not exactly what you thought you were looking for.
Private Owners Before the Internet, everyone advertised in the classified section of
The vast majority of horse sales take place between individuals. An various publications, everything from national equine magazines, to
owner might decide to sell because she has outgrown the horse’s breed-specific journals, to local general-interest newspapers. Many equine
abilities or because the partnership simply didn’t work out. The loss of associations also include classified advertisements in their newsletters.
a job, a pregnancy, a cross-country move, or a divorce might force a sale. These publications are still an excellent source, and since many are
Perhaps the owner has decided to stop riding. However events conspire, local or serve only one particular discipline, the ads are more targeted. If
the end result is that the current owner has decided a horse needs you prefer scanning ads to see what catches your eye, you might prefer
to move on to a new home. How do you connect with these sellers? this method over a website search.
The primary route is via advertising. There are homemade fliers at Regardless of the venue where the advertisement appears, remember
horse shows and tack shops, classified ads in local equine publications, that an ad is the seller’s “pitch” to you—it’s designed to make the horse
and listings on Internet websites, all offering horses for your perusal. sound as desirable as possible and is based on the seller’s judgment of the
Horse-for-sale websites, the newest sales tool in a very old business, horse’s talents, which may or may not be particularly relevant or accurate.
often offer the most selection and ease of use. These sites might (One person’s “dressage prospect” may be another’s “trail horse.”)
be national or local, and depending on popularity, can have tens Then there is the old standby, word of mouth. Let everyone in your
of thousands of horses listed, or just a few. own horsey circles know you’re shopping—your friends, other people
The larger sites offer sophisticated search engines that allow you to at the boarding/lesson barn, the folks at the local tack and feed shops,
select various attributes you’re seeking in your new horse; they then veterinarians, farriers, and so on. One of them may have a horse for sale;
return a list of horses that meet your criteria. You can search by price, if not, someone may know someone else who does. If you are taking riding

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lessons, your instructor may have contacts in the horse community or
have seen horses at shows, clinics, or elsewhere who would be worth
following up on. He may not be willing or able to evaluate the horse for Choosing a Responsible Breeder
you, but such information may still make an informal recommendation The Humane Society of the United States offers these tips to people choosing
worth pursuing. a horse breeder.
After exploring all these avenues, you are likely to come up with a
list of potential equine suitors. Then you need to contact the owners of Responsible breeders:
the horses to ask additional questions, and if a horse sounds promising, • Have carefully bred their horses to minimize lameness or conformation
make an appointment to see and ride him. issues and have started their horses slowly and correctly in their work.
This process can be time-consuming, and it can be frustrating to give • Are known to others in the local equestrian community for producing
up your weekends or take time off work to see horse after horse. If the quality horses (and will provide references).
kind of horse you’re looking for isn’t very common where you live, you • Do not use feedlot, dealer, or killer-buyer auctions to dispose of unwanted
may also find yourself doing a lot of driving. For this reason, many horse breeding animals, including barren broodmares or unwanted/unsaleable
shoppers prefer not to deal with individual sellers, but rather go to venues young animals.
where they have an opportunity to try multiple horses at a time. • Show a demonstrated commitment to breed improvement, through national
breed associations as judges, instructors, competitors, or officials.
Breeders and Trainers • Disclose any genetic health-related issues in the breed or the animal’s
If you know exactly what you want in a horse, sometimes it’s worth going
• Offer horses in good physical condition with complete veterinary histories.
directly to the source. For horses, this means shopping with the people
who breed horses for a living.
You’ll encounter many horses on your search about whom little is
known—the age and breed might be a guess, and the horse’s previous equine conformation; others may be much less committed to improving
history might be a complete mystery. When shopping with a breeder, the breed and more committed to improving their bottom line. Given
though, you’re talking to the person who was there when this horse the current overpopulation of horses, irresponsible breeders who
took his first unsteady steps after being born. The breeder knows not dispose of unwanted/unsaleable animals should be avoided, regardless
only the horse’s sire and dam, but also many other ancestors, going of the quality of the horses they offer (see sidebar).
back multiple generations, as well as those horses’ accomplishments, Breeders typically offer for sale rather young horses—most don’t keep
strengths, and weaknesses. their stock until maturity, so their animals won’t have much experience
Based on knowledge of other members of the breed, a responsible under saddle. A breeder might have only one or two horses to show you
breeder can make an educated guess about how the horse is likely to or as many as several horses at once.
mature, what he’ll be like to ride, and the disciplines in which he might While breeders can offer horse shoppers an array of choices with
excel. (There are no guarantees, of course!) Some breeders have decades potential, trainers can offer horses who are proven—they’ll be in regular
of experience in their breed of choice and have studied genetics and structured work and perhaps competing and demonstrating success in

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the show ring. Most trainers specialize in a particular discipline, premium sport horse sales, popular in Europe, attract buyers interested
either teaching students or bringing along horses (and sometimes in the dressage and eventing prospects of several registered breeds.
both) in that sport. At these auctions, you’re usually provided with lots of information
The horses in a trainer’s barn might be resale projects—horses about the horses. A catalogue is generally available beforehand with
with potential who were purchased with the intention of giving them photographs, pedigrees, and detailed descriptions. At some sales,
additional training and selling them again at a profit—or they might veterinary reports and radiographs (X-rays) are available to buyers. These
be the horses of students who have decided they need a different mount. sales are designed to give buyers an opportunity to see a large number
Trainers who specialize in sales will also likely have consignment horses of horses for sale in one location and to give increased exposure to small-
who’ve been sent to their barns for the express purpose of being sold. time sellers. The sales vary in quality: some have stellar reputations and
Buying a horse from a trainer will likely be more expensive than are known as a source for premium horses. Others might not have quite
buying a similar horse from an individual, because the trainer charges the same quality of horses or enjoy the same level of respect.
a commission to the owner of the horse, which is generally included The kind of auction most people are familiar with is the weekly or
in the horse’s sale price. You’re also paying for the trainer’s time, use monthly livestock sale that takes place at a local fairgrounds or auction
of his facilities, and his expert opinion on the horse. facility. Such sales might include other animals, such as cattle, pigs, and
Trainers and breeders have hung out their professional shingles and sheep. These kinds of events are intended for disposing of unwanted
should be known to others in your local equestrian community. They may horses quickly and easily. Killer buyers and less-than-scrupulous folks
have verifiable competitive or business histories. By doing a little research who are interested in cheap horses frequent these sales, as do some
and asking for recommendations, you’ll be able to determine which of private buyers.
these individuals is known for producing and representing quality horses You can look at the horses beforehand and perhaps watch them
and which should be avoided. being ridden, but rarely are you able to ride one yourself at these venues.
You won’t usually have the opportunity to have the horse checked out
Auctions and Dealers by a veterinarian (except perhaps to draw blood for a Coggins test), and
the horses are sold “as is”—if you get the horse home and discover an
Anyone can call herself a horse breeder, horse trainer, or horse dealer.
undisclosed physical problem, you rarely have any recourse.
Unfortunately, there are no codes of conduct, licensing standards, or
Nice (that is, sound and well-trained) horses do go through these sales,
professional overseers of people involved in horse sales, other than
and if you’re educated enough to spot the diamonds in the rough, you can
those who enforce standard consumer-protection laws. It is pretty
find a quality horse who might be down on his luck or must be unloaded
much caveat emptor throughout the horse industry.
very quickly by a cash-strapped owner. You need a very experienced eye;
There are two kinds of horse auctions, and although they operate
this isn’t an endeavor for a first-time horse buyer.
along the same principles, they couldn’t be more different.
Horror stories about unscrupulous selling practices at auctions
Elite auctions are where horses are often pre-screened for bloodlines
abound. Horses may be drugged to mask serious injuries or behavioral
or conformation and only the “best” are accepted to be sold. American
problems. Their training and history may be grossly misrepresented.
Quarter Horse or Arabian auctions are breed-specific examples, while
Because most auctions are so hectic and rushed, potential buyers

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have only the seller’s “pitch” and their own quick observations by or behavioral problem, for instance—you have only very minimal
which to judge an animal. protection under the law.
While not quite as risky as auctions, horse dealers aren’t necessarily Horse sales are conducted under the ancient edict “let the buyer
suited for first-time buyers either. Dealers are professionals who specialize beware.” Legally, a seller is prohibited from actively and grossly
in buying and reselling horses in quantity. They tend to buy horses cheaply misrepresenting a horse, but you’re only protected if you can prove
and resell quickly for a profit, large or small. Some dealers are more such deception. Let’s say you look at a prospective Pony Club horse
reputable than others, but in general their horses are likely to have for your daughter. The mare is sweet and quiet, and the seller tells
less training and/or natural aptitude than those you would find at an you that his child has ridden the horse with no issues. Your daughter
individual barn. Dealers aren’t likely to know much about the horses and you both take trial rides on the mare and are enthusiastic about
they’re offering for sale, since they operate with a higher volume of her. You purchase her and take her home.
horses, acquire them from a variety of sources, and don’t typically Two weeks later, the mare’s personality changes completely. She’s
hold on to them for long. aggressive and unruly. You won’t get on her, much less your daughter.
Dealers do offer the opportunity to try several equine candidates in one You call your veterinarian, who observes that sellers have been known
visit. Local dealers with good reputations for honest business practices— to administer a long-acting tranquilizer to horses that, once it has worn
for example, trading a horse who does not work out for another who is off, reveals the horse’s true demeanor. If you can prove this happened
more suitable (although not necessarily for the same price)—and have in your case and can document that the seller knew the horse was
repeat, satisfied customers can offer a selection of good family horses not at all suitable for a child, you have a viable legal claim against the
but typically do not offer a wide selection of competition-bound horses. seller. But how to get such proof? Did you ask for a blood test or even a
Unless you’re very experienced or have a trainer or other expert to assist rudimentary veterinary examination before you purchased the mare?
you in your search, you might fare better shopping at another outlet. Although the legal protection for buyers is minimal, sellers may well
be required to answer questions truthfully—if you ask if a horse has
ever been lame, the seller can’t lie and say no. The seller may have to
How Not to Get Bamboozled be honest with the potential buyer about the horse’s abilities, depending
There’s a reason why the term “horse trader” has negative connotations. For on state regulations. If you’re shopping for a jumper and the seller’s
as long as horses have been bought and sold, the process has been fraught horse won’t even step over a pole on the ground, the seller may have
with dishonesty, deceptive practices, and outright fraud. Older horses with to disclose that fact to you. You may want to check with an attorney
known lameness issues are presented as being young and sound. Horses in your state if you believe the seller has misrepresented the facts
with volatile temperaments are tranquilized to appear calm and sedate. A in a sale.
seller who only cares about getting a check for the horse will tell you just
about anything to convince you to take the animal off his hands.
The horse you purchase isn’t usually backed by a warranty. If you Take Advantage of Others’ Expertise
change your mind and decide you and the horse aren’t a good match, When buying a horse, your legal protection is skimpy at best, and you
you can’t return him. Even if the horse is “defective”—he has a lameness have to protect yourself by doing your own research, asking the right

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questions, and taking the time to judge the suitability of a horse under minimize your risk as much as possible. One way to do this is via
a variety of circumstances and conditions. a pre-purchase veterinary exam.
In most cases, as a first-time horse buyer, you simply don’t know the Commonly referred to as a PPE, this examination should be conducted
questions you should ask or the potential problems for which you should by a veterinarian of your choosing, not the seller’s veterinarian. If you
look. Assessing the soundness of a horse or the control issues that are don’t already have a relationship with a veterinarian, find a practitioner
being “managed” with a harsh bit are tasks better left to experienced in the area who isn’t associated with the seller. Although this can some-
people. That’s why we strongly recommended that you take advantage times be a challenge if you’re horse-shopping a considerable distance
of the expertise of others so you can navigate the horse-shopping seas away from home, you want to use a veterinarian who represents your
more safely. interests, not the seller’s. (Although if the seller has veterinary records
If you’ve been working with an instructor or trainer, she may be an and is willing to make them available to you, those can be helpful.)
excellent resource to help you on your horse-shopping voyage. A trainer A PPE can be as cursory, or as thorough, as you’re willing to pay for.
has likely bought and sold many horses and knows the ins and outs A basic PPE includes a physical examination of the horse for any obvious
of the process (although a riding instructor may not have had as much issues, including an examination of the eyes and teeth. Your veterinarian
experience in the marketplace as has a trainer). Ideally the instructor will use the horse’s teeth to gauge the animal’s age—compare this
or trainer knows you, too, and can help assess which horse will best estimate with what the owner has told you and what is stated on the
suit your ability level and needs. horse’s registration papers (if the owner has them).
You might want to leave the entire search up to your trainer, including This basic examination can often tell you a lot about the horse and
finding appropriate horses to see and try. Or you might prefer to conduct her history. By looking at the teeth, your veterinarian can tell if the
a good portion of the search yourself, scanning the ads and finding horses horse cribs. He can also spot certain old, healed injuries or surgical scars.
who sound promising, perhaps even trying them for the first time on your If the seller hasn’t been completely truthful with you, comparing your
own. If you find a horse you like, you can make a second appointment to veterinarian’s observations with the information the seller provides will
go back and try him with your trainer or other expert present. raise a red flag, and you know to proceed with caution.
You’ll need to pay your trainer for his time on these shopping Your veterinarian will also want to watch the horse jog to see if there
excursions, but you’re likely to find that it’s a tremendous help to have is any lameness and then perform joint flexions—individually flexing
an expert opinion on which to rely. Your trainer’s experience can help joints of the leg to stress them, and then watching the horse jog off again
prevent you from making the mistakes that are common to first-time to see if he is still sound.
horse buyers. If you don’t have a trainer or instructor, a horse-knowledge- Flexions are not a foolproof indicator of lameness (try holding your
able friend or mentor may be able to offer some general help that will own knee in a contorted position for a while and see how soundly you
at least prevent you from buying a completely inappropriate horse. jog afterward). Some horses with known lameness issues don’t flex “off”
The other expert advisor you want to rely on is your veterinarian. Your (lame), while other sound horses might, even though the joint in question
potential horse’s soundness is extremely important, and although there doesn’t seem to cause them any trouble during normal work. Positive
are no guarantees—even a perfectly sound horse can be kicked in the flexions, however, can indicate that a joint might be a problem, and
pasture and go lame the day he comes home—you certainly want to you and your veterinarian can decide if you want to pursue further

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diagnostics—such as a radiograph or an ultrasound—on any can offer some general guidelines and tips to help you navigate your
questionable joint. way through the process.
Many owners who opt for a very thorough PPE have radiographs done Before going to see a horse, talk to the owner (either by phone or via
on some or all of the important joints. These radiographs will show any e-mail) and ask some questions. Advertisements are usually short on
arthritic changes or bone chips that might cause problems down the road. details, so this is your chance to flesh out the minimal information you
Radiographs are not a Magic 8 Ball, however. “Clean” films don’t mean have about the horse and prevent you and the seller from wasting your
a horse is or will stay sound, and horses who show some trouble spots time if the horse isn’t what you’re looking for.
on their radiographs might stay sound forever. You might want to ask for a more thorough explanation of what the
Some veterinarians are hesitant to do PPEs because even though they horse has done so far—if he is in training for a particular discipline,
stress it’s an opinion based on observing the horse on one particular day, what skills has he learned? If he has competed, how many times, at
and not a guarantee, the purchaser may blame the veterinarian if the what levels, and with what placings? Is he reliable out on the trail? Will
horse has a problem later. Don’t expect the veterinarian to predict the he go through water (some horses object to crossing streams, for exam-
future. You’re asking for his assessment of the horse’s possible physical ple)? Does he load, clip, and tie? How is he with children? Tailor your
issues and of how the horse might be expected to hold up for the job questions to the particular horse and your own needs and interests.
he’s intended for. If the horse sounds like a good candidate, make an appointment to
PPEs, especially very thorough ones, can be quite expensive. Some see and ride him. Be courteous to the seller and make sure you keep
buyers opt not to do them on very inexpensive horses, since the cost the appointment and show up on time, dressed to ride.
of the exam could rival the purchase price. But a basic PPE is quite The seller might have the horse all tacked up and ready to go, but if
affordable, and is an especially good idea for novice horse buyers. not, watch as the horse is groomed, saddled and bridled, and make note
One other expert whose opinion you might want to solicit is a farrier, of how easy (or difficult) he is to work with. You can also use this time to
especially if the horse you’re considering wears special shoes or seems ask the seller about any unusual tack the horse wears—a strong bit or
to have problem feet. other gadgets might clue you in to the fact that horse could possibly be
A farrier can tell you whether a horse’s bad feet can be helped or difficult to control.
how difficult any hoof problems will be to manage. Corrective shoeing Have the owner or his agent ride the horse first—this will give you a
can often be quite expensive, so it’s good to know what you’re getting chance to see the horse go at his best with a rider who’s familiar with
into before you decide to purchase. him. Watch everything the rider does and pay close attention to how
the horse behaves. These moments are your brief glimpse into how easy
this horse is to work with and what his personality is like. Does he lead
Trying a Sale Horse willingly and politely? Does he stand quietly to be mounted?
If you’re a first-time horse buyer, we strongly recommend that you take Once the rider has mounted and warmed the horse up, ask him to
a trainer or experienced friend along on your first shopping trips, so you show you everything the horse is capable of doing, whether it’s simply
can rely on another knowledgeable person to guide you through this walk/trot/canter in both directions or more complicated tasks commensu-
process and help you make your decision. But if that’s not possible, we rate with a higher level of training. Does the horse perform willingly with

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a happy expression, or does he misbehave and ignore his rider? If he With luck, however, you’ll have a wonderful ride. If so, ask if you can
behaves poorly, does the rider try to explain it away with excuses (“He come back for another ride, before which you can request to tack the
never does this”), blaming the cold, blustery weather or the dog running horse up yourself, then ride him without the owner riding him first. (The
around next door? Any horse, especially a young or green one, can have owner should be present throughout the process, however.) This gives you
an “off” day, but misbehavior is a big warning sign. more exposure to the horse’s “out of the field/stall” behavior. A second
After you’ve watched the horse in action, and if you’ve liked what you’ve visit is also a good time to ask the seller to show you that the horse loads
seen, take your turn. Mount the horse unassisted, if possible, and ride on a trailer, longes, stands to be clipped and bathed, lifts all feet for the
in an enclosed area while the seller is present. Ask for—and follow—the farrier, and can be caught in a field or paddock. Ask if you can participate
owner’s suggestions on how best to ride the horse. Take note of how well in these activities, with the owner’s supervision.
the horse responds to your aids, how comfortable he is to ride, and how
much you enjoy the experience. (If the ride leaves you grinning, you’ve
probably found your horse!) If you have determined that the horse is not Take-Home Test
suitable before riding him yourself, it is common courtesy to thank the While your veterinarian, farrier, and trainer can all give their assessments
owner and leave. Do not ride a horse you feel is beyond your skill level of the horse, how you feel about the animal should be the deciding factor.
or is otherwise not a prospective purchase. Is this a horse with whom you’ll enjoy working? Will you be able to ride
Try doing as much as you feel comfortable doing with the horse, being him effectively? Does his personality suit yours?
mindful of his own level of stress and fitness—being ridden thoroughly These questions can be difficult to answer after only a half-hour test
twice in a short time is a lot of work. Ideally, the horse goes as well for ride at an unfamiliar facility. If the seller is amenable to the idea, you may
you as he did for the owner, but if not, it may be due to your unfamiliarity want to bring the horse home for a trial period before you buy. This gives
with each other, your nervousness, or your different level of experience. you the opportunity to work with the horse on your own turf and without
You have to use your judgment and decide if any issues are a matter of feeling self-conscious in front of the seller. You can ride the horse for
the two of you needing more practice together, or if this is a horse you’re several days in a row to see if the two of you get along. Most important,
simply not going to be able to ride effectively. you can get to know the horse’s personality. This is a partnership that
If, at any time during the ride, you feel uncomfortable about the will be years-long: you want to be sure you’re really in love with this
way the horse is behaving, stop and dismount if necessary. You’re horse, not just “in like”!
under no obligation to impress the seller or attempt more than you Before taking a horse home on trial, you should have a very clear
feel comfortable doing. Your own safety is the first priority. agreement with the seller about how long the trial period will be, where
A seller might also stop the trial ride if she doesn’t think things are the horse will be kept, and what costs will be covered by the potential
going well. If a seller says, “I don’t think this is a good match,” that’s a polite buyer. The seller might require you to take out a temporary insurance
way of saying that the horse requires more skill than you possess or that policy on the animal to protect both of you in case of an accident.
you’re otherwise not suited to each other. Don’t be offended—the seller is Some sellers may be reluctant to allow a horse out on trial, however.
looking out for both you and the horse. The seller is doing you a valuable This doesn’t automatically mean that a seller has something to hide;
service by preventing you from purchasing an inappropriate mount. perhaps he just doesn’t want to risk the horse getting hurt or having

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any training undone or has had bad experiences with trial periods examples are available online that you can tailor to your needs).
for previous buyers. If a take-home trial isn’t a possibility, the seller Make sure any ownership papers are transferred to you when you take
at least should be willing to let you ride the horse several times on possession of the horse. The vast majority of sales are straight cash
different occasions. This can be a challenge if the horse is located sales, but installment sales, lease-with-option-to-buy sales, and other
some distance from your home, but it is well worth the investment exotic options are available. The important thing to remember in such
in time and travel expenses. transactions is to obtain a written agreement covering the horse’s care
and the responsibilities and liabilities of all parties during the transition.
Buying a horse can be a complicated and sometimes stressful process,
Do Your Homework but if you’re careful, have competent people to advise you, and deal
There are many charlatans in the horse world who make a living preying with reputable sellers, the end result can be a wonderful new horse
on the naiveté of inexperienced buyers. Don’t be afraid to insult a seller you can enjoy for many years to come!
by asking questions. As long as you phrase them respectfully and don’t
accuse the seller of trying to cheat you, any true horseman should be happy
to provide accurate answers. Good sellers are just as concerned about
their horse ending up in an appropriate home as you are, after all.
Ask to see any documents that are available for the horse, including
her registration papers, the current owner’s bill of sale, and any previous
veterinary records. Compare the information in the documents—such as
the horse’s age and breeding or previous veterinary issues—with what
the seller has told you. Ask if the seller can provide you with contact
information for the horse’s previous owner. You can often backtrack
through the chain of ownership and glean good information from
a horse’s previous owners.
If the horse has a competitive record, double-check the results. You can
often find show results online or in various equestrian publications. If the
horse is registered with a breed or sport association, ask the owner for his
registration number, then contact the association in question and ask for
a copy of his show record. (If the horse is an ex-racer, you can also get his
racing record.) See if there are any long gaps in results that might indicate
the horse was “out of commission” for a time and verify that the horse
competed at the level the owner claims he did.
When you do decide to buy, sign a sales contract. If the seller provides
one, read it thoroughly! If not, you can provide your own (many free

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English Versus Western

whether you ride a paso fino, a paint,
or a Welsh Pony, chances are you ride for pleasure.
More horse owners in this country—about 42 percent,
according to a 2005 survey by the American Horse
Council—ride for pleasure than for any other activity.
Only 29 percent show or compete.30 Pleasure riding is
typically defined as trail riding, and although it is not
technically considered a riding discipline, trail riding
is most closely associated with Western-style riding.
Whether you learn to ride English or Western (as defined by the two
predominant and different saddle styles) depends most typically on how
and where you learned to ride.
If you started riding by taking lessons at a local riding stable or lesson
barn east of the Mississippi, you probably learned to ride in an English
saddle, since most instructors at such barns have an English-riding
background. If you started riding at a rental stable, dude ranch, on a

 
family property, or west of the Mississippi, you may have learned to
ride in a Western or stock saddle.
The various equestrian sports have more in common than they have
A horse in Western tack well equipped for the trail. The saddle’s back belly band prevents the setting them apart, and riders can—and do—cross freely between them.
saddle’s cantle from tipping up in steep terrain; the saddle pad is well fitted; the bridle is hooked Many tend to call one sport “home,” however, finding that it melds
over the horn since the horse is secured to his trailer by his halter. best with their personalities and goals. Each sport generates its own
community as well, populated with trainers who specialize in the
discipline, boarding barns that organize around it, publications that
cover it, and tack shops that cater to its participants.
The vast majority of horses can be trained in either style of riding and
can be ridden with either style of equipment. A number of horses can go
both ways, adjusting their way of traveling to English and Western styles
pretty effortlessly, depending on how they are ridden. Recreational riding
is particularly democratic, and you are likely to see pleasure riders sporting
a mix-and-match style of clothing and tack that reflects comfort, safety,
and availability rather than the exacting standards of either the English
or Western show ring.
That said, equestrian sports mostly fall under one main umbrella or
the other, although a few pursuits don’t fit neatly into either category.
(We don’t attempt to inventory and describe all equestrian sports here,
but instead introduce some of the most popular activities.)
The two camps use different terminology and tack, they prefer differ-
 

ent kinds of horses, and their style and dress couldn’t be more dissimilar.
The most notable difference, and the one that allows any individual
Trail riding can offer the challenge of the unknown and an unmatched view of the terrain from rider’s “denomination” to be discerned at a glance, is in the tack.
between your horse’s ears. Western riders use a larger saddle with a deep seat and a horn and

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Western riders tend to favor a smaller, stockier animal with a shorter
stride and smoother canter, or lope, like a Quarter Horse, Appaloosa, or
Paint. English riders tend toward taller, lighter horses, like a Thoroughbred
or Saddlebred, and dressage riders strongly prefer a horse with an
exaggerated overstep that yields spectacular, but often hard-to-sit, gaits.
English riders generally sport a hunt coat and breeches, although
saddle seat showing usually dictates a saddle suit or riding habit
(jodhpurs and a long coat—which may be either formal or informal,
depending on the time of day—in conservative colors, paired with short
jodhpur boots and a derby or top hat), and their horses “walk, trot, and

 
canter.” Western riders are typically in blue jeans and a cowboy hat,
although dress can be considerably more ornate in certain segments
A horse in English tack well equipped for the trail: the halter under the bridle provides a safe option of the show world; Western horses “walk, jog, and lope.”
for tying his head; boots provide protection from overreaching strides on rocky terrain; waterproof Despite outward differences, the same tenets of good riding apply across
saddle bags are strapped securely to D rings at the front of the forward seat saddle. (Stirrups ideally all disciplines—a balanced seat; educated, soft hands; and a finely tuned
should be run up the stirrup leathers, however, when the horse is tied so they do not bang the horse’s horse who’s immediately responsive to any cue and happy in his work.
sides or catch on trailer hardware—see photo A on page 256.)

The English Sports

generally use a bridle with no noseband, split reins, and a curb bit (one English is considered the “classical” form of riding: the result of the natu-
that acts via leverage on the horse’s poll). The tack can be simple and ral progression of horsemanship over time. As you might expect from the
plain or extremely ornate. name, the English style of riding originated in Europe, emerging primarily
Those who ride English use a smaller saddle—flat, without a horn— from the military. Horses used in battle needed to be responsive, well
usually with a snaffle bit (one with direct action on the bars of the horse’s trained, and agile. The Olympic equestrian sports—dressage, show jumping,
mouth), although curb bits are found and used frequently. and eventing—are English disciplines with military backgrounds.
English styles of riding vary from the forward position of hunt seat to One of the innovators in the English discipline was Captain Federico
the deeper seat of dressage or saddle seat, but one commonality is that all Caprilli, an officer in the Italian cavalry in the late 1800s who taught
English riders can choose whether to post or sit the trot, and most English riders and horses the skills they needed in war. At the time, a deep seat
sports call for both. Western riders use a deep seat almost exclusively, and was the only seat that existed. Even over fences, riders stayed seated
riders do not post. Western riders also hold their reins in one hand and on the horse, leaning backward, behind the natural arc of the horse’s
steer their horses via neck reining (the horse moves away from the light body, as the horse jumped.
pressure of the rein on the side of his neck); English riders hold one rein Caprilli realized that this posture interfered with a horse’s natural
in each hand and guide their horses with direct pressure on the rein. balance and movement, so he shortened his riders’ stirrups and had
them move forward, keeping their weight over the horse’s own center

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of gravity in what became known as the forward seat. When it became exponentially more complicated than hunter courses, with tight turns,
apparent that horses were able to perform much better under Caprilli’s long gallops, and combinations of fences. Instead of the subjective judging
system, it was adopted for the entire Italian cavalry and, eventually, found in hunters, jumpers are judged completely objectively. A knocked-
throughout all of Europe.31 down jump rail or a refusal incurs penalty points, as does exceeding the
time allowed. The horse and rider with the lowest score win.
Show Hunters, Show Jumpers, and Hunter Equitation Show jumping features the tallest fences in all of horse sports. Most
jumper classes feature an initial round with a time limit, followed by a
When someone in the English world speaks of a “horse show,” the person
jump-off course. The horse who finishes fastest with the fewest number
is usually referring to a competition featuring the three sister sports of
of jumping penalties is the winner. Jumpers compete in a variety of other
hunters, jumpers, and equitation. The classes might look quite similar—
classes, including timed “speed” classes; gambler’s choice classes, where
in each horses and riders navigate a course of flower-festooned jumps
each fence is assigned a point value, and the rider makes up her own course
in an arena—but they are judged completely differently.
for the maximum number of points; and puissance classes, a high-jump
Originally, hunter classes were intended to judge the horses that were
competition with fences as tall as seven feet.
best suited for a day in the hunt field. An ideal hunter had a tidy, efficient,
Hunter equitation borrows some aspects of hunters and some of
jump; “daisy-cutter” movement on the flat, showing minimal knee action
jumpers. In equitation, or “eq,” the courses are like small jumper courses
and a smooth, flat stride; and rideability with a calm demeanor. Competi-
but are ridden as smoothly and fluidly as possible, showing off the skills
tors jumped courses of natural-looking obstacles on grass footing.
of the rider. Judging is subjective and is based on the rider’s position and
In the last several decades, however, “hunters” have evolved into a
effectiveness, not on the horse’s performance.
sport of their own, straying from the original intention of selecting horses
Equitation classes are generally divided by age and are offered at
for fox hunting. Today’s hunters show a jump with tremendous bascule
different jump heights. They are highly popular with junior competitors
(the arc of the body over the fence) and are expected to be silky smooth
(under age eighteen). The best young riders qualify for regional and
and foot-perfect in the ring, right down to the number of strides between
national finals each year. Good equitation horses are expected to jump,
fences. The sport requires tremendous precision and attention to detail
jump, jump, in a flat reliable manner, and can log hundreds of miles
to be pinned by the judge. Professionals and amateurs generally compete
over thousands of fences for a variety of young riders over their careers.
in separate divisions.
Hunters, jumpers, and equitation are overseen by the United States Eques-
The competitors are judged subjectively on the basis of the horse; the
trian Federation (USEF) and the United States Hunter Jumper Association.
rider’s job is simply to show the horse to his best advantage. Horses are
also shown in an under-saddle class on the flat, and some shows include
a “handy hunter” class, where the course is more complicated. Dressage
Although a horse’s natural ability is ideally enhanced by a thoughtful It’s perhaps the most difficult equestrian sport to explain, yet dressage
and skillful rider, many hunter classes are so competitive that tiny is the most basic of all the riding endeavors. It’s the foundation on which
disobediences can make the difference between first and tenth place. almost everything you do with a horse is based.
While the hunters are about presenting a quiet and beautiful picture, Dressage is French for “training,” although it traces its roots to Xenophon.
the jumpers are about jumping error-free and fast. Jumper courses are The fundamental purpose of dressage is to develop, through standardized

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progressive training methods, the horse’s natural athletic ability and will- Eventing
ingness to perform, thereby maximizing his potential as a riding horse.32 Also called combined training, eventing is the triathlon of the horse world.
Dressage teaches the horse to move with straightness, suppleness, An event is one competition in three parts—dressage, cross-country
and acceptance of the bit. The horse should be relaxed and soft, moving jumping, and show jumping. Horse and rider pairs earn penalty marks
with forward impulsion, and responsive to the rider’s most subtle cues. in each phase, and the lowest cumulative score determines the winner.
At the higher levels of training, horses appear to dance, pirouetting and The heart of these competitions is the cross-country test, a course of
zigzagging across the arena, as light on their feet as ballerinas. Although natural-looking, solid obstacles navigated at a gallop across varying terrain.
dressage was born out of a practical need to train military horses to be Horses are expected to jump into and out of water, up and down banks,
highly responsive and agile during battle, it owes most of its history and over ditches.
to the pursuit of riding as an art. Originally designed to test the mettle of military horses who were
Dressage is practiced both as an art and as a sport, and purists view used in battle, the sport today tests the horse’s versatility and resilience.
the two forms as being slightly different. Classical dressage seeks to An event horse must be focused and rideable in the dressage phase;
adhere to the teachings of the equine masters, always striving for what brave and bold on cross-country; and poised, sound, and precise
is truly considered “correct.” Competitive dressage, in theory, seeks the enough to navigate a tricky show-jumping course.
same goal, but may be influenced by the fashions and trends of the day Each level of eventing asks progressively more of horse and rider.
and diverge from the truest form of dressage from time to time. At the lowest level, it’s a simple walk-trot-canter dressage test, a
In dressage competition, horses show individually in a regulation-size cross-country course of inviting obstacles taken at a forward canter,
arena and must perform a set pattern of movements at specific points and a straightforward show-jumping course. At the uppermost level,
in the arena, designated by letters. The pattern is called a dressage test. the dressage test contains movements at the third level of competitive
Several tests are offered at each level, and shows usually divide classes dressage, and the jump heights are just under four feet, with cross-
for each test by rider age and amateur/professional status. Tests are country being ridden at a full gallop.
offered at nine levels in ascending difficulty. Eventing is the pursuit of versatility, developing a horse who is quite
At the more advanced levels, riders compete in musical freestyle good at three different endeavors, rather than a horse who is excellent
classes, where they make up their own patterns of movements and set at only one.
them to choreographed music. It typically can take a horse five to ten The various eventing levels offer divisions separated by age (of the
years to reach the highest, or Grand Prix, level of training, although few rider) and experience (of either horse or rider). The USEF and United States
horses and riders ever reach that level. Many horse and rider combinations Eventing Association govern eventing.
work their entire active lives together to achieve competence in mid-level
movements. That said, basic dressage training can benefit virtually any
horse, of any breed and age, because of its emphasis on achieving the
Saddle Seat
ideal: harmony between horse and rider. A distinctly American invention, the saddle seat discipline came into
Dressage is governed by the USEF and the United States Dressage being as a way to ride showy gaited horses comfortably for long hours
Federation. around large Southern plantations. Today it encompasses a wide variety

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of breeds that show separately, unlike other English sports, where horses A saddleseat rider

of any breed compete in classes together. American Saddlebreds, Ten- appointed for the show
nessee Walking Horses, Arabians, Morgans, National Show Horses, and ring in long coat and
Freisans are among the breeds frequently shown in saddle seat classes. derby hat (her Freisan
These classes take place at specialized breed shows and at open shows, is equipped with a
which offer a wide variety of classes for different breeds and disciplines. pelham curb bit and
In saddle seat, the rider adopts a riding position more suited to the a crupper (a piece of
high head carriage and movement of the horse. The rider sits farther
tack that is looped
back, with legs slightly out in front of instead of directly below his
around the horse’s tail
hipbones but is still balanced over the horse’s center of gravity. The
to keep the saddle
rider also carries his hands higher, due to the horse’s head carriage.
securely positioned).
Saddle seat uses a cut-back saddle, a flat saddle designed to be placed
farther back on the horse’s back and with a cutaway pommel to allow

for the higher withers and neck set.
Horses are shown solely on the flat (without jumps) in group classes
and generally are judged on their manners and way of going, although
different classes vary in their requirements. Some divisions reward
“bigger,” flashier movement, while others are geared toward selecting
an amiable pleasure mount. In some classes, special shoeing is allowed
to alter or enhance the horse’s gaits, while others allow only plain Going Gaited
shoes. Certain breeds are required to show their specialty gaits, including
Gaited horses and horsemanship are included here as a “discipline”
the running walk for Tennessee Walkers, and the rack and slow-gait
primarily because their aficionados are drawn to the animals first and
for five-gaited Saddlebreds. There are also equitation classes, which
foremost for their gait rather than for other attributes that might make
are judged primarily on the position and abilities of the rider.
them suited for a specific activity. However, many specimens of the
Unlike some of the other classes you might see at English horse
gaited breeds are extremely versatile and compete in other disciplines
shows, saddle seat classes tend to be exciting and raucous, with
discussed in this chapter.
exuberant applause from the crowd showered on the competitors
A gaited horse does not trot or pace but instead performs some
throughout the class. The high-energy, high-stepping show horses
version of a four-beat intermediate gait (the ground-covering gait
thrive on the cheers and attention.
between the walk and canter or lope). Most gaited breeds have a
The USEF oversees most saddle seat classes, although individual breed
specific preferred gait, with other gaits considered undesirable or
organizations usually govern the classes at breed-specific shows.
even penalized in the show ring. All gaited breeds perform some
version of the walk, and some are also expected to canter or lope.

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Discouraging the trot under saddle (where the smoothness of the horse snaps his front legs high off the ground and rocks back onto
four-beat gait is prized) can prevent gaited horses from competing in his hindquarters to produce an exaggerated, or “animated,” gait.
some open breed competitions that either require or strongly favor In 1970 Congress passed the Horse Protection Act, which outlawed
the trot. The majority of gaited horses compete in breed-specific shows soring and mandated that the U.S. Department of Agriculture set up a
that offer divisions for a variety of gaited breeds. Gaited horses can process of inspections at Tennessee Walking Horse shows (where soring
be ridden and shown under either Western or English tack, though was originally seen) to detect it. As the practice spread to Racking Horses,
some breeds have unique tack and attire rooted in the customs of Spotted Saddle Horses, and Missouri Fox Trotters, they, too, came under
their place of origin. government scrutiny. These inspections continue today, but the level of
Only the Paso Fino Horse is recognized by and included as a breed compliance varies widely and soring remains a problem. Offenders have
division in the USEF, perhaps because the gaited breeds have developed become adept at concealing soring or teach their horses not to respond
their own rules, judging systems, and show circuits over time. (The to pain during an inspection (often using abusive tactics to do so).
Tennessee Walking Horse was included until the 1980s, when it was The best way to enjoy your gaited horse to his fullest potential—
removed from the USEF, then known as the American Horse Show without inhumane treatment or fear of violating federal law—is to
Association, or AHSA, rule book due to the breed’s struggle with the choose a horse who moves as naturally as possible, without gimmicks
problem of soring, discussed below). or pain-inducing practices. Seek advice from owners and trainers who
While the gaits are bred into the gaited horse, some individuals use only humane training practices. If you are bitten by the show “bug,”
perform them more easily and naturally than do others. A breed-gait research and choose those show venues where only the sound, natural
expert may need to develop and refine a horse’s correct gait (so the horse horse is rewarded.
learns what is expected and does it willingly) and to assist the novice
rider in perfecting and maintaining it, through patience, persistence, Competitive Trail Riding
and long hours in the saddle. “Shortcuts” or gimmicks, such as weighted
For most of us, trail rides are leisurely affairs, for fun, to enjoy the
shoes, long toes, long-shanked bits, action devices, or pain-inducing
scenery, or to take a break from work in the ring. But for endurance
techniques, should be rejected. Any gaited horse owner or prospective
and competitive trail riders, the trail ride is the sport.
owner should ask questions about a potential trainer’s methods,
Competitive trail riding (or CTR) is based on the challenge of riding a
techniques, and aids. If they sound harsh, cruel, or illegal—stay away!
planned course safely and without overly stressing the horse. The goal is
to find the best horse-and-rider combination for trail riding. Horses and
Soring riders seek to complete the ride within a certain window of time, and
Soring is practiced on gaited horses to obtain a flashier, more extreme, horsemanship judges along the trail evaluate rider skills and safety by
and unnatural way of going—often rewarded in the show ring—than can watching competitors navigate certain areas of the trail, or by asking
be achieved by traditional, humane training methods. Irritating chemicals them to complete a specific test (such as mounting from the ground or
are applied to a horse’s front pasterns to cause pain, or his front hooves backing their horse). Veterinary judges also assess the horse’s soundness
are trimmed almost to the quick, then shod tightly in a procedure known and condition during several checks en route. After the ride, the judges
as pressure shoeing. To avoid putting weight on his sore front feet, the determine the placings based on their on-course observations.

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Competitive trail rides vary in length. The longest are about fifty or sixty kept the rider secure while chasing after cattle; using just one hand for
miles and take place over two days. There are three levels (novice, competi- the reins left the other free for swinging a lariat, which could be tied
tive pleasure, and open), with the pace of rides increasing as one moves up around the saddle horn when a calf was roped.
the levels. Different weight classes may also be offered at each level. 33 Most people who ride Western today do so for recreation rather
Endurance riding is competitive trail riding taken to the maximum than for working cattle. These sports identify strongly with the cowboy
and suited to elite athletes, both human and equine. It’s a race to see persona, however; unlike the more formal English riding attire, the
which horse-and-rider pair can complete the course first. As in human Western “uniform” is blue jeans, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots.
marathons, only a few teams are generally in the event to win. Most Western riding also tends to more popular in the western and central
simply want to meet the challenge and finish the race. In fact, the portion of the United States, although there are Western riders all over
unofficial motto of endurance riding is “To finish is to win.” the country. And although any breed of horse can be trained to go
Veterinary checks are established along the route during which horses Western, the American Quarter Horse, who is almost synonymous
are evaluated to be sure they’re fit to continue, and are meant to provide with Western riding, overwhelmingly dominates these disciplines.
mandatory short rest periods. On longer rides, competitors generally have
“pit crews” to assist them with caring for the horse and going through Reining
the veterinary checks.
The sport of reining is somewhat similar to dressage, although the two
A veterinary check is also conducted at the finish of a ride, and any horse
pursuits couldn’t be more different in outward appearance. Reiners, in
who is unduly stressed is disqualified, even though he finished. In addition
their chaps and blue jeans, look nothing like dressage riders in their top
to an overall winner, a “best conditioned” award is given to the horse who
hats and swallowtail coats, but both sports show off the skills of different
was supremely prepared for the ride and finished in top shape.
types of horses in their purest form.
Competitors in CTR and endurance can ride with either Western or Eng-
Reining competitions judge the abilities of ranch-type horses within
lish tack, although as one progresses up the levels, specialized endurance
the confines of an arena, replicating the talents required on the range
saddles (similar to a very minimalist Western saddle without a horn, very
or when herding cattle. Like dressage riders, reiners execute a set pattern
lightweight, and designed for comfort on long rides) are likely to be used.
of movements. There are ten different reining patterns, each containing
Endurance rides are governed by the American Endurance Ride
the same maneuvers. A horse-and-rider pair starts with a score of
Conference, and CTR by the North American Trail Ride Conference.
seventy points, and points can be added or subtracted for each maneuver,
depending on the quality of its performance.
The reining maneuvers are all executed at the lope, and include
Western Sports roll-backs (180-degree turns), “large fast” and “small slow” circles, spins
The Western style of riding traces its roots to the Spanish conquistadors
(high-speed pivots on the hindquarters, also called turnarounds), lead
of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, who reintroduced horses to
changes, backing, and the crowd favorite, sliding stops. The performance
the Americas. Along with the horse, the Spanish brought cattle, and
should be smooth and precise, and the horse’s attitude willing and
cattle ranching became the lifeblood of the American West. By necessity,
without resistance. It should look easy and effortless, but the horse
Western riding evolved alongside—the deep seat of a Western saddle
is completely attuned to the cues of the rider and is intently focused

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on his work. Unlike dressage horses, reining mounts are ridden mostly Good cutting horses were the prized members of the remudas (strings
on a loose rein. of ranch horses) that traversed the wide-open ranges whenever herds of
Reining competitions offer classes based on the horse or rider’s age cattle needed to be rounded up. Humans being the competitive folk they
and experience (determined by how much money either has won in are, cowboys, of course, wanted to compare their prized cutting mounts
competition) as well as a rider’s professional/nonprofessional status. to their rivals, and a sport was born.
Freestyle competition is also offered, where competitors choreograph Today, the best cutting horses strut their stuff in show arenas instead
their own patterns of maneuvers to music. of on the open range. In competition, a rider is given two and a half
Reining is a relatively new as an organized sport—the National Reining minutes to allow the horse to demonstrate his cutting prowess. The horse
Horse Association (NRHA), which sets the standards for competition and rider must cut at least two cows (of the rider’s choosing) from the
worldwide, wasn’t founded until 1966. The sport has experienced herd, including one from deep within the group. This involves the horse
tremendous growth in the last decade, and the NRHA now counts quietly and calmly snaking through the herd to the target cow, taking
more than fourteen thousand members in its ranks and sanctions care not to upset or distress any of her herd-mates.
about 660 competitions around the world. 34 Once a cow has been cut from the herd, the rider must loosen the reins
Reining is governed by the USEF and NRHA. and give the horse his head. Until the rider decides to “quit” the cow, it’s
the horse’s job to hold her away from the herd. The horse is awarded
Cutting points for his skill, style, speed, and agility, and is penalized if he loses a
cow and she returns to the herd.
In reining competitions, horses are asked to show off the skills that might
Four other riders assist the contestant. Two are assigned to keep the
make them good cattle horses. In cutting competitions, on the other hand,
main herd from interfering with the competing horse and rider; the other
they have to prove it!
two prevent the cow who has been cut from running to the far end of the
Cutting is the process of separating one cow from a group. Being a herd
arena, away from the herd and the cutting horse.
animal, the cow in question is likely to be rather uncomfortable with this
As in reining, cutting classes are divided by age and experience. The
state of affairs, and will do her best to return to the safe surroundings of
National Cutting Horse Association sanctions competitions in the United
her herd. It’s the job of a cutting horse to prevent this, and a responsibility
States and Canada, and various breed shows and all-around Western
he handles on his own without assistance from his rider. The horse and
shows also feature cutting.
cow stare each other down, feint, and whirl like professional basketball
players, one trying to slip past, and the other trying to block whatever path
is chosen. Team Penning
A talented cutting horse has what’s known as “cow sense”—the innate Like cutting, team penning is a competition-ring replication of a situation
ability to outmaneuver and outthink his bovine charge in the same way encountered by actual working cattle horses. In this incarnation, teams
that dogs of herding breeds instinctively know how to round up sheep. of three riders work together to move three cows from a herd to a small
Although training fine-tunes the instinct, it’s something a horse either pen at the opposite end of the competition arena.
has or doesn’t have. It can’t be learned if it’s absent. The herd consists of thirty cows, each bearing a number from zero to
nine. (Three cows in the group wear each number.) Before the timer starts,

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a number is called out, designating the cows the riders need to pen. They
then have sixty seconds to find and move the designated cows; the team
with the fastest time is the winner.
Like many other Western sports, team penning is popular at
casual local get-togethers on summer evenings where folks bring their
horses, share a bite to eat, and enjoy the camaraderie of some friendly
competition. But this sport has become something of a national
phenomenon; the United States Team Penning Association, founded
in 1993 to provide some consistency and regulation for these scattered
local events, now counts more than six thousand registered members
and sanctions more than seventy-five pennings per year, attracting
as many as a thousand teams at the largest shows.
A note about cutting and team penning: horse folk typically view
these activities from the horse’s point of view, that is, how skillful and
well trained the horse must be to excel and how the horses seem to
“take” to them in a way that seems fun for all participants. We do want
to ask, however, that the cow’s point of view in these events not be 

overlooked: the cattle deserve humane treatment, too. We urge anyone A barrel-racing duo on course.
involved in cutting and team penning activities to make sure the cattle
are well treated before, during, and after all practices and competitions.
Western Pleasure
Barrel Racing This extremely popular discipline is a staple at any local show that
In barrel racing, horses and riders negotiate a cloverleaf pattern around offers Western classes and epitomizes what many consider the ideal
three barrels, and the team with the fastest “trip” wins. It sounds easy horse for casual riding.
until you see it in action: the best barrel-racing horses are so fast that In Western pleasure, all contestants show as a group in the arena. They
tenths of a second separate the placings. walk, jog, and lope on a loose rein in both directions, exhibiting smooth
The three barrels are set up in a triangle and placed a specified transitions in response to imperceptible cues from the riders. They must also
distance apart and from the start/finish line. Riders can start with rein-back and halt and are usually asked to show an extended jog as well.
the barrel on their left or the one on their right. The goal is to make The horses are expected to be calm and unflappable, traveling at an easy
the fastest time, without hitting a barrel (knocking a barrel over adds pace with a low-set head and neck (the head about level with the withers)
a five-second penalty to the rider’s time). Competitions range from and exhibiting an alert and pleasant expression. These classes are evaluated
local get-togethers to national championships. subjectively, with the judge selecting the winner and other top placings.

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You find Western pleasure classes at open and breed shows, most
notably American Quarter Horse Association shows, as the Quarter
Horse is considered the archetypal Western pleasure horse. Horse-and-
rider pairs accumulate points by virtue of their placings at local shows,
thereby qualifying for prestigious championship shows for their breeds.
For example, Quarter Horse riders qualify their mounts via AQHA-
sanctioned shows, earning the right to compete at the AQHA World
Championship Show, the world’s largest and richest championship
horse show, with more than $1.6 million offered in prizes and awards.35

As a modern-day sport, driving is dwarfed in size by the more popular
disciplines, such as hunter/jumpers and reining, but it’s a thriving part
of equestrian culture that is gaining converts. While all the English riding
sports maintain a strong sense of tradition, driving seems almost frozen
in time. The carriages look as if they’ve just been driven out of the car-
riage house on a nineteenth-century English estate. The drivers might be
A lady competitor in a manicured show ring drives a pony put to a two-wheeled cart.
decked out in top hats and swallowtail coats (for the gentlemen) or long
skirts and hats with veils (for the ladies), with a lap robe tucked around
them, harkening back to the sport’s original trappings. Many breed shows, especially those for ponies, offer driving
Driving can seem like something of a mystery to other equestrians. classes. Open shows are run under the rules of the American
Since the sport is smaller in scope, it’s not something with which many Driving Society, but breed show classes may differ, depending
come in casual contact. It has its own set of equipment and terminology on the sanctioning breed association.
that can seem completely foreign, even to otherwise-experienced horse
people. But there’s also a level of intrigue—those of us who often have
Combined Driving
trouble managing to get one horse to do as we ask, even with all of the
Imagine what eventing would be like with a horse and carriage instead
cues at a rider’s disposal, are amazed at the feats a driver can coax from
of a horse and rider, and you’ve got a good sense of what’s involved
an entire team of horses.
in the sport of combined driving.
In the show ring, classes generally fall into three categories:
Just like eventing, combined driving has three phases, and although
working (where the abilities of the horse are the primary focus);
the execution can differ from the ridden sport (horses hitched to carriages
reinmanship (judged mostly on the skills of the driver); and turnout
can’t jump!), the aim of each phase is similar.
classes (where the quality and authenticity of the vehicle, harness,
and dress are judged).

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The dressage is exactly like its ridden counterpart, except that it is
conducted in a larger arena, and the driver is allowed to use his voice
A Final Word
as an aid. Horses show only at the walk and trot but demonstrate Each equestrian discipline has its challenges, its traditions, and its
extended and collected gaits at the more advanced levels. Judges look advocates. None is inherently better, from the horse’s perspective,
for obedience, impulsion, and willingness as well as accuracy of the than another. Each has its model horsemen, and each has its abusive
movements. The driver and horse (or horses) are also judged on their followers. Which one you choose is not anywhere near as important
turnout and appearance. as finding the right one for you. Work with instructors and ride a
The second phase is what’s known as the marathon—it’s an endurance variety of horses. Find one who shows potential—or has experience—in
test made up of either three or five sections, depending on the level of the discipline(s) you want to pursue so your combined talents are well
competition, where the last section is essentially a cross-country course matched. Then, when you do bring a horse into your life, you will have
with “hazards” instead of jumps. The hazards look like mazes and are the best chance of making him your partner and companion for life.
made of natural materials, such as logs and brush, and incorporate water
crossings and changes in terrain. Each hazard has a series of gates the
carriage must pass through in a certain order, and the idea is to navigate
the hazard as quickly as possible.
The other sections of the marathon, which precede the hazards por-
tion of the phase, require the horse and driver to cover a certain distance
within an optimal time and at a specified gait. Veterinary checks are
conducted to be sure that horses are fit to continue to the next phase.
The final phase is the cones, which replicates the show-jumping
portion on an event. Instead of a course of jumps, drivers must navigate
between pairs of cones with balls sitting atop them. Knocking off a ball
(or knocking over a cone itself) is the equivalent of knocking down a rail
in show jumping.
Combined driving is offered at several levels—training, preliminary,
intermediate, and advanced—and each level offers divisions for horses
and ponies as well as for teams (singles, pairs, or higher multiples).
The sport is quite exciting to watch, especially the marathon phase,
where carriages pulled by up to four horses blast through the hazards
at high speed, making it look easy!
Combined driving is an international sport, with world championships
offered every other year, and is part of the World Equestrian Games. At
the national level, the sport is overseen by the American Driving Society.

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Breeds Versus Registries

from the tiniest shetland to the most
mammoth Percheron, all horses belong to the same
species, Equus caballus. Within the species, however, the
variation among breeds is tremendous: different sizes,
shapes, colors, and conformation, and differences in
aptitudes and talents to match. Within each breed there
are significant variations (a registered Thoroughbred,
for example, can be fourteen hands tall or seventeen
hands tall, since size is not a distinguishing
characteristic of this breed).
Before we look at common breeds, however, let’s clarify the distinction
between a breed and a registry. Breeds are basically an arbitrary
assortment of desirable (from a human point of view) characteristics,
including coat color (e.g., buckskin or palomino); size (consider the

Shetland pony); and talents or conformation (such as the “inspected”
Warmblood breeds, which are evaluated on their jumping ability, among
other qualities). Registries are organizations that seek to perpetuate
and improve a breed. In the United States, they are nongovernmental
organizations. A registry may sponsor horse shows, maintain a record
of registered animals, inspect possible candidates for inclusion in
the registry, and charge fees for registering eligible animals.
The Belgian is a European draft breed.
Some breeds owe their existence to geography. Perhaps the horses
lived on an island or were confined by rivers or mountain ranges—barriers
that limited their gene pool as they evolved to best survive in their native as one breed might have been purposely infused with the blood of
habitats, leading to very distinctive breeds that came about naturally. another to refine or improve it. For example, a specific Trakehner might
Other breeds are primarily human constructs, the result of planned and count many Thoroughbreds among his ancestors and thus might look
selective breeding to produce a specific type of horse that excels at an awful lot like a Thoroughbred!
a particular job. In most cases, a combination of natural and artificial One of the more obvious ways in which breeds differ is size. On one end
selection has produced the breeds we’re familiar with today. of the spectrum are miniature horses and the pony breeds; at the other,
Every horse is an individual, of course. Some defy their breed’s the heavy draft breeds; and in between lie the light riding horse breeds.
reputations, exhibiting a personality or ability that isn’t the norm (for Many pony breeds originated in very harsh, inhospitable environments.
better or worse). But “breed” parlance is how many horses are advertised, Natural selection ensured that the native equines stayed small as they
categorized, and discussed in the horse world. It provides a good starting eked out an existence where larger horses likely wouldn’t have been able
point in finding a horse of your own who has the temperament and to find enough food to survive. (This also explains why many modern-day
skills you find attractive and avoiding those you find less desirable. ponies seem to stay fat on air alone.)
The influence of human hands is prevalent in pony breeds as well—
ponies were in demand to work in coal mines, navigating low-ceilinged
How Breeds Vary tunnels that would have been impossible for full-sized horses. And,
Most of us can tell a Clydesdale (thanks to a famous brewery) from an as in present times, quality ponies have always been sought for
Appaloosa, but can you discern a Standardbred from a Thoroughbred, children’s mounts.
or a breeding stock Paint from a Quarter Horse? The draft breeds, on the other hand, were selectively bred to increase their
Sometimes the differences are quite minor and only visible to the size, enabling them to pull heavier loads and be more effective workhorses.
very experienced eye. Many breeds of horses have ancestors in common,

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In addition to size, other physical attributes tend to differentiate the
various breeds. Each breed has a “type,” an ideal specimen that breeders
Overview of Common Breeds
seek to produce, depending on the horse’s typical use. For example, breeds Arabian
such as the Saddlebred and Morgan have a very upright head and neck The oldest known breed of riding horse, the Arabian’s roots can be
carriage: this is a desired trait and is part of the ideal picture for that traced back thirty-five hundred years to the deserts of the Middle East,
breed. Quarter Horses and Paints, on the other hand, are expected to where Bedouin nomads carefully protected and tended a breed of horse
have a low-set neck. that was thought to have been a gift from Allah. Known for being fast,
While size and type might be the most noticeable attributes of a hardy, and intelligent, these treasured horses, bred carefully to keep
breed, something else quickly becomes apparent as soon as you start the lines pure, were eventually imported to Europe and elsewhere to
working with a particular horse—temperament. The horse’s attitude, improve and refine other breeds. Today, just about every breed of light
demeanor, and trainability are often a function of breed. As horses are riding horse has been influenced by Arabian blood, primarily through
selectively bred for generations to fulfill a particular job, traits applicable the Thoroughbred.
to that job become a hallmark of the breed. These traits can be positive Arabians are instantly recognizable by virtue of their delicate, dished
or negative, depending on the owner’s expectations and the role the faces and wide, expressive eyes. They have graceful, arched necks and
animal is expected to fill. long, flowing manes and tails that are never “pulled” (shortened by hand).
Thoroughbreds, for example, are often found to be “hotter” (more Arabians are on the small side, usually between fourteen and sixteen
excitable) than Quarter Horses or draft breeds, which are known for hands, and they are unique among horses in that they have one fewer
their very docile, placid natures. Appaloosas are sometimes thought rib and three fewer vertebrae than other breeds.
to be quite stubborn, while Morgans are frequently touted for their Although they’re prized for their beauty, they are also formidable
work ethic. athletes. Their toughness was established through centuries of survival
But what one owner might see as a detriment, another may find in the harsh desert. The Arabian horse has found a devoted following
attractive. Thoroughbreds excel as event horses because of their among trail and endurance riders who want sure-footed mounts with
boundless energy, and many Appaloosa owners say their horses’ the energy to go all day long.
stubborn streaks are just a sign of their exceptional intelligence. In the show arena, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a discipline in
Devotees of a breed often find their personality foibles as endearing which the Arabian does not compete—pleasure, trail, dressage, hunter,
as their strengths. costume, driving, saddle seat—versatility is the breed’s middle name.
Finally, different breeds show marked variations in their movement. Arabians are ridden both English and Western and compete in both
Compare the high-stepping, knee-snapping trot of the Saddlebred with Arabian-only and open shows.
the smooth jog of the Quarter Horse and the drive-from-behind move- The Arabian Horse Association, founded in 1908, is the official
ment of the Hanovarian. It’s the same two-beat diagonal gait in all three registry for the breed. It has forty-six thousand members, and currently
horses, but it looks vastly different, depending on the breed. Some breeds counts about six hundred thousand full-blooded Arabians, four hundred
also have specialized gaits of their own—the Tennessee Walker and thousand half-Arabians, and ten thousand Anglo-Arabians (Arabian/
Missouri Fox Trotter, for example, as discussed in chapter 6. Thoroughbred crosses) among its registrants.36

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Modern Quarter Horses are usually between fifteen and sixteen
hands tall and are typically broad, chunky horses with very muscular
hindquarters. They are extremely popular in all of the Western disciplines
and continue to be raced today, generally against other Quarter Horses.
Top racers can reach speeds of fifty-five miles per hour for short
distances. Quarter Horses are perhaps most common as pleasure horses.
They are known for their easygoing and well-mannered temperament
and are easy keepers (able to maintain their weight on a minimum
of feed), making them excellent family and children’s horses.
Founded in 1940, the AQHA is the official registry of the Quarter Horse.

 
The organization also registers what are known as Appendix Quarter Horses,
those with one registered Quarter Horse and one Jockey Club-registered
The AQHA registers Appendix Quarter Horses, horses with one registered Quarter Horse and one Thoroughbred for parents.39
registered Thoroughbred as parents.
American Saddlebred
American Quarter Horse
In the days when horses were the primary mode of transportation, they
The Quarter Horse is, by far, the most popular breed in the United States, had to fill many roles. They needed to be comfortable to ride over very long
with more than three million registered with the American Quarter Horse distances; strong and sturdy enough to pull a cart or buggy; and attractive
Association (AQHA).37 and fancy enough to take a well-dressed rider or driver to church on
The Quarter Horse is considered the first modern breed native to Sundays. The American Saddlebred was developed to fit that bill.
this country, descending from the Arabians and Barbs brought to the His early predecessor was the Narragansett Pacer, an easy-riding horse
New World by the Spanish conquistadors and imported English horses developed from imported English Galloways and Irish Hobbies. The Narra-
known as Galloways (the same stock from which the Thoroughbred later gansetts were eventually crossed with the early imported Thoroughbreds,
developed). These crosses produced a stout, muscular horse who proved leading to a breed that was simply known as the American Horse.
very fast over short distances and came to be known as a “quarter-miler,” These horses had the Thoroughbred’s size and good looks but retained
or Quarter Horse. By the mid-1600s, Quarter Horse racing was a common the smooth gaits of the Narragansetts. They were equally at home being
and popular pursuit in the colonies.38 ridden, pulling a plow, or trotting smartly into town with a carriage and
As pioneers pushed westward, the hard-working Quarter Horses were known for being strong, willing, and even-tempered.
came with them. The breed’s speed and agility made these horses adept As settlers pushed west, these horses came along, and Kentucky
at working cattle; since Thoroughbreds and longer-distance races were became a breeding center, leading to the moniker Kentucky Saddler,
beginning to eclipse the quarter-mile races in popularity, the ranch and and eventually, Saddlebred. They served with distinction in both armies
open range gave the Quarter Horse a new opportunity to shine. Today, during the Civil War and were the mount of choice for high-ranking
Quarter Horses are the breed of choice for ranch and cattle work.

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officers. Robert E. Lee’s Traveler, Ulysses S. Grant’s Cincinnati, and William Pacer, Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Morgan, and American Saddlebred
T. Sherman’s Lexington were all Saddlebred-type horses.40 stock. The Walker was developed for use on southern plantations,
Typically, Saddlebreds stand between fifteen and sixteen hands high. providing overseers with an extremely comfortable, hardy mount
Their most distinguishing characteristics are their high-set necks, which who could cover many miles without tiring himself or his rider. In his
rise gracefully from prominent withers, giving the breed a regal air, and signature gait, the running walk (an extension of the flat walk in both
their lofty and animated gaits, performed with panache and aplomb. stride and speed), the Walker can travel eight to twelve miles per hour
Saddlebreds are typically ridden and shown saddle-seat style, although and nods his neck and head in rhythm with his gait.
they can also go Western, dressage, or hunt-seat style. Several famous movie horses were Tennessee Walking Horses,
Saddlebreds perform two man-made gaits—the slow gait and the including Roy Rogers’ Trigger and Gene Autry’s Champion. The breed
rack—in addition to the traditional walk, trot, and canter. The slow gait is a popular mount of pack guides, park rangers, mounted police,
is like the walk in that both are four-beat, lateral gaits, and the sequence and riding stable strings.
of footfalls is the same for both. But the slow gait is very collected and The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association
restrained, executed slowly and precisely. is the breed registry, established in 1935. There are more than 430,000
The rack is also a lateral, four-beat gait, but is performed with registered Tennessee Walking Horses throughout the world, and it is
high-stepping action and at great speed. It is smooth to ride and very the second-fastest-growing breed in the United States.
animated and is typically performed to loud applause in the show ring. Other related breeds that have emerged include the Racking Horse,
Although the Saddlebred is best known as a gaited show horse, this whose four-beat rack is often called a “single-foot” because only one
talented breed can be seen in all disciplines. Saddlebreds are good foot strikes the ground at a time, and the Spotted Saddle Horse, which
jumpers, easy to drive, and can excel in dressage. was developed by crossing Spanish-type pinto horses with gaited
The official breed registry for Saddlebreds is the American Saddlebred breeds (including the Walking Horse) to produce a colorful horse that
Horse Association, founded in 1891. is smooth-gaited.

The Gaited Breeds Rocky Mountain Horse

A 2007 Equus magazine article listed twenty-six unique gaited breeds According to the Rocky Mountain Horse Association (RMHA), around the
found in North and South America, and many more are found around turn of the twentieth century, a gaited stallion was brought from the
the globe. Here are a few of the more popular North American breeds. Rocky Mountain region of the United States to the foothills of eastern
Kentucky and was referred to by the locals as “the Rocky Mountain Horse.”
Tennessee Walking Horse Although little is known of this foundation stallion’s background, legend
has it he was chocolate-colored with a flaxen mane and tail and had
One of the best known and most ubiquitous of the gaited horses in North
a superior gait, traits shared by many of the breed’s specimens today.
America, the Tennessee Walking Horse has also been exported for many
The breed is characterized by a medium-size horse of gentle tempera-
years across Europe and as far away as the Middle East. The breed was
ment, with an evenly timed, smooth four-beat gait similar to a rack: the
founded in middle Tennessee as a cross of Narragansett and Canadian
Rocky Mountain Pleasure Gait. This gait, which made this breed popular

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on the farms and in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, is a rapid, consistent rhythm and exceptional comfort for the rider. It is
enjoyed today by trail riders and show ring exhibitors nationwide. performed at three speeds, the Classic Fino, Paso Corto, and Paso Largo,
In 1986 the RMHA established the breed registry and formed a panel with varying degrees of collection, speed, and extension.
of inspectors to examine all Rocky Mountain Horses before breeding The Paso Fino Horse Association registers horses in the United States
for evidence of breed characteristics. and serves as the breed’s horse show-regulating body.

Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Peruvian (Paso) Horse

The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse was developed in the nineteenth century The Peruvian Horse can trace its origins to the horses brought to Peru by
in the Ozark foothills by pioneers who realized that a horse with a the Spanish conquistadors. The Peruvian was bred for gait, conformation,
smooth four-beat gait would be ideal for the rocky, forested land. Farmers and temperament, resulting in a strong, hardy animal that enabled
selectively bred for a gliding gait by blending American Saddlebred, overseers to traverse their vast plantations.
Standardbred, and Tennessee Walker stock with that of Morgans, In addition to its smooth gait, the Peruvian is best known for two
Thoroughbreds, and Arabians. unique breed characteristics—brilliant action combined with “termino,”
The horse appears to walk with his front legs and trot with his hind an outward rolling of the front legs and “brio,” an attitude of arrogance,
legs. But because the gait has a four-beat motion rather than a two-beat exuberance, and spirit. The signature gaits are the paso llano, a movement
trot, it’s easy to sit and can be maintained for long periods, reaching and footfall close to that of the rack, and the sobreandando, a
speeds of up to ten miles per hour. The “Fox Trotter” also performs faster, slightly more lateral gait.
the flat-foot walk and canter. The North American Peruvian Horse Association was formed in 2006,
Recognized in 1958 the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breeders’ the result of a merger of the breed’s two main U.S. registries.
Association (MFTHBA) claims more than fifty-two thousand registered
horses in North America and Europe. Morgan
In 1789 a dark bay colt was born in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Over
Paso Fino the next thirty-two years, this stout little horse was undefeated in races
The Paso Fino has a history in the Americas dating back five centuries. under saddle and in harness, as well as in pulling contests, and became
A blend of the Barb, Spanish Jennet, and Andalusian, the Paso Fino was a prolific and popular sire. The horse’s name was Figure, but he was
bred by Spanish land owners in Puerto Rico and Colombia for use on better known by the name of his owner, Justin Morgan.41
their plantations, due to his endurance and comfortable gait. The Paso Although his origins are somewhat of a mystery, Figure became the foun-
Fino began to be imported to the United States in the 1950s, and while dation sire for the Morgan breed, stamping his get with his best qualities.
the Puerto Rican and Columbian strains are still bred individually to The human Justin Morgan was a Vermont schoolteacher who received
retain their purity, they are also crossbred to capture the best of both. Figure as a yearling as partial payment for a debt. The horse was small—no
The gait of the Paso Fino horse is a natural, evenly spaced, four-beat taller than fourteen hands—but muscular and strong and had impressive
lateral gait in which each foot hits the ground independently, creating gaits. Figure was put to work clearing land in Vermont’s rolling hills and

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became something of a local legend for his ability to pull out tree stumps
and haul logs. He could outrun and outpull any other horse in the area.
Figure worked hard his entire life and was also used as a riding and
driving horse. He was not only incredibly strong and blessed with great
stamina, but he had a wonderful and gentle disposition as well. He
was in high demand as a sire, and three of his famous sons—Bulrush,
Sherman, and Woodbury—became influential sires within the breed.
Morgan horses became very popular in New England and northern
New York. They worked on farms, pulled stagecoaches, and were used
in the cavalry in the Civil War (primarily on the Union side) with great
distinction. Morgans also had great influence on a number of other

breeds, including the Saddlebred, Standardbred, and Tennessee Walker.
Today’s Morgans generally stand between 14.1 and 15.2 hands tall.
They have a high-set neck; a beautiful and distinctive head with small,
wide-set ears and expressive eyes; a short, strong back; and muscular
The Thoroughbred Classics winner and stallion Hansel.
hindquarters. They are known for being very sound and easy keepers.
They also sport long, thick manes and tails that are traditionally left
untrimmed and unpulled. From those three sires descended a breed that was blessed with speed
Morgans are ridden saddle seat, English, and Western, and also driven, over long distances, strength, and endurance. The first Thoroughbred was
and can be seen competing in just about every discipline. The versatility imported to the United States in 1730, and by 1800, more than three hun-
that was Figure’s hallmark is still a part of the breed today, as is his quiet, dred had crossed the Atlantic to be used for breeding and racing here.
steady disposition. The Thoroughbred breed is notable for the meticulous record-keeping
The American Morgan Horse Association, founded in 1909, is that has accompanied its ascent. Today’s Thoroughbreds trace their ances-
the official registry of the breed, and currently counts about 108,000 try back through dozens of generations, all the way to the original three
registered Morgans.42 foundation sires. The official Thoroughbred registry in the United States
is the Jockey Club, which was founded in 1894.43
Thoroughbred Not only did Thoroughbreds revolutionize horse racing, they had
tremendous impact on other breeds as well. The American Quarter
For more than three centuries, the Thoroughbred breed has been
Horse, Standardbred, Morgan, and American Saddlebred all derive in
synonymous with horse racing. In the early 1700s, three Arabian stallions
part from the Thoroughbred, and many of the European warmblood
were brought to England, where racing was already a flourishing
breeds have also benefited from an infusion of Thoroughbred blood.
pastime, to cross with native stock in the hope of producing superior
Known for their tremendous heart and regal presence (often romanti-
running horses. Those three foundation stallions were the Byerley Turk,
cally called the “look of eagles”), Thoroughbreds are built to run. They
the Darley Arabian, and the Godolphin Arabian.

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All registered
The Warmblood Breeds
Thoroughbreds who
When widespread use of the internal combustion engine began to make
make their way to the
horses obsolete for work and transportation in the early part of the
racetrack are tattooed twentieth century, breeding began to take on a new focus—producing
in order to document horses for recreation and sport. Nowhere was this transition more
their identities. effective than in Europe, where horses have been carefully bred for
centuries, often at royal or state-sponsored studs. These breeders began
to adapt the riding, carriage, and cavalry horses they had previously

developed to the new reality of the horse world.
The warmblood breeds are named for their countries or regions of
origin. Some of the common warmblood breeds include the Dutch
Warmblood (Holland), Hanoverian (from the Hanover region of Germany),
Danish Warmblood (Denmark), Swedish Warmblood (Sweden), Selle
Français (France), Trakehner (from the East Prussian town of Trakehnen),
sport powerful hindquarters that propel them at speeds of up to forty Polish Warmblood (Poland), Holsteiner (from the Schleswig-Holstein
miles per hour. They are a light and lean breed, with long, slender legs region of Germany), and Oldenburg (Germany).
and necks. The average Thoroughbred stands about sixteen hands tall.44 The term “warmblood” was coined to reflect the fact that most of these
Thoroughbreds have also excelled as sport horses. The racing industry breeds historically were mixtures of “hot-blooded” horses (Arabians and
has little use for most Thoroughbreds after their racing careers are over, Thoroughbreds) and “cold bloods” (coach or carriage horses)—although it
however, and racehorse trainers offer Thoroughbreds to local show horse refers to temperament, not actual genetics. Most warmblood breeds have
trainers at low prices. Although a Thoroughbred with race training can open studbooks: a horse of any breed can be introduced to the gene pool
be challenging for a novice to ride, many trainers have had success as long as he meets the strict criteria established for the breed. New blood
retraining former racehorses with good minds for intermediate riders and is regularly infused into the breed to refine and improve it.
better. Thoroughbreds have dominated eventing for decades, thanks to The warmblood registries all rely on a system of inspections to approve
their ground-covering gallop and bravery, and have also found success their breeding stock. The process differs from registry to registry, and many
as show hunters, jumpers, dressage horses, polo ponies, fox hunters, offer various levels of approvals. In general the process includes having
steeplechasers, and even endurance horses. Many Thoroughbreds judges inspect stallions and broodmares to see if they meet the ideal
transition into sport horse careers if they aren’t suited to racing, but some standard for the registry. Stallions are usually performance-tested as
are bred specifically for sport and never set hoof on a racetrack. well, to ensure their abilities match their looks.
The Jockey Club counts about thirty-four thousand foals born each Due to decades of careful breeding to stringent standards, warmbloods
year. Unlike most other registries, it only accepts horses who have have come to excel as sport horses and now dominate the upper levels of
been conceived via live cover (rather than through artificial insemination the three Olympic sports. Each warmblood breed has an American registry,
as well). usually affiliated with the registry in the horse’s home country.

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natural jumpers and are also often used for driving. Known for their
intelligence and excellent temperament, they have been a popular
children’s mount in the United Kingdom for generations.
Welsh ponies and cobs are very versatile and can be found competing
in just about every discipline.

How Breed Factors into Buying

The breeds just described represent a sampling of the amazingly
diverse array of breeds in this country and around the world. Some, like

 
the Quarter Horse, number in the millions; others may be represented
by just a handful of horses in a remote corner of the world.
Breed should not usually be the deciding factor in a horse purchase.
Unless your goal is to participate in a breed-specific discipline, a certain
breed is not usually necessary. Nor is it required that a horse be of any
A Welsh Section B stallion being judged “on the line” (i.e., in the conformation class show ring).
breed—there are plenty of grade horses (those of undetermined or
nonspecific origin) who are wonderful mounts. But a horse’s breed can
Welsh Ponies and Cobs give you some insight into who he is, where he came from, and where
Perhaps the best-known purebred ponies are the various types of Welsh he might be going.
ponies. Welsh ponies and cobs are divided into four types, corresponding
with their respective sections of the Welsh Pony and Cob Studbook and The Past and the Future
their heights: section A, the Welsh Mountain Pony (not to exceed 12.2 Buying a horse of known breeding (i.e., that the pedigree is known, not just
hands in height); section B, the Welsh Pony (not to exceed 14.2 hands); the breed) may be a little like having a crystal ball that allows you to see
section C, the Welsh Pony of Cob Type (not to exceed 13.2 hands); and into both the horse’s past and his future. The picture is fuzzy, but you’ll
section D, the Welsh Cob (13.2 hands and taller). sometimes be able to get some useful hints.
The Welsh Mountain Pony is considered the basis for all of the types. Meticulous record-keeping is the mainstay of any breed registry. It’s
These tiny, hardy, beautiful ponies have roamed the harsh hillsides of what allows a sire or dam’s progeny, as well as all of their competitive
Wales for centuries. The wild bands of ponies were influenced by the accomplishments, to be tracked and recorded. Breed registries keep
blood of other breeds, particularly the Arabian, which was brought to lists of leading sires, as determined by points or prize money earned
Wales by the Romans, and later, the Thoroughbred and the Hackney. in competition, to determine which horses are fathering the next
But the ponies remained of a distinctive type that is still evident today. generation of winners. Even if a horse has never jumped a jump or run
Their hardiness is legendary, as is their beauty. Their heads show the a race, looking at his pedigree can tell you a bit about what he’s capable
Arabian influence, often having a slightly dished profile. They are of, if the odds are in your favor.

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Even within a breed, there can be variations in the ideal type. A
Quarter Horse intended for racing looks quite different from one bred
for Western pleasure riding, for example.
Most breeds are built to do a certain job, designed over hundreds of
years of selective breeding. This can work either for you or against you as
someone looking for a new horse. You’re stacking the deck in your favor if
you choose a horse who was designed to do the kind of job you want her
to do. If you purchase a Thoroughbred as an event prospect, you already
know the horse is bred to have an efficient gallop and high endurance,
qualities that will serve you well when traveling cross-country. If you

want to show a gaited horse, you know that a Paso Fino or an Icelandic
horse has the gaits to fit the bill.
While some individual horses can excel in disciplines unusual for
their breed, they are the exception rather than the rule. That Morgan
you love might be able to jump well enough to be a show hunter, but
An example of the vagaries of breed popularity, the Gypsy Vanner (so named for the gypsies
the odds aren’t in your favor, and you might be setting both yourself
who typically use the stocky piebald animals to pull their vans, or wagons), being shown here
and the horse up for a lot of frustration by asking him to do something
in dressage, is highly prized in the United States despite his remarkable similarity to the colored,
he wasn’t designed to do.
draft-type “tinkers’ cobs” available for a song in Great Britain.

The Importance of the Individual

Horses are more than the sum of their accomplishments, however. A “A good horse is never a bad breed.” The message of this old horseman’s
particular mare may be reputed to have an extraordinarily kind tempera- saying is that, if the horse standing in front of you is perfect for what you
ment or a stallion may be known for producing sons and daughters of want to do, she is the right horse, regardless of breed.
remarkable soundness. That information can sometimes be discerned Do you like her personality? Does her temperament match the demands
from a pedigree as well. (To reaffirm: many horses of unknown breeding of her intended career? Is the price right? Is she physically suited for the
have made wonderful partners and companions as well.) discipline you want to pursue? Is she healthy and sound? If so, it shouldn’t
matter if she’s a different breed from the one you had in mind, or a strange
Suitability for a Discipline combination of several breeds. Don’t let preconceived notions or ignorance
Every breed has an ideal type, the theoretical “perfect horse.” The type about a breed (called breed prejudice) close your mind to a great match.
differs from breed to breed. Small variances in conformation can have a Breed designation is not the be-all and end-all, and it offers no
great effect on how a horse moves, how fast he runs, how high he jumps, guarantees. There is wide variation within any breed, genetics
and how sound he stays throughout his lifetime. being what they are. Even though most grandchildren of the great

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Papers and Registries
One segment of the horse-oriented human population believes
there’s a cachet to having a horse “with papers.” In some locales, highly
organized breed associations offer large, frequent, and well-run shows
that are “the best game in town” for show competitors, particularly
for young riders. For such folks, breed-registry papers are virtually
required for their horses to compete locally, since these shows are open
only to their registered horses. However, if you don’t plan to breed your
horse or participate in these breed shows, your horse’s pedigree and
registration papers may not be terribly important to you. Most sports
don’t have any breed restrictions or require that horses be registered

with a breed organization.
Most breeds have one official registry that has been in existence
for decades, even a century or more. Examples include the American
Not all breeders walk in lockstep with a specific registry or strive to meet a show ring standard. P. Quarter Horse Association and the Jockey Club. Such organizations
Wynn Norman (above), breeder of Theodore O’Connor (page 251), has an unconventional approach to generally accept registrations for any foals from two registered parents.
breeding an athletic, competitive horse. Kevlar is “Teddy’s” full brother: both are one-eighth Arabian, Other registries accept horses of different breeds, but most of have
one-eighth Shetland Pony, and seven-eighths Thoroughbred. Although not conformationally perfect, extremely stringent selection criteria. Unfortunately, anyone can “invent”
Kevlar proves that Teddy was not an “accident” but part of a well thought out plan. a breed, create a registry, and hand out registration papers (for a fee, of
course) to anyone who meets certain criteria. The fact that a horse has
papers or a registration certificate from an organization doesn’t mean
Thoroughbred racehorse Secretariat are accomplished athletes, a few
the documents are worth much more than they’re printed on—whether
might be pony-size and unable to outrun the hay delivery man.
or not being “registered” is anything to be proud of depends on the
And while we often speak of a breed’s common traits in a positive
registry in question.
light, there are plentiful breed prejudices as well. All Arabians are “crazy”;
Thoroughbreds are hot and spooky; warmbloods are “dumbbloods”;
Saddlebreds “can’t do dressage.” There’s often a kernel of truth in
those biases, but it’s unfair and unrealistic to condemn an entire breed.
Horses are individuals: for every breed prejudice, there are many, many
individuals who prove them wrong. An educated rider is able to look
beyond what a breed is “supposed” to be, and instead see the horse
who is actually there.

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have you ever had the misfortune of

enduring a truly awful living situation? Perhaps you
lived in a tiny, windowless basement apartment with
a cockroach problem. Or maybe you had a horrible
roommate who made any time spent at home
miserable. Now imagine you had no way to extricate
yourself from that living arrangement and you were
stuck there twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
week, 365 days a year. That would be your horse’s
predicament if he is kept at a sub-par facility.
are pretty universal. Your horse needs housing, whether a run-in shed
or a stall; he needs turnout; he needs friends, equine or otherwise;
he needs adequate, good-quality food; and fresh water. You need
a place to ride him.

Horses are designed to live outside. Mother Nature has equipped them
well, giving them thick furry coats in wintertime and long tails to whisk
flies away in the summertime.
If a horse is in good health and is acclimated to the local weather, he
doesn’t need to be kept in a stall, and many horses actually prefer not to
be. A run-in shed gives him the opportunity to get out of the bitter wind,
driving rain, or brutal heat—although you’re likely to find him out in the
elements a good portion of the time anyway.
Most horses are perfectly happy with that living arrangement, but
there are some who might not thrive in such a situation. A horse who
has just recently been moved from a warm climate to a cold one likely
 
won’t fare well if pasture-kept his first winter, for example—he won’t
Horses thrive out in a field and in good company.
have had a chance to adapt to his new surroundings and won’t grow
a thick enough winter coat to keep warm. Special care must be taken
Where and how your horse lives affects not only his physical health, with older horses as well because they can become chilled or over-
but his mental health as well, and is perhaps the single biggest influence heated more easily than their younger counterparts. Even horses used
on his day-to-day life. The importance of where you keep your horse to living outside can become more susceptible to the elements as
cannot be underestimated. they age. Keep a close eye on any elderly residents of your pastures,
At the same time, however, it’s important to remember that what a especially in the event of a cold rain or biting wind.
horse truly needs is minimal. Most horses are perfectly happy and healthy Pasture dynamics also play a role. Although a given run-in shed
out in a field with good grass; clear, cool water; and a run-in shed. But might be large enough to accommodate several horses, if you have one
most horse owners have other considerations as well—cost of board, particularly dominant horse in the group, you’re likely to find him in
amenities, distance from home or work, the cost of purchasing property, the run-in and the other horses standing dejectedly outside.
and so on. A run-in should be large enough to allow all the horses in a group to
The trick is to find a balance between what will keep the horse healthy stand inside comfortably, without feeling crowded and should also allow
and happy and what suits the owner’s wants and needs. Although them to “escape” from it easily if a fight breaks out. Most are built as
everyone’s circumstances are slightly different, the basic requirements three-sided enclosures that face south to take advantage of warming

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142 143
If you do need to blanket your horse, make sure you have an
assortment of clothing in varying weights—a light sheet for chilly days
and a heavy blanket for bitterly cold ones. Think of the variety of coats
and jackets in your own closet; if your climate is such that you need
an array of outerwear, your horse does, too.
Any blanket that your horse wears outside must be waterproof. A
soaking wet blanket is actually worse than no blanket at all. Remember
also that a horse’s coat keeps him warm because it’s fluffy and traps an
insulating layer of air within the thick fur. A blanket will make the coat
lie flat and will inhibit the natural function of the coat, so be sure the

 
blanket itself is thick enough to keep the horse warm.
Blankets should fit well, being neither too loose nor too tight. A blanket
that’s too big might slide too far to one side, allowing the horse to step on
Lightweight blankets, or sheets, can keep a horse cleaner, making grooming less of a chore.
it or get tangled up in it. This will not only destroy the blanket but may
The fit and weather-appropriate weight of the blanket should be checked daily. also cause the horse to panic and lead to an injury. A blanket that is
too small can bind in certain spots and cause rubs—bare spots that can
sunshine in the colder months. The open construction allows horses actually be rubbed raw. Most blanket manufacturers provide instructions
to enter and leave easily, thus minimizing disagreements, and provides for how to measure your horse for a blanket and select an appropriate
for plenty of air circulation to keep the inside cool in summertime. size, or you can ask someone at your local tack shop to help you.
In very hot climates, simple shelters that consist of only a roof might Although horses are quite happy living outside, their caretakers
be used, just to provide shade. sometimes prefer to keep them in stalls, at least part of the time. It makes
One method of helping horses keep warm and dry in inclement weather individual feeding regimens possible, provides a secure environment
is to blanket them. Although a normal, healthy horse who is acclimated for a foaling or ailing animal, and offers more protection from extremes
to his surroundings and grows a sufficiently thick coat doesn’t usually of elements and insects. Barns also can be more comfortable, secure,
need to be blanketed, some owners do choose to blanket their charges. It and convenient for the humans who are working with the horses.
helps keep them cleaner, making grooming less of a chore in the muddy A pretty barn does not necessarily equal a good barn. Although everyone
months. A blanketed horse also grows less of a coat, which is helpful if likes fresh paint and new construction, it matters little to the horses. More
the horse stays in work during the winter—he won’t get so sweaty and important for their sake is that the barn is safe, sturdy, and well kept. Stalls
won’t take so long to cool down properly after a ride (but he will need should be large enough for a horse to turn around comfortably (ten feet by
to be kept blanketed throughout the winter). Blanketing is a necessity twelve feet or twelve feet by twelve feet is considered standard), safely
if an owner chooses to clip the horse’s winter coat, as the animal will constructed (no protruding nails or loose boards on which a horse could
need a replacement for his own natural insulation. injure himself), and well bedded with good drainage, so the horse isn’t
standing on wet bedding. Doorways should be wide enough for a horse

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144 145
A shed-row-style barn has all

stalls facing toward the outside

rather than toward an aisle,

as with a center-aisle design.

Water runs off the roof, making

 
the immediate area below

muddy, and a minimal roof

overhang provides no protection

from the elements other than the

stall for routine and other care.

 
A six stall center-aisle barn is

a popular design nationwide.

It may have a tack room or

office in place of one stall.

The doorway into this stall is too narrow and the ceiling Barn conversions should incorporate window materials
It provides good ventilation
height too low for this big Belgian draft horse, who (never use glass, as here), dimensions, and placement that
via doors and windows
could easily pull the galvanized metal roof off the are safe for housing horses. What might be adequate for
and the added benefit of
enclosure and injure himself. another species can be downright dangerous for horses.
a covered center aisleway

in which the horse can

  be tacked up, shod,

to pass through comfortably (four feet wide is common) and safely with
room to spare. Ceilings should be high enough to allow plenty of clearance
or examined by
for a big, bronky two-year-old to stand on his hind legs without hitting
a veterinarian.
his head (ten to eleven feet is safe/standard), and aisles should be free of
clutter. Doors should have heavy-duty, secure hinges and latches to keep
stalled horses from making mischief in the aisles or escaping completely.
Even a roomy, sturdy stall can cause problems if you don’t bed it
Although horse barns are appropriately, however. There are numerous bedding products from
traditionally center-aisle
which to choose, although you’ll likely be limited to what is offered
in your local area or at your favorite feed/horse supplies dealer.
or shed-row style,
Bedding should be soft and absorbent, cushioning the horse when he lies
structures originally
down and absorbing urine in a manner that makes bedding easy to remove
designed for other species
from the stall. The most common bedding by far in recreational barns is
or of a unique style
wood shavings or sawdust. This product is relatively inexpensive, readily
can be modified for

horse use.


Clean, bright straw
available, and makes a stall easy to clean. The shavings soak up the urine, makes excellent bedding,
so that wet spots are easy to remove, and manure can be sifted from

but it is not a food-stuff—
usable bedding with a pitchfork. Shavings and sawdust can be purchased in and should never be
individual bags or delivered in bulk. You can also often find a local sawmill
confused with hay
that provides sawdust by-product at very low cost. Sawdust is dustier than
(pictured on page 182).
shavings, however, and if you go with this option, you must be certain that
the sawmill in question never cuts wood from black walnut trees. Standing
on black walnut shavings will cause laminitis in horses. You also want it). An added benefit is that used straw bedding is very easy to compost
to be sure the sawdust by-product is free of nails or other debris. and is often used by mushroom farmers. If you can find a farmer
Straw (usually wheat straw) is readily available and inexpensive. willing to haul your manure pile away, you’ll save the cost of removal
Most racetrack barns use straw, and it’s also used as bedding for foaling and recycle your bedding at the same time.
mares. A stall bedded with straw is bright and appealing, and usually Manure management is important not only for aesthetic and hygienic
less dusty than one bedded with shavings. Straw does not absorb urine reasons, but also for fly control. Manure and wet stall bedding provide
quite so readily as shavings, however, and it’s more difficult to muck a ideal places for flies to breed, so removing manure from the premises as
straw-bedded stall (although with practice, most horse folk can master frequently as possible is integral to controlling these harassing insects.
Stalls should be cleaned at least daily and pastures as frequently as
A well-appointed stall in a center-aisle
possible, with the waste collected away from the barns and grazing
areas and removed regularly.
barn. Note the sawdust bedding; two

plastic water buckets safely affixed

to the stall wall; plastic feed bucket; At this horse trial

and hay fed on the stall floor, rather venue, used stall

than in hay racks or nets, to allow bedding is trucked

the horse to eat in a more natural away as fast as the

posture. The wood walls are in wheelbarrows are

good repair; the stall bars allow a emptied on the pile;

mischievous occupant to see all the you can also compost,

barn doings while preventing him spread, or give

from poking his head into the aisle away manure-

filled bedding.

to harass passing horses and/or

barn workers.

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148 149
A fly mask provides Although stalling a horse in a barn part time has some benefits, it
protection from has its drawbacks as well. Barns can be very dusty places, especially in
biting insects while wintertime, when they’re sealed up against the cold (for the humans’
allowing the horse to sakes more than the horses’). The lack of fresh air can cause horses
see clearly. (It should to develop respiratory issues. Hay stored in a loft above the stalls also
be removed at night.) contributes to respiratory problems. A well-constructed barn should
allow for lots of ventilation, even in cold weather.
A barn—any barn, even the fanciest and best-kept—is also rife with
fire hazards. Hay, shavings, and wooden construction can all go up in
flames in an instant from an electrical malfunction, a lightning strike, or
a stray spark, and horses trapped in their stalls have no way to escape.

Horses are roamers. They spend their days moving around slowly, eating

 
grass, and watching the world go by. They stand around with their
buddies, scratching each other’s withers and engaging in mutual fly-
swishing. Every once in a while, a cool breeze comes up and they get
a little frisky, tear around at warp speed for a few minutes, and then
Even the most diligent manure management can’t completely go back to moseying and eating grass. They roll in the dirt and even
eliminate flies around a barn, however, so you need a second (and snooze stretched flat out, enjoying a spring sunbath.
perhaps third and fourth) line of defense. Open any equine-supply This is what horses do and what is natural for them. Unfortunately
catalog, and you’ll find scores of options—fly-deterring sprays, wipes, for the horse, horse-keeping the way it is practiced in some parts of the
roll-ons, and ointments, all of which are supposed to make your horse country doesn’t provide that freedom. In California, land is so expensive
less “palatable” to the biting insects; fly traps; fly masks, which keep that one hundred horses may be kept in small pipe corrals on acreage
bugs out of horses’ eyes and ears; feed-through fly control, an edible that accommodates four or five horses “back east.” Turnout space is too
supplement that kills fly larvae in horse manure; fly predators, which limited, if it’s available at all, and what space does exist might not have
are harmless, stingless wasps that also kill fly larvae in manure; fly much (if any) grass. Whether land is available or not, many people are
spray systems, which operate on timers and mist the entire interior of a reluctant to turn their horses out in groups for fear of injury. To the
barn with fly spray at regular intervals; and dozens more. The particular horses’ ultimate disservice, many owners of valuable show or sport
methods you choose depend on your own situation. For example, feed- horses don’t turn them out at all as a result.
through fly control is only effective if every horse on the property When you consider the way horses spend their days when left to
receives it, so it makes little sense to administer it to your own horse their own devices, it’s obvious that standing in a box all day, every day,
if none of the other horses where you board receives it. can hardly be considered humane except when necessary for the horse’s

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into a dry lot if it’s overgrazed, providing little actual grazing to the
horses kept there.
Whatever options your location and budget allow, safety should
be a turnout priority. Pastures should be checked occasionally for
groundhog holes, toxic plants, and other dangers. They should be free
of junk or debris—including stored or rusting machinery, trash piles,
and falling-down farm buildings. Water should always be available in

buckets, automatic waterers, or troughs that are kept clean.

 
Fencing should be highly visible and strong, and should minimize
the risk of injury should a horse break through it or become caught up
on it. Even the best fencing can become unsafe if it falls into disrepair, so
An uncapped metal T-post (left), used here to anchor woven wire fencing, can cause eye and other
regular maintenance is a must. Wood fencing should be checked regularly
facial injuries—as well as serve as a potentially dangerous scratching post. Vinyl or PVC fencing
for loose boards or protruding nails, and fencing with wire mesh should
(right) is attractive, but the boards can become dislodged or sag due to pressure from horses
be checked for bent or broken wire, or areas where a horse could put a
for whom the grass is greener on the fence’s other side.
hoof through the mesh. PVC fence boards can become loose and easily
dislodged over time, so they must be maintained to be effective, and
health. Some horses may develop stable vices like stall walking or cribbing high-tensile wire must be tightened periodically.
to alleviate the boredom. Others may be able to tolerate confinement Although electrified fencing may sound draconian, when used
if they get lots of exercise under saddle. A horse kept alone does better properly, it’s quite effective. It prevents horses from chewing wood
if field kept, and his welfare and needs must be considered. fencing or fighting across fences with their equine neighbors, and thus
Every horse should have at least some time out of a stall each day to helps the fencing stay in good repair. Horses learn very quickly to leave
just “be a horse”—wander, roll, sniff the fresh air, snooze in the sun. The electrified fencing alone, but the shock won’t hurt them. It feels like
amount of turnout any particular horse requires varies with the individual. getting pegged in the arm with a baseball: it stings like the devil for a
Turnout options vary widely, depending on where you live. In very moment, but does no permanent harm. (Anyone who has kept a horse
densely populated areas where land is at a premium, there may only at a facility with electric fencing has had an “oops” and touched the
be space for a small paddock where horses are rotated for an hour or wire…and lived to tell the tale.)
two (or less) throughout the day. (It is hard to make the case that this Many horse owners have concluded that single-wire electric fence
is a good option for long-term horse happiness and health, however.) is not a suitable perimeter fencing on its own, however, as it’s not very
Some facilities offer only individual “runs” attached to each stall, so visible, and a panicked horse might try to run through it. It can be
horses can come and go as they please, but can’t gallop or experience real shorted out by fast-growing weeds or disabled when power is cut off,
freedom. Perhaps there is one twenty-acre field where a dozen horses something savvy horses seem to sense as soon as the charge is lost,
go out together. In the arid west, you only find grass where pastures and they will take that as an opportunity to escape. When used in
are irrigated. Even a lush pasture in the Kentucky bluegrass can turn conjunction with wood, vinyl, or mesh fencing, or to cross-fence or

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Barbed wire is cheap horse. Keep in mind that riding arenas, jumps, lighting, and other
but totally unsuitable amenities are also expensive, and facilities offering them are likely to
for confining horses, charge more for board than do those that offer basic horse care alone.
even in conjunction Will you often be riding before or after work in the wintertime, when
with woven wire (as daylight hours are limited and artificial lighting is a must? Do you want to
here) or board fencing. ride regardless of the weather? Are you comfortable riding in an open field,
or do you have a green or spooky horse who needs an enclosed area for
safety’s sake? Such issues will have an impact on your decision as well.
Many boarding facilities offer indoor or covered riding arenas. These are
wonderful in the northern states—you can ride inside when the ground
outside is frozen solid or snow-covered. Covered arenas are also widely
used in the southern and western states, providing a shaded area during

the sun-baked part of the day. If you’re not a die-hard who needs to ride
every day all year round, or if you live in a more temperate part of the
country, an outdoor ring is probably perfectly sufficient.
Whether outdoor or indoor, dedicated riding rings should have good,
consistent footing—a well-maintained and -drained surface, free of holes.
The surface may be made of sand, dirt, bluestone, or a branded mixture of
otherwise cordon off a small section of a larger, fenced enclosure, it synthetic and natural materials. Good footing, which should be installed
works quite well. Multistrand electric tape also has its proponents. by a professional, can be expensive, since it typically involves excavating
One type of fencing that is never appropriate for use with horses existing material, grading, and removing trees, rocks, and/or dirt. It
is barbed wire, despite the fact that it is relatively inexpensive and does require maintenance: periodic dragging (using a tractor-drawn harrow
seemingly ubiquitous in some parts of the country. The sharp points of to loosen and turn over compacted footing material) and, sometimes,
twisted wire can injure a horse even when the fence is well maintained, watering to reduce dust. But the benefit is that you’ll have a constant,
and they can tear a horse’s leg to shreds if the horse gets caught up all-weather surface on which to ride, and the footing will slightly
in downed or sagging sections of wire. cushion the concussion on your horse’s legs.
A dedicated riding arena is not a necessity, however. For many
riders, any large, flat area in a pasture works just fine. The drawbacks
Riding Facilities
are that grass footing can become muddy and slippery in wet weather
For many of us, most of the fun of having a horse is riding him,
or rock-hard when baked in the summer heat (meaning your horse’s
and exercise is not only an integral part of your horse’s care but also,
legs will take more of a pounding), and you may wear “paths” around
for most people, an important way to bond. The facilities available for
the perimeter from use. But if the weather cooperates, and you take
riding will likely play a large part in where you decide to keep your
care to keep the footing in good repair, such natural areas can be
as good as any riding ring.

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If you need to ride after dark, you’re likely to want a facility that either Or you might see if you can find a boarder, if you don’t want financial
has an indoor lighted arena or one that has installed lights around an out- responsibility for another horse of your own. Failing everything else,
door arena or riding area. We have known creative and dedicated riders horses sometimes find goats to be good companions.
who work their horses in a safe, known area by full moonlight, in the
light of their car’s headlights, or with a helmet-mounted miner’s light,
so anything is possible! Boarding Versus Horses at Home
You might not need an arena at all if you plan mostly to trail ride, It’s probably become very obvious that you have a significant choice
in which case you want to be sure the facility has easy access to good to make when deciding where to keep your horse, at home or away.
riding trails. If you’ll need to cross or ride along roads, make sure they The right choice for you will vary, depending on your own situation.
won’t be too busy at the time of day you’re likely to be riding, and, of If you’re not an experienced horseperson, boarding at a facility with
course, make sure your horse is traffic-safe. If you need to hack across a knowledgeable staff is likely to let you sleep more easily and keep
private property to reach the trails, be sure the property owners have your horse healthier and safer. But if you’ve already ridden around
granted permission to do so to the barn’s boarders and other customers. the block a few times, you might be more than capable of caring for
Always take care not to damage private property. Don’t ride anywhere your own horses, if you have the right facility.
but an established trail or service road when it’s excessively wet; never
cross planted crop fields or harass farm animals; always leave gates— Boarding
open or closed—as you found them; and return to pick up manure
Boarding facilities can range from a private barn that takes in one or two
if necessary. It takes only one thoughtless guest or trespasser to end
extra horses to help cover its expenses, to equestrian metropolises with
riders’ access to a private property, perhaps permanently.
multiple barns, multiple arenas, resident trainers, and dozens of horses.
What they have in common is that the staff, not the owners, is responsible
Companionship for the horses’ basic care—feeding, watering, stall cleaning, and turnout—
If you keep your horse at a large boarding facility, you won’t have as well as for keeping an eye on the horses’ general well-being and
to worry about him being lonely. But many owners who plan to alerting the owner to an emergency. This is usually referred to as full-
keep horses at home might not realize the importance of equine care board. The horse owner is responsible for riding, grooming, and
companionship. A horse kept alone is usually unhappy, and many are other nonemergency care, and for paying all the bills.
downright frantic. Horses are herd animals and are used to being in The main attractions of boarding for most amateur horsemen are
groups. They’re happiest when they’ve got a buddy or two, preferably convenience and access to facilities that are beyond their financial
where they can be in physical contact, either turned out together resources alone. You can get up in the morning, go to work, then go to
or able to sniff noses across a fence line. the barn to ride later if you feel like it. You don’t have to feed the horses
A single horse might be content if other horses are within sight, say, and muck stalls in the wee hours of the morning before you go to work.
on neighboring properties. If not, consider getting another horse to keep You don’t have to go to the barn every single day. You can be away from
your horse company—a miniature horse won’t add much more work home for more than twelve hours at a time without worrying that the
or expense, and is likely to make your horse much calmer and happier.

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horse is fretting for his dinner. You can go away on vacation for a week can provide an invaluable opportunity to learn which techniques and
without having to arrange for someone to care for your horse. approaches work and which don’t. By carefully observing, and asking
Most boarding facilities are run by experienced equine professionals— questions of, those who are more experienced, you can incorporate
barn managers and owners who make their living in the industry by the good into your own horse care regimen and reject the inhumane,
buying or selling horses, teaching lessons, or training young horses. If the dangerous, or the ineffective.
you’re a little light on experience yourself, it can be very reassuring to The main drawback of boarding is expense. You’re paying a portion
know that more expert eyes are keeping watch over your horse. These of the salaries for the barn staff, large or small—stall muckers, grooms,
individuals know when the veterinarian needs to be called and what maintenance staff, and barn manager. The facilities at boarding barns—
good-quality feed looks like. They might put all boarders on a standard the arenas, the barns, and fields—are a major financial investment, and
shoeing and vaccination schedule, saving you the trouble of making the barn owner typically recoups those costs through boarding fees.
the appointments and keeping track of vaccinations yourself. When you board your horse, you’re putting the bulk of your horse’s
Boarding also saves the horse owner from having to order and store care into someone else’s hands. This is a wonderful convenience when
feed and bedding and maintain a facility—including pastures, barns, the care is good and your horse is handled well. But what if a stable
manure pile, fencing, and arenas. All the horse owner has to worry employee is unnecessarily rough with the horses? What if the person
about is taking care of and enjoying her own horse. who feeds in the mornings doesn’t always show up, or the stall mucker
Boarding amenities may be as modest as a simple riding ring or as does a lousy job whenever the barn owner isn’t around? What if the
lavish as an indoor arena, miles of private trails, and a heated lounge or barn owner decides to save money by substituting poorer-quality hay
tack room. Many boarding facilities have in-house instructors for those or less grain?
riders who want regular training. (Some barns require that you take Most horse owners are only at the barn for a couple of hours a day
lessons with the resident trainer to board there.) Very intensive programs a few days a week and may not witness any problems in person. They
might have the rider in lessons three or four times a week, with the might, however, notice that their horses are losing weight or suddenly
trainer riding the horse on non-lesson days. In a more laid-back becoming head-shy. Many barn owners are reluctant to raise boarding
atmosphere, it might only be one or two lessons a week, but you always rates in the face of rising costs and may cut the quality of feed or hay
have the trainer on-site if you need assistance or have questions. or the amount of bedding in the hope that their customers won’t notice
One often overlooked advantage to boarding is the opportunity the change. Sudden changes in your horse’s condition or behavior should
to be part of a group. If you’re in training, you’ll ride with the same not be shrugged off but addressed first through a cordial discussion
group of fellow students every day, perhaps going to shows or other with the barn owner or manager.
competitions together. You won’t necessarily need your own horse Boarding a horse is an act of trust. You are entrusting to others the
trailer, since you can ride along with others. Even in a non-training responsibility of taking care of your treasured friend and are paying
situation, you can enjoy the camaraderie and safety of having other them for this service. If someone is new to horses and not yet very
people around while you’re grooming, tacking up, and riding—fellow knowledgeable, the signs that something is wrong might be missed.
horse folk to cheer you on or join on long trail rides. Watching other
riders and trainers deal with a variety of horses, day in and day out,

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Post-and-board fencing
What to Look For
is the choice of many
Boarding a horse is supposed to be a convenience, but if you are in a
longtime horsemen; it
constant state of worry, wondering whether your horse has been fed or
turned out or has had his stall cleaned, you have pretty much negated can be expensive to install

the convenience factor. The goal should be to find a facility that eases and maintain but provides

your burden, rather than adds to it. a good sturdy visual

So how to find such facilities? It can be difficult, because the bad barrier and enhances
facilities advertise just like the good ones do. It helps to be educated property values.
and observant and to seek out opinions from everyone else you know
in the local horse community. The horse world is a small one, and if
a facility is known for providing substandard care, people will know.

You should visit any barn where you’re considering boarding. Call
first, introduce yourself, and ask if it has any openings for new boarders
(even if it’s full, it’s worth going by in case you can get on a waiting list).
You want to meet as many people on the barn staff as you can.
Ask about their experience and credentials, their areas of interest and
expertise. The knowledge of a good horseman is not bound by discipline,
but if you’re looking to take lessons, you want to find someone who
has experience with your chosen sport.
What is your general impression of the facility from the horse’s point
Tour the facility. Look at the turnout paddocks and note how many
of view? Forget whether the barns are pretty or freshly painted—are they
horses are in them and how the grass is doing. Are the paddocks over-
in good repair? Is the facility neat and workmanlike? Is the fencing well
grazed and bare? Do the horses have hay to eat if there’s no grass?
maintained and sturdy? Look for evidence that safety is a priority:
Pay close attention as you walk through the barn. Are the aisles clear,
fire extinguishers should be in obvious places, and emergency phone
with equipment not currently in use stored out of harm’s way, or are
numbers and “No Smoking” signs should be posted conspicuously.
buckets, bridles, and hoses strewn everywhere? Peek in several of the
Look at the horses themselves. Are they in good weight? Is there a
stalls. Are they light and airy, or dark and dungeon-like? Are they well
bloom to their coats? Are their feet trimmed and cared for or chipped
bedded with straw, wood shavings, or other absorbent product? Do they
and broken off? They’re the ones who can speak volumes about the
look—and smell—basically clean, or is there a strong urine odor? Do
quality of care at any given facility without ever saying a word, even
stalled horses have water buckets that are clean and at least half-full
if you don’t know alfalfa hay from orchard grass.
of water? What kind of hay and grain is furnished? Is a feeding schedule
Only when you’ve formed your impression of the management should
posted, indicating an individuali zed feeding regimen? Do stalled
you let yourself focus on the amenities and assess whether they suit your
horses have at least a bit of fresh hay to munch on? Good barn owners
needs. Ask how crowded the arenas are at the times when you’ll be riding,
take pride in good housekeeping because they know it reflects good
overall management.

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Boarding a horse cannot compare to having him at home. When he
lives in your backyard, you’re the one he nickers to for his breakfast. You
can bring him in early out of an icy rain or put him out early before the
summer flies are active. You can bed his stall as deeply as you like, since
you’re the one cleaning it and paying for the bedding.
Since, technically, your labor is free, you’re likely to find that keeping
a horse at home is less expensive than boarding as well. You don’t have
to pay someone else to order the hay and the grain or clean the stalls.

 
You aren’t paying for improvements to someone else’s property. What
you invest in barns, fencing, and other amenities will increase your own
property’s value.
Good barn management dictates that baled hay and bagged feed be raised on wood pallets, away
You also don’t have to worry about dodging other riders or lesson kids
from moisture; lids on containers securely snapped in place; and bedding in waterproof bags.
in a crowded arena, nor will you need to lock your tack trunk, lest some
(Pitchforks and other dangerous equipment should be stored prongs down, however.)
brushes or saddle pads “grow legs and walk off.” You can keep everything
in the tack or feed room in its prescribed place—at least until you realize
and what the rules are for using them. Are the boarders pleasure riders, how much effort it takes to do so!
competition-bound, dressage, or Western, or a mix of all disciplines? In addition to being able to micromanage your horse’s care, you have
You’re likely to spend considerable time with these folks so determining the opportunity to get to know your horse much better. You’ll learn what
generally if you will be a good fit is a good idea. time of day he takes his nap and where he drops his manure. You’ll learn
Unfortunately, in many parts of the country, potential boarders how quickly he finishes his hay and how much water he typically drinks in
may have limited choices in facilities when they factor in boarding fees, a day. You can run a hand down his legs morning and night and get a feel
commuting distance, standards of horse care, and rider amenities. It for his bumps and swellings, and how they might change when he’s been
is always best to place horse care at the top of the list. turned out all day, or if he’s been stuck inside because of bad weather.
In short, you’ll get to know absolutely everything there is to know
about your horse, much more so than even the most dedicated boarder
Horses at Home
can discern. There’s simply no substitute for time spent in your horse’s
If you find yourself quaking in your boots over the prospect of turning
company, observing him from your house’s second-story window or
your horse’s care over to someone else who might not feed him, clean
standing at the fence line drinking a cup of coffee as he swats flies
his stall, or turn him out for days at a time, you’re not alone. It seems
under a tree half a pasture away.
that the more you know about horses, the more you can find wrong with
If you’re not an experienced horseman already, you’ll find your knowl-
various boarding facilities. For many horsemen, the dream is no longer
edge increases exponentially when you’re the one in charge. You have
just to have a horse, but to have the horse in the backyard, where they
to learn a good bale of hay from a bad one and how to wrap a leg so the
can see him through the kitchen window.
bandage stays in place overnight, because no one else will be around to

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do it for you. Eventually, you see your horse take an “ouchy” step and Horses like routine. They want to be fed at the same time every day
immediately begin to tick off the possible causes: Hoof abscess? Loose and come in and go out at the same time every day. If your job often
shoe? Laminitis? You will notice that your horse hasn’t finished her feed requires you to stay at the office later than you’d planned, you might
and think: Impaction colic? Bad batch of feed? You’re on your way to come home to angry (or, even worse, colicky) horses who expected their
being a first-rate horseman. dinner hours ago. There are many ways you can make things easier
Before you can even consider backyard horse-keeping as a possibility, you on yourself—like having your horses live out most of the time, rather
must own property with a rather large “backyard.” This is not an insignificant than keeping them in stalls—but you are very much tied to their needs
investment, especially in densely populated parts of the country, where land and schedule.
values are high. Most towns have zoning restrictions that dictate the size You need to take care of your property: mow and seed the pastures, fix
property you’ll need, assessing a certain per-horse acreage minimum. the broken fence boards, paint the barn, and drag the arena. You might
You also need to invest in a barn or run-in shed (with or without find that taking care of the horses and the property leaves you little time
electricity and running water), fencing, and perhaps a horse trailer. You or energy to ride (sadly ironic, since riding is probably why you have
need a place to store hay and bedding and a way to dispose of manure. a horse in the first place).
You need extra liability insurance. And you need all of the “stuff” that In a one- or two-horse operation, you might find it difficult to get
goes along with keeping horses—buckets, wheelbarrows, pitchforks, appointments with farriers or veterinarians, because you don’t have
hoses, troughs, maybe even a tractor and a harrow. as much business to offer them as a big boarding facility does. It might
In the long run, keeping a horse at home is likely going to be less also be difficult to arrange delivery of hay, feed, or bedding when you’re
expensive, but the initial outlay in purchasing a horse property or buying in small quantities, five bags of grain or a hundred bales of hay
getting a non-horse property set up for horses can be substantial. at a time, unless you are willing to purchase minimum quantities or pay
One of the benefits of keeping a horse at home is that you handle all additional delivery fees. If you want to take lessons, you either need to
the care. The downside to this is…you handle all the care. All of it. Even find a trainer who is willing to come to you, or you have to put your
if it is fifteen below zero and you’ve got the Martian death flu, someone horse on a trailer and haul to her location.
still has to feed the horses and clean the stalls. A vacation in Paris? Great, Keeping a horse at home can also be a very solitary experience. Many
but can you find a “farm sitter” or friend to cover horse-keeping while horse owners enjoy the time alone with their horses, but others find they
you are gone? What if a horse is sick or injured and needs constant care miss the camaraderie of having other horsey people around. Unless you
throughout the day? That can pose big problems if you work outside live in a horsey neighborhood, you need to have your own transportation
your home or don’t have family or horsey friends as a backup. Will or pay for someone to haul you and your horse to a show or clinic. You
your boss understand if you need to take an unscheduled personal day won’t have a trainer or barn manager to talk to if you have questions
to cold-hose your horse’s suddenly swollen knee? Who is going to put or problems. If you’re not comfortable being totally self-sufficient or
ointment in the filly’s eye four times a day for the next ten days? Feed investing time in building a horsey-neighbor support system, home
stores, local newspapers, equine professionals (veterinarians and farri- horse-keeping is probably not for you.
ers), and horsey neighbors can be a source of horsemen willing to under- Living in the backyard can also be somewhat lonely for your horse, if
take some short-term tasks, but the costs can add up. he’s used to being in a large and bustling barn. If kept alone, he may pace

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the fence line for hours at a time or seem to withdraw into inactivity. property owner has an empty stall or two (or even an entire empty barn)
Even two horses on the property can become “herd-bound”—so and wants to make a little bit of extra money by renting the stalls out.
attached to their friend that they will not leave the barn without him Self-care arrangements vary. Be sure to have each party’s responsibilities
(although acclimation may make the partings less stressful). spelled out in a signed contract. The property owner might simply rent
At a boarding facility, there’s almost always someone else on the out the facility as is and leave all care and upkeep to the boarder(s) or
property—other boarders, barn staff, the barn owner, a trainer. If Old provide maintenance—fixing broken fence boards, keeping the arena
Paint spooks, shies, bucks, or otherwise causes you two to part company, dragged—but leave all daily chores to the renters.
chances are good that the sight of your riderless horse galloping around As a self-care boarder, you are usually responsible for all aspects of
the property will bring someone running. But what if you’re riding in the horse’s care, including feeding, cleaning stalls, and turnout. You’ll
your own secluded field, or you fall on an icy patch outside the barn pay significantly less than you would for full-care board, since you’re
door, and no one else will be home for hours? A cell phone can summon assuming all of these responsibilities instead of paying someone else
help if you are conscious (and the phone hasn’t been damaged in the to do them. Your workload will be similar to what it would be if you
fall), but serious accidents can happen around horses at any time. had the horse on your own property, but you won’t have to purchase
One possible solution to many of these problems is to take on a boarder the property and build or maintain the structures.
yourself, perhaps a friend or someone else in the neighborhood who rides. Self-care board is an appealing option if you want more control over
Then you’ll have company while working around the barn and someone your horse’s care (such as feed choices) and have the time to do so, but
to ride with, as well as someone who’s familiar with your farm and horses aren’t quite ready or able to buy a farmette of your own. If there are other
if you need a caretaker. If you only have one horse, a boarder gives him a horses and riders at the barn, you’ll be able to enjoy their company and
pal without your having to take on the financial responsibility for another won’t always have to ride alone, but most self-care facilities are much
horse of your own. Your little horse facility can generate a small income less busy than a big, full-care barn.
to alleviate some of your costs (although liability insurance and other You are the sole caregiver/decision maker for your horse. You need
expenses may have to be factored into the equation). to find someone else to care for him if you’re sick or have to go out
of town—even at the last minute. You also have the added burden of
Self-care and Co-ops traveling to the barn twice a day to feed, turn out, bring in, and so
on, or arrange a schedule with other self-care folks to cover those tasks.
If you’re not happy with the full-care board options in your area but aren’t
For most people, self-care is only feasible if the barn is very close by.
quite ready to be your horse’s sole caretaker, there is a compromise. You
On paper co-op boarding situations seem to be the best of both worlds.
can board at a self-care facility, where you basically rent a stall but do all
A group of like-minded horse people get together and rent out a barn
of the care yourself, or you can try to find (or organize) a co-op barn, where
themselves or organize around one member who has her own barn and
several boarders share the responsibility of caring for their own and the
property. All of the horse chores are divvied up into shifts throughout
others’ horses.
the week, typically mornings and evenings, depending on the schedules
The self-care option usually is not offered at large boarding facilities,
of all boarders. It might suit one person to handle all morning tasks
since it is easier—and more cost effective—to have all the horses on the
and another all evenings, or both shifts on specific days, leaving others
same schedule. You’re more likely to see it at private barns, where the

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chore-free. (Such duties as dragging the ring or mowing pastures might
also be divided up, or you might organize group chores, such as painting
a barn or building jumps.)
In this arrangement you are doing more work in each shift, since

you’re caring for several horses instead of just your own. You have the
flexibility to trade shifts with your fellow boarders for vacations or late
night plans, and you still have a great deal of control over your own
horse’s care.
The success of a co-op depends on its members. If one person in
a group doesn’t do a good job mucking stalls or is late for feeding, all
of the horses suffer. It’s paramount that all the members share similar
horse-keeping philosophies and get along well on a personal level, as
you’ll rely heavily on each other. Organization is also key: someone
needs to be responsible for ordering feed and hay and coordinating
farrier and veterinarian visits, and the schedule of daily chores must
be established and adhered to religiously.
Co-ops work best in areas with lots of horse people and lots of small
barns for rent. The facility should be close to all of the participants, and
you need people with time flexibility in the case of an emergency. If you
show up to feed one morning before work and discover that another
person’s horse is colicking, who is responsible for staying with the horse
and waiting for the veterinarian—you or the owner? Without a barn staff when you spend time around horses and
whose job it is to care for the horses first and foremost, owners have realize just how many bizarre ways they can find to
to be willing and able to drop everything in an emergency to be able
injure themselves, you understand why basic safety
to care for their horses.
If you have a good group of like-minded people with flexible is so important. A horse scratching his head will find
schedules and are lucky enough to find a nice facility with a pleasant the one protruding nail in a stall and try to rip his
landlord, co-ops can be very effective and a lot of fun. Sometimes you eyelid off with it; another one drinking from a trough
can find people advertising to fill an open co-op spot on tack shop
will get his foot tangled in the hose coiled around the
bulletin boards or in local horsey publications. Or you can always start
one yourself, if you can recruit friends to join you in the adventure.
adjacent hydrant and pull hose, hydrant, and hide up
and off trying to extricate himself.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care

What might not be quite so readily apparent are the many pitfalls of food throughout the day. Horses who spend much of their time in
the equine digestive system. Two of the most dangerous maladies that stalls aren’t doing much grazing, but their natural feeding patterns can
can afflict horses—colic and laminitis (also known as founder)—are often be replicated by keeping hay in front of them for a good portion of the
directly related to what the horse eats and the equine digestive tract. day. They can nibble at it for a while, take a break and snooze for a while,
A nutritious and balanced diet is just as important for horses as it is and then come back to it. This not only gives horses something to do,
for humans. A horse who is fed well (meaning quality, not just quantity) preventing them from becoming bored and developing stable vices if
will seem to glow from the inside underneath his blindingly shiny and stalled for extended periods, but it also keeps some roughage constantly
dappled coat. Not only will he look good, but he will also approach his moving through their systems.
work with energy and enthusiasm, filling his devoted human partner If grain is fed, it should be given in multiple smaller meals rather than
with well-deserved pride. one large one. Most horses are grained twice a day for the convenience
Entire books have been written on feeding the horse, and we’re not of human caretakers, but if a large quantity must be fed for whatever
going to try to explain everything there is to know here. We do give reason, an additional lunchtime feeding might be in order, to avoid
you enough of an overview in the hope that it will motivate you to delve feeding too much grain at once and to provide stalled horses with
into one of those books later on—or at least call your county agriculture a nice mid-day activity.
extension office for some free pamphlets on the subject. Small, frequent meals not only are more natural for the horse, but
they also allow the horse to better digest and use his food. When too
much food is fed at once, it’s rushed through the system and not digested
The Rules of Feeding as effectively as when it moves through at its customary slow pace.
The very first time you went near a horse, you probably started hearing
The Rules. Don’t walk behind a horse—and don’t run anywhere, ever. Rule #2: Feed Plenty of Roughage
Always feed treats on your flat palm with fingers outstretched. When
A corollary to the above, this rule emphasizes the importance of
riding, the Rules include Heels down! Eyes up! Then there are the
roughage—grass and/or hay—over grain. Roughage is what the horse
Rules that don’t serve much purpose but are followed anyway, such
is meant to eat, and his digestive system is geared toward using the
as leading and mounting a horse from the left side.
nutrition in those grassy stalks. A horse should eat 1.5 to 2 percent
The rules of feeding are the big ones, the iron-clad tenets of the horse
of his body weight in roughage every day. (The one exception is the
world, taught to little Pony Clubbers and 4-Hers who aren’t even big enough
founder-prone horse, for whom fresh grass and rich hay varieties
to lift a bale of hay. You don’t need to memorize every twist and turn of
can be a problem.)
the horse’s hundred-foot-long digestive tract, you just need to remember
Many horse owners tend to focus much more intently on the grain
the simple rules, and you’ll have a good foundation upon which to build.
portion of the diet. Grain is sold by brand-name and is often supported
by national ad campaigns; it comes in a spiffy bag with a picture of a
Rule #1: Grain: Feed Little and Often beautiful, well-fed horse on the front and a long list of ingredients on the
In chapter 3 we discussed the fact that the horse is a grazing animal, and back. Hay, by comparison, is just…hay. It comes in bales from the farmer
his digestive system is designed for a near-constant intake of low-calorie down the road. No slogans or marketing promises—just cured grass.

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But in reality, good old hay should be the mainstay of the diet. Many bags of horse feed are based on protein content and “average”-size horses.
pleasure and trail horses don’t even need grain: good-quality hay and/or They don’t apply to individuals and can be hard for nutrition newbies
pasture is plenty. If hay isn’t enough, grain can be added, but the bulk of to figure out without guidance.)
a horse’s calories should always come from roughage. With a little bit of tweaking, you’ll find the right balance of pasture, hay,
and grain for your particular horse’s needs. But you’re not done—your
Rule #3: Feed According to the Horse’s Needs horse’s ration should always be considered a work in progress, not a
finished masterpiece. It should change anytime your horse’s workload
Each horse is an individual and has different needs, in the same way that
or the quality of your feed changes.
two people of the same size can have vastly different caloric needs.
For example, in many parts of the country, pasture is poor to nonexist-
A starting point for deciding how much any given horse should be fed
ent in wintertime or during months of drought, so supplementing pasture
is his size; a twelve-hand pony obviously does not need to consume as
with hay is in order. In the spring, the grass comes in thick and lush, and
many calories as an eighteen-hand draft horse. The other major factor
hay rations can be cut back or eliminated completely, depending on how
is the amount of work a horse does—a horse who works hard requires
much pasture is available. Whenever good-quality hay is left uneaten
more calories than does a pasture puff.
(by one horse or the whole herd) from one feeding to the next, quantities
In keeping with the “feed lots of roughage” rule, you should begin
can be reduced slowly.
designing your ration around the amount of hay or pasture your horse
If a horse in hard work (five to six days a week of strenuous riding,
gets. Horses who are grazing on good pasture the majority of the day
driving, or training) develops a hoof abscess and needs a few days
don’t need much hay, if any, since they’ve already got bellies full of
of stall rest while it drains, you should cut his grain back temporarily,
grass. Horses who don’t get much turnout or are not on good pasture
because he won’t need those extra calories.
will need more hay, whether they are inside or out. If a horse finishes
all the hay you give him and looks for more, you can add another flake
or two, as long as he doesn’t get too pudgy. If the horse is trampling Rule #4: Change Feed and Feed Schedules Gradually
his leftover hay (or, to add insult to injury, using it as his toilet) or if Whenever you make a change to your horse’s ration, whether it’s increas-
he’s getting fat, you can cut his ration back. (You know you’ve hit the ing or decreasing the amount or changing to a new kind of feed, you should
ideal balance when the trim horse is cleaning up his hay at every meal make the change incrementally. Sudden differences in the amount or
but not obsessively looking for more. If you have concerns, a weight type of feed can lead to colic or founder.
tape will help you estimate your horse’s weight from week to week.) If you’re changing the amount of feed, increase or decrease each meal
Most horses who are in work get at least some grain, and some horses a little at a time, over several weeks, if possible, until you reach the desired
who are “hard keepers” (i.e., on the skinny side) need grain regardless of amount. (Even a starving horse can metabolize feed only so efficiently
their work program, just to keep their weight at a healthy level. Less is and, if confronted with a sudden, large influx of calories, can be made ill,
always more when it comes to grain, so start with the minimum (either or worse.) One method for changing a ration (or type of feed, as opposed
the ration he was on before coming to your barn, if you know what that to the amount of feed) is to replace 25 percent of the ration with the new
was, or what a veterinarian or competent barn manager recommends) ration every two days so that it takes six days before the horse is eating
and adjust it upward if necessary. (The quantity guidelines printed on l00 percent of the new ration45.

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Rule #5: Measure Feed Accurately and Feed Consistently jog. How well would that sit with your digestive system? Alternatively,
Ask someone how much feed his horse receives, and you usually get an think about how you feel immediately after strenuous exercise. Are you
answer measured in flakes of hay and scoops of grain. While this is a interested in eating right away, before you’ve even stopped gasping for
convenient way to measure feed in the barn, it’s best to start off knowing breath? No? Well, it’s no different for your horse.
what your horse’s baseline nutritional needs are, based on weight. Ideally, you should wait an hour or so after your horse has finished a
When you first acquire your horse, the previous owner will tell you what meal before riding him. If you’re going to do something really strenuous,
feed she’s been eating, and how much. He may tell you she gets two cups, it should be closer to three hours. (Most event horses, for example, do not
two quarts, two scoops—but scoops and other measuring vessels are not all get fed any breakfast before they run cross-country.)
the same. You should start off by measuring your horse’s feed by weight. Having the digestive system full of food gives the horse’s lungs less
You can buy a simple kitchen or postal scale, or you can weigh your horse’s room to work, and makes strenuous exercise harder on him. In addition,
portion on the scale at your local feed store. Once you figure out how much blood flow is diverted away from the digestive organs during periods
your horse’s typical ration weighs, you can measure that portion at feeding of exertion, so gut movement slows and colic may be a real danger.
time using a scoop, coffee can, or whatever suits your needs. If you must work your horse around mealtime, feed perhaps a third
If you later decide to switch to a different kind of grain that has more of his usual portion beforehand (you can save the rest for after your ride),
or less volume per pound, but with the same nutritional content, you’ll particularly if all the other horses in the barn are tucking into their meals,
know approximately how much you need to feed by weight to get the and don’t work him very hard.
same amount you were feeding with the old grain. You also need to exercise caution when feeding a horse after work.
The average thousand-pound horse who relies on hay for all his Let the horse cool down completely—his breathing rate should be back
forage (say, in winter, when pastures are dormant) typically eats fifteen to normal, and his skin should not feel hot or sweaty.
to twenty pounds of hay per day. Most of us dispense hay in flakes; Conventional horsey wisdom used to dictate that a horse should not
however, the amount of hay in a flake can vary greatly, depending on be allowed to drink large quantities of water after hard exercise. Small
the size of the flake and the kind of hay. If you don’t know how much sips of water were allowed, but allowing a hot and thirsty horse to drain
the bales of hay you are feeding weigh, you can use a bathroom scale to a bucket was a big no-no. However, considerable research was done on
check, then feed that portion of a bale that your horse needs, every day. cooling horses out after exercise in preparation for the 1996 Olympic
The goal is to feed your horse enough hay to keep him at his ideal weight Games in hot and humid Atlanta. Studies showed that a horse’s thirst
and provide him forage throughout the day without waste. If he’s looking reflex is highest just after exercise—allowing him to drink his fill of cool
(or sounding) ravenous at feeding time or is using uneaten hay as his (not ice-cold) water helps speed the cooling process, rehydrates the horse,
toilet, adjust his hay ration accordingly. and has no adverse effects 46.

Rule #6: Don’t Feed Immediately Before or After Exercise Rule #7: Routine, Routine, Routine
Think about tucking in for a hearty meal, and when you’re finished, Horses thrive on routine, and their amazingly accurate internal clocks
pushing back from the table and going straight out for a three-mile make them much better timekeepers than their human caretakers. Many

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a horse owner has been distracted by work around the barn only to be
reminded by her stalled charges rattling their buckets because dinner
is five minutes late!
Horses should be kept on a consistent feeding schedule, with meals
arriving at the same time each day (ideally, within an hour). Most horses
aren’t harmed by an abrupt change in schedule, although stalled horses,
in particular, will certainly be very annoyed. But for horses who are prone
to colic, a sudden change in routine can be more than an annoyance and
might be enough to trigger a colic episode.

Assessing a Horse’s Needs
There’s no magic formula to assist you in deciding how much to feed,
although you or your barn manager can take a guess to start with, based B
on what you know about the horse or on what horses of similar size and
workload need to maintain their condition in your management program.
It’s basically a system of trial and error, with adjustments based on the
horse’s actual condition and energy level.
To be able to assess what changes should be made in a horse’s diet,
you need to be able to assess the horse himself to determine if he needs
more or fewer calories.
In 1983 veterinarian Donald Henneke
developed an equine body scoring system to Henneke Horse Condition
be able to better quantify what is, in essence, Scoring System
a subjective judgment: is a horse too fat or too 1—Poor
thin? The system divides the horse’s body into 2—Very Thin
six parts: the neck, withers, shoulder area, ribs,
4—Moderately Thin

loins, and tail head area. Each of these parts are 5—Moderate
scored on a scale from one to nine, according 6—Moderate to Fleshy
to certain specified criteria, then the scores are 7—Fleshy
averaged for an overall body condition score. A 8—Fat
9—Extremely Fat
horse who scores a one is emaciated, while one This Arabian came as a starvation case to a California humane organization: the horse’s condition was
who scores a nine is considered obese. rated a 1 (emaciated/poor) (Photo A); after recovery months later, the horse was rated a 6 (Photo B).

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The Henneke system is now widely used by law enforcement agencies
to determine more easily when horses are not being cared for properly, but
it’s a useful tool for the average horse owner as well. Using it teaches you
to assess small changes in your horse’s condition more objectively and to
look at the overall picture, rather than just the size of your horse’s belly.
Although a five on the Henneke scale is ideal, a range of body condi-

tions is considered normal. Like humans, horses are all built differently—
some are very slight and naturally tend to be thin, while others are of
a more stout construction.
A horse’s “ideal” weight also depends on his job. A Thoroughbred
who is racing fit is expected to be on the lean side, with a pronounced
Roughage—grass or hay (here being loaded into a loft via a hay elevator)—is key to a horse’s diet.
“tucked up” look, like a greyhound. In contrast, a show hunter or western
pleasure horse is expected to be almost a bit plump, with a well-fed,
rounded appearance. making an easy-to-chew mash. There are also special feeds formulated
Individual horses can vary widely in their ability to put on and main- just for senior horses that may help older equines stay at a good weight.
tain weight. An “easy keeper” usually tends to be on the fleshy side, and It’s important to assess your horse’s weight regularly. Small,
his owner is constantly fighting to keep his weight in check. These horses incremental changes over time might go unnoticed, so be cognizant
easily maintain their weight on hay and pasture, and might even need of telltale signs, like needing to tighten or loosen the saddle girth. Many
to have their access to pasture restricted when the grass is very lush. pastured horses lose weight over a cold winter, since they use calories
A “hard keeper,” on the other hand, loses weight very easily and has to stay warm. Weight loss can be hidden under a heavy hair coat and
a difficult time putting it back on. He may be a finicky eater, easily dis- revealed only after the shedding season arrives with warm weather.
tracted from finishing his meal, or without much of an appetite at all. It’s much easier to correct the problem if you catch it early.
Any kind of stress—a trailer trip, a slight illness, or a cold winter—might
cause him to lose weight. Such a horse can go from being just a bit thin
to dangerously underweight. Hard keepers often need grain, since grain Hay
is a much more highly concentrated source of calories than is hay. Their Hay is the portion of the diet that most horse owners know the least
owners must be especially vigilant, keeping an eye out for the slightest about. At boarding facilities usually only one type of hay is offered, and
drop in weight so the trend can be reversed quickly. the owner’s only input is how much of it the horse receives. If you don’t
Many older horses become hard keepers, even if they had no problem stable your horse at home and have never purchased hay yourself, your
maintaining weight in their youth. Their teeth may have worn down con- knowledge is probably minimal. Even if you don’t buy your own hay, you
siderably as they’ve aged, making it more difficult to chew food, or their should be aware of what your horse is eating, what constitutes good hay,
bodies are no longer as efficient at using the food they do eat. These horses and what the basic hay varieties are.
might do better on pelleted feeds that can be wetted down for feeding,

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There are two main varieties of hay, grasses and legumes. Grass hays
include timothy, coastal Bermuda, brome, and orchard grass. Different
varieties grow better in different parts of the country, so “grass hay” in
Pennsylvania might mean timothy, while in Texas it might mean coastal

 
Bermuda grass. Grass hays are high in fiber and relatively low in nutrient
content, which makes them very safe to feed free-choice. The primary
legume hay fed to horses is alfalfa, which has a higher protein content
than grass hay and less fiber, making it a much richer hay. It’s also highly
palatable, and most horses enjoy it immensely. But because it’s so much
richer than grass hay, it must be fed in smaller quantities. It is possible to
overfeed alfalfa hay; unlike grass, it is not usually fed free-choice. Clover,
Although the square bales seen on page 179 are more common, round bales of grass or timothy
another legume, is often found mixed with orchard grass or timothy and
hay are a good solution for horses on acreage with insufficient pasture. Typically more hay is wasted
is also highly palatable.
in a round bale than in a square bale, even when bales are placed in bale holders, because horses
You can often purchase a grass/alfalfa mixed hay, which has some of both.
pull hay out from the inside of the bale as they eat.
(The two different kinds of hay are planted as a mixture in the same field
and harvested together.) Mixed hay has the benefit of extra nutrition from
the alfalfa but contains enough grass that it can be fed in larger quantities. to provide quality hay year after year. Unfortunately, though, everyone
Making hay is as much art as it is science. The goal is to cut it at just the is subject to the vagaries of the weather. In drought years, even the best
right time, maximizing the nutritional content, which rises as the grass hay growers struggle to produce good hay.
grows and then starts to drop off at a certain point. Cut hay dries (or “cures”) Some hay brokers may try to sell an inferior product. Every horse owner
in the field for several days and is then baled. A hayfield is cut several times should be educated in what differentiates a good bale of hay from a bad
in the course of a growing season; each harvest is referred to as a cutting. one, to be able to assess hay before buying it, and to be able to tell when
Hay is greatly affected by the weather, both as it grows and after it is bales in your own hayloft have become unsafe to feed.
cut. In drought conditions hay doesn’t grow so well, and the final product A good hay looks appealing. It’s green; soft, not stemmy, to the touch;
is very stemmy with a low nutritional content. Once hay has been cut and and contains a high proportion of leaves and plant heads. It smells fresh,
is drying in the field, weather can wreak havoc with the process. Cut hay not musty. There’s no evidence of bugs, debris, or mold. When you break
that has been rained on takes longer to dry completely. If the hay’s moisture a bale open and pull it apart, there should be minimal or no dust. In
content is too high when it is baled, it can develop mold or can ferment contrast, poor hay looks dried out and dull—more brown than green.
and produce enough heat to cause spontaneous combustion. It feels coarse in your hands, with lots of sharp stems, and it does not
Most of the intricacies of making hay are beyond the realm of knowl- smell fragrant and appealing.
edge of the average horse owner, so having a good, knowledgeable hay Brown, stemmy hay won’t hurt your horse (although he might decline
dealer is critically important. Reputable hay growers produce a consis- to eat it, leading to waste), but it is very low in nutritional value. Dusty hay,
tently good product that they stand behind, and you can count on them however, can cause respiratory problems in horses and should not be fed;

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A portable feed bunk provides

a trough for feed and offers

hay at nose level (although

ground feeding hay more

closely approximates the

horse’s natural feeding


posture and lessens the

possibility of eye injuries

caused by hay stalks

 
at eye level).
A good, fresh grass hay (left) has plant heads without stemmy weeds, field debris, or bugs.

Moldy hay (right) contains patchy gray “turned” areas and has an unappealing odor.

if you have no choice but to feed hay that’s dustier than you would like,
you can soak it in clean water before feeding it to prevent your horse from Many recreational horses do not need grain; their energy requirements
inhaling the dust. Soaked hay must be fed immediately, though, because are low, and as long as they’re easy keepers, they usually do just fine on
it can mold if allowed to sit. hay and pasture. Horses who are in hard work, however, need the extra
The quality of hay can vary bale to bale, especially if certain bales are calorie boost that comes from grain, as do horses who are hard keepers
exposed to the weather when hay is stored, if it is stacked outside and and have trouble maintaining their weight.
kept under a tarp, for instance. The weathered bales are not of as high According to a 2005 study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more
a quality as those inside the stack and probably should be discarded. than 90 percent of equine operations feed grain.47
Any bale that is discovered to have mold in it should be thrown out Grain is available from most feed dealers in two forms—whole grains
immediately in its entirety. Moldy hay should never be offered as feed, (oats, corn, etc.) bought by the pound and bagged, processed, branded
used as bedding, or placed on a manure pile where horses might attempt varieties from commercial mills (sweet feed, pellets, etc.). If your horse
to consume it, as mold can cause severe illness in horses. It’s wise to is at a boarding barn, the barn manager most likely offers one or two
develop a habit of quickly evaluating every newly opened bale of hay choices (although many are willing to feed something else if you provide
to be sure it’s of good quality, as a bad bale can pop up in even the it), which makes your decision easier. But if you’re purchasing grain on
best loads. Contact your hay dealer if you find bad bales, since some, your own, where do you begin?
particularly local suppliers, offer credit for any bad bales they may Let’s start with two of the most common kinds of prepared feeds,
have produced despite their best efforts at quality control. textured (or “sweet”) feeds and pelleted feeds.
Hay can also be fed in pelleted or cube form, available from commercial Sweet feed is so called because molasses has been added to make the
mills through your feed supplier. grain more palatable and to bind mixtures of grains together. Sweet feed

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Pelleted feeds are a mixture of grains, vitamins, minerals, and protein
finely ground and processed into uniform pellets. (A different variation of
this process produces extruded feeds, which consist of larger, less-dense
pellets.) Pelleted feeds have a low moisture content, so they can be stored
for a relatively long time. They can also be soaked in water to make an
easy-to-eat mash for horses who are prone to choke or for older horses

with poor teeth.

Like sweet feed, pellets are commercially available in bags. Most
horses eat pellets well, but some finicky eaters may not like them as
well as sweet feeds. Any powdered supplements added to pellets often
end up left at the bottom of the bucket. This problem can be solved
A commercial sweet feed (left) may include corn, oats, molasses, and pelleted feed and typically is by adding a spoonful or two of bottled molasses, as needed.
available in a variety of protein content formulations for horses of different ages and activity levels.
Some varieties of pellets are marketed as “complete feeds.” They
contain a high percentage of fiber and can serve as the horse’s entire
Pelleted feeds (right) (stored here in a clean, rodent-proof container) are a mixture of food stuffs
diet; no hay is required. They’re useful for older horses whose teeth
processed into uniform pellets.
might be in poor condition and who have trouble chewing hay or grass
and can even be fed as a soaked mush if necessary. They’re also often
usually consists of a mixture of various grains (oats, corn, and barley are fed to horses with respiratory ailments that are exacerbated by the dust
common); molasses; and added vitamins, minerals, and protein (usually in hay. In locales where hay is scarce or where it varies widely in cost
in the form of pellets). You can easily see the various whole or crushed or quality, complete feeds may be a good option.
grains in a handful of sweet feed. Both pellets and sweet feeds are carefully balanced to include all the
Sweet feed is an excellent choice for picky eaters and for owners who vitamins and trace minerals horses require, so unless your horse has
need to mix less-palatable medication or nutritional supplements into special needs, you can be reasonably sure all of his nutritional needs are
their horses’ grain. The slightly sticky texture of sweet feed prevents met. Both have nutritional labels that tell you the ingredients and the
powdered additives from sifting through the grain, and its sweet taste percentages of various nutrients, usually as a maximum or minimum
masks medicinal odors. Sweet feeds offer consistent quality, since they percentage. The ingredient list is not as detailed as it is on human food
are produced to adhere to certain nutritional standards, and they’re because the contents may vary slightly from batch to batch, and because
widely available in bagged form from any feed dealer. Molasses (which many feed manufacturers want to keep their exact formulations secret
can cause excess edginess in horses prone to hyperactivity) can cause from competitors.
sweet feed to spoil easily in hot, humid weather, so it’s best to purchase Many horse owners feed unadulterated grains, like whole or crimped
this feed in a quantity that can be used relatively quickly or to store it oats and cracked or rolled corn, either on their own or in conjunction with
in a climate-controlled environment.48 other feeds. These may be milled locally. The quality of these grains can
vary more widely than among prepared feeds, and they do not contain

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Beet pulp, a by-product In addition to reading the label, you should visually inspect the grain
of the sugar beet industry, product (although this is more productive with unprocessed grains and
can be purchased in sweet feed than it is with pellets). Are the kernels plump and mature?
sweetened or plain Does there seem to be an excess of unidentifiable “filler”? Do whole grains
varieties and is a like oats or corn seem stale and dusty? Once you’ve decided on a feed
popular horse feed. type or brand, check the quality of any new bag you open and dump
into your feed bin. If old or improperly stored, grain can be infested with
insects or become moldy. Immediately discard/return any bag of feed

you open that is “buggy” with weevils, moldy, or smells “off.”
One age-old horseman’s practice is feeding bran mashes, either as occa-
sional treats or for digestive health. Wheat bran is not nutrient-dense, so the
small amounts usually fed to horses do not add much nutritional content,
but feeding mashes is thought to increase gut motility (activity), although
there’s disagreement over how much value, if any, bran mashes have in that
added vitamins or minerals to ensure a balanced diet, so you may have regard. Wheat bran is also very high in phosphorus, and because the ratio
to supplement these on your own. of calcium to phosphorus must be kept around 2:1, you might need to add
Selecting a feed for your horse depends on many factors, including additional calcium to your horse’s diet if you feed him bran. Bran mashes are
the amount of work your horse receives, his age, and any specific probably not a necessary part of a horse’s diet, but they are a nice occasional
nutritive requirements. Specific guidance on determining the feed that’s treat on cold winter mornings, or a good method of providing hydration
right for you is beyond the scope of this book. Your veterinarian can to a horse who might not be drinking enough water on his own.
give you some general guidance, however, and feed companies have Rice bran has a very high fat content and is often fed as a supplement for
nutritionists on staff who can help you determine which of their feeds hard keepers, or as an alternative to grains for horses who can’t tolerate high
is best suited for your horse. (Of course, in addition to providing customer levels of starch. If you choose to feed rice bran, be sure to purchase only
service, they have a vested interest in convincing you that their feeds the stabilized variety—unstabilized rice bran becomes rancid very quickly.
are better than the others on the market.) While grass hay (not legume hay) can usually be fed to horses in large
In general, you want to select feed that meets or slightly exceeds all of quantities without any adverse effects (other than the horse getting too
your horse’s requirements and that your particular horse finds palatable. fat), feeding too much grain can be detrimental. An overgrained horse may
You want to choose a feed from a reputable company—national or local— be hyperactive because of all those excess calories. Extremely high grain
that uses high-quality ingredients and processes feed in an environment intake—usually the result of a horse getting into the feed room’s grain
where it can’t be contaminated, and you want to purchase the feed you bin and gorging himself—can be extremely dangerous because it can
use from a dealer who has a constant fresh supply (feed loses nutrition lead to bouts of colic or laminitis (see chapter l0).
as it ages), carefully stored where it won’t be subjected to excessive heat Grain should always be stored in horse-proof containers, preferably
or moisture or exposed to rodents. behind a closed and locked door in a feed room or spare stall. Grain

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should also be protected from rodents or hungry wildlife (like raccoons), and the manure to dry out and be absorbed into the soil). You can also
for sanitary reasons and to prevent your barn from becoming attractive divide one large pasture into sections with temporary electric fencing,
to disease-carrying or otherwise undesirable critters. and rotate horses through the sections, since horses graze small areas
more effectively than large ones.
Although grass is a horse’s natural diet, too much of a good thing can
Pasture cause problems. A horse unaccustomed to eating grass can easily founder
Chapter 8 discussed the importance of turnout for a horse’s well-being. if allowed too much time on lush pasture (see chapter l0). As with all
Unfortunately, however, turnout time doesn’t always equal grazing time. dietary changes, introduction to pasture should be done gradually. Allow
In densely populated areas near major cities, turnout might only be a horse to start with limited turnout—as little as fifteen minutes a day if
available in small paddocks or pastures that are quickly overgrazed. In the grass is especially lush. Make incremental increases until the horse
other parts of the country, lush grass simply doesn’t grow, and turnout has acclimated and can be on a regular turnout schedule. Note any signs
is primarily for exercise, not grazing. of inflammation in the feet (ask your equine practitioner to show you
When it’s available, though, pasture grazing is exactly how Nature how to use hoof testers to check for tenderness).
intended horses to eat—fresh, green grass, nibbled at throughout the day Any horse can founder, but ponies are especially prone to foundering
as the horse ambles around. It’s a perfect food source for horses, when on grass, and overweight animals are also at greater risk. A horse that has
properly managed and maintained. It doesn’t require delivery or storage, foundered once is at increased risk of foundering again, so extreme care
and other than the cost of periodic seeding and fertilizing, it’s free! should be taken when allowing these horses out on grass. You might want
If your horse is fortunate enough to be able to consume a significant to limit pasture turnout to a few hours a day or put a grazing muzzle on a
portion of his diet in fresh forage, your pastures aren’t “just grass”: horse, which restricts the amount of grass he can eat. Some horses have
they’re an important part of your feeding program and should be medical issues, such as insulin resistance or Cushing’s syndrome, that
treated as such. A well-maintained pasture should be soil-tested every make them very sensitive to the sugars in grass.
few years to determine what nutrients are lacking or overabundant. Most pastures grow more than grass, including trees, weeds (such
Good pasture requires periodic seeding, fertilizing, and weed control. as ragweed and thistle), and invasive plants as well. Many varieties of
Your local cooperative extension agent can provide valuable information plants are poisonous to horses, and if you manage your own pasture,
on managing pastures in your particular location, including seeding you need to become familiar with the ones common to your area so you
and fertilizing recommendations. can eradicate them. Your local cooperative extension office should be
Much of pasture management isn’t made up of soil testing or expert able to provide some information specific to your locale, but you can
advice, however—just care. Most important is to avoid overgrazing. If also find plenty of books and websites with detailed photographs
pastures don’t have enough grass to accommodate your herd grazing and descriptions.
24/7, the horses should only be turned out on them for part of the day If grass is adequate, most horses leave harmful plants alone, but when
and should have their diets supplemented with hay. If you have ample pastures are overgrazed and horses are looking for anything green to eat,
pasture land, you can rotate horses throughout various pastures, letting they’re much more likely to consume something dangerous.
them graze one while another is resting (allowing the grass to grow

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A Last Word
While concentrates (grains) can make up for digestible caloric deficiencies
in low-quality roughage (hay), they cannot make up for the digestive and

psychological benefits of roughage. There is a growing body of evidence
to show that colic, including the more severe types of displacements, is
less common in horses whose main caloric intake comes from natural
pasture or good, long-stemmed hay. Roughage also benefits horses’ dental
health. While processed feeds (pellets and grain mixes) can be more
convenient for the owner, they do not mimic normal feeding behavior,
in which horses spend a significant amount of their time eating fol-
lowed by rest or exercise, then more eating. When horses are deprived
of normal feeding behavior, they are more likely to develop disorders
such as cribbing, wood chewing, stall walking, and sand eating. These
obsessive/compulsive behaviors are not good for the horse’s health
and are a common reason for horses becoming “unwanted.” Mimicking
Veterinary Care
natural feeding behavior by having horses on pasture or feeding at
least three times a day is a good idea.

with any luck, you’ll be one of those

fortunate owners who only sees the veterinarian
twice a year for vaccinations. Your horse will never get
sick, never take a lame step, never have an accident.
But, if you’re like most of us, sooner or later in your
horse-owning career, your veterinarian will be on your
phone’s speed dial. Horses can be complicated, fragile,
accident-prone creatures who seem to make a hobby
out of finding new methods of hurting themselves
or new ways of stumping your veterinarian.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care

The relationship you have with your veterinarian is an important one. There’s no one-size-fits-all vaccine protocol for horses. Pregnant mares
You want to find an equine practitioner whose judgment you trust, who is and breeding stallions receive vaccines that your typical riding horse does
educated and keeps current on new findings, and whose horse care philos- not. Horses who live in a closed herd—retirees who live in an owner’s back
ophy matches your own. For new horse owners, it’s especially important field year-round—have less opportunity for exposure to some diseases and
to find a veterinarian who is happy to answer your questions and further might receive fewer vaccines than horses who are kept at large barns with
your own education—someone who lets you stick your hand in the horse’s lots of traffic in and out, or those who travel frequently to shows.
mouth to feel the sharp points on his teeth for yourself, or shows you how Different parts of the country have different recommended
to find the digital pulses on his feet. Most veterinarians want educated vaccination regimens, depending on the local weather and the diseases
horse owners for clients and are happy to answer your questions. that are endemic in that particular area. For example, the vaccines
Many horse owners, as they gain confidence and experience, handle for mosquito-borne illnesses are generally administered just before
minor issues on their own—it’s both economical and practical to mosquito season begins, which varies, depending on where you live.
deal with a small cut or scrape yourself. But educated horse owners are In the parts of the country where mosquitoes are present year-round,
cognizant of the limits of their own knowledge, know enough to call these vaccines might be given twice a year instead of just once.
the veterinarian when their methods aren’t working, and know there Your veterinarian is your best resource for determining what vaccina-
are certain situations where a veterinarian is required immediately. tions your horse needs. He knows which ailments are common in your
Although it’s easy to focus on the scary emergency situations, it’s area, what vaccination schedule works best, and your horse’s lifestyle,
also important to cover all the bases when it comes to preventive care. including management system (box stall versus dry pasture versus
Vaccinations, dental care, and deworming play a huge part in keeping irrigated pasture), and the diseases to which he might be exposed. Your
your horse healthy and happy. But most likely you’ll also be faced with veterinarian is also up to date on the latest research into vaccine protocols
injuries and accidents, so you need to be prepared for those as well. and the efficacy of new vaccines that have just come on the market.
This is a good time to mention the importance of obtaining a
veterinary history on your horse when you first obtain her, if at all
Vaccinations possible, and keeping that history, including vaccination records, current
When you consider the huge assortment of vaccines that are recom- throughout her life.
mended for horses, the saying “healthy as a horse” might seem to be Here is an overview of the most common diseases for which vaccines are
a misnomer. But horses are unique among companion animals in that available. Consult your veterinarian for more information on any of them.
they frequently travel to shows, trail rides, and lesson barns, where
they come into contact with other, strange horses. This creates an Tetanus
atmosphere where diseases are easily transmitted.
Tetanus is a highly fatal disease caused by anaerobic bacteria commonly
Even the most robust vaccination schedule doesn’t protect a horse
found in the soil and fecal material. If the bacteria get into the body via
against everything, but there are many diseases for which extremely
a puncture or other wound and begin to grow, they produce an extremely
effective vaccines exist, and widespread use has dramatically improved
potent toxin. That toxin effects the nerve signals that tell muscles to relax,
overall equine health.
causing what used to be known as “lockjaw”—the horse exhibits a saw-

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horse stance and seeming paralysis of the facial muscles, including the EEE, WEE, and VEE are viruses transmitted from birds and rodents,
jaw. He eventually goes down, stiff-legged, and dies shortly thereafter. which are reservoirs for the disease, to horses by mosquitoes. (All three
Because horses are very susceptible to tetanus and live in an can also infect humans.) EEE is the most deadly of the three, with a
environment where it’s quite prevalent, this vaccination is a standard fatality rate of 75 to 90 percent. The fatality rate for VEE is 40 to 80
in every equine health protocol. It’s an extremely safe, extremely effective percent, and for WEE, 20 to 50 percent.51 All affect the horse’s nervous
vaccine, generally administered once a year. (It’s usually part of common system and produce neurological signs. Horses who survive infection
combination vaccines.)49 frequently suffer permanent neurological damage.
Vaccines exist for all three diseases, although only WEE and EEE are
Rabies commonly vaccinated against in the majority of U.S. states. The vaccines
are extremely effective and are often given combined in one injection.
Rabies is a fatal disease that can affect any mammal; about fifty horses
die of rabies in the United States every year.
The virus is present in an infected animal’s saliva and is usually West Nile Virus
transmitted by a bite, although it can also be transmitted if infected West Nile virus (WNV) is another mosquito-borne disease, very similar
saliva comes in contact with an open wound or mucous membranes. to EEE, WEE, and VEE. A relative newcomer in the United States, it was
The virus spreads through the central nervous system, eventually first diagnosed in New York in 1999, but has now spread across the
reaching the brain. Symptoms vary widely, but behavioral changes are entire country. The virus infects the central nervous system, causing
considered one of the most common signs. Other symptoms might neurological symptoms. The fatality rate is about 30 percent.52
include depression, a mild fever, excessive salivation, difficulty swal- Fortunately, a vaccine was quickly developed that has proven very
lowing, convulsions, and a lack of appetite. Symptoms progress very safe and effective, leading to a marked downturn in the number of
quickly, and an infected horse generally dies within five to seven days.50 cases, even as the disease spread over a larger area of the country.
Rabies is seen in raccoons, skunks, foxes, coyotes, and bats, with all of There were more than fifteen thousand equine cases of WNV in 2002;
whom horses may come in contact in their barns or pastures. that number dropped to less than five thousand in 2003 and to just
The disease is endemic in every state but Hawaii, although some parts over thirteen hundred in 2004.
of the country see a much higher frequency of rabies than do others.
Equine Herpesvirus
Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan Encephalomyelitis For most of the ailments we’ve discussed so far, vaccinations provide
Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE), Western equine encephalomyelitis near-immunity. Unfortunately, not all vaccines are quite so effective.
(WEE), and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) are sometimes One disease for which this is the case is rhinopneumonitis, which is
referred to as “sleeping sickness.” EEE and WEE are a concern in the caused by the equine herpesvirus (EHV). There are several varieties of
United States; VEE is generally a concern only in South America, but the virus, but the ones that cause serious illness are EHV-1 and EHV-4.
occasional cases have been reported in Mexico and southern Texas. EHV is unique in that horses can be infected with the virus, but show
no symptoms. It’s estimated that about half the equine population are

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latent carriers of the virus. If a latently infected horse is stressed, however, contagious, although not usually fatal. The bacteria cause a respiratory
he can begin to shed the virus, subsequently infecting other horses. The infection (usually accompanied by mucus in the nose) that leads
virus is spread very easily from horse to horse and can even be carried to swelling of the lymph nodes in the head and neck.
from one barn to another on the clothes, shoes, or hands of humans. The strangles vaccination does not offer full immunity, but it may
(Humans cannot be infected with the virus, however.) lessen the symptoms if a horse does manage to become infected. It’s
EHV typically causes respiratory infection, and affected horses exhibit available both as an intramuscular injection and an intranasal vaccine.
a snotty nose, cough, and fever. Infection with the virus can also lead
to abortion in pregnant mares. Potomac Horse Fever
A mutant strain of EHV-1 causes neurological symptoms—lack of
First documented near the Potomac River in Maryland in 1979, but now
coordination, hind end weakness, and eventual paralysis. The fatality
found throughout the United States, Potomac horse fever (PHF) is caused
rate of the neurologic form is about 40 percent, and several high-profile
by bacteria (Neorickettsia risticii) that are usually found in streams.
outbreaks have been seen in recent years at show facilities, veterinary
Infection causes inflammation of the horse’s intestinal tract and is
hospitals, and racetracks.53
usually accompanied by fever, diarrhea, and a generally depressed
Unfortunately, the vaccination for EHV cannot protect against the
demeanor. The disease has a fatality rate of about 30 percent, but can
neurologic form, only the form that causes respiratory illness and
be treated successfully with antibiotics.
abortion. Vaccination does seem to lessen the severity of symptoms,
The PHF vaccine does not offer full immunity, as it’s only effective
however, if a vaccinated horse contracts the neurologic form of the virus.
against one strain of the bacteria, and horses can be infected with
different strains in different parts of the country. Vaccination does
Equine Influenza lessen the severity of symptoms.54
Just like humans, horses are subject to infection from the influenza
virus. It’s not the same virus seen in humans, but the effects are similar:
a respiratory infection that is only rarely fatal, but is highly contagious and Deworming
makes victims feel completely miserable. Symptoms include fever, runny As long as there have been horses, parasites have preyed on them. The
nose, cough, and loss of appetite, and it can take months for infected term “parasite” is broad and encompasses a number of different creatures
horses to recover, although most do recover fully. that take up residence in or on the horse’s body as uninvited guests.
The equine influenza vaccine offers good protection, although not Parasites wreak havoc in numerous ways. They can physically damage
full immunity. Vaccinated horses who do become infected generally tissue within the body by migrating through it, obstruct arteries, suck
experience milder symptoms. blood, and usurp the nutrition from food the horse consumes. A horse
infested with parasites looks unthrifty, with a dull, scruffy coat and a
Strangles potbelly. He is likely to be underweight and have a difficult time putting
weight back on. The existence and extent of parasite infestation can
A bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus equi, strangles is a very
be confirmed with a fecal sample that is examined for parasite eggs.
common disease that has afflicted horses for centuries. It’s highly
The higher the number of eggs, the worse the infection.

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Deworming drugs, known as anthelmintics, first became available in A horse owner’s other option is a continuous deworming program, in
the 1960s, finally providing horses some protection against parasites. which a small amount of dewormer is fed to the horse daily, along with
Deworming programs have become quite robust since then and are his grain. The goal here is to kill any larvae the horse has ingested on a
credited with significantly increasing the life expectancy of the average daily basis, before they can mature. Because the active ingredient in daily
horse. Although parasites are still ever-present, and horses always pick dewormers is not effective against bots, manufacturers recommend that
them up from their environment, a strict deworming program prevents horses on these programs be paste wormed every six months with a
them from ever building up to a significant level in the horse and medication effective against that particular parasite.
causing real damage. There are significant differences among deworming protocols, based
The primary parasites that affect adult horses are large and small on geographic area. Your equine practitioner should be involved in any
strongyles, tapeworms, pinworms, and bots. deworming decisions you are considering.

The Deworming Program Drugs and Resistance

Horses pick up most parasites as larvae. Once inside the body, these When anthelmintics first became available, they were generally effective
larvae mature into adults and lay eggs, which are passed out with the against only one kind of parasite (or maybe two), so veterinarians recom-
horse’s manure. The eggs hatch into larvae, which the horse ingests, mended rotating among the different classes of drugs to provide full pro-
starting the life cycle all over again. tection. The thinking was that if your dewormer didn’t kill tapeworms,
The goal of a deworming program is to break this life cycle, usually by for example, this time around, you’d get them eight weeks later when
killing the adult worms before they can lay eggs. Deworming programs have you used a different dewormer.
evolved considerably in the last forty years. Today, there are two primary Today, most dewormers are broad spectrum and are effective against
weapons in a deworming program, periodic and continuous dewormers. several different kinds of parasites, but not all dewormers are effective
Periodic dewormers are typically oral paste medications dispensed against every kind of parasite. In addition, certain drugs can have more
with a syringe, but they’re also available as pelleted or powdered feed of an impact if they’re given when they have the greatest effectiveness.
additives. Continuous dewormers are pelleted feed additives that are Because local environmental factors greatly affect when certain parasites
given in very small doses every day. are most prevalent, your veterinarian is the best source of help when
Most horse owners choose a periodic deworming program that relies designing a rotational worming program.
on paste medications. Paste dewormers are readily available over the Rotation is also considered important to help prevent the emergence
counter and are easy for the horse owner to administer. Most are “broad of parasites that are resistant to common drugs. Every dewormer lists its
spectrum,” meaning they kill a wide variety of parasites. main active ingredient on the box; there are typically several different
A periodic deworming program essentially purges the horse of any brand names that all use the same active ingredient. If you plan to rotate
parasites picked up since the last treatment. The idea is that the periodic dewormers, don’t just change brand names; make sure you are using
purges prevent the worm load from ever becoming so substantial that a different drug each time.
it causes harm to the horse.

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Floating a horse’s
Other Methods
teeth can be done
Any deworming program typically focuses on the various anthelmintics
by a veterinarian or
used, but there are other aspects to parasite control as well. First and
foremost is manure management. If manure is removed from stalls and an equine dentist.

paddocks frequently, there’s less opportunity for horses to become

infected with the parasite larvae that hatch from that manure.
Horses are naturally inclined to defecate in certain portions of a
pasture but graze in others, thereby naturally doing some manure

management of their own. This only works if pastures are large and
not overcrowded, however; if pastures are overgrazed and grass is rare,
horses ignore their instincts in favor of getting some grass to eat.
Although manure is an excellent fertilizer and is commonly used on
pastures, it should only be spread after it has been composted (which
means it’s been left to sit for a long period). The intense heat of that
process kills any emerging parasite larvae. If fresh manure is spread If those points and hooks are not attended to, they can become quite
on pastures, you’re coating your pastures with parasite eggs and larvae sharp and cause serious discomfort for the horse. A horse whose teeth
as well as fertilizer. need attention might seem to have difficulty chewing—dropping partially
chewed pieces of hay or grass, or mouthfuls of grain—and has trouble
maintaining his weight. He can become aversive to the bit while being
Dental Care ridden, perhaps flipping his head with discomfort or objecting to being
You might consider the horse’s mouth—and specifically his teeth—to be haltered or bridled.
like a finely tuned grass/hay consumption machine. But like any machine, To prevent the hooks and points that occur naturally from becoming
your horse’s teeth need periodic maintenance to keep them operating a problem, a horse’s teeth should be checked routinely, either by a
as they should. veterinarian who does dental work or a specialized equine dentist. In a
Horses’ teeth continue growing throughout their lifetime, so their mouths process known as “floating,” the sharp parts of the tooth are filed down,
are in a constant state of slow change. The teeth on their lower and upper usually with a motorized float, but sometimes by hand with a metal file.
jaws don’t meet exactly—the upper jaw is slightly wider. The grinding Most horses only need to be floated once a year, but horses who
action that a horse uses wears down the surface of his teeth but can also crib or have conformation defects in their mouths—like a parrot mouth
leave sharp “points” or “hooks” on the outer edge of the upper teeth and (overbite) or undershot jaw (underbite)—might need more frequent
the inner edge of the lower teeth, because those edges don’t come in dental attention. It’s a good habit to have your veterinarian check your
contact with their opposing teeth. horse’s teeth twice a year, when he is administering spring and fall

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and you’re the one who notices and is able to connect the dots
Coggins Test to address the problem most quickly.
One final and simple, yet important, piece of your health maintenance
plan should be a Coggins test. This simple blood test, which has been
Vital Signs
in use since the 1970s, screens for antibodies to equine infectious anemia
(EIA), or swamp fever, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Horses Whenever a veterinarian is assessing a horse who might be ill, the first
can be EIA carriers and show no symptoms, so the Coggins test is thing she does is look at the horse’s vital signs. As your horse’s caretaker,
important to prevent such horses from spreading the disease. About you, too, should have this skill—first, to establish what your horse’s
three hundred horses are discovered to be EIA-positive in the United normal vital signs are, and, second, to be able to check them in an
States every year. emergency or when you suspect something is wrong.
Drawing a Coggins every spring is a ritual for horse owners, as this To take your horse’s vitals, you should be armed with a digital watch
paperwork is required to transport a horse out of state or to go to just or one with a second hand. You want your horse to be relaxed and standing
about any kind of competition. Most boarding barns require a negative still, so the easiest place to do this might be in the crossties in the barn
Coggins as well before they’ll let your horse set foot on the property. aisle or at a tie-ring in his stall. You don’t want your horse to be eating
But even if your horse rarely leaves the farm, it’s a good idea to make or otherwise preoccupied. Ideally, he should be bored, half-asleep.
this inexpensive test an annual ritual. A Coggins can also be used as proof Let’s start with the horse’s temperature. You need a thermometer
of ownership, since it includes your horse’s identifying marks. (either a glass one intended for use with horses, or a regular digital
thermometer from the drugstore) and a jar of petroleum jelly, either
brand-new, or one you have specially dedicated for this purpose. If
Becoming Familiar with “Normal” you’re using a glass thermometer, it should have a string tied to the
As important as a veterinarian is to any horse’s health and well-being, end that you can hold onto. (You can also attach the string to a hair
an educated owner is equally important. It’s the observant owner who clip, and then clip it to the horse’s tail.)
can notice that something’s “not quite right,” perhaps well before things After washing your hands, dip a finger into the petroleum jelly and
become serious. It’s the owner who can give a veterinarian the valuable use a glob of it to lubricate the thermometer. With your watch at the ready
information about a horse’s daily habits, diet, and idiosyncrasies that and your horse either tied or being held, stand to the side of your horse’s
can help make a diagnosis. rump, facing his tail. Use one hand to lift the tail and move it to the side,
To detect subtle changes in your horse’s habits and demeanor and and the other to slide the thermometer carefully and gently into the
to assist your veterinarian by providing that all-important information, horse’s anus. (Make sure that you’re standing off to the side, but close to
you need to be intimately familiar with what constitutes “normal” your horse, so he can’t kick you.) If you’re using a mercury thermometer,
for your horse, both his physical and his mental state. While small check your watch, or, if you’re using a digital, hit the button. Hold both
changes in your horse’s usual behavior or subtle physical changes are tail and thermometer, and when the appropriate amount of time has
not automatically cause for worry, they should be noticed and filed passed (per the thermometer’s instructions: for glass, three minutes),
away. Often, subtle changes can point to a much larger problem, gently remove the thermometer.55 It is helpful at first to watch closely

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as your veterinarian performs a temperature check, then repeat the horses usually try to sniff your hand instead of breathing normally. He’s
procedure yourself under his watchful eye. paying attention to you and might not stand still for very long. But if you
The normal temperature for a horse is considered to be 100.5 degrees, leave your hand there for a few seconds while encouraging your horse
but as in humans, some variance above and below is to be expected. It’s to stand still (and ideally go back to sleep), you should eventually be
usually not cause for worry unless the temperature is over 102 or below able to get an accurate count.
98. Your horse’s temperature is also affected by the outside temperature To take your horse’s pulse, stand to his side by his head. Put one hand
and is slightly elevated after he’s been ridden. To get a really accurate on his nose or halter to hold his head still, and put the index and middle
estimate of your horse’s normal temperature, try taking it at different finger of your other hand along the bottom of his jaw, right near where
times of the day for several days. his curved cheekbone begins and his lower jaw ends. (Don’t use your
An elevated temperature is the first warning sign of the onset of many thumb; your own pulse makes it impossible to feel your horse’s.) Keep
illnesses, so if you are ever “on alert” for a possible outbreak of disease, the pressure of your fingers relatively light and feel around for the gentle
you should make a habit of checking your horse’s temperature twice daily. throbbing sensation of a pulse. It takes some practice to find. If you’re
This way, you’ll notice immediately any change and can take action. unable to do it, have someone experienced help you find the spot.
Any horse owner easily notices if a horse’s rate of respiration is Once you’ve found the pulse, keep your horse still and check your
extremely elevated, such as after strenuous exercise—the heaving watch. Count for fifteen seconds, then multiply by four to get your
flanks are hard to miss. But it’s also important to be able to check a horse’s heartbeats per minute. Normal resting heart rate is about thirty
resting respiration rate. To do this your horse should be quiet, relaxed, to forty beats per minute. An elevated pulse in a horse at rest usually
and standing still. Have your watch ready and stand at your horse’s means he’s in pain or distress.
shoulder, facing his flanks. You can also try putting a hand lightly on Being able to take your horse’s pulse is also handy if you’re working
the flank, so you can feel your horse take a breath as well as see it. on improving his fitness. You can jump off after finishing a trot or
Watch or feel for the inhale and exhale, and the rise and fall of gallop set and take a quick pulse: as a horse gets fitter, his heart
your horse’s flanks, for several breaths to become attuned to your rate after exercise decreases.
horse’s rhythm, then check your watch. If your horse will stand still long
enough, you can count for a full sixty seconds to get the most accurate Other Indicators of Distress
measurement. If not, try to count for as long as you think the horse
Whenever your horse seems slightly “off,” these checks will help confirm
will stand still—fifteen, twenty, or thirty seconds—and then multiply
or alleviate your fears and give you some more information to pass on
the number you get to determine the breaths per minute.
to your veterinarian.
A normal respiration rate is considered to be between eight and sixteen
Capillary refill time (CRT) is a test of the horse’s circulation. To check
breaths per minute. An elevated respiration rate, or one that does not
capillary refill, pull up your horse’s upper lip and press on his gums, right
quickly return to normal after exercise, is generally a sign of distress.
above his upper teeth, with your thumb. Press down firmly for two
If you have trouble detecting your horse’s breaths by watching or feeling
seconds, then lift your thumb: you should see a white mark where
his flanks, you can also try putting your hand in front of his nostrils,
your thumb was, and it should disappear in one to two seconds as
where you can feel him blow out. The problem with this method is that

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blood returns to the capillaries. If the white mark remains for longer You’re probably already familiar with most of your horse’s lumps and
than two seconds, it can indicate that the horse is going into shock. bumps, but make a point of really going over his legs and memorizing
Observing the color of the horse’s mucous membranes (his gums and their topography. Do it both before and after the horse is ridden, and
the linings of his nostrils and eyelids) can provide another indicator of when the horse first walks out of the stall, since many horses stock up
distress. In a healthy horse, mucous membranes should be a pale pink. (accumulate fluid in the legs) when they have not been moving around.
If the mucous membranes are much paler than normal, much redder (If you don’t know whether your horse i s one of those, this is a good
than normal, grayish-blue, or yellow, call your veterinarian. opportunity to find out!)
A quick listen to your horse’s gut sounds helps to assess if there might Look at both front legs in comparison to each other, and both hind legs.
be digestive trouble going on. Put your ear up against the lower half of his Are there any differences? Is one knee or hock larger than the other? Is
barrel near his flank (or use a stethoscope). Check both sides: if you hear there a windpuff (a small swelling on the fetlock) on one leg, but not on
gurgling and grumbling, all is well. If you don’t hear anything, that’s cause its opposite?
for concern. After doing a visual inspection, run your hands all over your horse’s
Finally, there’s a very simple test for dehydration that every horseman legs. Feel the joints and take note of any swelling, or “filling.” (Don’t forget
should know. With your thumb and index finger, pinch a “tent” of skin the stifle joints, which you can feel best by standing directly behind the
in the middle of your horse’s neck. Let it go, and watch how quickly horse, if it’s safe to do so.) Ideally, the knees, hocks, stifles, and fetlocks
it snaps back into place. If the skin stays “tented” for more than one should all feel flat and firm, not “squishy.”
second, the horse is dehydrated. The longer the skin pinch remains, the Check the splint bones, which are on the sides of each leg, and take
more dehydrated the horse is. note of the location of any splints. Old splints are hard and cold; new
Practice taking your horse’s vitals and doing all of these quick tests. ones are warm and painful. Horses can get splints on their hind legs,
During your veterinarian’s next routine visit, ask the expert to watch your but they’re most often found on the front ones, and generally on the
technique. You not only will have added to your horsemanship skill set inside, as opposed to the outside, of the leg.
but you also will have valuable tools available with which to assess your Also run your hands down the back of your horse’s legs to feel his
horse’s normal state. tendons and ligaments. Familiarize yourself with any normal soft spots
and swellings. For example, blood vessels right under the knee can
Legs sometimes be mistaken for a swelling along the tendon. Any injury to a
tendon or ligament will be accompanied by heat and swelling, but it can
With age and use, all horses start to accumulate what horse people call
be very slight if an injury is just starting to brew. By checking your horse’s
“jewelry”—little bumps, lumps, and swellings on their legs. The presence
legs regularly, and especially if you ever feel like he’s “not quite right,” you
or lack of these little imperfections isn’t as important as whether any of
might be able to detect a very small injury before it becomes a major one.
them has changed. A new bump or swelling might indicate a strain or
It’s also a good idea to know how your horse normally moves. Watch
other injury brewing. It’s important to know every inch of your horse’s
him on the longe line or work him in a round pen occasionally so you’re
legs and to check them daily for any changes.
familiar with his normal way of going and can spot any changes.

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Habits heart-stopping experience of glimpsing your horse lying pancake flat and
In addition to all of the physical indicators, your horse’s demeanor will tell motionless, you will learn that this sleep pattern is normal for many horses.
you when something’s not right. If he doesn’t feel normal, he’s not going If you keep your horse at home and handle his care yourself,
to act normal. Train yourself to notice little things. If your horse doesn’t familiarizing yourself with his routine is pretty effortless, but it’s a little
greet you at the pasture gate as usual, but instead remains standing in more work if you’re at a boarding barn. If you have a responsible barn
the field with his head hanging low, check for other indicators that might manager, he will taking note of these things and should be able to alert
show you something is wrong—an obvious wound, a damaged gate or you if there are any major changes. But you should learn your horse’s
other problem in the horse’s environment, or an untouched meal in the routine yourself: go to the barn at different times of the day, make
feed tub. Calling to your horse might start him limping toward you, a clear a point of being there during a farrier’s visit, and ask questions of the
indication of where the problem lies, or worse, disclose an unwillingness barn staff when your path crosses theirs. That way you’ll know
or inability to move. what’s “normal” for your guy if you ever take him off the property.
It might be that your horse is in the middle of a nap; if so, you’ll realize
quickly that nothing is out of the ordinary. But the more attention you
pay to small changes in behavior, the better you’re able to notice when
Major Medical Issues
something goes wrong and spare yourself the reproach of not Colic
taking action sooner. Colic is a generic term for any sort of equine abdominal pain. It can
Note your horse’s eating and drinking habits. Does he tend to leave be something very mild and almost unnoticeable that passes on its
some of his hay and go back to it later, or does he eat it all in one sitting? own or with minimal human intervention. It can also be a serious,
Does he just take occasional sips of water from the bucket in his stall, life-threatening issue that requires risky and expensive surgery. And
preferring to wait and guzzle from the trough once he’s put out? Does sometimes it can be fatal.
he occasionally leave some of his grain uneaten, or is he a bucket-licker Every horse is susceptible to colic. Your feed and management
who gets every last kernel? choices can greatly reduce, but never eliminate, your horse’s risk. It’s
Be cognizant of your horse’s stall habits. Some horses leave all important to be familiar with this ailment and learn the signs of trouble,
their manure in one pile in a particular corner of the stall, while others especially since rapid veterinary intervention can prevent a mild colic
defecate whenever the mood strikes, turning their stall into a manure from becoming much worse, and can greatly improve a horse’s chances
pit. If your horse’s normally neat and tidy stall is a mess in the morning, of survival when the case is serious.
it should set off alarm bells instantly. He might have been in discomfort Horses who are colicking generally act depressed and usually, although
and pacing half the night. If there is no manure in the stall, an impaction not always, will be off their feed. They may have slightly or significantly
colic may be brewing. This is a serious situation (see page 209). elevated vital signs, slow capillary refill time, and abnormal color in the
Pasture behavior can tell you a lot, too. Does your horse immediately mucous membranes. They also show several telltale signs that are typical
head for his favorite dirt spot and roll when you turn him out? If he of abdominal discomfort—kicking or biting at their bellies or turning
suddenly stops that behavior, it could be an indicator that he’s sore to look at them; repeatedly lying down and getting up in an effort
somewhere. Does he like to lie down during his daily nap? After the

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to alleviate their discomfort; pawing; stretching as if to urinate; and veterinarian is likely to administer pain-relieving medications that relax
rolling, sometimes violently. the smooth muscles of the intestines, also to help the impaction pass.56
If you think your horse might be colicking, remove the feed and water Gas colic occurs when a buildup of gas causes distention of a portion
from his stall. Call your veterinarian and relay all the symptoms, your of the intestine. It can be caused by ingesting a large amount of rich
horse’s general demeanor and vital signs, and any other important infor- food, like spring grass, which then ferments in the digestive tract,
mation. Don’t administer any medication unless your veterinarian tells or by a sudden feed change. The horse shows the typical signs of
you to do so. While waiting for your veterinarian to arrive, hand-walking colic, and his flanks may look slightly bloated, but usually gas colic
your horse might help the colic resolve itself and will keep your horse is diagnosed because of an absence of indicators of the other types
from rolling. It used to be thought that rolling could contribute to a of colic, rather than an affirmative diagnosis.
twisted intestine, and while that’s no longer the conventional thinking, Fortunately, gas colic can usually be resolved relatively easily. Your
you probably want to try to minimize rolling if you can do so safely, veterinarian will likely administer some pain medication, but otherwise,
just so your horse doesn’t injure himself by thrashing around. the treatment of choice is often simply walking the horse to encourage
There are many different types of colic, but the most common increased gut motility so the gas passes.
are impaction colic and gas colic. Most of the time, impaction and gas colics can be treated successfully
Impaction colic is the result of a blockage somewhere in the horse’s on the farm. But some colic cases are extremely grave and require
digestive tract, usually from partially digested food that is not moving emergency surgery if the horse is to have any chance to survive.
through the system as it should. It can occur in either the small or large The horse’s intestines are not firmly anchored in his abdominal cavity
intestine, but most often happens in areas of the large intestine where and can sometimes move out of their normal positions. When this
the tract narrows and then widens again. The horse experiences pain happens, it’s possible for a portion of the intestine to twist, and if the
when the muscles in the walls of the intestine contract strongly to twist is tight enough, blood flow to parts of the intestine is cut off, and the
attempt to move the impaction along. tissue starts to die. When the intestines are damaged, they leak toxins,
Because food material moves through the digestive system rather slowly, making the horse gravely ill. Emergency surgery is required to resolve the
impaction colic can take some time to make itself evident. Signs may twist—also known as a torsion—and perhaps remove damaged sections
be very subtle at first but become much more obvious as the horse’s of the intestine.57 Advances in surgery, anesthesia, and after care make
condition deteriorates and pain increases. surgery a reasonable option for many life-threatening types of colic.
A horse suffering from an impaction colic shows signs of depression
and abdominal pain, although her vital signs may still be within normal Laminitis
limits at first and gut sounds likely still evident (and may even be louder
Like avoiding colic, avoiding laminitis is often cited as the reason for
than usual). The horse may stop passing manure or produce abnormal
following many “rules” of horse management. Laminitis is a disease that
manure that’s very dry or coated in mucus.
is still not well understood, is difficult to treat, and often does not have
Treatment often includes giving the horse intravenous fluids, not only
a very successful outcome. The Thoroughbred Barbaro, the 2006 Kentucky
to keep her hydrated but also to encourage increased secretion of water
Derby winner who shattered his hind leg in the Preakness Stakes,
into the intestines, helping to soften and break up the blockage. Your
recovered from his broken bones; however, the painful and incurable

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 
laminitis he developed months after the initial injury led to his being
Laminitis is a disease of the sensitive laminae of the hoof. The laminae
are living tissue that form a sort of suspension system in the hoof, attach-
ing the bones of the foot to the wall of the hoof. When a horse has lamini-
tis, the laminae begin to break down and may fail altogether. When the
breakdown is severe, the bones of the foot can rotate and even pierce the
sole of the hoof. This drastic occurrence is technically called “foundering,”
a result of the laminitis so linked in the minds of most horsemen that
founder and laminitis are often used interchangeably.58
The disease exists in two forms, acute and chronic. Chronic laminitis
is less severe and is usually seen in overweight ponies or stocky breeds
of horses. Whenever such an animal gets too fat or has eaten too much The classic founder stance, in which the horse is rocked backward to take his weight off his front feet.

rich grass, he has a bout of laminitis. These cases are usually milder, and
the damage done inside the foot is not usually as severe as with acute
Laminitis most often affects the front feet, but can be seen in all four
laminitis, but the damage from repeated bouts can be cumulative. Horses
feet as well. In the case of a horse compensating for an injury on the
with chronic laminitis may show rings or ridges on the walls of their
opposite limb, just one hoof may be affected.
hooves as the hooves grow, each ring revealing a different episode. Acute
A horse that is suffering from laminitis displays a typical “founder
laminitis comes on very suddenly, can be extremely painful, and is much stance”: he rocks back onto his hindquarters, in an attempt to get weight
more serious. off his aching front feet. His hooves are hot to the touch, and you may be
Laminitis has many different causes. It can be traced to toxins released able to feel a pounding pulse in the fetlock (known as the digital pulse).
from the digestive tract during a bout of colic, or the result of a horse Laminitis is an emergency situation, and your veterinarian should be
getting loose and gorging himself at the grain bin. It can be mechanical,
called immediately, since it’s thought that most of the damage occurs
caused by the excessive pounding of riding a horse on very hard ground
very quickly after the onset of symptoms.
(known as road founder) or an overweighting of one limb, such as when
The primary concern with laminitis is whether the supportive struc-
a horse is favoring the opposite leg due to an injury. Horses with insulin ture of the laminae stays intact. When the attachment provided by the
resistance or Cushing’s disease are much more prone to laminitis. laminae is weakened, the coffin bone, which is at the bottom of the bony
The exact nature of what happens within the foot during an episode column of the horse’s leg, is not held firmly in place. The tendons that
of laminitis is, like much of the disease, not fully explained. But it’s
attach to the coffin bone exert rotational forces on the bone, and the coffin
believed that blood is routed away from the laminae, which then suffer
bone can start to rotate within the hoof. Coffin bone rotation can be
tissue damage. Inflammation and increased blood flow occurs, which seen on radiographs. In very severe cases, the bone may rotate far enough
causes extreme pain because the foot is bound by the solid structure that the point of the coffin bone pierces the sole of the horse’s hoof.
of the hoof wall.

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The blood supply to
the dorsal hoof wall
Just like humans, horses can have aches and pains, especially as they
has been interrupted in
get older. In the case of equine athletes, they’re putting a lot of stress
this case of severe on their bodies and are always at risk for acute injury or developing
laminitis. As a result, a chronic condition.
normal hoof growth Exploring all of the myriad lamenesses horses can suffer in detail
and attachment to is beyond the scope of this book, but we do think it’s important to
the coffin bone understand some of the common causes of lameness and to recognize
are impossible. when your horse is lame, so you can consult with your veterinarian
to obtain a diagnosis and a course of treatment.
The term “lameness” generally encompasses any injury that causes
pain to the degree that it affects a horse’s gait. Included are soft tissue

injuries, such as a strain to a tendon or ligament, and permanent arthritic
changes in the bones of a joint, such as the hock or the fetlock. Horses
can even sustain small hairline fractures. The possibilities, unfortunately,
are nearly endless.
Any horse in hard work is at increased risk for developing lamenesses,
Even more severe than coffin bone rotation is “sinking”: if the laminae especially as he ages and accrues more mileage, but you also find lame-
fail completely, there’s nothing holding the horse’s hoof wall to the bones nesses in horses who have led relatively easy lives as pleasure horses
of the foot, and the entire bony column of the leg sinks. This typically is or pets. Often, what sets a sound horse apart from one with chronic
a life-threatening condition for which euthanasia is recommended. lameness issues is a mystery.
Treatment for laminitis generally involves anti-inflammatories, and One of the most important contributing factors to a horse’s soundness
your veterinarian may recommend soaking your horse’s feet in cold (or lack thereof) is his conformation. The horse supports his half-ton of
water. Your farrier plays an important role in your horse’s treatment as weight on his legs virtually his whole life. If his legs are not put together
well, as horses who have suffered laminitis, especially if there has been correctly, certain areas are stressed and are then at risk for injury.
any rotation of the coffin bone, need corrective trimming and/or thera- For example, a horse with very straight pasterns tends to have a more
peutic shoes and pads. Cryotherapy (cold therapy), heat therapy, loading jarring and concussive gait than a horse with sloping pasterns, which
variation, vasodilatory drugs (which increase blood flow in the foot), can lead to lamenesses such as navicular (a degenerative condition
anti-inflammatory medications, and diet/weight management are of one of the bones in the foot). A horse with overly sloping pasterns
possible treatments.59 exerts more force on the tendons that support that leg, making him
Any horse who has foundered is at increased risk for doing so again more likely to suffer a bowed tendon.
and must be managed very carefully. Close attention must be paid to his The way in which the horse is ridden contributes greatly to his sound-
diet, his weight, and especially to his access to lush grass. ness. It’s wise to think of a horse as having a finite number of jumps,

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barrels, spins, or pirouettes in his future. Unfortunately, we don’t know the back of each leg, comparing each leg to its counterpart on the opposite
exactly what that number is, but it’s a reminder to use a horse gently. side. A warm or swollen spot that isn’t usually there and doesn’t exist
There’s no reason to jump the same fence or run through the barrels a on the opposite leg is a good indicator of an injury.
dozen times. You’re only putting more “miles” on the horse and ushering Watching the horse move is one of the best ways to assess lameness.
him more quickly toward the end of his serviceable life span. It is often A horse who is in pain attempts to relieve pressure on the affected limb
the case that a rider needs much more practice mastering a skill than does by altering his gait. His length of stride with that leg is shorter, leading to
his horse—in such circumstances, rides on other horses can be his horse’s an unevenness that can be very slight or quite pronounced. If you watch
best ally against injury caused by excessive use. where each horse’s foot falls as he walks or trots, you can sometimes see
Footing also plays a great role in soundness. Very hard footing leads to that he’s stepping shorter with one leg—not reaching up under himself
more concussion on the feet and limbs; extremely soft and deep footing or forward as far with that leg as he is with the other.
leads to more stress on the tendons and ligaments. A good rule of thumb is You might also notice a slight bob of his head, one telltale sign of
to avoid excessive hard work in footing that is either too deep or too hard. lameness. The horse jerks his head up slightly when the lame foot touches
And, finally, it’s important to recognize the relationship between the ground because it causes pain. The “bob” you see is the horse relaxing
soundness and fitness. A stressed or tired horse is at much greater risk back to his usual head position when the sound foot touches the ground.
of injury than is a horse who operates well within his physical limits. A head-bob might be noticeable at the walk but is usually more
An unfit horse needs to be brought back into work gradually, with slow pronounced at the trot.
increases in what you ask of him. Pulling a horse out of the pasture for the Watching a horse on the longe line is often the best way to detect
first time in three months and going for a trail ride with lots of hills and lameness, because the small size of the circle forces the horse to bear
galloping is a surefire way to bring on an injury. But with an appropriate more weight on his inside limbs. If he’s lame on the right front leg,
return to fitness, the same trail ride won’t cause an issue. for example, he looks much more “off” being longed to the right than
Unfortunately, even horses with stellar conformation and the best to the left.
of care can develop lamenesses. Recognizing lameness, both visually and As a rider, you’re most likely to first notice a lameness by feel. You
by feel, is a skill that takes some time to develop. If you don’t have much may swing up into the saddle and instantly notice something is wrong.
experience with lameness yourself, see if you can ride along with your During the course of a ride, you might have a nagging feeling that
veterinarian on a few calls one day or ask your trainer or barn manager something seems “off.” Or you may just have fleeting moments where
to help you learn to see and feel the signs the next time the manager it feels as if your horse takes an uneven step.
has a lame horse under her care. Recognizing a slight lameness early If you’re getting that “something’s not quite right” feeling, try trotting
on will help to prevent further damage and give your horse a greater your horse in a small circle in both directions. When there’s a marked
chance for full recovery. difference in the way the horse moves and feels in one direction, it’s
Many lamenesses are accompanied by heat and swelling in the affected a good indication of lameness.
area. Here is where knowing the topography of your horse’s legs is put It’s best to err on the side of caution. If you’re riding and something
to good use. If you suspect a lameness, run your hands along your horse’s seems off, but you’re not sure, you’re better off quitting for the day,
legs, especially the joints and the tendons and ligaments that run down performing a leg and hoof examination, and checking your tack. If the

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horse is not sound the following day, or if any visible signs of injury or your part can delay the treatment your horse really needs and might cost
trauma emerge, it’s time to call your veterinarian for an expert opinion. him his life (see page 229).
Every horseman sooner or later walks into the barn or pasture only to
Recognizing an Emergency see a horse with a bloody laceration. Many times such wounds look much
As you observe your veterinarian treat your horse for minor problems, worse than they are, but all should be treated with an abundance of cau-
you become pretty good at following his instructions on your own when tion. In dealing with these injuries, the location is critical. The particular
similar problems present themselves. You learn to evaluate a cut, danger zones for lacerations/puncture wounds in the horse are:
scrape, or minor swelling, monitor it for signs of trouble or healing, and • over any joint;
become confident enough in your own basic knowledge that you can try • on the back (palmar or plantar surface) of a leg—an injury to a
a few things on your own for minor injuries, with the ever-present caveat flexor tendon is much more serious than to an extensor tendon;
that you’ll be on the phone to the veterinarian posthaste if things get • on the coronet (or coronary band) of the hoof; and
worse, or if there’s no improvement in a day or two. • on the middle third of the bearing surface of the hoof.
Certain situations have CALL THE VET NOW written all over them. Time
is often of the essence; some minor dithering and amateur doctoring on Large puncture wounds to the thorax and abdomen (such as those
resulting from a metal T post) can enter these body cavities and be life

Recovery is

possible, even

from a devastating

injury. After this

mare fractured

her skull, her


was able to put

the pieces back



together in time

for her to celebrate

her thirtieth

birthday fully
A bloody laceration like this one, at left (caused by a sharp edge on a broken partition of a horse

 
trailer), requires veterinary attention; in this case, to remove damaged skin and stitch the wound.

(The wound healed without significant scarring.)

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threatening. Wounds on the large muscle masses of the chest, rump, and Infected fetlock joints, severed flexor tendons, infected hocks, and frac-
neck can look horrible, but they heal quite easily and don’t compromise tured legs all can cause the horse severe pain and cost thousands of dollars
survival or soundness. Though large amounts of blood can be lost with in care, whether the horse is in the richest county or the poorest.
such injuries, horses have a lot of blood. The other major heart-stopper for horse owners is colic. It can be very
Assess whether the wound is still bleeding. If the wound is bleeding acute and very painful, with the horse thrashing around and in obvious
heavily or spurting blood, use anything you have handy that’s clean—a pain, or it can be very silent and insidious, with the horse standing mostly
towel, a big wad of first-aid cotton, a T-shirt—and put pressure on the quiet but in distress.
wound to stop the bleeding with one hand while you call the veterinar- As we’ve indicated, some colics are quite minor and resolve quite
ian on your cell phone with the other. (Well-padded bandages stop nearly easily with minimal intervention, but it’s still best to place a call to
any bleeding. Tourniquets should not be used, however.) If the wound isn’t your veterinarian once you are convinced something is wrong. Even
bleeding anymore, but it looks as if the horse has lost lots of blood, call if you’re relatively sure the colic is just a mild tummy ache, and you
the veterinarian ASAP. don’t want to “bother” the veterinarian with a false alarm, a brief
If the wound isn’t actively bleeding, take quick stock of the horse’s phone consultation will alert you to what the veterinarian wants you
condition. You don’t need to do a full run-through of his vital signs; just to monitor. Don’t wait until you’re sure it’s an emergency to discover
do a thirty-second version. Take a glance at his flanks and see if his your veterinarian is out of town or not immediately reachable.
breathing is heavy or shallow, slide a finger under his jaw to see if Report what symptoms you noticed when and under what conditions,
his pulse feels very fast or very slow, and flip up his lip and quickly whether your horse is sweaty and agitated, or calm but in slight discom-
check his capillary refill time and the color of his gums. If things seem fort. Take his vitals, listen for gut sounds on both sides, and check his CRT
relatively normal, you can take a bit more time to assess the situation; and mucous membranes. Take note of the condition of his stall: is it messy,
but if the horse seems to be in distress or going into shock, call the as if he’s been walking around in circles? Does he have shavings in his
veterinarian before you go any further. tail, indicating that he’s been down? Is there less manure than usual in
Assuming the horse is stable and calm, use a hose to gently wash the stall? Has he finished his last meal?
away the dried blood and take a good look. A wound that’s very deep, Pass all of these observations along to your veterinarian, who will use
or one that has created a flap of skin that’s hanging loose, requires this information to assess the severity of the situation. If the colic seems
stitches. Time is of the essence in these cases. Ideally a wound should very mild and the veterinarian is comfortable with your ability to manage
be stitched within the first six hours after injury. If you’re unsure it, she may give you some basic instructions and have you call back in an
whether the wound needs stitches, call your veterinarian and describe hour or two with a progress report. But if the veterinarian thinks it sounds
the cut, and let him decide. worrisome, or the horse is particularly fragile (an elderly horse, for instance,
Any wound that involves a joint or a tendon sheath should be seen or one who has had previous colic episodes), she may want to see the horse
by a veterinarian, regardless of other factors. Infection in either is very sooner rather than later.
dangerous, so you want your veterinarian involved right away. Any colic, regardless of severity, warrants a call to the veterinarian,
The most basic common emergency (for non-race horses) may be one even if it’s just a “heads up” that you might need help later. Colic is one
of the most preventable: an injury caused by improper fencing or stabling. of the leading killers of horses, and even a mild bout should be taken
very, very seriously.

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In addition to the big two—serious wounds and colic—there are other
instances that merit an immediate veterinary call (see page 229).
Any veterinarian will tell you it’s better to call when it isn’t really Your First-Aid Kit
necessary, than not to a call until it’s too late. Your veterinarian knows Your first aid kit should include
you don’t want to spend the money on an emergency call if it’s not • an antiseptic (Chlorohexidine or Betadine solution)
necessary, but you should at least make initial contact, describe the • triple antibiotic ophthalmic (Neosporin) ointment
situation, and listen to your veterinarian’s counsel. • a box of sterile rolled cotton or sleeves of sterile gauze pads (3 x 3
Make sure that you have all of your veterinarian’s phone numbers or 4 x 4) (to ensure that you always have something clean on hand
conspicuously posted at your barn, as well as the numbers of a few with which to clean a wound)
backup practitioners, in the event that your primary veterinarian is • prepackaged EZ scrubs or an antiseptic soap (Chlorohexidine or Betadine)
already out on an emergency call or is otherwise unavailable. Program • non-stick gauze pads
the numbers into your cell phone as well. • bandaging materials (VetRap or elastic bandages, and a supply of
sheet cotton)
• bandage scissors (blunt-ended and angled, making it easy to cut
Being Prepared off a bandage that’s already been applied)
To be prepared for minor injuries, every horse owner should have on hand • thermometer
a fully stocked first-aid kit with all the essentials (see page 223). Put • stethoscope
everything in one spot, such as in a clear plastic bin, clearly labeled “First • commonly prescribed medications—Bute (the horsey equivalent of
Aid,” so others can find it in your absence. It’s also helpful if the box is Tylenol or Advil), Banamine, etc. (to be used only under instructions
portable, so you can take it with you whenever you travel with your horse. from your veterinarian)
Check your kit periodically to see if it needs restocking, or if any • needles, needle syringes, oral dosing syringes (to be used only with
of your medications has expired. If possible, keep the kit somewhere instructions from your veterinarian)
climate-controlled, so it isn’t exposed to extreme heat or cold. • military compress bandage (or “war bandage”)—designed to stop
The longer you have horses, the more injuries you’ll come across, significant bleeding and containing a large sterile bandage pad
and you’ll soon amass a collection of your favorite products for all the and two rolls of sterile gauze bandage
minor cuts and scrapes your horse presents to you. Make sure that you • flashlight (or headlamp)
always have whatever products and materials you prefer on hand and • wire cutters
easily accessible so you’re prepared for an emergency. • clean towels
• duct tape
• examination or surgeon’s gloves
Disaster Planning • hydrogen peroxide (to remove blood from hair)
Most horse owners are good about preparing for everyday emergencies,
since most horses can make minor emergencies seem like an almost-

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222 223
everyday event. While it’s important to be prepared for the run-of-the- envelope in your tack room or towing vehicle. Include photographs that
mill injuries, you also need to think about the unthinkable—hurricanes, you can use for identification or to prove ownership, if necessary. These
wildfires, blizzards, terrorist attacks. Disasters, which can happen should be shots taken from both sides of the horse and of his head,
anywhere, include barn fires, hazardous-materials spills, propane line showing any identifying markings.
explosions, and train derailments, all of which may require evacuation. Finally, think about where you could go, if necessary. If you live in a
You should be prepared to move your horses to a safe area. hurricane-prone area, state or local authorities may have predesignated
The risks you face will vary widely depending on where you live, facilities inland (fairgrounds or racetracks with lots of stalls available)
but you can think about disasters as falling into one of two categories— as evacuation destinations. (Your local animal care and control agency,
situations where you need to evacuate, and situations where you’re agricultural extension agent, or local emergency management authorities
stuck on the farm with limited resources and need to get by. can provide this information.) Make a list of these facilities, plot out
If you are unprepared or wait until the last minute to evacuate, several evacuation routes you can use to reach them, and keep those
emergency personnel could tell you to leave your horses behind. Your written directions and a good map in your towing vehicle. Alternatively,
horses could be unattended for days, without food or water. make arrangements with friends or family who have horse property at
In the event that you must evacuate, you will need transportation for a safe distance from home to put you and your creatures up for a few
your horses. If you have your own truck and trailer, keep them in good days. Give yourself several options, so you can choose the best one
running order, to be used at a moment’s notice. If you don’t have your for the situation at the time. Inform friends and neighbors of your
own rig, or if your rig can’t take all of your horses in one trip, try to make evacuation plans. Post detailed instructions in several places (the
arrangements with a friend who has extra spots in his trailer ahead barn office, horse trailer, barn entrances) to ensure they are accessible
of time, so you’re not calling around frantically at the last minute. to emergency workers in case you are away from home and unable
Make sure your horses know how to load and load well. During an to evacuate your horses yourself.
emergency, when everyone is rushed and frantic, the last thing you want There are times when evacuating is more dangerous than staying, or
to do is to try to calmly cajole an unwilling loader. If your horse hasn’t you may simply not have any advance warning. A tornado might knock
learned how to load yet, make it a priority to teach him right away— out electricity, or a blizzard may leave you and your horses snowed in.
don’t put it off. For these scenarios, you need to be prepared to be self-sufficient for a
Take the time to put together a list of the things you’ll need if you few days, until help and resources can reach you, or until the situation
ever have to leave in a hurry (buckets, portable water jugs, halters with resolves itself.
name tags, lead ropes, extra feed, medications, a first aid kit, cat carriers A primary concern for horse facilities during power outages is provid-
for the barn cats). Think about how you could easily and quickly collect ing water for the horses. Keep large, clean containers that are specifically
these things, and then make sure you’re prepared to do so. Keep a por- designated for emergency water reserves—plastic garbage cans or extra
table container handy that holds four or five days’ worth of your horse’s water troughs, for instance—and if you have any warning that a storm
grain. You can fill the container quickly and won’t have to drag along is approaching, fill up every spare container you own before it arrives.
a whole fifty-pound bag. Consider buying a water storage tank that you can keep full just for
Make copies of your horse’s Coggins test, vaccination records, bill of this purpose for the disasters that come without warning. Consider
sale, and other important paperwork, and keep them in a waterproof

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investing in a generator that can run your well pump if the power is out site; and the Maryland Horse Industry (www.marylandhorseindustry.org)
for any length of time. offers some good information as well.
Think about your property and whether horses would be safer inside
or out in a storm. If your barn is old and not particularly sturdy, your
horses might be better off in a pasture—you don’t want them trapped if Patience Is a Virtue
the barn collapses. If you’re in a flood-prone area, you definitely do not If you are fortunate, you will never have to deal with a Category 5 hurricane
want to leave horses locked in their stalls. Their natural instincts will or a wildfire roaring down a canyon during your horse-owning career.
help them find high ground in the event of a flood, but they’ll drown You will, however, face numerous instances in which your nursing skills
in their stalls if locked inside. are put to the test after the veterinarian has packed up his bag and left
If you do plan to leave your horses outdoors in certain situations, you and your horse alone. The veterinarian’s post-visit instructions may
make sure you have spray paint and livestock markers, as well as break- mean days—even weeks—of soaking a foot, wrapping a leg, salving an
away halters with indelible name tags, on hand. The tag should include eye, or irrigating a wound.
your name and phone number, your horse’s name, and the number for Your best ally will be your patience as you learn how to wrap, soak,
a friend or family member who lives outside the area. Since horses salve, irrigate, inject, dose, hand walk, and/or mix medications. That
can lose their halters in a storm, physically paint a phone number patience will be put to the test if your horse’s fear or pain causes him
on your horse’s side with spray paint or a livestock marker.
Make sure you always have plenty of hay, grain, medication, and The horse owner
bedding—don’t allow your supplies to run low. In the event
will need to
of an unexpected emergency, you may have to make do with what you
monitor this taped
have for several days.
and bandaged
If you keep your horse at a boarding barn, these emergencies are
heel cast to make
mostly out of your control, but talk with your barn manager and ask
sure the tape
about any emergency plan. If the manager doesn’t have one, help
him come up with one. stays in place.

Emergencies are so varied and so unpredictable, it’s almost impossible

to imagine every scenario you might face. But if you take the time to think
about the situations you might encounter, where you could go, and what
your horse would need, then plan around those possibilities, you’ll be
in much better shape than if you leave everything up to chance.
“Disaster Preparedness for Horses” (available from The HSUS, 2100
L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037) is a brochure that can be helpful

 
in your planning process; the American Red Cross’s website features
“Barnyard Animal Rescue Plan,” from the Animal Rescue Council; the
American Association of Equine Practitioners posts relevant links on its

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Ten Symptoms Requiring
A case of “rain rot” Immediate Veterinary Attention
(caused by a bacteria

getting into skin

These situations indicate nonspecific but potentially serious problems. A list of possible causes of these
symptoms is not included, because owners should call an experienced veterinarian when they are observed.
damaged by constantly
These are emergency situations and are not a time for inexperienced diagnosis.
being wet) responds

to simple treatments, 1. Horse unable to stand.

including coal tar Like other prey species, horses normally stand when approached. Horses feel safest when they
shampoo or vinegar. are in a position to escape if necessary. A horse who is unable or unwilling to do this may be
injured, colicky, or suffering from neurological disease.

2. Horse unwilling to eat.

The digestive tract of the horse is designed to have feed passing through it more or less

continuously. Horses may ignore palatable feed if distracted or frightened, but only for a short
period. They are designed to eat continuously. Failure to take interest in food may indicate
gastrointestinal discomfort, pain, or other serious conditions. (On the other hand, horses
drink infrequently and only for a short period.)

3. Horse unable to bear weight on one leg.

to fight your nursing care, or if his initial cooperation turns to outright Horses should stand with “a leg on each corner.” Complete unwillingness to use one or more
resistance to repeated unpleasant procedures. legs for support may indicate a fracture, severe tendon or ligament injury, or an infected joint.
A second set of hands is always helpful. If a helper isn’t available, A simple sole abscess may cause a horse to be “non-weight bearing,” but the alternatives are
plan each treatment carefully to avoid an unproductive or dangerous serious enough that a diagnosis should be made as soon as possible.
battle with your patient. Remove all extraneous equipment from the
treatment area and make sure extra towels, an adequate lighting 4. Horse exhibiting acute lethargy.
source, and all medications are close at hand. Experiment with safe If a horse suddenly becomes uninterested in his surroundings and does not respond to stimuli
restraint methods—some horses are more comfortable in a stall than normally, he is likely suffering from a painful, metabolic, inflammatory, or neurologic abnormality.
on crossties; others may respond best if you hold the lead rope in one A gentle horse, sleeping in the sun, can certainly look lethargic. However, a voice command,
hand and administer care with the other rather than tie them to a fixed hand contact, or haltering should arouse his interest in his surroundings. (Obviously, this
object. Try to remain reassuring, methodical, and calm during the treat- response is governed by the horse’s normal personality.)
ment. Be philosophical about collateral damage: a soaking bucket will 5. Horse exhibiting open mouth breathing.
overturn; bottled medication will spill or stain your clothing; VetRap Horses are “obligate nasal breathers.” Even with extreme exercise, horses rarely breathe through
will be wasted as you rewrap. Practice makes perfect eventually, and their mouth unless they are in distress.
you will reap the added benefit of seeing your horse return to health
with his trust in you intact. 6. Evidence of sweating without exercise.
On a hot day, horses sweat moderately on their chest and shoulders. However, a horse that is
“wringing wet” without a history of exercise should be examined for other signs of pain or colic.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care

7. Horse exhibiting flared nostrils and rapid respiration without exercise.
Horses flare (or widely open) their nostrils and breathe more rapidly than normal when exercising
or when frightened. In the absence of these conditions, these responses are reason for alarm.

8. A laceration or other wound on joint or back surface of a leg.
Wounds over joints may have entered the joint capsule and contaminated the joint space. The
success of treating joint infections is directly related to how soon therapy is started following the
injury. Similarly, the flexor tendons on the back (palmar or plantar) surface of the front and rear
limbs are encased in synovial sheaths, which are much like joint capsules. Injury to these areas
also constitutes an emergency. (On the other hand, a very large cut into the muscles of the chest
or rump, though nasty looking, is much less likely to have serious consequences.)

9. Horse rolling repeatedly.

Horses naturally roll and will lie down for short periods of time. This behavior should not be
of concern. However, when a horse rolls, gets up, goes down and rolls again, and repeats this
process several times, you should be concerned about abdominal pain.

10. Horse squinting.

Horse eyes are fragile and prone to serious injuries and disease, such as uveitis. While these
conditions are not life threatening, evidence of eye pain should be taken seriously. Failure to
do so can result in loss of vision.
every discussion of the importance of
N.B. Any acute lameness or joint swelling in a foal. Foals in the first few weeks of life
are prone to severe bacterial infections, referred to as septicemia. As the bacteria that cause this
farriery invariably starts with the old adage, “No hoof,
condition usually localize in the foal’s joints, the first symptom is often acute lameness. Unfortu- no horse.” Those four words put into perspective what
nately, owners frequently assume that this lameness is just “a sprain” or that “the mare stepped many horse owners have learned through months or
on the foal.” In fact a mare very rarely injures her foal in any way. An acutely lame foal should be years of frustration, and what many educated farriers
assumed to have an infection until proven otherwise. The cost of waiting is often the foal’s life.
have tried to impress upon the horse community
via books, lectures, and magazine articles. It doesn’t
matter how talented your horse is or how wonderful
he is to ride: if he doesn’t have a foot to stand on, so to
speak, you won’t be able to enjoy those other qualities.
Unfortunately, it’s easy to overlook the humble hoof. It’s not soulful, slowly in cold weather), whether the horse is getting adequate nutrition,
like your horse’s soft eye, or beautiful to the touch, like her gleaming and the amount of exercise a horse gets (growth is slower in horses who
coat. No one ever gasps when a horse is led by and exclaims, “Look at are idle than in those who are worked).
those feet!” Even the best hoof doesn’t really help a horse’s performance, An unshod horse who travels five miles a day on a good dry surface
although bad ones certainly can hinder it. Good hooves provide comfort, wears his feet down naturally, making trimming potentially unnecessary.
stability, and shock-absorbing capability for the horse’s whole body. A horse who does not wear shoes and does little to no work may need
In many horsemen’s circles, whether a horse has good feet is an trimming every six or seven weeks. Shod horses need reshoeing every
afterthought—it’s nice if he does, but not a deal-breaker if he doesn’t. five to eight weeks.
This rather blasé attitude has found its way into the breeding shed as Waiting too long between farrier visits can lead to lost shoes or cracks
well. Horses are bred because they’ve performed well, not because they and chips in the hoof wall, which can become severe and cause lameness
have the desirable thick soles and well-balanced hooves. if not corrected. Hooves that are overdue for trimming or shoeing can
In our infinite wisdom, we human beings have populated the world with become unbalanced—asymmetrical and not uniform in shape. An unbal-
lots of horses who might have ended up as lion food in the wild. (You can’t anced hoof does not bear the horse’s weight evenly, leading to increased
run away from a lion if your feet hurt, after all.) To be fair, there are also stress in parts of the hoof or leg, and can cause lameness.
lots of horses with decent feet, and lots more whose hooves are downright A horse’s hooves are the foundation of everything he does, so you
stellar. If you have an average horse, chances are good that his feet are want to make sure they’re well cared for and as strong as they can be.
okay, but might need a little help here and there.
This is where your friend the farrier (a hoof-care professional, as opposed Extreme neglect
to a blacksmith, who forges iron) enters the picture. While no farrier should
of the hoof can
be expected to work miracles and turn terrible feet into wonderful ones,
have disastrous
a skilled farrier can help manage any small problems and prevent them
results, including
from turning into big issues. Unfortunately, a less-than-stellar farrier can
cracks and damage
turn good feet bad in rather short order, one of the reasons why farriery
to the outside layer.
is an art and a skill that takes years to master.
As the owner, your role is to learn as much as you can—about shoeing
in general and your horse’s particular needs—and to be an advocate
for your horse’s feet. This means keeping him on a consistent schedule
with your farrier, doing your part to maintain his hoof health between
appointments, and educating yourself enough to differentiate between

a foot that’s shod or trimmed well and one that isn’t.
Like your own fingernails, the horse’s hoof grows continually and must
be trimmed periodically to prevent it from getting too long and or out of
shape. The rate of growth is affected by the weather (the hoof grows more

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The simplest, flattest
To Shoe or Not to Shoe? shoe the horse can
There’s one important difference between the equine hoof and the wear successfully
human fingernail. Since you do not walk on your fingers, the growth
is the best shoe
of your nails is unimpeded. Horses, however, spend some twenty-plus
for him.
hours a day standing, walking, and running on their hooves, often on
rough or rocky ground. Their hooves wear down over time, at about the
same rate as they grow. This was nature’s way of keeping a hoof in
balance before farriers were invented.
In domestication, however, horses’ hooves sometimes wear down more
quickly than they grow, depending on the strength of the hooves and the
way in which the horse is kept. The art of horseshoeing is thought to date
perhaps as far as back as 500 BCE, and had likely become commonplace

 
by the Middle Ages.60 Shoes protected the hoof not only from wear, but
also from extreme footing that might be found in mountainous terrain
or on the battlefield.
In modern times, protection from wear and rocky footing are still
primary uses for shoes, but they’re also used for performance reasons. The general rule is that how the horse’s feet are trimmed and balanced,
A shoe with permanent caulks or temporary screw-in studs (both similar based on his conformation, is much more important than the quality
to cleats on athletic shoes) can give a polo pony or show jumper much of the forge work in making or shaping shoes. A corollary is that the
better traction, allowing for quick stops and tight turns on slippery simplest, flattest, and lightest shoe the horse can wear successfully is
grass. Reining horses are shod with special “sliding plates” on their hind the best shoe for him. In this case, more (shoe) is not necessarily better.
hooves that allow them to perform their trademark sliding stops, and Most horse owners consider shoeing to be a matter of course today,
police horses might wear rubberized shoes to keep them from slipping although some horses with exceptionally good feet can go barefoot while
on pavement. in steady work, and some light-use trail or pleasure mounts can go without
Shoes also have a number of therapeutic uses. An egg-bar shoe (one shoes. Indeed, many farriers recommend pulling a horse’s shoes for the
that is a closed circle, rather than the usual horseshoe shape) can help winter, or whenever a horse is not going to be worked very hard, to help
horses with under-run heels grow a more normal hoof. Horses who have strengthen the hoof and give it a “break” from shoeing.
suffered a bout of laminitis with rotation of the coffin bone can be shod Does your horse really need shoes? Bare feet tend to be healthier and
with pads to help realign the bones of the lower leg. stronger and afford a horse better traction on paved roads and snow than
Corrective trimming and shoeing can help alleviate some of the do shod feet. If you keep your horses in a group turnout situation, horses
effects of mild conformation problems in adult horses, and help correct whose hind feet are barefoot will cause less damage if they kick a pasture
some conformational defects in young horses who are still growing. mate. If your horse goes from stall to paddock to bluestone-based arena,

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to sandy trails, and back again, going shoeless may be advisable. And, as significant training—more than you can gain in a weekend seminar
is true in many instances with horses, there are often benefits to adhering or by reading instructions in a book or on a website—you should not
as close to a “natural” existence as is practical. (You will save money as well.) attempt to maintain your horse’s feet on your own. An unskilled and
There’s been a movement within the horse community in recent untrained person should never trim a horse’s feet. Most horse owners
years toward leaving horses barefoot and trimming their hooves to who trim their own horses never get enough practice to become good
replicate those of wild horses. Barefoot or “natural” trimming proponents at it, so their horses are always poorly trimmed.
feel that shoeing is unnatural, unnecessary, and causes damage to the
foot, leading to many of the lamenesses seen in working horses. They
assert that even competition horses can go barefoot if allowed time A Balanced Hoof
to acclimate and develop stronger hooves. Various methods of barefoot To the uneducated eye, a hoof is a hoof—each one looks pretty much the
trimming are taught in certification courses, and farriers who same as the next. But when you know what you’re looking at, you see vast
specialize in barefoot trims are found around the country. differences that can have a significant impact on the horse’s soundness
This movement is a significant departure from traditional hoof (or lack thereof). Far too many horse owners just trust that their farriers
care. While there’s no doubt that many horses can and do go barefoot are doing a good job without taking a critical look for themselves, simply
successfully, other horses may not be suited for going without shoes because they have no idea what to look for.
while doing any kind of significant work. Since this theory of hoof care The overarching concept of proper farriery can really be summed up in
is relatively new, most of its practitioners have less than a decade’s a single word—balance. A balanced foot is not subjected to undue stress
worth of experience with it, and many have much less. on any one portion. It supports the horse’s weight optimally because the
If you’d like to try allowing your shod horse to go barefoot, consult weight is distributed properly.
with both your veterinarian and your farrier and ask for their professional When you look at a horse with balanced feet, everything should look
opinions on how your horse might fare, taking into account the inherent symmetrical. Stand in front of the horse and look at his legs straight on,
qualities of his feet and how you ride him. If he’s not comfortable drawing an imaginary line down the center of the leg. It should bisect the
being barefoot, or if his feet start to chip, crack, or show effects of knee and the fetlock and continue straight on down through the hoof,
an underlying problem, he’ll let you know. dividing the leg into two equal parts. A balanced hoof is divided exactly
As long as your horse seems happy and comfortable, whether he’s in half, with the portions from each side of the imaginary line being the
barefoot or shod, there’s no reason to feel that you “should” change. exact same size. The coronet band should be parallel to the ground when
Remember, most of what we do with our domestic horses is not “nat- viewed from the front, and the hoof should look like a trapezoid, with
ural”—riding, trailering, veterinary care, deworming, and shoeing are all both sides sloping away from the leg at the same angle. Both front feet
foreign to horses who are truly living naturally. It’s important to under- and both hind feet should be symmetrical.
stand how the horse is designed and what his natural instincts are, and Now, facing the horse’s rump, pick up the horse’s foot, tucking your
it’s certainly ideal to replicate his natural environment when possible. head under the horse’s body so that your head is directly over the hoof
We urge caution, however, if you are considering doing your own itself, and look down at the exposed bottom of the foot. Draw an imagi-
trimming. The horse’s hoof is a complex structure, and without nary line from heel to toe. The line should divide the hoof into two equal

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An overlong but The newly trimmed

normal foot: the hoof front foot is on the

is not deformed, but right; the untrimmed

the toe is just long enough foot is on the left.

to possibly interfere with

normal weight bearing.


portions roughly semicircular in shape. If one side is flatter or rounder A shoeing job should look neat and tidy, although you don’t want
than the other, the hoof is not balanced. You also should be able to draw your farrier rasping the outside of the hoof any more than is necessary
a line across the foot, from side to side at the widest point, which should to smooth the clenches (the portions of the shoeing nails that protrude
divide it roughly in half. If the line is closer to the heel than the toe, from the hoof wall). Chips or flares in the hoof wall should have been
or vice versa, the foot is not balanced. removed during the trimming, although old nail holes often remain. The
Finally, view the horse from each side—you’re not looking at balance clenches should be in a neat line, and the nails should all be on the half
here, but rather at the alignment of the horse’s pasterns and hooves. The of the foot closest to the ground. Nails placed behind (toward the heel)
slope of each pastern should match the slope of the front of the corre- the widest part of the hoof restrict the hoof’s natural expansion in the
sponding hoof. There is no such thing as perfect conformation, and many heel area when it hits the ground.61
small conformational flaws are acceptable and cause no problems to the Your farrier should be shaping the shoe to the foot, not the other
horse. It is well recognized that trying to correct such natural imperfec- way around. Rather than rasping away hoof to make the shoe fit, he
tions by shoeing leads to lameness and shortens the horse’s useful life. should reshape the shoe as necessary to accommodate a properly
The balance of the hoof needs to be correct whether or not the hoof balanced hoof.
is shod. With a shod foot, you also want to look at the placement of the If something about your horse’s shoeing doesn’t seem right to you,
shoe: it should be just a touch longer than the foot is in back to support ask your farrier about it. It may take several shoeings to change the
the horse’s heels. (If it’s too far back, though, a front shoe is in danger of balance of a horse’s hoof, and you might be looking at a work in
being grabbed and pulled off by the horse’s hind foot.)

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This thrushy foot

is also overgrown

enough to make

the horse lame.


Holding your horse’s feet in your hands is a good way for him to learn to stand for the farrier.

(Restraining the horse in crossties is safer than looping a lead shank, as pictured.)

progress. Remember, though, that some aspects of foot conformation can

only be managed, not “cured.” country that teach farriery. If a farrier has some educational credentials,
If you’re seeing consistent problems in your horse’s hooves that are you have some assurance that the person is proficient at his craft.
not improving, or if your horse is often sore after trimming or shoeing, Although education and certification are helpful, what really matters
it might be time to look for a different farrier. is how well the farrier does with real-life horses. Ask your veterinarian
and/or trainer for recommendations, or call the large-animal equine hos-
pital that serves your area. You may find that the highly recommended
Finding a Good Farrier farriers in your area are so busy they can’t take on new clients, but ask
Farriers are not required to be licensed or certified. Anyone with an if there are other up-and-coming farriers in the area whom they would
anvil and a rasp can hang out a shingle and claim to be a farrier. You recommend. Most farriers do an apprenticeship before branching out on
should never choose a farrier by picking a name out of the phone book their own, so it’s possible that an in-demand farrier has several protégés
or just grabbing a business card off the bulletin board at your local also working in the area.
tack shop without doing any other research. Your horse’s hoof care is A conscientious farrier is gentle with your horse, taking care not to
much too important to entrust to anyone other than a competent, unduly stress each raised leg or giving a stiff older fellow a break mid-trim
experienced professional. if he needs it. If your horse does not stand well for trimming or shoeing,
Several national farrier organizations offer voluntary certification at you need to work on this skill with him and train him to be a better
several levels. These certifications require passing a written as well as a “patient” for your farrier. If he is normally well behaved but suddenly
practical exam. There are also many horseshoeing schools around the

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The terrible result of the failure to trim the hooves of a chronically foundered (and in this case starved) In the initial trimming of the horse in the photo on the previous page, some of the excess hoof

horse is hoof growth abnormalities, often termed “elf slippers” due to the curled up toes. has been removed from the near foot.

objects to having one foot in particular worked on, he may be stiff or sore every ride. This is a good opportunity to inspect the bottom of each foot
in that leg, or he may object to the way the foot is resting on the farrier’s for any sponginess, malodor, or oozing of the frog (signs of thrush, the
leg. Regardless, you want to have a well-mannered horse available for most common bacterial infection of the hoof); lodged stones; punctures
your farrier to work on. Otherwise, you’ll quickly find that farriers do to the sole; even skin lesions in the fetlock area (caused by fungi or
not return calls from owners whose horses tried to trample them on bacteria and commonly known as mud fever, or “scratches”). Sometimes
the last visit! treatment is as simple as removing a stone wedged under the shoe or
A farrier is in a very vulnerable physical position when working on daily cleaning of the thrush-infected area with a stiff brush, followed
your horse and should not be expected to tolerate misbehavior. Any by application of an anti-thrush preparation such as Thrushbuster or
discipline meted out should be appropriate, however. If you think your Kopertox. A puncture, however, requires immediate veterinary attention.
farrier is too rough or too harsh, or if your horse seems apprehensive Any injury or abnormality should be brought to the attention of your
about being shod, it might be time to look for a new farrier. farrier or veterinarian.
This daily attention to your horse’s feet is also valuable in teaching
him to stand quietly for the farrier. Your horse will learn that standing
Routine Care on three legs for foot care is a necessary activity.
Although farrier care is extremely important, the owner’s daily attention
to a horse’s feet is an equally integral component in a hoof care regimen.
Part of your routine should be picking out your horse’s feet, removing
any mud, gravel, or debris from each foot during daily grooming and after

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Riding and
it might seem odd to include a discussion
of riding and training issues in a book on horse care.
After all, “care” is generally considered to be feeding,
watering, grooming, medicating, cleaning, transporting,
housing—everything that happens when you’re not
on the horse. It’s the day-to-day minutia of seeing
to your horse’s physical needs.
But for most horse owners, riding is the reason you have a horse in Poor riding skills cause

the first place, and many aspects of your care for your horse are geared your horse untold misery
toward it. It likely affects where you choose to keep your horse, what you and put your life at risk.
feed him, the vaccinations you give him, and more. Riding is also the This horse’s wide-open
cornerstone of the partnership for many horse-and-rider pairs; when mouth, rolling eyes, and
you are astride your horse you experience some of the greatest highs, half-rear register his
and perhaps some of the lowest lows, of your time together. That objection to the rider’s
cooperative effort is the source of much pride in things accomplished,
too-tight reins, which
but it can be a source of frustration when things don’t go well.
are affixed to a long-
You may only spend an hour a day in the saddle, but that hour is very
shanked curb bit.
influential. Every ride is part of your horse’s training, and one bad ride
may require a dozen good ones to undo. How you ride your horse affects
his soundness, his happiness in his job, and your safety. And just as in
all other aspects of your horse’s care, his comfort, safety, and well-being
should always be at the forefront of your mind when under saddle.

Riding Skills side to side on a horse, tip backward or forward as the horse accelerates
None of us is born knowing how to ride. We all start out bouncing awk- or decelerates, or hunch over, drawing their legs up, trying to “will”
wardly on the horse’s back, inadvertently jerking his mouth with the reins themselves to stay on. Seasoned riders, in contrast, always seem to be in
as we struggle to find our balance, and committing all sorts of other riding just the right place in the saddle—their upright, relaxed upper bodies
sins. (Many of us probably have the cringe-worthy old home videos to and still legs seem unaffected by the horse’s movement. The two move
prove it!) No matter if you’re an Olympian or a weekend trail rider, you in harmony. It’s one of the ironies of riding that it takes many hours of
had to learn to ride—it’s a process that every one of us goes through. work in the saddle to develop the skills to make riding look so effortless.
Fortunately for all of us, the world’s sainted school horses and A rider’s balance (or lack thereof) in the saddle affects many other
our own forgiving first horses usually tolerate new-rider-caused aspects of equitation as well. A common mistake among new riders
discomforts with patience. It’s likely not until we’ve improved our is unconsciously using the reins to steady and rebalance themselves,
riding or graduated to other mounts that we realize just what we pulling backward on the horse’s mouth. They might clamp tightly with
put our “beginner horse” through! their legs if they start to list to one side, inadvertently cueing the horse
Riding looks deceptively simple: if you can stay on the horse, you to go forward…which likely tips them backward, leading them to catch
“know how to ride,” right? But as you learn more about horses and riding, the horse in the mouth. (You can see why “school” horses need to have
you start to recognize the differences between beginners and experienced limitless patience.) Watching beginning riders’ lessons is typically an
riders. For example, you might observe the way green riders list from exercise in repetition, as the instructor shouts, “Heels down, shoulders

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almost all disciplines is that an observer should be able to draw an imagi-
nary vertical line from the rider’s ear through the hip to the heel when
sitting upright (see the photo on page 258). This alignment places the
rider in a balanced position that does not interfere with the horse.
It’s one thing to read that information in a book or to see pictures in
a magazine and another to try to replicate it on your own. There’s no
substitute for having someone on the ground who can put your body in
the correct alignment until you learn what “correct” feels like and can
find it more easily yourself. When you’re riding on your own later, you
can make a point of mentally checking your own position several times
during your ride, and making adjustments if necessary. And then, at
your next lesson, your instructor can assess your progress and let you
Although her riding position is not perfect (her lower leg and upper body are both too far forward and know if you’ve improved.
she has too strong a hold on her horse’s mouth via his snaffle bit), this rider is doing some things right, A good instructor helps you progress in a safe, logical, and constructive
since her horse nonetheless has an eager, confident, ears-pricked expression as he gallops forward. manner. He knows how to introduce new concepts in a way that sets
you and your horse up to succeed and have a good experience. A good
instructor challenges you without overfacing you and helps you and
back, eyes up!” over and over again, trying to correct the beginners’
your horse gain confidence in yourselves and in each other.
positions on their horses to maximize safety and effectiveness.
Instructors, like horses, come in all shapes and sizes and have an
You’ll notice, too, how horses speak up when the rider interferes with
almost limitless number of views on the best way to train a horse.
their way of going or makes them uncomfortable. They throw their heads
They all believe their way is the best. Your challenge is to find the one
up, wring their tails, grind their teeth, pin their ears, and generally use
who is best for you. You should listen to both your horse and the
all the body language they possess to say, “Hey! That hurts!” When a rider
instructor as you try to find someone who makes you a better rider and
is balanced and can cue the horse through consistent hand, leg, and body
your horse happier about being ridden. An instructor who talks about
signals (called aids), the horse responds with a pleasant expression, pricked
“showing the horse who is boss” is going to have a different view of
ears, and relaxed, fluid movement.
the horse-and-rider relationship from one who talks about “having
Your horse will do his part to tell you when you’re making riding
a conversation with the horse.” Some instructors may ride well and
mistakes, if you take the time to listen. And, of course, you can learn by
have a string of accomplishments to their credit, but if their horses
reading books, watching videos, and observing others. But you’re likely
are lifeless or intimidated, or even worse, fearful or traumatized, such
to find that those methods work best when used in conjunction with
people are to be avoided.
riding lessons from a qualified instructor.
There’s no shame in being a beginner, but it’s important to recognize
An instructor provides “eyes on the ground” and can help you address
that, as a new and inexperienced rider, you’re going to make some
problems that you might not even know existed, fixing them before
mistakes. Perhaps the most important function of a competent instructor
they become entrenched habits. One of the basic tenets of riding across

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is to help mitigate the effect of those mistakes on your horse, who’s
a good-natured partner along for the ride on your learning curve. For
example, if your hands are not steady, an instructor makes sure that
you’re using a mild bit or shows you how to use a neck strap (a stirrup
leather buckled around the horse’s neck to give an unsteady rider a
“handle” to grab onto for balance, if need be). Your instructor can tell
you when you’re ready for more advanced movements, like asking
your horse to canter from a walk. Doing so when your legs are not yet
effective in delivering cues can cause you to snatch the horse in the

mouth with the reins or rush him forward when he is off balance. Your
instructor can help you clarify your cues so your horse doesn’t become
confused by what you’re asking him to do.
Experienced riders often joke about the reactions they get from Karen O’Connor’s strong, effective equitation helps the 14.1 hand Theodore O’Connor fly over this

non-horsey friends or family when they talk about taking riding lessons: daunting fence at the 2006 Jersey Fresh three-day event. Karen’s well-positioned lower leg gives
“But, I thought you knew how to ride!” Riding is a lifelong learning her a secure base in the saddle, and her supportive rein retains contact with Teddy’s mouth
process: every new horse can present new issues or problems, and (via his snaffle bit) while in no way restricting his all-out jumping effort. Teddy’s “work
even the most experienced riders work with coaches who can offer ethic and passion” made Karen and Teddy gold medalists at the 2007 Pan Am Games.
observations from the ground, where the view is often different.
When you’re in a consistent lesson program, it shows that you’re
at your skill level, and if you’re interested in pursuing a particular
committed to becoming the best rider you can be, which is perhaps
discipline, you want your instructor to be well versed in that sport.
the greatest service you can do for your horse. You’ll enjoy each
Find an instructor who’s knowledgeable and whose teaching
other’s company more if you’re communicating effectively and
methods mesh well with your learning style. See if you can watch
working in harmony as a team, and you’ll progress farther and faster,
a potential instructor teach a lesson or spend some time watching
and accomplish more.
the warm-up arena at local shows, where you can watch several
If you don’t have an instructor but are interested in taking lessons,
different instructors in action. Perhaps try a few lessons with a couple
you can follow the usual course of action when looking for any kind of
of different people and see who works best for you. Keep in mind that
horsey professional: ask for recommendations from others in your local
an instructor should help you make steady progress and build both
equestrian community. There’s no mandatory certification program for
your and your horse’s confidence. If you seem to be regressing, if your
riding instructors, so anyone can decree herself a “trainer” and start
horse is developing problems the instructor seems unable to fix, or
teaching lessons. Recommendations from others in the area will help
if punishment is the “solution” for every riding problem, it’s time to
you sort out the skilled instructors from those who are less effective
find a different instructor.
teachers. You want an instructor who has experience teaching students

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next ride so he can end that session, too. If plain old misbehavior
Dealing with Problems is the culprit, swift corrections are in order to teach the horse that
It happens to every rider, regardless of experience. One day, seemingly out such outbursts aren’t appropriate.
of the blue, your horse objects to something he never had an issue with With time in the saddle and maturity, however, comes the realization
before—stopping at jumps, for example, or refusing to pick up the left lead. that situations are often more complex than they might appear at first
He might start communicating in a novel way, such as bucking every blush. Any longtime rider or trainer can recall an instance during which
time you ask him to pick up a lope, or throwing his head up and evading he thought a horse was challenging him and disciplined the horse
the bit. He might have had what seems to be a complete personality appropriately, only to discover later that there was a physical reason
change, bolting or rearing when he never has before. for the horse’s misbehavior. A bolt might have been caused by a bee
Such behavior can be confusing, frustrating, unnerving, and even sting, for instance, or a burr under a saddle pad could be to blame for
dangerous. Suddenly you seem to have a completely different horse. It a buck. And there’s little more mortifying to a horseman than to have
leaves riders scratching their heads and wondering out loud to their horses, disciplined a horse who didn’t willfully do anything wrong.
in a tone of exasperation: “What the heck is wrong with you today?” There’s a delicate balance in these situations. The rider must not allow
When you reach that point, you’ve reached what is perhaps the defin- the horse to dictate the terms of the partnership (because this isn’t good
ing test of true horsemanship. You need to pull out your crystal ball, warm for the horse), but also must exercise caution and be sure there are no
up your psychic powers, and try to figure out what in the world is going on other explanations for the horse’s behavior.
in your horse’s head. Is he misbehaving and being obstinate? Are you, the
rider, inadvertently creating this issue? Is it a training problem? Does the
Is It the Rider’s Fault?
horse not understand what you’re asking him to do? Is the horse in pain?
Any of the above might be logical explanations. To remedy the issue, the No one likes to admit mistakes. Often the horse is the unfortunate
rider must become a detective and ferret out the source of the problem. scapegoat for rider errors. Imagine watching a horse and rider in an
amateur jumper class. As they approach the first fence, you can easily
see several things the rider is doing wrong: pulling on the reins, cutting
Is It the Horse’s Fault? her line to the jump too short, and asking the horse to jump from a spot
The tendency is easy to understand: when the horse is suddenly acting much too close to the obstacle. The horse, being a game and kind soul,
out or declining to perform tasks he’s done before, it seems as if the jumps the fence anyway. But as the pair proceeds to the next jump and
blame should rest with him. Especially among young or inexperience the next, the rid er makes the same errors, and the horse’s generosity
riders, it seems as though this conclusion is the one reached first: after runs out: he refuses a fence. The rider, oblivious to her own mistakes
all, he did it (buck, rear, refuse, bolt), didn’t he? as she negotiated the course, hits the horse repeatedly with a crop as
Certainly there are horses who willfully challenge their riders. A punishment for refusing. Meanwhile, spectators all around the ring are
horse might be able to discern the weaknesses in his green rider and muttering, “Poor horse,” as it’s obvious to all that the rider bore the blame
exploit them to evade work. For example, if a playful buck unseats the for the refusal. In Talking of Horses, author Monica Dicken s recounts a
rider one day and the riding session suddenly ends (thereby rewarding similar round by a inept child rider who disgustedly leaves the show
the horse, in the horse’s mind), the horse might try bucking again the ring complaining, “This rotten whip is no good.”

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The situation doesn’t have to be quite that blatant, of course. It can for instance, while one who has a sore left hock might not want to pick
be a subtle error on the rider’s part, such as not cueing the horse for up the left canter lead. A horse who is backsore might pin his ears and
a movement correctly or not recognizing poor saddle fit. wring his tail when being saddled up, while one who has Lyme disease
It’s part of the rider’s responsibility to the horse to become aware of might just feel exceedingly lethargic, stiff, and unwilling to move forward.
her own mistakes and shortcomings. No rider is immune to errors, and it’s Pain isn’t due to physical ailments alone; it can be caused by
important to shoulder the blame for them when they happen, rather than ill-fitting tack, an often-overlooked source of equine misbehavior, as
shifting it to the horse. If you watch televised equestrian competitions, well. A saddle that does not fit a horse’s particular body shape can
whether horse racing or World Cup dressage, you almost always hear riders cause back soreness that may lead to bucking, while a bit that is the
acknowledge their errors during their interviews and seldom blame their wrong size or is adjusted improperly can cause a horse to toss his head
horses. If the world’s top riders can do it, so can you. and evade contact (acceptance of the physical relationship between
Here’s where having a regular instructor comes in handy. It’s the the horse’s mouth and the rider’s hands). (Teeth that are overdue
instructor’s job to spot these mistakes on your part and to help you for floating can cause similar symptoms.)
correct them. There’s no more humbling feeling than, after struggling A properly fitted saddle distributes the rider’s weight evenly across
with a problem for several rides on your own, having your instructor the horse’s back. When the saddle doesn’t fit correctly, it distributes too
recommend a tiny change that instantly solves your problem! Your much weight in some areas and not enough in others. If there are dry
horse jumps confidently and eagerly; he picks up the canter on the patches amid the sweat marks on your horse’s back when you remove
right lead as if by magic; he stops on a dime. Your horse knew what the saddle, it’s a telltale sign that the saddle is not coming into contact
to do once you found out what you were supposed to do. Often small with his back in that spot. Areas on the back that are painful to the touch
changes really do make a tremendous difference. You are communicating, or develop white hairs (which occur with scarring) also indicate that
not dominating—an improvement for both horse and rider. the saddle does not fit correctly.
If a horse is usually a good-natured and willing fellow but suddenly
Is the Horse in Pain? experiences a drastic personality change and starts acting out under
saddle, pain may be the most logical explanation for the behavior, and
It’s a sad irony that a horse who is hurting is often mistaken for one
a call to your veterinarian for a work-u p is probably in order. Have
who is misbehaving. In many instances, it’s only after the horse has
a trainer or experienced mentor check your tack fit as well, or call a
been repeatedly punished for the “misbehavior” (with no improvement)
professional saddle-fitter to see if your saddle needs adjustment to
that you discover he was in pain all along. (And punishment for
better fit your horse. Sometimes symptoms must be tracked through
misbehavior makes the problem worse, not better, since it can’t
trial and error, even by equine professionals. Internet veterinary forums
“teach” a horse to ignore pain.)
have helped some horsemen find others whose horses have had a
When a horse is in physical discomfort, the symptoms can manifest
similar array of baffling sym ptoms and their eventual diagnoses. Such
themselves in a number of ways. He may not be overtly “lame” but might
detective work can point the horseman, farrier, or veterinarian in new
find certain movements or tasks to be very painful or uncomfortable. A
directions to solve behavioral mysteries.
horse who’s sore-footed might refuse to walk across a gravel driveway,

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Is the Horse Unhappy in His Work?
If you’ve exhausted all possibilities and still haven’t been able to resolve
under-saddle issues, it may be that the horse is using his only available
method to communicate to you that he’s not enjoying his job. A jumper
who continually stops at fences, a reiner who resists doing his maneuvers,
a trail horse who stops dead at the property line and refuses to leave: they
all may simply be trying to say as plainly as they can, “Enough!”
Just like the parents who desperately want their child to be a doctor
and ignore his pleas to take art classes instead of biology and chemistry,
riders can become oblivious to their horses’ protestations when they’re
not happy with their work. We get the idea that our mount is going
to excel in gaited classes, or event, or star in competitive trail riding,

 
because that is what we want to do, sometimes neglecting to evaluate
whether the horse enjoys those pursuits.
If a horse seems to have soured on his job, you can try offering more
variety—get out on the trail if you normally work in an arena, add some

galloping and conditioning work, or incorporate trotting poles or small
jumps into your rides (assuming you don’t jump regularly al ready). Some-
C times a change in routine is enough to help a horse learn to enjoy his
“regular” job again. But if you have your heart set on one particular sport
and your horse seems to be better suited for another, it’s not fair to either
(A) Proper fit and placement on of you to try to force a square peg into a round hole. Instead, consider
the horse’s back can minimize
whether you’d both be happier with new partners in your equestrian
endeavors, or whether you would be happy in a new discipline.
the possibility of the saddle

causing him discomfort. (B) The

girth should be snug but not

Training and Discipline
too tight. (C) A snaffle bit should
We tend to think of “training” as a formal process, conducted by an equine
rest high enough in the horse’s
professional, with a particular set of goals in mind. But training actually
mouth to create no more than happens every day and every time you work with your horse. Chances are,
 

one or two wrinkles at the you’ve taught your horse lots of things without even trying to. He likely
corner of the mouth. knows what the crinkle of a peppermint candy wrapper means as well as
the clang of the grain bin being opened. He knows what time to expect

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correct number with his hoof. Hans’s abilities regularly astonished crowds
of spectators and attracted the attention of scientists as well. A special
commission assembled to study the horse could not find any evidence of
fraud on the owner’s part, and so determined that Hans was legitimately
answering the questions.
Psychologist Oskar Pfungst finally solved the mystery after realizing
that Hans could only respond accurately when his questioner knew the
answer. Pfungst determined that Hans’s human observers were giving
him inadvertent and almost imperceptible cues—they grew tense as he
approached the correct number and then relaxed when he reached it.
Hans had not learned to add or subtract but rather to read body language
and facial expressions. (Perhaps a sign of even greater intelligence!)
An owner’s challenge is to teach the horse the right things, in a
humane and constructive way, while minimizing inadvertently teach-
ing the wrong things.

 
How Horses Learn
This Western rider is balanced over his horse’s center of gravity with his arms high, giving his When you examine the things horses learn on their own, without
horse ample rein and allowing him to move out with a calm, closed-mouth expression. humans purposely trying to “teach” them, the simplicity of the equine
learning process is revealed. They learn to associate an action with a
reward through repetition. For example, a horse notices that the crinkle
breakfast and dinner. When you pick out his feet in the same order every of the peppermint wrapper precedes the offering of a tasty peppermint.
day, he likely has the next foot poised for you to pick up as soon as you The next time he hears the crinkle, he looks for a peppermint, and lo
put down the one you just cleaned. He knows his name. He may even and behold, one appears again. From that point forward, the distinctive
know the sound of your car. wrapper crinkle equals a peppermint in his mind (and heaven help you
Horses are quite intelligent and very trainable, perhaps not quite on if you try to unwrap a cough drop in his presence instead).
the same level as dogs, chimpanzees, or dolphins, but still very capable Horses make these associations quickly and easily, often well
of learning simple tasks or cues, sometimes without their owners even before their humans realize what they’ve just “trained” their horses to
knowing they have done so. do. Unfortunately, this is also the case with more undesirable behaviors.
The most famous example is Clever Hans, a horse in Germany who Imagine a pony who innocently trots under a low-hanging tree branch,
achieved worldwide fame in the early 1900s for his mathematic abilities. inadvertently removing his little rider. The ride abruptly ends, the pony
His owner had trained him to “answer” math problems by tapping out the is untacked, then turned out to eat grass. In the pony’s mind, removal

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of rider via tree branch now equals the end of the ride and a rewarding he’s finished with work for the day. He learns that he must work harder
meal of grass. Pity the poor child who next rides that pony anywhere when he picks up the wrong lead. For the horse, the end of the ride is the
near a tree! greatest reward. Drilling a movement performed correctly, while it may
We use this basic learning formula to our advantage all the time. We be fun for the rider, is perceived by the horse as “punishment.” He loses
reward desired actions with positive reinforcement and then repeat the his interest in performing correctly and his desire to please his rider.
exercise until the horse learns to associate the two. If you give your horse
a treat when you catch him in the field, he learns to associate being Training Happens Every Day
caught with something yummy to eat. You’re rewarding the horse for
Literally everything you do around your horse teaches him something,
allowing himself to be caught, rather than letting him make a negative
whether you intend it to or not. You need to be aware of the habits
association between being caught and having to go work.
you’re instilling in your horse so you don’t inadvertently teach him
The process also works in reverse. When a horse does something
something undesirable. It’s very easy to teach a horse something the
undesirable, we offer negative reinforcement. For example, if your horse
first time: to “unteach” it later on is infinitely more difficult.
crowds you when you walk into his stall with his grain bucket, you
The day-to-day training is where your horse learns ground manners
firmly push him back with a sharp word or a growl and withhold his
and respect for his human handlers. You need to teach rules for your
grain. Once he is standing quietly and patiently outside of your space,
horse’s behavior and enforce them consistently. Your horse can’t be
you reward him by stepping back and allowing him to go ahead and
allowed to nuzzle your barn shirt pocket for a peppermint but be jerked
eat. The horse learns that one behavior has negative consequences,
away by the bridle when he tries the same thing on your office or show
and the other positive.
clothes. He won’t understand—it will seem to him that you’re punishing
Every time you ride, you’re using these principles. You make the
him for no reason, and the only thing he learns is to be distrustful.
desired action easy and rewarding for the horse, while the undesirable
Too often, however, owners don’t establish clear boundaries for their
action is difficult or uncomfortable. Most horses, like most human
horses, thinking that they’re being kind. Unfortunately, it’s just the opposite.
beings, are “one-sided”—right- or left-handed. Say your horse doesn’t
Allowing a horse to be unmannerly makes him difficult to work with, and
like to pick up the left lead (the leg that strikes out first in the change
veterinarians, farriers, and barn managers won’t want you as a client. If
from walk or trot to canter). When you ask with your leg and hand aids,
you ever decide to rehome your horse (or circumstances force you to do
he offers his more natural right lead. You immediately bring him back
so), you’ll have a much harder time if your horse is pushy or spoiled. What
down to a trot and then ask again with firmer aids. You may repeat the
you find acceptable the next owner or rider may punish severely. You’re
process until he finally gives you the left lead. You exclaim “Good boy!”
doing your horse a potential disservice if you don’t teach him what is
and give him a hearty pat on the neck, let him canter once around the
considered standard good manners in the horse world. You may be
arena, then pull up and end the ride.
dooming your horse to a life of constant discipline and stress and taking
In this example, every time the horse picks up the incorrect lead, he
away her chance of sharing a life with a devoted owner. Many horses
receives negative reinforcement: he is immediately asked to trot and try
who end up in equine rescues or sanctuaries do so because no one
again, which is hard work. When he finally offers the correct lead, it’s
ever taught them good manners, encouraged positive experiences
instantaneous positive reinforcement: a pat and a verbal reward; then
with human beings, or discouraged behaviors such as biting or kicking.

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A well-trained horse
who cooperates with
Horses are individuals, and some are much more sensitive than others.
even the smallest rider
Think of your own group of friends and how some are likely to be much
or handler is admiringly more sensitive to criticism than others: one person might burst into
termed “kid safe.” tears at the mere suggestion that he’s done something wrong, while
all but the most strongly worded criticism might go unheeded by
another. Horses are no different.
There are two important principles involved in disciplining the horse.

 
One is known as the “three-second rule”—your reaction must come
within three seconds (preferably one or two seconds) of the behavior
you’re trying to reprimand. Otherwise, the horse won’t associate the
behavior with the reprimand and will think he’s being punished for no
A bad-mannered horse can be outright dangerous.Horses are twelve reason. The other is to mete out appropriate correction in a controlled,
hundred-pound animals who can seriously injure or even kill a human, dispassionate manner.
whether by accident or on purpose. In tolerating rude behavior, you’re Correction can take a number of forms. A vocal reprimand is often very
endangering yourself, equine professionals who work with your horse, effective: you can growl the horse’s name in a low tone or make a sound
and innocent bystanders, including other horses. that you only use only to mean, “Hey, stop that now!” Since most horses
Certain dangerous behaviors should never be tolerated, including are trained to know that the drawn-out “o” sound of “ho” or “whoa” means
aggression (baring the teeth or threatening to kick) and refusing to stop or stand still, you should avoid using “no” as a vocal reprimand—your
respect a handler’s personal space (crowding the handler while being horse isn’t able to distinguish the difference and will just become confused.
led; crowding/menacing the handler in the stall; or kicking out in the Horses are very attuned to the sound of your voice. If you remember the
handler’s direction while being turned out to pasture or paddock). A tone your mother took with you when you were just about to get into
horse who exhibits these behaviors should be corrected swiftly, every serious trouble, that’s the tone you want to use with your horse!
single time. If such behavior continues, you should seek professional Another method of discipline is to make the horse do something
training help to break your horse of these habits, because they should unpleasant. If your horse is “walking all over” you while being led, you
never be allowed to continue. can give him a vocal reprimand and then ask him to back up for several
The kindest thing you can do for your horse is to teach him—consis- strides. Backing up is a submissive posture, and it’s also relatively hard
tently and gently, but firmly—where the lines are that he may not cross. work for the horse, so you’re reinforcing your authority and also teaching
In doing so, you’ll create the kind of horse who is a joy to work with the horse that he makes life easier for himself when he behaves.
and easily wins friends instead of making enemies. Everyone adores Unfortunately, discipline often becomes synonymous with physical
a horse who stands quietly for the farrier, cooperates with the punishment, and it’s very easy for people to go too far in the name of
veterinarian, leads well, and is polite to all of his handlers, even “disciplining” their horses. Because of the horse’s size, speed, and power,
small and inexperienced ones. his sudden misbehavior can frighten or intimidate you. Your fear can

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lead to overreaction—and to too much punishment for what may have than of any legitimate training goal. How often have you seen a rider fall
been an instinctive or spontaneous reaction. Unfortunately, you can off a horse, then spend several minutes trying to catch the horse, only to
go to almost any barn or horse show and sooner or later see equine jerk on the reins or repeatedly slap the horse with a crop? By this point,
misbehavior punished by an inappropriate use of whip, spurs, chain lead the horse has no idea what he’s done to incur punishment. (If anything,
shank—or worse. There’s a big difference between discipline and outright he’ll think the punishment is for allowing himself to be caught.) The rider
brutality. It’s a responsible horse owner’s job to control his emotions isn’t trying to teach the horse anything; he is letting emotions get the best
and know the difference. of him and is simply seeking revenge for being dumped in the dirt. What’s
Physical discipline is not without its place, but it must always be used worse is that, in many instances, such falls are the result of rider error
judiciously. It should never be undertaken in anger or retaliation. If a horse and have nothing to do with the horse at all.
threatens to bite, for example, a swift open-handed slap to the shoulder We’re all capable of losing our patience or acting in anger. It’s some-
with your hand, accompanied by a disapproving, “Stop that!” warns the thing to face up to, take responsibility for, and make every effort not to
horse that the behavior will not be tolerated but does him no real harm. repeat. There may be times when you simply need to dismount, hand
Any time you reprimand a horse physically, you risk making him your horse to someone else or put him in a stall, and give yourself a few
fearful of you. Such discipline should be reserved for dangerous or minutes to regain a cool head. You may be able to think through your
aggressive behavior, such as biting or kicking, and should never be more problem by walking beside your horse or giving yourself a short talking
than a single open-handed slap that is designed to surprise, not hurt, to about who is supposed to be the more intelligent member of this
the horse. (If you are uncomfortable with discipline, remember that horses team. Strangely, singing a verse of some silly tune may break the tension
nip or kick to communicate to each other acceptable behavior—although and reassure the horse that he is not engaged in a battle. There will be
we don’t recommend you try either.) rides where one problem leads to another, horse and rider are both on
Such methods should be used very, very rarely. If you have a horse who edge and upset, and frustrations are building, with no resolution in
frequently exhibits inappropriate behavior, you need to seek professional sight. In such cases the smart thing to do is to simply find a good note—
help, rather than try to solve the problem on your own. Some horses, any good note, no matter how minor—upon which to end the ride, get
especially those who have suffered abuse in the past, may not handle this off, give your horse a pat (no matter how insincere), and try again with
sort of discipline well at all. You need to experiment with alternative man- a clean slate on another day. Do not let a problem turn into a battle
agement methods (for example, feeding a horse who guards his feed tub of wills; such battles typically yield nothing but losers.
from outside his stall until you are able to win his trust, or limiting who has Discipline of any kind should always be a small part of a larger
access to the horse), or otherwise keep him and others out of harm’s way. positive experience for the horse. It should be used judiciously and
The horse should never be hit anywhere on the head—not only is it sparingly, along with copious rewards for good behavior. Remember,
inhumane, but it also leads to the horse becoming head-shy and resistant the goal is to make the correct choice the easiest and most pleasant
to handling. You can head off a horse’s aggressive advances by keeping one for the horse. If he has to back halfway down the barn aisle for
him respectful of your personal space. getting into your space, but gets a treat when he stands politely, his
The danger with physical discipline is that it’s often used to punish, choice will be easy.
not train, the horse, and is more often a reflection of the owner’s frustration

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Listen to what your horse is telling you. If he is becoming upset or When used with restraint, whips and spurs can be an effective way
fearful, or if your methods do not seem to be solving his behavioral issues, of communicating with a horse. A crop can be used to teach a horse to
it’s time to reevaluate your methods or seek professional guidance. move forward by reinforcing the rider’s leg cues. Spurs are often used
Finally, don’t allow others to treat your horse in a way that makes by upper-level dressage riders or reiners because they can administer
you uncomfortable, even if they are “experts” or are in a position of a more precise cue than can the leg alone. These items of equipment
authority. You are your horse’s guardian and have final say over how he’s should never be used in place of less aggressive forms of communication
treated. Just because an individual is a trainer or an advanced rider with or to inflict pain.
a tack room full of ribbons does not mean that person is immune to bad Under no circumstances should any training aid cause harm or injury
decisions and mistakes. Success does not always equal humaneness in to the horse. Of course, using a crop should never raise welts, and using
the horse world, as in many other environments. If you have concerns spurs should not cause raw skin or draw blood. A touch with the whip or
about a trainer’s actions, ask questions and listen to the answers. If it spur is akin to someone poking you in the ribs with a finger. It’s designed
seems as though every horse in the barn is hit, jerked in the mouth, or to produce a reaction, not to cause pain.
spurred for every infraction, described as a “piece of junk,” or worse— It’s also important to recognize that a tool may be suitable for use by
go elsewhere. one rider, but not another. If you don’t have a steady leg, you are not yet
Above all, pay attention to your horse. He should be confident, relaxed, advanced enough to use spurs correctly. Many devices can be very harmful
and happy in his work. The proof of any trainer’s methods is in the if not used correctly; it’s preferable to use them only under the guidance
finished product. If your horse is not improving or progressing in his of an instructor or trainer. Any piece of equipment, no matter how
training—and most especially if he is regressing—then that particular benign, has the potential to be misused. Many sports have rules defining
trainer’s methods are not working, and it’s time to find a new trainer. “excessive” use of the whip or spurs, and you can be disqualified for
violating them. Whips and spurs are designed to be used sparingly,
for a specific purpose, by educated hands.
Spurs, Whips, and Gadgets
Whips, spurs, and gadgets have a limited but helpful role in training and
riding when used appropriately. Due to their chronic misuse, these items Natural Horsemanship
of equipment are sometimes rejected outright as inherently cruel by “Natural horsemanship” is a relatively new method of training that uses
those outside the equestrian community who don’t understand that language—both human and equine—to achieve a better relationship
they can be used appropriately (that is, judiciously and only with great between horsemen and their equine partners.
restraint). Whips, crops, and spurs have detractors inside the horse Natural horsemanship is a philosophy, a training method, and an
world as well. They may be lumped together with a wide assortment of outlook on our relationship with horses that combines old and new ideas.
training gadgets—side reins, draw reins, longing “systems,” tie-downs, It stresses working with horses in a way that recognizes their natural
and more—that are perceived as artificial and harmful shortcuts behavior, instincts, and personality and incorporates those traits into
used in place of correct training. a program intended to achieve maximum trust and cooperation and
minimum fear, resistance, and conflict.

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more dominant, and human beings need to earn horses’ trust and
respect before expecting their cooperation.
How do horses interact in the herd? Watching them in the wild or in
your pasture will teach you a lot. You’ll see them challenge each other for
position and status. Human beings must understand this herd dynamic
and each individual horse’s personality to incorporate this behavior into

their training program.
The lead mare uses body language to control the other horses in
the herd: they yield to her, and she disciplines any who don’t submit
to her authority. They respect her and look to her for guidance, even
the stallions. Proponents of natural horsemanship strive to emulate
the lead mare’s behavior. Once they have the respect of their horse,
Natural horsemanship involves reading your horse’s body language and communicating with
they have a foundation of trust on which to build his training.
him in a way he instinctively understands.
How does your own horse behave in the pasture with other horses,
with you in the barn, or out on an unfamiliar trail? Is she dominant or
Behavioral reinforcement replaces punishment and force used in many subservient? Bold or fearful? Bored or interested? Having this knowledge
traditional methods of training, resulting in a calmer, happier, and more will help establish the framework for your training with your horse.
willing partner in the horse.
How Does It Work?
Theory of Natural Horsemanship Natural horsemanship uses human body language to emulate horses’
Horses naturally fear human beings, whom horses consider to be preda- body language and relay cues that convey the desired response to the
tors. Horses are prey animals. The skills learned in natural horsemanship horse. Horsemen learn how to use the placement and parts of their
teach them that they needn’t fear human beings, but trust them, instead. body, their tone of voice and other tools that help hone their communi-
This is accomplished by communicating with the horse on his level—in cation with horses. These cues and tools exert subtle pressure, and
his language. the horse is rewarded for responding to requests by a release of that
Horses have a unique communication system based primarily on body pressure, just like a rebellious young colt finds relief from the lead
language. In natural horsemanship, the goal is to learn, emulate, and use mare’s admonitions when he agrees to toe the line.
that language to communicate with them. As with many other training methods, there are two types of
Horses have personalities and a hierarchy that determines who leads reinforcement used in natural horsemanship:
and protects the herd and helps it survive. People want horses to let • Positive reinforcement is offered when a desired behavior is
people be their leaders. Some horses are looking for a leader and are acknowledged with a reward, such as when a horse is led
more willing to perceive humans in that role. Others are naturally to a trailer and asked to walk in, then fed a treat when
he complies willingly.

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• Negative reinforcement, used to encourage desired behavior, is removed
when the horse complies; for example, applying pressure to ask a horse
to move his body in a certain direction. Removing the pressure once
the horse moves serves as a reward for correct behavior.

Who “Does” Natural Horsemanship?

Horse trainers, clinicians, and backyard amateur owners worldwide
use natural horsemanship to improve their horses’ behavior and

performance. Pleasure riders benefit from the increased trust their
horse places in them during rides on unknown trails or on windy days.
Competitors in many disciplines, ranging from dressage to reining,
find it improves their training, communication, and results. There are
even competitions in natural horsemanship that allow followers to This horse is loading calmly and willingly into a bumper-pull-style trailer.
show off their skills and talents from the ground and under saddle
in a way never before rewarded.
Natural horsemanship takes time, patience, and persistence. It is
Natural horsemanship has become increasingly popular in the
not a shortcut or gimmick, or a quick cure-all for every type of negative
past two decades, and many resources are available, including books,
equine behavior. Many problems can be solved and doors opened with
websites, and at-home video training programs, that you can view
natural horsemanship, but there is no such thing as a quick fix program
and then practice with your horse.
for “troubled” horses.
A number of famous practitioners have developed and teach their
own versions of natural horsemanship. Each has his own style and
method, but they all practice within the same general philosophy. Trailer Loading
Several offer clinics in various locations and certify instructors
As a final footnote to our discussion of humane training, we’d like to
who can assist followers in their local areas should they get “stuck”
touch on an issue that can be a cause of consternation to many horse
on a concept or task.
owners: trailer loading.
It can be a familiar scene at the end of a competition or group trail
No Magic Wand ride. It’s been a long day, it’s starting to get dark, and everyone is ready
As with a foray into any new equine sport or discipline, natural to go home, but there’s one lone horse who absolutely refuses to get
horsemanship converts must make an initial investment in both time on the trailer. Despite cursing and cajoling, he stands steadfast at the
and money. Some programs require purchasing specialized equipment bottom of the trailer ramp, legs planted like tree trunks. His exasperated
designed to enhance and improve natural communication methods, handlers are getting more and more impatient, and tempers are getting
buying books and videos, and attending paid seminars. shorter and shorter.

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factors conspire to create an atmosphere that is likely to make the
issue worse, not better.
No matter how frustrated you are, or how late, or how tired, the
“rules” of good training still apply. Trying to force the horse onto
the trailer quickly is likely to exacerbate the situation (and prolong
the ordeal). Go very slowly, be patient, and use appropriate positive
reinforcement when the horse steps toward the trailer. If the horse is
misbehaving or not listening, quietly ask him to back up or otherwise
make him work and pay attention to you. It’s imperative that everyone

 
remain calm and avoid picking a fight. If you proceed very patiently,
you should be able to convince the horse to load.
Obviously, before you trailer your horse again, you need to have several
Another valuable skill is teaching the horse to tie to the trailer itself. The lead rope or trailer tie should trailer-loading sessions at home to re-establish good habits in this area.
be attached to a halter (never to a bridle), long enough and high enough to allow the horse access to

his hay bag and water bucket, but short enough to prevent him from backing into the towing vehicle.

This is a situation in which it’s easy to lose patience and tempting

to resort to methods you’d never consider in other areas of training.
The result is often exhaustion, frustration, and a terrible experience
for both horse and human—and, typically, a horse who will be even
more determined not to get into a trailer next time.
Loading into a trailer is an extremely unnatural situation for a horse,
one that his instincts scream is very dangerous—he’s in a very confined
space with no route of escape. Teaching a horse to load should be a slow,
careful process, designed to allay the horse’s fears and convince him that
nothing bad will happen to him. It’s work that should be done at home,
where the horse feels secure, and at a pace the horse dictates.
Of course, when you’re an hour from home, and the horse forgets
those earlier lessons, you’re in a tight spot. It’s not as if you can just
revisit the issue another day; you need to get home!
Unfortunately, such situations do not lend themselves to cooperative
horses. You’re in a strange place and you’re rushed; you may be
frustrated and angry at your horse for being obstinate. All of these

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we humans are a competitive bunch. it’s

not hard to imagine that, shortly after the first horses
were domesticated, the first horse race took place when
one rider said to another, “I’ll bet my horse can beat
yours to that tree!”
For as long as horses and humans have partnered, there have been partnership you experience with your horse. You meet the challenges
horse races, chariot races, pulling contests, jumping competitions, and the of competition together, trusting in each other’s skills and sharing
like. The competitive arena has given equine superstars a public stage on in the satisfaction of your accomplishments, as well as the
which to display their talents, giving legions of fans the chance to enjoy disappointment of defeat.
the athletic prowess of horses such as Brentina, Gem Twist, Hollywood There’s something truly special about this aspect of the equine-human
Dun It, Wing Commander, and Winsome Adante. partnership, which perhaps explains why so many amateur riders find
The American Horse Council Foundation estimates that more themselves drawn to competition, even though most have no illusions
than 2.7 million horses are involved in competition in the United States about ever reaching their sport’s highest levels. These riders happily
every year.62 The vast majority of riders don’t have Olympic or World take time off from work, travel long distances, and spend hard-earned
Championship ambitions, however; they just want to compete for the money on show fees, just for those opportunities to shine in the
fun of it and for the satisfaction of achieving personal goals. On any arena, even though they may last only a few minutes. That test is
summer weekend, you can find horse enthusiasts around the country what motivates many horse people to improve their riding and horse-
putting their skills on the line in an array of competitions, from informal management skills, thereby indirectly benefiting their equine partners.
backyard shows to officially sanctioned championships. Competition (sometimes) provides its own rewards to the rider, in
the form of ribbons, prizes, and recognition. There’s nothing so satisfying
as working toward a goal, matching the skills you’ve learned and your
The Benefits of Competition horse’s talents against your fellow competitors, and being rewarded
We all carry with us poignant memories of time spent with our favorite for it. While ribbons and prizes are wonderful, many other benefits
equines—a quiet moment of affection shared in the stall late at night are equally important, even if you can’t hang them on the wall or
or a lazy trail ride through beautiful scenery. put them in a trophy case.
If you’ve spent much time competing, your mental memory book Organized equestrian sport provides a ready-made ladder up which
likely also includes a snippet of a moment full of possibility—standing at one can progress. Let’s say you’ve decided to start out eventing at Beginner
the entrance to an arena with your horse, looking ahead at the challenge Novice. You’re introduced to the basic concepts of the sport, where the
that lies before you. It might be a show ring full of competitors, a trio of challenges are achievable for good riders who are capable of an introductory
barrels, or a perfectly groomed dressage arena just awaiting your horse’s level of competition. The dressage test rewards obedience and accuracy,
hoofprints. It’s a moment you’ve worked hard to reach: your horse is but doesn’t demand perfection. Cross-country allows the horse and rider
fit and confident, facing the test ahead with ears pricked. You are both to learn how to “gallop” (a nice canter is perhaps more accurate) and
perfectly turned out, with appropriate spit and polish, and stand ready navigate simple natural obstacles in the open. Show jumping provides
to show the judge your best. a final test, but with a very forgiving and elementary course.
So much work goes into those brief moments of glory in the As you move up the levels, more concepts are introduced. The dressage
competition arena. Months, or even years, of preparation: lessons, daily includes more difficult movements, and judges expect a higher degree
practice, moving carefully up through the levels. Ribbons and prizes of self-carriage from the horse. Cross-country courses begin to include
may come along the way, but the greatest reward often is simply the water, ditches, or banks—small and easy challenges at first, but gradually

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becoming more difficult. Show jumping begins to demand that the horse classes, you’re probably not ready to move up to the next level, as you
be agile and careful. haven’t shown mastery of your current level. You should keep working
The rules for each level spell out not only the height and width of on the skills required for the classes you’re showing in, perhaps seeking
fences, but also the degree of difficulty. You will easily sense if your horse is guidance from a trainer or instructor who can help you pinpoint where
enjoying the challenge as much as you are. (If not, it is your responsibility you’re lacking.
to do what’s best for him—even if that means scaling back your goals By nature, a competition pits you against your peers and fellow
or finding an alternate activity that allows him to thrive.) equestrian enthusiasts, as you’re all trying to best each other for the
This logical progression is set forth by the governing associations for top prize. But the horse world is rather small, and in most sports, your
every sport. Judges, trainers, riders, and other experts determine what adversaries in competition are also your friends. You all attend the
should be required and when to allow horses and riders to progress same competitions throughout the year, and perhaps even ride at the
safely, learn the skills they need, and enjoy their success. The progression same barns or with the same trainers. You may even have grown up
through the levels provides a built-in set of goals that doesn’t necessarily together in Pony Club or 4-H!
revolve around placings. Winning doesn’t need to be your only objective While there are exceptions, most equestrian competitors are friendly
(and it definitely doesn’t matter to your horse—your approval is his and cheer each other on. They offer hearty congratulations when you
reward); it can also be advancing up the levels while still remaining perform well enough to win, but they are also there to help you up and
competitive. There’s a great sense of satisfaction in starting out at the dust you off when things don’t go quite so well (and catch and load
lowest levels with a green horse and gradually moving up as the horse your horse into the trailer, if need be).
gains confidence. Perhaps the supportive atmosphere is due to the fact that horses
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with embracing that competitive have such a way of humbling their human partners. Even the best of
spirit, if you do so with respect for the horse and your fellow competitors. riders falls off occasionally or deals with horses who don’t feel like
On those rare occasions when all the pieces come together, and both being cooperative on a given day. An otherwise perfect effort can be
you and your horse perform to the absolute best of your abilities, you marred by a spook, a buck, or an act of God. When your athletic partner
do deserve to be rewarded with a ribbon or cooler or first-place check. is a species that can be stricken with panic at the sight of an umbrella,
They’re rewards for your hard work and your skill—enjoy them! you have to be prepared for things not to go your way. The more
Your placings serve another important function. They can help you you compete, the more such humbling scenarios, best met with
measure how well you’re meeting the criteria for your sport. Winning sportsmanship and good humor, fill your memory book.
should never be “the only thing,” but it certainly is a good gauge of how Winning is great fun, but for every success is a disappointment, and
well you’re doing. it’s the ability to accept these gracefully, pat your horse, and return to ride
For example, if you participate in endurance rides, and your horse another day that is perhaps the most valuable thing you’ll gain. This may
consistently finishes among the “best conditioned,” you can feel pretty be the greatest contribution that competition can make to a horseman’s
confident about tackling some tougher or longer rides. If dressage is education—sportsmanship.
your sport, and you’re consistently placing near the bottom of your

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several times a day. On the final day, it rains. The arena footing is deep,
The Drawbacks sloppy mud, and your horse slips on the approach to a fence and slides
Although taking part in competition has many benefits, it also has to a stop. Fortunately, he’s not hurt, but the refusal means you are out
its downsides. Competition is hard work, for both horse and rider, of the running for the division championship. Nevertheless, you pack
and it’s important to be cognizant of the effects the additional stress up for the long trip home feeling like it was a successful outing.
and mileage will have on your horse. Over the course of this hypothetical show, your horse was ridden and
Imagine that you’ve traveled to a multiday hunter/jumper show a jumped much more than normal, over sometimes-suspect footing and in
couple of hours from home. It’s a warm summer day, but your horse summer heat. His routine was disrupted, with daily early-morning braiding
stayed comfortable and cool in an airy trailer with a full haynet to keep and meals coming at different times, depending on class schedules, and
him busy. You get to the show and hand-walk your horse around the he didn’t have the benefit of his usual turnout time.
grounds so he can stretch his legs and see all the sights. You find your Even with a conscientious owner who doesn’t enter an excessive
stall in the temporary stabling area: it’s smaller than you would like, number of classes, warms his horse up sparingly, and provides lots of
but you’ve bedded it deeply. supportive care (liniment baths, standing wraps overnight, lots of hand-
You arrive at the showgrounds at 4 A.M. the following day to braid walking), showing is a lot of work for the horse. He has the mental stress
your horse’s mane and tail and tack up for a quick school in the main of being away from home in a new place with a new routine, and the
arena. Then it’s back into the stall for your horse, where he can munch physical stress of extra work in sometimes less-than-ideal conditions.
on some hay while awaiting your early-afternoon hunter classes. If you show many weekends, that stress is multiplied.
After lunch, you tack up again and head to the schooling area to Most veteran competition horses know their jobs and settle into a show
warm up for your first class. The footing isn’t the best and the ring routine easily. If a horse doesn’t enjoy it, he’ll let his rider know. Conscien-
is very crowded. You warm up well and head over to the main ring, tious riders do their best to minimize the mileage on their horses and
where you and your horse lay down a beautiful round in your first class. won’t hesitate to withdraw from competition if they feel the weather is too
Unfortunately, your second class is delayed by a medical emergency hot or cold or the footing is too hard or too sloppy. “Save him for another
in the ring. You return to the schooling area to re-warm up, since your day” is a mantra you hear often around caring competitors.
horse has now been standing around for half an hour, and then have Unfortunately, the adrenaline of the show ring and our own competitive
another lovely round in your second class. natures can sometimes drown out the voices of our inner horsemen. For
It’s now mid-afternoon—it’s hot and there’s no shade. You have one professional riders and trainers, competition isn’t just for fun, it’s how they
more ride, in an under-saddle class, but it will be delayed for half an hour make their living, and their paying clients want top placings. When a client’s
by two riders in your division who first must complete the over-fences expensive new horse isn’t progressing as quickly as anticipated, or doesn’t
class. You remount and head back to the schooling ring for another quick seem to be quite so talented as was expected, there can be tremendous pres-
warm-up, ride in your last class, then finally untack for the day. sure to rush the horse or resort to extreme methods to squeeze a higher
This hurry-up-and-wait routine is repeated on days two and three of level of performance from him. And in the heat of competition, when a top
the show. By the third day, your horse is a little stiff from being stuck in ribbon or prize is on the line, there’s always the temptation to take unaccept-
that small stall with no turnout, so you try to hand-walk and graze him able risks or to push the horse dangerously close to, or beyond, his limits.

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Even for amateurs, there’s a great deal of self-imposed pressure. Such individuals are fortunately a small minority in the competitive
Going to competitions requires a lot of time, money, and preparation. equestrian world. But their actions show how the relentless pursuit
Understandably, those who compete hope to do well. Spending of ribbons or prize money without conscience can eclipse the original
hundreds of dollars in entry fees, getting up in the wee hours to braid purpose of equestrian competition—to enjoy and showcase the incredible
or bathe the horse, eating terrible horse show food, and riding in the athleticism of the noble horse.
oppressive heat or drenching rain is much more tolerable when you Finally, consideration must be given to the fate of the athletes when
have a blue ribbon at the end of the weekend to show for your efforts! their competitive days are over. What happens to horses—those who are
End-of-the-year awards in many state equestrian associations are based successful and those who aren’t—when they can no longer compete?
on cumulative points, rewarding those who compete in show after Our equine athletes give fully of themselves, often experiencing
show, a scenario so common it is called point chasing. wear and tear on their bodies that will eventually limit their usefulness
The struggle we all face is how to balance our competitive ambitions for sport or even casual riding. A severe injury may convert a relatively
with our stewardship of our horses. If a Western pleasure mount is clearly young horse into a pasture ornament, leaving the owner with the prospect
tired and souring on showing but is just a few points shy of qualifying for of caring for an unrideable horse for many years.
the World Championship show, should the rider give him a vacation or Horses are not just “sports equipment,” like bats or balls, to be used
just try to make it through another one or two shows first to qualify? up and discarded. They are living beings and our willing partners in
What about a barrel horse who is having some aches and pains, but is sport. Humane horsemen commit to taking care of their horses for life
sound with a little Bute—should the rider continue to point toward the or making sure that someone else will do so.
national shows or finish the season early? The humane horseman makes
these decisions in favor of his horse: his horse’s needs, desires, and
preferences matter, too. Competing with a Conscience
In many sports rules are in place to address these issues. But If you find yourself torn between the thrill of good-natured competition
many decisions about the horses’ welfare are entirely up to the owner. among peers and the stress on your horse and the risk of injury, you’re
She decides how frequently to show, at what level to compete, how not alone. Many of those who compete do so very conservatively. They’re
many classes to enter, what conditions to ride in, and what amount of not aiming for the Olympics or even year-end awards; they just want
medication (within the confines of the rules) she is willing to use. The to have fun and test their skills in a safe and constructive way. Ribbons
competitive horse world presents a never-ending series of small ethical and prize money are an added bonus.
dilemmas that constantly challenge us to rein in our own competitive It takes a special disposition to be at once competitive and also a
desires and do what’s best for the horse. guardian of the horse’s welfare. In fact, even among the most highly
There are unscrupulous individuals in every sport, however, who are regarded and accomplished riders and trainers, there are individuals who
not troubled by ethics. Or rules, for that matter. Or even laws. For them, readily admit they’ve made errors in the past. Perhaps they pushed a
winning at any cost is the priority, and the horse is just a means to an horse to competition too soon or past his natural capabilities. Maybe
end. They have no compunction about using drugs or abusive training they showed a horse when there was a nagging feeling that he wasn’t
methods, as long as they think they can get away with it. quite “right,” or kept showing a tired horse against their better judgment.

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We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. (And the more experience keep their ambitions modest, planning to advance only as far as their
we gain, the more obvious our past errors become to us, so if you think limited availability allows.
you’re immune, just wait!) There’s one litmus test that should be applied When you ask your equine partner to join you in your sporting
to every decision you make: what’s best for the horse? The answer should endeavors, you are acknowledging that he risks being injured by doing
not depend on whether you’re in last place or first, or whether prize so. Most injuries are minor, and many horses are able to recover and
money or points are at stake. Lost time and money are regrettable, but return to the same level of competition. More severe injuries may mean
your horse’s health and soundness are irreplaceable. There are always that your horse might no t compete at the same level again or has
other competitions. to move to a less stressful sport. In some instances, injuries are
Your considerations for your horse’s welfare should not be confined career-ending, although the horse can recover to be pasture sound
solely to his physical well-being; it’s also important to consider his mental and still live happily for many years to come.
attitude toward competition. Your responsibility to your horse doesn’t end when he ceases to
The best show horses truly love their jobs. They “light up” when they be useful for your chosen sport. Whether he sustained his injuries
get into a ring in front of a crowd, and they enjoy putting their talents on while acting as a willing partner in your competitive ambitions or via
display. They can feel the electricity in the air at a big competition. Many a pasture accident, he deserves to be cared for and valued regardless
even respond to the roar of applause when they finish their performances, of his usefulness as a competition mount.
giving a playful buck and head-toss that seems to be the equine equivalent Fortunately, riders from all levels of competition recognize this
of shouting “Whoo-hoo!” and pumping a fist in the air. covenant. Many Olympians have fields full of retired former partners
Such horses are the product of careful training and preparation. They’re who graze away their remaining days in pampered comfort. Many
fit and confident and ready to perform to the best of their abilities. lower-level riders who can only afford to keep one horse change sports
But that’s not true for every horse you see in the competition arena. or forgo competition altogether if they must, to care for their horses
Some seem to be saying quite clearly that they’d prefer to be somewhere in the manner to which they’re accustomed.
else. They voice their displeasure in the only way they can—by refusing Whether you keep your former competitive partner yourself, rehome
or running out at jumps, resisting, misbehaving, or acting out. him with a rider who doesn’t require him to carry a very heavy workload,
If moving up a level seems to be a struggle for your horse, reconsider or pension him to a retirement farm, you owe it to your horse to ensure
whether h e’s prepared or truly capable of what you’re asking him to do. that, whether as a therapeutic riding mount or pasture puff, he is just
Keep in mind that there is no set schedule for how you or your horse as treasured as he was when winning ribbons at the highest levels.
should progress. Competing at a certain level for a period of time does
not automatically mean you’re ready to move up to the next level.
In fact, you don’t have to move up at all; if you’re comfortable at your
current level and want to stay there, that’s okay, too. It can be difficult to
prepare for upper-level competition sufficiently when you have other
responsibilities in life, such as a full-time job or a family. Many amateurs

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the owner has a pat line ready whenever

someone makes the inevitable comment about how
good her twenty-something horse looks for his age—
”Don’t look at his hocks!” she’ll say with a laugh.
Under the long, woolly coat, the signs of many miles
logged in the competition ring are surely evident. There
are a few windpuffs and splints, spavins in the hocks,
and the general creakiness of a body that’s worked
hard for many years. But most people don’t notice.
Instead they see the mischievous spark in the gelding’s
eye, the glint to his coat, and the way he puffs
himself up when he’s been bathed and trimmed, as if he’s headed back to her chest, speaks volumes—things that can’t, and don’t need to, be
the show ring. They see the way he bosses around the other horses in the expressed in words.
pasture, exuding an air of “Don’t mess with me, kid—I’ve seen everything.” This horse had five owners in the first ten years of his life. The sixth
The owner sees these things, too, but is also accustomed to looking owner has owned him as long as all the others combined. She will care
past them with a critical and caring eye. She makes a mental note to for him until the end, because she feels he is owed that. He gave her
increase the gelding’s joint supplement when he seems stiffer than what she wanted, the chance to learn and compete. Now he gets what
usual or to talk to the farrier about rounding off his toe more when he he wants—the chance to eat and sleep his days away in lazy retirement,
starts to stumble. She notices that his hearing isn’t what it used to be secure in the fact that his every remaining need will be met. What more
and that he spooks more easily, probably because his eyesight is fading. could a horse want? What more could an owner give?
She keeps a careful eye on his weight, knowing how quickly an elderly
horse can get thin under a winter coat and how difficult it can be to
put weight back on him. Owner, Steward, Caregiver
It can be a lot of work and worry to care for an older horse, but the If your role as keeper of your horse came with a job title, what would
owner figures it’s her chance to return many previous favors. She remem- it be?
bers all the times she got him to a fence too fast, too slow, without enough Most horsemen probably refer to themselves as their horses’
impulsion, crooked in the approach and he jumped it anyway, even though “owners”: after all, under the law, that’s what we are. Pets and livestock
he had every right to refuse it. She remembers her first clumsy attempts are considered property; they’re bought and sold just like a car, a
at treating his wounds, nursing him through colic and dealing with lame- couch, or a bag of carrots.
nesses, and marvels that he survived it all. And she remembers all the silly One hopes that a horse merits more care and attention than a car or
(and stupid) things the horse good-naturedly endured because she was a couch, and that despite the legal definition of the horse as property,
a teenager who didn’t know any better—giving pony rides to dozens of ownership means much more. Ownership implies a certain level of
friends, parading on the Fourth of July between “horse-eating” floats and responsibility and an inherent value. When you own something, it’s
marching bands, carrying the “Headless Horseman” on Halloween…. your job to take care of it and handle its upkeep and maintenance
She owes this horse a great deal. He kept her safe. He taught her to protect your investment.
how to ride. All of her skills were honed on him, and he often suffered We horse owners know there’s more to it than that, of course.
through the “error” part of trial and error before she got it right. Any Technically, horses are our property, but in reality, they’re also our
horse she owns in the future will benefit from the kind, yet firm, way friends and companions.
she handles horses on the ground; the soft hands and independent The term “caregiver” might be more appropriate. It suggests that
seat she has developed; the ability to read the subtle physical signs there’s more involved in this relationship than just ownership; there’s
a horse shows when he’s sick or sore. She learned all of this from a level of custody as well. But it still doesn’t quite convey the true depth
the elderly gelding. of the partnership between a horse and his human. For those of us who
More than anything, they are old, good friends. A quiet moment really cherish our horses, there’s an emotional investment in addition
shared in the stall late in the evening, his graying head pushed into to a monetary one. We’re not just responsible for meeting our horses’

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physical needs, such as food, water, shelter, and veterinary care; we’re With horses, though, it has been accepted—and even expected—
also charged with ensuring they’re happy and enjoy their lives and that an animal will have many owners throughout his lifetime. Horses
their jobs. We care about them and their well-being. So let’s consider are usually working animals, and they have a job and a purpose. Just
the concept of “stewardship” instead. as most people don’t spend their entire careers working for the same
The role of a steward is probably more similar to that of a parent company, a horse may be best suited for jobs with a variety of owners
than an owner or caretaker. Legally, a parent’s obligation ends when throughout his “career.”
a child turns eighteen, but that certainly doesn’t mean a parent stops Buying or selling horses isn’t inherently wrong if circumstances
caring. We maintain relationships with our parents throughout our demand it. Under the right circumstances, it can work out wonderfully
lives, still seeking their advice and guidance long after we’re physically for all involved. After all, if horses weren’t bought and sold, most of us
and financially independent. wouldn’t be able to enjoy the experience of horse ownership!
Yes, of course, a steward is still responsible for a horse’s care and But the buying-and-selling process can go terribly, terribly wrong. Take
is still his legal owner. But stewardship invokes an ethical responsibility a walk around the crowded pens at an auction and look at the equine
that transcends simply being financially or legally responsible for a castoffs and see former show- or racehorses who once commanded
horse’s care. It’s an obligation that doesn’t end when a horse reaches five-figure prices, ponies who were once cherished childhood friends,
a certain age or when a rider moves on to other things. and strong, staid draft horses who have spent their entire lives working
hard for their owners. At some point in their lives, these horses had
Grow Old, Go Away? perceived “value” and probably had owners who treasured them and
cared well for them. Yet at the end of their days, their only value is
When you adopt or purchase a puppy or a kitten, you’re making a
the price per pound they can command from the slaughter buyers.
commitment to care for that animal for the rest of her life. You’ll enjoy
Things depreciate. State-of-the-art computers quickly become
the adorable antics of kitten- or puppyhood and teach your pet to be
obsolete. New cars rack up mileage. No matter how high the number
a well-behaved canine or feline citizen. As middle age settles in, you’ll
on the original price sticker, the monetary value of these objects dwindles
have a well-trained companion with whom you hope to share many
over time until it essentially reaches zero. Ten years later, that state-of-
years of adventures and close friendship. Old age will eventually
the-art computer is a glorified doorstop, and that new car is a junker.
encroach, and you’ll care for your elderly friend conscientiously
But here’s where the concept of stewardship comes in. Unlike
through his twilight years. And when the time comes, your faithful
inanimate objects we might own, a horse’s value should not be pegged
buddy will either pass on naturally or be helped along by euthanasia
solely to how much money someone is willing to pay for him. Other
in your final act as a responsible pet owner.
factors influence his worth—memories of a spectacular trail ride
Imagine the outcry from your pet-loving friends, though, if you decided
through the foothills in autumn, for instance; a wall lined with ribbons
to sell your dog because he is not good at fetching balls or give your cat
the two of you earned together; the feel of his lips and whiskers tickling
away because she has gotten too arthritic to jump up on the sofa like she
your hand in search of a treat; the way he nickers softly at you every
used to. It’s simply not done, except in the most extenuating circumstances.
time you pass his stall.
Taking ownership of a pet is supposed to be a lifetime commitment.

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A horse’s monetary value eventually reaches zero. It may happen when There’s great satisfaction in being able to reap the benefits of the most
he’s two or when he’s twenty, but it will happen. The significance of being productive years of a horse’s life—whether those benefits are ribbons or
your horse’s steward as opposed to “just” his owner is that his value the pleasure and education found through hours in the saddle—and then
to you doesn’t necessarily equal his price tag. give something back to that horse as he enters his golden years. But, sadly,
it’s an aspect of horsemanship that many miss out on completely, even
To Sell or to Stay Together though it’s one of the most rewarding.
But by being a responsible steward for your horse, you can minimize
Hey, we’re realists— plenty of horse-and-rider combinations are not the
the chances that unforeseen circumstances will force you to sell. And
stuff of fairy tales. There are practicalities and priorities. Life has a way
if you open your eyes to alternatives other than selling, you might see
of rudely intruding and quashing even the best of intentions. Storybook
another level of horsemanship that doesn’t involve skill in the saddle.
romances end in divorce. The underdog team loses at the buzzer. Bad
guys win, and good guys lose.
Selling a horse has traditionally been an accepted part of the horse
world and part of the machinery that keeps the horse industry moving.
When the Partnership Is Over
Many horse owners find it emotional and difficult, but they’re told this Irreconcilable Differences
is the way things are done and to follow the advice of traditional “old Chapter 13 touched on the importance of assessing whether a horse is
timers” in the horse world. happy in his work. If it becomes apparent that a horse simply isn’t suited
If you’re reading this book, you’re likely to be someone who feels a to a particular job (whether that job is as an upper-level competition
sense of responsibility toward your horse. You have a deep appreciation horse or a “babysitter” mount for a young rider), a career change is in
for that equine magic, that sense of partnership you get from riding everyone’s best interest. Neither the horse nor his human is well served
a well-trained horse or the sense of accomplishment you get from by stubbornly trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
learning and progressing in your riding. Sometimes, too, the partnership between horse and rider just never
There’s another level to the connection between horse and human solidifies—the two simply don’t “click.” It’s normal for a new horse-and-
that many owners miss out on, however. Most companion animals don’t rider combination to spend a few months getting to know each other and
live nearly as long as their human caretakers. You’re lucky if you enjoy working out the kinks in their relationship, and sometimes professional
a few years with a fish or a hamster. Cats and dogs often live a decade training can be a great help in solving misunderstandings and communi-
or more, but that’s still a pretty short period in human years. Horses, cation issues. But in some cases, the two just plain might not be a good
though, routinely live into their twenties, thirties, and beyond. If match. Riding is supposed to be fun and enjoyable for both horse and
you choose an equine partner wisely—and with an eye toward the rider. If it’s not, something needs to change.
future—your abilities, skills, and talents will complement each other But here’s where it gets tricky. If you were to sell a car that no longer
and allow for a long and productive career together. The unique sense suited your needs or give an old couch to Goodwill after redecorating,
of partnership you feel with your equine friend is only heightened what happened to the car or the couch once it was out of your possession
the more time you spend together. probably wouldn’t matter much to you. You took care of it while it was

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yours, but if the new owners aren’t as conscientious…well, it’s their loss, really shine. Selling her will also give you the funds to buy a replacement
not yours. Right? that might be better suited for your goals and what you want to do.
Your horse is property under the law, and you’re certainly within Once you sell a horse outright, though, you no longer have any
your rights to sell or give him to someone else. However, he isn’t a car control over how she’s kept or treated. Her new owners could keep her
or a couch; you’re responsible for his well-being. Once you hand his in conditions you wouldn’t approve of or ride her harder than you think
lead rope to someone else, his fate is out of your control. appropriate. They could be rough, or even abusive. And eventually they
It may not seem practical to suggest that all horse owners consider could sell her to someone else, so you might lose track of your old
their commitment to a horse to be the same kind of lifetime commitment friend completely.
they’d make to a cat or a dog. Horses are large animals that are expensive Frankly, no matter how careful you are, selling a horse is a risk—once
to keep. Some people don’t have the resources to turn a young, healthy the horse is out of your control, anything can happen. But there are steps
horse out to pasture to live out the rest of his days. (Many horse owners you can take to minimize the chances that the horse you once cherished
can afford only one horse; they must face the terrible dilemma of will end up in an unfortunate situation.
“retiring” along with their unsound horse or finding a way to keep
riding without him.) Vetting Goes Both Ways
A mismatched horse and rider can be downright dangerous, both to
We’ve already covered the horse-buying process from the buyer’s side.
themselves and to others. It’s not fair to a horse to ask him to perform
It’s time to focus on this transaction from the seller’s point of view.
in a capacity for which he’s not suited, and riding is too expensive and
You should approach selling your horse as a sort of interview process
time-consuming to pursue if you don’t absolutely love it. Sometimes,
for potential owners. It is your responsibility to ensure your horse is
certain horse-and-rider partnerships are just better off ended.
going to a home of which you approve, and you may want to include
So what then?
this criterion in your ad.
Be prepared with a list of questions for potential buyers. Ask about
Selling their riding experience and whether they have a trainer or other knowl-
Perhaps the Quarter Horse mare you hoped would be your trail-riding edgeable person they can go to for advice. Ask where they plan to keep
companion hasn’t settled into the bombproof buddy you thought she the horse, and whether he’ll get turnout and how much. If possible, visit
would. On a cool and windy day, she likes to express her enthusiasm for his potential new home. Ask about the prospective buyer’s riding goals
life with a few “oh-I-feel-so-good!” bucks that leave you clinging to the and plans. Ask for references.
saddle horn. Her outbursts are never malicious and probably wouldn’t Pay attention to how the prospective buyer interacts with your horse,
bother a stronger rider, but they erode your confidence until you no both in and out of the saddle. You know your horse’s quirks: do you think
longer feel safe riding out on the trail—or riding at all. the buyer will be able to handle them effectively? The buyer might not
In this case, selling the horse may be the right option. This isn’t the per- be able to assess her own riding skills very objectively, but you can.
fect horse for you, but she might be the perfect horse for someone else. In Also, be as honest with the buyer as you possibly can. Misrepresenting
a new home and a new career, your horse might enjoy her work more and your horse’s temperament or abilities isn’t the way to find him a home
where he’ll be a good fit; it’s just setting him up to be sold again when

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that partnership doesn’t work out. Be up-front about any health or way into a bad situation. The only way to be sure your horse is always
training issues he’s had, his level of experience, how difficult he is to cared for in a manner you find appropriate is to maintain ownership
ride, and his competitive record. You’re not doing your horse any favors of him.
by pumping up his résumé and putting him in a situation for which However, there are ways you can find your horse a new situation
he’s not suited. for which he might be better suited and still remain his owner.
Don’t be afraid to seem nosy or distrustful. Above all, don’t be afraid Leasing a horse allows you to maintain ownership but gives another
to follow your gut. Your horse will thank you for it. rider certain responsibilities and privileges. As we said in chapter 4,
some leases entail a fee—a rider pays the horse’s owner specifically for
Letting Go…But Not Completely the opportunity to ride that horse, usually a very talented individual
with a top show record. (The rider pays the horse’s expenses—including
If the stars are properly aligned, you’ll find a buyer for your horse about
show expenses—in addition to the riding fee for the opportunity to com-
whom you’re actually excited, someone you feel will take excellent care
pete on a horse he could not otherwise afford.) More common is a “free
of your friend. Ideally, you’ll be happy, not apprehensive, when watching
lease,” or “expenses-only” lease, which requires that the lessee pay only
your former horse head down your driveway in his new owner’s trailer.
certain expenses, such as board, feed, and farrier and veterinary care.
Keep in touch with the buyer and be sure he always has your current
In some ways the lease can be the best of both worlds if you want
contact information. Let the buyer know that you care about this horse
to be a responsible caretaker. You’re still your horse’s legal owner and
and ask to be contacted if things don’t work out, or if the buyer ever
are ultimately in charge of his fate, but your horse is partnered with
needs to find the horse a new home.
someone better suited to his talents or abilities.
Many sellers try to work this into their bills of sale by either including
To ensure that a lease works out as intended, be sure to
a buy-back clause or a right of “first refusal.” The first contractually
draft an ironclad written lease agreement that spells out each party’s
“forbids” the new owner from selling the horse and requires that he be
responsibilities. Screen potential lessees as carefully as you would screen
sold only back to you. The second merely reserves the owner’s right to
potential buyers—and stay involved. If the horse is stabled at a different
have “first dibs” on the horse if he should ever be offered up for sale.
facility from where you board or live, call the lessee for frequent progress
Both methods are a great idea in theory, but, in practice, they’re
reports and stop by the facility to make sure your horse looks as happy
difficult to enforce and shouldn’t be relied on. The new owners may
as you want him to be.
pick up and move without notice to you…if not after the first move,
As important as a written lease agreement is, it isn’t worth the
perhaps after the second or third relocation. Neither a buy-back clause
paper it’s printed on if you don’t keep in touch with your lessee. If
nor a right of first refusal will do anything to help you track down
you don’t, you could discover he has sold the horse without your
your horse if the buyer sells him without informing you.
permission or, after a few unreturned phone calls, eventually find
the lessee and horse are long gone. In such cases (and they do happen),
A New Lease on Life you have very few practical options available to you. It is much better
After all this, does the idea of selling your horse make you apprehensive? to stay in frequent contact with the lessee and inspect your horse
It should. There’s really no way to ensure that your horse won’t find his in the flesh on a regular basis.

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Donation put many buyers off, such as a stable vice or a quirk that requires a
For some people, leasing can be rather labor-intensive. Finding the right certain level of rider skill to deal with. Another may have age and
lessee may take a long time, or you might not find one at all. In cases of physical issues that don’t affect him now but do make him less
partial (or part-time) leasing, you’re still shouldering some of the financial appealing to buyers who don’t want to gamble with potential physical
burden. If leasing is not feasible for you, but you don’t want to sell your problems down the road.
horse outright, donating the horse might be a viable option. An organization that accepts donated horses is more willing to work
Many organizations accept donated horses for use in various around these issues. College programs may be interested in talented-but-
programs—mounted police, therapeutic riding programs for the complicated horses since they want to challenge their students’ riding
handicapped, and intercollegiate equestrian teams are a few of the skills. Therapeutic riding programs can be a wonderful choice for horses
most common. In most cases, you have to cede ownership to the nearing the end of their useful riding careers, because the horse is
organization, but many groups will agree to keep you informed about rarely required to move faster than a walk. In fact, slightly creaky older
your horse and give you the opportunity to buy him back or reclaim gentlemen and ladies are in high demand for such programs because
ownership if he’s no longer able to participate in their program. Most do they’re so quiet and sensible!
not guarantee that they will keep him once he is no longer useful to Your donation is usually tax-deductible, so you’ll enjoy that as a benefit,
their program, however, so if you don’t make arrangements for his return as well as the knowledge that you’re helping a worthwhile program. It’s
to you, he may be sold to the highest bidder when that time comes. a good feeling to know that your horse is introducing children to the joys
Research the organization thoroughly before signing your horse over of riding or helping a handicapped adult overcome a physical disability.
to it. Ask for references and ask local veterinarians or trainers for their
opinions about the group. Visit the group’s facility and speak to the
person in charge of caring for the group’s horses. Ask about deworming,
Nothing Good Lasts Forever
vaccination, and shoeing schedules. Look at the type and quality of Holding Things Together
feed offered. Cast a critical eye over the other horses under this group’s Good veterinary care—especially preventive care—helps to keep an equine
care; do they look healthy and happy? athlete working comfortably well into middle age and beyond. As a horse
Make sure you’ll be welcome to visit your horse at any time, and gets older, your veterinarian will likely become one of his closest friends!
do so. Keep in touch with the people actually caring for him: make Many therapies and nutritional supplements can help keep a horse sound
sure they’re aware that you’ll take your horse back if he’s no longer and comfortable and allow him to continue in his job.
appropriate for their program. It’s not unheard of for horses to continue competing into their late
If you’re lucky, an organization in your area with a long-standing, teens, or even early twenties. In 1998 eleven-year-old Megan Moore was
gilt-edged reputation will love your horse, and you can rest assured a divisional national barrel-racing champion at the Great Lakes Nationals
that your horse is going to a proven good home. on her horse Deckem Lilly Bug, who, at twenty-eight, was by far the
Donation is often a good option for horses who might not be oldest equine winner in the competition. That kind of longevity is
particularly easy to sell to the right buyer. One horse may have great unusual, but plenty of horses are comfortable and happy being ridden—
athletic prowess but also have management or riding issues that will and even being in competitions—into their golden years.

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In the previous chapter we discussed how riders have to be careful a low dose, so the pain-relieving effect isn’t so high that it masks pain
not to let their horses’ welfare suffer at the hands of their competitive from a serious injury.
spirits. Likewise, we have to be cautious that we don’t exploit veterinary You don’t want to medicate your horse to the point that his pain is
advancements to the point that a horse becomes Humpty Dumpty: dulled and then keep riding him as if nothing is wrong while a chronic
constantly “breaking” and being pieced back together again. If you start injury worsens.
to feel as though you’re holding your horse together with the veterinary
equivalent of duct tape, something is amiss. When One Door Closes, Another Opens
Horses are notoriously accident-prone and fragile; if you own any
If it doesn’t seem that your horse can physically hold up to the rigors of
individual horse for any length of time, he’s highly likely to sustain a
his current job, or if he simply isn’t enjoying his work anymore, it might
few injuries that require a period of being laid up. It can be something
be time to change his job description.
as innocuous as a hoof abscess or as serious and career-threatening
This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to pull his shoes and turn him
as a bowed tendon. Even under the best of care, horses get hurt.
out to pasture, although that’s certainly something to consider. But exercise
There’s a difference, though, between the accidents and injuries that
is actually quite good for older horses, and it’s a good idea to keep them
“just happen” (inevitably the week before a show) and an ongoing string
at a constant level of light to moderate fitness as long as possible.
of wear-and-tear injuries or repeated flare-ups of chronic conditions.
Lightening his workload may be enough to keep him happy and
Pain and injuries are the body’s way of forcing us to slow down and
comfortable. Make his daily workouts less strenuous—take more walk
take it easy. If your horse’s body is speaking up that loudly, listen.
breaks and don’t ride quite so long. Take more long, lazy trail rides
As the person responsible for your horse’s well-being, it’s up to you
as an alternative to concentrated work in an arena. If you jump, don’t
to make decisions about his treatment and work/competition schedule.
do it as frequently, lower the fence standards a hole or two, and cut
Here’s where a good, trusted veterinarian is an invaluable ally, because
down on the jump efforts significantly.
you need someone to help you understand the full extent of any injury,
the horse’s prognosis for recovery, and his overall condition. You should
explore all treatment options, as well as routine maintenance (such
as anti-inflammatories or joint supplements), that can help your older Some horses are able to be ridden throughout their lives, right until the
fellow continue to feel comfortable and enjoy his job. very end. But for others, there may come a point when they truly cannot
Many older horses do well on maintenance-level doses of anti- hold a “job” anymore. Your horse might incur an injury that makes him
inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or phenylbutazone (Bute). These permanently lame, or founder, or suffer an illness that makes him unable
drugs are usually safe and well tolerated, although they can cause to perform regular work—even light riding.
gastric upset and ulcers in some horses, even at low doses. As an owner, you must be prepared for this to happen at any point in your
Such drugs can help alleviate the aches and pains that aren’t serious horse’s life. A well-placed kick from a pasture mate, for example, can lead to
but are common among older horses. They shouldn’t be administered a career-ending injury for a horse of any age. But if you own an older horse,
except on the advice of a veterinarian, though, and should be given at the end of your horse’s riding life should be at the forefront of your mind.

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Horses who are no longer ridden become purely companion animals There are many farms advertised as retirement facilities for horses
(albeit very large ones). Keeping a horse solely as a pet has its challenges— around the country, and they do sound idyllic. Your horse can while away
horses can be expensive to house and feed. But when a horse has spent a his days in a large green pasture with a number of other old cronies. Be
lifetime in service to humans, a proper retirement is his due. sure to check out any such places thoroughly.
Your horse will tell you if this is what he wants and needs, if you listen You still want to see your retiree regularly, of course. He’ll need
carefully. You’ll notice that he’s ever stiffer when being led out of the someone to groom him and doctor his cuts and scrapes. You should also
stall in the morning. He won’t dance at the ends of the reins as you lead keep a vigilant eye on his body condition, so you’re aware of any changes
him to the mounting block in anticipation of a fun-filled ride. He won’t in his health. His teeth may need more regular examination by the
puff himself up with pride when he does something well under saddle: veterinarian or equine dentist, due to age-related wear and loss. He may
on the contrary, it’ll seem that the quality of his performance is on a be able to go barefoot, perhaps for the first time in his adult life, but he
constant backslide. His performance may seem labored, the joy gone. will still need regular farriery. His vaccination schedule may change if
You know your horse better than anyone, and he’ll tell you quite he is not traveling to shows, trail rides, and clinics any longer, but the
clearly when he no longer enjoys his work. likelihood of age-related chronic problems (such as Cushing’s disease)
will increase. Your retiree will never complain, but you will want to stay
Green Fields, Blue Skies an engaged, observant owner, whether he is in your backyard or a huge
field, as he ages through the years, then slips into decline.
Most retired horses do best with as much turnout as possible, so they
can get plenty of leisurely exercise. You need to decide for yourself if
your horse would enjoy twenty-four-hour turnout, or if he’d rather be
brought in for a few hours a day, either away from heat and insects or
The Final Good-bye
out of windy, icy conditions, based on his eagerness to be brought in. When It’s Time to Euthanize
Horses are more affected by heat and cold as they age, so if your horse There may come a time when you have to make that final, difficult
is turned out full time, keep a careful eye on your friend in extreme decision in your horse’s best interest. He may sustain an irreparable
weather conditions, particularly if access to shelter is limited. injury that leaves him in constant pain. He might develop any number
A horse out in a field by himself is hardly ever happy. If you’re not fortu- of disorders that plague older horses—Cushing’s disease, thyroid
nate enough to have your own farm, you may find it necessary to change problems, chronic founder—that are likely to lead to a constant
your horse’s living arrangements when he takes on his new role as a lawn worsening of his physical condition.
ornament. Since you’re no longer riding him, you might be able to find a As the stewards of our animals, we shoulder the responsibility
boarding facility that provides good care but fewer rider-oriented amenities for making this difficult, yet kind, decision on our animals’ behalf. It’s
(after all, why pay a premium price to board at a barn with well-groomed a daunting burden to hold a life in your hands, and if you’ve never had
riding arenas you’ll never use?) or is less conveniently located for daily visits. to make the decision before, you might wonder how you’ll know when
Sometimes a retiree can find a new job as a companion horse. You might is the right time.
ask your horse-loving contacts (including veterinarians and farriers) if they Longtime pet or horse owners will tell you that you’ll know when
know anyone with a single horse at home who wants a buddy. the time is right—you’ll just know. If a horse stops eating, cannot rise

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Your old-timer Your veterinarian will give the sedative first, and then an overdose
will let you know of sodium pentobarbital. The barbiturate depresses the central nervous
when it is time system and leads to respiratory and cardiac arrest; the sedative minimizes
to say good-bye. the horse’s reaction and, ideally, allows the veterinarian to “lay the horse
down” without violent thrashing.
The process can be difficult to watch, especially if you’re seeing it
done for the first time on your own beloved horse. A horse is a large
animal who doesn’t always fall gently. The horse may exhibit some
thrashing, kicking, or twitching, but this is an automatic response
and not a sign that he is experiencing pain. Other than inserting the
intravenous needle, the process should be painless. You may want a
trusted friend, one with whom your horse is familiar but who has less
of an emotional attachment, to help the veterinarian in this role—in
exchange for your promise to do the same for him.

 
Although euthanasia by barbiturate overdose is more expensive
than other options, since it requires a veterinarian to be present, it
is the accepted humane method. You assume financial responsibility
for your horse when you purchase him, and this final expense is his
or move about comfortably, if he no longer interacts with his herd-mates
just due.
or seems unresponsive to the ebb and flow of daily life, or develops an ill-
You will also have to make arrangements for disposal of your horse’s
ness requiring invasive treatment with little hope of real recovery, take
carcass after euthanasia, which usually entails a separate fee paid to
heed. Trust your judgment. Listen to your horse. Ask for the candid advice
a livestock disposal service. With prior notification, the service will
of a trusted veterinarian. Usually, the answer will be clear. While the deci-
send a truck to the euthanasia site to haul the body to a rendering
sion to euthanize is difficult and fraught with sadness, without a doubt,
facility. Your veterinarian can help you make this arrangement. Many
it’s also the kindest decision you’ll ever make on your horse’s behalf.
horse owners prefer not to witness the removal of the body, and with
prior payment of the fee and clear directions to the driver, this can
The Long Sleep be accomplished.
The preferred method of euthanasia for horses, recommended by If local ordinances permit it, and you have—or can hire for a
The Humane Society of the United States, is administration of a lethal reasonable fee—the heavy equipment required, you can bury your horse
dose of barbiturates in combination with a sedative. These are federally on your property. (Note, however, that this now is illegal in some states.)63
controlled substances administered via intravenous injection by a You can also have your horse cremated. Veterinary colleges usually
licensed veterinarian. perform this service. (Pet cemeteries with crematories typically cannot
handle a body the size of a horse’s.) Composting, although not legal

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in all states, is considered an inexpensive and environmentally sound strange horses before reaching his final destination in Texas. The horses
method of carcass disposal, when undertaken correctly. Landfills often fight and injure each other en route.
may also be an option; each landfill operates under its own policy, Legislation has been enacted that was meant to ensure these horses
and delivery to the landfill also has to be arranged. are treated more humanely during their final journey. USDA’s regulations
require that horses be fed, watered, and rested at least every twenty-eight
An Unacceptable Alternative hours en route, and the use of double-decker trailers to transport horses
was outlawed in 2006. Although the legislation was meant to help end
Although horsemeat is not consumed in this country, U.S. slaughterhouses
some of the abuses horses face in transport, the regulations still leave
historically have processed horses for human consumption overseas. These
a lot to be desired and are seldom, if ever, enforced.
facilities were often where lame, unwanted, or elderly horses met their end;
Once at the slaughter facility, horses are “stunned” by use of a captive
their owners were more concerned about wringing a few last dollars out
bolt—a gun that shoots a metal rod into the horse’s brain, rendering the
of them than with giving their horses a humane end.
horse unconscious. (Horses who are euthanized by barbiturate overdose
From 2000 to 2007, up to one hundred thousand horses were
cannot be safely consumed by humans, so the captive bolt is used instead.)
slaughtered in the United States annually, according to the U.S. Department
After stunning, the horse is hoisted by one leg from a chain, and his throat
of Agriculture (USDA), which oversees this industry and enforces the laws
is cut. He subsequently bleeds to death and his carcass is processed.
that regulate it. Thousands more were slaughtered in Mexico and Canada,
Improper use of the captive bolt during slaughter means that horses
outside USDA’s jurisdiction.
may often endure repeated blows with the device and may be improperly
Most horses come to slaughterhouses from livestock auctions and
stunned as they proceed through slaughter.64
sales, where “killer-buyers” purchase them for just a few hundred dol-
Although having a horse euthanized on the farm will likely cost the
lars apiece. These horses are from all walks of equine life—racehorses,
horse owner a couple of hundred dollars, administering a quiet and
children’s ponies, show horses, broodmares. Many obviously had loving
humane end should be worth that. Horses who go to slaughter endure
owners at one point in their lives but have been sold so many times that
a strenuous trip under horrific conditions, and their last moments are
a caring owner might be a distant memory; others are in such sorry
filled with fear. For those reasons alone, no conscientious owner should
shape that it seems they’ve never been shown any kindness at all.
allow a horse for whom she is respons ible to go that route.
There are many humane and ethical concerns regarding the
On an ethical level, caring horsemen simply shouldn’t stand for
slaughter of horses, and over the past several years, public consciousness
the idea that it’s acceptable for horses who have spent their lifetimes
and legislation has caught up to what some in the horse world have
as servants and companions to humans to be slaughtered for human
known for a long time—that many of this country’s horses meet their
consumption, and the voices proclaiming that are growing louder
end not at the hands of a veterinarian or peacefully in a field, but
and louder.
at a slaughterhouse.
Federal legislation has been introduced (although not yet passed)
One of the primary concerns about equine slaughter is the fact that
that would ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption and
the horses must often be transported long distances to the slaughter
their export for slaughter. Six states have already outlawed the practice—
facility. A horse sold for slaughter in Florida, for example, historically
had to endure a thousand-mile trip crowded into a stock trailer with

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California was the first, enacting legislation in 1998; since then, five a dozen other horses, headed for a slaughterhouse in Mexico. Her final,
others have followed suit, and more states are considering a ban. ignoble end could be on a dinner table in Belgium.
Slaughter for human consumption is not the same as rendering In 2003 it was learned that Ferdinand, the winner of the 1986 Kentucky
(which is the process of using the carcasses of dead horses for pet or Derby, likely died at a slaughterhouse in Japan in 2002 after a career
animal food, or fertilizer). Rendering facilities only accept carcasses at stud. The bright chestnut Thoroughbred won almost $3.8 million on
(usually animals who have either died of natural causes or have been the racetrack and was the fifth leading money-winner of all time. He
euthanized with a barbiturate overdose, which makes them unfit for certainly had earned his keep, but even his stellar accomplishment
human consumption), not live animals. wasn’t enough to prevent his last owner, a Japanese horse dealer, from
sending him to slaughter.
The fact that even a superstar like Ferdinand isn’t guaranteed a happy
Conclusion ending only reinforces the importance of stewards for the “mere mortal”
As horsemen, we all owe a great debt to the horses on which we’ve horses whose names aren’t enshrined in history. Fame and competitive
learned and practiced our skills. For some of us, that list of equine success aren’t enough, nor is a cute face or a sweet disposition. Horses
partners is very long; for others, it may only contain a few names. rely on people to secure them the final days they deserve.
Regardless, we all have certain horses whom we remember fondly—
that first lesson horse, the first horse you owned, an exceptionally
talented horse, or one who was especially kind.
We get nostalgic and reminisce about rides on those horses, and
the tricks they pulled or the lessons they taught us. If we have put
his fate in the hands of others, we muse aloud, “I wonder whatever
happened to him.”
The hope, of course, is that those old friends are continuing to thrive
at their jobs, teaching new generations of riders, and living to a ripe
old age. When their riding days are over, we hope they’re living like the
horse in the example that began this chapter—simply enjoying being
horses after a lifetime of hard work, with a conscientious human
looking after them.
A horse may have several owners throughout her lifetime; if just one
of those owners is lacking in compassion or a sense of responsibility,
that horse’s life may suddenly deviate in a direction most of us don’t
want to think about. She could end up starved or abused. She could be
pushed to keep working when she’s lame or sore. Her final days might
not be spent snoozing in a sunny pasture but crammed into a truck with

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after absorbing all of the advice set

forth in this book, you’re amply prepared to care
for, ride, and compete your own horse in a humane
manner befitting the trust your horse places in you,
and the responsibility you feel toward him. Both
your horse’s health and his well-being will be
the better for it.
But all horses are not so lucky. There are individuals within the animal life in general. In any event, such situations are a matter for law
horse world for whom equine health and well-being are not important enforcement to handle, but it’s often everyday citizens who sound the
considerations; they’re more interested in the glory of competitive alarm and get authorities involved.
success or running a prosperous business. To some, horses are little You can do your part simply by being observant and aware. Make a
more than commodities or equipment to be used and disposed of by any point of getting to know (if only by sight) the horses in your general area.
convenient or financially beneficial means. Although it may be difficult Take note of any out-of-the-way horse properties you might pass while
to fathom for those of us who care so deeply for our horses, some people driving down back roads, or that might be visible from the trails while
simply don’t care at all. Horses are often the victims of neglect or abuse you’re riding, and observe how many horses there are and their general
by owners who should know better. condition. (You should never trespass, however; simply make mental
It’s a constant struggle to secure humane treatment for all animals, notes of what’s visible as you pass by.)
horses included. Ensuring the best of care for our own horses is, of course, In some instances of abuse, horses exist on a property in very
where we all should focus our efforts, but it’s also important to help poor condition for months or even years, simply because there are no
elevate the care of horses as a whole. As admirers of the species, watchful eyes around to see and report them. Being on constant alert
we owe it to these magnificent creatures to continue improving the for abuse and neglect might allow you to be the one person who notices
situation of horses everywhere. the too-skinny horse in a secluded paddock off a dead-end road, and
We’re not all capable of running a rescue or leading a legislative can get him the help he needs.
battle, but there are myriad ways in which average horse owners can If you spot horses who look to be in very poor condition, or if you
help make the world a better place for horses to live, even if it’s just notice a deterioration in the condition of horses with whom you’re
one horse at a time. familiar, you can notify local animal-control authorities and ask them
to investigate. (You can do so anonymously, if you wish.) Provide them
with as much detail as you can about the situation—the address of the
Speak Out Against Cruelty farm, the number of horses on the property, and what you noticed about
The horse world is a diverse one, where well-meaning individuals often their condition and the care being provided. For example, if you can see
have very different opinions. But there’s one issue around which all that the horses’ hooves are curling up at the toes, that’s a telltale sign
equine enthusiasts can unite: opposition to abject cruelty and neglect. of neglect, as are untreated wounds.
Unfortunately, it seems as though every few months a new case of If you feel comfortable doing so, you can simply approach the owner
abuse gains widespread publicity due to its severity—a farm where the with an offer to help. Many times neglect springs from ignorance or
owners simply stopped feeding the horses, leaving dozens of them to poverty, and the owner might be grateful for someone to guide him
starve; a horse who is dragged to death behind a truck; kids shooting to options that will help him provide better care.
and killing horses for “fun.” Know the laws regarding animal neglect in your state and what
Many times these are incidents perpetrated by mentally disturbed constitutes a sufficient level of care—in most instances, horses must
individuals whose actions are outside our realm of understanding. In be provide d with food, water, veterinary care, and shelter (although
other instances, the abuse is the result of a cavalier attitude toward in some jurisdictions, a stand of trees may qualify as “shelter”), but

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specifics vary. If there are obvious violations, such as failure to provide
shelter, include that information with your complaint. Let the animal- Less Obvious Forms of Abuse
control officer know that you are an experienced horse person so the
Lack of food, water, and shelter are not the only abuses to which horses
officer will know your assessment is an educated one. (These officers
are subjected, unfortunately, nor does abuse happen only on secluded
are also called on by those who are less knowledgeable to investigate
private properties, out of the sight of passersby. Often abuse occurs in
“dead” horses who are simply napping in the sunshine, or “blindfolded”
front of witnesses or at public facilities, such as horse show grounds,
horses who are wearing fly masks, so they are likely to appreciate know-
and may be perpetuated by so-called equine professionals in the name
ing that your report is based on actual knowledge of proper horse care.)
of “discipline” or “training.”
The attitudes and helpfulness of local animal-control officials
If you’re familiar with the concept of diffusion of responsibility, you
range widely. In some jurisdictions they may not take such reports
know that, when there are more people around to observe a situation,
very seriously, or they may be so severely understaffed that they have
it’s often less likely that someone will speak up or intercede, simply
a large backlog of cases. (Animal control may not exist as a separate
because everyone assumes someone else will do it. You see this
agency but be the responsibility of the sheriff’s department, or be
principle played out in real life in the warm-up arena of an equestrian
handled by a volunteer investigator from a nonprofit agency.) Keep
competition. Perhaps a frustrated rider is jerking her horse in the
an eye on the horses in question and follow up with animal control,
mouth, jabbing him with the spur, or walloping him repeatedly with a
especially if it seems that the animals’ condition fails to improve. If
crop, the punishment getting more out of control as the horse’s behavior
you’re not satisfied with the response from animal control, ask for
(understandably) doesn’t improve. Other riders steer clear to avoid
help from your elected officials or contact equine rescue organizations
upsetting their own horses, and trainers warming up their students in
or local humane societies in your area and see if they can help you
the ring seem oblivious to the meltdown in progress. Spectators along
light a fire under the proper authorities.
the rail avert their eyes, muttering, “That horse is a saint,” or “What
Keep in mind that there are legitimate reasons for horses to be in
a shame,” to one another.
poor shape, so don’t automatically assume the worst. Elderly horses
Rarely does anyone speak up or attempt to stop behavior that is
often have a very difficult time maintaining their weight, despite the
clearly inappropriate. No one wants to offend fellow riders or competitors
best efforts of their owners, and may be unthrifty, shaggy, and sway-
or challenge those deemed more experienced or accomplished. People
backed, even if they’re in decent health for their age. A horse who has
allow the abuse to continue because they don’t want to be perceived as
been ill or injured may lose considerable weight that takes time to gain
rude or make a scene during an otherwise enjoyable day. This “see no
back. Perhaps the horse in question is a rescued animal in the process
evil” strategy damages everyone who participates in every organized
of being rehabbed. When animal control investigates such complaints,
equine activity. It is tacit acceptance of, and complicity in, bad behavior.
the officer should be able to discern easily whether it’s a case of abuse
No matter what your discipline, a sanctioned competition always has
or neglect or if there are reasonable explanations for why a horse is
some sort of official whose job it is to enforce the rules, including those
in poor condition. He may check for available food and water on the
that govern abusive behavior. If you witness a situation you feel crosses
premises or ask to see the owner’s feed-store receipts. Officials can also
the line between appropriate and inappropriate treatment of a horse,
check back after a period of time to ensure that animals are improving.
find that official immediately and insist that she accompany you back

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to the horse and rider in question. In most cases the official actually don’t have much horse knowledge might not recognize when a horse is
must witness abuse to take action against a competitor; she cannot too thin or might not know the difference between hay (feed) and straw
simply rely on eyewitness accounts from bystanders. (bedding). An owner might not realize the importance of regular hoof or
Even if the official doesn’t witness the abuse first-hand and can’t dental care. Or an individual might simply be overwhelmed by the work—
sanction a rider under the rules, she is likely to have a stern word with and cash—involved in caring for horses and find herself caught in a down-
the abuser and let the person know she is being watched. Perhaps this ward spiral of neglect from which there seems to be no escape.
action alone will prevent similar outbursts from this rider in the future Individuals have a responsibility to be educated about the animals
or cause the rider to reflect on her behavior and realize it was out of line. in their care and to provide for them. But not all ignorant people are
There are times, however, when there are no officials available to inherently careless or unkind; they are not necessarily lost causes.
help, and it’s up to individuals to step in and speak up. If you witness If you make the effort to get to know your horsey neighbors and other
behavior you believe is abusive—at a private facility where you’re horse owners in your community—the folks whom you pass on the trails
a visitor, or perhaps at the barn where you board—approach the or meet at the tack or feed stores—and become involved with others at
individual in a firm, but non-threatening way, if you can. Sometimes the local level, you can sometimes spot dangerous situations developing
simply drawing attention to the fact that the incident has been and make yourself available to help.
noticed—that witnesses are present—will change the behavior. At other Perhaps your next-door neighbor has an older horse who has gotten
times, a private but subtle criticism (“Trainer Smith, I’m uncomfortable progressively thinner over the course of the summer and fall, and winter
with how hard you are on Midnight. It seems to me he is frightened, is fast approaching. Neighbor Jim is a well-meaning person, but he is not
not ‘just being an idiot.’”) will at least force the rider/handler to justify very knowledgeable about horses: he might not even have noticed that
behavior that is unacceptable to students and onlookers. the horse was losing weight or might not know what to do about it.
Your “interference” may not be received well. Someone who is upset Stop by his house to say hello. Compliment his barn paint job, dog,
enough to mistreat a horse is obviously not in a frame of mind open or garden, then casually mention that you noticed old Stormy was looking
to criticism. Expect defensiveness, even hostility. Such a response is a little thin: has the neighbor tried a particular brand of feed that worked
telling in and of itself. Do what you can without risking your own well for your older horse? Would he like the number for your equine
safety. At least by stepping forward and speaking up, you may have dentist, who did such a great job helping your older fellow?
inspired others—grooms, working students, horse-owning novice It’s certainly not unheard of for horse people to tell a few white lies to
parents—to summon the courage to do the same. help effect a solution. You might just happen to have a few bags of senior
feed sitting in your feed room that you’re not going to use (because you
Educating Others bought them for the neighbor’s horse)—would he like to try some? Or you
might coincidentally have the equine dentist coming over to float your
Although many cases of abuse or neglect are premeditated, purposeful,
horses’ teeth next week—would he like to join in on the appointment?
and can have no legitimate excuse, there are instances in which horses
Well-intentioned but uneducated horse owners can be helped, if
suffer because their owners simply don’t know any better. Those who
someone takes the time to do so (and they’re amenable to being helped).
In such cases, small efforts on your part can make a big difference for

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the horses, and can perhaps turn around what otherwise could have a matter of public record. (For instance, the USEF, which governs saddle
developed into a very unfortunate situation. seat, show hunters and jumpers, eventing, dressage, and reining, among
other organized sports, publishes all rules violations in its monthly
members’ magazine.)
Vote with Your Wallet When enough people decide that they’re not willing to financially
In any local area, you’re likely to find some professionals (trainers, barn “enable” the horse world’s less savory characters, the horse world
managers, and the like) with wonderful reputations as consummate becomes a much less attractive place for the unsavory to do business.
horsemen, nearly universally recommended by others in the area.
But there are a whole lot more whose reputations are decidedly mixed.
You might hear of a trainer who many say has worked wonders with their Educate Yourself
horses, but he has also been suspended several times by the governing About Welfare Issues
association of his sport for rules violations. Another might be that rider Over the last hundred years, great strides have been made in ensuring
you saw losing her temper with her horse in the warm-up arena. humane treatment for all animals, including horses. It used to be that
Rumors can often run rampant, of course, and it can be difficult to animals were considered a person’s property, and owners could do as
confirm or debunk what you hear about others. But even if only half of they chose, regardless of the effects on the animal. Today, the humane
what you hear in any given local horse community is actually true, it’s community views all animals as entitled to basic standards of care and
enough to make your hair stand on end. protection from abuse, whether they’re pets, farm animals, or animals used
For some individuals, all that matters is that a professional gets them in research. The humane treatment of animals is an established part of
results—whether it’s ribbons or a horse sold or a training problem solved— our culture, and, although many serious issues persist, progress is being
even if the methods are questionable. They dismiss previous transgressions made all the time.
and are willing to look the other way if rules or ethical covenants are broken. These changes didn’t occur overnight and wouldn’t have been possible
If the trainer helps Suzy win the championship at this year’s big show or without substantial pressure from concerned citizens, those who
runs the glitziest barn in town, they choose to ignore the fact that horses in his demanded laws to protect animals, and those who worked to educate
“program” seem to last only a few years before being broken down or sold off, the public and change perceptions about how animals should be treated.
or that he was suspended for showing a horse that tested positive for cocaine. That work continues today, both in the United States and in developing
Unscrupulous individuals are kept in business by those who are nations, where much remains to be done to ensure protection for
willing to put ethics aside for their own personal gain, and unfortunately, animals under the law and to educate the general public.
the horse industry has a healthy contingent of such people. As a horse owner, your first focus (and rightfully so) is your own
If the humane treatment of horses is important to you, you should support horse, managing his care and simply enjoying his company. But as
equine professionals who share your beliefs. Vote with your wallet, and give equine enthusiasts, we also have an appreciation for the entire species.
your business to those in the industry who have demonstrated that they And some horses are not fortunate enough to have owners like you
believe in putting the horses first. Avoid those who are known for bending who care so diligently for them. Who looks out for those horses?
the rules (and even the law) when it suits them. Rules violations are usually

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By becoming educated about the welfare issues facing our equine around you and raises the overall level of care. When you don’t tolerate
friends, we can help spur discussion of these concerns within the callous attitudes toward buying and selling, or when you disavow
equestrian community and use our collective expertise to develop abusive training practices, it encourages others to do the same. And
solutions. Visit The HSUS at its website, www.humanesociety.org, to when you compete in a conscientious manner, embodying the ideas
find out how you can help us combat cruelty. of putting the horse first and engaging in good sportsmanship, it
shows others how things should be done.
You can actively help your friends, neighbors, and barn-mates to learn
How Horse Lovers Can Help about the welfare issues that affect horses. Some may view their horse
Although the issues facing horses can seem vast and insurmountable, activities as an escape from “real-life” problems and want to hide from the
progress is being made all the time, thanks to horse-loving individuals dark side, but others are simply so involved in their own small corner
who get involved. Equine enthusiasts come from widely varying back- of the horse world they may unaware of what goes on elsewhere.
grounds—from the cowboys of the West to elite show riders of the East—
but what all should have in common is a reverence and respect for the
horse. When riders from across disciplines come together and speak Support Legislation
in one voice, much can be accomplished. All the good examples in the world won’t encourage certain individuals
The protections our horses have now were not quick in coming, to change their practices—they need to be forced to do so by legislation.
and the horse lovers who preceded us had to work hard to secure In recent years, state and federal legislation has addressed the slaughter
them. Solutions to complex problems are rarely perfect, but such of horses for human consumption, equine transport, and fraud in horse
problems can always be improved over time. Although we may never sales. New legislative efforts are always emerging, from local ordinances
live in a society where all animals are safe from mistreatment or to federal laws, that can either be a boon or a detriment to humane
neglect, it’s certainly a noble goal to strive toward. horse care.
We can’t all be Anna Sewell, whose Black Beauty almost single- Take the time to educate yourself on such issues, and then make
handedly made animal welfare a popular cause more than a century your opinion known. Call or write your elected officials, tell them what
ago, or Velma Johnson (“Wild Horse Annie”), who campaigned to obtain you think, and encourage others in your local equestrian community
federal protection for free-roaming mustangs and burros on the western to do the same.
plains. But individuals can take many small actions that, cumulatively, Familiarize yourself with the existing laws regarding equine welfare
can make a big difference. in your state. As welfare advocates have become frustrated with lax
enforcement and paltry punishments for heinous crimes against animals,
there’s been a push to change such laws from misdemeanors to felonies.
Be an Example Forty-three states now have some sort of felony-level penalties for
As an individual horse owner, one of the most valuable contributions animal cruelty, and twenty-nine of those were enacted in just the last
you can make is to be a good example. When your own horse is happy ten years. Take a look at your state’s laws and see how they compare. Do
and supremely well cared for, it sets the standard for other horse owners they apply to first-time offenders? Do they include provisions for stiff

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care Activism

320 321
fines and prison time? If not, make your voice heard and press your
legislators to toughen the laws that protect animals.
Volunteer and Donate
Laws are only useful when they are enforced, however. How There are hard-working equine rescues in many communities whose
seriously does your local law enforcement take animal-related crimes? volunteers are on the front lines of the battle for humane treatment.
Is your local department of animal control effective and responsive Whenever a large-scale case of abuse makes the news—the discovery
to complaints? Animal-control departments are quite frequently of a farm with dozens of starving horses, for example—these groups
underfunded and understaffed. If this is the case in your community, take in the rescued animals. They’re equipped to deal with severe cases
lobby for improvements that will help these local officials pursue of starvation and abuse, everything from putting horses who are too
cases of abuse and neglect more effectively. weak to stand in slings to help them recover, to expert trimming and
rehabilitation of horribly neglected and overgrown hooves.
These groups take in the unwanted and the abused and nurse them
Get Involved back to health, then either make them available for adoption or provide
Did you know that many states, and even some cities and counties, have them with a permanent, safe home. They also offer valuable educational
their own horse councils? These non-profit membership organizations opportunities for the local community and help raise awareness about
represent all equine interests in their areas, from such big businesses as the welfare issues that affect horses.
horse racing to individual horse owners. They monitor legislative efforts These groups rely on horse-knowledgeable volunteers—from beginners
that affect the ownership and use of horses, such as changes in zoning able to handle a pitchfork and a feed scoop to experienced hands able
laws, including access to trails and public lands. And they provide an to work with problem horses. If you have time to give, it will certainly
information clearinghouse tailored to local interests, information on be well spent helping out at a reputable horse rescue in your area.
disease outbreaks, alerts about stolen horses or tack, lists of boarding It can be heartbreaking work, seeing horses who have often been
facilities, and so on. horrifically neglected or abused, but it is also incredibly rewarding
With the modest dues you pay to these organizations, you help to see them learn to trust humans, gain weight, and blossom once
support educational initiatives and ensure that local government hears again into beautiful animals.
the opinions of your community’s horse owners. You’ll also be firmly If you have an empty stall at home, you might also consider fostering
plugged into your community’s equine network, more aware of the a rescue horse. You typically provide feed, housing, and perhaps some
local issues facing horse owners, and better able to help resolve them. basic training until a horse can be placed in a new, permanent home.
There are national and local equine organizations that represent Putting horses in foster care helps them get more individualized
particular organized disciplines. If you’re an active competitor, you’re attention and frees up space at a rescue facility for emergency cases.
likely already required to be a member of the national organization, In addition to giving your time, you can support these groups with
but consider joining a local one, too. It will help you connect with monetary and equipment donations. Many rescues accept used tack,
other enthusiasts in your area. Even if you’re not an active competitor, horse blankets, riding clothes, and other items, either to use in their
national and local memberships help to support your sport. They programs or to sell to raise funds.
give you a chance to become involved in your sport’s governance
and lobby for rules that help protect the horse’s welfare.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care Activism

322 323
There are also many other non-profit groups with a more specialized
focus that may match your own interests. Some organizations work
to transition racing Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds, and Quarter
Horses to new pleasure or sport careers. Others specialize in
providing veterinary care for working horses in developing nations
and educating their owners about proper harness fit and horse-
management practices.

Whatever issues matter to you most, you’re sure to find an
organization out there dedicated to addressing them. By lending
your moral and financial support, you can help further the cause
of humane horse care beyond your own stable or local community.

HSUS Director of Equine Protection Keith Dane comforts one of the Miracle Horses rescued in 2007.

Rescues aren’t the only groups that can benefit from volunteers,
however. If you have a local Pony Club or 4-H, consider helping out in an
educational capacity. You can lend your expertise to help shape young
equine-loving minds, ensuring that sound horse-management practices
and a concern for equine welfare are passed on to the next generation.

Join Up
Finally, consider becoming a member of The Humane Society of the United
States (www.humanesociety.org) and other equine advocacy organizations.
Doing so will help keep you abreast of the welfare issues that affect horses
in this country and around the world. You’ll add your voice to the hundreds
of thousands of others calling for change when it’s necessary.
Your monetary contributions also help lobby for new legislation that
protects horses, and the continued enforcement and strengthening of
existing laws. Since its founding in 1954, The HSUS has worked to prevent
animal cruelty, exploitation, and neglect through education, advocacy, and
public policy reform. The HSUS has been a major force in pushing for the
ban of equine slaughter for human consumption, educating women
about Premarin, and advocating for stricter anti-cruelty laws.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care Activism

324 325

Chapter 1
Karol Wilson (director of member services and regional administration,
United States Pony Clubs), e-mail message to author(s), March 5, 2007.
Luann Ulrich (assistant manager of communications, American Quarter
Horse Association), e-mail message to author(s), March 1, 2007.

Chapter 2
International Museum of the Horse, “The First Horses: Hyracotherium”
(2007), http://www.kyhorsepark.com/museum/history.php?chapter=7.
Katherine Albro Houpt, Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and
Animal Scientists (Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1991), 90–92.
Ibid., 90–92.
7 21
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Animal Health Monitoring System Staffordshire Past Track, “Coal Mining in North Staffordshire: Support
Equine Study (Washington, D.C.: USDA, 1998), n.p. Systems” (2007), http://www.staffspasttrack.org.uk/exhibit/coal/support
Houpt, Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists, %20systems/lastpony.htm.
46–53. Ascot Park Polo Club, “A Short History of Polo” (2007),
Chapter 3 23
National Jousting Association, “The Medieval Tourney” (2007),
9 http://www.nationaljousting.com/history/medieval.htm.
Elwyn Hartley Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse (New York:
Dorling Kindersley, 2000), 28–29. 24
International Museum of the Horse, “Origins of the Blooded Horse:
10 The Fox Hunt” (2007), http://kyhorsepark.com/museum/history.php
International Museum of the Horse, “Early Attempts at Riding: The
Soft Bit and Bridle” (2007), http://kyhorsepark.com/museum/history ?chapter=61.
.php?chapter=14. 25
Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse, 14–15.
International Museum of the Horse, “Harnessing the Horse: Riding 26
International Museum of the Horse, “Medieval Horse: 476–c.1450:
Comes to the Near East: 1350 BCE” (2007), http://kyhorsepark.com/ Overview” (2007), http://kyhorsepark.com/museum/history.php?chapter=34.
museum/history.php?chapter=17. 27
Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse, 216–217.
Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse, 2000, 93. 28
Kilby, “Demographics of U.S. Equine Population,” 183.
International Museum of the Horse, “The Classical World, 29
American Horse Council, “National Economic Impact of the U.S. Horse
700 BCE: Xenophon: The Father of Classical Equitation” (2007),
Industry” (2007), http://horsecouncil.org/economics.html.
Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse, 38–39.
Chapter 6
International Museum of the Horse, “The Roman Empire: 27 BCE–476 AD: 30
Kilby, “Demographics of U.S. Equine Population,” 193.
The Circus Maximus” (2007), http://kyhorsepark.com/museum/history 31
International Museum of the Horse, “The Horse in Nineteenth Century
American Sport: Caprilli’s Forward Seat Revolutionizes Equitation” (2007),
Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse, 68–69. http://www.kyhorsepark.com/museum/history.php?chapter=92.
International Museum of the Horse, “Return to the New World: Colonial 32
U.S. Dressage Federation, “Description of Dressage for Olympic Media
Horses” (2007), http://kyhorsepark.com/museum/history.php?chapter=56. Guide,” http://www.usdf.org/AboutUs/DescriptionOfDressage.asp.
Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse, 295. 33
North American Trail Ride Conference, “Frequently Asked Questions”
Ibid., 257. (2007), http://www.natrc.org/faq.html.
20 34
Emily R. Kilby, “Demographics of U.S. Equine Population,” report prepared National Reining Horse Association, “About the NRHA” (2007),
for The Humane Society of the United States (2006), in Deborah J. Salem http://www.nrha.com/about.php.
and Andrew N. Rowan, eds., The State of the Animals IV: 2007
(Washington, D.C.: Humane Society Press, 2007), 176.

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care Notes

328 329
American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA World Championship Shows (July 1, 1999) Article #350, http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=350;
(2007), http://www.aqha.com/showing/guidetoshowing/worldshows.html. Ray Geor, BVSc, Ph.D., Dipl. ACVIM, “Chilling Out after Exercise,” The Horse
(July 1, 2001), Article 897, http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=897;
Nancy S. Loving, D.V.M., “Heat Stress,” The Horse (July 1, 2003),
Chapter 7
36 Article 4492, http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=4492.
Arabian Horse Association, “AHA Basic Facts” (2007),
http://www.arabianhorses.org/AHAfacts.asp. Erin Ryder, “Eating Like the Joneses,” The Horse (December 4, 2006)
37 Article #8327. http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=8327&
American Quarter Horse Association, “Horse Statistics” (2007),
38 American Horse Rider and Horses and Horse Information, “Sweet Horse
Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse, 230–231.
Feed Recipes with Added Molasses (i.e., Sugar) May Contribute to
It must be observed that the AQHA has its political side as well and Underlying Equine Health Conditions,” 2007, http://www.horses-and-horse-
has been criticized by groups such as The Humane Society of the information.com/articles/0203_how_sweet.shtml.
United States for its opposition to a ban on horse slaughter.
American Saddlebred Horse Association, “Breed History 1800’s” (2007), Chapter 10
http://www.asha.net/Breed-History-1800. 49
Karen Briggs, “Vaccination Essentials: Rabies, Tetanus, and Botulism,”
Edwards, The New Encyclopedia of the Horse, 232–233. The Horse (February 2005), n.p.
42 50
American Morgan Horse Association, “Frequently Asked Questions” University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, “Rabies in Horses”
(2007), http://www.morganhorse.com/. (2007), http://www.uky.edu/Ag/AnimalSciences/pubs/asc125.pdf.
43 51
International Museum of the Horse, “Horse Breeds of the World: Karen Briggs, “The Ever-Present Threat,” The Horse (April 2005), n.p.
Thoroughbred” (2007), http://www.kyhorsepark.com/museum/breeds 52
U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection
.php?pageid=8&breed=94&alpha=Five. Service, “Questions and Answers About West Nile Virus” (2003),
The Jockey Club, “The Thoroughbred” (2007), http://www.aphis.usda.gov/lpa/pubs/fsheet_faq_notice/faq_ahwnv.html.
http://www.jockeyclub.com/thoroughbredHistory.asp. 53
U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service, “Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy: A Potentially
Chapter 9 Emerging Disease” (2007), http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/ceah/cei/taf/
Changing Ration for Horses, Extention. www.extension.org/pages/ emergingdiseasenotice_files/ehv1final.pdf.
Changing_Rations_for_Horses. University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, “What Is
The Horse Staff, “Veterinarian’s Input on Olympics Horse Events Has Had Potomac Horse Fever?” (2007), http://www.cvm.umn.edu/img/assets/
Global Impact,” The Horse (October 16, 1998), Article #2209, http://www 9385/Potomac%20Horse%20Fever.pdf.
Marcia King, “Cool Aid: Beating the Heat with Working Horses,” The Horse

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care Notes

330 331
Cynthia A. McCall, “Monitoring Your Horse’s Vital Signs,” Alabama
Cooperative Extension Service. ANR-808 (reprinted February 1999).
Nancy S. Loving, “Impaction Colic: Blocking the Way,” The Horse
(May 2006), n.p.
Erin D. Malone, “Colic: Public Enemy #1” (2007), http://www.extension.umn.edu/
Christy West, “Foot X Rays: A Crystal Ball?” TheHorse.com,
Christy West, “The Quest to Conquer Laminitis” (May l, 2007), Article # 9471.

Chapter 11
Henry Heymering, “Who Invented Horseshoeing?” (2007),
Scott McKendrick, Patricia Evans, and Clell Bagley, “Proper Basic Hoof
Care” (2006), http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/AG_

Chapter 13 4-H—A youth agricultural organization

American Horse Council Foundation (AHCF), “The Economic Impact of
Aids—Cues used by the rider, either natural (hands, seat, voice,
the Horse Industry on the United States,” (Washington, D.C.: American
and leg) or artificial (whips or spurs)
Horse Council Foundation, 2005).

Board—V., to keep a horse at a facility owned by someone else;

Chapter 14 n., the fee paid for keeping a horse at a boarding facility
Erika Street, “After Goodbye” (July 2004). Thehorse.com.
Veterinarians for Equine Welfare. www.vetsforequinewelfare.org/jin/php. Breeches—Riding pants

Bronky—untamed, as a wild bronco

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care

Bute—The common name for phenylbutazone, an anti-inflammatory drug Curb—A bit that acts via leverage on the horse’s poll

Canter—A three-beat gait (also called the lope) in which the outside Cushing’s syndrome—A disease, usually seen in older horses, caused
hind leg strikes first, followed by the diagonal pair of the inside hind by a benign tumor in the pituitary gland that leads to hormonal
and outside front, and, finally, the inside front. In the left canter lead, imbalances; horses with Cushing’s often have excessively long coats
the left front leg strikes out slightly farther than the right, and vice and are at increased risk for laminitis
versa for the right lead.
Dam—A horse’s mother
Catch riding—Riding a horse for someone else
Digital pulse—The pulse in the digital arteries, which are found on the
Clench—The portion of a horseshoe nail that protrudes from the horse’s inside and outside of the fetlock joint; a pounding digital pulse is one
hoof wall and is flattened down to fasten the shoe to the hoof symptom of laminitis

Coffin bone—The bone at the bottom of the leg column, contained Discipline—A particular sport or type of riding, such as dressage,
within the hoof capsule Western pleasure, etc.

Coggins test—A routine blood test that screens for antibodies to the Draft—The large, heavy breeds of horses traditionally used for pulling
equine infectious anemia virus large loads (also spelled draught)

Colic—All-encompassing term for any sort of digestive upset in the horse Draw reins—Special reins that run from a rider’s hand, through the ring
of the bit, and attach to the girth, giving the rider additional leverage;
Conformation—The way in which a horse is put together and all the also called running reins, they are almost always used in conjunction
various body parts relate to each other, including the straightness with regular reins that attach directly to the bit, and should be used
(or lack thereof) of legs, angles of joints, and the overall proportions by experienced riders only.
of the horse’s body (see chart on page 343)
Easy keeper—A horse who is easy to care for and has no trouble
Coronet band—The line formed where the hoof joins the leg, also maintaining his weight (the opposite is a hard keeper)
called the coronary band
Esophagus—A muscular tube that connects the horse’s mouth to his
Cribbing—A stable vice that involves chewing wood or sucking air stomach, through which food passes

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334 335
Euthanasia—The act of humanely ending a horse’s life with
veterinarian-administered drugs

Farrier—An equine professional who trims and shoes a horse’s hooves

Feedlot—A facility where horses are held before being shipped to slaughter

Flat—V., to ride without jumping, as in “to flat in front of a judge”;

n., riding a horse when not jumping, as in“on the flat”

Floating—Filing down the rough edges on a horse’s teeth

Foal—A horse or pony under the age of one year

Halter—Show ring classes where a horse is judged on appearance and
Founder—The sinking of the bony column of the horse’s leg as a result conformation; also the piece of equipment encircling the horse’s head
of laminitis by which the horse can be led or tied (above)

Gelding—A castrated male horse Hand—A unit of measurement that equals four inches, used to measure
a horse’s height at the withers
Hard keeper—A horse who tends to lose weight easily
Green—Inexperienced (either horse or rider)
Head-shy—A term used to describe a horse who is fearful of having
Groom—A person who provides daily care for a horse, perhaps his head touched or handled
including grooming, tacking up for the rider, feeding, etc.
Hoof abscess—An often-painful infection and swelling in a horse’s hoof
Grooming—The daily process of cleaning a horse, usually including
brushing, picking out hooves, and/or bathing Horse dealer—An individual who buys and sells horses

Hunt coat—A blazer worn in the hunter show ring

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care Glossary

336 337
Impaction colic—Digestive discomfort caused by an obstruction Mare—A female horse
in the intestine
Mucking—The act of cleaning a stall to remove soiled bedding
Impulsion—The horse’s energy and desire to move forward and manure

Insulin resistance—A syndrome in which the horse’s tissues do not Mustang—A free-roaming feral horse, usually referring to horses
respond normally to insulin, leading to an abnormally high level on the Western plains of the United States
of glucose in the blood
Overface—to ask a horse and/or rider to jump a fence too high or too
Jodhpurs—Riding pants worn with short jodhpur boots complex for his level of training, causing him to fail and subsequently
lose confidence in his ability to negotiate fences of any height
Joint flexions—The process of individually flexing and stressing the
joints of a horse’s leg (usually during a lameness or pre-purchase Pace—A two-beat gait in which the horse’s legs move in lateral pairs
exam) to exacerbate and detect any lameness or pain in the joint (as opposed to the trot, where they move in diagonal pairs)

Joint injection—The process of injecting medication directly into a joint Paddock—A fenced enclosure used for turnout, which may or may
to combat arthritis not have grass

Lameness—Any physical ailment that prevents the horse from bearing Pasture—A large area used for grazing, usually enclosed by a fence
full weight on a limb or using the limb normally
Peristalsis—Waves of contractions in the muscles ringing the digestive
Laminitis—A disease of the laminae (supporting structure) in the hoof, tract that move food along
also called founder
Poll—the top of the horse’s head, behind the ears
Lead—Term for one of two variations of the canter gait; when going to
the left, the horse should be on the left lead, and vice versa for the right. Pommel—The part of an English saddle that arches over the
See also canter. horse’s withers

Ligament—A band of tough, fibrous tissue that connect bones to Pony—An equine who stands less than fourteen hands two inches
other bones (or 14.2) at the withers when fully grown

Longe—To exercise a horse in a circular pattern from the ground Pony Club—An individual chapter of the United States Pony Clubs,
by means of a longe line (a long nylon or cotton line) a national youth equestrian organization

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338 339
Posting—The process of rising in the saddle every other beat of the trot Sire—A horse’s father

Pre-purchase exam—An examination conducted by a veterinarian before Slow-gait—A four-beat gait performed by gaited horses
a horse is purchased
Snaffle—A bit that acts directly on the bars of the horse’s mouth
Prospect—A horse, usually green or inexperienced, who is considered
to have potential in a particular discipline Soundness—The quality of being free from lameness or injury

Rack—A high-stepping, four-beat gait performed by gaited horses Spavin—Term for a lameness in the hock, either a bog spavin (a soft
swelling) or a bone spavin (arthritis)
Rain rot—An infection of the horse’s skin caused by excessive
moisture; also called rain scald Splint—A hard swelling on the horse’s lower leg, usually on the inside,
but sometimes found on the outside; when new, splints feel warm
Registry—An organization that records and tracks horses of and can cause lameness, but later they become cold and cease to
a particular breed cause the horse discomfort

Ringbone—A lameness characterized by arthritis or excessive Spook—The process of startling abruptly at a frightening sight or sound
bone growth (often in a ring around the area) in the lower
pastern, often caused by poor conformation Stall walking—A stable vice in which a horse repeatedly paces or circles
in his stall
Roughage—A term usually used to describe hay and grass or
other feeds that are very high in fiber Stallion—An uncastrated (or “entire”) male horse, sometimes also called
a stud
Run-in—A shed or other building that a horse can enter and
leave at will Studbook—The listing of horses accepted in a particular breed registry

Running walk—A variation of the flat walk, performed by gaited horses Supplements—Nutritional feed additives that improve joint health, protect
a horse against parasites, address vitamin/mineral deficiencies, etc.
Schoolmaster—A well-schooled horse who is very experienced and
is often used to teach advanced skills to less experienced riders Tack—All-encompassing term for riding equipment, including saddles
and bridles
Side reins—Special reins that run from the bit to a saddle, or surcingle,
used when longing a horse to encourage flexion

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340 341
Tendon—A cord of inelastic tissue that connects muscle to bone; flexor
tendons flex a join, while extensor tendons return a limb to its normal
Parts of the Horse
unflexed state.

Tendon sheath—The sleeve that covers a tendon

Thrush—A bacterial infection of the hoof, often caused by not picking

Crest Poll
out a horse’s hooves frequently enough Loins Mane
Hindquarter Neck
Trainer—A professional who trains horses and instructs riders Croup
Tree—The wooden frame on which a saddle is built Dock Muzzle
Trot—A two-beat gait in which the horse’s legs move in diagonal pairs;
also called the jog Hip

Turnout —1. A horse and rider’s overall appearance (grooming, tack, Shoulder
etc.), especially at a show or competition. 2. A paddock in which
a horse exercises
Gaskin Forearm

Turn out—To give a horse free access to a pasture or paddock Stifle
to exercise and graze. Tail Knee

Unthrifty—thin, lacking bloom Cannon

Heel Hoof
Windpuff—Soft, fluid-filled sacs around the fetlock joint, often seen
in young horses who are just beginning work; these are considered
blemishes, rather than lamenesses

Yearling—A one-year-old horse

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care Glossary

342 343

Page numbers appearing in italics refer to tables and figures

Abuse. See Activism
approaching owners, 313
being observant and aware, 313
“discipline” or “training” abuse, 315–316
educating others about abuse or neglect, 316–317
educating yourself about welfare issues, 319–320
following up with animal-control officers, 314
fostering rescue horses, 323
getting to know your neighbors with horses, 317
horse councils, 322
how horse lovers can help, 320
joining advocacy organizations, 324–325
knowing local and state laws regarding animal neglect, 313–314, 321
legitimate reasons for horses to be in poor shape, 314
the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care

making donations for, 323 American Quarter Horses
managing your own horse’s care and, 319 breeding trends, 49
national and local equine organizations, 322 description and characteristics, 124–125
notifying animal-control authorities about neglect or abuse, 313, 314 movement and gait, 122
notifying show officials about suspected abuse, 315–316 number of, 135
official follow-ups, 314 physical characteristics, 122
“see no evil” strategy, 315 popularity of, 50
serving as an example, 320–321 ranching uses, 45, 124
speaking out against cruelty, 312–317 temperament, 122
supporting businesses that share your beliefs, 318 Thoroughbreds and, 131
supporting legislation, 321–322 Western pleasure classes, 114
volunteering opportunities, 322–324 Western sports riding disciplines, 109
voting with your wallet, 318–319 American Red Cross
Agricultural industry “Barnyard Animal Rescue Plan,” 226
use of horses for, 44 American Saddlebred Horse Association
AHC. See American Horse Council American Saddlebred official registry, 126
American Association of Equine Practitioners American Saddlebreds
online resources for disaster preparedness, 226–227 description and characteristics, 125–126
American Civil War movement and gait, 122
American Saddlebreds serving in, 125–126 Narragansett Pacers and, 125
Morgans and, 130 physical characteristics, 122
use of horses, 42 rack gait, 126
American Driving Society saddle seat discipline and, 104
combined driving oversight, 116 slow gait, 126
driving oversight, 115 Thoroughbreds and, 131
American Endurance Ride Conference Animal Rescue Council
endurance trail riding oversight, 108 “Barnyard Animal Rescue Plan,” 226
American Horse Council Animal welfare. See Activism
estimate of the horse population, 9, 49 Anthelmintics. See Deworming
horse industry estimates, 50 Appaloosas
percentage of horse owners who ride for pleasure, 95 temperament, 122
American Horse Council Foundation AQHA. See American Quarter Horse Association
estimate of the number of horses involved in competition, 276 Arabian Horse Association
American Morgan Horse Association breed registry, 123
Morgan Horse registry, 130 Arabians
American Quarter Horse Association description and characteristics, 123
Appendix Quarter Horses registry, 125 saddle seat discipline and, 104
description, 5 The Art of Horsemanship (Xenophon), 39–40
number of registered horses, 124 Asian Wild Horses
Western pleasure classes, 114 survival of the breed, 47–48

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care

346 347
Auctions owner responsibilities, 157
buying a horse from, 82–84 ownership issues, 60, 67
elite auctions, 82–83 retired horses, 302
livestock sales, 83 safety issues, 161
unscrupulous selling practices, 83–84 selection criteria, 160–162
signs that something is wrong, 159
sudden changes in your horse’s condition or behavior, 159
Barbed wire fencing, 154 touring the facility, 160
Barns Breeders
bedding, 147–148 buying a horse from, 80–81
benefits of, 145 The Humane Society of the United States’ tips for
dimensions of stalls and interiors, 145, 147 choosing a responsible breeder, 81
drawbacks, 151 Breeds
fire hazards, 151 American Quarter Horses, 124–125
fly management, 150 American Saddlebreds, 125–126
manure management, 149 Arabians, 123
ventilation, 151 breed prejudices, 138
“Barnyard Animal Rescue Plan,” 226 breed-registry papers, 139
Barrel racing buying a horse and, 135–138
description, 112 compared with registries, 120
Bedding description, 120
black walnut shavings as, 148 distinguishing characteristics, 120–122
straw, 148–149 geography and, 120
wood shavings or sawdust, 147–148 horses as individuals, 137–138
Blankets Missouri Fox Trotters, 128
benefits of, 144 Morgans, 129–130
fit issues, 145 movement and gait variations, 122
varying weights of, 145 Paso Fino Horses, 128–129
waterproof type, 145 Peruvian Horses, 129
Boarding horses physical characteristic variations, 122
advantages, 157–158 Rocky Mountain Horses, 127–128
Coggins test and, 201 size variations, 121
companionship issues, 156 suitability for a specific discipline, 136–137
disaster preparedness, 226 temperament variations, 122
drawbacks, 159 Tennessee Walking Horses, 126–127
group participation and, 158–159 Thoroughbreds, 130–132
in-house amenities, 158 variations within, 119
indoor or covered riding arenas, 155 warmblood breeds, 133
noting changes in the horse’s habits, 209 Welsh ponies and cobs, 134–135
on-site trainers, 158

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348 349
Buying a horse. See also Ownership issues; Selling a horse Clever Hans
age issues, 72–73 training example, 258–259
auctions, 82–84 Co-op boarding facilities
breed factors, 135–138 owner responsibilities, 167–168
breed-registry papers, 139 success factors, 168
breeders, 80–81 Coggins test
Coggins test and, 201 equine infectious anemia and, 201
conformation issues, 73–75 making copies of the horse’s Coggins test in case of a disaster, 224–225
dealers, 84 Colic
deceptive practices, 84–85 description and causes, 27, 209
document review, 92 emergency nature of, 221
equine rescues, 76–77 feed and management choices and, 209
general guidelines, 89–91 gas type, 211
horses as individuals, 137–138 impaction type, 210–211
horse’s competitive record and, 92 minimizing rolling and, 210
important qualities to look for, 71, 72 mortality from, 221
legal protections, 85 overfeeding of grain and, 187
obtaining a veterinary history, 193 pasture and hay and, 190
older horse advantages and disadvantages, 73 sudden differences in feed and, 173
pre-purchase veterinary exams, 87–88 surgery for, 211
private owners, 78–80 symptoms, 209–210
professional guidance for, 56, 85–88 torsion and, 211
sales contract, 92–93 Combined driving
sales options, 93 cones, 116
sources for, 76–84 dressage, 116
suitability for a specific discipline, 136–137 marathon, 116
take-home trial period, 91–92 phases, 115–116
temperament and, 73 Companion animals
test rides, 88–91 horses as, 3, 52–53, 302
trainers, 81–82 Companionship issues
young horse advantages and disadvantages, 72 goats as companions, 157
herd instinct, 156
home care for horses, 165–166
Capillary refill time single horses, 156
checking, 205–206 Competition
Caprilli, Capt. Federico benefits of, 276–279
English sports and, 99–100 boredom and, 280–281
Classical dressage caring for horses who can no longer compete, 283, 285
description, 102 drawbacks to, 280–283
equine-human partnership and, 277

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estimate of the number of horses involved in, 276 Cutting competitions
hard work for rider and horse, 280–281 age and experience divisions, 111
horse’s mental and physical health and, 284 “cow sense” and, 110
horse’s welfare and, 282, 283–285 description, 110, 111
keeping ambitions modest, 285
measuring how well you’re meeting the
criteria for your sport and, 278–279 Dealers
minimizing mileage on the horse, 281 buying a horse from, 84
preparation time and, 276 Definitions of terms, 333–342
pressures of, 281–282 Dental care
progressing up levels, 277–278, 284 “floating” the teeth, 201
respecting the horse and the competitors, 278 importance of, 200
rewards to the rider, 277 older horses, 303
sportsmanship and, 279 Deworming
supportive atmosphere of, 279 continuous deworming program, 199
taking unacceptable risks and, 281 drugs and drug resistance, 199
unscrupulous individuals and, 282–283 manure management and, 200
withdrawing from, 281 periodic dewormers, 198
Competitive dressage physical damage of parasites, 197
description, 102 primary parasites of horses, 198
Competitive trail riding program for, 198–199
description, 107 rotating deworming drugs, 199
endurance riding, 108 Dickens, Monica
length of rides, 108 Talking of Horses, 253
veterinary checks, 108 Disaster preparedness
veterinary judges, 107 emergency water reserves, 225
Conformation identifying facilities to evacuate to, 225
buying a horse and, 73–75 leaving the horse outside in certain situations, 226
diagram, 343 listing items needed in case of evacuation, 224
horseshoes and, 234–235 making arrangements for shelter, 225
Cortés, Hernán making copies of the horse’s Coggins test, vaccination record, and other
reintroduction of horses to North America, 48, 108 paperwork, 224–225
Cross-country test photographs of the horse for identification purposes, 225
eventing, 103 power outages, 225
CRT. See Capillary refill time preparing to be self-sufficient, 225
CTR. See Competitive trail riding print and online resources, 226–227
Cushing’s disease supplies to keep on hand, 226
laminitis and, 212 transporting horses, 224
pasture feeding and, 189 “Disaster Preparedness for Horses,” 226

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Discipline. See also Training Dressage
abuse issues, 315–316 classical type, 102
appropriate correction, 263 combined driving phase, 116
avoiding the word “no,” 263 competitive type, 102
brutality and, 264 dressage test, 102
communicating with the horse and, 265 musical freestyle classes, 102
concerns about a trainer’s actions, 265 purpose of, 101–102
fear and, 263–264 Driving
hitting the horse on the head, 264 breed show classes, 115
judicious use of, 264, 265 categories, 114
overreacting and, 263–264 combined driving, 115–116
owner’s frustration and, 264–265 equipment and terminology, 114
physical discipline issues, 264–265
professional trainers and, 264
“three-second rule” for discipline, 263 Eastern encephalomyelitis
vocal reprimands, 263 description and vaccination for, 194
Disciplines EEE. See Eastern encephalomyelitis
crossing between, 97 EHV. See Equine herpesvirus
English sports, 95–108 EIA. See Equine infectious anemia
horse selection, 117 Electric fencing, 153–154
Western compared with English, 95, 97–99 English sports
Western sports, 95, 97–99, 108–114 compared with Western sports, 95, 97–99
Domestication competitive trail riding, 107–108
definition of the term, 38 dressage, 101–102
ease of, 2 eventing, 103
historical background, 38–40 gaited horses, 105–107
horse sports, 40 hunter classes, 100
horse’s natural lifestyle and, 34 hunter equitation, 101
“Kikkuli text” on feeding and care, 39 jumper classes, 100–101
production animals, 39 military background, 99–100
riding and training, 39–40 saddle seat discipline, 103–104
saddles, 39 seat position, 98
Xenophon’s training manual, 39–40 styles of riding, 98
Donating a horse tack, 98
ceding ownership and, 298 types of horses favored, 99
hard-to-sell horses, 298–299 typical dress, 99
researching organizations, 298 Entertainment. See Sport and entertainment
tax issues, 299 Equine herpesvirus
visiting the horse, 298 description and vaccination for, 195–196

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Equine infectious anemia importance of good farriery, 231
Coggins test for, 201 laminitis treatment and, 214
Equine influenza leaving the horse unshod, 235–236
description and vaccination for, 196 older horses, 303
Equine rescues owner’s responsibilities for care, 232, 242–243
adoption application, 77 primary uses for shoes, 234
fees, 76 pulling shoes for the winter, 235
fostering rescue horses, 323 recommendations from veterinarians or trainers for, 241
geographical limitations, 76 reshoeing schedule, 233
Internet listings, 76 selection criteria, 240–242
monetary support for, 323 therapeutic uses of horseshoes, 234
providing references, 77 thrush treatment, 243
site visits, 76, 77 unbalanced hooves, 233
typical evaluations, 77 uses of shoes, 234–235
volunteering to help in, 322–323 using the lightest, flattest, and simplest shoes possible, 235
Euthanizing a horse viewing the horse for balanced feet, 237–238
burying the horse on your property, 305 waiting too long between visits of, 233
composting the remains, 305–306 Feeding
cremating the remains, 305 accurate measuring of feed, 174
disposing of the carcass and, 305–306 before and after exercise, 174–175
owner’s responsibilities, 303–304 amount of work a horse does and, 172
process of, 304–305 assessing the horse’s needs, 176–179
slaughtering alternative, 306–308 balancing pasture, hay, and grain, 173, 190
Eventing consistent routine for, 174, 175–176, 190
description, 103 easy keepers, 178
Thoroughbreds and, 131 grain, 170, 172, 173, 183–188, 190
hard keepers, 172, 178
F hay, 172, 173, 179–182
Farriers horse’s ideal weight, 178–179
apprenticeships for, 241 horses’ varying needs, 172–173
background of horseshoeing, 234 making gradual changes, 173
balanced hoof concept, 237–240 natural feeding behavior, 171, 190
barefoot or “natural” trimming, 235–236 older horses, 178–179
buying a horse and, 88 pasture, 173, 188–189
certification issues, 240–241 roughage, 171–172
conformational defects and, 234–235 rules for, 170–176
consistent schedule with, 232 Fencing options, 153–154
description, 232 Fly management options, 150
doing your own hoof trimming, 236–237 Founder. See Laminitis
horse behavior and, 241–242
horse hoof growth characteristics, 232–233

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G Hay
appearance of good hay, 181
Gaited horses. See also specific breeds
boarding facilities and, 179
breed-specific shows, 106
dusty hay, 181–182
description, 105–106
good hay dealers, 180–181
saddle seat discipline and, 104
grass hays, 180
soring issue, 106–107
home care and, 179
Gas colic
legume hays, 180
description and treatment, 211
as the mainstay of the horse’s diet, 172
Gastric ulcers
making hay, 180
description and causes, 27
mixed hays, 180
mold and, 180, 182
bagged, processed commercial type, 183
pelleted or cube form, 182
easy keepers and, 183
soaked hay, 182
hard keepers and, 172, 178, 183
supplementing pasture with, 173
multiple small amounts, 170–171
weather issues, 180
overfeeding, 187
Henneke, Donald
pelleted form, 185
equine body scoring system, 176, 178
rice bran, 187
Hippotherapy. See Therapeutic riding horses
selection criteria, 186
Home care
storage, 187–188
accidents and, 166
sweet feed, 183–184
benefits of, 163–164
unadulterated types, 185–186
companionship issues, 165–166
visually inspecting, 187
costs of, 163
wheat bran mashes, 187
drawbacks, 164–166
whole grains, 183
getting appointments with veterinarians and farriers and, 165
Grass hays
initial outlay and expenses, 164
description, 180
liability insurance and, 164
noting changes in the horse’s habits, 209
uses of horses, 39–40, 41
owner responsibilities, 60, 164–165
H zoning restrictions and, 164
Habits Hoof care. See Farriers
horse’s normal eating and drinking habits, 208 Horse/human relationship. See also Mystique of the horse
noting changes in, 208–209 agricultural uses, 44
pasture behavior, 208–209 breeding trends, 48–49
stall habits, 208 companion animals, 3, 52–53, 302
Hanovarians competition uses, 51
geographic derivation, 132 costs of ownership, 50
movement and gait, 122 domestication and early use, 38–40
entertainment and sport uses, 46–47

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historical background, 37–47 Hunting
impact of domestication, 47–49 historical background, 46–47
legislating humane treatment, 48
mining uses, 45–46
modern horse industry, 49–50 Impaction colic
personal memories, 55–56 description and symptoms, 210
police horses, 52 treatment, 210–211
Pony Express and postal service use, 43 Internet
primitive horse types, 47–48 equine rescue listings, 76
ranching uses, 44–45 horse-for-sale websites, 78–79
recreational uses, 51 J
transportation uses, 42–43 Jockey Club
utilitarian uses, 50–53 Thoroughbred registry, 131, 132
warfare use, 41–42 Jumper classes
working partners, 52 description, 100–101
Horse Protection Act
gaited horse inspection, 107 K
Horseshoeing. See Farriers Kopertox
Housing thrush treatment, 243
boarding, 157–162
co-ops, 167–168
companionship needs, 156–157
common causes, 215
home care, 60, 162–166
conformation and, 215
minimum needs, 142–143
description, 215
owner considerations, 142
footing and, 216
physical and mental effects, 142
head bobbing and, 217
riding facilities, 154–156
horse’s movement and, 217
self-care, 166–167
leg and hoof examinations, 217–218
shelter, 143–151
recognizing visually and by feel, 216–217
turnout, 151–154
riding style and, 215–216
Human relationship with horses. See Horse/human relationship;
soundness and fitness relationship, 216
Ownership issues
watching the horse on a longe line and, 217
Humane Society of the United States, The
philosophy and activities, 324
acute type, 212
tips for choosing a responsible breeder, 81
causes of, 212
Hunter classes
chronic type, 212
description, 100
coffin bone rotation and, 213
Hunter equitation
description, 211–212
description, 101
emergency nature of, 213

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“founder stance,” 213 Morgan, Justin
overfeeding of grain and, 187 Morgan Horses and, 129–130
pads for horseshoes and, 234 Morgans
pasture feeding and, 189 description and characteristics, 129–130
risk of recurrence, 214 Figure’s career, 129–130
“sinking” and, 214 popularity of, 130
sudden differences in feed and, 173 riding styles for, 130
treatment, 214 saddle seat discipline and, 104
Leasing horses temperament, 122
benefits of, 63–64, 65, 297 Thoroughbreds and, 131
keeping in touch with the lessee, 297 Mystique of the horse
lease agreements, 63, 297 allure of the horse, 4–6
risks of, 64 beginning riders, 10
screening potential lessees, 297 boss/employee relationship, 2–3
short-term and long-term leases, 63–64 changing priorities of riders, 12
Legs cowboy culture, 5
checking for changes, 206–207 domestication, 2, 34
horse’s normal movement and, 207 English riding sports, 5–6
presence or lack of bumps, lumps and swellings, 206 gender differences in interest, 5
Legume hays grooming importance, 15
description, 180 horsemanship skills, 3–4
horses as companion animals, 3
M hypothetical examples of ownership, 6–10, 13–14
Major medical issues ignorance effect on care, 15
colic, 209–211, 221 lack of education in the saddle, 16
lameness, 215–218 neglect issues, 14–16
laminitis, 211–214 outgrowing a horse, 11
Manure management ownership changes, 6–10, 13–14, 17
deworming program and, 200 realities of horse ownership, 6–9
good practices, 149 reasons why people sell their horses, 10, 12
Maryland Horse Industry rider abilities and needs and, 10–11
online resources for disaster preparedness, 227 unscrupulous persons in show circuits, 16
Mining Western disciplines, 5, 6
use of horses and, 45–46
Missouri Fox Trotters N
description and characteristics, 128 Narragansett Pacers
movement and gait, 122 American Saddlebreds and, 125
soring issue, 107 Tennessee Walking Horses and, 126
Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breeders’ Association National Cutting Horse Association
Missouri Fox Trotter registry, 128 cutting competition oversight, 111

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National Reining Horse Association inexperienced horses, 66
reining competition standards, 110 leasing a horse, 63–65, 297
National Show Horses lifelong responsibilities, 61–63
saddle seat discipline and, 104 owner’s confidence, 67
Natural disasters. See Disaster preparedness owner’s level of experience, 65–67
Natural horsemanship professional guidance for buying a horse, 56
clinics for, 270 purchase price factors, 57
description, 267 realities of, 6–9
goal of, 268 recurring costs, 57
herd mentality and, 268–269 retirement farms, 63
initial investment, 270 riding time, 60
negative reinforcement and, 270 routine expenses, 58–59
popularity of, 270 “schoolmaster” horses, 66
positive reinforcement and, 269 time constraints, 59–61
specialized equipment for, 270 unexpected costs, 58, 59
theory of, 268–269
Negative reinforcement
natural horsemanship and, 270 Paints
training and, 260 physical characteristics, 122
Neglect. See Activism Paso Fino Horse Association
North American Peruvian Horse Association Paso Fino Horse registry, 129
Peruvian Horse registry, 129 Paso Fino Horses
North American Trail Ride Conference description and characteristics, 128–129
competitive trail riding oversight, 108 gait, 128
NRHA. See National Reining Horse Association gaited breed-specific shows, 106
O gradually introducing, 189
Ownership issues. See also Buying a horse; Selling a horse overgrazing, 188–189
approach to riding, 67 poisonous plants and, 189
boarding horses, 60, 67 risks, 189
budgeting for a horse, 68–70 rotating horses throughout pastures, 188–189
caring for horses at home, 60 well-maintained pastures, 188
changes in ownership, 6–10, 13–14, 17 Pelleted grain feed
consistent riding, 61 “complete feeds,” 185
cost-cutting, 58 description, 185
euthanasia and body disposal costs, 59 older horses and, 185
experienced horses, 66 Penning. See Team penning
finding the right match, 65 Peruvian Horses
free-leasing, 63, 297 description and characteristics, 129
horses at the end of their serviceable lives, 61–63

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Pfungst, Oskar Ranching
Clever Hans observations, 259 use of horses for, 44–45
PHF. See Potomac horse fever Recreational uses. See Sport and entertainment
Pit ponies. See Mining Registries
Police horses compared with breeds, 120
uses of, 52 Reining competitions
Polo description, 109
historical background, 46 reining maneuvers included, 109–110
Pony Clubs standards for, 110
description, 5 Retired horses
Pony Express age-related chronic problems, 303
description, 43 boarding facilities and, 302
Positive reinforcement as companion horses, 302
natural horsemanship and, 269 turnout and, 302
trailer loading and, 273 visiting your horse, 303
training and, 260–261 Riding
Potomac horse fever balance issues, 246–247
description and vaccination for, 197 beginning riders compared with experienced riders, 246–247
Pre-purchase veterinary exams blaming the horse for mistakes, 252–253
cost of, 88 body language and, 248
exams included, 87 consistent lesson programs, 250
flexions, 87–88 correct alignment and, 249
radiographs, 88 dealing with problems, 252–257
Private owners horses that are unhappy in their work, 257
buying a horse from, 78–80 ill-fitting tack and, 255
horse-for-sale websites, 78 lack of certification of instructors, 250
information sources, 78–79 learning process, 246–251
word-of-mouth and, 79–80 physical reasons for horse’s misbehavior, 253, 254–255
Przewalski’s horse. See Asian Wild Horses qualified instructors and, 248–251, 254
reading books, watching videos, and observing others, 248
Q recognizing mistakes, 249–250
Quarter Horses. See American Quarter Horses rider’s mistakes, 253–254
R Riding facilities
Rabies covered or indoor riding arenas, 155
description, 194 grass footing in pastures, 155
Racking Horses riding after dark and, 156
gait, 127 sheltering your horse and, 154–155
soring issue, 107 trail riding and, 156
Rain rot Riding therapy. See Therapeutic riding horses
description, 15 Rocky Mountain Horse Association
Rocky Mountain Horse registry, 127, 128

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Rocky Mountain Horses Show jumpers. See Jumper classes
description and characteristics, 127–128 Slaughtering horses
Pleasure Gait, 127–128 captive bolt stunning, 307
Romans federal legislation banning, 307–308, 321
uses of horses, 40, 41, 43, 46 humane and ethical concerns, 306–308
Roughage “killer-buyers” and, 306
importance of, 171 number slaughtered in the United States annually, 306
psychological and digestive benefits, 190 rendering facilities and, 308
Run-in sheds USDA regulations, 307
blankets and, 144–145 Sleep issues
construction factors, 143–144 body position, 22
older horses and, 143 sleep patterns, 21
pasture dynamics and, 143 sleep stages, 22
Sleeping sickness. See specific types of encephalomyelitis
The species
Saddle seat discipline biting insects and, 24
breed-specific shows, 104 body language of aggression, 33
description, 103–104 cold weather issues, 23
riding position, 104 cribbing behavior, 34, 35
Self-care facilities daily life, 21–22, 34–35
advantages, 167 diet and eating habits, 24–25, 27
description, 166 digestive system, 24–27
owner responsibilities, 167 evolution of the horse, 20
sources for, 166–167 "flight" response to danger, 28–29
Selling a horse. See also Buying a horse; Ownership issues grazing patterns, 21, 32
buy-back clause and, 296 herd mentality, 30–33
buyer’s interaction with the horse and, 295 hot weather issues, 24
career changes for the horse and, 293 mental characteristics, 20, 28–35
interview process for potential buyers, 295 physical characteristics, 20, 21–27, 28, 34
keeping in touch with the buyer, 296 sleep issues, 21–22
misrepresenting the horse to the buyer, 295–296 social hierarchy, 31–32
practical issues, 292 splitting a herd, 32
relationships that don’t work out and, 293, 294–295 “spook” phenomenon, 29–30
right of first refusal and, 296 weather elements and, 22–24
risks of, 295 “Spook” phenomenon
Shelter description, 29–30
barns, 145, 147–150 training issues, 30
blankets, 144–145 Sport and entertainment. See also specific sports
run-in sheds, 143–144 chariot racing, 40
Show hunters. See Hunter classes gladiatorial fights, 46

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horses as pleasure mounts, 51 Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association
hunting, 46–47 Tennessee Walking Horses registry, 127
medieval tournaments, 46 Tennessee Walking Horses
polo, 46 description and characteristics, 126–127
racing sports, 51 movement and gait, 122
Spotted Saddle Horses movie horse examples, 127
gait, 127 Narragansett Pacers and, 126
soring issue, 107 saddle seat discipline and, 104
Spurs, whips, and gadgets soring issue, 107
potential misuse of, 266, 267 Terminology, 333–342
restrained use of, 267 Tetanus
Stewardship issues. See also Leasing horses description and vaccination for, 193–194
anti-inflammatory drugs for older horses, 300–301 Therapeutic riding horses
career changes for the horse, 293, 301, 308 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and, 5
donating a horse, 298–299 donated horses and, 299
euthanizing a horse, 303–304 physical and mental disabilities and, 52
exploiting veterinary advancements, 300 Thoroughbred horses
lifetime commitment of ownership, 290, 294 breeding trends, 48
lightening workloads for older horses, 301 description and characteristics, 130–132
longevity of horses, 299 eventing and, 131
multiple owners, 291 foundation stallions, 130
owner’s role as steward, 289–293 impact on other breeds, 131
retirement issues, 301–302 racing sports and, 51
selling a horse, 292–293 record-keeping for, 131
slaughtering horses, 291 second careers for racing horses, 51
veterinarians and, 299–301 temperament, 122
Strangles Thrush
description and vaccination for, 196–197 hoof care, 243
Swamp fever. See Equine infectious anemia Thrushbuster
Sweet feed thrush treatment, 243
benefits of, 184 Trail riding. See also Competitive trail riding
components, 183–184 private property and, 156
Trailer loading
T disaster preparedness and, 224
Talking of Horses (Dickens), 253 positive reinforcement and, 273
Team penning training issues, 271–273
casual nature of competitions, 112 Trainers
cow’s point of view and, 112 buying a horse from, 81–82
description, 111 reputation of, 318
herd number, 111–112 resource for buying a horse, 86

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Training. See also Discipline United States Hunter Jumper Association
abuse issues, 315–316 hunters, jumpers, and equitation oversight, 101
basic learning formula, 260 United States Team Penning Association
dangers of bad-mannered horses, 262 penning competition oversight, 112
day-to-day training, 261–266 U.S. Department of Agriculture
establishing clear boundaries, 261–262 gaited horse inspection, 107
horses’ learning process, 259–266 number of horses slaughtered in the United States annually, 306
intelligence and trainability of horses, 258–259 study of equine operations that feed grain, 183
natural horsemanship, 267–271 USEF. See United States Equestrian Federation
negative reinforcement, 260
patience and, 273
positive reinforcement, 260–261 Vaccinations
professional trainers for, 262 breeding stallions and, 193
right- or left-handedness of horses, 260 Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan encephalomyelitis, 194–195
spurs, whips, and gadgets, 266–267 equine herpesvirus, 195–196
trailer loading, 224, 271–273 equine influenza, 196
Trakehner horses geographical issues, 193
geographic derivation, 132 horses living in a closed herd and, 193
Thoroughbred ancestry, 121 obtaining a history of, 193
Transportation Potomac horse fever, 197
use of horses for, 42–43 pregnant mares and, 193
Turnout rabies, 194
fencing options, 153–154 strangles, 196–197
natural activities of horses, 151–152 tetanus, 193–194
options for, 152–153 West Nile virus, 195
retired horses, 302 VEE. See Venezuelan encephalomyelitis
safety issues, 153 Venezuelan encephalomyelitis
stable vices and, 151–152 description and vaccination for, 194
Veterinary care
U awareness of horse’s habits, 208–209
United States Dressage Federation buying a horse and, 86–88
dressage oversight, 102 checking legs, 206–207
United States Equestrian Federation Coggins test, 202
dressage oversight, 102 colic, 209–211, 221
eventing oversight, 103 dental care, 200–201
hunters, jumpers, and equitation oversight, 101 deworming, 197–200
publication of rules violations, 318–319 disaster planning, 222–227
reining competition standards, 110 first-aid kit contents, 223
saddle seat discipline oversight, 104 handling minor issues, 192
United States Eventing Association indicators of distress, 205–206
eventing oversight, 103

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major medical issues, 209–218 Western pleasure discipline
“normal” behavior, 202–209 description, 113
posting veterinarian’s phone numbers, 222 judging, 113
pre-purchase veterinary exams, 87–88 open and breed shows, 114
preparedness, 222 Western sports
recognizing emergencies, 218–222 barrel racing, 112
relationship with the veterinarian, 192 compared with English sports, 95, 97–99
safe restraint methods and, 228 competitive trail riding, 108
ten symptoms requiring immediate veterinary attention, 229–230 cutting, 110–111
using patience with a sick or injured horse, 227–228 dress for, 99, 109
vaccinations, 192–197 historical background, 108–109
vital signs, 203–205 pleasure riding, 113–114
wounds, 219–221 reining competitions, 109–110
Vital signs seat position, 98
capillary refill time, 205–206 styles of riding, 98
dehydration test, 206 tack, 97–98
gut sounds, 206 team penning, 111–112
mucous membranes, 206 types of horses favored, 99
normal resting heart rate, 205 Whips. See Spurs, whips, and gadgets
normal temperature, 204 WNV. See West Nile virus
pulse, 205 World Equestrian Games
respiration rate, 204–205 combined driving competitions, 116
taking the horse’s temperature, 203–204 World War I
use of horses, 42
W World War II
Warfare use of horses, 41
use of horses and, 41–42 Wounds
Warmblood breeds bleeding and, 220
description and characteristics, 132 danger zones for lacerations/puncture wounds, 219
term derivation, 132 improper fencing or stabling and, 220–221
Washington, Pres. George of joints and tendons, 220
foxhunting and, 47 large puncture wounds, 219–220
WEE. See Western encephalomyelitis washing, 220
Welsh ponies and cobs
description and characteristics, 134–135 X
influences of other breeds, 134 Xenophon
types, 134 The Art of Horsemanship, 39–40
West Nile virus
description and vaccination for, 195
Western encephalomyelitis
description and vaccination for, 194

the humane society of the united states complete guide to horse care

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Both novice and experienced horse caretakers will benefit from The
Humane Society of the United States Complete Guide to Horse Care. It’s
a beautiful book with vital information, and it will be a great source
of information for years to come.
—From the Foreword by Doris Day
Founder, The Doris Day Animal Foundation

The horse is nature in its finest form. This book asks us to treat horses
not as disposable machines, but as living, thinking, feeling animals who
teach us to value relationships and take us on a never-ending journey of
self improvement. Through horses, we discover our potential, we fuel our
dreams. No wonder they still deserve such honor in our modern times.
—Pat Parelli
Author, Natural Horse-Man-Ship
Coauthor, Keeping a Horse the Natural Way

A refreshing addition to every horse lover's library, The Humane Society

of the United States Complete Guide to Horse Care challenges readers to be
responsible stewards of their horses. Erin Harty combines an interesting
perspective on the horse's relationship with mankind with practical
advice on compassionate care.
—Cindy Hale
Contributing editor, Horse Illustrated and horsechannel.com
Author, Riding for the Blue; A Passion for Horses; Horse
Sense and Nonsense

erin harty
and the
Humane staff of
Society the humane
Press society of
the united

erin harty and the staff of

the humane society of the united states

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