Payment Guarantee UBS Examle
Payment Guarantee UBS Examle
Payment Guarantee UBS Examle
Payment guarantee UBS AG
Trade Finance
P.O. Box
CH-8098 Zurich
Tel. +41-44-234 11 11
Example AG
P.O. Box
26 May 20xx
CH-8000 Zurich
(in words )
This being stated, we, UBS AG, , irrespective of the validity and the legal effects of the
above mentioned contract and waiving all rights of objection and defense arising therefrom, hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay to you, upon your first demand, any amount up to the above mentioned maximum amount,
upon receipt of
a) you have supplied with the goods ordered in conformity with the terms of the contract
b) you have not received payment at the due date in the amount claimed under this guarantee.
For the purpose of identification your written request for payment must bear or be accompanied by a signed
confirmation of one of our correspondent banks stating that the latter has verified your signature(s) appearing
on the said request for payment.
Your claim is also acceptable if transmitted to us in full by authenticated SWIFT through one of our
correspondent banks confirming that your original claim has been forwarded to us by registered mail or courier
service and that the said bank has verified your signature(s) appearing thereon.
In case that at the time of a request for payment under this guarantee, there is a valid list of authorized
signatures with a branch of UBS AG in Switzerland regarding the persons signing for you, the verification of
signature(s) by a third bank is not required. In such case, your request for payment must be presented to us
duly signed in writing (SWIFT excluded).
and expires in full and automatically, should your original written request for payment or the authenticated
SWIFT not be in our possession at our above address on or before that date, regardless of such date being a
banking day or not.
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