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Chillers are used in buildings to provide heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
providing thermal comfort for occupants
Chillers remove heat from a liquid through a refrigeration cycle in a process that is
essentially the same as that used to cool domestic fridges. They can work on compression or

 In compression systems, a liquid refrigerant with a low boiling point absorbs heat
from water returning from the building and boils in an evaporator to form a gas. The
gas is then compressed, which increases its temperature further. The gas is then
condensed, releasing its latent heat which is rejected to the outside. The process
then repeats.
 Absorption refrigeration works on a similar basis, with a refrigerant that boils at low
temperature and pressure, however, in this case, the refrigerant gas is then
absorbed in a solution which is then heated in a ‘generator’ so that the refrigerant
evaporates again, but this time at a higher pressure and temperature. The gas is then
condensed, releasing its latent heat which is rejected to the outside. The process
then repeats

Vapor Absorption Cycle

The principle behind an absorption process is to separate and recombine to fluids
(refrigerant and absorbent) to create a cooling effect. Usually, absorption chillers are either
NH 3-H 20 (ammonia-water) cycle or LiBr (Lithium bromide) cycle. In the first cycle, water
acts as the absorbent while ammonia water solution acts as the refrigerant. In the latter
cycle, lithium bromide is the absorbent and water is the refrigerant. We will discuss
ammonia water.

Representation of a Simple Absorption Cycle 

 Generator: in the generator, a heat source produces ammonia vapor from a strong
ammonia solution. Before the ammonia (refrigerant) vapor enters the condenser, it
passes through a rectifier for dehydration.
 Condenser: the now dehydrated and high-pressure ammonia enters the condenser
where it is condensed. After cooling, it goes through a throttle valve (expansion
valve) and pressure and temperature is reduced. The new values must be below
what the evaporator (next stage) maintains.
 Evaporator: the evaporator, which is essentially the cold refrigerated space, appears
now. The cooled ammonia enters the evaporator, absorbs heat and then leaves as
saturated ammonia vapor.
 Absorber: as the vapor enters the absorber, it is exposed to a spray of weak
ammonia-water solution. The weak solution in turns becomes a strong solution. The
pump directs the new solution to the generator through the regenerator (may also
be referred to as heat exchanger). By the time the solution arrives, it has already
attained generator/condensing pressure. The process starts again.


The main thing to mention here is the Heat Source which drives this cycle can be anything readily
available and the main cost of the cycle also comes from this heat source, we can install Solar Heat
collectors to get this heat input but its COP is very low, with only Solar heat source it is called Single
effect Vapor absorption system given in the picture below . To get better COP we can introduce
another heat source readily available to increase COP and make it viable. Such absorption cycle will
be called Double effect Vapor absorption system and its cycle representation can be seen in below


Vapor Compression Cycle
The Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle involves four components: compressor,
condenser, expansion valve/throttle valve and evaporator. It is a compression process,
whose aim is to raise the refrigerant pressure, as it flows from an evaporator. The high-
pressure refrigerant flows through a condenser/heat exchanger before attaining the initial
low pressure and going back to the evaporator. A more detailed explanation of the steps is
as explained below

The refrigerant (for example R-717) enters the compressor at low temperature and low
pressure. It is in a gaseous state. Here, compression takes place to raise the temperature
and refrigerant pressure. The refrigerant leaves the compressor and enters to the
condenser. Since this process requires work, an electric motor may be used. Compressors
themselves can be scroll, screw, centrifugal or reciprocating types and they are run by
Electricity source (Power Grid)
The condenser is essentially a heat exchanger. Heat is transferred from the refrigerant to a
flow of water. This water goes to a cooling tower for cooling in the case of water-cooled
condensation. Note that seawater and air-cooling methods may also play this role. As the
refrigerant flows through the condenser, it is in a constant pressure. One cannot afford to
ignore condenser safety and performance. Specifically, pressure control is paramount for
safety and efficiency reasons. There are several pressure-controlling devices to take care of
this requirement
Throttling and Expansion
When the refrigerant enters the throttling valve, it expands and releases pressure.
Consequently, the temperature drops at this stage. Because of these changes, the
refrigerant leaves the throttle valve as a liquid vapor mixture, typically in proportions of
around 75 % and 25 % respectively. Throttling valves play two crucial roles in the vapor
compression cycle. First, they maintain a pressure differential between low- and high-
pressure sides. Second, they control the amount of liquid refrigerant entering the
At this stage of the Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle, the refrigerant is at a lower
temperature than its surroundings. Therefore, it evaporates and absorbs latent heat of
vaporization. Heat extraction from the refrigerant happens at low pressure and
temperature. Compressor suction effect helps maintain the low pressure. There are
different evaporator versions in the market, but the major classifications are liquid cooling
and air cooling, depending whether they cool liquid or air respectively.


Main thing to mention here is that COP vapor compression cycle if pretty good but its very
costly if we rely on a Electric grid and to reduce this cost we can introduce a combination of
Solar & Power Grid to reduce these costs significantly while keeping the good COP of this
cycle also, It is demonstrated in the picture below
A very much more detailed Comparison between two cycles which include Solar inputs for
both cycles is given in this article
Conclusion based on Life Cycle Cost analysis of above article is given below

An economic comparison is made between a vapor compression refrigeration

system VCRC powered by photovoltaic array and a vapor absorption
refrigeration system VARC powered by solar evacuated tubes unit. The
comparison between these two technologies is carried out based on life cycle
cost analysis.

The results have indicated that either complete system, VCRC or VARC, is cost
effective regarding their benefits over their total costs, although the VCRC
yielded more benefits. After examination of all of the parameters considered,
one would prefer to opt for the VCRC system, as first of all, it has yielded
more benefits, and besides of being less bulky and easily available in the
market, simpler and requires easy maintenance. Moreover, VCRC systems
have wider applications in industry and commercial buildings. VARC systems,
on the other hand, can also be used with waste heat recovery systems, in
addition to the possibility of being combined with domestic hot water

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