3.5 Activity PDF

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1. Discuss how you think your own ideas of masculinity and femininity were formed? Provide examples.

My ideas of masculinity and femininity have been formed by growing up in a standard American
household, where my moms responsibilities were to take care of me and my siblings, cook dinner, and
clean. And my dads responsibilities were to provide for the family, mow, fix things around my house. Also
the activities that are considered ¨men interest¨ or ¨ women's interest¨, i was told that men like to hunt,
fish, play sports etc. And that a woman's interest are to shop, dance, bake etc.
2. Describe your “gender light bulb moment”. This is the first time you remember becoming aware of
being treated differently because of your gender. For example, you were sanctioned because you were
playing with a toy that didn't fit with your gender. How old were you? What was your reaction?
The time were i had the ¨gender light bulb moment¨ was probably when my older cousins made fun of me
for playing barbies with my sister, I was fairly young but old enough to remember it, so i would say around
the age of 5, my reaction was to immediately cry because i was confused like how kids do, but i started to
learn that girls and boys toys are different because it is normal for certain genders to have certain interest.
3. What are the current societal role expectations associated with your gender? How do you feel about
these expectations?
Men have a societal role expectation to be strong, competitive and to protect the women in their life. They
are expected to be leaders and have jobs like a boss, political figure and leaders in general. Men are also
supposed to show less emotion and affection. I understand these roles and I have accepted them. I have
always looked at my dad as my biggest role model/ influence and he has taught me what is expected
from a man by society.
4. Has your gender limited or enhanced your life choices? Explain.
Gender has obviously enhanced my life choices, it has influenced what I wanna do in life, what activities
I'm interested in and has made me understand what my parents expect from me. Gender affects almost
everything in life in my opinion.
5. Imagine if your gender was suddenly changed, would it be a positive or negative change? Why? Or if
you have experienced more than 1 gender, did you find one to be more positive or negative? Why?
I think that if i was to suddenly become a woman i think that it would be a negative change because it is a
fact that women have it harder in life than men. They are expected to have a lot more, and alot more
taxing roles than men. Women also have a harder time in the workplace, not only are they not looked at
as bosses or leaders but the positions in the workplace that are considered pink collar jobs like, assistant,
teacher, nurse etc, are never paid as much as jobs that are mainly considered ¨men's jobs¨.

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