Uptime® Elements ™
C o n di ti o
Part of the Certified Reliability Leader
Body of Knowledge ACM
Designer: Jocelyn Brown
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ACM Contents
asset condition information
Aci Introduction.......................................................... 3
Key Terms and Definitions................................... 7
Why Asset Condition Information?...................... 8
Current State Asset Condition Information......... 9
Historical Asset Condition Information............... 18
Data Quality.......................................................... 21
Application of Knowledge.................................... 24
Decision Support.................................................. 25
Value Driven Actions............................................ 26
Feedback Loops................................................... 26
Safety Considerations.......................................... 27
What Every Reliability Leader Should Know....... 27
Summary.............................................................. 29
References............................................................ 29
vibration analysis
Vib Introduction.......................................................... 33
Key Terms and Definitions................................... 34
Objective............................................................... 34
Vibration Program Application............................ 35
Safety Considerations.......................................... 44
Do’s and Don’ts.................................................... 44
Benefits................................................................. 45
What Every Reliability Leader Should Know....... 45
Summary.............................................................. 46
References............................................................ 46
fluid analysis
Fa Introduction.......................................................... 49
Key Terms and Definitions................................... 51
Fluid Analysis Overview....................................... 52
Fluid Analysis Implementation............................ 55
The Testing Process............................................. 61
Reports: Data Presentation, Rating
and Advisories.................................................. 70
The Future of Fluid Analysis................................ 71
What Every Reliability Leader Should Know....... 74
Summary.............................................................. 75
References............................................................ 78
ultrasound testing
Ut Introduction.......................................................... 81
Key Terms and Definitions................................... 83
Advantages of Ultrasound................................... 87
Ultrasound Testing Overview............................... 91
Applications for Ultrasound Programs................ 93
Steps for Beginning an Ultrasound Program...... 94
Determining the Key Performance Indicators
for Ultrasound Testing..................................... 95
What Every Reliability Leader Should Know....... 97
Summary.............................................................. 98
References............................................................ 99
motor testing
Mt Introduction.......................................................... 119
Key Terms and Definitions................................... 119
Benefits of Motor Testing..................................... 123
Motor Testing Methods........................................ 124
Developing a Motor Testing Program.................. 125
Executing a Motor Testing Program.................... 129
Key Performance Indicators for a
Motor Testing Program.................................... 131
What Every Reliability Leader Should Know....... 132
Summary.............................................................. 132
References............................................................ 133
machinery lubrication
Lu Introduction.......................................................... 167
Key Terms and Definitions................................... 167
Why Manage Lubrication?................................... 168
Objective............................................................... 169
Lubrication Program Optimization...................... 169
Safety Considerations.......................................... 176
What Every Reliability Leader Should Know....... 178
Summary.............................................................. 178
References............................................................ 179
Acknowledgment............................................... 181
The Uptime Elements is a holistic system
based approach to reliability
that includes: Technical Elements,
Cultural Elements, Leadership Elements
Asset Condition
ACM Management
Aci Vib Fa
asset vibration fluid
condition analysis analysis
testing thermal testing
Ab Ndt Lu
alignment and non machinery
balancing destructive lubrication
® ™
Uptime Elements
Technical Activities Leadership Business Processes
root cause
Odr Mro
operator driven mro-spares
Hcm Cbl Ri Ak Alm
human capital competency risk asset asset lifecycle
engineering analysis testing thermal testing reliability management management based management knowledge management
imaging learning
Asset Lifecycle
Reprinted with permission from NetexpressUSA Inc. d/b/a Copyright © 2016-2017. All rights reserved. No part of this graphic may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior express written consent of NetexpressUSA Inc. Uptime®,
Reliability®, Certified Reliability Leader™,® , A Reliability Framework and Asset Management System™ and Uptime® Elements™ are trademarks and registered trademarks of NetexpressUSA Inc. in the U.S. and several other countries.
Asset condition information (Aci) in the Uptime
Elements comprises all the data, observations and con-
ditions of an asset. This information is more than just
current state, it is the cumulative condition of an asset
over its lifecycle. This approach enables day-to-day deci-
sion support, as well as prognostics of future conditions.
A multitude of Aci sources exist, including vibration,
infrared thermography, ultrasound, oil analysis, motor
testing, nondestructive testing, machinery lubrication,
alignment and balancing. Additional sources of asset
condition data range from data historians to knowledge
retained by seasoned operators or tradespeople.
In fact, asset condition information has been one of
the fastest growing areas in asset management in the
last 20 years. Automation and the Industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT) in the next 20 years will bring exponen-
tially more data to maintenance toward making better
decisions. Accenture, a global professional services com-
pany, estimates the IIoT could add $14.2 trillion to the
global economy by 2030.
With more and better methods of monitoring asset
condition comes the responsibility to manage the
data collected from these technologies. The key to Aci
Asset Condition Management
asset condition information
too much, too soon or too little, too late. The second
and better approach is to conduct a reliability analysis
(see Reliability Engineering Passport). For example,
failure mode and effects (FMEA) analysis can be used
to systematically determine all the condition monitor-
ing tasks required to mitigate risk based on the asset’s
operating context. In this way, the tasks are part of a
documented and systematic reliability process, with an
understanding of the technical basis for doing the work
(i.e., feasible and worth doing).
Asset Condition Management
asset condition information
Asset – A thing, item, or entity that has potential or
actual value to an organization; An item with a poten-
tial value that an organization owns and has a use for,
to create value (income), and has the responsibility to
take care of.
Asset management – An organizational process to max-
imize value from an asset during its life; The management
of the life of an asset to achieve the lowest lifecycle cost
with the maximum availability, performance efficiency
and highest quality.
Asset management strategy – Documented informa-
tion that specifies how organizational objectives are
to be converted into asset management objectives, the
approach for developing asset management plans and
the role of the asset management system to support
achievement of the asset management objectives. Also
known as strategic asset management plan (SAMP).
Asset type – Grouping of assets that have common
characteristics that distinguish them as a group or class.
Computerized maintenance management system
(CMMS) – A software system that keeps records and
tracks all maintenances activities, (e.g., maintenance
Asset Condition Management
asset condition information
provides a clear understanding of the current condition
of an asset based on all inputs. This information is then
applied to the compiled knowledge of this or similar
assets to support the most value-added decisions pos-
sible. The types of decisions driven by effective asset
condition information include:
Asset Condition Management
On-line Data
On most modern industrial assets, there are numerous
sensors constantly gathering information. This infor-
mation is then compiled into a data historian and
some of the data is then alarmed to indicate the onset
of conditions, predominantly utilized for operational
requirements. Some on-line data also provides process
variation information to the data historian for investi-
gative purposes.
In many industrial facilities, the historian data is
mostly underutilized. If information has value, it should
be utilized. If there is no value, the data point should not
be collected as there are costs related to collecting and
maintaining data.
The emergence and relevance of asset intelligence and
the IIoT will continue to deliver improved mechanisms
to load any data from any approved or open source with
an IP address The term online means so much more
today than just a few years ago; devices no longer need
to be hardwired, they don’t even have to be in the same
facility or location anymore.
If failure modes are identified as rapid failures, there
may be a requirement to add monitoring data points
with a high sampling rate. If on-line data is targeted at a
asset condition information
For every level of alarm, the corresponding action must
be clearly defined. If there is any confusion as to the
required action, then alarms will be ignored, which could
result in catastrophic failures.
To clarify the role of on-line data in the Aci Uptime
Elements, failures should be viewed from a different
perspective. Many failures that are considered random
may actually have a unit of measure that correlates to the
failure frequency. If the on-line data is analyzed from the
perspective of the asset, it may be discovered that process
throughput, starts and stops, or shock loading may be
key factors in failure prediction.
Asset Condition Management
asset condition information
to analyze the data. The optimal collection of informa-
tion on asset condition is an electronic format utilizing
descriptive indicators.
Descriptive indicators are inspections that have a dis-
tinct set of qualitative values that can be detected with
the human senses and cannot be measured in numbers.
The challenge when applying descriptive indicators to
data collection is establishing consistency in both the
understanding of the required inspection and guide-
lines for reporting the severity of the abnormality. The
wording should not leave any room for misinterpretation
or any discretionary judgment calls on the state of the
inspected component.
The descriptive indicator should focus the inspector
on a specific item. For example, if the mechanic was told
to “inspect machine,” the mechanic may return with a
“machine OK” statement. On the same machine, if the
mechanic was told to “inspect foundation mounting
bolts,” but had a defined set of states from which to
choose, the inspection would be focused on a specific
component addressing a specific failure mode.
This data collection then could be applied to asset
condition information and correlated to vibration
Asset Condition Management
Numerical Data
Numerical data accounts for only a small percentage of
data collection, though this statement is not to imply
numeric data’s importance or validity. Numerical data
tends to be consistently collected if read from digital
indications. Rules and algorithms can be used to ana-
lyze multiple numerical and, sometimes, descriptive
The field of operational analytics or predictive analyt-
ics is growing in size, scope and importance by changing
the way maintenance organizations determine when
the right time is to do the right work on their assets.
Additionally, the use of Boolean logic can reveal if mul-
tiple contributory failure mode states exist to determine
abnormal condition and asset degradation. The appli-
cation of algorithms to produce simple red, yellow and
green light indicators can provide trending long before a
single parameter may identify change. For example, the
health of a pump may be determined by a combination
of flow, velocity, vacuum, and perhaps, case flow (i.e.,
leakage) and their combined intersection point value
asset condition information
failure. Operational analytics is now allowing forecasting
through the use of multivariate regression, linear regres-
sion and Six Sigma analysis.
The Figure 1 example (see page 16) details a fairly
simple model that returns a highly confident result. The
model shows that as the outside temperature increases,
the main meter current (KW) increases. It also shows
that above 50 degrees F, the load increase accelerates, but
at a predictable rate. These results can lead to dynamic
seasonal inspections that consider outside temperatures
prior to alarming or not alarming due to normal load
changes as outside temperatures change.
The benefits are that the algorithms and solutions are
flexible, agile, cost-effective and allow for scalability for
their users. Very soon, these simple, fairly common tools
will give way to neural networks for machine learning, but
today this type of application is limited to mature facilities.
This emerging field of analytics continues to grow
in both its use and its importance within the field of
maintenance reliability.
To ensure consistent numerical data collection, sev-
eral items need to be considered when using analog
type gauges. For example, a gauge mounted six feet high
Asset Condition Management
Figure 1
asset condition information
heights. One tool for collecting numerical data is a
comparative analysis of new to historical readings. This
ensures the readings are within limiting states that, if
exceeded, would require intervention.
The key to managing numerical data is consistency
of the conditions in which the data is measured. For
example, if amperage is the type of measurement, then
the load on the driven unit should be consistent or in a
controlled state. If numerical data is measured against
uncontrolled conditions, the deviation of the readings
would negate the value of the alarms.
Unit of measure is one consideration that influences
the consistency of numerical data because it depends on
the person reading and entering the data. If pounds per
square inch (PSI) is the in-house standard unit of mea-
sure, then all applicable pressure gauges should be PSI
to negate the chances of misinterpretation. One added
advantage of standardization of unit of measure is the
ease in using multiple readings for calculated indicators.
CBM Data
Data collected through condition based monitoring
(CBM) is a key component in the Aci Uptime Element.
Asset Condition Management
asset condition information
Considering an asset’s condition by the current state is
the same as thinking the flu has the same health risk to
a 90-year-old in palliative care as it does to a healthy
There are various information sources to consider for
decision support.
Asset Condition Management
Purchase History
Purchase history is linked to the Mro-spares manage-
ment Uptime Elements under the Work Execution
Management (WEM) domain. Most parts utilized on
an asset should be found in the bill of materials (BOM)
and identified on individual work orders. When fleet
level analysis is being conducted, the purchase history
is an input into the evaluation of the rates of failures or
the requirements for stocking levels.
asset condition information
Historical Analysis (REM)
Any reliability engineering for maintenance (REM)
conducted for an asset (e.g., reliability-centered main-
tenance (RCM), preventive maintenance optimization
(PMO), FMEA, etc.) not only should be the input to
the choices collected for Aci, but a living document that
is continuously improved through the application of Aci
evaluation. ISO55001, and for that matter any ISO doc-
ument, requires the revisiting of historical analyses as
a living document to ensure a transparent process of
continuous improvement exists. Correcting or improv-
ing an analysis based on Aci, therefore, is an excellent
and auditable mechanism to prove compliance to this
Data Quality
The right quantity and quality of accurate information is
needed to make the correct asset condition information
decisions in a timely manner. Far too often, data quality
is not addressed and decisions are skewed based on poor
or incomplete information.
Since all information costs something to collect and
analyze, the quality should be aligned to the risks being
managed, or based on the value of the expected benefits.
Asset Condition Management
asset condition information
types can be unstructured data, systems data, control
systems, equipment types, pdf formats, photos, video,
logbooks, Excel® files, event failures, temperatures, dates,
documents, etc.
Everyone now lives in a digital world, a world of big
data. As a result, modern CMMSs must have the ability
to pull the critical few data points to populate the indus-
try-relevant algorithms in order to create asset condition
Asset Condition Management
Application of Knowledge
When asset condition information is compiled and
knowledge is applied to the information, a deeper
understanding and awareness of the asset emerges.
Things that are evaluated in isolation may no longer fit
the programs or interventions designed to manage the
asset’s condition.
For example: An inspection interval selected at half
the P-F curve under RCM logic may be less intrusive
if aligned with some other intervention. Or, the useful
life of a component may be sacrificed to align major
interventions that result in increased availability.
asset condition information
Decision Support
Managed effectively, asset condition information enables
advanced decision support for a multitude of choices
in asset management. In its simplest form, it may drive
choices on failure mitigation or how long you can run an
asset. In a complex example, the decision may be: What
is the most cost-effective lifecycle of a fleet of trucks?
The decision support enabled by effective Aci extends
well beyond failure mitigation to a higher level of asset
There are very few organizations that have not invested
in an asset management system to assist with day-to-day
decision support. Ideally, the CMMS should be able to
link to the strategic development of failure modes, pri-
oritized from a criticality analysis to the asset condition
information collected through the system’s interfaces, to
various tools defined within the asset condition manage-
ment tool set employed within an organization.
The system, itself, should have the capability to run
advanced calculations based on vetted algorithms, or
have the capability to access statistical tools on domains
within the Internet. Once the system has pulled the
information from the various sources not limited to
within the organization’s firewalls, it should be able
Asset Condition Management
Feedback Loops
Asset condition information provides feedback to con-
tinuously improve things, such as:
• Asset selection;
• Commissioning and start-up processes;
asset condition information
• Operational envelopes;
• Maintenance programs;
• Operational campaigns;
• Spare parts optimization;
• Training programs;
• Production projections.
Safety Considerations
Asset condition information also addresses these safety
considerations by:
Asset Condition Management
asset condition information
• On-line data is the most underutilized information
in industry.
• Descriptive indicators account for the majority of
inspections in industry.
• It is imperative that human sensory inspections be
clearly defined and consistently applied.
• When all asset condition information is considered,
it will drive the most value.
• Understand the current state of asset health.
• Look within the data to develop a deeper understand-
ing of your assets.
• The IIoT will change the way you treat and value asset
condition information moving forward.
Accenture Technology. Winning with the Industrial
Internet of Things.
vibration analysis
The application of vibration analysis (VIB) for the pur-
pose of condition based monitoring is a well-proven
process. Many types of faults can be detected and man-
aged at an early point in the progression of a failure.
Vibration analysis also can be used for acceptance cri-
teria and quality control of precision maintenance tasks
like alignment and balancing. When implemented and
applied properly, vibration analysis is one of the five pri-
mary condition based monitoring technologies.
Asset Condition Management
The intent is to create a reference document for the cor-
rect selection, application, alarming and management of
vibration analysis data within asset health monitoring. It
is not to teach vibration analysis; it is assumed the appli-
cation is conducted by a minimum ISO Level 2 certified
vibration analyst. The scope is to aid in the transition
of failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) outputs
to the correct inputs into a vibration analysis program.
vibration analysis
detects the identified failure modes. An additional con-
cept covered is the focused alarming approach. This
allows the vibration analyst to upload data and only
view the exceptions, thus maximizing productivity of
the vibration team.
Asset Condition Management
vibration analysis
frequency detection (HFD), enveloped acceleration,
peak view, etc.
Understanding the data types is imperative to select-
ing the correct tool to apply to the failure mode. If
the data type is not matched to the failure mode, it is
unlikely that the fault will be detected in time to manage
the required intervention.
vibration analysis
trips; the purpose is to stop the machine to reduce the
consequences of damage, not to detect the early onset
of a failure.
Asset Condition Management
Alarm Amplitudes
The amplitude of the alarm should be validated by the
data. Predetermined alarms based on ISO or API stan-
dards may not adequately incorporate transmission path.
If you use standard alarms, you may have a small bearing
in a large housing or a large bearing in a thin housing.
The transmission path is inherent with the machine
design, therefore, standard alarms will have limited suc-
cess; they are meant as a guideline.
If the vibration data has been selected to target a
specific failure mode, the data should be collected (at
least once) prior to determining the amplitudes. The
first consideration would be to review the data to see
if the fault exists at this point. If the fault doesn’t exist
(confirmed by an advanced analyst), then the second
consideration would be how consistent this data would
be in a normal state. Is this unit constant or variable
speed? What process anomalies would affect this data?
These criteria would drive your selection of range types.
Range types are absolute, frequency, orders, phase angle,
or time in seconds. Understanding the data to this point
vibration analysis
(caution) and have a bandwidth to allow suspicion to
pass through to confirmation (critical). The amplitudes
should be tailored to the data. Combining this with con-
sistent data collection will result in alarms that are a true
indication of a specific failure.
Alarm Targets
Some failure mode alarms are leading indicators (targets);
they are thresholds established to trigger an intervention
to avoid failure or damage. If they are targets, they must
be clearly understood as such. Let’s use imbalance as an
example: The amount of acceptable imbalance is selected.
The failure mode is fan imbalance and the cause buildup
of dirt. In this case, the alarm amplitude is how much dirt
is allowable to imbalance the fan before the reaction to
clean it is taken. Setting this alarm type is done by under-
standing the consequences of the failure. If imbalance
reaches xx mm/sec, then it will damage the bearings. It
is then logical to clean the fan prior to xx mm/sec.
It takes a substantial amount of work to set correct
alarm amplitudes, but the return on investment is major.
Asset Condition Management
vibration analysis
This will detect the rapid failure and over provide data
for the other failure modes.
There is a clear distinction between monitoring the
health of an asset and managing the failure of an asset.
If a failure has been detected with vibration analysis,
the data collection intervals must be shortened. Impend-
ing failures that are detected should be watched carefully,
as the failure will progress to a point considered rapid
failure onset. In bearings, this would be considered Phase
4 bearing failure. Even failures profiled in laboratory
conditions will not progress in exactly the same manner
each time. This is the result of complex variables, such as
inconsistent loading, shock loading, inconsistent assem-
bly, inconsistent materials, etc.
Once detected, the first call will be an educated guess
(it will fail in two or three months). This would drive
weekly data collection until the failure progresses, then
a call would be made (it will fail any day). If shutdown
cannot be accomplished at this point, you may progress
to hourly data collection. If the point of transfer from
failing to rapid failure onset can be detected, then this
would be the point when shutdown should be initiated.
Asset Condition Management
Safety Considerations
The safety of personnel collecting the data should be
considered from the onset of the program’s setup, with
the following considerations in mind:
Asset access/egress;
Potential process failure risks;
Stored energy;
Intrinsic explosiveness;
Chemical emissions;
Elevated risk if in failure progression state;
Any other criteria the may induce risk to personnel.
DO utilize collection interval management to establish
dynamic data collection frequencies to account for
baselining and failure mitigation.
DON’T base your program on a standard, time-driven
collection frequency (e.g., “we collect data every two
months”) without consideration of failure modes.
A well run vibration analysis program will control the
quality of asset installations and predict a multitude of
failures well in advance. This enables adequate time to
ensure asset availability within the desired operating
campaign. If the cost benefit has been conducted during
the FMEA stage, vibration analysis is a cost-effective
way to identify impending failures.
Friedman, Alan. Audit it! Improve It. How to Get the Most
from Your Vibration Monitoring Program. Fort Myers:, 2014.
White, Glen. Introduction to Machine Vibration. Fort Myers:, 2008.
Jackson, Charles. The Practical Vibration Primer. Fort Myers:, 2009.
fluid analysis
Asset Condition Monitoring (ACM) is an overarching
term used to describe machinery symptoms through
test data monitoring. The technologies applied allow
a component to continue to be operated while being
monitored. This passport focuses on the technology of
fluid analysis (Fa) for Machine Condition Monitoring
(MCM) in the Uptime Elements.
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
Acoustic Emission Analysis – Acoustic emission anal-
ysis technology is applied to study bearing faults, detect
flaws and cracks in welding and pipe-work, and to study
de-lamination, de-bonding, and fracture in aerospace
Condition Monitoring – The continuous or periodic
measurement and interpretation of data to indicate the
condition of an item, component, or asset to determine
the need for maintenance.
Fluid Analysis – A process of monitoring and reporting
information obtained from the analysis of lubricants,
hydraulic oil and other fluids to determine the quality
and/or condition of an asset being lubricated.
Vibration – An undesirable situation caused by one or
more pulsating forces due to unbalance, misalignment,
etc., in an asset’s structure.
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
incomplete and often misleading. Testing and test data
are a means to an end, the preservation and profitable
function of the machine. That is the end goal and it’s
where the highest savings are.
fluid analysis
Bottom Line: A thorough commitment is the key to
fluid analysis success.
fluid analysis
and no flexibility exists. This may or may not pose
a problem. In any event, check it out.
• Sometimes, the service is discounted or even
“free.” Find out why. Cheapest isn't always best.
• Private labs, often on-site – It can be argued that this
is the best approach, but it first requires sufficient sam-
ples to be analyzed to justify installing a lab. Things
to consider:
• Qualified personnel will have to be hired.
• Operating a private lab is a full-time job, however,
personnel are often assigned to the lab as part of
their job. This can be a serious impediment since
full focus is not assured. Avoid this trap.
Sampling is straightforward enough, although not
simple. There are details:
• Representative sampling is imperative to avoid invalid
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
system for the following information:
• If your label is not equipped for scanning,
you must provide the unique name (e.g., asset
number, etc.) of the component being sampled.
• Hours or distance of the current lubricant’s res-
idence interval.
• Date the sample was secured.
It is necessary for the sampler to be diligent in this
regard because such information influences data trend-
ing, a very important aspect of Fa.
Table 1
Routine Tests for Example Component Types
Large Ferrous
TEST Metals Viscosity Water Fuel Soot Oxidation Nitration Acid No. Base No. Particle
Diesel Engine X X X X X X X X
Natural Gas Engine X X X 4-cycle X X 2-cycle 4-cycle 2-cycle 2-cycle
Asset Condition Management
Gas Turbine X X X X X X
Steam Turbine X X X X
Gearset X X X X XX
Hydraulic X X X X X X XX
Rotary Compressor X X X X X X X
Reciprocating X X X X X X
fluid analysis
choice of actions to take based on the data. It’s import-
ant that you both be on the same page in this regard.
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
(ISO) designated lubricants mostly found in industrial
settings and rotary machinery; 100° C is SAE auto-
motive based and is used for reciprocating machinery
(e.g., engines and compressors), as well as automatic/
powershift transmissions.
• Water – There are numbers of ways to inspect for
• Crackle/sputter test. A droplet of lubricant on a
hot plate will sputter and make a crackling noise
with as little as 500 ppm of water. Many labs
screen every sample this way.
• Karl Fischer methods – This complex detection
and quantification method uses principles of titra-
tion and/or coulometry. Detection can be as low
as 10 ppm to 20 ppm for critical fluids.
• Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) – See the
explanation of FTIR following this list.
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
sizes, focusing on 4µ, 6µ and 14µ to yield ISO code.
Hydraulics are the chief application of this test due to
their precision clearances and the need to monitor and
control contamination. However, gas turbines, pow-
ershift transmissions and other component types are
also candidates. No element identification is provided
with PC, just contamination levels.
• Ferrous particle screening – The particle quantifier
(PQ) or direct reading ferrography (DRF) are mag-
netometric methods that detect ferromagnetic, iron
dominant particles that likely represent wear. Gear-
sets are ideal candidates for this important screening
technique, especially since basic spectrometric metals
analysis has increasing difficulty with detection of par-
ticles greater than 4µ.
Asset Condition Management
• Metals (spectrometric);
• Viscosity – This test is mandatory to ensure sustained
fluid analysis
coolant leakage) validates the water, but it is unusual
to see both, even with a valid sample.
• Fuel – Raw fuel in the crankcase is indicative of exces-
sive idling, restricted injector nozzles or injector seal,
or other interface malfunction. Large amounts (i.e.,
8% to 10%) are dangerous and capable of triggering
crankcase explosions.
• Soot – Soot generation occurs during fuel combustion.
Excess levels are indicative of incomplete combustion.
Causes can include faulty valve timing, over fueling,
or restricted air intake.
• Neutralization numbers (i.e., AN or BN) –Not as
popular or necessary in recent decades due to virtual
elimination of sulfur in diesel fuels; therefore they are
of marginal use in developed countries with good fuel
quality. The only benefit from the test is to determine
the need for a lubricant change, but tests like oxi-
dation and nitration virtually always will be signals
Asset Condition Management
Table 2
ISO4406 Cleanliness Code
Number of Particles Per mL
More Than Up to and Including Range Number (R)
80000 160000 24
40000 80000 23
20000 40000 22
10000 20000 21
5000 10000 20
2500 5000 19
1300 2600 18
640 1280 17
320 640 16
160 320 15
80 160 14
40 80 13
20 40 12
10 20 11
5 10 10
2.5 5 9
1.3 2.6 8
0.64 1.28 7
0.32 0.64 6
0.16 0.32 5
0.08 0.16 4
0.04 0.08 3
0.02 0.04 2
0.01 0.02 1
fluid analysis
tive to particles ranging from 4µ to 14µ due to precision
clearances in spool valves and other contact points.
ISO4406 offers a particulate cleanliness scale that clas-
sifies particles at 4µ, 6µ and 14µ, as shown in Table 2.
Each ISO number for the three particle sizes of interest
is indicative of a level of concentration twice that of the
number below it and half that of the number above it.
Filtration maintenance and general cleanliness guidelines
are based on this scale, once corporate or OEM stan-
dards have been determined as cleanliness goals. Particle
counting always should be performed on hydraulic lubes.
Powershift transmissions, gas turbines, 2-cycle slow
speed reciprocating gas engines, some steam turbines,
rotary compressors, etc., also may apply. When in doubt,
consult your evaluation specialist, OEM, or oil company.
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
can comprehend and place credibility in the action
• Rate report urgency level: Labeled as normal, abnor-
mal, urgent, or critical.
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
value and their performance continues to improve.
• Tier 2 (on-site): Small footprint, clever instru-
mentation with fast testing cycles will eliminate
delays in obtaining results and evaluation, as
needed, using cloud-enabled intelligent agents.
Tier 2 will increasingly serve to vet Tier 1 data.
• Tier 3 (off-site): Traditional off-site labs will still
serve a vital purpose, but will be changing their
testing mix to support and augment the other
tiers, which will gradually reduce routine testing
from the Tier 3 mode. Tier 3 will move toward
increased activity in specialized, decision support-
ing tests that are often too expensive or complex
(i.e., requiring highly trained, experienced per-
sonnel) for Tier 2 applications, such as analytical
ferrography (AF) and scanning electron micros-
copy (SEM).
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
are expert systems infused with domain knowl-
edge, have been introduced to reflect domain
expertise in a logical, consistent, nuanced fashion,
often offering a more focused assessment.
• You must be willing to supply thorough, accurate
feedback to the evaluator or the evaluating system if
you expect both accurate assessments and continuous
learning and improvement, whether the evaluator is
a human or an intelligent agent.
Heed this advice and your program will thrive and
significantly contribute to ROI.
Fluid analysis has existed for, perhaps, a century, primarily
for assessing lubricant contamination and degradation.
Oil companies and lubricant suppliers implemented the
technology to monitor lubricant efficiency and suitabil-
ity for continued use. However, ca.1948*, wear metals
Asset Condition Management
fluid analysis
overwhelming recommendation, with rare exception.
Asset Condition Management
ISO 18436-5:2012 Condition monitoring and diagnos-
tics of machines -- Requirements for qualification and
assessment of personnel -- Part 5: Lubricant laboratory
ultrasound testing
Ultrasound technology enhances lives in so many ways.
Medical ultrasound helps predict and confirm health
conditions. Industrial ultrasound nondestructively tests
the integrity of steel structures used in buildings and
bridges. Ultrasonic baths clean everything from indus-
trial parts to precious jewelry. Ultrasound measures metal
wear inside pipes, corrosion of tanks and remaining hull
thickness on ships. Automobiles equipped with ultra-
sound sensors lend safety to simple navigational tasks,
such as backing up, parking, or even avoiding collisions.
Thanks to ultrasound, human lives are better.
Another ultrasound discipline, one applicable to the
Uptime Elements, is ultrasound testing (Ut). Within
the framework, ultrasound testing has countless useful
applications for almost any industry. It is regularly used
to monitor industrial machine systems. Ultrasound test-
ing also reveals the conditional health of plant assets,
exposes sources of energy waste and identifies ways to
improve product quality.
Asset Condition Management
ultrasound testing
and condition monitoring tool for any reliability depart-
ment, regardless of industry sector.
Asset Condition Management
but below 20,000 Hz (20 kHz).
• Ultrasound – soundwaves with frequencies above
20,000 Hz.
Friction – The resistance to motion of one object moving
relative to another. When two surfaces touch, they stick
together until there is sufficient force to move them. This
motion produces a broad range of indicators such as sound,
heat etc., that can be used to develop further actions.
Heterodyne circuit – The creation of two new fre-
quencies ( radio waves, beats) by mixing two different
sinusoidal frequencies together; The new frequencies are
the sum and difference of the original frequencies. High
quality ultrasound instruments use a heterodyne circuit
to make ultrasound frequencies audible to humans while
preserving original tonal quality and characteristics.
Asset Condition Management
ultrasound testing
Ultrasound testing – A predictive technology for
locating defects in a material (asset) by passing acous-
tic energy in the ultrasound range through it. It can
be used for pinpointing surface defects, detecting pipe
leaks, degradation of bearings etc.
Advantages of Ultrasound
The inherent characteristics of ultrasound waves make
it an effective technology for monitoring the condition
of assets in noisy manufacturing facilities.
Ultrasound signals have short, low energy wave-
lengths that advantageously restrict propagation. This is
advantageous because ultrasound is loudest at its source
and attenuates after a short distance. In a noisy atmo-
sphere, inspectors can pinpoint the source of a defect
Asset Condition Management
ultrasound testing
Benefits of Ultrasound
There are many ways ultrasound delivers value to an
organization’s reliability goals. As an asset condition
monitoring technology, Ut identifies defects and pre-
dicts failures in virtually any machine system, making it
a versatile ally that drives competitiveness.
As a troubleshooting technology, Ut locates efficiency
gaps in utilities, enabling organizations to save millions
of dollars annually in wasted energy.
As a contributor to employee safety, ultrasound finds
many defects, thus providing safety benefits to employ-
ees. The highest quality ultrasound instruments are
designed to keep ultrasound testing inspectors safe while
they conduct their rounds.
These benefits combine to foster a positive reliability
culture that resonate throughout the framework. Here
are two examples of how ultrasound testing intricately
weaves many of the Uptime Elements together.
Asset Condition Management
Bearing Lubrication
If calendar based preventive maintenance (PM) activi-
ties dictate the frequency of bearing relubrication, labor
is poorly allocated and grease is wasted. Formulas that
ultrasound testing
Over greasing is eliminated (De).
• Document effectiveness (Pi) and publicize wins to
ensure continued funding for the program (Es).
Condition based relubrication of motor bearings
represents one of the most relevant asset condition mon-
itoring tasks. No fewer than 11 Uptime Elements play a
role in this value driving program.
Asset Condition Management
ultrasound testing
to electricity (i.e., the piezoelectric effect).
Asset Condition Management
ultrasound testing
1. What are we setting out to accomplish?
2. What are we attempting to change?
3. Who do we need on our side?
4. What are our primary pain points?
5. How will we measure success?
Asset Condition Management
ultrasound testing
ultrasound program is not complete without KPIs for
each pillar.
Don’t complicate this. KPIs are both leading and lag-
ging. Think of leading indicators as inputs; actions that
achieve outcomes. Lagging indicators are the outcomes.
Asset Condition Management
Ultrasound testing is a versatile technology vital to
the asset condition management (ACM) domain. It is
a useful troubleshooting tool and powerful condition
ultrasound testing
Murphy, Thomas J. and Rienstra, Allan A. Hear More: A
Guide to Using Ultrasound for Leak Detection and Condition
Monitoring. Fort Myers:, 2010.
SDT Ultrasound Solutions – –
Acuostic Lubrication Guidelines for Rolling Element Bearings
in Electric Motors., 2016.
UE Systems.
The Ultrasound Institute.
infrared thermal imaging
Utilization of infrared (IR) thermography is growing
exponentially. This is driven by two conditions. The
first is the declining cost of cameras; small, portable Ir
cameras are relatively cheap and rugged. The second is
the versatility of the technology. With more cameras
deployed, technicians are finding more applications and
ways to enhance the value of applying this technology.
The images provided give clear, discernible conditions
that are easily conveyed to stakeholders.
Though collecting an image is relatively easy, it takes
a certified thermographer to correctly correlate the
radiated energy to temperature and present the correct
The intent of this document is to create awareness and
guidelines for developing or supporting a thermography
program. It is not intended to replace proper thermog-
raphy training.
Why Infrared?
The first thought when introducing a thermographic
camera is normally switchgear. Many companies will
contract an annual inspection of their switchgear based
on insurer mandates and consider this the limit of their IR
Asset Condition Management
Thermal Theory
Thermographic cameras do not measure temperature,
they measure infrared radiation. If the emissivity is
known, the infrared radiation can be translated to tem-
perature. Thermographic cameras detect radiation in a
range on the electromagnetic spectrum. Since all objects
emit infrared radiation, the camera produces an image of
that radiation. The amount of radiation emitted increases
with temperature, which allows the camera to create an
image that can be correlated to temperature.
Infrared cameras are very sensitive to changes in tem-
perature, with a small change producing a substantial
change in the radiated energy. The energy seen by the
infrared thermal imaging
Thermography Images
Images are created by the detector (microbolometer or
photon) detecting the energy radiated from an object
and converting it to an electrical impulse. The electri-
cal impulse is converted to a video image. This video
image indicates the radiated energy by varying the
colors in the image. The camera’s program correlates
the signal strength and entered emissivity to calculate
the temperature.
To capture an image, the thermographer adjusts the
focus, temperature range, light level and span on the
camera. This level of inspection will cover most common
fault detections, such as looking for process blockage or
general hot spots.
Asset Condition Management
Collecting Images
In many cases, insurers will ask clients if they have a
thermography program. Most organizations that have
a camera will answer yes to this question. If an incident
occurs, the insurer will ask for an image of the failed
component in a known to be good state. That exemplifies
the difference between a survey and a program.
Thermography surveys can be very beneficial for
detection of random faults and issues, but a program
should have a defined route that is conducted with
images collected and stored for trending or revival.
Images should be collected from the same distance and
angle, if possible.
infrared thermal imaging
• The image can be blended from a full infrared to a
full visual.
• Isotherm levels can be banded.
• Cursor shapes can be changed.
There are a multitude of applications for thermography.
Electrical Systems
Faults with transmission lines can be inspected with
thermography. This is conducted with a gimbaled camera
mounted on a helicopter. This camera is mounted with
Asset Condition Management
infrared thermal imaging
• A hot spot on a winding indicating a possible shorted
Asset Condition Management
• Poor connections;
• Load imbalance;
• Winding issues;
• Rotor issues;
• Bearing faults;
• Misalignment.
Mechanical Systems
Faults with mechanical components can be easily
detected in mechanical systems. Since there are a mul-
titude of mechanical systems, only a few examples will
be referenced here.
Faults with gearboxes can be detected, however, it
should be noted that in many mechanical systems, heat
generation is a late stage of failure and other monitoring
should be considered for detection or confirmation of
infrared thermal imaging
• Misalignment;
• Overloading;
• Bearing failures;
• Gear mesh issues;
• Backlash issues (set-up);
• Lubrication issues.
• Valve issues;
• Exhaust blockage;
• Exhaust leaks;
• Coolant flow blockage;
• Radiator blockage;
• Faulty thermostats;
• Oil line flows;
• Oil cooler blockage;
• Scale or contaminate buildup;
• Faulty starters;
• Accessory drive belt issues.
Asset Condition Management
• Overheated tires;
• Overheated brakes;
• Heating or air conditioning issues;
• Hydraulic problems.
Process Systems
Faults with process systems can be detected in systems
where there is a process flow or friction inducing move-
ment between a product and a surface. Some examples
infrared thermal imaging
Building Envelopes
Deficiencies in building envelopes can be easily identi-
fied with thermography. Some examples are:
• Heat loss;
• Water leakage;
• Moisture detection;
• Insulation condition;
• Heating system inefficiencies.
Customs and Border Protection agents presenting a
thermal imaging systems manufacturer with a $101
million contract.
Asset Condition Management
Safety Considerations
There is an extremely high potential for injuries with
electrical inspections. For detailed information, follow
electrical standards from your associated standards orga-
nization. Utilize all safety measures, including arc flash
personal protective equipment, inspection windows, etc.
infrared thermal imaging
• Thermography is an extremely versatile inspection
method that has become very affordable.
• This tool is deceptively simple, so you must ensure
that proper educational and cognitive training is
• Surveys are not programs; programs require images in
a known to be good state.
Asset Condition Management
ISO 18434-1:2008 Condition monitoring and diagnostics
of machines -- Thermography -- Part 1: General procedures
motor testing
A motor testing program can be used to find a variety
of problems, including loose connections, shorted wind-
ings, ground faults and insulation failures. In addition,
motor testing can be used to find various rotor prob-
lems, including rotor faults, such as air-gap faults, phase
imbalance and resistive loss. It also can be used with
other predictive tests to provide a picture of the overall
health of a motor.
A motor testing program delivers savings in the areas
of condition monitoring, equipment problem detection
and/or resolution, and acceptance testing. Key perfor-
mance indicators for a motor testing program should
always include ongoing savings tracking to ensure con-
tinued executive support.
Asset Condition Management
motor testing
of internal defects, such as broken rotor bars, and stator
phase-to-phase and turn-to-turn faults.
Motor Normalized Temperature Analysis – A method
using devices, such as low-cost thermography equip-
ment, to measure temperatures at specific points on the
outside of operating electric motor casings to give an
indication of internal defects, such as degraded bearings,
rotor faults, stator winding faults, clogged air passages,
unbalanced motor currents and couplings in need of
realignment or lubrication.
Asset Condition Management
motor testing
• Problem Detection/Resolution. When motors begin
to experience problems, such as increased operating
temperature or increased energy consumption, motor
testing allows the cause to be discovered and corrected
with minimal disruption to the operations and main-
tenance departments.
Asset Condition Management
• Loose connections;
• Shorted windings;
• Ground faults;
• Insulation failures;
• Rotor faults, such as air-gap faults, phase imbalance
and resistive loss.
motor testing
• No-Load Test;
• Load Point Test;
• Locked Rotor;
• Winding Resistance (including feeder cables);
• Insulation Resistance;
• DC High Pot;
• Dissipation Factor and Capacitance;
• Motor Current Analysis.
preventing motors from failing with little or no advance
notice, costly equipment breakdowns can be prevented.
All motors that are vital to the company’s operation
should be included in a motor testing program. Some
examples are:
motor testing
vendor or internal person who performed the repairs and
complete cost breakdown, is readily available to mainte-
nance personnel. Ideally, documentation would provide
an overview of the entire life of the motor, from the day
it is purchased until the day it is retired from service.
A second prerequisite is to detail which predictive
tests on the motors are already part of another monitor-
ing program. Some of these other predictive techniques
could include:
Asset Condition Management
motor testing
First, the motor testing data should be reviewed
by predictive maintenance personnel on a daily basis.
When a problem is detected, individual test results are
correlated with other predictive maintenance data (e.g.,
vibration analysis and thermography) to help verify
the existence and severity of the problem. An elevated
vibration reading by itself may not be reason enough to
take the motor down for service. However, if coupled
with high wear particle concentrations found in the oil
Asset Condition Management
motor testing
The longer and more successful the motor testing pro-
gram is, the smaller the saving numbers will appear. Once
all the potential motor failures are addressed, it is a matter
of monitoring and ensuring that any motor problems are
detected and repaired early. These reductions in ongo-
ing savings have led some companies to suspend their
motor testing program only to have to redevelop it in the
future at a greater cost. Once the motor testing program
is implemented, the proper reporting should be in place
to ensure continued executive support.
Asset Condition Management
Motor testing is an essential part of any comprehensive
predictive maintenance program. Motor testing begins
by measuring the integrity of the motor’s insulation
system. Motor testing also provides information about
the power condition, the load and the motor. When
motor testing
InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA).
Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA).
alignment and
alignment and balancing
Alignment and balancing (AB) are the cornerstones of
quality maintenance in any rotating equipment intensive
industrial facility. Their application reduces the strain
on the rotating mass of equipment. This is a proactive
approach to extending asset life and an integral part of an
overall precision maintenance program. Industrial facil-
ities that have clearly defined standards tailored to asset
requirements will see benefits in asset life and reduced
energy consumption. Precision alignment reduces axial
movement and shaft eccentricity, while quality balancing
reduces centrifugal forces found in modern high speed
Asset Condition Management
alignment and balancing
Shaft alignment is the practice of aligning two or more
shafts to a required tolerance in relation to each other.
Any misalignment will increase the stress on the shafts,
resulting in premature wear of the components of an
asset. Misalignment can be parallel, angular, or a com-
bination of both.
Causes of Misalignment
There are multiple conditions that can cause misalign-
ment, but the most common causes are:
2. Uneven thermal growth between components;
3. Foundation structural integrity issues;
4. Pipe strain.
Asset Condition Management
alignment and balancing
This determines the angularity. Misalignment can now
be measured by determining the difference in the 12:00
and 6:00 positions on both dial indicators to establish
the vertical alignment and by comparing the difference
in the 3:00 and 9:00 positions to correct the horizontal
Asset Condition Management
• No bar sag;
• High resolution;
• No sticking or jumping of readings;
• No human error from dial reading;
• No influence from axial movement;
alignment and balancing
Equipment balancing is the practice of balancing a
rotating mass. Unbalance exists when a center axis of a
mass is not its running center axis. This can be induced
by many factors, like, porosity in castings, eccentricity,
uneven bolt holes, improper key sizing, deposit buildups,
corrosion or erosion, thermal distortion, etc.
An unbalanced component attempts to rotate around
its mass center; this transmits force to the bearings and
creates high levels of 1x vibration. This vibration and
loading cause wear to the bearings and can damage the
rotor (in extreme cases). Balancing to an acceptable level
reduces the strain and vibration transmitted to the com-
ponents, resulting in longer asset life, less failures and a Ab
reduced energy requirement.
Causes of Unbalance
There are two predominant causes of unbalance:
inherent and induced. Inherent causes would require
one balancing, while induced causes should have the
Asset Condition Management
Static balancing is an old method of balancing. It
is conducted by standing an element in an appropriate
testing stand. For example, a part can be placed on a
stand with rollers and the heavy side will roll to the
bottom. This method is seldom used in modern high
speed equipment and the term static is often misused
in dynamic balancing.
Asset Condition Management
alignment and balancing
Asset Condition Management
alignment and balancing
• Equipment setup (all types);
• Measurement functions;
• Repeatability and accuracy (validation);
• Tolerance standards;
• Graphing exercises;
• Offsetting for thermal growth;
Asset Condition Management
alignment and balancing
Precision alignment and balancing will substantially
impact reliability goals. At a minimum, off-the-shelf
standards should be adhered to, and ideally, in-house
refined standards are preferred. With alignment and bal- Ab
ancing, a symptom of poor quality assurance and quality
control is improper workmanship.
non destructive
non destructive testing
Non-destructive testing (NDT) covers a wide variety of
test methods for a multitude of items requiring inspec-
tion to confirm structural integrity or the lack thereof.
NDT does not harm the material, component, or system
that is being analyzed.
The roots of this process can be traced back to an
1854 boiler explosion in Hartford, Connecticut, that
killed multiple people. The state then passed a law
requiring annual visual inspections of boilers. Though
many requirements for NDT are mandated, there are
substantial benefits in utilizing this process to ascertain
the structural integrity of assets.
Asset Condition Management
non destructive testing
Visual Testing
Human sensory is an effective component of NDT pro-
grams. It is also a method that is impossible for the
Asset Condition Management
Radiography is conducted by using penetrating radiation
to examine the internal features of materials. Radiation is
directed through the part and onto a detector. This process
results in a shadow graph that displays material thickness,
density changes and voids.
Some defects, like delamination, are difficult to detect
with this method, therefore, in most cases, ultrasonic is the
preferred method of inspection.
The most commonly known form of radiography is
X-ray computed tomography (CT-scan), commonly used
in the medical profession.
non destructive testing
There are two main types of dye. One is visual and dis-
plays a vivid color contrast, and the other is fluorescent
and requires an ultraviolet light to brightly display the
color contrast.
To conduct dye penetrant inspections, the object is
coated with a solution that contains a visible or fluorescent
dye. The excess solution is then removed and a developer
applied, resulting in the retained solution (retained by the
defect) to be seen.
As this method is limited to surface cracks, magnetic
particle inspection is often the preferred method for fer-
rous metals since it also highlights subsurface cracking.
Asset Condition Management
Ultrasound Testing
Ultrasound testing (UT) has become one of the predomi-
nant tools utilized for NDT. There are multiple advantages
to this method:
non destructive testing
Asset Condition Management
Safety Considerations
Non destructive testing on its own is a method for
ensuring the safety of your organization. Failures of a
structural nature seldom happen suddenly. Ensure your
organization conducts, at a minimum, the regulated
NDT and that the testing is done by qualified and com-
petent practitioners.
Identify all potential hazards with individual pro-
cesses (e.g., radiation) and utilize safe work procedures.
It is imperative that NDT practitioners are certified in
most industrialized countries. As the inspections are
often regulatory in nature to be compliant, the techni-
cian must be certified. Most certifying bodies follow a
three-level certification:
non destructive testing
Asset Condition Management
Numerous methods and tools are required to conduct
non destructive testing. There is not one perfect tool for
all applications, so an effective program will be based on
multiple technologies.
Incorporate NDT information into your overall asset
condition information program and utilize the findings
to provide decision support to your organization.
The American Society for NonDestructive Testing®
machinery lubrication
Machinery lubrication is one of, if not the main, foun-
dational element that makes it possible for physical
assets to deliver on their value proposition. There have
been numerous studies revealing that improper lubri-
cation accounts for the majority of failures within
Managing machinery lubrication encompasses select-
ing the correct lubricant, storing it properly, distributing
it effectively, sampling it correctly, managing its degra-
dation and disposing of it properly.
The lubricant lifecycle, from selection to disposal, all
falls within the machinery lubrication element, exclud-
ing oil analysis.
Asset Condition Management
• Wrong lubricant;
• Dirt ingress;
• Water ingress;
• Cross contamination;
• Under lubrication;
• Over lubrication;
• Excessive leakage;
• Wrong lubricant for loading;
• Other causes.
machinery lubrication
To develop a lubrication management program that will
prevent value destruction in many aspects.
Asset Condition Management
Lubricant Selection
Lubrication selection is guided by basic machine type
and refined by loading/duty cycle. Various industrial
applications have different considerations. A sample of
selection criteria is listed below.
Lubricant Storage
Poor lubrication storage has contributed to a substantial
number of equipment failures. Ingress of dirt and water
leads to increased requirements for filtration, hydration,
etc. In the worst case scenario, contamination from dirt
and water leads to substantial machine damage and
downtime. Proper lubrication storage is one of the most
controllable of all lifecycle extension practices.
Asset Condition Management
Distribution of Lubricants
It is essential to get the clean lubricant into equipment
without contamination, avoiding both material con-
taminations and/or cross contamination from other
lubricants. It has been well established that lubricants
should not be intermixed; anti-foam and other protec-
tive additives can be severely compromised with only
minor amounts of incompatible lubricants.
machinery lubrication
Lubrication Sampling
Lubricants will still degrade over time and equipment
will fail as a result. For oil analysis to provide a correct
diagnosis of the condition of the equipment/lubricant,
the sample must be representative of the oil flowing
through the system. Improperly collected samples will
result in false analysis, thereby driving incorrect actions.
Lubrication sampling should be:
the system.
Asset Condition Management
Lubricant Containment
Much of the life of a lubricant is spent within the sump
or system requiring lubrication, or in energy transfer, as
in hydraulics. Properly managing the sump or system
containing the lubricant will reduce the risks and costs
of lubrication management.
Safety Considerations
This is a small sampling of lubrication management
safety items. It is intended for awareness purposes only.
In all cases, the job hazard analysis and site safety pro-
grams should be adhered to.
Selection Safety
1. Hazards identification
2. First aid measures
3. Firefighting measures
4. Accidental release measures
5. Exposure controls/personal protection
6. Stability and reactivity
7. Toxicological information
Storage Safety
1. Structural integrity
2. Ventilation positioning
3. Secondary containment
4. Physical protection (barriers)
5. Overfill protection
machinery lubrication
Distribution Safety
1. Personal protective equipment
2. WHIMS information
3. Filling procedures
4. Fill point accessibility
Sampling Safety
1. Personal protective equipment
2. WHIMS information
3. Sampling procedures
4. System pressurization
5. Stored energy
Containment Safety
1. Structural integrity
2. System pressure ratings
3. Radiant heat control
4. Worn hoses, lines, or piping
5. Permissible personnel proximity
Disposal Safety
1. Interim storage
2. WHIMS information
Asset Condition Management
Managing machinery lubrication starts with selecting
the correct lubricant, storing it properly, distributing it
effectively, sampling it correctly, containing it, managing
its degradation and disposing of it.
Developing a proactive relationship with your lubri-
cant vendor is a low-cost way to obtain assistance on
all aspects of machinery lubrication. It is also highly
recommended that lubricant application programs are
well documented and executed.
machinery lubrication
Smith, Ricky and Martin, David A. Maintenance and
Reliability Lubrication 101 – Keeping it Simple, Fort Myers:, 2009.
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE).
International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML).
The Uptime® Elements™ were originally created by Terrence
O’Hanlon, CEO and Publisher of Uptime® magazine and®, in consultation and close cooperation
with co-founder Kelly Rigg O’Hanlon.
Early versions were reviewed by Erin Corin O’Hanlon and
Ian Jaymes O’Hanlon. The initial idea was inspired during a
parent-teacher meeting with science teacher Mark Summit
at Canterbury School in Fort Myers, Florida.
Development of this concept could not have happened
without the mentoring by true masters in the, reliability
and asset management communities, including Terry Wire-
man; Paul Barringer; Dr. Robert Abernathy; Jack Nicholas
Jr.; Anthony “Mac” Smith; Ron Moore; Bob DiStefano;
Steve Turner; Joel Levitt; Ramesh Gulati; Winston Ledet;
June Ledet; Michelle Ledet Henley; Heinz Bloch; Christer
Idhammar; Ralph Buscarello; Edmea Adell; Celso De Aze-
vedo; JohnWoodhouse; the entire AEDC/Jacobs/ATA team
led by Bart Jones; and many more people who have been kind
and generous in sharing their expertise.
Early stage evolution definition and development by
Steve Thomas, Ramesh Gulati, Jeff Smith, Grahame Fogel,
John Schultz and the Allied Reliability Group team, and PJ
Vlok proved invaluable to its current state. Early presentation
of these elements resulted in valuable feedback from mem-
CRL Body of Knowledge
The Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP)
has developed an exam and certification based on the
Uptime Elements and it’s Reliability Leadership system. It
is designed to create leaders who focus on delivering value to
the triple bottom line of:
• Economic prosperity,
• Environmental sustainability,
• Social responsibility.
The body of knowledge that creates the foundation for the
exam and certification includes:
1. The Uptime® ElementsTM Passport series
2. The Journey by Stephen Thomas
3. Don’t Just Fix it, Improve It! by Winston P. Ledet,
Winston J. Ledet and Sherri M. Abshire
4. Uptime® ElementsTM Dictionary for the Reliability Leader
and Asset Manager by Ramesh Gulati
C o n di ti o
Part of the Certified Reliability Leader
Body of Knowledge ACM