Draft CAO On Fees and Charges For Implied Abandonment July 9, 2020 - 1594013843

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Introduction. This Customs Administrative Order (CAO) is issued pursuant to Section

204, Chapter 1, Title II, in relation to CAO No. 17-2019 on Abandonment: Kinds,
Effects and Treatment, Sections 1129 and 1130, Chapter 6, Title XI, Section 1300,
Title XIII, and other related provisions of Republic Act No. 10863, otherwise known as
the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA).

Section 1. Scope. This CAO shall cover all impliedly abandoned goods, whether for
consumption, warehousing, admission or transshipment.

Section 2. Objectives.

2.1. To effectively implement the provisions of the CMTA relating to

impliedly abandoned goods.

2.2. To impose penalties and/or charges on the Lifting, Claiming, or

recovery of proceeds in the sale of impliedly abandoned goods;

2.3. To provide guidelines on the imposition of fees and/or charges


Section 3. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this CAO, the following terms are
defined accordingly:

3.1. Claiming — shall refer to the privilege granted to the importer,

owner or consignee to lodge the Goods Declaration, or to cause
the release of the shipment where duties, taxes, and other
charges have already been paid, in its favor within a period
prescribed under the CMTA.

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
3.2. Date of Discharge of Last Package — shall refer to the date
when the last cargo intended for discharge in the port of entry
has been unloaded from the carrier.1

3.3. Filing — shall refer to the submission of the hard copy of the
Goods Declaration coupled with complete set of requisite
supporting documents.

3.4. Final Assessment — shall refer to the assessment deemed final

fifteen (15) days after receipt of the notice of assessment by the
importer or consignee.2

3.5. Goods Declaration — shall refer to a statement made in the

manner prescribed by the Bureau and other appropriate agencies,
by which the persons concerned indicate the procedure to be
observed in the application for the entry or admission of imported
goods and the particulars of which the customs administration
shall require.3

3.6. Lifting — shall refer to the process of allowing the Lodgement

and Filing of Goods Declaration or continuation of the customs
clearance process involving the shipment, and subsequent
release thereof to the owner, importer or consignee. This includes
the reactivation of the Bureau’s automated system for the
particular shipment or Goods Declaration from abandoned to
active status.

3.7. Lodgement — shall refer to the registration of a Goods

Declaration with the Bureau.4

3.8. Mark — shall refer to the label which is legibly, indelibly and
permanently printed or attached, as the nature of the foreign
goods or container will permit, showing the ultimate purchaser
thereof in the Philippines, and the name of the country of origin
of such goods, in the official language of the Philippines.5

3.9. Perishable Goods — shall refer to goods liable to perish or

goods that depreciate greatly in value while stored or which

cf. Customs Memorandum Order (CMO) Number 15-94, Section B.2. (B.2.1.).
cf. CMTA, Title IV, Chapter 3, Section 429.
cf. CMTA, Title I, Chapter 2, Section 102(y).
cf. CMTA, Title I, Chapter 2, Section 102(dd).
cf. CMTA, Title VII, Chapter II, Section 710.

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
cannot be kept without great disproportionate expense, which
may be proceeded to, advertised and sold at auction upon notice
if deemed reasonable.6

Section 4. General Provisions.

4.1. The Commissioner, subject to the approval of the Secretary of

Finance, shall promulgate rules and regulations for the
enforcement of the CMTA.7

4.2. Consistent with its mandate to ensure facilitation of international

trade and commerce8 and to prevent abuse, the Bureau shall
ensure that prescribed periods provided by the CMTA are
complied with by the stakeholders so that goods are released on

4.3. The Bureau is likewise bound to minimize, if not prevent, any

instance of overstaying or impliedly abandoned cargoes in the
terminal facilities9 to protect public interest.10

4.4. For services rendered and documents issued in relation to the

Lifting, Claiming, or recovery of proceeds in the sale, of impliedly
abandoned goods by the stakeholder, fees and charges shall be
collected by the Bureau.11

4.5. The District/Port Collector shall strictly monitor the period within
which goods may be declared impliedly abandoned. It is his or her
responsibility to issue a Decree of Abandonment against such
goods after the lapse of the period.

Section 5. Impliedly Abandoned Goods. The following goods are considered

impliedly abandoned:

5.1. Failure to Lodge/File the Goods Declaration after the lapse of the
original fifteen (15) calendar days or as adjusted by the
Commissioner, from the Date of Discharge of the Last Package;12

CMTA, Title I, Chapter 2, Section 102(gg).
CMTA, Title II, Chapter 1, Section 204.
cf. CMTA, Title II, Chapter 1, Section 202.
cf. CMTA, Title III, Chapter 2, Section 307.
cf. CMTA, Title III, Chapter 2, Section 304.
cf. CMTA, Title XIII, Section 1300.
cf. CMTA, Title XII, Chapter 6, Section 1129(b) in relation to Title IV, Chapter 1, Section 407.

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
5.2. Failure to Lodge/File the Goods Declaration after the lapse of the
approved extension of fifteen (15) calendar days;13

5.3. Failure to pay the assessed duties and taxes fifteen (15) calendar
days from Final Assessment;14

5.4. Failure to pay the assessed duties and taxes in case of regulated
goods which are subject of an alert order, within fifteen (15)
calendar days from Final Assessment from receipt of the Order of
Release and Lifting the Alert or Order Lifting the Alert;15

5.5. Failure to submit the required documents, permits or clearances,

or information under the following instances, whichever comes

5.5.1. In case of provisional Goods Declaration, within forty-five

(45) calendar days from the date of Lodgement17 or after
the lapse of the approved extension of forty-five (45)
calendar;18 or

5.5.2. Under Section 117 of the CMTA within fifteen (15) calendar
days from Final Assessment.19

5.6. Failure to claim the goods within thirty (30) calendar days from
payment of the assessed duties, taxes, fees, interests and other
charges;20 or

5.7. Failure to claim passenger’s baggage21 within thirty (30) calendar

days from arrival thereof or from payment of the assessed duties,
taxes and other charges.22

cf. CMTA, Title XII, Chapter 6, Section 1129(b) in relation to Title IV, Chapter 1, Section 407
cf. CMTA, Title XII, Chapter 6, Section 1129(c)
cf. CMTA, Title XII, Chapter 6, Section 1129(c)
CAO 17- 2019. Section 4.2.3.
cf. CMTA, Title IV, Chapter I, Section 403.
cf. CMTA, Title IV, Chapter I, Section 403.
cf. CMTA, Title XI, Chapter 6, Section 1129(c) in relation to Title I, Chapter 3, Section 117.
cf. CMTA, Title XI, Chapter 6, Section 1129(d).
cf. CAO 1-2017, Section 10.4 and Section 11.4.
cf. CAO 1-2017, Section 4.15.

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
5.8. Failure to claim mail matter within thirty (30) calendar days from
the third delivery of the notice card to the addressee or claimant.23

5.9. Failure to Mark the Goods within thirty (30) calendar days after
the receipt of Notice to Mark from the District Collector

5.10. Failure to withdraw the imported raw materials or imported goods

within one (1) year from the date of arrival at the customs bonded
warehouse (CBW).25

5.11. Failure to withdraw Perishable Goods within three (3) months

from the date of arrival at the CBW.26

5.12. Failure to withdraw Perishable Goods after the lapse of the

approved extension of three (3) months to withdraw the goods
from the CBW.27

Section 6. Lifting, Claiming, or Recovery of Proceeds in the Sale of

Impliedly Abandoned Goods.

6.1. Lifting of Implied Abandonment of Goods.

6.1.1. The implied abandonment of goods may be lifted by the

District Collector upon request by the owner, importer or
consignee, subject to the payment of fees and charges in
accordance with the schedule provided under this Order.

6.1.2. The request for Lifting shall clearly indicate the following

a. Reasons why the goods were impliedly abandoned;

b. Whether the goods were declared abandoned by the
Bureau’s automated system, or whether a Decree of

cf. CAO 3-2017, Section 4.1.3.
cf. CMTA, Title VII, Chapter 2, Section 710 (e).
cf. CAO 13-2019, Section 5.14.2; cf. CMTA, Title XI, Chapter 6, Section 1129(e), in relation to Title
VIII, Chapter 2, Section 811.
cf. CAO 13-2019, Section 5.14.2; cf. CMTA, Title XI, Chapter 6, Section 1129(e) in relation to Title
VIII, Chapter 2, Section 811.
cf. CAO 13-2019, Section 5.14.2; cf. CMTA, Title XI, Chapter 6, Section 1129(e) in relation to Title
VIII, Chapter 2, Section 811.

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
Abandonment has already been issued against the
c. Number of times in the past that the importer has
requested for Lifting of abandonment for its
shipments; and
d. Whether the goods are subject of an Alert Order or a
Warrant of Seizure and Detention. In this case, a
clearance shall be secured from CIIS, ESS, Law
Division, MISTG, at the Port is required, with the
MISTG confirming the inactive status of the
lodgement or shipment.

6.2. Claiming of Impliedly Abandoned Goods. The owner,

importer or consignee may request to lift or set aside the Decree
of Abandonment and claim the impliedly abandoned goods by
paying the fees and charges therefor.

The request shall clearly indicate the following information:

6.2.1. Details of the shipment including the date of payment of

duties and taxes therefor.

6.2.2. Whether a Decree of Abandonment has already been

issued against the goods;

6.2.3. Number of times in the past that the importer has

requested to claim its impliedly abandonment shipments;

6.2.4. Whether the goods are subject of an Alert Order or a

Warrant of Seizure and Detention. In this case, a
clearance shall be secured from CIIS, ESS, Law Division,
at the Port.

6.3. Once the implied abandonment has been lifted and unless the
same has already been released by the Bureau,28 the owner,
importer or consignee of the imported goods may reclaim the
impliedly abandoned imported goods by lodging/Filing the
corresponding Goods Declaration, subject to the following

6.3.1. The subject goods have not been disposed by the Bureau;

cf. CAO 17-2019, Section 4.2.4; cf. CMTA, Title XI, Chapter 6, Section 1129(d).

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
6.3.2. The Goods Declaration is lodged within thirty (30) calendar
days after the lapse of the fifteen (15) calendar days
period to file;

6.3.3. The duties, taxes and other charges have been paid in full;

6.3.4. The charges and fees due to the port or terminal operator
have been paid in full;

6.3.5. The expenses incurred before the release of the imported

goods from customs custody have been paid in full; and

6.3.6. Compliance with all other pertinent legal requirements.29

6.4. Where the owner or importer of the imported goods intends to

claim the proceeds of the sale after deduction of any duty and tax
and all other charges and expenses incurred as provided in
Section 1143, Section 1141 and Section 1144 of the CMTA, the
claimant may file a request therefor at the Office of the District
Collector within a period of thirty (30) calendar days from
payment of the auction price by the winning bidder.30

6.4.1.The request shall clearly indicate the following information:

a. Details of the shipment;

b. Reasons why the goods were impliedly abandoned;
c. Number of times in the past that the importer has
claimed for the proceeds for the sale of its
abandonment its shipments; and
d. Whether the goods were subject of an Alert Order or
a Warrant of Seizure and Detention (Clearance from
CIIS, ESS District Command, Law Division, MISTG, at
the Port).

6.4.2. The District Collector shall forward the request to the Law
Division or equivalent unit of the Port to determine
whether no offense has been committed against the
goods or against the owner, importer or consignee. The

cf. CAO 17-2019, Section 4.5.5; cf. CMTA, Title XI, Chapter 6, Section 1130.
cf. CAO 17-2019, Section 4.5.6; cf. CMTA, Title XI, Chapter 6, Section 1130.

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
Law Division or equivalent unit of the port shall conduct
summary proceedings similar to a forfeiture proceedings.

6.4.3. Any decision allowing the release of the proceeds shall be

considered as decision adverse to the government and
therefore subject to review by the Commissioner or the
Secretary of Finance, as the case may be.

Section 7. Fees and Charges. The following service fees and customs charges
shall be imposed for the Lifting, Claiming, or recovery of proceeds in the sale, of
impliedly abandoned goods.

Reason for the Request for Lifting of Service Fee for Charge for the Documentary
Impliedly Abandoned Goods Processing the document Stamp Tax
Request in issued granting (DST)31 for
Php the request in the Order
Php granting the
With Decree of With Decree of
abandonment abandonment
Without Decree Without Decree of
of abandonment abandonment
1 Failure to Lodge/File the Goods Declaration 5,000.00 1,000.00 30.00
after the lapse of the original fifteen (15) 2,500.00 500.00
calendar days or as adjusted by the
Commissioner, from discharge of the last
2 Failure to Lodge/File the Goods Declaration 7,500.00 2,000.00 30.00
after the lapse of the approved extension of 4,000.00 1,000.00
fifteen (15) calendar days
3 Failure to pay the assessed duties and taxes 7,500.00 2,000.00 30.00
fifteen (15) calendar days from Final 4,000.00 1,000.00
4 Failure to pay the assessed duties and taxes 10,000.00 5,000.00 30.00
in case of regulated goods which are subject 7,000.00 3,000.00
of an alert order, within fifteen (15) calendar
days from Final Assessment from receipt of
the Order of Release and Lifting the Alert or
Order Lifting the Alert
5 Failure to submit the required documents, 10,000.00 5,000.00 30.00
permits or clearances, or information in case of 7,000.00 3,000.00
provisional Goods Declaration, within forty-five
(45) calendar days from the date of Lodgement
6 Failure to submit the required documents, 20,000.00 10,000.00 30.00
permits or clearances, or information in case 10,000.00 5,000.00
of provisional Goods Declaration, after the
lapse of the approved extension of forty-five
(45) calendar days

cf. NIRC, Section 188, as amended.

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
Reason for the Request for Lifting of Service Fee Customs Charge DST
Impliedly Abandoned Goods
7 Failure to submit the required documents, 10,000.00 5,000.00 30.00
permits or clearances, or information under 7,000.00 3,000.00
Section 117 of the CMTA within fifteen (15)
calendar days from Final Assessment
8 Failure to claim the goods within thirty (30) 5,000.00 1,000.00 30.00
calendar days from payment of the assessed 2,500.00 500.00
duties, taxes, fees, interests and other
9 Failure to claim passenger’s baggage within 2,500.00 500.00 30.00
thirty (30) calendar days from arrival thereof 1,000.00 300.00
or from payment of the assessed duties, taxes
and other charges
10 Failure to claim mail matter within thirty (30) 2,500.00 500.00 30.00
calendar days from the third delivery of the 1,000.00 300.00
notice card to the addressee or claimant
11 Failure to Mark the Goods within thirty (30) 10,000.00 5,000.00 30.00
calendar days after the receipt of Notice to 7,000.00 3,000.00
Mark from the District Collector concerned
12 Failure to withdraw the imported raw 10,000.00 5,000.00 30.00
materials or imported goods within one (1) 7,000.00 3,000.00
year from the date of arrival at the customs
bonded warehouse (CBW)
13 Failure to withdraw Perishable Goods within 10,000.00 5,000.00 30.00
three (3) months from the date of arrival at 7,000.00 3,000.00
the CBW
14 Failure to withdraw Perishable Goods after 20,000.00 10,000.00 30.00
the lapse of the approved extension of three 10,000.00 5,000.00
(3) months to withdraw the goods from the
Other Request Service Fee for Charge for the Documentary
Processing the document Stamp Tax
Request in issued granting for the Order
Php the request in granting the
Php request
15 Request for proceeds from sale of an 20,000.00 10,000.00 30.00
impliedly abandoned goods

The service fee shall be paid by the claimant upon filing of the corresponding request.
Proof of payment shall be attached to the request, without which the same shall not
be accepted.

Payment of customs charge and documentary stamp tax shall be paid upon approval
of the request. The Order lifting the abandonment or setting aside the Decree of
Abandonment shall not be released without presenting the proof of payment thereof.

Section 8. Penal Provision. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Order,
particularly on the issuance of a Decree of Abandonment, may be a ground for
administrative and disciplinary sanctions against any erring public officer or employee
in accordance with Title XIV of the CMTA, other applicable penal provisions and Civil
Service Commission (CSC) and Ombudsman rules and regulations.

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best
Section 9. Reporting and Monitoring System. The District Collector shall
monitor the fees and charges collected pursuant to this Order to the Office of the
Commissioner on a weekly basis.

Section 10. Periodic Review. Unless otherwise provided, this CAO shall be
reviewed every three (3) years and be amended or revised, if necessary.

Section 11. Repealing Clause. All other rules and regulations issued by the Bureau
which are inconsistent with this CAO are deemed repealed or modified accordingly.

Section 12. Separability Clause. If any part of this CAO is declared

unconstitutional or contrary to existing laws, other parts not so declared shall remain
in full force or effect.

Section 13. Effectivity. This CAO shall take effect fifteen (15) calendar days after
its publication at the Official Gazette or a newspaper of national circulation.

The Office of National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the UP Law Center shall be
provided three (3) certified copies of this CAO.


Commissioner of Customs


Secretary of Finance

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South Harbor, Gate 3, Port Area, Manila 1099

Tel. Nos 527-4537, 527-1935
Website: www.customs.gov.ph Email: [email protected]
A Modernized and Credible Customs Administration that is Among the World’s Best

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