U.H. Conversion PDF

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Conversion of the Duration of Unit hydrograph

The linear property of U.H. can be used to generate U.H. of a larger or smaller duration .There
are two methods to convert U.H. duration"
1-Superposition method: It is applied to convert duration To generate the U.H. of t2 ,the U.H. of
t1 is lagged till it reach to t2, then by taking the summation of the lagged unit hydrographs.
Given the ordinate of 2 hr. U.H. Drive the ordinate of 6 –hr. U.H.
-Lagging 2-hr. -Lagging 2-hr. -Sum. Of three storms. -Multiply by 2/6.
S-curve method:
Allows construction of a U.H. of any duration .Assume that a U.H. of duration t is known and
that we wish to generate a U.H. of tꞌ ,the first step by adding a series of unit hydrographs of
duration t ,each lagged by t ,then by shifting the S-curve by tꞌ ,then subtract the accumulated
U.H. finally ,we must multiply all hydrograph by t/tꞌ .
-Shift by t1 with accumulation.
-Add the last two columns.

-Shift by t2 without accumulation.

-subtract last two columns.
-Multiply by t1/t2.
Convert the following tabulated 2-hr. U.H. To 3-hr U.H. using the S-curve method?
Given 4hr UH, derive the ordinates of 12hr UH using S - Curve Method.
H.W. 1
Reservoir: - Any water Collected in a pool or Lake may be termed as reservoir. The water stored
in a reservoir may be used for different Purposes.
Purposes of Reservoirs:
1. Storage and Control for water in irrigation.
2. Storage and diversion of water for domestic uses.
3. Water supply for industries.
4. Development of Hydropower.
5. Increasing water depth for navigation.
6. Storage space for flood control.
7. Reclamation of low land.
Classification of Reservoirs:-
1. Storage Reservoir.
2. Flood Control Reservoir.
3. Distribution Reservoir.
4. Multi purposes Reservoir.
Storage Zones of Reservoir:
Normal Pool Level:-
Is the max. elevation to which the reservoir water surface will rise during normal operation
Max. Pool level:-
The max water elevation reached during flood
Useful Storage:-
The volume of water Stored in the reservoir between min pool level and normal pool level.
Surcharge Storage:-
The Volume of water stored between the normal pool level and max flood level.
Bank Storage:-
When the reservoir is filled up certain amount of water seeps into the permeable reservoir banks ,
this water comes out as soon as the reservoir depleted.
Storage Eq:-

EX: The following data are given in the table for a reservoir, at 10 A.M. There are 0.492 ha.m.
of water in the reservoir. How much water in the reservoir at 8 P.M.
Total water in the reservoir
2.322 + 0.492 = 2.819 ha.m

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