Troika - Bones Deep - Sheets (OEF) (2022-04-24) PDF

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Name: Base Skill: You are a Newborn

Stamina: Luck:

Skills (add to Base Skill)

All skeletons can Test their Luck to absorb memories of an object,
creature, or location they are touching.
Whenever you fail a roll using your Base Skill, gain a new Advanced
Skill related to that action at rank 1. New Advanced Skills should be
specific rather than generic. For example, if you are trying to climb
Possessions an iceberg and fail the roll, gain the Advanced Skill “1 Berg Scaling”
instead of “1 Climbing.”
DRIVE: To fail often. After you gain a new Advanced Skill, recover 1d6
Stamina and 1d6 Luck.

Attacks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name: Base Skill: You are a Carver

Stamina: Luck:

Skills (add to Base Skill)

All skeletons can Test their Luck to absorb memories of an object,
creature, or location they are touching.
As an action you can cast a Spell carved onto your bones. After
paying the Stamina cost, the carved Spell automatically succeeds,
then disappears from your bones.
If you spend one hour in a carving trance, Test your Luck. If
Possessions successful, gain a random Spell carved onto your bones. If the
trance fails, reduce your Max Stamina by 1.
DRIVE: To make room for new Carved Spells. Erase a Carved Spell at
any time to recover 2d6 Stamina and 1d6 Luck.

Attacks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name: Base Skill: You are a Keeper

Stamina: Luck:

Skills (add to Base Skill)

All skeletons can Test their Luck to absorb memories of an object,
creature, or location they are touching.
Possessions After successfully commanding a creature it follows you as a
henchmen until it runs out of Stamina and flees.
DRIVE: To command. Whenever you successfully command a
creature both you and the creature recover 1d6 Stamina and you
recover 1d6 Luck.

Attacks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name: Base Skill: You are a Junker

Stamina: Luck:

Skills (add to Base Skill)

All skeletons can Test their Luck to absorb memories of an object,
creature, or location they are touching.
Gadgets are embedded in your bones and can be used to do
anything related to its name.
Possessions DRIVE: To salvage. When you spend an hour working to turn
something worthless into a Gadget, roll under your Inventing.
Whenever you successfully invent a new Gadget, recover 2d6
Stamina and 1d6 Luck.

Gadget Generator
Adjective (d66) Object (d66)
11. Flaming 35. MermaidHexed 11. Shard 35. Sandblaster
12. Freezing 36. Glowing 12. Spike 36. Bomb
13. Charged 41. Bounding 13. Club 41. Shovel
14. Melting 42. Swimming 14. Sword 42. Crowbar
Attacks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15. Acidic 43. Muttering 15. Axe 43. Wrench
16. CrabBlessed 44. Screaming 16. Gauntlet 44. Drill
21. Blasting 45. Bubbling 21. Dryhander 45. Rope
22. Blinding 46. Buried 22. Flail 46. Chain
23. Silent 51. Rusted 23. Hammer 51. Reel
24. Shifting 52. Gilded 24. Pike 52. Wheel
25. Voidtouched 53. Crystalized 25. Shield 53. Spring
26. Digested 54. Broken 26. Anvil 54. Lamp
31. Guiding 55. Reforged 31. Crossbow 55. Compass
32. Lost 56. Overgrown 32. Speargun 56. Pocketwatch
33. Comforting 61-6. Your choice 33. Dartlauncher 61-6. Your choice
34. Familiar 34. Mine
Name: Luck: Base Skill:

Sparktail Stamina: 8 You are a Shifter

Skills (add to Base Skill) Possessions Special
2 Contort Small, flexible body. All skeletons can Test their Luck to absorb memories of an object,
creature, or location they are touching.
2 Fish Dance Nimble hands.
If you spend a few minutes shifting, test your Luck. If successful, pick
2 Spell – Jolt one of the 4 forms and gain the listed Stamina, Advanced Skills,
and Possessions.
If you fail to shift you revert to a pile of bones and restore 1d6 Luck.
You have no Advanced Skills, no Possessions, and 1 Stamina.
DRIVE: To change your form. Shifting to another form restores you
to full Stamina, though each form has a different maximum

Widefin Stamina: 10

Skills (add to Base Skill) Possessions

2 Gliding Strong Back.
2 Tour Guide Big Friendly Smile.
1 Spell – Teleport Gliding Fins.

Shellwalker Stamina: 16 Bignose Stamina: 14

Skills (add to Base Skill) Possessions Skills (add to Base Skill) Possessions
3 Defend Heavy Shell (1 Armor). 3 Biting Sharp Incisors (Damage as
2 Language – Crab Spiked Shield (1 Armor). 2 Tackling
A single, long, multi-jointed arm.
1 Spell – Frozen Weapon Awkward Claws. 2 Spell – Undertow
Bulky Body (Damage as Maul).
Name: Base Skill: You are Infested

Stamina: Luck:

Skills (add to Base Skill)

All skeletons can Test their Luck to absorb memories of an object,
creature, or location they are touching.
If you have a few free hours, you may Encourage your Parasite. If
successful, roll once on the Parasite Table and recover 1d6 Luck.
Whenever you would die, your parasite changes you. Keep rolling on
Possessions the Parasite Table until you recover enough Stamina to keep living.
DRIVE: To let your Parasite consume you. If you would gain a
parasite result you already have, recover 2d6 Stamina instead.
When all results are checked, you are consumed.

Parasite Table (2d6)

2. ☐ Whispering voices in the back 7. ☐ Your spine continuously excretes
of your mind grow louder. When a strong rope-like substance. You
you roll for actions while following can collect and keep 5’ of it every
their orders, you always succeed. day.
3. ☐ Gain “Spiky Carapace (1 8. ☐ Replace one of your hands with
Armor).” When you attack with “7 Long Finger Blades (Damage as
Attacks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 your limbs deal +1 Damage. Sword).”
4. ☐ Permanently transform one of 9. ☐ One of your legs can detach and
your arms into an “Awkward Bone act on its own. It shares your
Shield (2 Armor).” Stamina pool, and it follows your
5. ☐ Your “Useless Tail Stump” commands…usually. Skill 4, Armor 0,
transforms into a “Launching Initiative 1, Damage as Small Beast.
Tail,” allowing you to leap dozens 10. ☐ You gain the Spell Infested Burst
of feet. as an Advanced Skill at rank 1.
6. ☐ Replace your “Malformed 11. ☐ You gain the Spell Infested Spike
Wing” with “Gliding Wings as an Advanced Skill at Rank 1.
(Damage as Modest Beast).” 12. ☐ Your bones grow stronger and
stranger. Increase your maximum
and current Stamina by 2d6.
Troika Rules Reference
Create a Skeleton You Can Carry 12 Slots of Stuff
1. Roll 1d6 or choose a background: Small things take up one slot unless it’s a LOT of them
1 - Newborns just recently hatched and learn skills quickly. Large things take up two slots. (Anything that requires 2 hands)
2 - Carvers channel magic through runes on their bones. When you quickly grab an item from your pack roll 2d6 equal or
3 - Keepers attract and cultivate living creatures to aid them. higher than its position on your Possessions list.
4 - Junkers collect trinkets and turn them into gadgets. - Success: Grab it and use it.
5 - Shifters can rearrange their bones into different shapes. - Failure: Spend the rest of your turn looking for it.
6 - Infested nurture a horrible parasite that grows stronger.
2. Roll 1d3+3 to determine Base Skill.
3. Roll 2d6+12 to determine Stamina. Fighting and Not Dying
4. Roll 1d6+6 to determine Luck.
Use the Turn Tracker at
5. Choose your Drive. Your Drive restores your Stamina & Luck.
Every Skeleton Background has a suggested Drive, or you can At 0 Stamina, you die at end of this round.
invent one of your own. This replaces normal Troika healing. Below 0 Stamina, you are already dead. Roll Luck to avoid?
Melee Combat: both roll Verses. Winner deals damage.
- 6, 6 the winner deals double damage
- 1, 1 the loser suffers +1 damage
Doing Stuff Ranged Combat: shooter rolls Verses the target’s defensive Skill.
- If shooter succeeds, they deal damage.
Roll 2d6 under or equal to your Base Skill + Advanced Skill. - Underwater, most ranged weapons act like melee.
Roll 2d6 + your Base Skill + Advanced Skill above opponent’s Skill. Every weapon has a damage table. Roll 1d6 to see how much
When you successfully use an Advanced Skill or Spell, put a tick damage is dealt. DMG modifiers affect the roll, not damage dealt.
next to it on your character sheet. Shield: -1 DMG, 1 hand, 1 Slot Modest Armor: -2 DMG, 4 Slots
End of session: Choose up to 3 Advanced Skills or Spells with a tick Light Armor: -1 DMG, 2 Slots Heavy Armor: -3 DMG, 6 Slots
next to them. If you roll 2d6 over your current Skill Total (Advanced Unaware: Attacker rolls under, target suffers +2 DMG
Skill/Spell + Base Skill) you may increase its rank by 1. When you Prone/Fallen: suffer -2 to all rolls and -2 DMG
have finished rolling, remove all ticks from your sheet. Falling: Suffer 1d6 damage per 2 meters fallen.
Fire, Poison, Drowning: Suffer 1d6 damage the first time you fail the
roll. 2d6 the second time, etc. In combat, roll at end of each round.

Luck is the Universal Save

Cast a Spell
Roll Skill when you DO something. (Attack, jump, magic)
Roll Luck when things happen TO you. (Traps, damage, fate) Spend the Stamina cost and Roll Under or Verses:
- Success, the spell happens
Roll 2d6 under or equal to your current Luck to lessen negative - Failure, Nothing happens
consequences. Then reduce Luck by 1 no matter the result. - Fumble, Roll d66 on the OOPS! table

Special thanks to Jordan Trocchiano @ZoneFighterJ

Melee Weapons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
3d6 Memory Mishap Sword 4 6 6 6 6 8 10
Whenever a skeleton fails to absorb memories they roll 3d6: Axe 2 2 6 6 8 10 12
3. The target steals one of your memories. Lose an Advanced Skill of Knife 2 2 2 2 4 8 10
your choice. Staff 2 4 4 4 4 6 8
4. Reduce your highest ranked Skill by 1. Hammer# 1 2 4 6 8 10 12
5. Your Drive changes (roll on the Alternate Drives table). Spear 4 4 6 6 8 8 10
6. Stuck in a memory trance. Test your Luck again to break it. Repeat Longsword 4 6 8 8 10 12 14
until you succeed or you run out of Luck. Mace# 2 4 4 6 6 8 10
7. Learn a Random Spell from the latent energy of the sea. Starts at Polearm*# 2 4 4 8 12 14 18
Rank 1. Maul*# 1 2 3 6 12 13 14
8. Gain a Skill from your previous fleshy life. It starts at rank 1. Greatsword* 2 4 8 10 12 14 18
9. Gain a vision of a random encounter from your current location. It Club 1 1 2 3 6 8 10
will never occur. Unarmed 1 1 1 2 2 3 4
10. Learn something useful that wasn’t what you were looking for. Shield 2 2 2 4 4 6 8
11. Absorb a Skill or Spell from the target, starts at rank 1.
Ranged Weapons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
12. You may choose to turn your failure into success at the cost of
losing ALL of your remaining Luck. Fusil*# 2 4 4 6 12 18 24
13. One of your bones becomes sentient. Bow* 2 4 6 8 8 10 12
Crossbow* 4 4 6 8 8 8 10
14. Learn the capabilities or weaknesses of a random creature.
Pistolet# 2 2 4 4 6 12 16
15. A random Spell is cast targeting you.
16. Learn the location of Flotsam nearby. Beastly Weapons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
17. Somehow your Crab Credit balance is reduced by 1. Not even the Small Beast 2 2 3 3 4 5 6
Crabs can explain it. Modest Beast 4 6 6 8 8 10 12
18. Receive a clue to one of the stories. Large Beast # 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Gigantic Beast# 4 8 12 12 16 18 24
* indicates a Weapon that requires at least two hands to use.
# indicates a Weapon that ignores 1 point of Armour

d66 Random Creatures d66 Random Spells

11. Arapaima 31. Goldentail Moray 51. Red Octopus 11. Accelerated Memory 31. Forced Hatching 51. Launching Leap
12. Anglerfish 32. Gulper 52. Ripsaw Catfish 12. Air Bubble 32. Frozen Weapon 52. Maelstrom
13. Balloon Puffer 33. Goliath Tigerfish 53. Sargassum Fish 13. Brinicle Strike 33. Ground 53. Marked Scent
14. Barreleye 34. Greenland Shark 54. Sea Angel 14. Bubble Net 34. Halocline 54. Protection from Rain
15. Bawitius Bichir 35. Heptapus 55. Sea Pig 15. Command Creature 35. Hand Sun 55. Red Tide
16. Bloody Belly Jelly 36. Humboldt Squid 56. Sevengill Runt 16. Consultation 36. Healthy Light 56. Spectral Sea Pig
21. Bobbit Worm 41. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish 61. Spinster Squid 21. Coral Shaping 41. Imitate 61. Torpedo Throw
22. Cornish Jack 42. Lionfish 62. Spider Crab 22. Disrupting Pulse 42. Imperceptible 62. Teleport
23. Croc/Gator 43. Orca Hunters 63. Stargazer 23. Drift 43. Infested Burst 63. Thunder
24. Dolphin 44. Otter 64. Stingray 24. Eject Bone 44. Infested Spike 64. Undertow
25. Dusky Damselfish 45. Paddlefish 65. Loggerhead 25. Empathize 45. Jolt 65. Unexpected
26. Giant Cuttlefish 46. Pistol Shrimp 66. Viperfish 26. Fire Bolt 46. Julia 66. Wishbone
d66 OOPS!
11. There is a flash followed by a shriek - the wizard has turned into a 42. An overflow of plasmic fluid has found its way into the wizard’s
pig. head, which has expanded to the size of a pumpkin. If the wizard is
12. Twenty-five years of the wizard’s life drop away in an instant, struck for 5+ Damage in one go they must Test their Luck or their
possibly making them a very small child. If the wizard is younger head explodes, killing them and dealing 2d6 Damage to anyone
than twenty-five then they disappear into cosmic pre-birth. standing nearby.
13. A small shoal of herring and the water they had previously swum in 43. All vegetation within a mile withers and dies.
appear above the wizard, soaking everyone nearby with freezing 44. A pool of colour opens up under the wizard, sucking them and any
sea water. other unlucky nearby souls into it. They will be whisked off to a
14. The wizard no longer speaks or understands any known tongue, random sphere of existence.
instead favouring a slightly unpleasant language made up of 45. All exposed liquid within 12 metres turns to milk. That milk then
shrieks and mumbles. curdles.
15. The most feared of adolescent academy curses: hiccups! Until 46. A random spectator’s bones mysteriously disappear. Even more
dispelled the wizard hiccups uncontrollably, suffering a -4 penalty mysteriously they don’t seem overly put out by it. They can’t fight
to further attempts at magic. or cast spells and can only very slowly shuffle about as a
16. The wizard grows an attractive tail. If removed it does not grow gelatinous blob of flesh but they’re generally unphased. After 1d6
back. hours the bones pop back into place from wherever they went.
21. All currency in the wizard’s possession turns into beautiful 51. An inanimate object in the wizard’s possession gains sentience
butterflies that flap off into the sky. and a voice. Its attitude is up to the GM to decide.
22. A very surprised orc appears beside the wizard (7/8/2 - Club). 52. A portal is opened to a paradigmatic battleground, allowing an
23. The wizard catches the Red Eye Curse. Whenever they open their angelic or demonic figure to pop through.
eyes fire shoots out at random (as Fire Bolt). 53. The wizard flies off in a random direction at great speed, landing
24. All shoes in the vicinity catch fire. 50 metres away (or falling back down to earth, as it may be).
25. The wizard grows a small pair of horns. 54. The wizard suffers a coughing fit for 1d6 turns after which 1d6
26. All of the wizard’s body hair falls out with an audible “fuff!” gremlins tumble out of their mouth and start biting people’s faces.
31. All weapons of war in the vicinity turn into flowers. 55. The wizard instantly grows an enormous shaggy beard. It tumbles
32. The wizard’s old face melts off and reveals a new one. It is quite down to the floor and gets in the way. The wizard suffers a -2
handsome. penalty to everything until they tame that magnificent beast.
33. The wizard disappears in a puff of smoke, never to be seen again. 56. The wizard becomes 20 years old. Today is their new birthday and
they will feel terrible if no one notices.
34. The wizard’s hands find a mind of their own and take a severe
disliking to the tyranny of control. They set about choking the 61. A calm and healthy pig appears in place of the Spell.
wizard to death only to lapse back into servitude as soon as they 62. The wizard’s teeth all fall out. The sudden loss causes them to
pass out. suffer a -4 penalty to making magic due to their poor diction. After
35. All animals in the vicinity are brought back to life. This includes an hour a fresh set grows in.
rations and leather, which will crawl and flap about blindly. 63. An entirely different and random Spell goes off, directed at the
36. A sickness overcomes the wizard, causing them to cough up a same target.
thick black fluid. The fluid flows away as though in a hurry to be 64. The wizard is cursed with curses. They are unable to speak without
somewhere. The wizard will soon hear rumours and suffer swearing, thus making magic impossible for the duration. Lasts
accusations due to the workings of a sinister doppelgänger. 1d6 hours.
41. Everyone in the vicinity turns into a pig except for one embarrassed 65. The wizard issues forth a mighty sneeze, knocking everyone over in
wizard. front of them and dealing 1d6 Damage unless they successfully
Test their Luck.
66. The Spell being cast won’t stop. It goes completely haywire, out of
control, firing off madly until the wizard is subdued.
Bones Deep
Approximate Locations

Silt River
Jungle River

Kelp Forest

Reef Roads
Bottom Barrel Final Shipyard

Sunken Barge
Haunted Library

Void Ridge Blackwater
Graveyard Lake

Inverted Pyramid
Sulfur Spires

Barge Lair

10 7 6

13 11

With the completion of the Sh

increasingly prison-like space.ark Hydra I have nothing else to pursue in this
and flee this boredom. It’s time to move on, to seek oth
er heights (or depths)

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