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International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)

ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3, Issue-4, September 2013

Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) and Its

Medical Applications: A Review
R.Harikumar, R.Prabu, S.Raghavan

Abstract - This paper reviews the principles of Electrical Measuring local internal temperature changes associated
Impedance Tomography (EIT), different types of current patterns with hyperthermia treatments or cryosurgery, and improving
and reconstruction algorithms to assess its potential in medical electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms.
imaging. A current injection pattern in EIT has its own current In medical applications, due to the differences in
distribution profile within the subject under test. Hence, different
bioelectrical properties between tissues, the impedance
current patterns have different sensitivity, spatial resolution and
distinguishability. Image reconstruction studies with subject or distribution can indicates the structural and functional
practical phantoms are essential to assess the performance of properties of the object. In EIT, the current flow is
EIT systems for their validation, calibration and comparison determined by the impedance distribution within the object.
purposes. Impedance imaging of real objects or tissue phantoms As well, the problem is ill-posed which meaning that large
with different current injection methods is also essential for changes in impedance at the interior of the object can result
better assessment of the biomedical EIT systems. More in only small voltage changes at the surface.
specifically, this work reviews the three different image EIT equipment has relatively low cost and good portability
reconstruction techniques including back-projection method, and it is easy to be operated and maintained. The current
iterative method and one-step linearized method. In this review,
stimulation is not hazardous to humans in contrast to
Resistivity images are reconstructed from the boundary data
using Electrical Impedance Tomography and Diffuse Optical exposure to x-ray or radioisotopes in nuclear medicine. EIT
Tomography Reconstruction Software (EIDORS). shows potential to be used as a bedside real-time monitoring
system which is affordable in hospitals and clinics.
KEYWORDS: Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT),
Stimulation patterns, regularization, Images. II. METHODS AND MATERIALS

Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) [1] is a non-
invasive imaging modality that can be used to image
conductive subjects. In EIT the internal conductivity
distribution of the subject is reconstructed based on
electrical measurements from electrodes attached around the
boundary. In EIT, electrodes are attached on the surface of a
subject and a certain current pattern is injected into the
subject through stimulation electrodes. Commonly
alternating current is used as stimulation whose amplitude is Figure 1. Block diagram of a very simple EIT system which
usually several mA with frequency between 1~100 kHz. The shows main components.
voltages are measured using voltage measurement
electrodes. An image reconstruction method is then used to An EIT system mainly consists of two parts, which is data
calculate the internal conductivity distribution from the acquisition hardware and image reconstruction software.
boundary data. Figure 1 shows the basic block diagram of a very simple
EIT has numerous practical applications, e.g. in quality EIT system which comprised of
control and fault detection for various materials [2], 1. An array of electrodes, attached to the surface of the
geological exploration [3] and medical imaging [4]. In object
present days, EIT has been extensively researched in 2. A current generator is used for generating a constant
medical applications [5-9]. The possible medical sinusoidal alternating current to inject into the surface
applications for EIT [10] are monitoring for lung problems, 3. To perform data acquisition, a multiplexer circuit is
such as accumulating fluid or a collapsed lung [11], necessary for switching the current injector and
noninvasive monitoring of heart function and blood flow, voltmeter among the different data channels.
monitoring for internal bleeding, screening for breast cancer, 4. Demodulator/voltmeter is another important part of the
studying emptying of the stomach, studying pelvic fluid system for voltage measurement from the surface.
accumulation as a possible cause of pelvic pain, quantifying 5. For cancelling the noise, filters are used and ADC is
severity of premenstrual syndrome by determine the amount used for converting to digital signal and interfacing to
of intracellular versus extracellular fluid, determining the the Computer.
boundary between dead and living tissue. 6. An Image Reconstruction algorithm, which reconstructs
images of internal resistivity distribution of the object
Manuscript received September, 2013.
from the voltage measurements.
Dr.R.Harikumar, Professor, ECE Department, Bannari Amman
Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam India. 7. A computer (display, hard copy, keyboard, storage, etc.)
R.Prbau, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering Department, is used to enable an easy user access to the image
Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, India. analysis.
Dr.S.Raghavan, Professor, ECE Department, National Institute of
Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India.

Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) and Its Medical Applications: A Review

A. Stimulation And Measurement between the injecting electrodes, and decreases rapidly as a
Electrical impedance tomography reconstructs the function of distance. The method is as a result very sensitive
conductivity and permittivity within an object based on the to conductivity contrasts near the boundary and insensitive
conditions of voltage and current on the surface of the to central contrasts. It is also sensitive to perturbations in the
object. To find out the conditions of the current and voltage boundary shape of the object, in the positioning of the
on the surface, we can inject the current through a set of the electrodes and is quite sensitive to measurement error and
electrodes in contact with the surface and measure the noise [1].
developed voltages. There are many ways in the current- C. Opposite Method
injecting electrodes, voltage measuring electrodes and
The opposite or polar drive pattern [13], which is commonly
current patterns. This section describes various methods by
used in brain EIT [20], applies current through electrodes
which the current is injected and the voltages are measured.
that are 180◦ apart while voltage differences are measured on
B. Adjacent Drive Method the remaining electrodes. Hence this method is known as
The adjacent drive method [12], also called as the Opposite Method. Voltage differences are measured on the
neighbouring method, is the most common current driven voltage electrodes with respect to the electrode (called as the
pattern. In this method, the current is applied through voltage reference electrode) adjacent to the current-injecting
adjacent electrodes and the voltage is measured sequentially electrode (Figure.3)
from all other adjacent electrode pairs without the pairs
containing one or both the current electrodes. Figure.2
shows the adjacent method for a 16-electrode EIT system
with a circular domain surrounded by 16 surface electrodes
named as the electrode-1 to electrode-16. In adjacent
method, the first current projection is P1, the current is
injected through electrode-1 (1) and electrode-2 (2) and the
voltages differences (V1,V2,V3, . . ., V13) are measured
sequentially with 13 electrode pairs 3–4, 4–5, . . . and 15–
16. Voltages are not measured between pairs (16-1), (1-2),
or (2-3) (Figure.2.2a). Therefore the first current projection
(P1) gives 13 differential voltage data. Figure 3. Opposite current Driven pattern (a) first current
projection (P1) (b) second current projection (P2)

In the first current projection (P1) of the opposite method,

the current is injected through electrodes-1 (1) and
electrode-9 (9) and the differential voltages (V1, V2, V3, . .
., V13) are measured sequentially from 13 electrode pairs 2–
3, 2–4, . . . and 2–16 (Figure.3a) considering the electrode
2(2) as the reference. Hence the P1 gives 13 differential
voltage data.
The second current projection-2 (P2), the current is
injected through electrodes-2 (2) and electrode-10 (10) as
Figure 2. Adjacent Current driven patterns (a) first current shown in Figure.2.3b. and the differential voltages (V1,V2,
projection (P1) (b) second current projection (P2) V3,..., V13) are measured sequentially from the 13 electrode
pairs 3–4, 3–5,... and 3–1 (Figure.3b) considering electrode-
In second current projection (P2), the current is injected 3(3) as the voltage reference electrode. Hence the second
through electrodes- 2 (2) and electrodes-3 (3) and the current projection gives 13 differential voltage data. This
voltage differences (V1, V2, V3,... V13) are measured process is repeated until current has been injected between
sequentially with 13 electrode pairs 4–5, 5–6, … and 16–1 all 16 pairs of electrodes. Therefore in opposite method, a
as shown in Figure.2.b. Voltages are not measured between complete scan of a 16- electrode EIT system yields 16 X 13
pairs (1-2), (2-3), or (3-4). Hence, this current projection = 208 voltage measurements. Thus with 16 electrodes the
(P2) gives 13 differential voltage data. This process is opposite method yields 8×13 =104 measurements of which
repeated until current has been injected between all 16 half are independent. Thus the opposite method suffers from
adjacent pairs of electrodes. This is called a frame of data the disadvantage that for the same number of electrodes, the
which will produce 16×13 = 208 measurements. number of available current injections that can be applied is
The adjacent method provides N2 measurements, where N is less than for the adjacent method.
the number of electrodes. But to avoid the problem of The opposite method offers a better distribution of the
unknown contact impedance, the voltage is not measured at sensitivity, as the current travels with greater uniformity
a current injecting electrode so the number of measurements through the imaged body. Therefore compared to the
is reduced to N (N −3). The four-electrode reciprocity adjacent method, the opposite strategy is less sensitive to
theorem states that for any measurement set the mutual conductivity changes at the boundary [1].
impedance is preserved under an interchange of injection
and measurement pairs. Hence only N (N − 1)/2 of the D. Cross Method
measurements are independent. So, it is common to use all The cross or diagonal drive pattern [14] is rarely used. In the
N (N − 3) measurements in most reconstruction algorithms. cross method, adjacent electrodes are selected as current and
Thus a 16 electrode system will produce 208 measurements voltage references. In this method, first current is injected
of which 104 are independent but all 208 are used in the between electrodes 16 and 2, while 13 voltage
reconstruction algorithm. The current density is highest measurements are taken using electrode-1 as the reference

International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3, Issue-4, September 2013
against the other 13 electrodes. Hence, the current is injected fundamental problem in the image reconstruction is that, the
through electrodes- 16 (16) and electrodes-2 (2) and the electric current cannot be forced to flow linearly in an
differential voltages (V1, V2, V3,.., V13) are measured inhomogeneous volume conductor. Since there are no
sequentially with 13 electrode pairs 1–3, 1–4,.. and 1–15 sources within the volume conductor (the sources all lie on
(Fig.4a) considering electrode-1 (1) as the voltage reference the applied currents) then the potential field. The
(Fig.4a). Therefore the cross method gives 13 differential mathematical model describing the electrical properties of
voltage data. Next current is applied to electrodes 16 and 4 the field is a generalized Lap lace’s equation:
while 13 voltage measurements are taken using electrode 1
as the reference. This is repeated for currents injected (1)
between electrodes (16-4), (16-8), (16-10), (16-12), (16-14).
The entire procedure yields 7 X 13 = 91 measurements.
where ρ is the resistivity distribution; ϕ is voltage and D is
the tested field. Equation (1) indicates that there are no
current sources in the body.


Equation (2) and equation (3) are Neumann boundary

condition for equation (1), where V0 is measuring voltage on
boundary; J0 is current density on boundary; ∂D is the
Figure.4.Cross current driven pattern (a) first current boundary of D; and n is the unit outward normal vector to
projection (P1) (b) second current projection (P2) the boundary surface. Reconstruction algorithm is solved in
two steps: a forward problem and an inverse problem. In the
The entire procedure is repeated once more, with the forward problem, the voltage is predicted for any given
reference electrodes changed to electrodes 3 and 2. current density on the field, assuming that the field has a
Therefore current is applied between electrode 3 and constant resistivity ρ. The inverse problem resolves the
electrodes- (5, 7, 9, 11... 1) with voltage measured at the actual resistivity distribution ρ(x, y) from all possible
other 13 electrodes with electrode 2 as a reference. This
procedure gives a further 91 differential voltage surface measurements of . The forward problem is
measurements. From these 91 + 91 = 182 measurements, simply described as “model parameter” ==> “data”, and an
only 104 data are independent. The cross method does not inverse problem can be described as “data” ==>“model
have as good a sensitivity in the periphery as does the parameter”. The forward problem is well-posed but the
adjacent method, but has better sensitivity over the entire inverse problem is highly ill-posed and non-linear. There are
region[1]. different numerical methods such as the finite difference
method (FDM), the boundary element method (BEM), and
E. Trigonometric Method the finite element method (FEM) used for solving the
In the abovementioned methods, current has been injected forward problem.
with a pair of electrodes and the differential voltages have The regularization technique is widely used in EIT image
been measured between different pairs of electrodes without reconstruction to deal with ill-conditionness of EIT. To
the current electrodes. Gisser et al. [15] proposed a current solve ill-conditioned problems numerically, a priori (i.e. in
injection method called the adaptive method or advance) information about the solution, such as an
trigonometric method. In this method current is injected on assumption on the smoothness or a bound on the norm, is
all electrodes and voltages are measured on all electrodes. needed. This technique is the regularization. Regularization
Because current flows through all electrodes at the same can avoid the unexpected situation of data over-fitting.
time, as many independent current injectors are needed. In Regularization applies a priori constraint to calculate
the case of the 16-electrode EIT system needs 16 current “reasonable” solutions. The regularization method is
injectors. The electrodes can be fed a current from -I to +I, generally classified into three types: back-projection
allowing different current distributions. In trigonometric method, iterative method and one-step linearized method.
method, the boundary potentials are measured with respect
to a single grounded electrode. So, for a 16-electrode EIT A. Back Projection Method
system, this method produces 15 voltage measurements. The The principle is similar to the back-projection reconstruction
current projection is then rotated one electrode increment used in CT. For EIT, each measured voltage is assumed to
and other projections are obtained. As a result, this current be proportional to the impedance between the driven and the
injection method produces eight different current projections measuring electrode pairs. Equipotential back projection
yielding 8 X 15 = 120 independent voltage data. The method [16] is back-projects the impedance change recorded
noticeable disadvantage of this method is that current drivers between two electrodes onto the reconstruction model
are needed for each electrode and the unknown contact (normally a 2D circular image), along the region defined by
impedance will have an effect on the reconstruction. the equipotential lines ending on those electrodes shows in
figure 5. The back-projection method intrinsically
II. RECONSTRUCTION OF EIT IMAGES introduces blur effect so that normally a filtering process is
applied to compensate high frequency information
The problem of recovering an unknown conductivity from afterward.
boundary data is severely ill-posed and the solution depends
continuously on the data. In impedance tomography, the B. Iterative Method

Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) and Its Medical Applications: A Review

This method requests a full reconstruction of the the expected value of image. are modelled a
conductivity distribution using iterative approach which
considers intrinsic nonlinearity. The linearization of EIT
forward model is valid only under the condition that the Let . Here is the
conductivity changes are of low amplitudes. This condition mean of noise amplitude and is the a priori amplitude of
holds for small changes below 20% of the reference value. image element values. The measurement accuracy is
However, for some physiological activities such as modelled by W. For uncorrelated noise, each diagonal
pulmonary ventilation during deep breathing, this condition element of W is proportional to the corresponding channel
is not valid any more. The nonlinear method is applicable signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). This one-step linearized
for these cases (with certain conditions apply). reconstruction gives results in a fast solution which is
applicable for real time functional imaging. But, the
It works as follows (as shown in Figure 5):
disadvantage is less accurate compare with iterative method.
First an estimation of the conductivity distribution;
Calculate the estimated voltage values through forward III. DISCUSSION.
Compare the estimated values with the original The images are reconstructed for this review from the
recorded voltage data and the error is used to calculate boundary data collected from the phantom or object with
the deviation between the real and the estimated different current patterns using Electrical Impedance and
conductivities; Diffuse Optical reconstruction Software (EIDORS) [20-21].
The conductivity vector estimated is then be adjusted. EIDORS is open source software which is MatLab based
This procedure is repeated until the error between the image reconstruction algorithm. EIDORS is used to
estimated and recorded voltages is minimized to an reconstruct the images from electrical or diffuse optical data
acceptable level. which is developed with Gauss Newton method. Forward
problem and inverse problems are solved with a Finite
element method (FEM). For this review, the EIT data’s are
taken from EIDORS for creating the reconstruction image.

Figure.5. EIT image reconstruction principle by back-projection

based on equipotential region (from Holder 2005). (a) Forward
projection of EIT. (b) Back projection of EIT.

This method provides more accurate but slower solution

compared with the one step linear reconstruction, so that it is
suitable for anatomical imaging. But, iterative method is
argued to be sensitive to errors. These errors accumulate
through iterations and this may introduce instabilities.
Figure. 6. Voltage pattern for adjacent stimulation
Hence, iterative methods are good for cases where subjects
have well such as tank measurement, and one-step
reconstruction is better for in vivo dynamic system
C. One-Step Linearized Method
This approach simplifies the solution as

It addresses the inverse solution as a linear reconstruction
matrix B and allows use of advanced regularization methods
to solve the inverse problem. The Gauss-Newton (GN)
method in EIT [17-19] estimates a solution by minimizing

Figure.7. Voltage pattern for opposite stimulation
Where is the covariance matrix of the
The voltage pattern for adjacent stimulation which shows
measurement noise n. Since noise channels are independent, (Figure.6.) that the current is injected in the adjacent
Σn is a diagonal matrix with , where σi2 is the electrodes and potentials are measured in remaining adjacent
electrodes. In this pattern the forward problem is solved
noise variance at channel. Here is the
using FEM models. Figure.7. shows that the voltage pattern
covariance matrix of the desired image and x0 represents for opposite stimulation, in which the current is injected in

International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-3, Issue-4, September 2013
the opposite electrodes and potential differences are available in market. . But In the application of control
measured on the voltage electrodes with respect to the ventilation, an automatic system could be useful in order to
reference electrode adjacent to the current-injecting better manage of Acute and Weaning phases of mechanical
electrode. ventilation. To enabling the clinically useful automatic
In case of thoracic imaging, EIT is used to measuring the system,
ventilation, perfusion and gas exchange. EIT images reflect The systems should be readily available at a affordable
the lung function which means EIT displays ventilated lung cost
regions rather than morphological or anatomical structures EIT data and images should be accessible in standard
of the lung. EIT images are contained regional information, formats
when pathological conditions like pleural effusion or EIT should be robust against electrode contact problems
atelectasis lead to non-aerated and non-ventilated lung and electrical interference problems.
regions. Meanwhile EIT images display lungs regions with Reconstruction Software should have a spontaneous
trapped air (e.g. pneumothorax) in black because they are interface focused on the real-time clinical user.
not ventilated and also partially or not ventilated regions are To enhance clinical decision making, automated
displayed in dark blue or black color. Figure 8. shows the approaches for data analysis and interpretation must be
some of the examples of EIT status images [23]. included.
In the future, EIT is almost undoubtedly useful in the
diagnosis of pulmonary problems, especially for heavily
instrumented patients in the ICU to whom the compactness
and bedside suitability of EIT are most helpful.

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Dr. R. Harikumar received his B.E (ECE) Degree

from REC (NIT) Trichy in 1988..He obtained his
M.E (Applied Electronics) degree from College of
Engineering, Guindy, Anna University Chennai in
1990. He was awarded Ph.D. in I &C Engg from
Anna university Chennai in 2009. He has 22 years of
teaching experience at college level. He worked as
faculty at Department of ECE, PSNA College of
Engineering & Technology, Dindigul. He was Assistant Professor in IT at
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. He also worked as Assistant
Professor in ECE at Amrita Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. Currently
he is working as Professor ECE at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,
Sathyamangalam. He has published fifty six papers in International and
National Journals and also published around ninty three papers in
International and National Conferences conducted both in India and abroad.
His area of interest is Bio signal Processing, Soft computing, VLSI Design
and Communication Engineering. He is guiding nine PhD theses in these
areas. He is life member of IETE, ISTE, IAENG and member IEEE.

Mr. R.Prabu received his B.E (EEE) degree from

Bharathiyar University in 1999. He obtained his
M.Tech (Biomedical Signal Processing and
Instrumentation) degree from SASTRA university
thanjavur in 2004. He has eight years of industrial
experience and three years teaching experience at
college level. He is pursuing his doctoral programme
as a research scholar in Biomedical Engineering under guidance of Dr.
R.Harikumar at Department of ECE, Bannari Amman Institute of
Technology Sathyamangalam. Currently he is working as Assistant
Professor in Department of Biomedical Engineering at Velalar College of
Engineering Technology, Erode. He has published around five papers in
International and National Conferences conducted in India. His area of
interest is Bio signal Processing, Soft computing, Biomedical
Instrumentation and Biomechanics. He is life Member of ISTE and BMESI.

Dr.S.Raghavan having 31 years of teaching (U.G.,

P.G., and Research) experience in the National
Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India as a
Senior Professor. Developed Microwave and
Microwave Integrated Circuits Lab. Obtained B.E.
(ECE) degree from College of Engineering, Guindy,
M.Sc. (Engg) in Microwave Engineering from
College of Engineering, Trivandrum and PhD (Microwave Integrated
Circuits) from IIT, Delhi under the guidance of Prof. Bharthi Bhat and Prof.
S.K.Koul. He has published above hundred papers in International and
National Journals and also published around hundred and fifty papers in
International and National Conferences conducted both in India and abroad.
His area of interests are Microwave integrated circuits, Biological effects of
Microwaves, Computer Aided Design of MICS, Biomedical Informatics,
Meta Materials, Bio MEMS, and RF MEMS. Senior member of IEE in
MTT and EMBS. Life Fellow in BES, Fellow in IETE and IE. Life member
ASI. Member in TSI, SOI.


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