CXV 240mm

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? Q “ONG CYC TIEU CHUAN 00.LUONG CHAT LUONG - TRUNG TAM KY THUAT TIEU CHUAN DO LUONG CHAT LUQNG 3 QUATESTS” QUALITY ASSURANCE & TESTING CENTER 3 xnooape PHIEU KET QUA THU NGHIEM oxioar2018 TEST REPORT Page 01/05 1. Tén miu : CAP DONG BOC Cw/XLPE/PVC 1 x 240 mm? - 0,6/1 kV Name of sample NSX: CONG TY CO PHAN DJA OC - CAP DIEN THINH PRAT. UGC SX: VIRT NAM 2.$6 ome mu 7 Ouanty 3. Moti ma Bog cip di 6m cv boe mu dn: Nha teén mf: THIPHA CABLE Description 217 -CAXLPEAVE 12240 mnt = OT KV ID 605021: 2009 4, Nezty nhdn mu 29/01/2018 Date of recering 5. Thi gan thirmghigm : 30/01/2018 - 030472018 Testing duration 6.Noi git miu = CONG TY CO PHAN JA OC - CAP DIBN THINK PHAT, Customer 1444 H1b ge Lam, An Lae, Blah Tin, TP. H8 Chi Mink 7.Phusomg phip thir: TEC 60802-1 : 2009 (liem 8.4 8.7 TCVN 5064 : 1994) Test method Fower cables with exruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 KV (Um=1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Une-36 kV) - Pat 1: Cables forrted voltages of | KV (Um “1,2 KY) and 3 kV (Um=3,6 kV) 8. Ké qua thinghigm —: Xem trang 0205 -05105, Test result ‘See pages PTRUONG PIN DIEN ‘TL. GIAM DOC J PP. DIRECTOR FOR HEAD OF ELECTRICAL TESTING LAB. 0 Mang PHIEU KET QUA THU NGHIEM_ = TEST REPORT 8. Két qui thir mghigm Test resi! “Tin iia ‘Mie qui duh theo Specification Qual evel os Testreslt | Remark A. RUQT DAN / CONDUCTOR ‘TEC 60228 : 2004 8.1. $6 soi din / Number of wire min 34 6 Dat Pass 8.2, Dung kinh rut din, mm 17,6 19,2. 184 Dat Diameter of conducior Pass 8.3. Digan tre mot chiéu cima 1 km rope dine 20°C, 0} maxo7se ono7 bat DC resivance of! i conductor Pass 8.4. $6 lop xoiin / Number of layer Khéng qui dinh 4 - oe Notspeciied 85. Chiu xon tp nga cing Khng ui inh Pati - || Direction oly ofthe esteral lye Not specified Right | 86, Bi bre xo Lay rato Kis ui dink a oi alin! Erna le] Ne pec i ‘8.7. Lye kéo ditt rudt dain, ‘Khong qui dinh 76,7 x 10° - Breaking load of conductor "Not specified | 3B. CAC cuit TibU VE PIN | | [ELECTRICAL TEST || 88. ign ne suit nhéi cic ign, em Dot | Vone resistivity ofinsuarion Pass = G1 Ar 90°C min 10 7,9x:10'% 89, Thi-digadp 35 KV wong Sin Chia duye Dat Dat Voltage test Witstand Pass Pass £10, Tirdiga dp 24 KV ong 4h ge at Bat Valtage test Witsiand Pass Pass C. CACH BIEN / INSULATION TEC 60502-1 : 2009 ELL, Chidu diy cbc mm Dat Thicke of ston Pass Git wrung binh nin 7 20 Average value © Gite nbd nt nin 143 ir Minima valve £12. Bi Whn do vi in ig nd ne I ha Teste sirength and elongation ot re before oge os ‘QUALITY ASSURANCE & TESTING CENTER et: a. sy Vr Fis at Pon Boe QUATEST3” 03/04/2018, Page 03/05. em EE OH Ne 8, Kft qua thtenghigon Test result Ten alte ‘Mie qu dj tho [KE qua i nghigus [ipa 3G] Specification ualty level as Test result | Remark EC 60sn2-1 2009 + DpbinKéo, Ninn" | min 2 Bz Tensile strength +d git ditto diém ate, %6 | min 200, ‘0s Elongation a break 8.13, bn Ro vi 4 pin it hb idm dt san lo hin 135°C tong 168 Dat Tense srength an elongation at Pass break after ageing at 135°C for 168 ‘© Do benkéo/ Tensile strength +Gid nj sauldo ida, Ninn? | Khing qui 248 Value afer ageing Not specified | +Suthay di! Variation, % 2s “16 ‘BQ gin dai tia idm aia Elongation at break +-Git tr sau lao Ea, %| Khong 595 Valu after ageing ‘Not specified +Suthay d61/ Variation, % 25 -156 8.14. ‘Thiro ha teéa ml eA hon hin 100°C tong 168 Dat Tensile strength ane elongation at Pass dreak after ageing ofpiece of complete cable at OPC for 168 ‘Bg bln kéo/Tesile strength “*Gidtisaw Mo téa, Ninn? | Khong qui inh 26 Value after egeng ‘Not specified ++ Suthay dbi/Varaon, ——% 225 “63 + Bg gn di tit diém aut Elongation a break + Gi sau Io ha, %| Khong qi cioh 375 Value after ageing ot specified ++ Sethe di” Variation, % 225 184 8.15, Thirndng 6 200°C tong 15min Dat Hot set test Pass + Dp pdm dai wong di Ki i, 96] mae 175 1s -longation at breakunder load ‘© Dg gidndai sau Khilim ngugi,% | max 15 18 Elongation after colin a TRUNG TAM KY THUAT TIEU CHUAN D0 LUONG CHAT LUNG 3 QUALITY ASSURANCE & TESTING CENTER 3 iene nae WATERY? geome cei ea xroosreapiyn PHIEU KET QUA THU NGHIE! TEST REPORT 8. Két qua thirnghigm Tere “én chi tidu ‘Mite qui djah theo INhdn xét] Speen uti” | tre | Remark ie Deo sage] et 38 Da 8.17. Thirngim muse / Water absorption (Phwrong phip khéi wong, Gronnerte meta + BO ting khéi lume, mgfem? max 1,0 00 Dat Irene oma es D.VO BOC / SHEATH HEC 60502-1 : 2009 | | 8.18. Chieu day v8 boc, mm Dat | ese ns Ging k Kings ih at | Average value ‘Not specified © Git trj nbd nbd ‘min 1,08 2,04 Minaya | 8.19, Dd bln kéo va d6 gi dai tai thoi | [PP chide toe at | ete srr nd conga a || tracer, , | + Do bEnkEo, ‘Nf’ min 12,5 2d | owe enh © Dé git di gi thai diém din, 96 min 150, 240 gon arch | 8.20. Dé bén kéo va d6 gift dai tai thi is tno noon re ba Tena srengh and donation a Pa | trea gen EC fr tan Dabo Tome strengh ir ‘Nitmon? min 12,5 20,0 | Yate te ee Siray i Feon, 96] 428 +32 | +i gin di th did ae Homtion trot nc a 20 Yale tree Sayin, | as 0 f a TRUNG Thm KY THUAT TIEU CHUAN 00 LUGNG CHAT LUgNG 3 | uate Assurance reste cemex 3 [_MUATERTS” ioe poor kaicaiek Siecahaa gues alow cman PMIEU ET OUR, THU NOMEN 8. Kt qu thienghign Test result Fen chi ie ‘Mire qui dh theo [ K&t qua thir nghifm [Nin x Quality evel as Testresult | Remark Specificarion ‘2, Thi Ho héatréa miu ep hodn chink 6 106°C trong 168 h Det Tensile strength and elongaion at Pass break ater ageing of ects of ‘complete cable at 106°C for 168 © DO bén kéo/ Tensile strength Gis tr sau Ito hi, Nin Value after ageing + Syrhay dBi Veriation, —% 425 62 ‘© DQ gian dai ti thi dif a longation at break “+ Gil tr sa ao hia, % | mints0 230 Vale afer ageing + Surthay di/ Variation, % £25 42 822. Thir se mitt v0 bye 3 150°C trong | —-Khng ran, nt Bat Dat 18 / Heat shock est ‘No crack Pass Pass 8.23. Thienghigm chju ngoa Kea Dat Test of flame retardance Pass + Khoding eich tir méy di ia «45 en dn ve chi thn than pia tén, mm | min $0 351 The distance from th lower edge ofthe tp support tothe upper onset of charging ‘+ Khoing ech tirmép dui ein gid ten fn vi chay thi tan, hia dui, mm | max 540 33 The distance from tke lower edge ofthe fp support tothe lower e] min 13s 198 onset of charging FE. CAC CHI TIEU KHAC HEC 6052-1 : 2009, OTHER SPECIFICATION 8.24. Dusing inh ef sam | Khdng qui din 259 : Diumeter of eabie Nor specyied 825, Thir mht chu k} TEC 60502-1 : 2009 kn TRUNG Thm KY THUAT TIEU cHUAN DO LUGNG CHAT LUGNG 3 uni agsunatce & Testi cemen 3 MAT eee Rae See oo |

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