VODAPHONE Sales and Promotion Product 041

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I wish to express my heartiest gratitude to Mr. S.K. ROY (Faculty of master of business administration, Invertis Institute of under his wonderful guidance. I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Mr. A.K.Malhotra ( Head Marketing & Sales Promotion-Up East) Vodafone Essar Digilink Ltd .Lucknow for giving me the opportunity to associate myself to the worlds largest telecom company and to carry out my project titled sales & promotion of products in the region of Lucknow . I am sincerely thankful to Mr. S.K. ROY under whose guidance I have successfully completed this project and the time spent with him has been at great learning experience. I am also thankful to the entire staff and members of Vodafone Essar Digilink Ltd, Lucknow for their cooperation and help they rendered. (ALI WASIF KHAN) Management studies, Bareilly for providing me the opportunity to do summer training

I ALI WASIF KHAN a student of MBA IInd year of INVERTIS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, Bareilly hereby declare that the summer training project report titled SALES AND PROMOTION OF PRODUCTS is my original work and the same has not been submitted for the award of any other diploma or degree.

Place: Bareilly Date: (ALI WASIF KHAN)

. Preface This Project Report is done to study,Sales and promotion of products. This Project Report is done by collecting the data from some magazine, Vodafone website, text book of telecom. All the data has been gathered and then properly analyzed. The findings have been presented in a lucid manner.

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Sales promotion is any initiative undertaken by an organization to promote an increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or service (i.e. initiatives that are not covered by the other elements of the marketing communications or promotions mix). Sales promotions are varied. Often they are original and creative, and hence a comprehensive list of all available techniques is virtually impossible (since original sales

promotions are launched daily!). Here are some examples of popular sales promotions activities: (a) Buy-One-Get-One-Free (BOGOF) - which is an example of a self-liquidating promotion. For example if a loaf of bread is priced at $1, and cost 10 cents to manufacture, if you sell two for $1, you are still in profit - especially if there is a corresponding increase in sales. This is known as a PREMIUM sales promotion tactic. (b) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) incentives such as bonus points or money off coupons. There are many examples of CRM, from banks to supermarkets.

(c) New media - Websites and mobile phones that support a sales promotion. For example, in the United Kingdom, Nestle printed individual codes on KIT-KAT packaging, whereby a consumer would enter the code into a dynamic website to see if they had won a prize. Consumers could also text codes via their mobile phones to the same effect. (d) Merchandising additions such as dump bins, point-of-sale materials and product demonstrations. (e) Free gifts e.g. Subway gave away a card with six spaces for stickers with each sandwich purchase. Once the card was full the consumer was given a free sandwich. (f) Discounted prices e.g. Budget airline such as EasyJet and Ryanair, e-mail their customers with the latest low-price deals once new flights are released, or additional destinations are announced. (g) Joint promotions between brands owned by a company, or with another company's brands. For example fast food restaurants often run sales promotions where toys, relating to a specific movie release, are given away with promoted meals.

(h) Free samples (aka. sampling) e.g. tasting of food and drink at sampling points in supermarkets. For example Red Bull (a caffeinated fizzy drink) was given away to potential consumers at supermarkets, in high streets and at petrol stations (by a promotions team). (i) Vouchers and coupons, often seen in newspapers and magazines, on packs. (j) Competitions and prize draws, in newspapers, magazines, on the TV and radio, on The Internet, and on packs. (k) Cause-related and fair-trade products that raise money for charities, and the less well off farmers and producers, are becoming more popular. (l) Finance deals - for example, 0% finance over 3 years on selected vehicles. Many of the examples above are focused upon consumers. Don't forget that promotions can be aimed at wholesales and distributors as well. These are known as Trade Sales Promotions. Examples here might include joint promotions between a manufacturer and a distributor, sales promotion

leaflets and other materials (such as car), and incentives for distributor sales people and their retail clients.





Product / Pricing / Promotion Distribution / Service / Retail Brand management Account-based marketing Marketing ethics Marketing effectiveness Market research Market segmentation Marketing strategy Marketing management Market dominance Promotional content Advertising / Branding Direct marketing / Personal Sales


Sales promotion is one of the four aspects of promotional mix. (The other three parts of the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, and publicity/public relations.) Media and nonmedia marketing communication are employed for a predetermined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples include:

contests point of purchase displays rebates free travel, such as free flights

Sales promotions can be directed at either the customer, sales staff, or distribution channel members (such as retailers). Sales promotions targeted at the consumer are called consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeted at retailers and wholesale are called trade sales promotions. Some sale promotions, particularly ones with unusual methods, are considered gimmick by many. Consumer sales promotion techniques

Price deal: A temporary reduction in the price, such as happy hour


Loyal Reward Program: Consumers collect points, miles, or credits for purchases and redeem them for rewards. Two famous examples are Pepsi Stuff and AAdvantage.

Cents-off deal: Offers a brand at a lower price. Price reduction may be a percentage marked on the package.

Price-pack deal: The packaging offers a consumer a certain percentage more of the product for the same price (for example, 25 percent extra).

Coupons: coupons have become a standard mechanism for sales promotions.

Loss leader: the price of a popular product is temporarily reduced in order to stimulate other profitable sales

Free-standing insert (FSI): A coupon booklet is inserted into the local newspaper for delivery.

On-shelf couponing: Coupons are present at the shelf where the product is available.

Checkout dispensers: On checkout the customer is given a coupon based on products purchased.








Consumers print them out and take them to the store.


Mobile couponing: Coupons are available on a mobile phone. Consumers show the offer on a mobile phone to a salesperson for redemption.

Online interactive promotion game: Consumers play an interactive game associated with the promoted product. See an example of the Interactive Internet Ad for tomato ketchup.

Rebates: Consumers are offered money back if the receipt and barcode are mailed to the producer.





automatically entered into the event by purchasing the product.

Point-of-sale displays:o

Aisle interrupter: A sign that juts into the aisle from the shelf.

Dangler: A sign that sways when a consumer walks by it.

o o

Dump bin: A bin full of products dumped inside. Glorifier: A small stage that elevates a product above other products.

o o

Wobbler: A sign that jiggles. Lipstick Board: A board on which messages are written in crayon.

o o

Necker: A coupon placed on the 'neck' of a bottle. YES unit: "your extra salesperson" is a pull-out fact sheet.


Trade sales promotion techniques

Trade allowances: short term incentive offered to induce a retailer to stock up on a product.

Dealer loader: An incentive given to induce a retailer to purchase and display a product.

Trade contest: A contest to reward retailers that sell the most product.

Point-of-purchase displays: Extra sales tools given to retailers to boost sales.

Training programs: dealer employees are trained in selling the product.

Push money: also known as "spiffs". An extra commission paid to retail employees to push products.

Trade discounts (also called functional discounts): These are payments to distribution channel members for performing some function .


Sales promotions have traditionally been heavily regulated in many advanced industrial nations, with the notable exception of the United States. For example, the United Kingdom formerly operated under a resale price maintenance regime in which manufacturers could legally dictate the minimum resale price for virtually all goods; this practice was abolished in 1964. Most European countries also have controls on the scheduling and permissible types of sales promotions, as they are regarded in those countries as bordering upon unfair business practices. Germany is notorious for having the most strict regulations. Famous examples include the car wash that was barred from giving free car washes to regular customers and a baker who could not give a free cloth bag to customers who bought more than 10 rolls. PROMOTIONAL MIX There are four main aspects of a promotional mix. These are: 1 Advertising- Any paid presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Examples: Print ads,

radio, television, billboard, direct mail, brochures and catalogs, signs, in-store displays, posters, motion pictures, Web pages, banner ads, and emails. 2 Personal Selling - A process of helping and persuading one or more prospects to purchase a good or service or to act on any idea through the use of an oral presentation. Examples: Sales presentations, sales meetings, sales training and incentive programs for intermediary salespeople, samples, and

telemarketing. Can be face-to-face or via telephone. 3 Promotions- Incentives designed to stimulate the purchase or sale of a product, usually in the short term. Examples: Coupons, sweepstakes, contests, product samples, rebates, tie-ins, selfliquidating premiums, trade shows, trade-ins, and exhibitions. 4 Public relations - Paid intimate stimulation of supply for a product, service, or business unit by planting significant news about it or a favorable presentation of it in the media. Examples: Newspaper and magazine charitable articles/reports, contributions, TVs and radio issue



advertising, and seminars.


Subcategories This category has only the following subcategory. C

[+] Customer loyalty programs (1)

Pages in category "Sales promotion" The following 29 pages are in this category, out of 29 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).

Sales promotion

P cont. Grand opening R


Promotional item

Buy one, get one free

H Happy hour Hoover free flights promotion I

Rebate (marketing) Running of the Brides

Clip strip Coupon

Sample sale

Discounts and allowances

Institute of Sales Promotion

Serverbuster Specialty catalogs Student Price Card

Doorbuster Drug Coupon L

Ladies' night

Visual merchandising

Free sample


Magalog Money back guarantee Y

Wiki wiki dollar

P Pick 'n' mix

Young America Corporation

Point of sale display



The cardinal fact in history during the past 50 centuries has been the scope, pace and precision inter-communication. Everything else is subordinated to that. -H G Wells of

The Indian telecommunications industry, which, for long, was characterized by regulated monopoly enjoyed by

the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), has entered the age of deregulated market competition in recent times. The attractiveness of the Indian market due to its low teledensity, high latent demand and burgeoning middle class, brought in some of the largest global telecom players, foreign institutional investors and major Indian industrial houses to invest in telecom, especially in the cellular services. Mobile phone usage has permeated across various economic classes as well as professional

categories. The rapid change in consumer-behavior in this sector calls for curiosity and the intent to study at least one

Growth of the Mobile Industry in India

Till early 1990s, India had one of the most backward and stagnant telecom infrastructure facilities ridden with ineffective government regulations, inadequate financial resources and unaffordability for the common man. The Center for Development of Telecommunications (C-DoT) had already changed the telecom services in India for the betterment, in late 1980s by making inter-city customer-

dialling-also known as Subscriber Trunk Dialling or STDavailable to most parts of the country. However, the sector saw trailblazing growth only since 2001, when mobile phone usage attained the growth stage. Mobile phone sector emerged in India in the mid-1990s and has been growing. The growth has been more visible in the last 3-4 years. Airtel was the forerunner among mobile service providers, followed by Hutch, Spice and later Reliance, Tata Indicom and a host of other small players like Idea, BPL, etc. In fact, the increase in mobile phone subscribers between 1998 and 2003 was approximately 100%. In the beginning of 2005, there were 50.7 million mobile users in India

(including both GSM and CDMA


users) and this number is expected to grow ~y 20 million in the year 2005-06. Intense competition in this sector has resulted in a substantial decline in tariffs in case of mobile services and long distance calls in the last two years. On one hand, due to fall in tariffs, profitability has gone down while on the other, this has led to an increase in sales due to the growth in mobile subscriber base. Among the major changes that were responsible for the tremendous growth of the industry was the drastic reduction in tariffs. The common experience curve effect, resulting in reduction of average cost per subscriber on one-hand and the effect of competition on the other, facilitated this subscriber-friendly phenomenon. Till the entry of Reliance Infocom into the cellular market, tariffs were quite high and unaffordable for the general middle class. However, when Reliance announced its entry in the year 2000 with call rates of Rs. 0.40 per minute compared to about Rs. 3.00 of the

other companies and other attractive schemes such as free national SMS, free incoming calls and free outgoing calls to Reliance cell phones, the other major Players were forced to cut down their high tariffs to survive in the industry. The Calling Party Pays (CPP) regime introduced by mobile

operators in response to Reliance's strategy, and making incoming calls free, resulted in sharp increase in wireless subscribers in 2003. In this period, the industry witnessed intense price war, highlighting the fact that demand for cellular services in India is highly price-elastic. Since then, however, the prices have become increasingly uniform across service providers. As a result, the players had to adopt different strategies to attract more subscribers, retain the existing ones and differentiate themselves from their competitors. One of the dominant strategies adopted by most companies is to offer special short-term schemes in the form of free SMS, free talk time, lower call-tariff for a group of friends, free calls to one number and so on. particular

Developments in Mobile Technology in India,

At present there are two mobile technologies used in India: Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) technology, a type of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) cellular network, and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 2000 IX technology. However, GSM technology has limitations in offering a range of broadband services, which CDMA 2000 IX technology that powers WLL can provide.

The head start, which cellular companies had got in wireless, was dissipated once WLL, limited mobility from the service providers like Reliance and Tata Indicom became fully operational. There has been an evolutionary change in mobile; communication systems in every decade. The first-

generation (1G) in the 1980s and second-generation (2G) cellular systems in the' 1990s have been used mainly for voice transmission and to support circuit-switched services. The 1G system were based on analog technologies; however, 2G systems are digital systems such as the GSM CDMA One and PDC. These systems operate nationwide and internationally, and are today's mainstream systems. Initiatives such as SMS, WAP, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth i-Mode, etc., based on 2G have exploited , the data capability of wireless networks to deliver value-added services to customers. Now, third-generation (3G) systems have emerged and the central theme of these technologies is the convergence of communication and computing. Other than voice, 3G supports video telephony, video games, multimedia, netbrowsing, network games, e-mail and downloading, all at a

very high data-transfer rate. The migration from 3G to fourthgeneration (4G) technology will be a revolution both from technological and user perspectives. The 4G today is only an evolving concept and there is no real definition of what it will be. The concept of convergence has already begun with 3G, and 4G will bring about convergence of communication, computing, broadcasting etc.

Government Rules and Regulations

With the advent of GSM in the 1990s, two mobile licenses were issued per circle. The licenses were, however, dogged by ineffective government regulations, resulting in high consumer pricing. In 2001 the deregulation of mobile, fixed-line and long distance sectors spurred growth and allowed many new players to enter the market. The regulatory norms introduced by TRAI had a significant impact on the prices of long distance call charges, reducing them by as much as 80% in just one year. It reduced the disparity between, tariffs of wire line and wireless services from a factor of 15 to 3. However, the most important catalyst that transformed the Indian telecom industry was the WLL controversy which began in

November, 2000,

when TRAI proposed that Basic Service

Operators (BSOs) should be allowed to use cellular technology. Mobile calling on the WLL licenses was restricted to relevant Short Distance Calling Areas (SDCAs). However, the BSOs exploited a loophole in the license and offered 'fall mobility services' by using call forwarding and multiple number registrations. As a result, the GSM-based operators who had paid a significant license fee ($2.5 bn) contested this decision. This legal battle continued for three years and was finally resolved when the government introduced Unified Licensing, making cellular services technology neutral and allowing WLL players to provide full mobility after payment of an entry fee equal to what the GSM operators had paid. Unified Licensing reduced the regulatory uncertainty prevailing in the Indian Telecom industry and provided a Ievel playing field for all the major mobile service providers.

Emergence of Strategic Alliances

The telecom industry in India started out with many small and big players. However, with falling tariffs and increasing demands, it became difficult for smaller players

to survive. This led to a consolidation in the industry and as of now, there are only a few major players left in the field. A series of strategic alliances, both formal and informal, have already been entered in the Indian Telecom Sector by companies who are either constrained by a shortage of resources, do not have an adequate presence in all geographical markets or driven by such needs as acquiring know-how, minimizing risks, gaining critical mass or having access to brand names. For example, Reliance Infocomm has entered into a technology agreement with Samsung of South Korea to manufacture CDMA handsets. Tata Teleservices and Hughes Tele.com have entered into an equity arrangement and have further plans to join hands with Bharti. Under this arrangement , the three companies will operate in contiguous and complementary circle with full internal coordination, thus creating a third front in wire line business, capable of taking on the incumbent public sector BSNL and MTNL (the first front) and Reliance Infocomm (the second front). In the cellular segment, a three-company alliance called "Idea Cellular" has come up. It has a large footprint (especially in the South) and consists of the cellular businesses of the Tatas, Birlas and AT&T.


Public Type



NYSE: VOD, FWB: VOD) 1983 as Racal Telecom, independent Founded 1991 Headquarters Newbury, England, UK Arun Sarin, Vittorio Key people Sir Industry Products Revenue Net income Website John Bond, Chairman John Buchanan, Deputy Chairman Mobile telecommunications Mobile networks, Telecom services, Etc. 35,478 million GBP (2008) 10,047 million GBP (2008) www.vodafone.com Colao, CEO

CEO Designate

Vodafone is a mobile network operator headquartered in Berkshire, England, UK. It is the largest mobile

telecommunications network company in the world by turnover and has a market value of about 75 billion (June 2008). Vodafone currently has equity interests in 25 countries and Partner Networks (networks in which it has no equity stake) in a further 42 countries. The name Vodafone comes from Voice data fone, chosen by the company to "reflect the provision of voice and data services over mobile phones. At 31 March 2008 Vodafone had 260 million proportionate customers in 25 markets across 5 continents. ("Proportionate customers" means, for example, that if Vodafone has a 30% stake in a business with a million customers, that is counted as 300,000). On this measure it is the second largest mobile telecom group in the world behind China Mobile. The eight markets where it has more than ten million proportionate customers are the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Egypt and the United States. In the U.S., these customers come via its minority stake in Verizon Wireless, and in the other seven markets Vodafone has majority-controlled subsidiaries. On 30 May 2006, the company announced a loss before tax of 14.9 billion for 2005, the biggest loss in British corporate history. The loss for the year from continuing operations was 17.2 billion

and the bottom line loss for the financial year was 21.8 billion. The company was pushed into loss by impairment charges of 23.5 billion, which related to the acquisition of Mannesmann several years earlier, and losses of 4.6 billion in relation to its discontinued business in Japan. At an operating level it remained highly profitable, with an operating profit on continuing operations of 9.4 billion before impairment costs. Vodafone in Europe Networks in Europe MajorityMinorityNo Ownership owned Albania owned BeVodafone France Austria BuVodafone Czech Republic Poland Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Malta Netherlands Northern Cyprus Portugal Romania Spain Turkey

ium Channel Islands Cyprus Estonia Faroe Islands Latvia Luxembourg Norway Slovenia Switzerland

aria Croatia Denmark Finland Iceland Lithuania Macedonia Serbia Sweden







Vodafone Essar, formerly known as Hutchison Essar is a cellular operator in India that covers 23 telecom circles in India based in Mumbai.[2] Vodafone Essar is owned by Vodafone 67% and Essar Group 33%. It is the second largest mobile phone operator in terms of revenue behind Bharti Airtel, and third largest in terms of customers.[3] On February 11, 2007, Vodafone agreed to acquire the controlling interest of 67% held by Li Ka Shing Holdings in Hutch-Essar for US$11.1 billion, pippingReliance Communications, Hinduja Group, and Essar Group, which is the owner of the remaining 33%. The whole company was valued at USD 18.8 billion.[4] The transaction closed on May 8, 2007. Despite the official name being Vodafone Essar, its products are simply branded Vodafone. It offers bothprepaid and postpaid GSM cellular phone coverage throughout India with good presence in the metros. Vodafone Essar provides 2.75G services based on 900 MHz and 1800 MHz digital GSM technology, offering voice and data services in 23 of the country's 23 licence areas. It is among the top three GSM mobile operators of India


vodafone's original logo used until the introduction of the speechmark logo in 1998. In 1982 Racal Electronics plc's subsidiary Racal Strategic Radio Ltd. won one of two UK cellular telephone network licences. The network, known as Racal Vodafone was 80% owned by Racal, with Millicom and the Hambros Technology Trust owning 15% and 5% respectively. Vodafone was launched on 1 January 1985.[5] Racal Strategic Radio was renamed Racal Telecommunications Group Limited in 1985. On 29 December 1986 Racal Electronics bought out the minority shareholders of vodafone for GB110 million. In September 1988 the company was again renamed Racal Telecom and on 26 October 1988 Racal Electronics floated 20% of the company. The flotation valued Racal Telecom at GB1.7 billion. On 16 September 1991 Racal Telecom was demerged from Racal Electronics as Vodafone Group. In July 1996 Vodafone acquired the two thirds of Talkland it did not already own for 30.6 million. On 19 November 1996, in a

defensive move, Vodafone purchased Peoples Phone for 77 million, a 181 store chain whose customers were overwhelmingly using Vodafone's network. In a similar move the company acquired the 80% of Astec Communications that it did not own, a service provider with 21 stores. In 1997 Vodafone introduced its Speechmark logo, as it is a quotation mark in a circle; the O's in the Vodafone logotype are opening and closing quotation marks, suggesting conversation. On 29 June 1999 Vodafone completed its purchase of AirTouch Communications, Inc. and changed its name to Vodafone Airtouch plc. Trading of the new company commenced on 30 June 1999. To approve the merger, Vodafone sold its 17.2% stake in E-Plus Mobilfunk. The acquisition gave Vodafone a 35% share of Mannesmann, owner of the largest German mobile network. On 21 September 1999 Vodafone agreed to merge its U.S. wireless assets with those of Bell Atlantic Corp to form Verizon Wireless. The merger was completed on 4 April 2000. In November 1999 Vodafone made an unsolicited bid for Mannesmann, which was rejected. Vodafone's interest in

Mannesmann had been increased by the latter's purchase of


Orange, the UK mobile operator. Chris Gent would later say Mannesmann's move into the UK broke a "gentleman's

agreement" not to compete in each other's home territory. The hostile takeover provoked strong protest in Germany and a "titanic struggle" which saw Mannesmann resist Vodafone's efforts. However, on 3 February 2000 the Mannesmann board agreed to an increased offer of 112bn, then the largest corporate merger ever. The EU approved the merger in April 2000. The conglomerate was subsequently broken up and all manufacturing related operations sold off.

28 July 2000: Reverts to its former name, Vodafone Group Plc

16 April 2001: First 3G voice call on Vodafone United Kingdom's 3G network.

Vodafone in Iai, Romania. Vodafone's operations in Europe. affiliates Vodafone's partners




2001: Takes over Eircell, then part of eircom in Ireland, and rebrands it Vodafone Ireland.

20012002: Acquires Japan's third-largest mobile operator JPhone, which had introduced camera phones first in Japan.

17 December 2001: Introduces the concept of "Partner Networks" by signing TDC Mobil of Denmark. The new concept involves the introduction of Vodafone international services to the local market, without the need of investment by Vodafone. The concept would be used to extend the Vodafone brand and services into markets where it does not have stakes in local operators. Vodafone services would be marketed under the dual-brand scheme, where the Vodafone brand is added at the end of the local brand. (i.e., TDC Mobil-Vodafone etc.)

2 February 2002: Finland is added into the mobile community, as Radiolinja is signed as a Partner Network. Radiolinja later changed its named to Elisa.

2002: Rebrands Japan's J-sky mobile internet service as Vodafone live!

3 December 2002: Brand is introduced in the Estonian market with signing of a Partner Network Agreement with


Radiolinja (Eesti). Radiolinja (Eesti) later changed its name to Elisa.

7 January 2003: Signs a group-wide Partner agreement with mobilkom Austria. As a result, Austria, Croatia, and Slovenia is added to the community.

16 April 2003: Og Vodafone is introduced in the Icelandic market.

13 May 2003:Omnitel is rebranded Vodafone Italy. 21 July 2003: Lithuania is added to the community, with the signing of a Partner Network agreement with Bit.

16 February 2004: Signs a Partner Network Agreement with Luxembourg's LuxGSM.

20 February 2004: Signs a Partner Network Agreement with Cyta of Cyprus. Cyta agreed to rename its mobile phone operations to Cytamobile-Vodafone.

April 2004: Purchases Singlepoint airtime provider from John Caudwell (Caudwell Group) and approx 1.5million customers onto its base for est 405million, adding sites in Stoke on Trent (England) to existing sites in Newbury (HQ),

Birmingham, Warrington and Banbury

November 2004: Introduces 3G services into Europe.


June 2005: Increases its participation in Romania's Connex to 99%; also buys Czech mobile operator Oskar.

1 July 2005: Oskar of Czech Republic is rebranded as Oskar-Vodafone.

17 October 2005: Vodafone Portugal launches a revised logo, using new text designed by Dalton Maag, and a 3D version of the Speechmark logo, but still retaining a red background and white writing (or vice versa). Also, various operating companies start to drop the use of the SIM card pattern in the company logo. (The rebranding of OskarVodafone and Connex-Vodafone also does not use the SIM card pattern.) A custom typeface by Dalton Maag (based on their font family InterFace) forms part of the new identity.

28 October 2005: Connex in Romania is rebranded as Connex-Vodafone.

31 October 2005: Reaches an agreement to sell Vodafone Sweden to Telenor for approximately 1 billion. After the sale, Vodafone Sweden becomes a Partner Network.

13 December 2005: Wins an auction to buy Turkey's secondlargest mobile phone company, Telsim, for $4.5 billion.


December 2005: Vodafone Spain becomes the second member of the group to adopt the revised logo, and it is phased in over the following six months in other countries.

2006 : Rebrands Stoke-on-Trent site to be known as Stoke Premier Centre, a centre of expertise for the company dealing with Customer Care for its higher value customers, technical support, sales and credit control. All cancellations and upgrades are dealt with by this call centre.

5 January 2006: Announces the completion of the sale of Vodafone Sweden to Telenor.

February 2006: Closes Birmingham Call Centre. 1 February 2006: Oskar Vodafone becomes Vodafone Czech Republic, adopting the revised logo.

22 February 2006: Announces that it is extending its footprint to BuVodafone aria with the signing of Partner Network Agreement with Mobiltel, which is part of mobilkom Austria group.

12 March 2006: Former chief, Sir Christopher Gent, who was appointed the honorary post Chairman for Life in 2003, quits following rumours of boardroom rifts.

11 April 2006: Announces that it has signed an extension to its Partner Network Agreement with BITE Group, enabling its

Latvian subsidiary "BITE Latvija" to become the latest member of Vodafone's global partner community.

20 April 2006: Vodafone Sweden changes its name to Telenor Sverige AB.







Romania, also adopting the new logo.

30 May 2006: Announces the biggest loss in British corporate history (14.9 billion) and plans to cut 400 jobs; reports one-off costs of 23.5 billion due to the revaluation of its Mannesmann subsidiary.

24 July 2006: Respected head of Vodafone Europe, Bill Morrow, quits unexpectedly.

25 August 2006: Announces the sale of 25% stake in BeVodafone ium's Proximus for 2 billion. After the deal, Proximus will still be part of the community as a Partner Network.

5 October 2006: Vodafone announces first single brand partnership with Og Vodafone which will now operate under the name Vodafone Iceland

19 December 2006: Announces the sale of 25% stake in Switzerland's Swisscom for CHF4.25 billion (1.8 billion).


After the deal, Swisscom will still be part of the community as a Partner Network.

December 2006: Completes the acquisition of Aspective, an enterprise applications systems integrator in the UK, signaling Vodafone's intent to grow a significiant presence and revenues in the ICT marketplace.

1 January 2007: Telsim in Turkey adopts Vodafone dual branding as Telsim Vodafone.

1 April 2007: Telsim Vodafone Turkey drops its original brand and becomes Vodafone Turkey.

1 May 2007: adds Jersey and Guernsey to the community, as Airtel is signed as Partner Network in both crown dependencies

7 June 2007: Vodafone live! mobile Internet portal in the UK, relaunched. Front page now charged for and previously "bundled" data allowance is removed from existing contract terms. All users now given access to the "full" web rather than a Walled Garden and Vodafone becomes the first mobile network to focus an entire media campaign on its newly launched mobile Internet portal in the UK.


1 August Vodafone Portugal launches Vodafone Messenger, a service with Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger.

17 April 2008: Extends footprint to Serbia as Vip mobile is added to the community as a Partner Network.

20 May 2008: adds VIP Operator as a Partner Network thereby extending the global footprint to Macedonia.

29 May 2008: Kall of Faroe Islands rebrands as Vodafone Faroe Islands.

Vodafone in Asia-Pacific Networks in Asia-Pacific Majority-owned Minority-owned Australia China India Fiji New Zealand India History

No Ownership Afghanistan Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Malaysia Samoa Singapore Sri Lanka

July 1993: BellSouth New Zealand's network went live. October 1993: Vodafone Australia's network went live. July 1994: Vodafone Fiji's network went live. November 1998: Purchases BellSouth New Zealand, it later becomes Vodafone New Zealand.


19992000: J-Phone launched the J-sky mobile internet service in response to DoCoMo's i-Mode service.

December 2002: J-Phone's 3G network went live. 3 November 2003: Singapore becomes a part of the community as M1 is signed as partner network

October 1, 2003: J-Phone becomes 'Vodafone'; J-Phone's mobile internet service J-Sky becomes Vodafone Live!

December 2004: Vodafone Australia agrees to deploy highspeed MPLS backbone network built by Lucent Worldwide Services using Juniper hardware

April 2005: SmarTone changed the name of its brand to 'SmarTone-Vodafone' after both companies signed a Partner Network Agreement.

August 2005: Launches 3G technology in New Zealand. October 2005: Begins launching 3G technology in Australia 28 October 2005: Announces the acquisition of a 10 per cent stake in India's Bharti Televentures, which operates the largest mobile phone network in India under the brand name AirTel.

22 December 2005: Announces the completion of the acquisition of the 10% stake in Bharti Televentures of India.


25 January 2006: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka are added to the Vodafone footprint as Vodafone Group signs a partner network agreement with Telekom Malaysia.

17 March 2006: Announces an agreement to sell all its interest in Vodafone Japan to SoftBank for 8.9 billion of which 6.8 billion will be received in cash on closing of deal. Vodafone Japan later changed its name to SoftBank Mobile

9 October 2006:: Vodafone New Zealand buys New Zealand's 3rd largest I.S.P., iHug

1 November 2006: Vodafone Australia signs the Australian Football League (AFL)'s biggest individual club sponsorship deal with the Brisbane Lions from seasons 20072009

6 February 2007: Along with the partnership with Digicel Caribbean (see below), Samoa is added as a Partner Market.

11 February 2007: Agrees to acquire a controlling interest of 67% in Hutchison Essar Limited for US$11.1 billion. At the same time, it agrees to sell back 5.6% of AirTel stake back to the Mittals. Vodafone will retain a 4.4% stake in AirTel.

26 May 2007: It is announced that Vodafone may expand into Pakistan


21 September 2007: Hutch is rebranded to Vodafone in India.

10 February 2008: Announces the launching of M-Paisa mobile money transfer service on Afghanistan's Roshan. Afghanistan is added to the Vodafone footprint.

Vodafone in the Middle East and Africa Networks in the Middle East and Africa Majority-owned Minority-owned Egypt DR Congo Kenya 1 Ghana Lesotho Mozambique 2 3 Qatar South Africa Tanzania 1 Acquisition announced on 03

No Ownership Bahrain

July pending

2008 further








Network 50% owned.



October 1998: Vodafone Egypt network went live under the name ClickGSM.

18 September 2002: Vodafone signs a Partner Network Agreement with MTC group of Kuwait. The agreement involved the rebranding of MTC to MTC-Vodafone.

29 December 2003: Vodafone signs another Partner Network Agreement with Kuwait's MTC group. The second agreement involves the co-operation in Bahrain and the branding of the network as MTC-Vodafone.

3 November 2004: Announces that its South African affiliate Vodacom has agreed to introduce Vodafone's international services, such as Vodafone live! and partner agreements, to its local market.

3 November 2005: Announces that it is in exclusive talks to buy the 15% stake of VenFin in Vodacom Group, reaching agreement the following day. Vodafone and Telkom will then have a 50% stake each in Vodacom.

8 November 2006: Announces a deal with Telecom Egypt resulting in further co-operation in the Egyptian market; and increasing of stake in Vodafone Egypt. After the deal,

Vodafone Egypt will be 55% owned by the group, while the remaining 45% will be owned by Telecom Egypt.

10 December 2007: Vodafone Group-led consortium is awarded the second mobile phone licence in Qatar.

03 July 2008: Acquires a 70% stake in Ghana Telecom for $900 million

Vodafone in the Americas Networks in the Americas MinorityNo Ownership owned Antigua USA Anguilla Barbados Cayman Islands El Dominica Ecuador French Salvador West Indies Grenada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua St Kitts & Paraguay Peru St Lucia Nevis St Vincent & Trinidad and Turk & Uruguay the Grenadines Tobago Caicos Barbuda Bermuda Chile & Argentina Aruba Bonaire Brazil

Colombia Curaao


History IN
United States
In the United States, Vodafone owns 45% of Verizon Wireless, the country's second largest mobile carrier behind AT&T after their merger with Cingular Wireless. The percentage of the customer base and revenues of Verizon Wireless that Vodafone

consolidates is slightly lower, since some Verizon Wireless subsidiaries have minority investors. (Hence the exact

percentages that Vodafone and Verizon report vary from period to period: in June 2006 Vodafone reported that Verizon Wireless owned 98.6% of its customers at that date.) Before this joint venture was formed, Vodafone merged with AirTouch

Communications of the U.S. in June 1999 and changed its name to Vodafone Airtouch Plc. In September 1999, Vodafone Airtouch announced a $70-billion joint venture with Bell Atlantic Corp. The first wireless business with a national footprint in the U.S., Verizon Wireless was composed of Bell Atlantic's and Vodafone AirTouch's U.S. wireless assets and began operations on April 4, 2000. However, Verizon Communicationsthe company formed when

Bell Atlantic and GTE merged on June 30, 2000owns a majority of Verizon Wireless and Vodafone's branding is not used, nor is the CDMA network compatible with GSM phones. This relationship has been quite profitable for Vodafone, but there have historically been three problems with it. The first is the above-mentioned incompatibility with the GSM 900/1800 MHz standard used by Vodafone's other networks, and the consequent difficulty of offering roaming between Vodafone's U.S. and other networks. The other two stem from the fact that Vodafone does not have management control over Verizon Wireless. Vodafone is thus unable to use the Vodafone brand for its U.S. operations, and (perhaps more importantly) has no control of dividend policy at Verizon Wireless and is therefore entirely at the mercy of Verizon management with respect to cash flow from Verizon Wireless. Perhaps as a consequence of these reasons, Vodafone made a bid for the entirety of AT&T Wireless when that company was for sale in 2004. Had this bid been successful, Vodafone would presumably have sold its stake in Verizon Wireless, and then rebranded the resultant business as Vodafone. However, Cingular Wireless (a joint venture of SBC Communications and BellSouth (both now AT&T)) ultimately outbid Vodafone and took control of

AT&T Wireless, and Vodafone's relationship with Verizon has continued. Early in 2006 Verizon re-iterated their desire to buy-out the remaining 45% of Stock of Verizon Wireless from Vodafone Group. Vodafone has also repeatedly indicated that it would be willing to buy out Verizon's stake. Verizon has announced that its 4G data network will be LTE, which is considered part of the GSM path and not the cdma2000 path Verizon has been using; it has been suggested this is to appease Vodafone, which uses GSM on its own networks.

Latin America
On 15 November 2005, Vodafone Group announced a group-wide co-operation agreement with Amrica Mvil of Mexico. The agreement involves co-operation on international services and roaming. The services include Voice and GPRS Roaming services, Preferred Roaming and Virtual Home Environment. Included in the agreement are the 13 networks owned and controlled by Amrica Mvil (except Tracfone in the United States), and the various operating companies of Vodafone and its Partner Networks.

On May 11, 2008, Vodafone sealed a trade agreement with the Chilean Entel PCS Chile, in which Entel PCS enters the world of equipment and international services of Vodafone, and Vodafone will be one of the trademarks of Entel for the wireless business. It is not currently foreseen a sale of Entel PCS to Vodafone, but this is not ruled out for the future. This step will mean Vodafone will enter a market of over 17 million mobile numbers, currently divided among three companies, Telefonica Movistar, Claro and

Vodafone-Entel PCS.

On 6 February 2007, Vodafone Group signed a three-year partnership agreement with Digicel Group. The agreement, which includes Digicel's sister operation in Samoa, will result to the offering of new roaming capabilities. The two groups will also become preferred roaming partners of each other. Along with Digicel's markets, the Vodafone brand is now present in 81 countries, regions, and territories.

Chief Executives
Name Sir Gerald Whent Between October 1988 - December 1996

Sir Christopher Gent January 1997 - July 2003 Arun Sarin July 2003 - July 2008 Vittorio Colao July 2008 To date Vodafone has had three Chief Executives, with the third, Arun Sarin, soon to retire from the company and be replaced by the current Deputy Chief Executive, Vittorio Colao. Each has made their own individual contribution to the Company. Sir Gerald Whent, at that time an Executive with Racal Electronics Plc, was responsible for the bid for a UK Cellular Network licence. The Mobile Telecoms division was de-merged and was floated on the London Stock Exchange in October 1988 and Sir Gerald became Chief Executive of Racal Telecom Plc. Over the next few years the company grew to become the UK's Market Leader, changing its name to Vodafone Group Plc in the process. Sir Christopher Gent took over as Chief Executive in January 1997 after Sir Gerald's retirement. Sir Christopher is responsible for transforming Vodafone from a small UK operator into the global behemoth that it is today, through the merger with the American AirTouch and the takeover of Germany's Mannesmann. Arun Sarin was the driving force behind the Company's move into Emerging Markets such as Asia and Africa, through the purchases

such as that of Turkish operator Telsim and a majority stake in Hutchison Essar in India. Faced with increased competition and penetration rates above 100% in the more mature European markets it was necessary to diversify from being a mobile-only business into a company which provided all telecommunications services. This has seen Vodafone launch DSL and other fixed-line services in markets such as Germany and the UK.

Financial results
From its 31 March 2006 year end onwards Vodafone will report its results in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It has issued results amended to IFRS standards for its 31 March 2004 and 31 March 2005 year ends for information purposes, and these are shown in the first table below. Vodafone has some large minority stakes, which are not included in its consolidated turnover. In order to provide additional information on the overall scale and growth trends of its business it publishes "proportionate turnover" figures and these are included in the tables below. For example, if a business in which it owns a 45% stake has turnover of 10 billion, that equals 4.5 billion of proportionate turnover for Vodafone. Proportionate turnover is not

an official accounting measure and Vodafone's proportionate turnover should be compared with other companies' statutory turnover. Vodafone also produces proportionate customer number figures on a similar basis, eg. if an operator in which it has a 30% stake has 10 million customers that equals 3 million proportionate Vodafone customers. This is a common practice in the mobile telecommunications industry. Year Profit ended 31 March 2008 2007 2006* 2005 2004 Turnover before m tax m 35,478 31,104 29,350 34,073 36,492 9,001 (2,383) (14,835) 7,951 9,013 m 6,756 (5,297) (21,821) 6,518 6,112 (pence) 12.56 (8.94) (35.01) 9.68 8.70 260 206.4 170.6 154.8 133.4 the year eps customers (m) Profit for Basic Proportionate

*Losses for year to 31 March 2006 reflect write downs of assets, principally in relation to the Mannesmann acquisition.

Proportionate turnover includes 7,100 million from discontinued operations. The following table shows Vodafone's results under UK generally accepted accounting principles (UK GAAP). By the end of its key

acquisition drive, which ran from 1999 to 2002, Vodafone had more than 100 billion of goodwill on its balance sheet. As UK GAAP requires goodwill to be written off against the profit and loss account Vodafone has shown large statutory losses since then. However, this write off of goodwill is purely an accounting adjustment and does not affect Vodafone's cash position or its ability to pay dividends. Despite the reported losses it is in reality a highly profitable company, and this is reflected in the fact that it has often been ranked among the top twenty companies in the world by market capitalisation. Vodafone's accounts for the years shown in the table below include a great number of material one off transactions, and apart from noting the rapid expansion of the group in the years covered, no conclusions about underlying trends should be drawn from the figures without examining the accounts in more detail.

Year Profit/(loss) Profit/(loss) Basic ended Turnover before 31 March 2005 34,133 2004 33,559 (4,702) (5,047) (7,540) (9,015) (11.39) 14,700 (13.24) 15,207 154.8 133.4

Amortisation Proportionate of goodwill customers (m)

tax for the year eps m

m m (pence) m

2003 30,375



(14.41) 14,056


Vodafone Group Plc. Key Performance Indicator press release

for the quarter to 30 June 2005, 25 July 2005.


Vodafone Prepaid Cellphone connection Go mobile with a Vodafone Prepaid cell mobile phone and control how much you spend with the best Prepaid cellphone tariff plan. Buy a special Prepaid mobile handset for your Vodafone Prepaid cellphone connection with our Prepaid mobile handset offers. To keep talking without any talktime or validity hassles make use of our flexible recharging options for your Vodafone Prepaid SIM cards: Prepaid recharge cards, eTopUp and Direct Top-Up. Its easy to find a Prepaid recharge topup too: weve got Prepaid outlets everywhere, so that you can stay connected wherever you are. And thats not all you can also subscribe to our unique Prepaid cellphone services and Prepaid mobilephone offers and make the most of your Vodafone Prepaid SIM cards in India. Find a Prepaid mobile phone tariff plan Reach out to the world with a Vodafone Prepaid SIM card without worrying about mobile Prepaid recharge minutes and Prepaid phone rates. Select a Prepaid mobile phone tariff plan that works for you. Choose your Prepaid mobile phone tariff plan

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Go Vodafone with a new Vodafone Postpaid connection and talk without worrying about your bill. Become a Vodafone Postpaid user with a Postpaid mobile handset for your SIM by making use of Vodafones mobile handset offers. Make the most out of every penny you spend by choosing the right Vodafone Postpaid talkplan. And if you want to know which plan suits your usage best, ask us well be happy to help.

Whats more you can also subscribe to our Vodafone Postpaid offers and reduce expenses even more. Take a look at the various services we have for you and use your phone for many more than just making calls. And when it comes to paying you bill thats easy too! Weve got a wide variety of Vodafone Postpaid bill payment options. Choose the payment option that works best for you. If you need help, come to us well be happy to help! Sounds good? Check out all the benefits that come along with a Vodafone Postpaid SIM card, and itll sound even better! Read more about Vodafone Postpaid World Calling Cards Save up to 30% on your ISD & STD calls with World Calling Card from Vodafone for your Vodafone mobile phones. World Calling Card from Vodafone is a prepaid long distance calling card that you can use with your Vodafone Prepaid and Postpaid mobile phones to make ISD & STD calls. Thats right you dont need individual ISD calling cards and STD calling cards anymore. With the help of this Prepaid World Calling Card, you


can keep a tab on your long-distance call expenses. Plus no security deposit. Its easy to buy World Calling Cards in India. World Calling Cards are available at your nearest Vodafone Store, Vodafone Mini Store or at any shop that displays the World Calling Card sign. World Calling Card rates Make the most of your Vodafone mobile phone while making long distance calls with the special World Calling Card rates meant to help you save money. Check out World Calling Card rates Using our international Prepaid calling cards Scratch the silver foil on the cell phone calling card for India to get your secret 12-digit PIN. Dial the toll free number on the back or 50118 / 50218 and enter the PIN from your Prepaid World Calling Card. To make an STD call with your Prepaid mobile phone card, dial 0 followed by the STD code and then the phone number. To make an ISD call with your Prepaid mobile card, dial 00 followed by the ISD code and the phone number. For more information on using your Prepaid phone card, click here

Checking your balance To know how much youve spent on your Vodafone cell phone with lower overseas Calling Card rates, SMS WCCBAL <12 digit PIN> to 111 (toll free) Making payments for your Prepaid phone calling cards You will never have to face any hassles of bill payments for this Prepaid phone calling card because there simply are no bills. With this Prepaid phone Calling Card, your charges get deducted as you speak. For more information on ISD calling cards and STD calling cards, dial 50119 (toll free) Gulf Calling Card Now you can call the Gulf at the lowest possible calling card rates with the best Prepaid phone card for the Gulf. Know more


Vodafone Home Calling Card Heres a way you can save on your international roaming bill while calling home use the Prepaid Home Calling Cards from Vodafone to call to India to anywhere else in the world while travelling abroad. Vodafone Home Calling Card is a Prepaid calling card that allows you to make calls from landlines, PCOs & mobile phones from over 100 countries. And helps you save up to 90% as compared to International Roaming charges! So talk more, spend less and always stay connected. Buying Home Calling Cards from Vodafone You can buy Prepaid phone calling cards at a Vodafone Store near you. Home Calling Card rates Make the most of your Vodafone Prepaid & Postpaid cellphone while making long distance calls with the unique Home Calling Card rates and save money. Check out the Home Calling Card rates Need help with your Vodafone Prepaid Home Calling Card for India?

For dialing instructions, country/city codes information, access number information, card expiration date or anything else, just call Vodafone Care on 111 (toll free). Mumbai subscribers should call 50119 (toll free) Vodafone PCO Want to start making some money? Install a Vodafone PCO in your house or shop, and start earning today with fixed cellular terminals. Its easy to install, maintain and use and provides uninterrupted service. It doesn't even take up that much space! Vodafone Handyphone Introducing the landline thats loaded with all the features of a cell phone - including low call rates. And Vodafone Handyphone arent that expensive either. You can make one yours for as little as Rs 1999.


Key features: Calls to any 3 Vodafone numbers @ 20p / min Calls to all local mobile phones @ 40p / min Free local & STD calls every month


BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LTD (BSNL): It is a public sector


wholly owned by

Department of Telecommunication (DoT). It is India's principal provider of local and domestic long distance telephony. It offers basic services nationwide, except for

Mumbai and Delhi, where MTNL is the state run telephony service provider. As it has established and well spread infrastructure of telephone exchanges, it has been able to roll out its network at a rapid pace .

October 1, 2000 the Department of Telecom Operations, Government of India became a corporation and was christened Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL). Today, BSNL is the No. 1 Telecommunications Company and the largest Public Sector Undertaking of India with authorized share capital of $ 3977 million and networth of $ 14.32 billion. It has a network of over 45 million lines covering 5000 towns with over 35 million telephone connections.




switching etc.

technology and




transmission network including SDH system upto 2.5 gbps, DWDM system upto 80 gbps,Web telephony,DIAS,VPN,

Broadband and more than 400,000 data customers , BSNL continues to serve this great nation . Its responsibilities include improvement of the already impeccable quality of telecom services, expansion of telecom network, introduction of new telecom services in all villages and instilling confidence among its customers. BSNL has managed to shoulder these responsibilities remarkably and deftly. Today with over 45 million line capacity,

99.9% of its exchanges digital, nation wide Network management & surveillance system (NMSS) to control telecom traffic and over 4,00,000 route kms of OFC network, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd is a name to reckon with in the world of connectivity. Along with its vast customer base, BSNL's financial and asset bases too are vast and strong. Consider the figures, as they speak volumes on BSNL's standing: 1. The telephone infrastructure alone is worth about Rs. 1,00,000 crore (US $22.74 billion).


Turnover of Rs. 31,400 crore ( US $ 7.14 billion). Add to which, BSNL's nationwide coverage and reach, comprehensive range of telecom services and a penchant for excellence; and you have the ingredients for restructuring India for a bright future. Today, BSNL is most trusted Telecom Brand of India. PRE-PAID SERVICE OF CELLONE Excel is the Pre paid service of the CellOne Cellular Service of BSNL. It offers you a host of value added services and unmatched features not found in any other Cellular service. All India roaming facility is also available on Excel service. Initial activation charges for Excel is only Rs. 200/- and free talk value of Rs. 50/- is given to all subscribers. Excel Pre paid cards are available in the denominations of Rs. 70,150, 300, Rs. 500, Rs. 1000 and Rs. 2000 validity period of which are 7,15, 30, 45, 120 and 180 days respectively. A host of value added services are also available at very economical charges:

Voice Mail Service Short Message Service (SMS) All India Roaming Call Forwarding(within same Service Area) Call Conferencing Call Waiting and Call holding facility Wireless Application Protocol(WAP): Surf WAP enabled websites on Internet using this service.

Unified Messaging Services: Integrate your Mobile phone with the Internet and access your e-mails, faxes, voice mail etc on your mobile phone.


BHARTI TELE-VENTURES Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited, a part of Bharti Enterprises, is provider India's of


telecommunications services. The businesses at Bharti TeleVentures have been structured into two main strategic business groups - the Mobility Leaders business group and the Infotel Leaders business group. The Mobility business group provides GSM mobile services across India in twenty three telecom circles, while the Infotel business group provides broadband & telephone services, long distance services and enterprise services. All these services are provided under the Airtel brand.

AIRTEL Airtel comes to you from Bharti Cellular Limited - a part of the biggest private integrated telecom conglomerate, Bharti Enterprises. Bharti provides a range of telecom services, which include Cellular, Basic, Internet and recently introduced National

Long Distance. Bharti also manufactures and exports telephone terminals and cordless phones. Apart from being the largest manufacturer of telephone instruments in India, it is also the first company to export its products to the USA. Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with an all Indiafootprint covering all 23 telecom circles of the country. It has over 17 million satisfied customers.

SERVICES AIRTEL PREPAID Airtel Prepaid, the Ready Cellular Card from Airtel comes to you from Bharti Enterprises, India's leading integrated telecom service provider. Going mobile with Airtel Prepaid is a new way of life. With a host of great features, also simple to use, Airtel Prepaid makes everything that you dreamt and believed, possible. AIRTEL POSTPAID Airtel welcomes you to a vibrant world of unlimited opportunities. More exciting, innovative yet simple new ways to communicate, just when you want to, not just through words but ideas, emotions

and feelings. To give you the unlimited freedom to reach out to your special people in your special way. AIRTEL ROAMING Airtel's Roaming service allows you to use your mobile phone to make or receive calls from almost anywhere in India and abroad. Airtel Roaming gives you two great options:

Airtel National - Enjoy roaming in India across 42 partners networks and over 750 cities.






destinations, in nearly 119 countries including USA, Canada, UK etc. with 284 partner networks.



It is promoted by Reliance Industries Limited and offers mobile telephony

services the CDMA platform on a nationwide optical fiber cable network capable of supporting broadband services. Its strategy has been to acquire a large subscriber base on the back of low tariffs and then promote calls within its network to enable yet lower tariffs for its subscribers. Reliance Infocomm is the outcome of late Dhirubhai Ambanis dream of bringing about a digital revolution in India that will bring to every Indians doorstep an affordable means of information and communication. "Make the tools of infocomm available to people at an affordable cost. They will overcome the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of mobility", was how Dhirubhai, as he was fondly called, spelt out Reliance Infocomms mission in late 1999. He firmly believed the country could use information and communication technology to overcome its backwardness and underdevelopment.


It was with this belief that Reliance Infocomm began laying its 60,000 route kilometres of pan-India fibre optic backbone in 1999. The backbone was commissioned on December 28, 2002, Dhirubhais 70th birth anniversary, first since his sad demise on July 6, 2002. Reliance Infocomms network is a high-capacity, integrated (wireless and wireline), and convergent (voice, data and video) digital network. The network is designed to offer services that span the entire Infocomm value chain - infrastructure, services, both for enterprises and individuals, applications, and consulting. The network is designed to deliver services and applications that will change the way we Indians live. It will harbinger a New India. Reliance offers a suite of SMS based applications where by subscribers would be able to get access to a host of information on large range of topics such as News, Ringtones, Convenience, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Sports, Finance and Local Information etc. on its own SMS 1234 services as well as other popular SMS services e.g Indiatimes, Rediff, Aj Tak etc. To use applications like Ringtones, Horoscopes, Numerology, Vastu , Cocktails etc. Customers can send keyword based requests from their Reliance IndiaMobile handsets and receive the relevant information in return.


Tata Teleservices Ltd:

Owned by the

Tata Group, it provides basic and wireless services on the COMA

platform. As compared to its peers, the company has not been aggressive in expanding in the wireless space. Tata Teleservices is part of the INR 76,930 Crore (US$17.10 billion) Tata Group, that has over 90 companies, over 220,000 employees and more than 2 million shareholders. With an investment of over INR 9,000 Crore (US$ 2 billion) in Telecom, the Group has a formidable presence across the telecom value chain. Tata Teleservices spearheads the Group's presence in the telecom sector. Incorporated in 1996, Tata Teleservices was the first to launch CDMA mobile services in India with the Andhra Pradesh circle. Starting with the major acquisition of Hughes Tele.com (India) Limited [now renamed Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited] in December 2002, the company has swung into expansion mode. Tata Teleservices operates in 20 circles i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Gujarat, Karnataka, Delhi, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu,

Orissa, Bihar, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh (E), Uttar Pradesh (W), Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. The investment in Tata Teleservices Limited (including Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited) as of March 2005 totals INR 14,446 Crores (US$ 3.21 billion) Having pioneered the CDMA 3G1x technology platform in India, Tata Teleservices has established a robust and reliable telecom infrastructure that ensures quality in its services. It has partnered with Motorola, Ericsson, Lucent and ECI Telecom for the deployment of a reliable, technologically advanced network. The company, which heralded convergence technologies in the Indian telecom sector, is today the market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market with a customer base of over 2.8 million for the period ended September 05. Tata Teleservices' bouquet of telephony services includes Mobile services, Wireless Phones, Public Telephony Booth, and Wireline services. Other services include value added services like voice portal, roaming, 3-way conferencing, group calling and data services.

The company has launched Prepaid FWP and Public phone booths, a range of new handsets, new voice & data services such as BREW games, picture messaging, polyphonic ring tones, interactive applications like news, cricket, astrology, etc. These are in addition to its existing services of Postpaid Mobile , Prepaid Mobile & Postpaid FWP. Today, Tata Teleservices Limited along with Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited serve more than 7 million customers in 1700 towns and aims at 4000 towns by March'06. With an ambitious rollout plan both within existing circles and across new circles, Tata Teleservices is offering world-class technology and user-friendly services in 20 circles.




Strong Brand Image. Technically Superior. Good After Sales.

Very high price

Major Competitors

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Young generations need for Strong competitors like BSNL, more branded. Airtel,

Brand image is necessary to Strong advertising by looking rich Proper advertising for brand building competitors.


The report is the result of a survey which was undertaken in VODAFONE. The objectives of the project have been fulfilled by getting response from the customer associated to these segments through a personal interview in the form of a questionnaire. The responses available through the questionnaire are used to evaluate the brand loyalty for the products of VODAFONE and the willingness of the customer to purchase its products on future.

The project also covers an analysis of the switch over of customers to Competitors products in the market.



The problem formulation is the first step to a successful research process. The project undertake the problem of analyzing the customer satisfaction level of the vodafone and to find the marketing sales promotion of the product in comparison to other products.



Based on the problem the objective of the research is divided into two which are as follows:

Primary Objective: To analyse brand loyalty of customers towards the companys products range Secondary Objective:

Analyse consumer satisfaction and sales promotion of vodafone overseas ltd. for different cars.

Analyse the after sales service provided by Vodafone



The research design used in the project is exploratory design. The investigation is carried upon the customers in VODAFONE . The reason for choosing this design is to get responses from the customers so that their perception about the products of the company and their loyalty could be predicted.



The data has been taken from two sources Primary data source The primary data source has been collected through questionnaire by personally interviewing each respondent on a number of queries structured in a questionnaire. Secondary data source Secondary data was collected from following sources Prior research reports Websites Books Newspaper Personal consultation


THE AREA OF WORK The field work is conducted in the Vodafone in various show rooms situated in different location all over the city.

THE ANALYTICAL TOOLS USED The analytical tools used are mostly graphical in nature which include

Pie charts Cylindrical charts Column charts Tables showing percentage

THE SAMPLE SIZE The sample size consists of 50 units out of which the most logical and non biased response are selected thus the sample size is taken out to be 50 units.


Monthly No. of

Income respondent 30000-50000 31 5100012 100000 above 100000 7

No. of respondent






above 100000


1. Information source about Vodafone ?

No. of News paper T.V ad Trade show Internet Peer group Personal approach by dealer respondent 7 2 10 1 21 14

No. of respondent
25% 13% 4% 18% 38% News paper T.V ad Trade show Internet Peer group Personal approach by dealer 2%


2. - Which language News paper and T.V channel do you prefer?

No. of Hindi English Other respondent 19 26 5

No. of respondent

10% 38%






3. - Have you seen Vodafone Advertisement (print ad or T.V commercial)? No. of Print ad T.V commercial respondent 37 13

No. of respondent



Print ad

T.V commercial


4. - Was that Advertisement effective?

Yes No

No. of respondent 41 9

No. of respondent






6. - What was the influencing power of advertisement?

Discount Brand ambassador Free gifts performance

No. of respondent 34 3 2 11

No. of respondent

22% 4% 6% 68%


Brand ambassador

Free gifts



7. - How many times do you see VODAFONE and competitors advertisement?

No. of (monthly) (Weekly) (daily) (15 days) respondent 9 13 17 11

No. of respondent



26% 34%

(monthly) (daily)

(Weekly) (15 Days)


8. - Which tractor Advertisement is effective? Please rank 1 to 5 as below. Rating Scale No. of Vodafone BSNL Airtel other respondent 4 1 3 2

No. of respondent

20% 40%

30% 10%

Vodafone BSNL




9. - What is the influencing power of the advertisement?

Services Technology coverage area Tariff charges

No. of respondent 21 4 17 8

No. of respondent

16% 42%

34% 8%



Coverage area

Tariff charges


10. - Which additional benefit attract you for VODAFONE ? Benefits Discount Free accessories Free gift Extended warranty Service Offers performance No. of respondent 19 2 4 3 7 5 12

No. of respondent



10% 14% 6% 8% 4%

Discount Free accessories Extended warranty Service Performance

Free gift Offers


11. Which feature do you most like in Vodafone ?

Attributes Services customer care Reliable No threats coverage area performance

No. of respondent 4 2 6 22 3 13

No. of respondent



4% 12%

6% 44%
Customer care


No Threats




12. Which part of promotional activity do you most prefer to buy a VODAFONE ? Please rank 1 to 15 Trade Show Discount Free gift Safety feature performance Services clear voice Special Package SMS facility Net performance Small top up with sms Over all feature Technology Brand Ambassador Internet facility 1 3 1 5 4 2 9 1 7 5 2 1 6 1 3


12% 2% 4%






10% 8%

10% 14% 2% 16%


Trade Show Performance SMS facility Technology

Discount Free gift Safety feature Services clear voice Special Package Net performance smalltop withsms Over all feature Brand Ambassador Internet facility


13. Sales promotion activity for Vodafone Feed back from customer Fair Good Excellent No. of respondent 13 19 18

No. of respondent

26% 36%







Though, best efforts have been made to make the study fair, transparent and error free. But there might be some inevitable and inherent limitations. Though outright measure are undertaken to make the report most accurate. The limitation of the survey are narrated below:

The project is valid for Vodafone only. It was not possible to cover each and every showroom due to time constrains.

There may be some biased response form the respondents Some respondents did not provide the full data. Unwillingness on the part of the customers to disclose the information as per the questionnaire.

The decisiveness on the part of the customers regarding some question hence difficulty faced in recording and analyzing the data.



This effort for the innovation in sales promotion of car will help the road shows, TV Advertisement, Mouth publicity etc. And other thing is provide some offers like Discount, Diwali offers, Free Gift like music system, Accessories etc. My project is a key to open the door of greater comfort to the middle segment. In this age of electronic sector who is given tractor in low prices they will blow like sun and vodafone product is low prices.

The customers of vodafone are brand loyal with only a small percent want to shift over to other brands. Trying of other brands by customers is mainly because the customer wants to try something new.

The performance of VODAFONE product good in comparison to other brands.

Mileage is the basic feature influencing brand loyalty.


The best selling product of Electronics good VODAFONE , Samsung, least selling is airtel.

The competition of VODAFONE product is majorly with BSNL.

Due to high brand loyalty the customers of Vodafone product recommend it product to others Like Vodafone product .

The customers are satisfied with the product range of Vodafone product.


Name & Address of the customer Occupation Age Annual Income 1. - How you become interested about VODAFONE ? (1) News paper (4) Internet (5) Peer group (6) Personal approach by dealer (2) T.V ad (3) Trade show \ Other Vehicle Owned

2. - Which language News paper and T.V channel do you prefer? (1) Hindi (2) English (3) Other

3. - Have you seen Vodafone Advertisement (print ad or T.V commercial)? Yes Print ad T.V commercial


4. - Was that Advertisement effective? (1) Yes (2) No

6. - What was the influencing power of advertisement? 7. - How many times do you see VODAFONE and competitors advertisement at T.V in News paper? (1) Daily VODAFONE Ne News paper (2) Weekly (3) Monthly (4) Hardly


T.V ad

______________________________________________________ _________________ BSNL paper T.V ad ______________________________________________________ __________________ Airtel paper T.V ad



______________________________________________________ __________________ Tata paper T.V ad News

8. - Which car Advertisement is effective? Please rank 1 to 5 as below cars. Rating Scale5 Poor Excellent (1) BSNL So So Fair Good 1 2 3 4



(4) Others

9. - What is the influencing power of the advertisement?


10. - Which additional benefit are you getting with VODAFONE , BSNL, Airtel, Others? Benefits CarsVODAFONE Indigo CS Discount Free accessories Free gift Extended warranty Registration Offers Test Drive 11. Which feature do you most like in VODAFONE product ? Attributes Ratin g scale (1)coverage area (2)network (3)Comfort (4)Performance (5)Safety (6) Small top up

Icon Ford

Swift Desire

12. Which part of promotion activity do you most prefer to buy a tractor? Please rank 1 to 15 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Trade Show Discount Free gift Safety feature performance coverage area call rate Special

Package (9) performance

There is a communication gap in distribution channel so retailers are not getting advantage of discounting & trade scheme. Company sales executive should inspect the market time to time while they do not take interest so that some retailers are unsatisfied with company. If retailers complaints regarding discounting & trade scheme then he is not responded properly.


Retailers do not get the companys actual schemes.

Distributors have not maintained proper stock so that retailers do not get all the products by which sale, discounting & trade schemes are effected.


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