Survey On Environmental Impact of Waste Disposal in Brgy Sta Cruz Group 2

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A Research Proposal
Submitted to the Faculty of San Juan National High School
In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements
for the strand of

Accountancy and Business Management

Lyka Mae S. Ephan Genivy M. Salido

Aljun O. Teves Bebsmar Mendoza
Bea L. Baron Elaiza Onita
Elyca B. Timbal Rosemarie Resma

JUNE 2022

Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures


Background of the Study
Framework of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Statement of Hypothesis
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations
Definition of Terms


Research Designs
Research Locale
Research Respondent
Sampling Procedure
Research Instrument
Research Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data

Appendix A Transmittal Letter
Appendix B Research Instrument
Appendix C Location Map

Chapter I


Background of the Study

The condition that we selected in our topic is the problems or impact in

the proper waste disposal. Based on current situation, most of the residents in

Barangay Sta. Cruz, Southern Leyte incinerate, this way of disposal is not

eco-friendly and can disturb the barangay itself and the citizens can inhale the

emission of smoke. This way of waste disposal can also lead to a number of

diseases especially respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis and

emphysema. Burning trash can be also hazardous if not been controlled, fire

can spread and burn nearby trees, wood houses and can harm animals. This

way of disposal adds so much in worldwide known global warming as burning

waste leads to air pollution since greenhouse gases have been released. This

situation presently apparent in the whole world, these problems or impact

should be managed because these cause global warming and climate change

that can harm the people of future generation this is based. The project's

associated issue is the global problem of air and land pollution. Whereas the

problem with air pollution is the burning of trash, which can result in the

release of too many greenhouse gases into the air, which can easily destroy

the layers of the atmosphere, the second problem with land pollution is that if

we don't have a healthy soil that can be used for planting plants or trees due

to the chemicals that have already killed the fertility of the soil due to the

harmful chemicals that come from garbage, the world will suffer from a lack of

filtered water. People in the community of Barangay Sta. Cruz, Southern

Leyte, will be affected by these two related issues that may occur. Farming is

their main source of income, and they are suffering as a result. Because if the

environment is completely shattered, the grains or plants that the farmers are

cultivating will perish quickly due to a build-up of heat from the plants.

Farmers in the neighborhood will have difficulty growing their plants if there is

no live soil or rich soil available because hazardous chemicals have damaged

the soil.

According to Iyyanki Muralikrishna and Valli Manickam from

ResearchGate (December, 2017), “Without an effective and efficient waste

management program, the project's associated issue is the worldwide

problem of air and land pollution. Whereas the problem with air pollution is the

burning of trash, which can result in the release of too many greenhouse

gases into the air, which can easily destroy the layers of the atmosphere, the

problem with land pollution is that if we don't have a healthy soil that can be

used for planting plants or trees due to chemicals that have already killed the

fertility of the soil due to harmful chemicals that come from garbage, the world

will suffer from a lack of filtered water. People in the community of Barangay

Sta. Cruz, Southern Leyte, would be affected by these two connected

situations that may occur. waste generated from various human activities,

both industrial and domestic, can result in health hazards and have a negative

impact on the environment.”. An effective and efficient waste management

program is a way for an area to have a clean and safe environment.

The overall goal of our research is to help the barangay in Barangay

Sta. Cruz, Southern Leyte, understand how to properly dispose of trash, find
alternative garbage disposal methods, and ensure that the community

maintains cleanliness. This research focuses on how community members'

activities can have a significant impact on not just our environment, but also

our health. The compost pit with shredder, which we propose, will help reduce

the barangay's carbon footprint and smoke pollution. This is to ensure that the

community no longer burns trash.

The project's specific objectives are to improve the barangay's

cleanliness and orderliness, to raise ecological awareness among residents in

the barangay, to provide a compost pit to solve the problem of uncollected

waste, to improve proper waste disposal and segregation as a key to prevent

the problem of where to put their waste, to promote cooperation among

residents of Barangay Sta. Cruz, Southern Leyte for community development

and improvement, and to provide a compost pit to solve the problem.

Statement of the Problem

The study entitled "Environmental Impact of Waste Disposal in

Barangay Sta. Cruz, San Juan, Southern Leyte. It mostly looks into and seeks

solutions to the following specific questions.

1. What effect does garbage disposal have in Barangay Sta. Cruz?

2. What are possible causes of these problem?

3. What way can be done to resolve this issue?

4. As a residence of Barangay Sta. Cruz how can you manage garbage

disposal at home?

5. What is the best solution to the garbage problem?

Statement of Hypothesis

Ha1: There is a significance impact of waste disposal in both barangay officials

and to all residence living in Barangay Sta. Cruz.

Ho1: There is no significance impact of waste disposal in both barangay officials

and to all residence living in Barangay Sta. Cruz.

Ha2: There is a significance factors and aspects that causes these problems.

Ho2: There is no significance factors and aspects that causes these problems.

Significance of the Study

The research was focusing in barangay Sta. Cruz. This study is

more on survey about environment in Sta Cruz. The study's purpose

is to develop a cohesive multi-sectoral approach to the development

of compost system in barangay Sta Cruz, San Juan, Southern Leyte.

The researchers discovered, that one of the barangay's major

problems is the lack of garbage disposal areas. As previous stated,

multi-sectoral participation (officials, community, individuals, etc.) is

critical to maintaining the problem.

1. The person who live in the barangay Sta. Cruz- net and clean

2. Health workers- reduce people getting sick

3. The person who have a sick- fresh air

Framework of the Study

Input Process Output

• Lack of garbage • Observing the • Application of the

disposal problem in the Project Proposal
• Deficiency of
garbage trucks
• Analyzing

• Searching for
possible solutions

Figure A

The concern that is presently patent in Barangay Sta. Cruz, San Juan

was their waste disposal and absence of garbage truck. So, the researchers

came up with the project proposal that can help in reducing and eliminating

their waste disposal and the absence of garbage truck by building a compost

pit with a shredder to help them dispose their waste easily and properly. To

make that possible, the researchers first interview the residents of Barangay

Sta. Cruz, San Juan to get the data’s that they needed to make a simple

solution to the problem. In line with this they also evaluate the cleanliness of

the barangay to think of what is needed to be done and what actions should

they do.
After getting the details they needed, the researchers already have the

input or the proposed plan/project. They have the idea of a compost pit with a

shredder to help it decompose easily and help the environment to have

healthy soil for a living. After producing the proposal of the project, the group

needs to coordinate with the barangay officials for them to know if the project

will be approved and be supported. If the said project proposal is approved by

the barangay officials, then the group will start the steps/methods from the

timetable that is included in the proposal. With the use of the seminar for the

people in the community of Sta. Cruz, they will have a deeper understand of

the project which is the compost pit with shredder and what are the benefits of

this project to the environment.

In the first box which is input, it is specified that the focal problem to be

solved which are lack of garbage disposal and deficiency of garbage trucks. In

the second box which is the process, it is designated that the researchers

observed and analyzed the problem before searching for possible solutions.

In the third box which is output, it is indicated that proposals will be done, in

this case the compost pit. According to E. Pongrácz, P. S. Phillips, and R. L.

Keiski’s Theory on Solid Waste Management (2004), the sustainable waste

management depends greatly upon how waste is defined. Definition is the

most obvious, and adequate method of characterizing a scientific concept.

Definitions are offered to state or describe the accepted meaning, or

meanings, of a term already in use are called descriptive definitions.

Descriptive definitions are of the form: Definientia has the same meaning as

Scope and Limitations

This research focuses on finding out the primary factors that affect the

condition and the performance of the Barangay’s environment. Recent studies

and researchers will be used as reference in finding out what affects the

condition and performance of different kinds of waste. The study will focus on

the environmental impact of waste disposal in Barangay Sta. Cruz.

In this study the researchers aim to create a solution for the main

problem that the researchers found out by interviewing the residents of the

Barangay. The Theory on Waste Management (2004) by E. Pongrácz, P. S.

Phillips, and R. L. Keiski is used as a reference through the progression of the

study. An interview was conducted with (9) willingly residents of the chosen

community, Barangay Santa Cruz. The question asked to the respondents

were their basic information, source of income and the problems that they

encountered in the community. According to the result, improper waste

disposal is the major problem of the residents in Santa Cruz. These problems

were defined as incinerating, throwing their garbage on the well and the lack

of garbage collection. These problems could harm not only the residents but

also the environment itself. The knowledge of the residents about their current

situation is based on their own experiences. Although they were able to give

advice to people that might experience the same situation by segregating their

waste properly, there are dump trucks assigned to collect all the garbage in

different barangay but they only come once that's why they resulted to the

incinerating of their garbage.

Definition of Terms

To provide a better understanding on the terms used in the study, the

most significant and commonly used terms are.

Waste - loss of something valuable that occurs because too much of it is

being used or because it is being used in a way that is not necessary or


Eco-friendly- not harmful to the environment

Pollution- the action or progress of making land, water, air, etc. dirty and not

safe or suitable to use.

- a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged,

causing breathlessness.

Environmental- conditions that surrounds someone or something: the

conversation and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, etc.

Impact- to have a strong and often bad effect on something or someone.

Shattered- to damage something very badly.

Bulk- most of something the largest part of something.

Contaminate- make (something) empire by exposure to or addition of a

poisonous or polluting substance.

Decompose- (with reference to a dead body or other organic matter) make or

become rotten; decay or cause to decay.

Lack- the state of being without or not having enough of something.

Segregate- set apart from the rest or from each other; isolate or divide.

Adequate- satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Chapter II


Related Literature

Some people are careless about the environment and simply put their

waste wherever they choose. They do not consider the potential

consequences of their actions on the environment, particularly on health.

Pollution of the earth, water, and air can all be caused by inappropriate

garbage disposal. Littering, dumping hazardous garbage into the ground, and

not recycling products that should be recycled are all examples of poor waste

disposal. Waste disposal has significant environmental consequences and

can result in catastrophic difficulties. Garbage disposal must be done correctly

to protect everyone from any health risks. If we continue to act in this manner,

people will suffer in the next years. Improper garbage disposal has both

causes and effects.

Some causes of improper waste disposal are:

 People are unaware of consequences of their irresponsible

 People are not following the correct rules of proper waste

disposal. People throw the garbage in what place they want

and they have no care what will be the effect of it.

 People are burning plastic instead of keeping and recyclable it.

According to Khylle Tumala (January 2015) from her study in the effects

of improper waste disposal in the Philippines, “Improper waste disposal is one

of the biggest environmental issues here in the Philippines. It caused bigger

problems that affect not only the environment but also the health and life of

the people. This problem may be resolve or it will remain problem to the

country in the next few years”. A law in the Philippines approved by the Office

on the President on January 26, 2001 was created in response to the rapidly

growing rate of garbage problems in the country caused by improper waste

disposal. Unfortunately, even though there is a law, improper waste disposal

in the Philippines was ranked 3rd as top source of water contamination in a

study on February 2015.

Waste disposal is different from waste management. Proper waste

disposal is needed to properly execute waste management. Waste

Management refers to the recycling, processing, transport, assortment, and

monitoring of waste products. The waste products are mainly of three types:

solid, liquid or in gas state. Solid waste commonly is known as non-

biodegradable waste (UK Essays, 2015). Their study centered on the waste

hierarchy or 3R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle– and explored waste management

as a concept and effect of waste disposal. Without properly executing waste

disposal, difficulty in waste management also emerge. It is also proven that

human activities and lack of discipline are the main reason of improper waste

disposal that makes the problem difficult to resolve.

One of the significant studies that can also be applied to this research is

the “Environmental Impacts of Improper Solid Waste Management in

Developing Countries: A Case Study of Rawalpindi City” (Ejaz, Akhtar, Nisar

& Ali Naeem, 2010), which reviewed and highlighted the main causes of

improper solid waste management in developing countries like improper ways

of waste disposal. An inefficient municipal solid waste management system

may create serious negative environmental impacts like infectious diseases,

land and water pollution, obstruction of drains and loss of biodiversity.

Moreover, Marianne and Fred Sandford (2015) also claimed that

improper hazardous waste disposal doesn’t just contaminate soil and the local

water supply, but it can also pollute the air. An area with a reputation for a

toxic environment can also be susceptible to lower property values, so not

following proper disposal procedures can even affect the cost of houses'

properties. Long term execution of improper waste disposal of municipal

wastes can affect soil and water properties and productivity. It also produces

lethal gases such as carbon monoxide and methane gas.

Disposal of refuse without proper supervision often amounts damage to

the environment and ultimately to the human body system. A public health

physician, Professor Akin Osibogun, justified that improperly disposed refuse

has both direct and indirect health effects to humans which were observed in

the study of how improper waste disposal damages health (Obama, 2015).

Excessive breeding of rodents and vermin like rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes,

and flies are the direct health effects caused by improper disposal as those
vermin transmit diseases like leptospirosis, lassa fever and salmonellosis from

rats, malaria from mosquitoes, shigellosis and diarrheal diseases from flies.

Indirect health effects, on the other hand, include the contamination of water

and soil from leachate – a very harmful liquid mixture of chemicals that forms

as water flows from a contaminated area.

Another study, which is about effects of improper garbage disposal

(Boehlke, 2017), also implied that humans are not the only ones who are

affected but also animals. As water can be contaminated, marine life is also in

danger. When wastes cluster and form algal bloom, it can suffocate and

contaminate everything near it – may it be a habitat which includes corals or

an organism like fishes, mollusks, etc.

On the other hand, a study in Ecuador which centered around the

development of organic fertilizers from food market waste and urban

gardening by composting (Jara-Samaniego, Pérez-Murcia, Bustamante,

Paredes, & Pérez-Espinosa, 2017) can reduce the effects of improper waste

disposal and even prevent the pile up of wastes. Biodegradable wastes can

be used for agricultural purposes because of the high concentration that can

be found on organic matters and nutrients contents of the wastes like in food

market and urban gardening wastes that can be managed and recycled

through composting obtaining end-products like compost or fertilizer.

The study shows how significant proper waste disposal is in a

community. From the related studies and literature, the researchers reviewed,

they are able to determine and clarify the causes and possible effects of

improper waste disposal in the community, to the environment, and to the

residents of the barangay the researchers are studying. With the help of these
studies, the researchers were able to revise a concept or idea about waste

disposal and composting. Composting is a simple way of segregating waste to

recycle and help the soil to be more fertile for future use which can also

reduce the effects of improper waste disposal and management.

If every household made an effort to plan and segregate their waste, waste

management would become much simpler. Here we explain how to manage

household waste competently. The first step is to reduce waste in the house.

The next step involves reusing or recycling material. Read on to understand

how it can be done.

1. Avoid Plastics
It can be difficult to manage plastic waste as it is not recyclable.
This one of the primary reasons why you should avoid plastic bags.
Carry your own shopping bag when you go to the grocery shop. Do
not use plastic containers to store kitchen items either. Use glass
for storage. It is healthier for your family and for the environment.

2. Compost Your Kitchen Waste

An eco-friendly waste management method is to compost your

organic waste. Invest in a good composting bin and make rich compost from

your kitchen waste. This will reduce your organic waste and leave you with

quality manure for your gardens.

3. Repurpose Sturdy Containers and Recycle other Materials

Most glass and tin containers can be reused to store some other
item that it was originally intended for. You can also reuse paper
bags as bin liners to throw garbage.

4. Dispose of Hazardous Waste in a Responsible Manner

Managing bio waste needs care and caution. It is unwise to dump

material like batteries, medical syringes, unused medicine in a careless

manner. The chemicals leech into the soil and can become toxic for people
living in that area. Plant absorb these toxins too, and we consume vegetables

that are laden with chemical waste from the soil.

If every household made a conscientious effort to, manage household waste,

we could put an end to the piling garbage at our street corners, and in our

oceans, and water bodies. So make an effort to manage your household

waste for a greener tomorrow.


This chapter presents and explains all the details of the procedures followed

in conducting the study. This chapter contains the discussions of the design of

the research, description of research instrument to be use, description of the

locale of the study, steps in collecting data and methods of analyzing and

interpreting the data.

Searching for valid consistent sources of data and information for this study

was a challenge for the researchers. The researchers looked for several

articles, theses and research work in order to gather information and

conducted sampling in order to obtain the data required for this study.

Research Designs

This research utilized a case study, a type of qualitative research that

determines the problems of Barangay Sta. Cruz in regard to proper waste

disposal. In this study, some of the residents was interviewed about their

current lifestyle and the problems that they are facing. A case study is a
process that focuses on people’s specific problems that they are currently

experiencing. Through these experiences, the researchers would provide an

innovative and a convenient solution to resolve or address the problem being


Research Locale

This research will be conducted at the barangay of Sta.Cruz San Juan,

Southern Leyte specifically among the residence living inside the community.

The coverage of this research study doesn’t go beyond the border of the

barangay of Sta. Cruz San Juan.



This chapter presents the data gathered in the form of transcribed

interviews on the selective households living on the barangay Sta. Cruz, San

Juan, Southern Leyte. Moreover, this chapter shows the analyses of the

significant findings that the researchers had discovered throughout the study

in line with the specific problems found in the study and are supported by

related studies and literature. Textual discussions and corresponding

analyses are presented which points out the significant findings found during

the open selective and theoretical coding phases of the research.

Data Tabulation of the Residents Response about “SURVEY ON


population of 50


F P(%) F P(%)

1 49 98% 1 2%

2 25 50% 25 50%

3 46 92% 4 8%

4 46 92% 4 8%
5 34 68% 16 32%

6 16 32% 34 68%

7 43 86% 7 14%

8 25 50% 25 50%

9 45 90% 5 10%

10 46 92% 4 8%


1. Based on the result of the conducted survey by the researchers,

98% of the respondents answered yes

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