Vitralii Consolidanti
Vitralii Consolidanti
Vitralii Consolidanti
To cite this article: Sasha Chapman & David Mason (2003) Literature Review: The Use of
Paraloid B-72 as a Surface Consolidant for Stained Glass, Journal of the American Institute for
Conservation, 42:2, 381-392, DOI: 10.1179/019713603806112813
Article views: 54
ABSTRACT-This paper was originally commIS- types de solvant), des questions legitimes ont ete
sioned by English Heritage, the government's statu- soulevees a propos de certains de ses points faibles
tory adviser on archaeology and the historic (pietre resistance a l'humidite, faible adherence aux
environment in England, in the mid-1990s following substrats vitreux et risques causes par les solvants).
concerns over the suitability of Paraloid B-72 for Cet article debute avec une description de la
consolidation of loose paint in stained glass conserva- chimie et des caracteristiques du Paraloid B-72 et de
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tion. Paraloid B-72 has regularly been utilized for the son application dans la conservation du verre
re-adhesion of loose paint. But in spite of its many historique peint. On y trouve ensuite une revue de
advantages (ease of use, reversibility, good aging prop- l' etat actuel de la recherche sur 1'utilisation du
erties, stability, and miscibility with several types of Paraloid B-72 et de systemes semblables, et des
solvent),legitimate questions have been raised over its traitements couramment pratiques. L'article presente
limitations (poor resistance to humidity, relatively aussi une synthese des proprietes actuellement
weak bond with vitreous substrates, and solvent connues et testees du Paraloid B-72 et les compare
hazards). avec celles d' autres materiaux qui font presentement
This article begins with a description of the l' objet d' examens pour leur utilisation dans Ie
chemistry and characteristics of Paraloid B-72 and its traitement du vitrail. L'article se termine avec une
application in the conservation of historic painted discussion des effets a long terme du traitement et
glass. There follows a review of the current state of souligne Ie besoin de faire des suivis pour verifier si
research on and practical experiences in the use of les traitements demeurent efficaces au fil du temps.
Paraloid B-72 and related systems. The article incor-
porates a summary of the known and tested proper- TITULO-Revisi6n de literatura: El uso de Paraloid
ties of Paraloid B-72 in comparison with alternative B-72 como un consolidante de superficie para el
materials currently under scrutiny for use in stained vidrio de color. RESUMEN-Esta investigaci6n fue
glass conservation and discusses the longer-term encargada originalmente por la English Heritage a
effects of treatment and the need for continued mediados de la dec ada de los anos 1990, a causa de la
assessment of their efficacy. preocupaci6n existente sobre si es adecuado 0 no el
uso de Paraloid B-72 como un consolidante de
TITRE-Une revue de la litterature concernant pintura suelta en la conservaci6n de vitrales. Paraloid
1'utilisation du Paraloid B-72 en tant que consolidant B-72 se ha usado comunmente en la re-adhesi6n de
de surface pour Ie vitrail. RESUME-Cet article a pintura suelta. Sin embargo, a pesar de sus muchas
d' abord ete commande au milieu des annees 1990 par ventajas (facilidad de uso, reversibilidad, buenas
English Heritage (la commission britannique sur les propiedades de envejecimiento, estabilidad y facilidad
edifices et monuments historiques) qui sert comme de mezclarse con diferentes tipos de solventes), han
conseiller statutaire pour Ie government sur surgido algunas preguntas legitimas con respecto a sus
l' archeologie et l' environnement historique en limitaciones (poca resistencia a la humedad, agarre
Angleterre. La raison etait que des reservations avaient relativamente pobre a substratos vidriosos y riesgos
ete soulevees au sujet de 1'utilisation du Paraloid B-72 inherentes al solvente).
lors de la consolidation des couches picturales sur les Este articulo comienza con una descripci6n de la
vitraux. Le Paraloid B-72 est regulierement utilise quimica y caractensticas del Paraloid B-72 y su apli-
pour consolider les couches picturales qui se caci6n en la conservaci6n de vidrios pintados hist6ri-
soulevent. Mais malgre ses nombreux avantages cos. A continuaci6n se hace una revisi6n del estado
(facilite d'utilisation, reversibilite, bonnes proprietes actual de la investigaci6n del Paraloid B-72 y de las
de vieillissement, stabilite, et solubilite dans plusieurs experiencias practicas con el uso de este producto y
JAIC 42 (2003):381-392
sistemas relacionados. El articulo incorpora un commonly been used to consolidate glass, either
resumen de las propiedades conocidas y probadas del alone or in combination with other resins, since the
Paraloid B-72 en comparaci6n con materiales alter- early 1980s. In the museum environment, it is highly
nativos, actualmente bajo escrutinio para su uso en la regarded as an adhesive for its strength, stability, and
conservaci6n de vitrales. Se examinan los efectos a reversibility (Koob 1986; Horie 1987; Koob 2000).
largo plazo de su uso en tratamientos y la necesidad The ease with which the properties of the resin can
de una continua evaluaci6n de la eficacia de estos be adapted to suit different circumstances by the
productos. addition of different types and quantities of solvent
has made it a popular choice with conservators. It
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TITULO-Revisao de textos tecnicos: uso de Paraloid may, however, be more harshly tested in an architec-
B-72 como urn consolidante de superficie para vidro tural situation, where it may be subject to greater
colorido. RESUMO-Este artigo foi encomendado extremes of humidity, temperature, and UV radiation,
originalmente pelo English Heritage, que e 6rgao and the resin may possess additional practical limita-
governamental consultor para arqueologia e ambiente tions as far as the treatment of stained glass is
hist6rico na Inglaterra, em meados da decada de 90 concerned. This study attempts to review and assess,
decorrente de questionamentos sobre a utilizac;:aode based on sources available in the literature, the suit-
Paraloid B-72 na consolidac;:ao de pintura solta em ability ofParaloid B-72 for the treatment of architec-
tratamento de conservac;:ao de vidros coloridos. tural stained glass.
Paraloid B-72 tern sido utilizado habitualmente para a The application of advanced scientific techniques
re-adesao de pintura desprendida. Apesar das suas to the study of the behavior of consolidants for
muitas vantagens (facilidade de uso, reversibilidade, different types of stained glass under artificial aging
durabilidade, estabilidade e miscibilidade em varios conditions has been largely a Franco-German
tipos de solventes), existem questoes legitimas sobre endeavor. The last 10 years have seen a proliferation
suas limitac;:oes (baixa resistencia a umidade, liga of literature on this subject and on the development
relativamente fraca com substratos vitreos e perigos dos of new materials specifically suited to the consolida-
solventes). tion of glass (Romich et al. 1993; Programme
Este artigo comec;:acom uma descric;:aoda quimica Franco-allemand 1999; Wolff 2000), the salient
e das caractensticas do Paraloid B-72 e sua aplicac;:aona features of which are reported here. The outcomes of
conservac;:ao de objetos hist6ricos em vidro pintado. these important and extensive studies-in particular
Segue-se uma revisao da situac;:aoatual da pesquisa nesta the potential for development of new inorganic and
area e experiencias praticas no uso do Paraloid B-72 e hybrid consolidation products such as silicon-zirco-
sistemas correlatos. 0 artigo inclui urn resumo das nium alkoxides (SZA) and ORMOCER-remain to
propriedades conhecidas e testadas do Paraloid B-72 be tested and observed in the practical domain.
em comparac;:aocom materiais alternativos atualmente By contrast, empirical approaches to the treat-
em estudo e usados na conservac;:aode vidro colorido. ment of objects on-site or in the laboratory, work-
Tambem discute os efeitos a longo prazo do tratamento shop, or studio, practical experiences with
e a necessidade de avaliac;:aoconstante de sua eficacia. consolidant products, and reviews of previous treat-
ments are rarely reported in the literature of stained
1. INTRODUCTION glass conservation. Wherever possible, provision
should be made to disseminate this documentation
This review looks at published sources of informa- more widely. This move would greatly assist
tion regarding Paraloid B-72 and its role in consoli- researchers of the future, whose task it will be to eval-
dating stained glass, with particular reference to uate past treatments, optimize existing systems, and
reattaching lifted or unstable paint layers. The aim is enhance the properties of new products.
to comment on and evaluate recent trends in stained
glass conservation practice. Paraloid B-72 has
JAIC 42 (2003):381-392
humidity conditions present at the site; possess excel- flow (Newton and Davison 1989).1
lent light-aging characteristics; be resistant to chemi- For the consolidation of historic stained glass,
cal attack; have minimal visual impact on the glass two broad types of synthetic resin system have been
(i.e., not change the color, opacity, or refractive index chiefly reported in the literature: epoxies and acrylics.
of the painted layer); possess flow properties that Other materials, such as polyurethanes, have also
enable it to penetrate the areas ofloose paint (i.e.,low been used experimentally.
viscosity and high surface tension); be chemically
neutral, and remain so over time; be resistant to 2.1.1. Epoxies
biodegradation; possess good application and
handling characteristics; and be reversible (or at least Following early concerns about yellowing and
not impede retreatment). degradation of the resin over time, tests reported the
In practice, the deterioration of paint on stained availability of epoxy resin systems that possess accept-
glass may involve different kinds of physical and able lightfastness and clarity (Tennent 1979; Down
chemical processes, depending on the way in which 1986). A number of epoxies have been successfully
the stained glass is colored and fired. These processes employed, chiefly as adhesives and gap fillers for
can range from disaggregation of a fired surface layer broken glass fragments (Notman and Tennent 1980;
and detachment from the glass substrate to lifting of Jackson 1982; Davison 1984; De Henau and
flakes of applied paint. The consolidant must there- Fontaine-Hodiamont 1991). Less successful has been
fore be responsive to the particular nature of the glass the use of epoxy resins dissolved in solvents such as
in question and its degradation. This requirement acetone, or low-viscosity room-temperature-curing
makes it difficult to prescribe a single treatment that epoxies such as Ablebond 342-1, as consolidants for
will work for all situations. painted glass and grisaille (Weintraub and Greenland
1984; Cole 1989; Femenella 1994; Strobl 1999).
2.1.2 Acrylics
Polymers used as consolidants can be divided
into two main groups: natural and synthetic. Some The monomers from which acrylic polymers are
natural polymers are relatively stable and have been made fall into two groups: acrylates and methacry-
used in the past for glass repair (Davison 1984). There lates. Polymethacrylates were among the first
has been some recent interest in and comparative synthetic resins used to coat glass (Bettembourg
studies of the potential of natural wax mixtures 1976; Newton and Seddon 1999) and as consolidants
(beeswax, carnauba wax) for the consolidation of are still among the most popular. The Paraloid
glass paint, and the suitability of these is being moni- (formerly Acryloid in the U.S.) resins, discussed more
tored in situ (Muller 1984; Forberg and Bornschein fully below, are perhaps the best known.
1996). However, synthetic polymers are generally
preferred in conservation on account of the large
body of data, acquired over many decades of experi-
JAIC 42 (2003):381-392
2.1.3 Other Materials very fast solvent release. It is somewhat softer than B-
44 but harder than B-72.
A third class of materials, polymers formed by
reaction of a polyisocyanate with a polyacrylate, and 2.2.3 Paraloid B-67
sometimes categorized In the literature as
polyurethanes, has been used experimentally. Systems Paraloid B-67 is the most water-resistant of
based on the acrylate resin Viacryl SM564 + Paraloid resins. It provides a coating that is hard and
Desmodur N75 (an isocyanate) were developed and fast drying and imparts good gloss and color reten-
tested during the 1970s (Bettembourg 1976; Newton tion. It has a Tg of 50°C and is an i-butyl methacry-
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and Seddon 1999), but these particular resins were late polymer (IBMA). It has been used as a picture
shown to be unsuitable for the situations in which varnish and is soluble in less polar solvents2 (such as
they were used and are no longer employed in white spirit) than B-72.
stained glass conservation. However, these kinds of
polymer remain potentially useful materials for the 2.2.4 Paraloid B-72
protective coating of glass (Newton 1987). Recent
research on consolidation of stained glass has also Paraloid B-72 is a copolymer of ethyl methacry-
shown that two-part acrylate-isocyanate systems late and methyl acrylate (70 : 30) manufactured by
(Desmophen A160-Desmodur N75) perform very Rohm and Haas. Paraloid B-72 is a very stable resin
well in terms of adhesion, optical stability, and dura- with a Tg of 40°C and a refractive index3 of 1.49.
bility when compared to other materials, including The popularity ofParaloid B-72 owes as much to
methacrylates (Jagers et al. 2000). These systems are, its versatility as to its apparent stability.It is sold either
however, irreversible. Limited application has also in solution or in solid pellet form. The pellets can be
been found for ethyl silicates, which are theoretically dissolved with a compatible solvent to the desired
interesting as they enrich the glass with silica, but are concentration, so that the conservator can vary the
also irreversible (Fontaine 1999). viscosity of the resin to suit the application.
As mentioned above, Paraloid B-72 is an ethyl
2.2. PARALOID (ACRYLOID) RESINS methacrylate: methyl acrylate P(EMA-MA) with a
molar ratio of 70 : 30. Some concern was expressed
There are several types of Paraloid available, about the use of Paraloid B-72 in conservation after
including B-44, B-66, B-67, and B-72. They are all the manufacturer changed its composition in 1978.
thermoplastic acrylic resins available as solution grade The resin originally had a molar ratio of 68 : 32 ethyl
or as solid grade acrylic resin (Table 1). methacrylate: methyl acrylate P(EMA-MA) with a
lower molecular weight and was soluble in slightly
2.2.1 Paraloid B-44 less polar solvents. De Witte and coworkers (1978)
carried out a variety of tests to confirm the difference
Paraloid B-44 is used in conservation and is in chemical makeup and concluded that the change
slightly harder than B-67. It has a Tg of 60°C and would probably not affect the stability of the resin but
is a methyl methacrylate copolymer (MMA). The that long-term aging tests should be considered.
manufacturers say that in its solute form, Paraloid
B-44 is often blended with other Paraloid resins to 2.3 LIMITATIONS OF PARALOID
adjust those resins to the balance of properties RESINS FOR STAINED GLASS CON-
required for a particular application. SOLIDATION
2.2.2. Paraloid B-66 The inherently weak chemical bond between the
organic consolidants generally used in conservation
Paraloid B-66 is a general-purpose resin with and the inorganic and weathered gel layer has been
JAIC 42 (2003):381-392
remarked upon by numerous authors (Errett et al. glazing. Removal of the impact of exterior weather-
1984; Weintraub and Greenland 1984; Miiller 1996). ing factors and stabilization of internal temperature
This limitation applies to all synthetic and natural and humidity conditions can create an environment
polymer resins. It is one of the particular difficulties that is better suited to preventive conservation of
involved in finding effective systems for the consoli- glasspaint. Where protective glazing is to be installed,
dation of unstable glass paint. tests and field studies have reported on the suitability
The chief limitation in terms of durability of ofParaloid B-72 in toluene or another solvent for the
acrylic resins such as Paraloid B-72, on the other consolidation of glass paint and grisaille (Triimpler et
hand, has to do with their poor water resistance and al. 1996). Nonetheless, accurate microc1imatic evalu-
the problem of permeability in plastics.The degree to ations are required to assess the likely impact of
which Paraloid resins are susceptible to these temperature and humidity ranges on proposed
phenomena depends to some extent on the form and conservation-restoration products, and the properties
concentration in which the resin is applied. of a given resin formula must be known.
Accordingly, authors have been rightly circum- The question of permeability concerns the risk
spect about the wisdom of using acrylic resins in situ- of water vapor's penetrating a resin film, where over
ations of unbuffered exposure to weathering agents time salts or pollutant compounds trapped beneath
(Sloan 1995). But these limitations have not inhibited may attack the glass substrate. The difficulties
the widespread use of Paraloid B-72 in cases in involved in creating an effective moisture barrier in
which objects or treated surfaces are not subject to the surface treatment of ancient glass using organic
high humidities (and to a lesser extent temperatures). resin coatings have been appreciated for many years
In the case of ancient stained glass in an architectural (Newton 1974; Moncrieff 1975). Both resin concen-
setting, it is common practice to install protective tration and solvent type can significantly influence
JAIC 42 (2003):381-392
the properties of a resin film in terms of vapor Health and safety risks of some of these solvents
permeability, photochemical stability, and water are well understood. But the handling and applica-
resistance. tion difficulties that these authors comment on may
Additional practical limitations, also concerning have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the resin
resin concentration and solvent type, do give cause consolidant. Most important, because Paraloid resins
for concern in the context of architectural stained cure by solvent evaporation, reliable consolidation
glass. By mixing Paraloid B-72 with a solvent at depends on the ability of the resin solution to pene-
concentrations typically between 2.5% and 7.5%, a trate the weakened glass matrix effectively before the
low-viscosity material capable of penetrating resin cures. De Henau (1996) has noted that where
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corroded glass surfaces can be manufactured easily. Paraloid B-72 is used with a pure solvent, the evapo-
An experienced conservator can modify the charac- ration rates of the solvent may be too high to ensure
teristics of the resin to ensure the best result: too low adequate consolidation in the depth of a porous
a concentration, and the resin lacks adhesive strength body. The faster the solvent evaporates, the more
and can be difficult to control; too high, and penetra- rapidly its viscosity increases and the greater the risk
tion of the porous glass matrix may be inadequate, of inadequate penetration of the resin through the
while darkening of the surface may be more porous material.
pronounced. Choosing the solvent most suited to the particu-
The solvents most commonly used in association lar case in question is thus no less important than the
with Paraloid B-72 are acetone, toluene, xylene, ethyl choice of resin. Even the use of a slower-evaporating
acetate, and diacetone alcohol. The correct choice of solvent is not without potential risks. Slow solvent
solvent and the solvent-solid ratio are important release can mean longer setting times and solvent
factors in obtaining a resin with suitable workability retention after the initial cure. For refixing of enamel,
and flow characteristics. For stained glass this choice De Henau (1996) has carried out controlled tests
must be based, among other things, on the type and using 10% B-72 in p-xylene and demonstrated how
condition of the glass paint. For Paraloid B-72 as an such shortcomings manifest themselves where the
adhesive, Koob (1986) has outlined the advantages of evaporation surface of the consolidant is small in rela-
acetone, which in addition to being less toxic than tion to the volume of resin applied.
some of the others, is released more quickly. Acetone For some types of loose or corroded glass paint,
has often been selected as the solvent in the case of repeated application of the consolidant is sometimes
stained glass treatments (Learner and Bettembourg necessary. Some authors have considered that for
1991), although for consolidation of corroded badly corroded and granular glass paint with very
pigment layers or poorly fired glass paint, some poor cohesive strength, the use of acrylics such as
conservators have found that acetone evaporates too Paraloid B-72 is inappropriate. The increase in gloss
quickly. Penetration capacity is reduced, and the ratio and darkening of the surface resulting from the
of solvent to resin is more difficult to control (Strobl multiple applications needed to secure areas of severe
1999).4 decay are unacceptable (Weintraub and Greenland
Hence the less volatile solvents have been consid- 1984). Using simulated grisaille panels, Mueller-
ered more suitable for use as a consolidant for stained Weinitschke (1996) has demonstrated the effect,
glass,toluene often giving good results.The experience showing that multiple applications of Paraloid B-72
ofTriimpler and coauthors (1996) indicates that where in toluene at 5-7.5% are needed in order to
a grisaille surface is relatively porous, use of toluene has adequately secure the less well-fired areas of grisaille.
the advantage of securing loose particles relatively The degree of darkening is a function of the percent-
quickly and permitting the removal of excess resin age concentration of resin and the number of appli-
before curing takes place. Similarly, Mueller- cations required.
Weinitschke (1996) reports on the superior properties The light- and heat-aging properties of acrylates
of toluene over the more volatile alternatives. have been extensively studied, especially in relation to
JAIC 42 (2003):381-392
their use as stone consolidants and coatings (Horie cles-i.e., those areas of a corroded glass surface that
1987). The effects of artificial light-aging appear to are most at risk-cannot be effectively re-adhered. In
have the most impact in terms of water resistance, short, SZA appears to offer some potential but lacks
though the degree of degradation of the film depends the ease of handling and versatility of B-72. Further
on the substrate type, degree, and conditions of expo- comparative studies are being undertaken, and obser-
sure, type of solvent, and concentration of resin. vations on the field trials, begun in 1990, are awaited.
Moderate UV exposure is believed to have low
impact on acrylic resins, but higher levels of radia- 3.1 OPTIMIZATION OF PARALOID-
tion-such as those encountered in a stained glass BASED TREATMENTS
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JAIC 42 (2003):381-392
JAIC 42 (2003):381-392
significant, if not unacceptable, risks to the object and velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in the
where it is re-treatability that is arguably the more substance. It varies with the wave length of the inci-
viable principle. Inorganic gel treatments, dent light, temperature, and pressure. The usual light
polyurethane systems, or other forms of consolida- source is the D line of sodium, the standard temper-
tion treatment may yet show that, in spite of their ature being 20°C. The expression of refractive index
irreversibility, they can offer significant advantages is nD20.
over Paraloid B-72, but they have yet to demonstrate 4. Horie (1987) describes the chemistry of p-xylene,
their value, practicality, and re-treatability over time. which evaporates more slowly during the initial wet
The literature indicates that systematic reviews of stage of drying but is released freely during the later
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the long-term performance of Paraloid-treated glass stages. This characteristic is ascribed to the difference
surfaces in the field are rare. While laboratory aging in polarity in the solvents.
studies continue, these must be corroborated by
surveys of treated panels ill situ. More data are also REFERENCES
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