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Name: Carl Joshua G. Friginal Section: AGRI 31 G-2L

WORKSHEET 1.1 Identification and classification of selected crops based on use.


Rice Oryza sativa Herb Annual Sexual
Corn Zea mays L. Herb Annual Sexual
Sorghum Sorghum bicolor Herb Annual Sexual
Wheat Tricutum aestivum Herb Annual Sexual
Mung bean Vigna radiata Herb Perennial Asexual
Cow pea Vigna ungiuculata Herb Annual Asexual
(subsp. Unguiculata)
Soy bean Glycine max Herb Perennial Asexual
Peanut Arachis hypogaea Herb Perennial Asexual
Kakawate Gliricidia sepium Tree Perennial Asexual
Hyacinth Herb/ grows Perennial/ Asexual
Lablab purpurius
bean as vine Annual
Pigeon pea Shrub Annual Asexual
Cajanus cajan
Winged Vine Annual Asexual
Sesame Sesamum indicum L. Herb Annual Sexual
Root crops
Sweet Vine Biennial Asexual
Ipomoea batatas
Taro Calocasia esculenta Herb Annual Asexual
Potato Solanum tubersum Herb Annual Sexual
Yam Dioscorea alata Vine Biennial Sexual
Radish Raphanus sativus Herb Annual Sexual
Cassava Manihot esculente Shrub Perennial Asexual
Fiber crops
Cotton Gossypium hirsutum Tree Perennial Sexual/ Asexual
Abaca Musa textilis Herb Perennial Asexual
Jute (stem) Corchorus olitorius Shrub Perennial Asexual
Oil crops
Sunflower Helianthus annuus L. Shrub Annual Sexual
Soybean Glycine max Herb Annual Asexual
Coconut Cocos nucifera Tree Perennials Sexual
Peanut Arachis hypogaea Herb Annual Asexual
Patchouli Pogostemon cablin Herb Perennial
Sampaguita Jasminum sambac On woody Annual Asexual
Sugar crops
Sugar cane Saccharum Herb Biennial Asexual
Sugar beet Beta vulgaris Herb Perennial Sexual
Forage crops
Vetiver Chrysopogon Herb Perennial Asexual
Ipil-ipil Leucaena Tree Perennial Sexual
Cow pea Vigna ungiuculata Herb Annual Asexual
(subsp. Unguiculata)
Beverage crops
Cacao Theobroma cacao Shrub Perennial Sexual
Coffee Coffea arabica Shrub Perennial Asexual/ Sexual
Coffea canephora
Tsaang Tree Perennial
Carmona retusa
Bignay Tree Perennial Sexual
Antidesma bunius
Latex and resins
Rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis Tree Perennial Sexual
Papaya Carica papaya Tree Perennial Sexual
Rimas Artocarpus altilis Tree Perennial Sexual
(Tree) (Park.) Fosb.
Pili Canarium ovatum Tree Perennial Sexual/ Asexual
Spices, condiments, essences
Black Vine Perennial Sexual
Piper nigrum
Citronella Cymbopogon nardus Herb Perennial Sexual
Vanilla Vanilla planifolia Vine Perennial Asexual
Stevia Stevia rebaudiana Herb Perennial Asexual
Sesame Sesamum indicum L. Herb Annual Sexual
Luyang Herb Perennial Asexual
Dilaw Curcuma longa
Oregano Origanum vulgare Herb Perennial Sexual
Thorny Herb Annual Sexual
Eryngium foetidum
Sampaguita On woody Annual Asexual
Jasminum sambac
Kaffir Lime Citrus hystrix Tree Perennial Asexual
Chocolate Mentha x piperita f. Herb Perennial Asexual
Mint citrate
Calamansi Citro fortunella Tree Perennial Asexual
Chives Allium odoratum Herb Perennial Sexual
Red Herbaceous Annual
Basella alba
Spinach Vine
Green Herb Perennial Asexual
Allium fistulasum
Mustard Brassica junceae Herb Annual Sexual
Chili pepper Capsicum frutescene Shrub Perennial Sexual
Hot pepper Capsicum annnuum Shrub Perennial Sexual
Vetiver Chrysopogon Herb Perennial Asexual
Medicinal crops
Vetiver Chrysopogon Herb Perennial Sexual/ Asexual
Oregano Origanum vulgare Herb Perennial Sexual
Sesbania Tree Perennial Sexual
(flowers, Sesbania grandiflora
Luyang Herb Perennial Asexual
Curcuma longa
Serpentina Rauvolfia serpentine Shrub
Yerba Herb Annual Sexual
Mentha spicata
Tsaang Tree Perennial
Carmona retusa
Garlic vine Monsoa aliacea Vine Perennial
Pandakaki Tabernaemonatana Shrub
Puti pandacaqui
Kamantigue Impatiens balsamina Herb Annual
Aloe Vera Aloe vera Herb Perennial Sexual
Lagundi Vitex negundo Tree/ Shrub Perennial
Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora Shrub/ Tree Perennial Sexual
Sampaguita On woody Annual Asexual
Jasminum sambac
Balbas Shrub
Orthosipon aristatus
Lubi-lubi Solanum nigrum Herb
Holy basil Ocimum tenuiflorum Herb Perennial
Talampunay Datura metel Shrub
Damong Herb Perennial
Artemisia vulgaris L.
Sambong Blumea balsamifera Shrub Asexual
Lemon Cymbopogon Herb Perennial Asexual
grass citratus
Camphor Cinnamomum Tree Perennial Sexual
Ikmo Piper betle Vine Perennial
Star Trachelospermum Vine Perennial/ Sexual
Jasmine jasminoides Annual
Malunggay Moringa oleifera Tree Perennial Asexual
Calamansi Citro fortunella Tree Perennial Sexual/ Asexual
Green Herb Annual Sexual
Amaranthus viridis
Bayag usa Tabernaemonatan Tree Perennial
globose Blanco
Citronella Cymbopogon nardus Herb Perennial Sexual
Vegetable crops
Jute Corchorus olitorius Shrub Perennial Asexual
Okra (fruit) Abelmoschus Herb Annual Sexual
Talong Solanum melongena Vine Annual Asexual
(fruit) L.
Sitaw () Vigna unguicalata Vine Annual
Tomato Lycopersicum Herb Annual Sexual
(fruit) esculentum
Malunggay Tree Perennial Asexual
(leafy, Moringa oleifera
Lubi-lubi Herb
Solanum nigrum
Ampalaya Vine Annual Sexual
Momordica charantia
(fruit, flower)
Lettuce Herb Annual Sexual
Lactuca sativa L.
Fiddlehead Herb Perennial Sexual/ Asexual
Katuray Tree Perennial Sexual
Sesbania gradiflora
Upland Vine Annual Sexual/ Asexual
Kangkong Ipomeo aquatic
Bottle gourd Vine Annual Sexual
Lagenaria siceraria
(fruit) upo
Pechay Herb Annual Sexual
Brassica chinensis
Ridge gourd Vine Annual Sexual
Luffa cylindrical
Leaf Herb Annual Sexual
mustard Brassica juncea L.
Sweet Vine Perennial Asexual
potato Ipomoea batatas
Onion Allium cepa Herb Annual Sexual
Radish Raphanus sativus Herb Biennial Sexual
Fruit crops
Guava Tree Perennial Guava
Psidium guavaja
Lemon Tree Perennial Asexual
Citrus limon
Banana Musa balbisiana x Herb Perennial Asexual
saba (tree) acuminate
Dragon fruit Vine Perennial Asexual
Hylocereus undatus
Kaffir Lime Tree Perennial Asexual
Citrus hystrix
Papaya Tree Perennial Sexual
Carica papaya
Grapes Vine Annual Asexual
Vitis vinifera
Cucumber Vine Annual Sexual
Cucumis sativus
Bignay Tree Perennial Sexual
Antidesma bunius
Coconut Tree Perennial Sexual
Cocos nicefera
Calamansi Citro fortunella Tree Perennial Asexual
Acerola Malpighia Tree Perennial Sexual
(Tree) emarginata
Mangosteen Garcinia Tree Perennial Sexual
(Tree) mangostana L.
Miracle fruit Synsepalum Tree Perennial Sexual
(Tree) dulcificum
Pineapple Ananas comosus Herb Annual Sexual
Pili Canarium ovatum Tree Perennial Sexual/ Asexual
Sampaloc Tamdarindus indica Tree Perennial Sexual
Guyabano Annona muricata Tree Perennial Sexual
Atis (Tree) Annona squamosa Tree Perennial
Durian Durio zibenthinus Tree Perennial Sexual
Lipote Syzgium Tree Perennial
(Tree) polycephaloides
Kamias Tree Perennial Sexual
Averrhoa bilimbi L.
Lakatan Musa acuminate Tree Perennial Asexual
(Tree) Colla
Lanzones Lansium Tree Perennial Sexual
(Tree) domesticum Correo
Jackfruit Artocarpus Tree Perennial Asexual
(Tree) heterophyllus
Abiu (Tree) Poutena caimito Tree Perennial
Logan Dimocarpus longan Tree Perennial
(Tree) Lour.
Chico (Tree) Manilkara zapota (L.) Tree Perennial
Kamachile Pithecellobium dulce Tree Perennial
(Tree) (Roxb.) Benth.
Marang Artocarpus Tree Perennial
banguhan odoratissimus
(Tree) Blanco
Balimbing Averrhoa carambola Tree Perennial
(Tree) L.
Anonas Tree Perennial
Annona reticulate L.
Pummelo Citrus pompelnos Tree Perennial Sexual/ Asexual
(Tree) Risso
Balete Tree Perennial
Ficus sp.
Rambutan Nephelium Tree Perennial Sexual
(Tree) lappaceum
Ornamental crops
Rosal Gardenia Shrub Sexual
(cutflower) jasminoides
Cosmos Herb Annual Sexual
Cosmos bipinnatus
Sunflower Helianthus annuus L. Shrub Annual Sexual
Gumamela Hibiscus rosa- Shrub Perennial Asexual/ Sexual
Mutya Mussaenda sp. Shrub Perennial Asexual
‘Dona Mutya’
Baby Aurora Mussaenda sp. Shrub Perennial Asexual
‘Baby Aurora’
Alibangbang Bauhinia monandra Shrub
Song of Pleomele relfexa/ Shrub Perennial Asexual
Jamaica Dracaena reflexa
Bougainvilla Bougainvilla sp. Vine Perennial Sexual/ Asexual
Santan Ixora coccinea Shrub Annual Asexual
Kalachuchi Plumeria rubra Tree Perennial Sexual
Orchids Herb Perennial Asexual
Dendrobium Dendrobium
Vanda Canda coerulea
Vanda sanderiana
AGRI 31 G-2L

a. What is the importance of knowing the following in the production of a crop?
Give a specific crop example:

1. Life cycle
Crops are essentially important to humans because these give us the
products that we eat and the nutrition that our body needs for the whole
day. It is a must to have enough knowledge on knowing how these crops
grow, or simply how long do they live. It is important to know if crops are
growing annually, biennially or in perennial period in order to know if a
certain crop is a need for daily consumption or if some plant are for a long
period process of growing. Say for example, one prioritized crop in our
country is the rice. If farmers for instance do not know if rice grows
annually or perennially, it will be hard for them to decide whether to plant it
for a certain time of for a specific time. Since having the knowledge that
rice if firstly, an important plant for us, Filipinos, and it annually grows, we
can provide enough food for the people by planting it in times of need, and
supply rice for consumers.
2. Mode of reproduction
Knowing the mode of reproduction (sexual or asexual reproduction) of
certain crops is important in order to identify if the crops that we planted
need assistance in order to reproduce or it reproduce by itself or with the
aid of pollinators. For instance, if pollinators are included in the
reproduction process such as bees or butterflies, papaya seeds will be
transferred to pistil of other’s flower, after this, sexual reproduction will
3. Growth habit
Humans, specifically agriculturists or people inclined to the field of
crops need to know the growth habit of certain crop in order to differentiate
the crops to the others. For instance, a difference between a grape and a
calamansi is that, grape is a vine, which crawls to fences or poles and aren’t
supported by stems of trunk, while a calamansi is generally a tree, thus is
supports itself and can stand by its own roots and stems.
b. Differentiate agronomic from horticultural crops. Complete the table below.


Human and animals
Harvested in matured
Harvest stage Harvested at different stage

Consumed process in
Consumption Consumed fresh
living state of dried

Moisture content
of harvested
Low High
product (High/
consideration Low High
(High/ Low?)
Calories (High/
High Low
Vitamins and
minerals (High/ Low High
Limited Wide
(Limited/ Wide?)
(Intensive/ Extensive Intensive

Cereals or grain crops,

Crops grain legumes crops, oil Vegetable crops, fruit crops,
classifications crops, pasture and forage ornamental crops, medicinal
crops, fiber crops, sugar crops
crops, root crops
Match the products available in the market (A) with the crops (B) and the plant parts
used to produce the product (C). choose the best answer.
A. Product B. Crop C. Plant part
B,C 1. Cough tablet a. Wheat a. Root
L,E 2. Copra, virgin oil b. Lagundi b. Stem
S,F 3. Chocolate c. Mungbean c. Leaves
I,B 4. Sinamay d. Jute d. Flower
A,F 5. Bread e. Peanut e. Fruit
T,F 6. Pansit canton f. Corn f. Seed
C,F 7. Sotanghon g. Cassava
V,F 8. Taho, tofu h. Coffee
K,B 9. Tires i. Abaca
V,E 10. T-shirts, pillows j. Pineapple
E,F 11. Sandwich spread k. Rubber
N,E 12. Loofah l. Coconut
Q,D 13. Perfume m. Oregano
O,D 14. Muscovado n. Patola
P,E 15. Papain o. Sugarcane
H,A 16. Topiaca p. Papaya
W,C 17. Cigars, cigarettes q. Ylang-ylang
D,B 18. Gunny snacks r. Black pepper
H,F 19. Cappucino, espresso s. Cacao
F,F 20. Chips t. Rice
u. Soybean
v. Cotton
w. Tobacco

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