Module Ii-Activity Iv
Module Ii-Activity Iv
Module Ii-Activity Iv
1. What are information resellers, electronic profiles, identity theft, and mistaken
INFORMATION RESELLERS - Personal information is collected from public
and private data and sold to public and private sector groups for a variety of
objectives, ranging from marketing to law enforcement and homeland security.
ELECTRONIC PROFILES - are set of detailed information of people using
online identification softwares. Accounts such as Facebook account, Google
account, and Gmail account are few examples of electronic profiles.
IDENTITY THEFT - is the unethical exploitation of another person's identity
for selfish gains.
MISTAKEN IDENTITY - it is when someone or something is wrongly
identified as someone or something else.
4. What is a history file? What are temporary Internet files? What is privacy mode?
History files are the previous files you last administered, used, or visited using
your computer.
Temporary Internet files are files that cannot be saved in your computer
Privacy mode is a privacy feature of some web browsers that keeps your data
from being exposed to others including your search's history. Chrome Incognito is
an example of privacy mode.
5. Define spyware, web bugs, keystroke loggers, antispyware programs and online
Spyware - it is a kind of malware that spies on devices to secretly gathers or
collects information about the users and distributes it to other entities.
Web Bugs - are small file object that is invisibly embedded in a web page or
email which enables information to be gathered in a stateless internet
environment. Worry not because web bugs are actually innocuous or not
harmful/offensive to users' privacies and other personal data.
Keystroke Loggers - are surveillance type technologies that records and monitors
every keystroke typed on a computer's keyboard.
Antispyware Programs - these programs were created in order to prevent, detect,
and remove unwanted spywares or other malicious programs on a device.
Online Identity - is an online user's social identity that they create in online
groups and websites. Online identities can be classified as real or fake.\