Focus On Academic Skills For IELTS

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Reading Writing Listening Speaking Language review

MODULE A 씰 The feel-good factor page 8 ( Focus on IELTS Units 1 and 2)
Changes in eating habits 1 The language of Sports centre job Describing habits 1 Topic vocabulary
True/False/Not Given change (Section 1) (Part 1) 2 General words
Summary (with bank) (increase, decrease, etc.) Note completion Understanding the questions 3 Describing graphs
2 Interpreting Extending your answers 4 Word formation: language
information from Fluency markers of change
Describing the data
(Task 1: graphs)

MODULE B 씰 City page 20 ( Focus on IELTS Units 3 and 4)

Light years ahead Interpreting and Wind-powered school Comparing and 1 Topic vocabulary
Sentence completion comparing data (Section 2) contrasting (Parts 1 and 3) 2 Parallel phrases
(with bank) (Task 1: bar charts) Multiple choice Organising responses 3 Describing qualities and
Matching Writing and organising Labelling a map Modifying expressions quantities
the description 4 Topic vocabulary: money
and natural resources


MODULE C 씰 Rush page 34 ( Focus on IELTS Units 5 and 6)

Clocking cultures Presenting arguments Sharing a flat (Section 1) Describing people 1 Topic vocabulary
Matching headings (Task 2: argument-led Table completion (Part 2) 2 Sentence rewriting
Multiple choice approach) Analysing a sample answer 3 Speaking – using colloquial
Summary (no bank) Analysing the question Organising your talk language
Anaysing a sample answer 4 Writing: reference links

MODULE D 씰 The cultural scene page 46 ( Focus on IELTS Units 7 and 8)

Fighting the dust Problems and solutions 1 Music course (Section 3) Answering different 1 Topic vocabulary
Sentence completion (no (Task 2: problem and Multiple choice with multiple question types (Part 1) 2 Parallel expressions:
bank) solution) answers Question forms avoiding repetition
Multiple choice with multiple Presenting and justifying Short answers/lists Extending answers 3 Problems and solutions
answers solutions (Modal verbs/ 2 Art in Bali (Section 4) 4 Linking expressions
conditionals) Table completion 5 Describing research
Note completion


MODULE E 씰 Natural forces page 60 ( Focus on IELTS Units 9 and 10)

Eating up the Titanic Describing diagrams Rotorua, New Zealand 1 Describing a place Topic vocabulary
True/False/Not Given showing natural processes (Section 2) (Part 2)
Table completion (Task 1: diagram) Labelling a map Dealing with rounding off
Multiple choice with multiple Understanding the diagram Table completion questions
answers Linking ideas 2 Describing problems
and solutions (Part 3)
Developing the topic

MODULE F 씰 Brainpower page 72 ( Focus on IELTS Units 11 and 12)

The knowledge society Presenting an opinion Survey on computer 1 Describing a past event 1 Topic vocabulary
Multiple choice (Task 2: thesis-led approach) facilities (Section 3) (Part 2) 2 Word formation: adjective
Yes/No/Not Given Developing and supporting Multiple choice Explaining endings
ideas Matching 2 Giving opinions (Part 3) 3 Language of research:
Analysing a sample answer Justifying opinions research methods
4 Linking ideas: concession
and contrast


Reading Writing Listening Speaking Language review
MODULE G 씰 Inside information page 86 ( Focus on IELTS Units 13 and 14)
Bridging the digital Advantages and 1 TV repair (Section 1) 1 Expressing preferences 1 Topic vocabulary
divide disadvantages (Task 2) Notes (Part 1) 2 Hyphenated adjectives
Sentence completion (no Analysing and improving a Short-answer questions Giving reasons 3 General words
bank) sample answer Multiple choice 2 Describing a newspaper 4 Speaking: using colloquial
Classification 2 Radio broadcast article (Part 2) language
Multiple choice (Section 2)
Table completion
Summary completion

MODULE H 씰 Future prospects page 98 ( Focus on IELTS Units 15 and 16)

Genetically modified 1 Describing how Captive breeding 1 Making predictions 1 Topic vocabulary
crops: accepting the something works (Task 1: (Section 3) (Part 3) 2 Probability
inevitable? diagram) Multiple choice with multiple Expressing probability 3 Linking information
Locating information Understanding the diagram answers 2 Talking about
Note completion Organising the description Note completion hypothetical situations
Multiple choice 2 Discussing different Classification (Part 2)
views (Task 2: argument-led


MODULE I 씰 Transport page 112 ( Focus on IELTS Units 17 and 18)

CUTE buses: a new Describing information Tourism (Section 4) 1 Talking about problems 1 Topic vocabulary
direction for public from tables (Task 1: table) Flow chart completion (Part 2) 2 Word pairs with related
transport Organising and describing Summary completion 2 Developing a discussion meanings
True/False/Not Given the data topic (Part 3) 3 Adjective/noun
Locating information Giving yourself time to think collocations
Diagram labelling Logical links: contrast 4 Spoken language: giving
yourself thinking time

MODULE J 씰 Appearances page 124 ( Focus on IELTS Units 19 and 20)

Getting the picture from 1 Describing a process The Fayum portraits Complete interview 1 Topic vocabulary
DNA (Task 1: flow chart) (Section 4) (Parts 1, 2 and 3) 2 Writing: describing a
Multiple choice Organising and describing Sentence completion Assessment criteria picture (correction and
Flow chart completion the information Multiple choice Making notes ordering)
Short-answer questions 2 Presenting an opinion 3 Language of research:
(Task 2) Exam task methods and findings


씰 Assessing your writing page 138

씰 Ideas for speaking and writing page 141

씰 Answer keys page 144

씰 Preparing for the IELTS exam: Tips for students inside back cover

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