Index 2023 Ca

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Index Current Affairs 2023

👉 Press Freedom 2023 → 161 TOP Country

👉 Happiness Index 2023 → 126 (FINLAND)
👉 Passport Index 2023 → 85th (JAP)
👉 IP Index 2023 → 42 (USA)
👉 Climate Index 2022 → 8 (DENMARK)
👉 Gender Gap Index 2022 → 135 (ICELAND)
‘विश्ि प्रेस स्ितंत्रता सूचकांक 2023’ में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What Is The Rank Of India In ‘World Press Freedom Index 2023’ ?

A. 120 🔰 World Press Freedom Index 2023

B. 140 Released by : Reporters Without Borders
C. 161
D. 171 • *IND’s Rank → 161 {Out Of 180 Countries}
• » Pakistan (150th), Bangladesh (163rd)

• Top Countries
2. Ireland 3. Denmark
• » Last → North Korea

Ans : C Index
रसद प्रदर्शन सूचकांक 2023’ का रैंक क्या है?
What Is The Rank Of ‘Logistics Performance Index 2023’ ?

🔰 Logistics Performance Index (LPI) 2023

A. 12
• Released By : WORLD BANK
B. 30
C. 38 Top Countries
• IND’s Rank → 38 {Out Of 139 Counties}

• 6 Pilars Of This Index

»» Customs Performance, Infrastructure Quality, Ease Of
Arranging Shipments, Logistics Services Quality, Consignment
Tracking & Tracing, Timeliness Of Shipments
Ans : C Index
‘अंतराशष्ट्रीय बौद्धिक संपदा सूचकांक 2023’ में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What is the rank of IND in International Intellectual Property Index 2023’

A. 30 🔰 International IP Index 2023

B. 40 • Released by : U.S. Chambers of Commerce
C. 42
Top Countries
D. 49
1. USA
2. UK 3. France

• INDIA’s Rank → 42

Ans : C Index
ककस मंत्रालय ने ‘राज्य ऊर्ाश दक्षता सूचकांक 2021-22’ र्ारी ककया? *
Which Ministry Released ‘State Energy Efficiency Index 2021-22’ ?

A. Raj Kumar Singh 🔰 SEEI 2021-22

B. Bhupendra Yadav • Released By : RK Singh {M/o Power And New &
C. PM Modi Renewable Energy}
D. Rajnath Singh • Index Developed By : Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)
• It Assess → Progress Of States & UTs In Energy Efficiency
• Front Runner Category (>60 Points)
»» Top States → Andhra Pr, Karnataka, Kerala, Rajasthan &
• Achiever Category (50-60 Points)
• Assam, Haryana, Maharashtra & Punjab
Ans : A Report /Index
2018-22 के दौरान कौन सा देर् दनु नया का सबसे बडा हधियार आयातक बन गया?
Which Country became world’s largest arms importer during 2018-22 ?

A. India 🔰 Acording To SIPRI Report 2023

B. USA • World’s Largest Arms Importer
C. Russia 1. INDIA {Declined By 11%} : Largest Supplier » Russia
D. UK 2. S Arabia
• Top Arm Exporter
1. USA (40%)
2. Russia
• Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
• Location → Stockholm

Ans : A Defence/ Ranking
सिाशधिक AI ननिेर् िाले देर्ों में भारत का कौन सा स्िान है?
What is the rank of India in countries with most AI Investment ?

A. 1st 🔰 According To Stanford University’s AI Index

B. 2nd Report
C. 4th
• Countries With Most AI Investment
D. 5th
1. USA
• IND’s Rank → 5th (Total Investment
Received → $ 3.24 Billion)

Ans : D Ranking
लक़्री हाउससंग में मूल्य िद्
ृ धि में मुंबई का रैंक क्या है?
What is the rank of Mumbai in price growth in luxury housing ?

A. 30 🔰 'The Wealth Report 2023’

B. 37 • Released by : Knight Frank
C. 53
Prime International Residential Index
D. 92
• Dubai → Topped

• Mumbai : 37th
• Bangluru : 63rd

Ans : B Ranking
‘िैश्श्िक आतंकिाद सूचकांक 2023’ में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What is the rank Of India In ‘Global Terrorism Index 2023’

A. 10 🔰 Global Terrorism Index 2023

B. 12 • Released by : Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP)
C. 13
Most Affected Countries By Terrorism
D. 14
1. AFGANISTAN (Topped)
2. Burkina Faso

• Pakistan : Rank → 6th

• IND : Rank → 13th

Ans : C Index
Who Has Launched India’s 1st ever Real Estate Investment Trusts (Reits)
and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) Index

A. BSE 🔰 This Index Will Track The Performance

B. RBI Of Reits & InvITs
C. NSE • Launched By : NSE {National Stock
D. FICCI Exchange}

Ans : C Index
INDEX 2023 Current Affairs
45 MCQs 2022 REVISION Top Country
👉 Happiness Index 2023 → 126 (FINLAND)
👉 Passport Index 2023 → 85th (JAP)
👉 Hunger Index 2022 → 107
👉 Climate Index 2022 → 8 (DENMARK)
👉 Gender Gap Index 2022 → 135 (ICELAND)
वर्ल्ड हैप्पीनेस रिपोर्ड 2023” में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What Is The Rank Of India In “World Happiness Report 2023” ***

A. 120th 🔰 World Happiness Report 2023

• Published By : UN Sustainable Development Soln Network
B. 126th
C. 140th Ans : B • INDIA Rank : 126th {2022 → 136}
D. 163rd
1. Finland
2. Denmark 3. Icelandd
• Last : Afganistan
• Countries Rank → On The Basis Of → Factors Such As
»» GDP Per Capita, Social support, personal freedom,
corruption, Healthy Life
हेनले पासपोर्श इंडक्
े स 2023 (Q1) में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What Is The Rank Of India In “Henley Pasport Index 2023 (Q1)

A. 80 🔰 * INDIA Rank : 85
B. 85
Ans : B • IND : Can Travel 59 Countries → Without Visa
C. 87
D. 90
World’s Most Powerful Passports
1. Japan 2. Singapore & S Korea 3. Germany & Spain
»» Last : Afganistan

• » Rankings Based On : Data Provided → By International

Air Transport Association {HQ – Montreal, Canada}


ग्लोबल फायरपािर इंडक्
े स 2023 में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What Is The Rank Of IND In ‘Global Fire Power Index 2023’

A. 1 🔰Most Powerful Military 🪖 In The World

B. 2 1. USA
C. 3 Ans : D 2. Russia
D. 4 3. China

• Pakistan → 7th Rank


कौन सा र्हर ड्राइि करने के सलए दनु नया का दस
ू रा सबसे िीमा र्हर है?
Which City is the world’s 2nd slowest city to drive?

A. Pune 🔰 Acording To 12th TomTom Traffic 🚦 Index

B. New Delhi Report
C. Mumbai Ans : D
D. Bangluru • World’s Slowest City To Drive
1. London
2. Bangluru (Also 5th Largest CO2 Emitter)

Index/Report INDOL OGUS

विश्ि में सिाशधिक दग्ु ि उत्पादक देर् कौन सा है ?
Which Country Is The highest milk producer in the world ?

A. Brazil 🔰 Announced by : Parshottam Rupala (M/o

B. India Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying)
C. Newzealand Ans : B
D. Ukraine • IND : Largest Producers Of Milk 🥛
(24% Worldwide)
• 2nd Position → USA
*Data Taken From → Food and Agriculture
Organization Corporate Statistical


2022 में र्ीर्श प्रदर्शन करने िाला िैश्श्िक हिाई अड्डा कौन सा है
Which Is The Top-performing global airports in 2022

A. Haneda 🔰 Acording To → Cirium Aviation Analytics study

B. Kempegowda
Top-performing global airports 2022
C. Cochin Ans : A
1. Haneda, Tokyo (Japan)
D. Hamad
2. Kempegowda International Airport → Banglore

• Indira Gandhi International Airport (Delhi) →

Rank - 7


विश्ि के सबसे लोकवप्रय नेता के रूप में कौन उभरा है?
Who Has Emerged as World’s Most Popular Leader?

A. PM Modi 🔰 Acording To 'Morning Consult’ Survey

B. Manuel López • Most Popular Leader @ World 🌎
C. Joe Biden Ans : A 1. PM Modi (With 78% Approval Rating)
D. Donald Trump 2. Manuel López : Mexican President
3. Alain Berset : Swiss President


“ग्लोबल हंगर इंडक्
े स 2022” में भारत का रक
ैं क्या है
What Is The Rank Of India In “Global Hunger Index 2022”
📁 Global Hunger Index 2022
A. 100 • Released By : Concern Worldwide & Welthungerhilfe
B. 102 _________
C. 107 Ans : C • 2022 IND’s Rank → 107
D. 112 • Top Countries : Belarus, Bosnia, Chile, China & Croatia
• Worst : Chad, DR Of Congo, Madagascar
» Countries Ranking → On 4 Indicators
1. Undernourishment
2. Child Stunting (low height for age)
3. Child Wasting (low weight for height) &
4. Child Mortality


“र्लिायु पररितशन प्रदर्शन सूचकांक 2023” में भारत का रैंक क्या है? ***
What is the rank of India in “Climate Change Performance Index 2023”

A. 10 📁 Released by : Germanwatch, New Climate Institute

B. 11 & The Climate Action Network
C. 08 Ans : C
D. 12 First 3 Ranks → Kept Empty (No Country Performed Well)
Top Countries
• Denmark : Rank → 4th
• Sweden → 5th
India : Rank → 8th {Only G20 Country In Top 10}
• Last : Iran {Rank → 63rd}
“नेर्िकश रेडीनेस इंडक्
े स 2022” में भारत का रैंक क्या है? *
What is the rank of India in “Network Readiness Index 2022”

A. 30 📁 Network Readiness Index 2022

B. 51 • Prepared by: Portulans Institute (Washington DC)
C. 61 Ans : C
Top Countries
D. 71
1. USA
2. Singapore
• INDIA : Rank → 61

• Ranking On 4 Pillars : Technology, People,

Governance & Impact


‘िैश्श्िक खाद्य सुरक्षा सूचकांक 2022’ में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What Is The Rank Of India In ‘Global Food Security Index 2022’

A. 34 🔰 Global Food Security Index 2022

B. 56 Released by : The Economist (British weekly)
C. 68 Ans : C TOP Countries
D. 70
1. Finland 2. Ireland
• Last : Syria
INDIA : Rank → 68th

• Factors → Affordability, Availability, Quality and

Safety, Sustainability & Adaptation


“ग्लोबल इनोिेर्न इंडक्
े स 2022” में भारत का रैंक क्या है
What is the rank of India in “Global Innovation Index 2022”

A. 20 📁 Global Innovation Index 2022

B. 30 • Released by : World Intellectual Property Organisation
(WIPO → HQ - Geneva)
C. 40 Ans : C
D. 60 Top Countries
1. Switzerland (Top) 2. United States 3. Sweden
• 2022 IND Rank : 40th
• Institutions’, ‘human capital and research’, ‘infrastructure’,
knowledge & Tech Outputs….etc
“मानि विकास सूचकांक 2021-22” में भारत का रैंक क्या है
What is the rank of India In “Human Development Index 2021-22”

A. 120 📁 Human Development Index 2021-22

• Released By : UN Development Programme (UNDP)
B. 132
C. 140 Ans : B
• IND Rank : 132 {Out Of 191 Countries}
D. 147
Top Countries → 1. Switzerland 2. Norway 3. Iceland

• Countries Ranking On → 4 Parameters

1. Life expectancy at birth
2. Mean years of schooling
3. Expected years of schooling
4. Gross National Income (GNI) per capita
ग्लोबल जें्ि गैप इं्क्
े स 2022” में भाित का िैंक क्या है
What is the rank of India in “Global Gender Gap Index 2022”

📁 16th Edition » Global Gender Gap Index 2022

A. 120 • Released by : WEF (world economic forum)
B. 130
• 2022 India Rank : 135 (2021 IND’s Rank → 140th)
C. 135 Ans : C Top Countries
D. 145 1. Iceland 2. Finland 3. Norway
• » Last : Afganistan

• Countries Rank → On 4 Dimensions

1. Economic participation and opportunity
2. Educational attainment 3. Health & survival
4. Political empowerment
ग्लोबल एविएर्न सेफ्र्ी रैंककंग 2022 में भारत का रैंक क्या है **
What Is The Rank Of India in Global Aviation Safety Rankings 2022

A. 30 🔰 Released By → International Civil Aviation

B. 44 Organization (ICAO)
C. 48
Ans : C TOP Countries
D. 52
1. Singapore
2. UAE
• » INDIA : Rank → 48th
ICAO : HQ → Montreal, Canada


‘पश्ललक अफेयसश इंडक्
े स (पीएआई), 2022’ में कौन सा राज्य र्ीर्श पर है?
Which State Has Topped In ‘Public Affairs Index (PAI), 2022

A. Karnataka 📁 Public Affairs Index (PAI), 2022

B. Haryana • Prepared by : Public Affairs Centre (PAC)
C. Chhattisgarh Ans : B → Bengaluru-based think tank
D. Gujarat
Larger STATES Category
1. Haryana
2. Tamil Nadu 3. Kerala

Small States Category

1. Sikkim (Topped)


2022 के सलए विश्ि की व्यंर्नों की सूची में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What is Rank of India in world’s cuisines list for 2022

A. 4th 🔰 TOP Cuisines In The World

B. 5th 1. Italy
2. Greece
C. 6th
Ans : B 3. Spain
D. 7th 4. Japan
5. INDIA (Shahi Paneer : Rank → 28th)


Which Company is the India’s best employer Acording To Forbes’ World’s
Best Employers rankings 2022

A. Tata 📁 Forbes’ World’s Best Employers rankings

B. Wipro 2022
C. Reliance Industries
Top Companies
Ans : C 1. Sumsung (S Korea)
2. Microsoft (USA)

• Reliance Industries (IND) : Rank → 20th


How many Indian Women featured in Forbes Asia's Power Businesswomen
2022 list

A. 4 📁 3 IND Women : Among 20 women entrepreneurs

B. 3 From Asia-Pacific
C. 7 Ans : B 1. Soma Mondal
D. 8 2. Ghazal Alagh
3. Namita Thapar


े स (Q3) में मुंबई का रैंक क्या है
ग्लोबल प्राइम ससर्ीर् इंडक्
What Is The Rank Of Mumbai In Global Prime Cities Index (Q3)

A. 10 📁 Released By → Knight Frank

B. 13 • Measures → Annual price increase of primium
C. 16 Ans : D residential properties
D. 22
Top Cities
1. Dubai 2. Miami

From IND
1. Mumbai : 22nd
2. Banglore : 27th


रसद प्रदर्शन सूचकांक 2022 ककसके द्िारा र्ारी ककया गया है?
Performance Index 2022 Has Been Released By?

A. M/o Commerce 📁 Performance Index 2022

B. M/o Defence Released By : Ministry Of Commerce & Industry
C. M/o Education Ans : A (Piyush Goyal)
• States/UTs : Ranking → According To Their ‘logistics
D. None Of These
1. Achievers Category : Top States → Andhra Pr,
Assam & Gujarat
2. Rapid movers : Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan
3. Aspirers Cat : Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa….


“मसशर सीएफएस ग्लोबल पेंर्न इंडक्
े स.2022” में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What Is The Rank Of India In “Mercer CFS Global Pension Index.2022”

A. 40 🔰 This Index measures the pension system in the

B. 41 country
C. 43 Ans : B
Top Countries
D. 44
1. Iceland
2. Netherlands

• IND’s Rank : 41st {Out Of 44 Countries}


असमानता सूचकांक 2022 को कम करने की प्रनतबद्िता में भारत का रैंक क्या है
What is rank of India in Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index 2022

A. 120 📁 Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index

B. 123 2022 (CRII)
C. 130 Ans : B • Prepared By : Oxfam & Development Finance
D. 140 International (DFI)
• CRII : Countries → Ranking » For reducing inequality

Top Country
1. Norway 2. Germany

» *INDIA : 123 {Out Of 161 Countries}


भारत में सबसे उदार परोपकारी कौन है?
Who is the Most generous philanthropist in India?

A. Azim Premji 📁 EdelGive Hurun India Philanthropy List

B. Shiv Nadar 2022
C. Ratan Tata Ans : B
D. Mukesh Ambani IND’s most generous philanthropist (समार्-सेिी)
1. Shiv Nadar (HCL’s Founder) → Donated
₹1,161 Cr
2. Azim Premji : ₹484 Cr
3. Mukesh Ambani

List | Index INDOL OGUS


🔰World’s 100 Most Powerful Women list

• Released By → FORBES

• First Rank : Ursula von der Leyen (President Of European Commission)

6 Indian Included
• Falguni Nayar, Roshni Nadar, Nirmala Sitharaman (36th), Kiran Mazumdar-
Shaw, Madhabi Puri Buch & Soma Mondol

अंतिाडष्ट्रीय बौद्धिक संपदा सूचकांक 2022” में भाित का िैंक क्या है
What Is The Rank Of India In “International Intellectual Property Index 2022”

A. 43 🔰International Intellectual Property Index 2022

B. 65 • Released By : US Chamber of Commerce’s → Global
C. 70 Ans : A Innovation Policy Center
D. 20
• India Rank : 43 {Out Of 55 Countries}

• Top Countries 🏆
1. United States
2. United Kingdom
3. Germany

‘ग्लोबल किप्र्ो एडॉप्र्न इंडक्
े स 2022’ में भारत का रैंक क्या है?
What is the rank of India in the ‘Global Crypto Adoption Index 2022’?

A. 3rd 🔰 Global Crypto Adoption Index 2022

B. 4th • Published By → Chainalysis
C. 5th Ans : B
Top Countries
D. 6th
1. Vietnam
2. Philippines
3. Ukraine


एनएफएसए 2022 िैंककंग में कौन सा िाज्य नंबि 1 स्थान पि है
Which State ranked No 1 in NFSA 2022 ranking

📁 1st NFSA (National Food Security Act ) Ranking 2022

A. Odisha • Released by : Department of Food and Public Distribution
B. Bihar Ans : A Top States
C. Tamilnadu 1. General Category : Odisha (Top) » Followed By → UP
D. Goa
2. NE, Himalyan & Island States : Tripura (Top), Followed
by Himachal Pradesh
• States & UTs : Ranking On The Basis Of 3 Pillars
1. NFSA- coverage, targeting and provisions of the Act
2. Delivery platforms and
3. Nutrition initiatives
एनआईआिएफ िैंककंग 2022” में ककस संस्थान ने र्ॉप ककया है
Which institute has topped in “NIRF Rankings 2022”

A. IIT Delhi 📁 National Institutional Ranking Framework

B. IIT Madras (NIRF) Rankings 2022
C. IIT Kanpur Ans : B
• Edition : 7th
D. IIT Mumbai • Released by : Ministry of Education

Top Institutes
1. Overall Category → IIT-Madras (Top) » IISc-Bangalore
2. University : IISc, Bengaluru
3. Medical : AIIMS Delhi
4. Engineering → IIT Madras
इंड्या इनोवेशन इं्क्
े स” में कौन सा िाज्य शीर्ड पि है
Which State Has Topped In “India Innovation Index”

A. Gujarat 📁 3rd Edition India innovation index 2021

B. Karnataka Ans : B • Released by : NITI Aayog
C. Bihar ___________
D. Tamilnadu • Larger States : Karnataka (Top) » Telangana & Haryana
• Bottom : Chattisgarh
• Hill and North-East States : Manipur (Top)» Uttarakhand
• UTs : Chandigarh (Top) » Delhi
Index → Based On 7 Pillars
»» Human capital, investment, knowledge workers, business
environment, safety & legal environment, knowledge output.,
and knowledge diffusion I N D O L O G U S
ववश्व प्रततस्पिाडत्मकता सूचकांक 2022” में भाित का िैंक क्या है
What is the rank of India in “World Competitiveness Index 2022”

A. 40 📁 World Competitiveness Index 2022

B. 30 • Released by : IMD – Institute for Management Development
C. 37 Ans : C
Top Countries
D. 47 1. Denmark 2. Switzerland 3. Singapore
• *IND Rank 2022 : 37th (2021 – 43rd)
Ranking : Countries → On 4 Factors
1. Economic performance
2. Government efficiency
3. Business efficiency
4. Infrastructure (आिािभूत सं िचना)
ग्लोबल ललवेबबललर्ी इं्क्
े स 2022” में कौन सा शहि शीर्ड पि है?
Which City Has Topped In “Global Liveability Index 2022”

A. Surat 🔰 Released by : Economic intelligence unit (EIU)

B. England
C. Paris Ans : D Top Cities
D. Vienna 1. Vienna (Austria)
2. Copenhagen (Denmark) 3. Zurich (Switzerland)

1. New Delhi : Rank – 140
2. Mumbai : 141
ववश्व प्रेस स्वतंत्रता सूचकांक 2022” में भाित का िैंक क्या है
What Is The Rank Of India In “World Press Freedom Index 2022”

A. 130 📁 World Press Freedom Index 2022

B. 140 Released by : Reporters Without Borders
C. 150 Ans : C
D. 160 • *India Rank → 150
» Pakistan (157th), Sri Lanka (146th), Bangladesh (162nd)

Top Countries
1. Norway
2. Denmark
3. Sweden

Which State Has Topped The list for larger States in the State Energy and Climate
First → State Energy and Climate Index
A. Uttar Pradesh • Released By : NITI Aayog
B. Bihar Top States –
C. Gujarat Ans : C 1. Larger State Category : Gujarat (Top) » Kerala & Punjab
2. Smaller States : Goa (Top) » Tripura and Manipur
D. West Bengal 3. UTs : Chandigarh (Top) » Delhi And Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar
Ranking » On 6 Parameters –
1. Discoms (Distribution Company) Performance
2. Access Affordability (सामर्थयड) & reliability (ववश्वसनीयता) of energy,
3. Clean energy initiatives
4. Energy efficiency
5. Environmental sustainability
6. New initiatives
िाज्य खाद्य सुिक्षा सूचकांक (एसएफएसआई) 2021-22” में कौन सा िाज्य शीर्ड पि है?
Which State Has Topped In “State Food Safety Index (SFSI) 2021-22”

A. Gujarat 📁 State Food Safety Index (SFSI)

B. Haryana • Edition : 4th
C. Tamilnadu Ans : C • Released by : Food Safety and Standards
D. Karnataka Authority of India (FSSAI)
• Released on the occasion of → World Food
Safety Day (7 June)

• SFSI was started from → 2018-19

State Food Safety Index (SFSI) 2021-22

• Measure the performance of states and Uts on 5 “parameters”

1. Human Resources and Institutional Data
2. Compliance (अनप ु ालन)
3. Food Testing – Infrastructure and Surveillance
4. Training & Capacity Building and
5. Consumer Empowerment

Top States
• Larger State Category –
1. Tamilnadu 2. Gujarat » Last – Andhra Pradesh

• Smaller States Category

1. Goa 2. Manipur » Last : Arunachal Pradesh

UTs Category –
1. Jammu & Kashmir 2. Delhi » Last : Laskhsadweep
पयाडविण प्रदशडन सूचकांक 2022 पि भाित की िैंक क्या है?
What is India’s rank on Environmental Performance Index 2022?

A. 170 📁 Environmental Performance Index 2022

B. 150 • Measured by : Yale and Columbia universities
C. 180 Ans : C
Top Countries
D. 169
1. Denmark
2. United Kingdom
3. Finland

• India Rank : 180 {Bottom}

• India → Rejected

भ्रष्ट्र्ाचाि िािणा सूचकांक (सीपीआई) 2021" में भाित का िैंक क्या है?
What is the rank of India in “Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2021”

A. 40 📁 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2021

B. 50 • Published By : Non Governmental Org → Transparency
C. 85 Ans : C International (Hq – Germany)
D. 90 Top Countries
1. Denmark, Newzealand & Finland
4. Singapore
• India : 85

• Pakistan Rank : 140

• *Last : South Sudan
नीतत आयोग के तनयाडत तैयािी सूचकांक 2021 में ककस िाज्य ने शीर्ड स्थान हालसल ककया है?
Which state has topped NITI Aayog’s Export Preparedness Index 2021

A. Tamil Nadu 📁 Export Preparedness Index 2021

B. Gujarat • Released By : NITI Aayog
C. Maharashtra Ans : B
D. Odisha • Top 3 States –
1. Gujarat
2. Maharashtra
3. Karnataka

वैश्श्वक सतत ववकास रिपोर्ड , 2022 में भाित का िैंक क्या है
What is the rank of India In Global Sustainable Development Report, 2022

A. 110 📁 Global Sustainable Development Report, 2022

B. 115 • India Rank → 121 On 17 SDG
C. 121 Ans : C
D. 125 Top Countries @ 2022
1. Finland
2. Denmark 3. Sweden
• 17 SDG → Adopted As Part Of “2030 Agenda”
• Adopted By → 192 United Nations Members » @ 2015

े स 2022” में भाितीय वायुसेना की िैंक क्या है
वर्ल्ड एयि पावि इं्क्
What is the Rank of Indian Airforce in “World Air Power Index 2022”

A. First 📁 World Air Power Index 2022

B. Second
C. Third Ans : C • Released by : World Directory of Modern Military
Aircraft (WDMMA)
D. Fourth
• Most powerful air power in the world 🛩️
1. USA
2. Russia
3. India
4. China


वर्ल्ड हैप्पीनेस रिपोर्ड 2023” में भारत का रैंक क्या है?

What Is The Rank Of India In “World Happiness Report 2023” ***

A. 120th
B. 136th
C. 140th
D. 163rd


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