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Thermodynamics Imp List

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Sc 4th Semester (2019)


Note : This questions only for pass marks (40 Marks)

1. Derive the Maxwell’s law of distribution of Molecular speeds

2. Define coefficient of viscosity. Obtain an expression of coefficient of
viscosity on the basis of kinetic theory of gases

3. Describe the Carnot’s ideal engine and its working. Derive an

expression for its efficiency
4. State and prove Carnot’s theorem

5. Define the four thermodynamics potentials. Obtain Maxwell’s

thermodynamics equations using these potentials
6. State and explain the Joule – Kelvin effect. Derive expression for joule
kelvin effect a) an ideal gas b) a vander waal’s gas

7. Explain joule – Kelvin effect. Describe porus plug experiment and

explain the results of the experiment
8. Explain with necessary theory the adiabatic demagentaization method
for producing very low temperature

9. State and prove Wien’s displacement aw

10. What is pyrometer? Describe the construction and working of Fery’s

total radiation pyrometer

11.Derive Plank’s radiation formula and show that Rayleigh – Jeans law
and Wien law are special cases of Planck’s law

Prepared by Maneesh Email ID : [email protected]

1. What is mean path? Deduce an expression for the mean path a
2. What is transport phenomena
3. Explain reversible and irreversible process with example
4. State and explain the second law of thermodynamics
5. Define and explain the term entropy
6. Derive Clausius – Clayperon equation from Maxwells equations
7. Derive an expression Cp – Cv = R
8. Difference between adiabatic expansion and Joule thomson expansion
9. Explain the effects of Chloro-Fluoro carbons on ozone layer
10.Write a brief note on optical pyrometry

Prepared by Maneesh Email ID : [email protected]

B.Sc 4th Semester (2019)
( 10 Marks)
1. Derive the Maxwell’s law of distribution of Molecular speeds
2. Define coefficient of viscosity. Obtain an expression of coefficient of
viscosity on the basis of kinetic theory of gases
3. Define thermal conductivity of a gas. On the basis of kinetic theory,
derive an expression for the thermal conductivity of a gas
5. Describe the Carnot’s ideal engine and its working. Derive an
expression for its efficiency
6. State and prove Carnot’s theorem
7. What is T-S diagram. Derive an expression of efficiency of a carnot’s
engine using T-S diagram

8. Define the four thermodynamics potentials. Obtain Maxwell’s

thermodynamics equations using these potentials
9. State and explain the Joule – Kelvin effect. Derive expression for joule
kelvin effect a) an ideal gas b) a vander waal’s gas
10.Define molar specific heats. Derive the specific heat relations from
Maxwell’s thermodynamic realations

11.Explain joule – Kelvin effect. Describe porus plug experiment and

explain the results of the experiment
12.Explain with necessary theory the adiabatic demagentaization method
for producing very low temperature
13.Explain the production of liquid helium by Kapitza’s liquefier

14.State and prove Wien’s displacement aw

15. What is pyrometer? Describe the construction and working of Fery’s

total radiation pyrometer

16.Derive Plank’s radiation formula and show that Rayleigh – Jeans law
and Wien law are special cases of Planck’s law

17.Define solar constant. Describe how a Angstrom’s pryoheliometer is

used to determine solar constant

Prepared by Maneesh Email ID : [email protected]

1. What is mean path? Deduce an expression for the mean path a
2. What is transport phenomena
3. Explain reversible and irreversible process with example
4. State and explain the second law of thermodynamics
5. Define and explain the term entropy
6. Derive an expression for the change in entropy when a substance
undergoes change of stae
7. Derive an expression for work done by any ideal gas in isothermal
8. Derive Clausius – Clayperon equation from Maxwells equations
9. Derive an expression Cp – Cv = R
10.Difference between adiabatic expansion and Joule thomson expansion
11.Explain the effects of Chloro-Fluoro carbons on ozone layer
12. Applications of low temperature physics
13.What is black body
14.Write a brief note on optical pyrometry
15.Explain the energy distribution in a black body radiation and its

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Prepared by Maneesh Email ID : [email protected]

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