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Electronic administrations offer clients helpful admittance to and the capacity to control data
that is of worry to such administrations. Because of the great necessities in usefulness and
execution, these frameworks are much of the time extremely enormous regarding the size of
the basic programming. The utilization of Part Based Plan (CBD) for online programming
becomes an integral factor for this very reason. Not in the least does Part Based Programming
(CBSE) address the reasonability issue of electronic programming however it additionally
guarantees more prominent consistency and high reusability of online parts.

These benefits thusly lead to improved efficiency and subsequently better nature
of the general plan of the framework. To represent the viability of CBD, the plan and execution
of a part based web-based course enlistment framework is proposed for this venture. The
application will permit understudies, office individuals, employees and the vault individuals
to view and make shifts to direction enlistment related issues for a particular semester. The
framework will be created utilizing a Help Situated Engineering (SOA), which includes
gathering parts into web administrations.


1. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………….. 1

2. ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………... 2

• SYSTEM ANALYSIS………………………………………………… 2

• SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS………………………………………… 3

3. DESIGN APPROACH …………………………………………………. 4

▪ INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN………………………………………. 4

▪ UML DIAGRAMS ……………………………………………………. 5

▪ DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS ………………………………………….. 10

▪ E-R DIAGRAMS……………………………………………………… 13

4. PROJECT MODULE……………………………………………………. 15

5. TESTING ………………………………………………………………… 18

6. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS…………………………………………... 18

7. SOURCE CODE…………………………………………………………. 19

8. SCREENSHOT OF OUTPUT…………………………………………... 34

9. CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………... 38

BIBILIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………… 39

The topic “ATM Simulation” has been chosen keeping the functions of an
ATM machine and kiosk in mind. When we swipe our card through the
machine, we are able to extract all the relevant information of our account.
A same attempt has been made through this application to simulate those

1. We have devised a menu-driven program that lets the user view his last account
activity combined with deposit & withdrawal of money from his account.

2. Before the starting of this application, we have assumed that the account
information of 50 users would be stored by our application and the variables like
account balance, deposit & withdrawal would be initialized in the very beginning
to give a good look & feel of the application.

3. As the application starts, we assume that the user swipes his ATM debit card
which is effectively read by the machine though this is performed through the
human input because we are not integrating any such reader with our application.

4. After that the user, enters his/her secret pin no. which is accepted by the system
in the form of a password. If the card no. which we are eventually assuming as
the account number entered manually by the user matches the pin no., the user
is redirected to the menu where he can see all the details related to his account
and can also do any account activity according to his desires.
5. If at all the card number does not match with the pin no. the user is appropriately
informed of this.


1. Before making this application, we assumed that a fictitious bank which had
recently started its operations found it very difficult to handle their customers.

2. It was due to their great customer service and efficient handling of daily
operations that they customer base started growing and in a day, they started to
handle lot of customer requests.

3. When this happened, the bank authorities realized that the customer had lot of
different queries but the most common ones was account information, deposit
and withdrawal of money.

4. Slowly & slowly the count of such customers started to grow very rapidly and
the bank employees had to devote their maximum time in handling such

5. This resulted in large response times of the bank employees who found
themselves unable to give adequate time to some more important customers like
NRIs or people who were interested in opening a fresh account.

6. Slowly, the bank started loosing its important or gold customers due to poor
response times by the bank employees and they even started loosing those
customers whose requests could not be fulfilled.

7. After this, the bank decided to install a system that can effectively & efficiently
service the request of such customers and can the corresponding work of its
employees who were overburdened with such tasks.

8. This action was a step towards serving important or fresh customers with a
minimum possible and improve the response times & efficiency of the bank


Hardware Requirements: -

• Pentium-IV(Processor)o

• 256 MB Smash o

• 512 KB Reserve Memoryo

• Hard plate 10 GB o

• Microsoft Viable at least 101 Consoleo

Software Requirements: -

• Working Framework: Windows

• Web-Innovation: PHP


• Back-End : MySQL



Configuration is the most important phase in the improvement stage for any
strategies and standards to characterize a gadget, a cycle or framework in adequate detail
to allow its actual acknowledgment.

When the product necessities have been dissected and determined the product
configuration includes three specialized exercises - plan, coding, execution and testing
that are expected to assemble and confirm the product.

The plan exercises are of primary significance in this stage, on the grounds that
in this action, choices eventually influencing the progress of the product execution and
its simplicity of support are made. These choices have the last bearing upon
dependability and practicality of the framework.

Configuration is the best way to make an interpretation of the client's necessities

into completed programming or a framework precisely. Configuration is where quality
is encouraged being developed. Programming configuration is an interaction through
which prerequisites are converted into a portrayal of programming. Programming
configuration is led in two stages. Fundamental plan is worried about the change of
necessities into information.

UML Diagrams:


An intelligent arrangement of jobs that clients of purpose cases play while

interfacing witho the utilization ocases.

Use cases:

A depiction of succession of activities, including variations, that a framework

plays out that yields a detectable consequence of worth of an entertainer.

UML addresses Bound together Showing language. UML is a language & deciding,
envisioning to recording. Thus this the to do cultivating anything and examination. The
target from this is to make a model of the components drew in with the errand which
later ought to be developed. The depiction of the substances that are to be used in the
thing being made ought to be arranged.

The different sorts techniques for programming plan:

They are as follows:

➢ Usecase Diagrams

➢ Sequences Diagrams

➢ Collaborations Diagrams

➢ Activitys Diagrams

➢ State chat Diagrams


Use case graphs design conduct inside the framework & assists a designer
with comprehension of the client's expectation. The design man addresses called as

Use case graph can be valuable for getting a general perspective on the
framework and explaining who can do and all the more critically what they can't do.

Use case outline comprises of purpose cases and entertainers and shows the association
between the utilization case and entertainers.

• The object is to show the cooperations between the utilization case and

• To address the framework prerequisites according to client's viewpoint.

• An entertainer could be the end-client of the framework or an outer



A Utilization case is a depiction of set of succession of activities.

Graphically it is delivered as an oval with strong line including just its name. Use case
chart is a conduct graph that shows a bunch of purpose cases and entertainers and their
relationship. It is a relationship between the utilization cases and entertainers. An
entertainer addresses a certifiable item. Essential Entertainer - Shipper, Auxiliary
Entertainer Recipient.


Succession graph and cooperation outline are called Communication Charts. A

cooperation chart shows a communication, comprising of set of items and their
relationship including the messages that might be dispatched among them.

A succession graph is a presentation that sympathizes time requesting of

messages. Graphically a grouping chart is a table that shows objects organized along the
X-pivot and messages requested in expanding time along the Y-hub.

Sequence Diagram


A cooperation graph is a presentation outline that stresses the primary

association of the items that send and get messages. Graphically a cooperation outline is
an assortment of vertices and bends.

Collaboration Diagram:


Class is only a design that contains the two factors and techniques. The Class
Outline shows a bunch of classes, connection points, and joint efforts and their relating
ships. There is most normal outline in displaying the item situated frameworks and are
utilized to give the static perspective on a framework. It shows the reliance between the
classes that can be utilized in our framework.

The cooperations between the modules or classes of our ventures are displayed
underneath. Each block contains Class Name, Factors and Techniques.


A portrayal of set of items that share similar traits, tasks, connections, and

State Chart Diagram:


The DFD takes an information interaction yield perspective on a framework for example
information objects stream into the product, are changed by handling components, and
resultant information objects stream out of the product.

Information objects addressed by named bolts and change are addressed by

circles likewise called as air pockets. DFD is introduced in a various leveled design for
example the main information stream model addresses the framework all in all.
Resulting DFD refine the setting chart (level 0 DFD), giving expanding subtleties each
ensuing level.

The DFD empowers the programmer to foster models of the data area and useful
space simultaneously. As the DFD is refined into more prominent degrees of subtleties,
the examiner carry out a certain utilitarian decay of the framework. Simultaneously, the
DFD refinement brings about a relating refinement of the information as it travels
through the interaction that exemplify the applications.

A setting level DFD for the framework the essential outside substances produce
data for use by the framework and consume data created by the framework. The marked
bolt addresses information items or article progressive source.


• Set the degree of the source through setting frames.

• Set up the DFD with the objective that the major progression of the exercises

• Examines left to right and completely.

• Recognize all information sources and results.

• Perceive and check every collaboration internal to the system with Changed

• An interaction is expected for every one of the information change and Moves. Thusly,
never interface an information store to an information Source or the objections or
another information store with only an Information stream bolt.
• Make an effort not to show gear and disregard control information.

• Guarantee the names of the cycles exactly convey all that the association is done.
• There ought not be mysterious cycle.

• Show outside sources and protests of the data, with Squares.

• Number each occasion of reiterated external substances.

• Recognize all data streams for every collaboration step, beside essential Record

• Mark data stream on each bolt.

• Use nuances stream on each bolt.

• Use the nuances stream bolt to show data improvements.



User registration:

Taking Test:

E-R Diagrams: [REF-3]

The Element Relationship (trama center) model was initially proposed by Peter in
1976 [Chen76] as a manner to bind together the organization and social data set
sees. Just expressed the trama center model is a reasonable information model that
sees this present reality as substances and connections. An essential part of the
model is the Substance Relationship chart which is utilized to outwardly addresses
information objects. Since Chen composed his paper the model has been expanded
and today it is generally utilized for information base plan For the data set
originator, the utility of the trama center model is:

• it maps well to the social model. The develops utilized in the emergency room
model can without much of a stretch be changed into social tables.

• it is straightforward and straightforward with at least preparation. In this way, the

model can be utilized by the data set fashioner to impart the plan to the end client.

• What's more, the model can be utilized as a plan by the data set engineer to
execute an information model in a particular data set administration programming.

Connectivity and Cardinality:

The fundamental sorts of network for relations are: coordinated, one-to-many,

and many-to-many. A coordinated (1:1) relationship is when at most one example of an
element A is related with one occasion of substance B. For instance, "representatives in
the organization are each doled out their own office. For every representative there exists
a one of a kind office and for every office there exists a novel worker.

A one-to-many (1:N) connections is when for one example of element A, there

are zero, one, or many occasions of substance B, yet for one case of substance B, there
is just a single occurrence of substance A. An illustration of a 1:N connections is

an office has numerous workers

every worker is alloted to one division

A many-to-many (M:N) relationship, once in a while called vague, is when
for one occurrence of element A, there are zero, one, or many examples of substance B
and for one case of element B there are zero, one, or many occasions of substance A.
The network of a relationship depicts the planning of related.

ER Notation:

There is no norm for addressing information objects in trama center

outlines. Each displaying approach utilizes its own documentation. The first
documentation utilized by Chen is broadly utilized in scholastics texts and diaries
yet seldom seen regardless apparatuses or distributions by non-scholastics. Today,
there are various documentations utilized, among the more normal are Bachman,
crow's foot, and IDEFIX.

All notational styles address substances as rectangular boxes and

connections as lines interfacing boxes. Each style utilizes a unique arrangement of
images to address the cardinality of an association. The documentation utilized in
this archive is from Martin. The images utilized for the fundamental trama center
builds are:

▪ Entities are addressed by named square shapes. The mark is the name of the element.
Element names ought to be particular things.

▪Relationships are addressed by a strong line interfacing two elements. The name of the
relationship is composed over the line. Relationship names ought to be action words

▪ Attributes, when included, are recorded inside the element square shape. Credits
which are identifiers are underlined. Property names ought to be solitary things.

▪ Cardinality of many is addressed by a line finishing in a crow's foot. Assuming that

the crow's foot is excluded, the cardinality is one.

▪ Existence is addressed by putting a circle or an opposite bar on the line. Obligatory

presence is shown by the bar (seems to be a 1) close to the element for an occasion is
requir. Discretionary presence is shown by setting close to the substance this is





• REGISTER: To be confirmed first must be enlisted.

• LOGIN: The Enrolled Client Can be permitted to see internal subtleties for which
he Allowed.

• CHANGE PASSWORD & FORGOT PASSWORD: Client has privileges to

change his login details& likewise be educated through sends assuming that he can't


adjusted to change status of every Client.


adding and old department deletions are spent by this user.

• INSTRUCTOR DETAILS-MODIFYING DETAILS: As indicated by staff he can

add or erase Educators for explicit stages.


• REGISTER: To be confirmed first must be enlisted.

• LOGIN: The Enrolled Client Can be permitted to see internal subtleties for which
he Allowed.

• LOGOUT: After all this working we will logout this source.


PHP: [REF-1]

PHP is a broadly utilized, universally useful prearranging language that was

initially intended for web improvement, to deliver dynamic pages. It tends to be inserted
into HTML and for the most part runs on a web server, which should be designed to
handle PHP code and make site page content from it. It very well may be sent on most
web servers and on pretty much every working framework and stage for nothing.

PHP was initially made by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has been in nonstop
advancement from that point onward. The primary execution of PHP is currently created
by The PHP Gathering and fills in as the true norm for PHP as there is no proper
particular. PHP is free programming delivered under the PHP Permit, which is contrary
with the GNU Overall population Permit (GPL) on account of limitations on the
utilization of the term PHP

PHP has developed to incorporate an order line interface capacity and can likewise
be utilized in independent graphical applications.


PHP is a universally useful prearranging language that is particularly appropriate

for web improvement. PHP for the most part runs on a web server. Any PHP code in a
mentioned document is executed by the PHP runtime, as a rule to make dynamic website
page content. It can likewise be utilized for order line prearranging and client-side GUI
applications. PHP can be conveyed on most web servers, many working frameworks and
stages, and can be utilized with numerous social data set administration frameworks. It
is accessible for nothing, and the PHP Gathering gives the total source code to clients to
construct, tweak and reach out for their own utilization.

HTML, which represents Hyper Message Markup Language, is the transcendent

markup language for pages. It gives a way to make organized reports by signifying
primary semantics for text, for example, headings, passages, records and so on as well
with respect to connections, quotes, and different things. It permits pictures and has a
problem with to be inserted and can be utilized to make intuitive structures. It is written
as HTML components comprising of "labels" encompassed by point sections inside the

page content. It can incorporate or can stack scripts in dialects, for example, JavaScript
which influence the way of behaving of HTML processors like Internet browsers; and
Flowing Templates (CSS) to characterize the appearance and design of text and other
material. The W3C, maintainer of both HTML and CSS guidelines, empowers the
utilization of CSS over unequivocal presentational markup.

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the encoding plan used to make and
organize a web record. A client need not be a specialist software engineer to utilize
HTML for making hypertext reports that can be placed on the web.

Most graphical email clients permit the utilization of a subset of HTML (frequently
badly characterized) to give organizing and semantic markup not accessible with plain
text. This might incorporate typographic data like hued headings, underscored and cited
text, inline pictures and outlines. Numerous such clients incorporate both a GUI
proofreader for making HTML email messages and a delivering motor for showing
them. Utilization of HTML in email is disputable as a result of similarity issues, since it
can help camouflage phishing assaults, since it can confound spam channels and in light
of the fact that the message size is bigger than plain message.


JavaScript is an item situated prearranging language used to empower automatic

admittance to objects inside both the client application and different applications. It is
basically utilized as client-side JavaScript, executed as an incorporated part of the
internet browser, permitting the advancement of upgraded UIs and dynamic sites.
JavaScript is a lingo of the ECMAScript standard and is described as a dynamic, feebly
composed, model based language with top notch capabilities. JavaScript was affected
by numerous dialects and was intended to seem to be Java, however to be more
straightforward for non-software engineers to work with.


Testing is a course of executing a program with the indent of tracking down a

mistake. Testing is a critical component of programming quality confirmation and
presents extreme survey of detail, plan and coding.

Framework Testing is a significant stage. Testing addresses a fascinating

irregularity for the product. Hence a progression proposed framework before the
framework is prepared for client acknowledgment testing.

A decent experiment is one that has a high likelihood of tracking down an as unseen
mistake. A fruitful test is one that reveals an as unseen mistake.

Testing Objectives:

1. A decent experiment is one that has a likelihood of tracking down an at this point
unseen blunder

2. The fact that uncovers an unseen blunder makes a productive test one.


The project keeps away from this basic activities & this issues worry about this.
This is a simple method for getting the data with respect to the different planned
assessments data that are At present given.

Well I and my colleagues have buckled down to introduce a superior site better
compared to the current one's with respect to the data about the different exercises. In
any case, we figured out that the undertaking should be possible in a superior manner.
Essentially, when we demand data about a specific timetable it simply shows the test
date and stage. In this way, in the wake of getting the data we can gain admittance to the
web-based test.

The improvement that we can add the looking through choice. We can
straightforwardly look to the specific understudy subtleties from this site.











Admin Login:

Student Login:

Admin Page:



Student Registration:

Enroll History:



The group was arranged so future changes ought to be conceivable easily. The
going with closures can be finished up e progression endeavor.

➢ Automating to the all structure deals with the capability

➢ This gives a genial graphics UI where turns out stood out from ongoing system.

➢ those gives appropriatlly induction for the supported clients depending upon

➢ It effective vanquishes for defer to correspondences.

➢ Reviving the data ends up being less complex.




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