DLP Food and Beverage Services

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SY 2022-2023 (2
 Semester)May 15, 2023
I. OBJECTIVESAt the end of the lesson, the students were able to:
1.Learn and identify the different table skirting.2.Define what is table skirting3.Apply the skills in performing basic table skirting and;4.Value the skills learned in the activity.
Content standard:
The learner demonstrates an understanding of concepts, and principles in preparing the dining room/restaurant areafor service.
Performance Standard:
The Learner demonstrates knowledge and skills in food and beverage service related to table setting, table skirting,and napkin folding in accordance with the proper procedures and guidelines.
Learning competencies:LO1. Set-up tables in the dining area
3.1 Set the Table according to the standards of the food service establishment.3.2 Skirt properly buffet or display tables taking into account symmetry, balance and harmony in size and design.3.3 laid properly the table cloth in accordance with the proper procedure and guidelines.
I. CONTENT: Prepare the Dining Room/Restaurant Area for Service1.Learning Resources: A.References
1.Curriculum Guide pages- 13 &142.Learners material pages- 75-793.Other learning materials- video presentation, LCD projector, Laptop, table cloth, pin, thumbtacks
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Good afternoon class, how are you today? Now let us review our previous lesson.
Questions to be asked:1.What are the examples of hollow wares?2.What is sanitation?
(students will response).
B.Establishing the purpose of the Lesson.
On our previous lesson, you had identified the different tools and equipment used in preparing and setting thetables in the dining area. Today we will have our new lesson but it is still related on the content of our topic lastmeeting.
C.Presenting Examples/ Instances of the new lesson
-Teacher will show some pictures related about the topic and ask related questions.1. What do you see on the picture?2. Where do you usually see those kinds of table settings and arrangements?3. what do you think is our topic today?(students will answer the questions)
Teacher will also show some videos about the different designs in table skirting.
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills and Developing mastery leads to Formative assessment.
Since you already watched the video presentation and you also saw some pictures of different designs in tableskirting, we will now proceed on our lesson. I want you to pay attention and participate during our discussion because later on we will be having our hands on activity. Please open your books on page 75-79.
Discussion proper:
What is Table skirting?
Table skirting-
is used to decorate tables for different occasions, for elegance, and to cover the actual table.Below are some points to consider in table skirting.1.Decide on the design that fits the occasion.2.Prepare needed materials: Cloth, table skirt, thumbtacks, thimble, pins3.Lay the top clothe and fastened with thumbtacks at the edge of the table.4.Pull the cloth to straighten the surface.5.Locate the center of the table and fold the cloth towards it to get the middle.6.Fasten the cloth with pins at the center with the middle half of the cloth.7.Apply various designs such as the single pleats, diamond style, pleated box type, knife pleats, arrow pleats, single line diamond with ruffles, etc.8.All sides of the table should be equally skirted and covered.
Different Kinds of Skirting:1.Gathered Shirred
-Gathered or shirred table skirts are a popular choice due to its simplicity andaffordability. A gathered or shirred table skirt is a fabric drape drawn together by threadsalong the top of hem providing extra body to the skirt. A tighter gather gives a table skirt,a full ruffled appearance.2.
Box Pleat
 - a box pleat table skirt is made from a sequence of back to back knife pleats.Box pleated table skirting issuited for professional conferences or business meetings. Itgives the table a neat, tailored appearance. It also has more pronounced projection than asimple knife pleats, which adds dimensions.3.
French Box Pleat
-French box pleat provide more volume than standard box pleats, its pleats arenarrower than a regular Box pleats, giving the bottom of the table skirting a fuller appearance. It works equally well in casual or elegantSettings.
-if budget and the ease of cleanup are topmost consideration, consider plastictable skirting. Vinyl fabric can be fashioned into simple gathers or knife pleats. This is acost effective way to dress tables for any occasion.
-Fringe table skirting is a playful addition to party tables. Metallic tissue andraffia fringe skirts have a number of imaginative uses. This kind of decorative fringe is agood substitute for table skirting and serves as a festive wall border for specialcelebrations.
-most tables can be fitted with detachable swags that are placed over any kind of cloth table skirting. Swags are commonly attached with overlap clips that will not flattenor damage the table skirt pleating. Swags are an easy way to dress up an otherwise plaintable skirt.
Quick skirting Set-up steps
1.Place table topper over the table.2.Place your clips over the table edge and topper, which is usually one clip per foot.3.Pick a starting point and attach your skirt to the first clip. Slowly work your way around the table andattach the skirting to the remaining clips. -After the discussion, the teacher will demonstrate some of table skirting designs and let the students perform also.
E.Finding Practical application of concepts and skills in daily living.
Based on your activity, how are you going to relate it in your daily living?
F.Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson.
Let the students give their generalization about the activity being performed.
Questions to be asked:
1.What is your greatest learning in this activity?2.What is the most important skill/attitude that you must possess while doing the table skirting?
G.Evaluating Learning
-students learning will be evaluated through a short quiz.Questions?1.What type of skirting is the simplest? 2.If you are on a budget, what type of skirting is most suitable for you?3.________is used to decorate tables for different occasions.4.This type of skirting is made from a sequence of back to back knife pleats.5.What type of skirting provides more volume than box pleats?
Answer key:
1.Gathered Shirred2.Plastic3.Table Skirting4.Box Pleat5.French Box Pleat
I selected inter-disciplinary content to be integrated into the current lesson. In this case, I integrated English as they read andunderstand the lesson, math while they were performing the skirting as they measured the spacing (distance) of each pleats andmapeh specifically art.Prepared by:Inspected by: RISA T. ENDRICOSOLILIA A. HEMO SHS Teacher- II MT1 TLE/TVL Department

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