7 Week Free Functional Bodybuilding Workout Plan

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Tier Three Tactical 7 Week Free Functional Bodybuilding Workout Plan

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

Back Squat
Bench Press Seated Dumbbell Press Hex Bar Deadlift
1x11 High Incline Dumbbell Bench
Work to 6RM 1x12, 1x10, 1x8 1x8, 1x6, 1x5
1x10 Press
Then perform 2 max rep sets *leave 2 reps left in tank on *leave 2 reps left in the tank
1x9 3 sets at 2 RIR
at 80% of 6RM each set on each set
*2 reps left in the tank
Single Arm Dumbbell Row Reverse Barbell Lunge
Hamstring Curl Dumbbell Chest Fly
1x12, 1x10, 1x8 1x12, 1x10, 1x8
3x15 Inverted Barbell Row 3x12
*leave 2 reps left in tank on *leave 2 reps left in tank on
*90 sec rest between sets 3 sets at 2RIR each *2 reps left in tank
each set each set
**2 reps left in the tank **60 sec rest between
**reps per arm **reps are per leg

Incline Bench Press Heel Elevated Narrow Stance Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly
Goblet Squat Calf Raise
1x12, 1x10, 1x8 3 x Max Rep Sets Strict Chin Ups
3x15 3x20 reps using only
*leave 2 reps left in tank on *choose weight that allows for 3 x Max Rep Sets
*feel the quad burn bodyweight
each set at least 12 reps

Strict Pull Ups

Romanian Deadlift Hamstring Curl Alternating DB Biceps Curl
Increasing ladder
1x11 3 x Max Rep Sets 3 x Max Rep Sets
1 on min 1 Upright Barbell Row
1x10 *choose weight that allows for *choose weight that allows for
2 on min 2 3 sets at 2 RIR each
1x9 at least 12 reps at least 12 reps per arm
Until failure, then reverse
*2 reps left in the tank
pyramid back down to 1
2 Rounds of 3min on 1 off AMRAP 11min Aslt Bike 40 Cal AMRAP 7min 30-27-25-21-19-17-15-11-9-7-5
10 Burpee Box Jump Over 21-15-9 40 Push Press 95/65lbs 5 Hang Power Snatch 95/65lbs Row Cal
24/20in Power Clean 75/55lbs 30 Box Jumps 24/20in 12 Wall Balls 20/14lbs Push Ups
10 Dumbbell Snatch 55/35lbs Toe to Bar 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups KB Swing 53/35lbs
40 Aslt Bike Cal
Tier Three Tactical 7 Week Free Functional Bodybuilding Workout Plan
Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10
Back Squat
Bench Press Seated Dumbbell Press Hex Bar Deadlift
1x11 High Incline Dumbbell Bench
Work to 6RM 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 1x8, 1x6, 1x5
1x10 Press
Then perform 2 max rep sets *leave 2 reps left in tank on *work to 1 RIR on final set, all
1x9 3 sets at 1 RIR
at 85% of 6RM each set other sets are 2 RIR
*work to 1RIR on final set
Single Arm Dumbbell Row Reverse Barbell Lunge
Hamstring Curl Dumbbell Chest Fly
1x12, 1x10, 1x8 1x12, 1x10, 1x8
3x17 Inverted Barbell Row 3x12
*set of 12 and 10 are 2RIR, *leave 2 reps left in tank on
*90 sec rest between sets 3 sets at 1RIR each *1 reps left in tank
1RIR set of 8 each set
**2 reps left in the tank **60 sec rest between
**reps per arm **reps are per leg

Incline Bench Press Heel Elevated Narrow Stance Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly
Goblet Squat Calf Raise Strict Chin Ups
1x12, 1x10, 1x8 3 x Max Rep Sets
3x17 3x20 reps using bodyweight 3 x Max Rep Sets
*set of 12 and 10 are 2RIR, *same weight as last week,
*feel the quad burn plus dumbbell *try to beat last week
1RIR set of 8 beat last weeks reps

Strict Pull Ups Romanian Deadlift Alternating DB Biceps Curl

Hamstring Curl
2 Max Rep Sets 1x11 3 x Max Rep Sets
Upright Barbell Row 3 x Max Rep Sets
Then 1x10 *choose weight that allows for
3 sets at 1 RIR each *choose weight that allows for
1Max Rep Set with small band 1x9 at least 10 reps per arm
at least 12 reps
for assistance *work to 1 RIR on final set
Every 3min on the min for 10min Ascending Ladder 3 Rounds
12min Thruster 95/65lbs Max Rep Bench Press at
AMRAP 8 min 21-15-9
Run 400m Sit Up 185/125lbs
10 Bar Dips Deadlift 275/185lbs
Power Clean 155/105lbs for *thrusters go up by 1 every *once the bar is racked you
15 Air Squats GHD Sit Ups
remaining time in interval round, sit ups go up by 2 must row 500m before starting
*score is power clean reps everyround next round. Score is reps
Tier Three Tactical 7 Week Free Functional Bodybuilding Workout Plan
Session 11 Session 12 Session 13 Session 14 Session 15
Back Squat
Bench Press Seated Dumbbell Press Hex Bar Deadlift
1x11, 1x10 High Incline Dumbbell Bench
Work to 5RM 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 1x8, 1x6, 1x5, 1x3
1x9 Press
Then perform 2 max rep sets *leave 1 reps left in tank on *work to 1 RIR on final set, all
1x7 4 sets at 1 RIR
at 85% of 5RM each set other sets are 2 RIR
*work to 1RIR on final set
Single Arm Dumbbell Row Reverse Barbell Lunge
Hamstring Curl Dumbbell Chest Fly
1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6
3x20 Inverted Barbell Row 3x12
*set of 12 and 10 are 2RIR, *leave 2 reps left in tank on
*90 sec rest between sets 4 sets at 1RIR each *1 reps left in tank
1RIR set of 8 and 6 each set
**2 reps left in the tank **60 sec rest between
**reps per arm **reps are per leg

Heel Elevated Narrow Stance Calf Raise

Incline Bench Press Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly
Goblet Squat 3x20 reps using bodyweight Strict Chin Ups
1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 4 x Max Rep Sets
3x20 plus dumbbell 4 x Max Rep Sets
*set of 12 and 10 are 2RIR, *same weight as last week,
*feel the quad burn *add weight from last week if *try to beat last week
1RIR set of 8 and 6 beat last weeks reps

Strict Pull Ups Romanian Deadlift Alternating DB Biceps Curl

Hamstring Curl
2 Max Rep Sets 1x11, 1x10 3 x Max Rep Sets
Upright Barbell Row 3 x Max Load Sets
Then 1x9 *choose weight that allows for
4 sets at 1 RIR each *choose weight that allows for
2 Max Rep Set with small band 1x7 at least 10 reps per arm
10-12 reps, no more
for assistance *work to 1RIR on final set
Tabata 15-12-9 Row 100 Cal for Time
4 Rounds for Time 2 Rounds 3min on 3min off
Push Ups Box Jump 24/20in *every min on the min do 10
25 Aslt Bike Cal 9 Power Snatch 75/55lbs
Rest 2min Push Press 95/65lbs deficit push ups using
25 Pull Ups 9 Toes to Bar
Tabata Row Cal *cycle through 15-12-9 dumbbell handles
continuously for max reps
Tier Three Tactical 7 Week Free Functional Bodybuilding Workout Plan
Session 16 Session 17 Session 18 Session 19 Session 20
Seated Dumbbell Press
Bench Press Back Squat High Incline Dumbbell Bench
1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6, 1x16 Hex Bar Deadlift
Work to 4RM 1x9, 1x7 both 2 RIR Press
*leave 1 reps left in tank on 1x8, 1x6, 1x5, 1x3
Then perform 2 max rep sets 1x5 at 1RIR 4 sets at 1 RIR
each set except final set which *1 RIR on all sets
at 87% of 4RM 1x15 at 3 RIR *beat last week
is 3RIR

Single Arm Dumbbell Row Hamstring Curl Reverse Barbell Lunge Dumbbell Chest Fly
1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 3x20 Inverted Barbell Row 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 3x12
*1 RIR all sets *90 sec rest between sets 4 sets at max reps *1 RIR all sets *1 reps left in tank
**reps per arm **1 reps left in the tank **reps are per leg **60 sec rest between

Heel Elevated Narrow Stance Calf Raise

Goblet Squat Rear Delt Dumbbell Fly
Incline Bench Press 3x20 reps using bodyweight Strict Chin Ups
4x17 4 x Max Rep Sets
1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 plus dumbbell 4 x Max Rep Sets
*feel the quad burn, heavier *same weight as last week,
*all sets 1 RIR *add weight from last week if *try to beat last week
than last week beat last weeks reps

Strict Pull Ups Romanian Deadlift Hamstring Curl Alternating DB Biceps Curl
3 Max Rep Sets 1x11, 1x10 3 x Max Load Sets 4 x Max Rep Sets
Upright Barbell Row
Then 1x9 *choose weight that allows for *choose weight that allows for
4 sets at max reps
2 Max Rep Set with small band 1x7 10-12 reps, no more at least 10 reps per arm
for assistance *1RIR on all sets **beat last week
WOD (22-16-10)
Single Arm DB Push Press WOD WOD
60/40lbs WOD Tabata Row Cal 7 Rounds for Time
5 Rds for Time
Box Jump 24/20in 8min of 30sec on 30 sec off Rest 2min 5 Strict Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
*between each round run Power Clean 135/95lbs 30 Sumo Deadlifts at 7 Push Ups
50 Air Squats
400m, reps are total for both 225/155lbs 10 Toes to Bar
arms on PP
Tier Three Tactical 7 Week Free Functional Bodybuilding Workout Plan
Session 21 Session 22 Session 23 Session 24 Session 25
Dumbbell Bench Press Weighted Jump Squats
1x14 2RIR Front Squat Barbell Strict Press 3 EMOM for 8 min with 30% of Bench Press
1x12 2RIR 6 every 2min on the min for 12 Work to 6RM then, bodyweight load Work to 6RM then,
1x10 2 RIR at 2RIR 8 EMOM for 4min at 2RIR *use barbell or dumbbell 8 EMOM for 4min at 2RIR
1x8 AHAP **quarter squat max jump

Stiff Leg Deadlifts Weighted Pull Ups Deficit Hex Bar Deadlift
Strict Chin Ups 1x8 2 RIR 4 max rep sets 2-4in deficit Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly
3 sets at 2RIR 1x7 2 RIR *choose weight that allows for Work to 6RM then, 3x12 at 2 RIR
1x6 1 RIR 6-8 reps 2x7 at 2RIR

Reverse Banded Pull Ups

Weighted Dip
Weighted Box Step Ups 3 sets between 6-10 reps each
1x10 2RIR Lateral Delt Dumbbell Fly Single Leg Calf Raise
3x8 at 2 RIR set
1x8 2 RIR 4 x16 at 2RIR 3x15L, 15R
*8L, 8R leg *anchor band to floor, and
1x6 AHAP
loop around neck

Bent Over Barbell Row Nordic Curl

Alternating DB Biceps Curl
1x10 2RIR 3x6 negatives Triceps Extensions Hamstring Curl
5 minutes for max reps
1x8 2 RIR *Use arms to assist up and 4 x 16 at 2RIR 3x20 at 2RIR
30/20lbs dumbbells
1x6 AHAP lower as slow as possible

WOD WOD For Time
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs 3 Rds for Time Aslt Bike 50 cal
30-20-10 AMRAP 14min
24/20in for time 20 Pull Ups Rest 2 min
Aslt Bike Cal 3 Power Snatch 135/95lbs
*every min on the min perform 30 Push Ups Row 50 Cal
Power Clean 95/65lbs 7 GHD Sit Ups
4 DB Snatch 55/35lbs 20 KB Swings 53/35lbs Rest 2 min
30 Bench Press at 155/105lbs
Tier Three Tactical 7 Week Free Functional Bodybuilding Workout Plan
Session 26 Session 27 Session 28 Session 29 Session 30
Dumbbell Bench Press Barbell Strict Press Weighted Jump Squats Bench Press
1x14 2RIR Front Squat Work to 6RM then, 3 EMOM for 9 min with 30% of Work to 6RM then,
1x12 2RIR 6 every 2min on the min for 12 9 EMOM for 4min bodyweight load 9 EMOM for 4min
1x10 1 RIR at 1 RIR *try to use last weeks weight *use barbell or dumbbell *try to use last weeks weight
1x8 AHAP on EMOM **quarter squat max jump on EMOM
Weighted Pull Ups
Stiff Leg Deadlifts Deficit Hex Bar Deadlift
4 max rep sets
Strict Chin Ups 1x8 2 RIR 2-4in deficit Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly
*choose weight that allows for
3 sets at 1RIR 1x7 1 RIR Work to 6RM then, 3x14 at 2 RIR
6-8 reps
1x6 1 RIR 2x7 at 1RIR
**beat last week
Reverse Banded Pull Ups
Weighted Dip
Weighted Box Step Ups 4 sets between 6-10 reps each
1x10 2 RIR Lateral Delt Dumbbell Fly Single Leg Calf Raise
3x8 at 1 RIR set
1x8 1 RIR 4 x16 at 1RIR 3x17L, 17R
*8L, 8R leg *anchor band to floor, and
1x6 AHAP
loop around neck

Bent Over Barbell Row Nordic Curl Alternating DB Biceps Curl

1x10 2RIR 3x8 negatives Triceps Extensions Hamstring Curl 5 minutes for max reps
1x8 1 RIR *Use arms to assist up and 4 x 16 at 1RIR 3x20 at 1RIR 30/20lbs dumbbells
1x6 AHAP lower as slow as possible *beat last week

3 Rds, 1 min per for max reps WOD
WOD WOD WOD 3 Rds Aslt Bike for Max Duration
1. Push Press 75/55lbs
15-12-9 4 Rounds for Time AMRAP 9min *AB at 1.5x your body weight in
2. Sumo Deadlift High Pull watts. A 200 pound athlete has to
Deadlift 275/185lbs Row 500m 3 Hang Squat Clean 135/95lbs
75/55lbs hold 300 watts for as long as
Box Jumps 30/24in 15 Strict Bar Dips 6 Chest to Bar Pull ups
3. Air Squats possible, rest 4 min between
4. Rest
Tier Three Tactical 7 Week Free Functional Bodybuilding Workout Plan
Session 31 Session 32 Session 33 Session 34 Session 35
Dumbbell Bench Press Barbell Strict Press Weighted Jump Squats Bench Press
Front Squat
1x12 2RIR Work to 5RM then, 3 EMOM for 10 min with 30% Work to 5RM then,
5 every 2min on the min for 12
1x10 2RIR 10 EMOM for 4min of bodyweight load 10 EMOM for 4min
at 1 RIR
1x8 1 RIR *try to use last weeks weight *use barbell or dumbbell *try to use last weeks weight
*increase load from last week
1x6 AHAP on EMOM **quarter squat max jump on EMOM
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Weighted Pull Ups Deficit Hex Bar Deadlift
1x8 2 RIR
Strict Chin Ups 4 max rep sets 2-4in deficit Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly
1x7 1 RIR
4 sets at 1RIR *choose weight that allows for Work to 5RM then, 3x15 at 1 RIR
1x6 1 RIR
7-9 reps 2x6 at 1RIR
1x4 AHAP
Weighted Dip Reverse Banded Pull Ups
1x10 2 RIR Weighted Box Step Ups 4 sets between 6-10 reps each
Lateral Delt Dumbbell Fly Single Leg Calf Raise
1x8 1 RIR 3x7 at 1 RIR set
4 x18 at 1RIR 3x20L, 20R
1x6 1 RIR *8L, 8R leg *anchor band to floor, and
1x4 AHAP loop around neck

Bent Over Barbell Row

Nordic Curl Alternating DB Biceps Curl
1x10 2 RIR
3x10 negatives Triceps Extensions Hamstring Curl 5 minutes for max reps
1x8 1 RIR
*Use arms to assist up and 4 x 18 at 1RIR 3x20 at AHAP on final set 30/20lbs dumbbells
1x6 1 RIR lower as slow as possible *beat last week
1x4 AHAP

WOD WOD 15 min in 3 Parts WOD
For Time
Every 2min on the min for 3Rds for Time Min 1-5: Deadlift 225/155lbs AMRAP 8min
Run 800m
10min Run 200m Min 5-10: Deadlift 275/185lbs 20 Banded Triceps Push Downs
50 Push Ups Min 10-15: Deadlift 315/225lbs
20 KB Swing 53/35lbs 10 Strict Bar Dips 20 Barbell Curl 65/45lbs
50 Sit Ups *must do perform same number
15 Goblet Squat same KB 8 Strict Pull Ups 20 Strict Press 65/45lbs
Run 400m T2Bs as deadlifts

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