IMRD-CEDO Maureen Marie Joy Saquido SDO BInan 7th Cycle
IMRD-CEDO Maureen Marie Joy Saquido SDO BInan 7th Cycle
IMRD-CEDO Maureen Marie Joy Saquido SDO BInan 7th Cycle
Arts integration is a teaching strategy in which the arts are integrated with the
and 2 ODL Learners through Art Integration in Storytelling and in all subjects.
In San Francisco Elementary School, based on Phil-IRI Result, there are 55 non-
readers reported for S.Y. 2020-2021. Can arts integration help us reduce this
learners? This is the reason why the proponent wanted to conduct action
Learners through using art integration in storytelling and other subject areas.
The success of implication of all the activities in this research, could be one of
the bases for the next activities on the proceeding years and can still be
which the arts are integrated with the helped learners improved their reading
2010, Werner & Freeman, 2001) the Phil-IRI results and crafted survey
among learners? This is the reason why Learners under this research were
the proponent wanted to conduct action assessed through the EGRA Toolkit and
II. Methodology
The result shown on Fig 1.1 and 33, 1 was under familiar word
1.2 are the results of Early Grade reading, 3 oral passages reading, and
and 2 learners on their pre- already. This shows that 12% of them
learner was assessed under understood the texts and had reading
under familiar word reading, 6 under Grade 1 ODL learners increased from
invented word decoding, 2 under oral 28% to 49% learners that can already
already undergo with dictation. This learners that can already comprehend
comprehension during their pre- First and foremost, thanks and praises
part in this action research. They are as chance to be part of this action
follow: research.
Narra learners from batch 2021-2022 technical assistance from the beginning
for they had been the recipient and of the implementation of this action
without them this action research And our family, for the support we
for they had participated and supported grateful to the people mentioned above.
their kids just to make this research be The success of this research work