SHS Business-Finance
SHS Business-Finance
SHS Business-Finance
ABM 2206
Course Content 3
Overview of Business 7
Key Ideas in Finance 15
The Influence of Philippine Business Environment on
Financial Goals, Policy and Management 19
Financial Policy, Planning and Control Functions 22
Promotion 26
Feasibility Studies 27
Time Value of Money 35
Financial Statement Analysis 43
Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 49
Operating Leverage and Financial Leverage 53
Limitations of Financial Statements 57
Working Capital Management 62
Sources of Funding 72
Capital Budgeting 99
Mergers and Acquisitions 115
Business Failures and Remedies 118
Midterm Examination 128
Final Examination 134
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Course Content
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Eugene Brigham,
CENGAGE Learning,
Week 13 Sources of Long – Term Capital Identify the different Business Finance
sources of long-term Mejorada, Nenita D.
Internal Sources capital thru internal JMC Press, 2006
External Sources and external
financing Basic Finance,
Mayo, Herbert
Identify the pros and C & E Publishing, Inc.
cons Assess the 2011
costs involved
Introduction to
Scott, Besley;
Eugene Brigham,
CENGAGE Learning,
Introduction to Financial
Scott, Besley;
Eugene Brigham,
CENGAGE Learning,
Basic Finance,
Mayo, Herbert
C & E Publishing, Inc.
Business Finance
Week 17 Business Failure and Demonstrate Mejorada, Nenita D.
Remedies awareness on
JMC Press, 2006
business failures
Basic Finance,
Identify the causes Mayo, Herbert
and remedies of
C & E Publishing, Inc. 2011
business failure
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Introduction to Financial
Scott, Besley;
Eugene Brigham,
CENGAGE Learning,
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Business in the Philippines and in other countries of the free world is basically
capitalistic in nature. This means that society entrusts the workings of business process
to the guidance of the private businessman. In every economy, certain basic functions
have to be accomplished—the determination of what, how, how much and for whom to
produce, the allocation of the goods and services produced, further growth of the
economy, the distribution of economic benefits and maintenance of relations with other
An organization of people with varied skills, which uses property or talents to
produce goods or services, which can be sold to others for more than theircosts
Any lawful economic activity concerned with making goods available as well as
rendering of useful services to those who want and need them
The business is primarily concerned with the creation of form utility or the
production of goods that are used either by the consumer and are therefore called
consumer’s goods or by other industries in the further production of other goods and
therefore called producer’s goods
The business is engaged in the transfer or exchange of goods and services with
the movement of goods from the point of production to point of consumption. It covers
buying, selling, marketing and merchandising which are directly involved in the transfer
of goods
The business caters to the personal needs of people or with rendering of a
personal service
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Advantages Disadvantages
It is easy to organize. The governmental Limited ability to raise capital. The
requirements are minimal business depends only on the financial
resources that can be procured by the sole
Decisions can easily be made inasmuch as The sole proprietor has unlimited liability.
they are made by the owner himself Business creditors can go after his
personal assets to satisfy their claims
Financial operations are not complicated Limited ability to expand. This is due to its
inasmuch as this type of organization is limited capital and operations are limited
generally for small-scale business only to areas in which the sole proprietor
has expertise
The owner is entitled to all the profits his The owner has nobody to share with the
business realizes burden of decision making and losses he
might incur
An association of two or more persons who bind themselves to contribute money,
property or industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing profits among
Has a juridical personality separate and distinct from that of each of the partners. As
such, the partnership can acquire and possess property of all kinds as well as incur
obligations and bring civil or criminal actions in conformity with laws
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Every partner is an agent of the partnership so that every act of his, including the
execution of any instrument in the partnership name, for apparently carrying
partnership business in the usual way, binds the partnership. An exception to this is
when the partner so acting has in fact no authority to act for the partnership in the
particular matter and the person with whom he is dealing knows that he has no such
Partnership profits and losses are divided based on the agreement between
themselves. In the absence of stipulation in the partnership contract, the same shall
be divided based on their capital contribution. An industrial partner shares in profits
based on what may be just and equitable under the circumstances. If besides his
services, he contributes capital so that he in effect is an industrial-capitalist partner, he
shall also receive a share in the profits in proportion to his capital
Advantages Disadvantages
It is easy to form. This is because the Partners have unlimited liability for
partnership is subject to less legal partnership debts
Flexibility of operations. Its choice of It has limited life because it can easily be
activities is not subject to as many dissolved. A partnership, being a contract
restrictions. Inasmuch as there generally between the partners, is dissolved based
are few owners in a partnership, an on their agreement and upon the
agreement among partners can be easily withdrawal, incapacity or death of a
arrived at without unnecessary delay partner, etc.
It is expected to be operated more Limited ability to raise capital. The amount
efficiently when compared with a sole of capital depends on how much can be
proprietorship because of the presence of contributed and/or procured by the
more owners. In other words, “two heads partners
are better than one”
Partners are expected to have great
interest in the operations of the partnership
because of their unlimited liability for
partnership debts aside from their shares
in profits
An artificial being created by operation of law having the right of succession and
the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Advantages Disadvantages
Its cost of formation and operation is
It has a legal capacity to act as a legal unit relatively high
Its formation and management are
It has continuity of existence relatively complicated
Management is centralized in the board of It is subject to greater degree of
directors or trustees governmental control and supervision
The creation, organization, management It has limited powers. A corporation can
and dissolution processes are do only what is expressly or impliedly
standardized because they are governed allowed by law or its articles of
by one general incorporation law incorporation
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
To Earn Profit
Funds are invested in a business to earn sufficient return on investment. Goods
and services are made available to the public and are billed to customer with
sufficient markup to cover operating expenses, financing charges, income taxes and
desired net income. Net income realized results in an increase in assets and owners’
equity. Part of it may be distributed to the owners of the business (or declared as
dividends in the case of a corporation) with the remainder left in the business (or
plowed back into the business). Among investors, a summary figure is used
regarding the profitability of an enterprise. This is the earnings per share (EPS)
figure. It is used in evaluating past operating performance of a business, in forming
an opinion as to its potential, and in making investment decisions. The simplest
formula in computing for EPS is:
Net Income Related to Common Stock
Weighted Ave. No. of Shares Outstanding of Common Stock
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1 Asset size of a medium-scale enterprise 1
2 Part owners of a corporation 2
3 A form of organization where there is only one owner 3
4 Any lawful economic activity concerned with making 4
goods available as well as rendering of useful services
to those who want and need them
5 The corporators mentioned in the articles of 5
6 An association of two or more persons who bind 6
themselves to contribute money, property or industry to
a common fund, with the intention of dividing profits
among themselves
7 It is used in evaluating past operating performance of a 7
business, in forming an opinion as to its potential and in
making investment decisions
8 It covers buying, selling, marketing and merchandising 8
which are directly involved in the transfer of goods
9 It is measured in terms of increase in assets that 9
appreciate in value, greater production capacity and
increase in owners’ equity
10 An artificial being created by operation of law having the 10
right of succession and the powers, attributes and
properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its
11 The ability to weather the ups and downs in the 11
12 The governing body in a stock corporation 12
13 The business is primarily concerned with the creation of 13
form utility or the production of goods
14 It reflects a company’s ability to absorb losses 14
15 Asset size of a large-scale enterprise 15
16 Its primary source is the owners’ investment or capital 16
placed in the business
17 Asset size of a micro-enterprise 17
18 It is considered the margin of safety to creditors 18
because it is the amount by which assets may decline in
value and still the entity will be able to pay the claims of
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
its creditors
19 The governing body in a non-stock corporation 19
20 The business caters to the personal needs of people or 20
with rendering of a personal service
1 A sole proprietorship has limited ability to raise capital 1
2 Every partner is an agent of the partnership 2
3 The corporation has a legal capacity to act as a legal unit 3
4 The shareholders can transfer their shareholdings without the 4
consent of other shareholders
5 A corporation has limited powers 5
6 Owners’ equity is the difference between total assets and total 6
liabilities of an entity
7 A sole proprietorship is easy to organize 7
8 Net asset value is reduced by losses and distribution of earnings 8
9 The greater is the owners’ equity, the more stable a company is 9
10 The sole proprietor has unlimited liability 10
11 Shareholders have limited liability 11
12 Partnership profits and losses are divided based on the agreement 12
between themselves
13 The proprietor is entitled to all the profits his business realizes 13
14 Partnership has limited life because it can easily be dissolved 14
15 A corporation has the right to continuous existence irrespective of 15
the death, withdrawal, insolvency, or incapacity of the individual
member or stockholders
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
To understand this objective, think of a firm as a pie. The ingredients that go into
the pie include: the acquisition of resources for the firm and the financing and
management of these resources. How effectively these resources are used is
determined by how much someone else is willing to pay for a claim on them. That is,
if firm B believes it can use firm A’s resources more efficiently, it will offer to buy those
resources. Market forces will operate in the negotiations between the two firms so
that the firm that places the higher value on the resources will obtain them. For
publicly owned firms, the value of the firm itself is determined by the trading of stocks
and bonds in the financial markets.
Thus the financial markets come into play. The financial markets will recognize
the results of the value-maximizing decisions and the market value of the firm will
increase. Conversely, the financial markets will also respond when the firm makes
poor decisions, the market value of the firm will decrease.
Acquisition of Assessment of
Resources how effective the
Financing the ingredients are Value
Resources as reflected of the
Management of by the financial Firm
Resources markets
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
In the context of firm, the owners (the principals) engage the managers as their
agent to operate the firm on their behalf.
In larger firms, however, management often owns only a small percentage of the
firm’s outstanding common stock. In this case, managers may be “satisfiers” rather
than maximizers. That is, their goal may be performance that ensures their own
career security and advancement, rather than the goal of maximizing the value of the
firm. Why? It is because only a small percentage of manager’s wealth comes from
changes in the value of the firm’s common stock. This conflict in goals might cause
managers to bypass a risky but potentially beneficial new investment. They may
prefer a safe project to a risky one that, if it fails, might cause the loss of their jobs.
Efficient Market - one in which market prices quickly reflect all available information
about the firm
In an efficient market, the best indication of what a firm is worth is to look at what
someone is willing to pay for a claim on the firm
When there is plenty of information and many informed and active investors,
markets tend to be efficient
If the market is efficient, trust market prices
If the market is not efficient, market values do not necessarily reflect the economic
value of the assets
Cash Flows - the actual movement of cash into or out of a firm, not earnings
This amount is not the same as earnings or net income in an accrual based
accounting sense. There is a fundamental difference between accounting and financial
management. The accountant looks at earnings; financial managers use cash flows.
Earnings are only a clue to the ability of the firm to generate cash flows. Earnings are
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
often misleading because they are calculated by matching revenues and expenses in
the proper time period based on historical costs.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Over time, as the sales are corrected, the firm’s cash flow problem will probably
be corrected. But the firm will suffer from a shortage of cash during the next quarter. If
we had looked at the 280 net income figure as reported in the income statement, we
would not know of the firm’s financial problems until the crunch was on.
If cash flows are maximized, the accounting numbers (over time) will reflect this
success and the value of the firm will be maximized. Inadequate cash flows also will be
reflected eventually in the firm’s accounting statements and its market price.
Where other things being equal, the required return demanded by investors
increases as they take on more risk. If firms or individuals desire higher returns, then
they must bear more risk.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
The unique Philippine business environment influences the financial policy and
management practices of Philippine business firms. These conditions are:
High inflation
Chronic shortage of long-term capital
Underdeveloped equity and bond markets
Relatively concentrated industries
Active participation by the government in industry
High risk economic and political environment
Philippine business firms have to face the fact that inflation will remain a primary
unresolved problem in our economy. Some effects of inflation on corporate financial
policy and practices are the following:
purchasing power of the funds upon repayment. If savers will not be compensated for
the diminished value of their capital upon maturity, they would tend to favor investment
of their funds in goods rather than in loans.
For various reasons, particularly the undeveloped capital market and inflation, the
availability of long-term capital remains a recurring problem for Philippine business firms.
The frequency and amount of public offerings of stocks in the primary market (fresh
equity shares offered to the public for the first time) is quite limited. The financial sector
with the largest resources, the commercial banking system, concentrated their portfolios
in short-term lending rather than in medium and long-term loans. The banking reforms
of 1980 which set up the unibank system in the country was a response to the need to
expand the long-term capital base.
Both the primary and secondary markets for corporate long-term equity and debt
instruments have remained undeveloped in this country. The relatively small primary
equity market implies that it would be difficult for Philippine corporations to raise equity
capital from a wide base of stockholders. This partly explains why most Philippine
corporations, large or small, are “closely-held”, i.e., controlled by a few individuals or
families. The trading in the Stock Exchange constitutes a negligible proportion of total
assets and capital of the Philippine corporate sector. The secondary market for bonds
and long-term debt is dormant, with a few listed bonds, which are mostly government
issues. The few primary issues by some large corporations were mostly private issues
to a few institutions primarily insurance companies and trust departments of banks. A
major consequence of the limited capital market is the fact that the majority of Philippine
companies are forced to raise capital by relying on internally generated savings, private
equity issues to existing stockholders and trade from established suppliers.
The government could take either a posture of pure policy-making or indirect role
in industries/markets or conversely, a participating or direct role.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
dual “carrot” (incentive) and “stick” (regulation) role of the government. Examples are
taxes and import restrictions as well as incentives to priority industries.
There are some obvious finance policy implications on the government’s multiple
roles in industry. First, the financial goals and policies of the firm should take into
consideration the prevailing government policies for the industry. Second, the financial
policies of the firm may have to be adapted to a rather unique competitor—the
government. In some instances, a government corporation has more access to
resources—statutory provisions for fresh equity contributions and subsidies to
government corporations and the requirement that national treasury funds be deposited
in government banks are examples. In other instances, there may be some perceptions
and fear within private corporations that their government counterparts can also change
the rules of the game while the market competition is in progress.
The firm should be prepared to set its financial goals and policies within the
context of the likely future environment.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Investment Policy
Choice of product lines and capital projects
Capital Structure Policy
Working Capital Policy: balancing short-term versus long-term assets and
Leverage Policy: balancing long-term financing, i.e., debt versus equity
Growth Strategy
Whether growth should be pursued using internally generated funds or through
mergers and consolidations
Whether to integrate toward raw material production and marketing (vertical
integration) or toward diverse products/services (conglomerate or horizontal
Dividend Policy
Whether to follow a systematic pattern of earning retention or dividend distribution
Project Management
Assure that long-term projects are implemented according to planned investment
outlays and to yield forecasted cash returns
Working Capital Management
Cash Management
- Provide for adequate cash balance for day-to-day operating needs
- Maximize returns on idle cash through investment in marketable
- Institute proper control of cash
Accounts Receivable Management
- Optimize the accounts receivable investment through an evaluation of
the trade-off between lost sales opportunities and bad debts
- Institute sound credit evaluation and collection procedure
Inventory Management
- Determine inventory levels by optimizing the trade-off between inventory
carrying cost, ordering cost and lost sales opportunities
- Institute sound inventory control procedures
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Financial Forecasting
Cash Budgeting: forecast of cash needs and sources
Profit Planning: forecast of revenues and expenditures
Balance Sheet Forecasting: anticipating future assets, liabilities and net worth
position of the firm
Financial Analysis
Capital Budgeting Techniques: evaluation of long-term investments
Operating Leverage Analysis: cost-volume profit relationships
Financial Leverage Analysis: the effect of debt on earnings to common
Analysis of pricing and costs
Financial Performance and Evaluation
Financial ratios as overall indicators of performance
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1 A contract in which one party engages another to 1
perform a service and delegate some decision-making
authority to the agent
2 Corporations controlled by a few individuals or families 2
3 Choice of product lines and capital projects 3
4 One in which market prices quickly reflect all available 4
information about the firm
5 Balancing short-term versus long-term assets and 5
6 Forecast of cash needs and sources 6
7 Evaluation of long-term investments 7
8 The actual movement of cash into or out of a firm, not 8
9 Cost-volume profit relationships 9
10 The effect of debt on earnings to common stockholders 10
11 Anticipating future assets, liabilities and net worth 11
position of the firm
12 New minus existing cash flows 12
13 The uncertainty of something happening of a less-than- 13
desirable outcome
14 The return necessary in order for a firm or investor to 14
accept a certain level of risk
15 Determine inventory levels 15
1 For publicly owned firms, the value of the firm itself is determined 1
by the trading of stocks and bonds in the financial markets
2 Earnings are only a clue to the ability of the firm to generate cash 2
3 When there is plenty of information and many informed and active 3
investors, markets tend to be efficient
4 The expected value of the firm at any point in time is equal to the 4
present value of the expected cash flows
5 The financial markets will recognize the results of the value- 5
maximizing decisions and the market value of te firm will increase
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Any person who complies with the necessary formalities of company registration,
finds directors and shareholders for the new company, acquires business assets
for use by the company, and negotiates business contracts on behalf of the
company and the like. In order to be regarded as promoter, it is not necessary
that the person should be involved in every stage of company’s formation
One who undertakes to form a company with reference to a given project and to
set it going and who takes the necessary steps to accomplish that purpose
Feasibility Studies
The promoter after having conceived a business opportunity analyzes the
opportunity to see whether it is feasible, technically as well as economically. Therefore,
the promoters undertake detailed feasibility studies so as to investigate all aspects of the
business that they intend to begin with the help of various tools like a study of the market
trend, industry trend, market survey, etc. and with the help of specialists like engineers,
chartered accountants etc. A venture is only feasible when it passes all the three below
mentioned tests.
Technical feasibility: Sometimes an idea may be good and unique but technically
not possible to execute because the required raw material or technology may not
be easily available. Every business requires funds.
Financial feasibility: Sometimes it may not be feasible to arrange a large amount
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
of funds needed for the business in the limited available means. Also, financial
institutions may hesitate to grant huge amounts of loan for the new businesses.
Economical feasibility: A business opportunity may be technically and financially
feasible but not economically feasible. It may not be a profitable venture or may
not yield enough profits. In such a case, the promoters refrain from starting the
Name Approval
Once the promoters have decided to launch a company next step is to select a
name for the company and get it registered.
Appointment of Professionals
Promoters are also required to appoint certain professionals. These professionals
such as mercantile bankers, auditors, lawyers, etc. help them in the preparation of
necessary documents that are required to be filed
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
It helps planners focus on the project and narrow down the possibilities.
Accordingly, a feasibility study can provide reasons not to pursue the said project
or proposal.
When it comes to the operational aspect, the analysis determines whether the
plan has the necessary resources for it to be practicable. It will also help you
figure out whether or not the people will support the subsequent product or
You can have knowledge on the trends because a feasibility study looks at the
present-day market and studies the anticipated growth of your target business
I. Executive Summary
II. Business Concept
III. Description of the Business
IV. Vision of the Business
V. The Market
A. Customers
B. Competitors
C. Market Research
D. Marketing Plan
1. Product
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotion
E. Sales Plan
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Brief History:
- Name of business
- How was it conceive
- How did the business developed
Business Form
Principal Activity
Owner(s) – Skills & Experience
Products or Services
Sales/Marketing Geographical Area
Selling methods or techniques
Workforce complement
Customers’ needs being satisfied
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
If you understand & can supply the products and services that satisfy the needs
and wants of your customers, then your business will probably be successful.
Market Research
Getting information about your customers is called market research.
Very important for any business.
Many questions to be asked about your customers.
- Who are the different types of customers for your business?
- What products or services do they want?
- How much are they willing to pay?
- Where are they and where do they buy?
- How often and how much do they buy?
- Has the number been growing in the past?
- Will it still grow in the future?
- Why do customers buy particular products and services?
- Are people looking for something different?
- Are there similar products and services which are not available nearby?
Market research can be done in many practical ways:
- Conduct a survey.
- Talk to people that you think will buy from your business.
- Listen to what customers say of your competitors’ businesses.
- Ask people why they buy from some businesses and not fromothers.
- Ask your suppliers which goods sell well.
- Read business manuals, newspapers, trade journals and magazines.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
4P’s of Marketing
Product – the products or services you sell to your customers.
Price – what you charge for the products or services you sell to your customers.
Place – where your business is located.
Promotion – how you tell your market about your business and how you attract
customers to buy your products or services.
For the business to run smoothly, efficiently and successfully, it has to be
This means knowing:
- What needs to be done
- How and where it is to be done
- The people to do the work
- What staff your business will need?
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
- How much space your business needs for shop, workshop, storeroom,
office & public facilities?
- What machines and equipment are necessary?
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Every business has many other inputs aside from business personnel, space and
For retailers & wholesalers – lighting, water, forms, etc.
For repair shops and manufacturers – materials, parts, accessories, supplies,
lighting, water, etc.
You pay for all of these items, thus it is important that you know exactly how much
you will need for your business.
Costs are the money your business spends to make and sell products or services.
Costing helps your business to:
- Set prices
- Reduce and control costs
- Make better decisions about what to do in your business
- Plan for the future
A business owner needs to know in detail the costs of running the business
because if you do not know your costs you cannot set prices.
Many small and even large businesses get into financial difficulties because they
do not do their costing.
You have to know whether the total costs of your business will be covered by the
money coming from your expected sales or whether losses will be incurred
Costs can be separated in different ways. The most common way is to group
costs into categories according to the different production inputs:
- Staff costs
- Material costs
- Other costs
- Capital costs
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Different businesses have different costs. But in every business, there are only
two types of costs:
- Direct costs
- Indirect costs
Direct costs are all costs that are directly related to the products or services your
business makes or sells. Direct costs are divided into: direct material cost (the
money your business spends on the parts and materials that become part of, or
are directly related to, the products or services you make or sell) and direct labor
cost (all the money your business spends on wages, salaries and benefits for the
people who are directly involved in the production of your product or services)
Indirect costs are all other costs, except direct costs, that you have for running
your business, for example, rent, interest and electricity. They are not related to
one particular product or service. They are general costs for running your
business. Indirect costs are often called overhead
The total cost of making or selling a product or providing a service is the sum of
all the direct costs and indirect costs.
For your business to run efficiently and profitable, you must understand how to
organize and control your business finances.
Basic tools in managing finances are financial planning and records-keeping.
If you can work out what is likely to happen in the future, you will have better
control of your money.
Business planning helps you find out what is likely to happen to your business in
the future.
Financial planning will help you:
- Estimate what your costs and sales are likely to be during the year;
- Identify financial problems your business may have during the year and
work out what to do to solve them before they happen; and
- Present a clear picture of the financial workings of your business to a bank
if you apply for a loan.
To help you estimate and control your profit and cash flow, you should make two
financial documents: Sales and Costs Plan and Cash Flow Plan
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Time value of money (TVM) is the idea that money that is available at the present
time is worth more than the same amount in the future, due to its potential earning
capacity. This core principle of finance holds that provided money can earn interest, any
amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.. In simpler terms, it would be
safe to say that a peso was worth more yesterday than today and a peso today is worth
more than a peso tomorrow.
The time value of money is also related to the concepts of inflation and
purchasing power. Both factors need to be taken into consideration along with whatever
rate of return may be realized by investing the money. Inflation and purchasing power
must be factored in when you invest money because to calculate your real return on an
investment, you must subtract the rate of inflation from whatever percentage return you
earn on your money. If the rate of inflation is actually higher than the rate of your
investment return, then even though your investment shows a nominal positive return,
you are actually losing money in terms of purchasing power. For example, if you earn a
10% on investments, but the rate of inflation is 15%, you’re actually losing 5% in
purchasing power each year (10% – 15% = -5%).
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Simple Simple interest is computed on the original amount as the return on that
Interest principal for one time period.
Compound interest is computed on the original amount as the return on
that principal plus all unpaid interest accumulated to date. Compound
interest is always assumed in TVM problems. This is a powerful
Compound concept that means money can grow at an exponential rate depending
Interest on how often interest is credited to the account. Once interest is
credited, it becomes in effect principal. Hence, it is very critical you
understand the compounding frequency of your investment prior to
committing your money to it
Fixed Fixed interest rate is a straight forward rate that remains constant
Interest Rate during the life of the loan or investment.
Variable Variable interest rate changes during the life of the loan and is usually
Interest Rate tied to the prime rate. It can go up or down depending on the prime rate
Mixed Mixed interest rate changes from fixed to variable or from variable to
Interest Rate fixed. It has some merits depending on your situation, but it is nota
rate you would want to choose for a long-term investment or debt.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Suppose you are depositing an amount today in an account that earns 5% interest,
compounded annually. If your goal is to have P5,000 in the account at the end of six
years, how much must you deposit in the account today?
The following information is given:
Future value = P5,000
interest rate = 5%
number of periods = 6
PV = P5,000 / (1.3401)
PV = P3,731
We can use the present value table (or table of discount factors) to solve for the present
PV = FV (discount factor for i and n)
The discount factor, from the table, is 0.7462. Therefore,
PV = P5,000 (0.7462)
PV = P3,731
A company has made an investment in government bonds. The bonds will generate an
interest income of P25,000 each year for 5 years. The interest rate is 10% compounded
The following information is given:
the amount of each annuity payment = P25,000
interest rate = 10% compounded annually
number of periods = 5
PV = P25,000 x 3.791
= P94,775
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Suppose you are depositing P5,000 today in an account that earns 5% interest,
compounded annually. What will be the balance in the account at the end of six years if
you make no withdrawals?
The following information is given:
present value = P5,000
interest rate = 5%
number of periods = 6
We want to solve for the future value.
FV = PV (1 + i)n
We can use the future value table (also known as the table of compound factors) to
solve for the future value.
The following information is given:
present value = P100,000
interest rate = 7%
number of periods = 5
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
We can compute future value of an annuity using future value of an annuity of 1 table:
7% interest rate; 5 periods
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1. Mr. A owes a total of P153,000 which includes 12% interest for the three years
he borrowed the money. How much did he originally borrow?
2. If we want P100,000 three years from now and the compounded interest rate is
8%, how much should we invest today?
5. You have P90,000 to deposit. ABC Bank offers 12 percent per year compounded
semiannually, while XYZ Bank offers 12 percent but will only compound
annually. How much will your investment be worth in 10 years at each bank?
6. What is the future value of P25,000 invested for 30 years at an average rate of
return of 7%?
7. Suppose that you start a savings plan by depositing P10,000 at the beginning of
every year into an account that offers 8% per year. If you make the first deposit
today, and then three additional ones, how much will have accumulated after four
8. Your client is 40 years old and wants to begin saving for retirement. You advise
the client to put P50,000 a year into the stock market. You estimate that the
market’s return will be on average of 12% a year. Assume the investment will be
made at the end of the year. How much money will she have by age
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Holding of Share
Shareholders are the owners of the company. Time and again, they may have to
take decisions whether they have to continue with the holdings of the company's share
or sell them out. The financial statement analysis is important as it provides meaningful
information to the shareholders in taking such decisions.
Extension of Credit
The creditors are the providers of loan capital to the company. Therefore they may
have to take decisions as to whether they have to extend their loans to the company and
demand for higher interest rates. The financial statement analysis provides important
information to them for their purpose.
Investment Decision
The prospective investors are those who have surplus capital to invest in some
profitable opportunities. Therefore, they often have to decide whether to invest their
capital in the company's share. The financial statement analysis is important to them
because they can obtain useful information for their investment decision making
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
There are at least four traditional techniques of interpreting financial statements, namely:
Horizontal or Comparative Analysis
Trend Analysis
Vertical or Common-size Analysis
Financial Ratio Analysis
The base may be the last year’s data, budgeted data, average industry data or
chief competitor’s data
The percentage of change is not computed if the denominator or the base is zero
or negative
Getting the changes in amount and percentage is not the end-in-view of financial
statement analysis. The interpretation about those changes is more relevant
Trend Analysis
Trend analysis extends beyond two years.
It uses indexes and ratios to simplify the visible complications of numbers
contained in the financial reports.
Financial data expressed in indexes and ratios are easily readable than those
presented in terms of millions of pesos
Indexes are expressed in hundreds while ratios are expressed in normal decimal
places. In computing the trend index or ratio, the base year (100%) is normally
the earliest year. The choice of the base year is, however, purely judgmental.
Financial Ratios
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Profitability Ratios
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Liquidity Ratios
Current Assets Net sales / Indicates the reasonableness of the
Turnover Average current assets amount of current assets
Indicates the amount invested by the
Net Working Capital Current assets less business to operate its normal
current liabilities business activities
Measures a rough estimate on the
ability of the business to meet its
Current Assets Ratio Current assets / currently maturing obligations; this ratio
Current liabilities varies in great disparity from one
industry to another
A more severe test of immediate
liquidity to meet currently maturing
Quick Assets Ratio Quick assets / obligations; quick assets include cash,
Current liabilities marketable securities and receivables;
this ratio is also referred to as acid-test
Growth Ratios
EACS / Average Measures the value of common stock
Earnings Per Share common shares by attributing to it a portion of the
outstanding company’s earnings
Price-Earnings Ratio Market price per share/ Measures the profitability of the firm in
(Earnings Multiple) Earnings per share relation to the market value of the stock
Dividend per share / Measures the rate of cash return to
Dividend Yield Ratio Market price per share investment in stock
Represents the percentage of net
Dividend Payout Dividend per share / income distributed as dividends; a low
Ratio Earnings per share payout ratio may indicate a high
investment of profits by a growth-
oriented firm
Indicates the value of the stock on cost
Book Value Per Stockholders’ equity / perspective; the relevance of this ratio
Share Average shares diminishes when the balance sheet
outstanding valuation does not approach fair
market values
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Leverage Ratios
Cost Volume Profit (CVP analysis), also commonly referred to as Break Even
Analysis, is a way for companies to determine how changes in costs (both variable and
fixed) and sales volume affect a company’s profit. With this information, companies can
better understand overall performance by looking at how many units must be sold to
break even or to reach a certain profit threshold or the margin of safety.
The regular income statement follows the order of revenues minus cost of goods
sold gives gross margin, while revenues minus expenses lead to net income. A
contribution margin income statement follows a similar concept but uses a different
format by separating fixed and variable costs.
The contribution margin is the product’s selling price less the variable costs
associated with producing that product. This value can be given in total or per unit.
CM Income Statement Example: Consider the following example in order to calculate the
five important numbers listed above.
CM ratios and variable expense ratios are numbers that companies generally
want to see to get an idea of how significant variable costs are.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
A high CM ratio and a low variable expense ratio indicate low levels of
variable costs incurred.
2. Break-Even Point
The break-even point (BEP), in units, is the number of products the company
must sell to cover all production costs. Similarly, the break-even point in pesos is the
amount of sales the company must generate to cover all production costs. The
formula is shown below:
It is quite common for companies to want to estimate how their net income
will change with changes in sales behavior. For example, companies can use sales
performance targets or net income targets to determine their effect on each other.
Therefore, to earn at least P100,000 in net income, the company must sell at
least 22,666 units.
4. Margin of Safety
In addition, companies may also want to calculate the margin of safety. This
is commonly referred to as the company’s “wiggle room” and shows by how much
sales can drop and yet still break even.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Therefore, sales can drop by P240,000 or 20% and the company is still not
losing any money.
Finally, the degree of operating leverage (DOL) can be calculated using the
following formula:
The DOL number is an important number because it tells companies how net
income changes in relation to changes in sales numbers. More specifically, the
number 5 means that a 1% change in sales will cause a magnified 5% change in net
Many might think that the higher the DOL, the better for companies. However,
the higher the number, the higher the risk, because a higher DOL also means that a
1% decrease in sales will cause a magnified, larger decrease in net income,
ultimately decreasing its profitability.
Putting all the pieces together and conducting the CVP analysis, companies can
then make decisions on whether to invest in certain technologies that will alter their cost
structures, and determine the effects on sales and profitability much quicker.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
The hardest part in these situations involves determining how these changes will
affect sales patterns: will sales remain relatively similar, will they go up or will they go
down? Once sales estimates become somewhat reasonable, it then becomes just a
matter of number crunching and optimizing the company’s profitability.
Leverage is a firm’s ability to employ new asset or funds to create better returns
or to reduce costs. That’s why leverage for any company is very significant.
There are two kinds of leverage – operating leverage and financial leverage.
When we combine the two, we get a third type of leverage – combined leverage.
Operating leverage can be defined as firm’s ability to use fixed costs (or
expenses) to generate better returns for the firm.
Financial leverage can be defined as firm’s ability to increase better returns and
to reduce the cost of the firm by paying lesser taxes.
Operating Leverage vs Financial leverage (Comparison Table)
Basis for
Operating Leverage Financial Leverage
Financial Leverage
& Operating
Operating leverage can be Financial leverage can be
defined as firm’s ability to use defined as firm’s ability use
fixed costs to generate more capital structure to earn better
returns. returns and to reduce taxes.
It’s about the fixed costs of It’s about the capital structure
What it’s all about?
the firm. of the firm.
Operating leverage measures Financial leverage measures
Measurement the operating risk of a the financial risk of a
business. business.
Calculation Operating leverage can be Financial leverage can be
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Operating Leverage
The higher the degree of operating leverage, the greater the potential danger
from forecasting risk, where a relatively small error in forecasting sales can be magnified
into large errors in cash flow projections.
The Operating Leverage and Degree of Operating Leverage
One conclusion companies can learn from examining operating leverage is that
firms that minimize fixed costs can increase their profits without making any changes to
the selling price, contribution margin or the number of units they sell.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Most of a company’s costs are fixed costs that recur each month, such as rent,
regardless of sales volume. As long as a business earns a substantial profit on each
sale and sustains adequate sales volume, fixed costs are covered and profits are
Other company costs are variable costs that are only incurred when sales occur.
This includes labor to assemble products and the cost of raw materials used to make
products. Some companies earn less profit on each sale but can have a lower sales
volume and still generate enough to cover fixed costs.
For example, a software business has greater fixed costs in developers’ salaries
and lower variable costs in software sales. As such, the business has high operating
leverage. In contrast, a computer consulting firm charges its clients hourly and doesn't
need expensive office space because its consultants work in clients' offices. This results
in variable consultant wages and low fixed operating costs. The business thus has low
operating leverage.
Key Takeaways
Companies with high operating leverage must cover a larger amount of fixed
costs each month regardless of whether they sell any units of product.
Low-operating-leverage companies may have high costs that vary directly with
their sales but have lower fixed costs to cover each month.
The operating leverage formula can show how a company's costs and profit
relate to each other, and show that reducing fixed costs can increase profits
without changing sales quantity, contribution margin or selling price.
Financial Leverage
Financial leverage is the main source of financial risk. By issuing more debt, the
company incurs the fixed costs associated with the debt (interest payments). The
company’s inability to meet the obligations may result in financial distress or even
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
The degree of financial leverage is a financial ratio that measures the sensitivity
in fluctuations of the company’s overall profitability to the volatility of its operating income
caused by changes in its capital structure. The degree of financial leverage is one of the
methods used to quantify a company’s financial risk (the risk associated with how the
company finances its operations).
There are several ways to calculate the degree of financial leverage. The choice
of the calculation method depends on the goals and context of the analysis. For
example, a company’s management often wants to decide whether it should or should
not issue more debt. In such a case, net income would be an appropriate measure of the
company’s profitability:
Finally, there is a formula that allows calculating the degree of financial leverage
in a particular time period:
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
ABC Corp. is preparing to launch a new project that will require substantial
external financing. The company’s management wants to determine whether it can
safely issue a significant amount of debt to finance the new project. Currently, the
company’s EBIT is P500,000, and interest payments are P100,000.
In order to make the decision, the company’s management wants to examine the
degree of financial leverage ratio:
It shows that a 1% change in the company’s leverage will change the company’s
operating income by 1.25%.
A high degree of financial leverage indicates that even a small change in the
company’s leverage may result in a significant fluctuation in the company’s profitability.
Also, a high degree of leverage may translate to a more volatile stock price because of
the higher volatility of the company’s earnings. Increased stock price volatility means the
company is forced to record a higher expense for outstanding stock options, which
represents a higher cost of debt. Therefore, companies with extremely volatile operating
incomes should not take on substantial leverage because there is a high probability of
financial distress for the business.
The limitations of financial statements are those factors that a user should be
aware of before relying on them to an excessive extent. Knowledge of these factors
could result in a reduction of invested funds in a business, or actions taken to investigate
further. The following are all limitations of financial statements:
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Inflationary effects
If the inflation rate is relatively high, the amounts associated with assets and
liabilities in the balance sheet will appear inordinately low, since they are not being
adjusted for inflation. This mostly applies to long-term assets.
Subject to fraud
The management team of a company may deliberately skew the results
presented. This situation can arise when there is undue pressure to report excellent
results, such as when a bonus plan calls for payouts only if the reported sales level
increases. One might suspect the presence of this issue when the reported results spike
to a level exceeding the industry norm.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Not verified
If the financial statements have not been audited, this means that no one has
examined the accounting policies, practices, and controls of the issuer to ensure that it
has created accurate financial statements. An audit opinion that accompanies the
financial statements is evidence of such a review.
No predictive value
The information in a set of financial statements provides information about either
historical results or the financial status of a business as of a specific date. The
statements do not necessarily provide any value in predicting what will happen in the
future. For example, a business could report excellent results in one month, and no
sales at all in the next month, because a contract on which it was relying has ended.
Financial statements are normally quite useful documents, but it can pay to be
aware of the preceding issues before relying on them too much.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1 Measures the number of times profit will increase or 1
decrease in relation to change in sales
2 Indicates the efficiency in credit and collection policies 2
3 The process of analyzing a company’s financial 3
statements for decision-making purposes
4 Measures a rough estimate on the ability of the business 4
to meet its currently maturing obligations
5 Measures profit percentage per peso of sales 5
6 A more severe test of immediate liquidity 6
7 Measures the profitability of the firm in relation to the 7
market value of the stock
8 They are responsible for taking decisions and 8
formulating plans and policies for the future
9 Measures the rate of cash return to investment in stock 9
10 Measures the use of debt to finance operations 10
11 Indicates the number of times inventories were acquired 11
and sold during the period
12 Measures the relative share of creditors over the total 12
resources of the firm
13 Measures the risk associated in using debt to finance 13
14 The providers of loan capital to the business 14
15 Measures the amount of resources provided by the 15
owners of the firm
16 Also known as break-even analysis 16
17 Determines the accounting rate of return on every peso 17
of investment in a project or business
18 The product’s selling price less the variable costs 18
associated with producing the product
19 Measures the rate of earnings per share of common 19
20 The number of products the company must sell to cover 20
all production costs
21 Presents the difference in absolute amount and in 21
percentage between two compared variables
22 This is commonly referred to as the company’s wiggle 22
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
23 It tells how net income changes in relation to changes in 23
sales numbers
24 The firm’s ability to employ new asset or funds to create 24
better returns or to reduce costs
25 It gets the proportional component of each of the 25
variables in the financial statements in relation to a
chosen base
26 Costs that are only incurred when sales occur 26
27 The main source of financial risk 27
28 The amount of sales the company must generate to 28
cover all production costs
29 Measures the long-term debt paying ability of the firm 29
30 It uses indexes and ratios to simplify the visible 30
complications of numbers contained in the financial
1 In vertical analysis, the base in the net income is the total assets 1
2 A high contribution market and a low variable expense ratio indicate 2
low levels of variable costs incurred
3 Operating leverage is about the capitals structure of the firm 3
4 Financial leverage is about the fixed costs of the firm 4
5 Trend analysis extends beyond two years 5
6 Ratios have greater disparities from one industry to another 6
7 The higher the DOL, the higher the risk 7
8 Variable costs only occur when sales occur 8
9 The higher the degree of operating leverage, the greater the potential 9
danger from forecasting risk
10 The degree of operating leverage is usually lower than the break-even 10
11 Firms that minimize fixed costs can increase their profits without 11
making any change in the selling price
12 Companies with high operating leverage must cover a larger amount 12
of fixed costs regardless of whether they sell any units of products
13 Highly leveraged companies may face significant financial problems 13
during recession
14 The company’s inability to meet the obligations may result in financial 14
15 The management team of a company may deliberately skew the 15
results presented in the financial statement
Computation: Get a copy of a company’s financial statement for the past 2 years and
analyze it using the different financial statement analysis techniques
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Float - the length of time between writing of a check and receipt of funds so that the
recipient can draw upon them (that is, when it has good funds)
Cash budget - forecast of how much collections and inflows are expected at what
time and the corresponding amount and timing of cash payments
Minimum cash balance - the level of average cash a firm maintains on hand
calculated to be able to meet all cash demands and maturing obligations
within a specified period
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Since most business sales are made on credit terms, the investment in
receivables represents a major and continuing commitment of funds for most business
enterprises. The investment is increased as new credit sales are recorded and is
reduced as payments in settlement of purchase obligations are received from customers
or bad debts are written off.
The trade-offs involved in credit standard choice is quite clear. A “loose credit
standard will increase sales but will also increase the amount of funds tied up in
receivables and could increase bad debts because of credit extended to marginal
customers. A “tight” standard reduce these two problems but may prevent the company
from optimizing on its sales potential.
The trade-offs suggest that the finance manager should evaluate alternative
credit and collection policies. The policy which yields the highest expected net benefit
should be adopted by the company. In principle, the optimal credit standard is that level
where the margin on incremental sales equals the required return on additional
investment in receivables.
The finance manager must respond to such problems as: a) How to determine an
appropriate credit standard based only on observable attributes of the customer b) How
to estimate the effect on sales and any increase in bad debts. The traditional
specification of the customer’s attributes is the so-called “five Cs of credit – character,
capacity, capital, collateral and condition.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Character – the customer’s payment habits and attitudes, i.e., his willingness to pay
Capacity – the customer’s ability to pay as reflected in his cash flows
Capital – the net worth position of the customer relative to outstanding debts
Collateral – any asset which can be pledged against the debt
Condition – the economic factors which affect the customer’s capacity to pay
We can further simplify the above classification by referring to only the first two
elements: character and capacity. The capacity to pay can be expanded to include not
only the primary source of repayment (cash flows) but also the secondary sources
(capital and collateral). Similarly, the economic conditions influence both the customer’s
willingness and ability to pay. Between the two factors, the capacity to pay is the more
observable attribute of the customer.
Credit Terms – the conditions of sales on account which include the credit period and
any cash discounts given to encourage prompt payment
In either case, the incremental approach to the choice problem can be applied.
An extension of the credit period will probably increase sales and profits and should be
done for as long as it compensates for the opportunity cost on the higher investment in
accounts receivable. On the other hand, a decision to grant cash discounts will reduce
margins as well as the investment in accounts receivable for any given level.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1. Accounting statements
2. Credit ratings and reports
3. Banks
4. Trade associations
5. Company’s own experience
Collection Policy
Stages of Collection
1. Preliminary stage- usually involves the sending of monthly statements
2. Reminder stage – reminder is sent to customer several days after due date
3. Follow-up stage – where successive action are undertaken at regularly spaced
4. Drastic stage – this stage is only resorted to if the company is ready to lose the
customer (collection is through an attorney or collection agency)
Functions of Inventory
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
that exist during certain seasonal periods. These inventories are aptly named
seasonal inventories.
3. To decouple operations
Unless successive steps in production or distribution systems have a
buffer of inventories between them, they will be so interdependent than an
interruption at one point will quickly cause the entire system to halt, as individual
steps in the operations have to cease and operations shut down after the other in
domino fashion.
4. To protect against stock outs
Delayed deliveries and unexpected increases in demand increase the risk
of shortages. Delays can be due to weather conditions, supplier stock-outs,
deliveries of wrong materials, quality problems and so on. The risk of shortages
can be reduced, by holding safety stocks, which are stocks in excess of
anticipated demand.
5. To take advantage of order cycles
To minimize purchasing and inventory costs, it is often necessary to buy
quantities that exceed immediate usage requirements. Similarly, it is usually
economical to produce in larger rather than in small quantities, again, in excess
output which will be stored for later use.
6. To hedge against price increases
Occasionally, a firm will suspect that a substantial price increase is about
to be made and purchase larger-than-normal amounts to achieve some savings
7. To permit operations
The fact that production operations take a certain amount of time means
that there will be generally be some work-in-process inventory. In addition,
intermediate stocking of goods – including raw materials, semi-finished and
finished goods at production
1. Price decline
2. Obsolescence
3. Risk to liquidity
Inventory Costs
Holding or carrying costs – relate to physically holding items in storage. They include
interest, insurance, taxes, depreciation, obsolescence, deterioration, spoilage, pilferage,
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
breakage and warehousing costs (heat, light, rent, security). It also includes opportunity
costs associated with having funds tied up in inventory that could be used elsewhere
Ordering costs – are the costs associated with ordering and receiving inventory. These
costs include determining how much is needed, typing up invoices, inspecting goods
upon arrival for quality and quantity and moving the goods to temporary storage. When
a firm produces its own inventory instead of ordering it from a supplier, the costs of
machine setup (preparing equipment for the job by adjusting the machine, changing
cutting tools and so on) are analogous to ordering costs
Shortage costs – results when demand exceeds the supply of inventory on hand. The
costs can include the opportunity cost of not making a sale, loss of customer goodwill,
lateness charges, and similar costs. Furthermore, if the shortage occurs in an item
carried for internal use, the cost of lost production or downtime is considered a shortage
cost. Shortage costs are usually difficult to measure, and they are often subjectively
Example: Assume that the total requirement is 5,000 units per year, ordering cost is
P200 per order and carrying cost is P50 per unit per year.
Quantity Discount
The issue in quantity discount is whether the company should deviate from its
EOQ formula in order to take advantage of the discount.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
The incremental cost is the additional carrying cost less the reduction in ordering costs
due to fewer orders. Let Q’ be the minimum order size to avail the discount.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1 Set of screening or pre-qualification standards set by the 1
company relative to its customers
2 Responsible for monitoring and following up on 2
3 Stock or store of goods 3
4 Its goal is to ensure that a firm is able to continue its 4
operations and that it has sufficient ability to satisfy both
maturing short-term debt and upcoming operational
5 That level where the margin on incremental sales equals 5
the required return on additional investment in
6 The customer’s ability to pay as reflected in his cash 6
7 The length of time between writing of a check and 7
receipt of funds so that the recipient can draw upon
8 Collection stage resorted to if the company is ready to 8
lose the customer
9 These could include the opportunity cost of not making a 9
sale, loss of customer goodwill, lateness charges
10 Forecast of how much collections and inflows are 10
expected at what time and the corresponding amount
and timing of cash payments
11 The optimum quantity of goods to be purchased at one 11
time in order to minimize the inventory costs
12 The customer’s payment habits and attitudes 12
13 The costs associated with ordering and receiving 13
14 The level of average cash a firm maintains on hand 14
calculated to be able to meet all cash demands and
maturing obligations within a specified period
15 These are typically subassemblies or component parts 15
that will be used in the production of a final or finished
16 The net worth position of the customer relative to 16
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
outstanding debts
17 These are finished goods or other end items 17
18 Stocks in excess of anticipated demand 18
19 Any asset which can be pledged against the debt 19
20 Strategies, organization and procedures for recovery of 20
21 Costs related to physically holding items in storage 21
22 The conditions of sales on account which include the 22
credit period and any cash discounts given to encourage
prompt payment
23 The economic factors which affect the customer’s 23
capacity to pay
24 Collection stage which usually involves the sending of 24
monthly statements
25 The additional carrying cost less the reduction in 25
ordering costs due to fewer orders
1 A loose credit standard will lower sales 1
2 A loose credit standard will lower the amount of funds tied up in 2
3 An intensive collection effort will possibly lower sales and 3
contribution margin
4 Shortage costs are usually easy to measure 4
5 A tight credit standard may prevent the company from optimizing 5
its sales potential
6 A decision to grant cash discounts will increase profit margins 6
7 An intensive collection effort will lower bad debts 7
8 The policy which yields the highest expected net benefit should be 8
adopted by the company
9 Giving cash discounts will probably lead to higher sales and 9
contribution margin
10 An extension of the credit period will lead to a higher opportunity 10
cost due to higher investment in accounts receivables
1. What are the risks incurred when you keep/stock goods? Explain
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Sources of capital are the most explorable area especially for the entrepreneurs
who are about to start a new business. It is perhaps the toughest part of all the efforts.
There are various capital sources, we can classify on the basis of different parameters.
Choosing the right source and the right mix of finance is a key challenge for
every finance manager. The process of selecting the right source of finance involves in-
depth analysis of each and every source of fund. For analyzing and comparing the
sources, it needs the understanding of all the characteristics of the financing sources.
There are many characteristics on the basis of which sources of finance are classified.
On the basis of a time period, sources are classified as long-term, medium term,
and short term. Ownership and control classify sources of finance into owned capital and
borrowed capital. Internal sources and external sources are the two sources of
generation of capital. All the sources of capital have different characteristics to suit
different types of requirements.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Sources of financing a business are classified based on the time period for which
the money is required. The time period is commonly classified into following three:
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
They fall under long-term sources of finance- category because legally they are
irredeemable in nature. For an investor, these shares are a certificate of ownership in
the company by virtue of which investors are entitled to share the net profits and have a
residual claim over the assets of the company in the event of liquidation. Investors have
voting rights in the company and their liability to the company limits to the amount of
issue price of the equity stock.
Normally, a company is started with equity finance as its first source of capital
from the owners or promoters of that company. After a certain level of growth, there is a
requirement for more capital for further growth. The company then finds an investor in
the form of friends, relatives, venture capitalists, mutual funds, or any such small group
of investors and issue fresh equity shares to these investors.
A point comes where the company reaches a very big level and requires huge
capital investment for business growth. Initial Public Offer (IPO) is the offer of shares
which the company makes to the general public for the first time,
Equity financing is one of the main funding options for any corporation. To
understand the pros and cons of equity finance from a company point of view, let’s
discuss the benefits and disadvantages of equity as a source of financing.
4. Retained Earnings
A company develops an internal source of finance by having equity
finance on board. The earnings which a company generates using the capital can
be retained by the company to finance the increased working capital and other
fund requirements. It obviates the other hassles of raising funds via other
sources. Also, if the funds are utilized in projects with higher returns compared to
what is available to the equity shareholders, the company effectively achieves its
objective of shareholder’s wealth maximization.
5. Rights Shares
A company can get required capital via an issue of rights shares from its
existing capital providers which have almost nil floatation cost. Floatation cost is
the cost incurred in raising funds.
1. Floatation Cost
Financing through equity is the most difficult way of getting funds to the
company. Not only does it require a lot of statutory compliances but also have
other costs like fee of a merchant banker, other expenses such as brokerage,
underwriting fee, and lots of other issue expenses.
3. No Tax Shield
The dividends distributed to the shareholders are not a tax-deductible
expense. On the contrary, the interest expense is an eligible expense for tax
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
benefits. This benefit is not available to the equity source of financing and
therefore, it is considered as a costly source of financing.
4. Underwriting of Shares
At the time of offering equity shares to the public, the company normally
requires the appointment of underwriters. The job of an underwriter is to assume
the risk of subscription. Underwriters would agree to subscribe the shares to the
extent not subscribed by the general public and will charge a fee for that service.
The fee may be in the form of upfront payment or maybe a discounted equity
share price.
5. Dilution of Control
When a company raises funds via equity, it dilutes the existing
shareholder’s control. Percentage shareholding is reduced when new
shareholders are introduced. In the case of debt financing, the control does not
6. No Benefit of Leverage
Debt funding has an indirect benefit available to the existing owners.
Since a project with the higher rate of return (12%) than the cost of debt funds
(8%) would enhance the welfare of the shareholders. It is because the margin of
4% will be distributed to the existing shareholders. If the project was financed by
equity, this additional benefit would not have occurred to the existing
shareholders but would equally distribute between old and new shareholders.
Preference Shares
Preference shares are one of the special types of share capital having fixed rate
of dividend and they carry preferential rights over ordinary equity shares in sharing of
profits and also claims over assets of the firm. It is ranked between equity and debt as
far as priority of repayment of capital is concerned.
Preference shares are a long-term source of finance for a company. They are
neither completely similar to equity nor equivalent to debt. The law treats them as shares
but they have elements of both equity shares and debt. For this reason, they are also
called ‘hybrid financing instruments’. These are also known as preferred stock or
preferred shares.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1. Fixed Dividends
Like debt carries a fixed interest rate, preference shares have fixed
dividends attached to them. But the obligation of paying a dividend is not as rigid
as debt. Non-payment of a dividend would not amount to bankruptcy in case of
preference share.
3. No Voting Rights
Preference share capital is not allotted any voting rights normally. They
are similar to debenture holders and do not have any say in the management of
the company
4. No Share in Earnings
Preference shareholders can only claim two things. One agreed on
percentage of dividend and second the amount of capital invested. Equity shares
are entitled to share the residual earnings and residual assets in case of
liquidation which preference shares are not entitled to.
5. Fixed Maturity
Just like debt, preference shares also have fixed maturity date. On the
date of maturity, the preference capital will have to be repaid to the preference
shareholders. A special type of shares i.e. irredeemable preference shares is an
exception to this. They do not have any fixed maturity.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
profits, the preference dividend would be paid first and the remaining profits can
be utilized for paying any dividend to equity shareholders.
3. No Fixed Maturity
The maturity of a special variant of preference share is not fixed just like
equity shares. This variant is popularly known as irredeemable preference
3. No dilution in control
Issue of preference share does not lead to dilution in control of existing
equity shareholders because the voting rights are not attached to the issue of
preference share capital. The preference shareholders invest their capital with
fixed dividend percentage but they do not get control rights with them.
4. No Charge on Assets
While taking a term loan security needs to be given to the financial
institution in the form of primary security and collateral security. There are no
such requirements and therefore, the company gets the required money and the
assets also remain free of any kind of charge on them.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
3. Preference in Claims
Preference shareholders enjoy a similar situation like that of an equity
shareholder but still get a preference in both payment of their fixed dividend and
claim on assets at the time of liquidation.
Term Loan
The term loan is a long term secured debt extended by banks or financial
institutions to the corporate sector for carrying out their long-term projects maturing
between 5 to 10 Years which is normally repaid in monthly or quarterly equal installment.
They are an external source of finance paid in installments governed by loan agreement
and covenants.
All the capital requirements cannot be fulfilled by the promoters or equity share
issues and that is where the term loans come into the picture. Term loan or project
finance is a long-term source of finance and a credit appraisal for a company normally
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
The term loan is a type of funding which is most suitable for projects involving
very heavy investment which is not possible by an individual or promoters. Big projects
cannot be concluded in a year or two.
To yield return from them, the long-term perspective is required. Such big
ventures are normally financed by big banks and financial institutions. If the investment
is too large, several banks come together and finance it. Such type of term loan funding
is also called as consortium loan.
The term loan is acquired for new projects, diversification of business, expansion
projects, or for modernization or technology upgrade. Here also, the underlying fact is
that the investment in these projects is normally very huge. Lack of option of funding
from other sources such as equity etc for any reason also directs a company to go for
the term loan.
2. Secured Loan
Term loans come under the secured category of loans. Two kinds of
securities are there – primary and collateral. Primary security is the asset which
is purchased using the loan amount and collateral security is the charge on other
assets of the borrower.
3. Loan Instalments
Repayment of the loan is done in installments. These installments cover
both principal and interest. Normally, loan installments are decided by banks
based the borrower’s cash flow capacity. There may be installments paid
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
4. Maturity
Normally a term loan is ranging between 5 to 10 years. Forecasting for
more than 10 years in the current changing business environment is very difficult.
5. Loan Agreement
An agreement is drafted between the borrower and the bank regarding
the terms and conditions of the loans which are signed by the borrower and is
preserved with a bank.
6. Loan Covenant
Debt covenants are a part of a loan agreement. They are certain
statements in the agreement which states certainly do’s and dont’s for the
company. They are normally related to use of assets, creation of liabilities, cash
flow, and control of the management. They are positive/ affirmative or negative in
Debentures are one of the common long-term sources of finance. They normally
carry a fixed interest rate and a certain date of maturity. Debentures are issued to the
general public and therefore the financier is the general public.
Since both debentures and term loans are types of debt financing, they share
basic characteristics of debt and hence their advantages and disadvantages are also
similar. Following are some benefits and disadvantages of debt financing (debentures or
term loans) from the point of view of a company.
1. Benefit of Tax
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
3. No Dilution of Control
Issuing of debentures or accepting bank loan does not dilute the control
of the existing shareholders or the owners of the company over their business. If
there is a rise in the same fund using equity finance, there are chances of losing
the control of existing shareholders.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
holders. Since there is a definite interest cost on the debt. Therefore the returns
over and above the cost of interest spill over into the hands of shareholders only.
This is how financial leverage converts into wealth maximization. All this is true
under the condition that the rate of return on investment on debt funds is at least
greater than the percentage of interest.
6. Disciplinary Effect
There is a burden of interest despite business profit or loss, operational
situations etc. This makes the entrepreneur all the more cautious and committed
to managing the business and maintaining the cash flows effectively. It is
because a severe punishment i.e. ‘bankruptcy’ is enclosed for nonpayment of
debenture interest on time. It is similar to the situation of a car seat belt. One
uses it more because of the penalties, the government authority imposes rather
than for the safety reason. Similarly, a fixed installment of debt repayment brings
in a discipline in the management for better management of cash flows and other
8. Fixed Installments
Debt financing by term loan or debentures has fixed installments/coupon
payments till the maturity of the loan. In a rising economy with increasing
inflation, the effective cost of future installments decreases due to a decline in the
value of the currency.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
existing debenture. It can do so by offering premium and can issue new debt
financing at a lower interest rate.
1. Rigid Obligation
‘Interest paid to the debenture holders’ or ‘installment and interest of term
loan’ is a legal obligation and the business has to honor the same come what
may. This feature of debt financing, in general, creates a problem for the
business in the bad times. Economic and other environmental ups and down are
certain to come. Under those situations, a new business which is just about to
take off cannot have such disciplined cash flows to pay the interest or installment
Therefore, debenture and term loans are not a right kind of financing
option for them, especially in their nascent stage. This fixed expense may create
a big mismatch with their cash flows and the company may have to go into
bankruptcy. A term loan can still be viable because banks provide moratorium or
gestation period or at times adjust the obligation with the pattern of cash inflows
of the company. Such modifications are not possible in debentures.
3. Restrictive Covenants
In the trust deed formed between the company and the trustee bank or
financial institution, there are certain restrictive covenants which restrict the
hands of the management from doing business with liberty. There are various
restrictions with respect to usage of assets, the creation of liabilities, cash flows,
control etc. They may stumble upon every business decision and affect the
effectiveness of the overall decision-making process.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
conditions, the cash outflow remains constant but the value of the money
increases. To compare it with business situations, the market price of the
products of the company will decline in low inflationary conditions but the interest
payment will remain the same and hence that will create a loss-making
Venture Funding
Asset Securitization
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1. The retained earnings are easily available to the business, requiring no need to
consult its lenders or shareholders.
2. Control of the business is not weakened when it uses the retained earnings.
4. Stock markets view retained earnings in a more positive light than equities.
1. There is a limit to how much a firm can earn from the retained earnings. As the
companies are engaged in a stable dividend policy, the amount of the retained
earnings by the firms is highly variable.
2. There are many firms that do not fully support the opportunity cost of retained
earnings. This makes the retained earnings easily available, and they may invest
in the projects that are sub-marginal.
Medium term financing means financing for a period of 3 to 5 years and is used
generally for two reasons. One, when long-term capital is not available for the time being
and second, when deferred revenue expenditures like advertisements are made which
are to be written off over a period of 3 to 5 years.
Debenture / Bonds
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
A famous quote by Donald B. Grant says, “Why own a cow when the milk is so
cheap? All you really need is milk and not the cow.” The concept of Lease is influenced
by this quote. We can compare ‘milk’ with the ‘rights to use an asset’ and ‘cow’ with the
‘asset’ itself. Ultimately, a person who wants to manufacture a product using machinery
can get to use that machinery under a leasing arrangement without owning it.
At the conclusion of the lease period, the asset goes back to the lessor (the
owner) in an absence of any other provision in the contract regarding compulsory buying
of the asset by the lessee (the user). There are four different things possible post-
termination of the lease agreement.
Advantages of Leasing
2. Quality Assets
While leasing an asset, the ownership of the asset still lies with the lessor
whereas the lessee just pays the rental expense. Given this agreement, it
becomes plausible for a business to invest in good quality assets which might
look unaffordable or expensive otherwise.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
4. Tax Benefit
Leasing expense or lease payments are considered as operating
expenses, and hence, of interest, are tax deductible.
6. Better Planning
Lease expenses usually remain constant for over the asset’s life or lease
tenor or grow in line with inflation. This helps in planning expense or cash outflow
when undertaking a budgeting exercise.
8. No Risk of Obsolescence
For businesses operating in the sector, where there is a high risk of
technology becoming obsolete, leasing yields great returns and saves the
business from the risk of investing in a technology that might soon become out-
dated. For example, it is ideal for the technology business.
9. Termination Rights
At the end of the leasing period, the lessee holds the right to buy the
property and terminate the leasing contract, thus providing flexibility to business.
Disadvantages of Leasing
1. Lease Expenses
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Given that lease expenses reduce the net income without any
appreciation in value, it means limited returns or reduced returns for an equity
shareholder. In such a case, the objective of wealth maximization for
shareholders is not achieved.
4. Debt
Although lease doesn’t appear on the balance sheet of a company,
investors still consider long-term lease as debt and adjust their valuation of a
business to include leases.
7. No Ownership
At the end of the leasing period, the lessee doesn’t end up becoming the
owner of the asset though quite a good sum of payment is being done over the
years towards the asset.
Hire Purchase
An agreement in which the owner of the assets lets them on hire for regular
installments paid by the hirer. The hirer has the option to purchase and own the asset
once all the agreed payments have been made. These periodic payments also include
an interest component paid towards the use of the asset apart from the price of the
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
lets companies improve their earnings performance. Not just beneficial to the hirer, this
system is also the most effective and secure form of credit sales for the current owner of
the asset.
1. Total amount paid towards the asset could be much higher than the cost of the
asset due to substantially high-interest rates.
2. The long duration of the rental payments.
3. Ownership only at the end of the agreement. The hirer cannot modify the asset
till then.
4. The addition of any covenants increases the cost.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
5. If the hired asset is no longer needed because of any change in the business
strategy, there may be a resulting penalty.
Short term financing means financing for a period of less than 1 year. The need
for short-term finance arises to finance the current assets of a business like an inventory
of raw material and finished goods, debtors, minimum cash and bank balance etc. Short-
term financing is also named as working capital financing.
Trade Credit
2. Credit Period
The credit cannot be allowed for an infinite time period. It is the
maximum period of time before which a buyer is expected to make payment.
Beyond this period, the creditor may ask for interest on the amount at the rate
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
3. Cash Discount
It is the percentage of discount allowed by the creditor to the buyer to
encourage him to pay as early as possible.
3. Loss of Goodwill
Some managers have a tendency to delay payments till the last point
possible. But, they are unaware of the problems posed by their suppliers in
the absence of timely payment. Over a period of time, this idea impacts the
goodwill of the firm in the market. All the suppliers will come to know about
payment delays of the buying firm and will definitely entertain other buyers
first. The firm may face problems like late supplies, no supplies in
emergencies etc.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Factoring is a financial service in which the business entity sells its bill
receivables to a third party at a discount in order to raise funds. Factoring involves the
selling of all the accounts receivable to an outside agency. Such an agency is called a
factor. The seller makes the sale of goods or services and generates invoices for the
same. The business then sells all its invoices to a third party called the factor. The factor
pays the seller, after deducting some discount on the invoice value.
1. Factor collecting the money on behalf of the company can lead to stress in
the company and the client relationships.
2. The cost of factoring is very high.
3. Bad behavior of factor with the debtors can hamper the goodwill of the
4. Factors often avoid taking responsibility for risky debtors. So the burden of
managing such debtor is always in the company.
5. The company needs to show all details about company customers and sales
to factor.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
– recourse Factoring is the sale of account receivables to a third-party,
or non- often a financial institution, at a discount.
Receivable recourse
Financing Invoice discounting is a loan provided by a financial
Invoice institution with the account receivables used as collateral.
discountin The quality and liquidity of the receivables will determine the
g exact amount and pricing of the facility.
The bank will pay the supplier promptly in cash when the
invoice is issued and the company will repay the bank at a
later date. The company will effectively stretch its payables
Payables Payables
and benefit from better payment terms. Payables facilities
Financing Funding
are usually provided on an unsecured basis but a bank
could require a guarantee depending on the
creditworthiness of the counterparty.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1 Capital requirements for a period of more than 5 years 1
2 These are represent ownership in a company 2
3 The offer of shares which the company makes to the 3
general public for the first time
4 Measures the ratio of financing to equity and debt 4
5 It assumes the risk of subscription 5
6 One of the special types of share capital having fixed rate 6
of dividend and they carry preferential rights over
ordinary equity shares in sharing of profits
7 The asset which is purchased using the loan amount 7
8 Certain statements in the loan agreement which states 8
certainly do’s and don’ts for the company
9 They provide the funds to start ups in exchange for the 9
equity stake
10 The financial practice of pooling various types of 10
contractual debt
11 These are the accumulation of retained earnings and 11
depreciation charges
12 An arrangement between the lessor and the lessee 12
13 Asset-based loan secured by the inventory or a part of 13
the inventory
14 Also known as a spontaneous source of finance 14
15 The business entity sells its bills receivables to a third 15
party at a discount in order to raise funds
1 Capital expenditures in fixed assets are funded using long-term 1
sources of finance
2 Part of working capital which permanently stays with the business is 2
also financed with long-term sources of funds
3 Normally, a company is started with equity finance as its first source of 3
capital from the owners or promoters of that company
4 Debt financing is the permanent solution to financial needs of a 4
5 Equity mode of finance gives management a breathing space by 5
having no fixed obligation to pay dividends
6 Lower levered firms have higher chances of smooth borrowing of debt 6
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
in times of need
7 Since equity share investment is a high-risk investment, an investor 7
will always expect a higher rate of return
8 The dividends distributed to the shareholders are tax deductible 8
9 Interest expense is an eligible expense for tax benefits 9
10 Low leverage means high risk of bankruptcy 10
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Ideally, businesses should pursue all projects and opportunities that enhance
shareholder value. However, because the amount of capital available for new projects is
limited, management needs to use capital budgeting techniques to determine which
projects will yield the most return over an applicable period.
There are different methods adopted for capital budgeting. The traditional
methods or non-discount methods include: Payback period and Accounting Rate of
return method. The discounted cash flow method includes the Net Present Value (NPV)
method, profitability index method and Internal Rate of Return (IR
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Payback Period
This method refers to the period in which the proposal will generate cash to
recover the initial investment made. Simply put, it is the length of time an investment
reaches a break-even point.
It purely emphasizes on the cash inflows, economic life of the project and the
investment made in the project, with no consideration to time value of money. Through
this method selection of a proposal is based on the earning capacity of the project. With
simple calculations, selection or rejection of the project can be done, with results that will
help gauge the risks involved.
1. The payback period is useful from a risk analysis perspective, since it gives a
quick picture of the amount of time that the initial investment will be at risk. If
you were to analyze a prospective investment using the payback method, you
would tend to accept those investments having rapid payback periods and
reject those having longer ones.
2. It tends to be more useful in industries where investments become obsolete
very quickly, and where a full return of the initial investment is therefore a
serious concern. Though the payback method is widely used due to its
simplicity, it suffers from the following problems:
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
The formula for the payback method is simplistic: Divide the cash outlay (which is
assumed to occur entirely at the beginning of the project) by the amount of net cash
inflow generated by the project per year (which is assumed to be the same in every
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Example 2: Alas Lumber is considering the purchase of a band saw that costs
P2,500,000 and which will generate P500,000 per year of net cash flow. The
payback period for this capital investment is 5.0 years. Alas is also considering
the purchase of a conveyor system for P1,800,000 which will reduce sawmill
transport costs by P600,000 per year. The payback period for this capital
investment is 3.0 years. If Alas only has sufficient funds to invest in one of these
projects, and if it were only using the payback method as the basis for its
investment decision, it would buy the conveyor system, since it has a shorter
payback period.
The total cash flows over the five-year period are projected to be P2,000,000,
which is an average of P400,000 per year. When divided into the P1,500,000
original investment, this results in a payback period of 3.75 years. However, the
briefest perusal of the projected cash flows reveals that the flows are heavily
weighted toward the far end of the time period, so the results of this calculation
cannot be correct. Instead, the company's financial analyst runs the calculation
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
year by year, accumulating the cash flows in each successive year. The results
of this calculation are:
Year Cash Flow Cash Flows
1 +150,000 150,000
2 +150,000 300,000
3 +200,000 500,000
4 +600,000 1,100,000
5 +900,000 2,000,000
The table indicates that the real payback period is located somewhere between
Year 4 and Year 5. There is P400,000 of investment yet to be paid back at the
end of Year 4, and there is P900,000 of cash flow projected for Year 5.
The Payback is between years 4 and 5, since the cumulative net income reaches
P1,500,000 in that period..
This method takes into account the entire economic life of a project providing a
better means of comparison. It also ensures compensation of expected profitability of
projects through the concept of net earnings. However, this method also ignores time
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
value of money and doesn’t consider the length of life of the projects. Also it is not
consistent with the firm’s objective of maximizing the market value of shares.
In terms of decision making, if the ARR is equal to or greater than the required
rate of return, the project is acceptable because the company will earn at least the
required rate of return. If the ARR is less than the required rate of return, the project
should be rejected. Therefore, the higher the ARR, the more profitable the investment is.
There are several serious problems with the accounting rate of return concept,
which are:
Constraint analysis
The measure does not factor in whether or not the capital project under
consideration has any impact on the throughput of a company's operations.
System view
The measure does not account for the fact that a company tends to
operate as an interrelated system, and so capital expenditures should really be
examined in terms of their impact on the entire system, not on a stand-alone
The measure is not adequate for comparing one project to another, since
there are many other factors than the rate of return that should be considered,
not all of which can be expressed quantitatively.
Cash flow
The measure includes all non-cash expenses, such as depreciation and
amortization, and so does not reveal the return on actual cash flows experienced
by a business.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Time-based risk
There is no consideration of the increased risk in the variability of
forecasts that arises over a long period of time.
In short, the accounting rate of return is not by any means a perfect method for
evaluating a capital project, and so should be used only in concert with a number of
other evaluation tools. In particular, you should find another tool to address the time
value of money and the risk associated with a long-term investment, since this tool does
not provide for it.
Average investment = (book value at year 1+ book value at end of useful life) / 2
Average annual profit = total profit over investment period/number of years
The result of the calculation is expressed as a percentage.
Therefore, this means that for every peso invested, the investment will
return a profit of about 27 cents.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Less: Deprecation
(1,000,000 – 250,000)
Total Profit of Project 150,000
Net present value (NPV) is a calculation that compares the amount invested
today to the present value of the future cash receipts from the investment. In other
words, the amount invested is compared to the future cash amounts after they are
discounted by a specified rate of return. his method considers the time value of money
and is consistent with the objective of maximizing profits for the owners.
The first step involved in the calculation of NPV is the estimation of net cash
flows from the project over its life. The second step is to discount those cash flows at the
hurdle rate.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
The net cash flows may be even (i.e. equal cash flows in different periods) or
uneven (i.e. different cash flows in different periods). When they are even, present value
can be easily calculated by using the formula for present value of annuity. However, if
they are uneven, we need to calculate the present value of each individual net cash
inflow separately.
Once we have the total present value of all project cash flows, we subtract the
initial investment on the project from the total present value of inflows to arrive at net
present value.
1 − (1 + i)-n
NPV = R × − Initial Investment
R is the net cash inflow expected to be received in each period;
i is the required rate of return per period;
n are the number of periods during which the project is expected to
operate and generate cash inflows
R2 R3
NPV = R1 + + + ... − Initial Investment
(1+i)1 (1+i)2 (1+i)3
i is the target rate of return per period;
R1 is the net cash inflow during the first period;
R2 is the net cash inflow during the second period; R3 is the net cash
inflow during the third period, and so on ...
Decision Rule
In case of stand-alone projects,
accept a project only if its NPV is positive
reject it if its NPV is negative
stay indifferent between accepting or rejecting if NPV is zero.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Calculate the net present value of a project which requires an initial investment of
P243,000 and it is expected to generate a cash inflow of P50,000 each month for
12 months. Assume that the salvage value of the project is zero. The target rate
of return is 12% per annum.
We have,
Initial Investment = P243,000
Net Cash Inflow per Period = P50,000
Number of Periods = 12
Discount Rate per Period = 12% ÷ 12 = 1%
PV Factors:
Year 1 = 1 ÷ (1 + 18%)1 ≈ 0.8475
Year 2 = 1 ÷ (1 + 18%)2 ≈ 0.7182
Year 3 = 1 ÷ (1 + 18%)3 ≈ 0.6086
Year 4 = 1 ÷ (1 + 18%)4 ≈ 0.5158
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Year 1 2 3 4
Net Cash Inflow P3,411 P4,070 P5,824 P2,065
Salvage Value 900
Total Cash Inflow P3,411 P4,070 P5,824 P2,965
× Present Value Factor 0.8475 0.7182 0.6086 0.5158
Present Value of Cash Flows P2,890.68 P2,923.01 P3,544.67 P1,529.31
Total PV of Cash Inflows P10,888
– Initial Investment − 8,320
Net Present Value P2,568 thousand
Net present value accounts for time value of money which makes it a
better approach than those investment appraisal techniques which do not
discount future cash flows such as payback period and accounting rate of return.
Net present value is even better than some other discounted cash flows
techniques such as IRR. In situations where IRR and NPV give conflicting
decisions, NPV decision should be preferred.
NPV is after all an estimation. It is sensitive to changes in estimates for
future cash flows, salvage value and the cost of capital. NPV analysis is
commonly coupled with sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis to see how the
conclusion changes when there is a change in inputs.
Net present value does not take into account the size of the project. For
example, say Project A requires initial investment of P4 million to generate NPV
of P1 million while a competing Project B requires P2 million investment to
generate an NPV of P0.8 million. If we base our decision on NPV alone, we will
prefer Project A because it has higher NPV, but Project B has generated more
shareholders’ wealth per peso of initial investment (P0.8 million/P2 million vs P1
million/P4 million).
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
This is defined as the rate at which the net present value of the investment is
zero. The discounted cash inflow is equal to the discounted cash outflow. This method
also considers time value of money. It tries to arrive to a rate of interest at which funds
invested in the project could be repaid out of the cash inflows. It is called internal rate
because it depends solely on the outlay and proceeds associated with the project and
not any rate determined outside the investment. However, computation of IRR is a
tedious task.
Decision Rule
A project should only be accepted if its IRR is NOT less than the hurdle
rate, the minimum required rate of return. The minimum required rate of return is
based on the company's cost of capital (i.e. WACC) and is adjusted to properly
reflect the risk of the project.
When comparing two or more mutually exclusive projects, the project
having highest value of IRR should be accepted.
Since IRR is defined as the discount rate at which NPV = 0, we can write that:
NPV = 0; or
PV of future cash flows − Initial Investment = 0; or
+ + + ... – Initial Investment = 0
( 1 + r )1 ( 1 + r )2 ( 1 + r )3
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Find the IRR of an investment having initial cash outflow of P213,000. The cash
inflows during the first, second, third and fourth years are expected to be
P65,200, P96,000, P73,100 and P55,400 respectively.
Assume that r is 10%.
NPV at 10% discount rate = P18,372
Since NPV is greater than zero we have to increase discount rate,
thus NPV at 13% discount rate = P4,521
But it is still greater than zero we have to further increase the discount rate,
thus NPV at 14% discount rate = P204
NPV at 15% discount rate = (P3,975)
Since NPV is fairly close to zero at 14% value of r, therefore IRR ≈ 14%
Profitability Index
Decision Rule
Accept a project if the profitability index is greater than 1
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Profitability Index
Present Value of Future Cash Flows
Initial Investment Required
Net Present Value
Initial Investment Required
Company C is undertaking a project at a cost of P50 million which is expected to
generate future net cash flows with a present value of P65 million. Calculate the
profitability index.
Profitability Index = PV of Future Net Cash Flows / Initial Investment Required
Profitability Index = P65M / P50M = 1.3
Net Present Value = PV of Net Future Cash Flows − Initial Investment Required
Net Present Value = P65M – P50M = P15M.
The information about NPV and initial investment can be used to calculate
profitability index as follows:
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1 The length of time an investment reaches a break-even 1
2 The process in which a business determines and evaluates 2
potential large expenses or investments
3 A calculation that compares the amount invested today to 3
the present value of the future cash receipts from the
4 These are long-term investments which involve more 4
financial risks
5 The rate at which the net present value of the investment is 5
6 It is sometimes called benefit-cost ratio and is useful in 6
capital rationing since it helps in ranking projects based on
their peso return
1 Business should pursue all projects and opportunities that enhance 1
shareholder value
2 Capital investment decisions are reversible in nature 2
3 An investment with a shorter payback period is considered to be better 3
4 Accounting rate of return takes into account the entire economic life of 4
a project providing a better means of comparison
5 When cash flows are even, present value can be easily calculated by 5
using the formula for present value of annuity
6 Payback method tends to be more useful in industries where 6
investments become obsolete very quickly
7 In case of stand-alone projects, accept a project if its NPV is positive 7
8 Payback method and accounting rate of return consider time value of 8
9 If ARR is equal to or greater than the required rate of return, the 9
project is acceptable
10 If ARR is less than the required rate of return, the project should be 10
11 In case of mutually exclusive projects, accept the project with lower 11
12 NPV method accounts for time value of money 12
13 NPV does not take into account the size of the project 13
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the different capital budgeting
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
An acquisition involves one firm buying only a portion of another firm. The
acquisition may happen to acquire assets or an altogether different segment of the other
A merger involves the total absorption of a target firm by the acquirer. As a
result, one firm ceases to exist and only the new firm (acquirer) remains.
In Merger, A + B = C
In Acquisition, A + B = A
The process involving merger and acquisition is important as it can dictate the
benefits derived from the deal. The process involves the following steps:
1. Preliminary Valuation
This step primarily focuses on the business assessment of the target
company. Not only the latest financials of the target company are scrutinized, its
expected market value in future is also calculated. This close analysis includes
the company’s products, capital requirements, brand value, organizational
structure, etc.
2. Proposal Phase
Once the target company’s business performance is analyzed and
reviewed, the proposal for the business transaction is given. It could be either a
merger or an acquisition. Generally, the mode of giving a proposal is an issuance
of a non-binding offer document.
4. Marketing
Once the exit plan is finalized, the target company engages in a
marketing plan and aims to achieve the highest selling price.
5. Agreement
In the case of an acquisition deal, the purchase agreement is finalized. In
the case of a merger, the final agreement is signed.
6. Integration
This is the final step that involves the complete integration of the two
companies. It is important to ensure that the same rules are followed throughout
in the new company.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
1. Synergy
The synergy created by the merger of two companies is powerful enough
to enhance business performance, financial gains, and overall shareholders
value in long-term.
2. Cost Efficiency
The merger results in improving the purchasing power of the company
which helps in negotiating the bulk orders and leads to cost efficiency. The
reduction in staff reduces the salary costs and increases the margins of the
company. The increase in production volume causes the per unit production cost
resulting in benefits from economies of scale.
3. Competitive Edge
The combined talent and resources of the new company help it gain and
maintain a competitive edge.
4. New Markets
The market reach is improved by the merger due to the diversification or
the combination of two businesses. This results in better sales opportunities.
2. Decrease in Jobs
A merger can result in job losses. An acquiring company may shut down
the under-performing segments of the company.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Misplaced Focus
The focus is the art of converging your efforts into functional activities.
Entrepreneurs often think about making their services too much multidimensional. When
that goes across the board, your resources get overstretched unnecessarily. As a result,
your brand would be less effective to attract customers. This is considered as one of the
major reasons why businesses fail.
So, how to prevent a business failure that has been caused by your misplaced
Here are some effective ways to do it:
Establish a niche for your business
Set achievable goals
Prioritise your activities
Focus on being great at what you can offer best
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Don’t think about becoming the jack of all trades. Just concentrate on the right
segments, and you would surely make the best out of your services.
Incompetency in Planning
Strategic planning is crucial for your business success. As your business starts to
grow, you will need increased revenues to pay more employees. With bigger facilities,
there will be a hike in the production costs too. In such circumstances, not having a right
plan can affect your business growth significantly. Have you ever thought why plans fail?
It is because of:
Not understanding the business environment
Partial commitment
Not having a clear roadmap
Narrow focus
Here’s how to plan tactically:
Simplify your thoughts and stick to the basics
Get inside the minds of your competitors
Make accurate projections
Have enough capital
Know your strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly
With these actionable steps, now you know what to do when your business is in
trouble as a result of wrong planning.
No Performance Monitoring
As you successfully devise a plan, you feel quite confident about the
proceedings. But that’s not the end of it! Failure to adapt to market changes and
technological aspects can affect a business greatly. So, what to do when there is a lack
of performance monitoring?
Try these to resolve the issue:
Review your services regularly
Be reactive to competition
Clearly, define your value proposition
Gather relevant data
Ask yourself:
What’s the value I am providing to my customers?
Do my services connect with what has been promised earlier?
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
You should constantly evaluate the process to ensure you’re meeting the
business goals.
Premature Scaling
Scaling is essential for the positive growth of a business. But when a business
starts to spend money beyond the essentials, they unknowingly risk everything to
unknown possibilities. For example, if you hire more people than the requirement, or
spend too much on marketing, it gets wasted. Premature scaling never helps to grow
your business rapidly. So, what should be the strategy to avoid business failure due to
premature scaling?
Here are some effective ways to do it:
Avoid hastiness in achieving business growth
Take your time with funding
Validate your market thoroughly
Don’t drain your resources unnecessarily
Remember: It’s good to grow strong rather than accelerating too soon.
Funding Shortfall
Managing finance is one of the crucial aspects of any business. Besides securing
your business, it also helps in business growth. As you proceed along with your
business venture, you will require more funding to pay for:
new employees
developing new products and features
raw materials
A company that has inadequate cash, may not execute the chosen strategies at
the right time. Thus, it upsets the strategic plan which could have been essential to
business growth.
How to fund your business properly?
Get a bank loan
Look for multiple sources of finance
Try crowd funding
Seek help from angel investors
Pay heed to strategic partnership
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Inadequate Profit
Profits are the life-blood of business that paves the way for growth. If you can’t
achieve enough profit, it can result in:
laying off employees
selling equipment or assets
closing of underperforming business facilities
Here are some useful tips to increase profit:
Increase output
Make better use of production capacity
Reduce variable cost
Raise product prices
Ask for referrals
Use digital platforms to decrease marketing costs
If implemented properly, these can help you manage the crisis quite effectively.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Insufficient Coverage
Life is full of surprises and you can’t predict everything in advance. This is also
true in case of any business. If you don’t have enough coverage for your business, the
results could be catastrophic when there is a disaster. Eventually, you would end up
asking yourself: why my business failed?
Your contacts will provide you with potential clients, partnerships, suppliers and
even employees. And if lucky enough, you may even come across investors or mentors
who can provide you brilliant advice.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Even if they like your services, maybe they would love it more if you improve or
alter a particular feature. So, connect with them and find out their interests to provide
services accordingly.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Google AdWords
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
No Data Security
The information that you gather about your employees, customers and business
activities is highly sensitive. Any security breaches or physical damage can be
devastating for a business. Moreover, organizations with poor data security practices
can be sued legally.
Here are some ways through which you can secure necessary data:
Encrypt your data
Add anti-malware protection
Install software updates periodically
Secure your network connections
Change important passwords frequently
Update your OS
Limit access of sensitive information
No Contingency Plan
Having an effective backup plan is crucial for the safety of businesses in
hazardous situations. If you can’t face the negative situation efficiently, it might have a
dramatic impact on your business.
Here are the main instances where contingency plan helps a lot:
Mismanagement of assets
Sudden opening created by retirements
Unexpected departures of employees
Death of an important personnel
Natural disasters
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Thus, you can separate your services from the herd and make more profits.
Unsatisfactory Partnerships
Bringing diverse contributors together can be a challenging thing in case of
partnerships. When the objective doesn’t get unified and self-interests are valued more,
businesses can fail catastrophically.
Having right kind of partnership can help you in several ways, such as:
Access to marketing knowledge
Wider pool of expertise
Enhancement of competency in workforce
Reputation and credibility
Long-term stability
Choice of Location
At times, your organization might decide to relocate or open new branches in
new places. Expansion can be a terrible thing if you don’t have a proper idea of the new
A place that can’t offer you good employees, customer base and adds excess
expenditures on labour costs and transport, eventually would hinder your business
Before settling on business premises, focus on the following aspects:
Whether your services can attract customers
Where the suppliers are located and their accessibility
Whether your business would get competitive advantage
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
Failure can be a depressing thing. But knowing to learn from failure can help you
strengthen your marketing strategies significantly. With the above-mentioned points, now
you know what can be the main reasons of business failure and what to do when
business is failing
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
3. Cite some of the reasons why business fail and how they can be prevented
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
2. Differentiate horizontal analysis, vertical analysis and trend analysis and provide
scenarios to explain when these financial analysis tools should be used.
4. Conduct liquidity ratio analysis for Jollibee Foods using the available formula in
this module. Provide a narrative of your findings after every ratio computation.
5. Conduct capital structure ratio analysis for Jollibee Foods using the available
formula in this module. Provide a narrative of your findings after every ratio
6. Conduct asset management efficiency analysis for Jollibee Foods using the
available formula in this module. Provide a narrative of your findings after every
ratio computation.
7. Conduct profitability ratio analysis for Jollibee Foods using the available formula
in this module. Provide a narrative of your findings after every ratio computation
8. Conduct market value ratio analysis for Jollibee Foods using the available
formula in this module. Provide a narrative of your findings after every
ratio computation.
9. Provide a summary of all your findings and discuss the highlights and
lowlights of Jollibee Foods financial performance.
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
By: Bernadette M. Panibio and Michael Bryan G. de Castro
4. Differentiate the sources or short term, medium term and long term
financing. Provide 3 scenarios each per term and explain your
5. What do you think is the most important and most crucial step in
cash management – explain your answer by citing 2 scenarios.