STM32G4-System-Power Control PWR

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Hello, and welcome to this presentation of the STM32G4

power controller. The STM32G4’s power management

functions and all low power modes are also be covered
in this presentation.

STM32G4 devices feature a flexible power control, which
increases flexibility in power mode management and
further reduces the overall application consumption.
This slide details the consumption in the various power
modes for the STM32G474.
Run mode can support a system clock running at up to
170 MHz, with only 173 µA/MHz.
At 26 MHz, the consumption is even lower: 128 µA/MHz.
STM32G4 devices support 7 main low-power modes:
Low-power run, Sleep, Low-power sleep, Stop 0, Stop 1,
Standby and Shutdown modes.
Each mode can be configured in many ways, providing
several additional sub-modes.
In addition, STM32G4 devices support a battery backup
domain, called VBAT.
The high flexibility in power management provides both
high performance with a CoreMark score equal to

3.42/MHz, together with an outstanding power efficiency.

The STM32G4 has several key features related to power
Several low-power modes, down to 130 nA while it is still
possible to wake up the MCU with an event on an I/O.
For only 435 nA, 16 kilobytes of SRAM can be retained
assuming a 1.8V VDD power supply.
A large number of peripherals can wake up from the
various low-power modes.
Dynamic consumption is down to 128 µA/MHz, executing
from Flash memory.
A battery backup domain, called VBAT, includes the RTC
and the backup registers.
Several power supplies are independent, enabling the
reduction of the MCU power consumption while some
peripherals are supplied at higher voltages.
Thanks to the large number of power modes, STM32G4
devices offer high flexibility to minimize the power

consumption and adjust it depending on active
peripherals, required performance and needed wake-up

STM32G4 devices have several independent power
supplies, which can be set at different voltages or tied
together. The main power supply is VDD, supplying
almost all I/Os except those part of the VBAT domain .
VDD also supplies the flash memory, the reset block,
temperature sensor and all internal clock sources. In
addition, it supplies the Standby circuitry which includes
the wakeup logic and independent watchdog.
VDD supplies voltage regulators which provide the
VCORE supply.
VCORE supplies most of the digital peripherals, SRAMs
and Flash memory controller.
VDDA voltage supplies the analog peripherals.
The VREF+ pin provides the reference voltage to the
analog-to-digital and to digital-to-analog converters.
It is also the output of the internal voltage reference
buffer when enabled.

A backup battery can be connected to VBAT pin to supply
the backup domain.

The main power supply VDD ensures full feature
operation in all power modes from 1.71 up to 3.6 V,
enabling it to be supplied by an external 1.8 V regulator.
Device functionality is guaranteed down to 1.6 V, the
minimum voltage after which a power-down reset is
generated. Other independent supplies are provided to
enable peripherals to operate at a different voltage.
VDDA is the external analog power supply for Analog to
Digital converters, Digital to Analog converters, voltage
reference buffer, operational amplifiers and comparators.
When the analog-to-digital converters or comparators
are used, the VDDA voltage must be greater than 1.62 V.
When the digital-to-analog converters are used, VDDA
must be greater than 1.71 V.
When the operational amplifiers are used, VDDA must
be greater than 2.0 V
When the voltage reference buffer is used, VDDA must

be greater than 2.4 V.
A backup domain is supplied by VBAT, which must be
greater than 1.55 V. The backup domain contains the
RTC, the 32.768-kHz LSE external oscillator and the
Tamp block containing the 128-byte backup registers.

The ADC and DAC voltage references can be provided
either by an external supply voltage or by the internal
reference buffer.
This improves the performance of the converters by
providing an isolated and independent reference voltage.
The VREF+ pin and thus the internal voltage reference,
is not available on 32-pin packages.
In those packages, the VREF+ pin is double-bonded with
VDDA and the internal voltage buffer must be kept
The voltage reference can be provided through the
VDDA pin in those packages.
LQFP128 package has two VREF+ pins.

The power supply supervisor guarantees a safe and
ultra-low power reset management.
STM32G4 devices embed a Power-On Reset (or POR)
and a Power-Down Reset (PDR) which are always
enabled in all power modes except Shutdown mode.
The Brown-Out reset (or BOR) ensures reset generation
as soon as the MCU power supply drops below the
selected threshold, regardless of the VDD slope. Four
thresholds from 1.7 to 2.8 V can be selected by option
byte programmed in Flash memory.
A Power Voltage Detector (or PVD) can generate an
interrupt when VDD crosses the selected threshold. The
PVD can be enabled in all modes except Standby and
Shutdown modes. The threshold is selected by software
among seven possible values.
In addition, comparisons can be done between VREFINT
and the PVD_IN external pin.

The VDDA power supply can be independent from VDD
and can be monitored with two Peripheral Voltage
Monitoring (or PVM).

The Power reset (BOR and POR) resets all registers
except those in the Backup domain powered by VBAT
which contains the RTC and TAMP blocks and the
external low-speed oscillator LSE.
When exiting Standby mode, all registers powered by the
Main regulator are reset.
When exiting Shutdown mode, a Power reset is
Five BOR levels can be selected through option bytes.
During power-on, the BOR keeps the device under reset
until the supply voltage VDD reaches the specified
VBORx threshold. When VDD drops below the selected
threshold, a device reset is generated.
When VDD is above the VBORx upper limit, the device
reset is released and the system can start.

Two embedded linear voltage regulators supply all the
digital circuitries except for the Standby circuitry and the
Backup domain. The regulator output voltage (VCORE)
can be programmed by software to two different values
depending on the performance and the power
consumption requirements. This is called Dynamic
Voltage Scaling.
The figure on the left indicates the Vcore voltage level
required according to the frequency.
Depending on the application mode, VCORE is provided
either by the Main voltage regulator for Run, Sleep and
Stop 0 modes, or by the Low-power regulator for Low-
power run, Low-power sleep, Stop 1 modes.
The regulators are OFF in Standby and Shutdown mode.
When SRAM2 content is preserved in Standby mode,
the Low-power regulator remains ON and provides the
SRAM2 supply.
In Run mode, the CPU is clocked and program can be
executed from FLASH or SRAM Memory.
In Range 1, the system clock is up to 170 MHz, in Range
2 it is up to 26 MHz.
By default, the SRAM clocks are enabled. They can be
individually gated off during Sleep mode by software.
All peripherals can be activated in Range 1.

In Run mode, the voltage scaling Range 2 is the medium
performance range, enabling a system clock up to 26
When executing from SRAM, the Flash consumption can
be saved by configuring the Flash in Power-down mode
and by gating its clock off.
All peripherals can be activated except the USB device
and Random Number Generator.
All clocks can be enabled.

In Low Power Run mode, the CPU is clocked and
program can be executed from FLASH or SRAM,
additionally the FLASH can be completely unpowered to
save power.
The system clock is limited to 2 MHz.
The Main Regulator is switched off and supply to digital
blocks is provided by the Low Power Regulator.
In Low Power mode, all peripherals except the USB
device and Random Number Generator can be active.

The Run mode, thanks to voltage scaling, and the Low-
power run mode, offer flexibility between required
performance and consumption.
In Run mode range 1 when boost mode is active, the
system clock is limited to 170 MHz and the internal and
external oscillators and the PLL can be used.
In Run mode range 1 when boost mode is disabled, the
system clock is limited to 150 MHz and the internal and
external oscillators and the PLL can be used.
In Run mode range 2, the system clock is limited to 26
MHz and the internal and external oscillators as well as
the PLL can be used, but must be limited to 26 MHz.
In Low-power run mode, the system clock must be
limited to 2 MHz.
Each peripheral clock can be configured to be ON or
OFF in Run and Low-power run modes.
By default all peripherals clocks are OFF, except the
Flash interface clock.
The SRAM clock is always ON in Run mode.
When running from SRAM (in Run or Low-power run
modes), the Flash memory can be put in Power-down
mode thanks to software, and the Flash clock can be
switched off.
The Flash memory must not be accessed when it is
switched off, consequently interrupt vectors must be
mapped in SRAM, using the Cortex-M4 Vector Table
Offset Register.
The current consumption in Run or Low-power run
modes depends on several parameters: first the
executed binary code, that means the program itself plus
the compiler impact. Then it depends on the program
location in the memory, the device software
configuration, the I/O pin loading and switching rate and
the temperature.
The consumption also depends on whether the code is
executed from Flash memory or from SRAM. Energy
efficiency is better when the Flash prefetch and the
instruction cache are enabled . Executing from flash
consumes more than executing from SRAM because the
flash memory belongs to the VDD power domain while
the SRAM belongs to the Vcore power domain.
Sleep and Low-power sleep modes enable all
peripherals to be used and features the fastest wakeup
In these modes, the CPU is stopped and each peripheral
clock can be configured by software to be gated ON or
OFF during the Sleep and Low-power sleep modes.
These modes are entered by executing the assembler
instruction Wait for Interrupt (or WFI) or Wait for Event
(or WFE). When executed in Low-power run mode, the
device enters Low-power sleep mode.
Depending on the SLEEPONEXIT bit configuration in the
Cortex®-M4 System Control Register, the MCU enters
Sleep mode as soon as the instruction is executed, or as
soon as it exits the lowest priority Interrupt Sub Routine.
This last configuration saves time and consumption by
avoiding the need to pop and push the stack when
exiting the low power mode. However all computations
must be done in Cortex®-M4 handler mode, because the
thread mode is no longer used .

In Sleep mode, the CPU clocks are OFF.
In Range 1, the system clock is up to 170 MHz, in Range
2 it is up to 26 MHz.
By default, the SRAM clocks are enabled.
They can be individually gated off during Sleep mode by
All peripherals can be activated in Range 1.

In Sleep mode Range 2, all peripherals can be activated
except the USB device and Random Number Generator.

In Low-power sleep mode, the CPU clock is OFF and the
logic is supplied by the low-power regulator. The system
clock is up to 2 MHz.
Flash memory can be configured in Power down and can
be gated off; SRAMs can be gated off.
All peripherals can be activated except the USB OTG
and Random Number Generator.

STM32G4 devices features two Stop modes: Stop 0, and
1, which are the lowest power modes with full retention
and only a few µs wakeup time to Run mode at 16 MHz.
The contents of SRAM and all peripherals registers are
preserved in Stop modes.
All high speed clocks are stopped.
The 32.768 kHz external oscillator and 32 kHz internal
oscillator can be enabled.
Several peripherals can be active and wake up from
Stop mode.
System clock on wake-up is the internal high-speed
oscillator at 16 MHz.
Stop 1 is similar to Stop 0 with the Main regulator
switched OFF.
The voltage regulator is configured in main regulator
All clocks in the VCORE domain are stopped; the PLL
and the HSE oscillators are disabled.
The RTC, clocked by the internal or external low-speed
oscillator, can remain active.
The brown-out reset is always enabled. Most of the
peripheral clocks are gated off.
Several peripherals can be functional in Stop 0 mode:
Power voltage detector, Peripheral Voltage Monitor,
digital to analog converters, operational amplifiers,
comparators, independent watchdog, low power timer,
I2C, UART and low-power UART, and UCPD.
The events from all I/Os can wake up from Stop 0 mode,
as well as the interrupt generated by the active
peripherals. The I2C, UART , or LPUART can switch the
HSI16 ON during the Stop mode in order to recognize

their wakeup condition and switch off the HSI16 after
receiving the frame if it is not a wakeup frame. In this
case, the HSI16 clock is propagated only to the
peripheral requesting it.

Stop 1 mode is very similar to Stop 0 except that the
power figures are much lower as the main regulator is
stopped and replaced by the low Power Regulator.
Flash memory as well as HSI16 are configurable: they
can be stopped or kept enabled.

When comparing Stop modes:
Stop 0 mode consumption is higher than Stop 1 mode
consumption, but the wakeup time is shorter.
Stop 0 mode keeps the Main regulator enabled, enabling
a very short wake-up time of 3 µs when restarting from
the RAM to the expense of a higher consumption than
Stop 1.
The I2C address recognition is functional in both Stop
modes, and can generate a wakeup event in case of an
address match.
The UART and LPUART byte reception is functional in
both Stop modes and can generate a wakeup event in
case of Start detection or Byte reception or Address
match event.
When clocked by the internal or external low-speed
oscillator, the low-power timer can wake up the MCU
with all its events.

The Standby mode is the lowest power mode in which
the 16 KB of SRAM2 can be retained, the automatic
switch from VDD to VBAT is supported and the I/Os level
can be configured by independent pull-up and pull-down
By default, the voltage regulators are in Power down
mode and the SRAM contents and peripherals registers
are lost. The 128-byte backup registers are always
The brown-out reset is always ON to ensure a safe reset
regardless of the VDD slope.
Each I/O can be configured with or without a pull-up or
pull-down, which is applied and released thanks to the
APC control bit. This controls the input state of external
components even during Standby mode.
5 wakeup pins are available to wake up the device from
Standby mode. The polarity of each of the 5 wakeup pins

is configurable.
The wakeup clock is HSI with a frequency of 16 MHz.

In Standby mode with SRAM2, the main regulator is
powered down and the low power regulator supplies the
SRAM to preserve its content.
The RTC, clocked by the internal or external low-speed
oscillator, may remain active .
The brown-out reset is always enabled. The independent
watchdog can also be enabled in Standby mode.
Reset, brown-out reset, RTC and tamper detection,
independent watchdog and any event on the 5 wakeup
pins can exit the microcontroller from Standby mode.

In Standby mode without SRAM retention, both main and
low power regulators are powered down.
Wake-up events and available peripherals as well wake-
up sources are the same as in Standby mode with

The shutdown mode is the lowest power mode of the
STM32G4, with only 15 nA at 1.8 V.
This mode is similar to Standby mode but without any
power monitoring: the power down reset is disabled and
the switch to VBAT is not supported in Shutdown mode.
Hence the product state is not guaranteed in case the
power supply is lowered below 1.6V.
The LSI is not available, and consequently the
independent watchdog is also not available.
A power reset is generated when the device exits
Shutdown mode: all registers are reset except those in
the backup domain, and a reset signal is generated on
the pad.
The 128-byte backup registers are retained in Shutdown
The wakeup sources are the 5 wakeup pins and the RTC
events including tampers.

When exiting Shutdown mode, the wakeup clock is HSI at
16 MHz.

In Shutdown mode, the main regulator and the low-
power regulator are powered down.
The RTC, clocked by the external low-speed oscillator,
can remain active.
The brown-out reset is deactivated. Only the external
low-speed clock can be enabled.
The wakeup events are the RTC and tamper events, the
reset and the 5 wakeup pins.

Here you can see the summary of all the STM32G4
power modes.

From Run mode, it is possible to access all low-power
modes except Low-power sleep mode.
In order to enter Low-power sleep mode, it is required to
move first to Low-power run mode and execute a Wait
for Interrupt or Wait for Event instruction while the
regulator is the low-power regulator.
On the other hand, when exiting Low-power sleep mode,
the STM32G4 is in Low-power run mode.
When the device is in Low-power run mode, it is possible
to transition to all low-power modes except Sleep and
Stop 0 modes. Stop 0 mode can only be entered from
Run mode.
If the device enters Stop 1 mode from Low-power run
mode, it will exit in Low-power run mode.
If the device enters Standby or Shutdown, it will exit in
Run mode.

The backup domain keeps the RTC fully functional and
preserve the backup registers in case the VDD supply is
down, thanks to a backup battery connected to the VBAT
The backup domain contains the RTC clocked by the
low-speed external oscillator at 32.768 kHz.
Three tamper pins are functional in VBAT mode, and will
erase the 128-byte backup registers also included in the
VBAT domain, in case of intrusion detection.
The backup domain also contains the RTC clock control
In case VDD drops below a certain threshold, the backup
domain power supply automatically switches to VBAT.
When VDD is back to normal, the backup domain power
supply automatically switches back to VDD.
The VBAT voltage is internally connected to an ADC
input channel in order to monitor the backup battery

When VDD is present, the battery connected to VBAT can
be charged from the VDD supply.

The battery charging feature enables the charging of a
super-cap connected to VBAT pin through internal
resistor when VDD supply is present.
The charging is enabled by software and is done either
through a 5kΩ or 1.5kΩ resistor depending on software.
Battery charging is automatically disabled in VBAT mode.
VBE bit field of the PWR_CR4 register enables battery
VBRS bit field of the PWR_CR4 register selects the
resistance value.
During the startup phase, if VDD is established in less
than tRSTTEMPO and VDD greater than VBAT + 0.6 V,
a current may be injected into VBAT through an internal
diode connected between VDD and the power switch
If the power supply/battery connected to the VBAT pin
cannot support this current injection, it is strongly

recommended to connect an external low-drop diode
between this power supply and the VBAT pin

In VBAT mode, the main regulator and the low-power
regulator are powered down.
The RTC and Tamper, clocked by the external low-speed
oscillator, can remain active.
Only the external low-speed clock can be enabled.
The only powered block is the backup domain that
includes RTC and Tampers, and the return to normal
execution happens once VDD supply is provided.
The VBAT consumption with RTC is around 150 nA
typical at 1.8 V.

Three bits are available in the Flash option bytes to
prohibit a given low-power mode.
When cleared, a reset is generated instead of entering
the related low-power modes.

The microcontroller integrates special means allowing
the user to debug software in low-power modes.
Three bits are available in the Debug Control Register, in
order to allow debugging in Sleep, Stop, Standby and
Shutdown modes. When the related bit is set, the
regulator is kept ON in Standby and Shutdown modes,
and the HCLK and FCLK clocks remain ON to keep the
debugger active. This maintains the connection with the
debugger during the low-power modes, and continues
debugging after wakeup. Remember to clear these bits
when the MCU is not under debug, because the
consumption is higher in all low-power modes when
these bits are set, due to the fact they force the clocks
and the regulators to remain enabled.

In addition to this training, you can refer to the following
• Reset and Clock Control
• Real-Time Clock
• STM32CubeMX, focusing on the description of the
power consumption calculator.


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