Morphology of Flowering Plants

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FAMILY: SOLANACEAE (Potato Family) Vegetative Characters

• Plants mostly herbs, shrubs and rarely small trees

• Stem: herbaceous rarely woody, aerial; erect, cylindrical, branched, solid or hollow, hairy or
glabrous, underground stem in potato (Solanum tuberosum)
• Leaves: alternate, simple, rarely pinnately compound, exstipulate; venation reticulate
Floral Characters
• Inflorescence : Solitary, axillary or cymose as in Solanum
• Flower: bisexual, actinomorphic
• Calyx: sepals five, united, persistent, valvate aestivation
• Corolla: petals five, united; valvate aestivation
• Androecium: stamens five, epipetalous
• Gynoecium: bicarpellary, syncarpous; ovary superior, bilocular, placenta swollen with many
• Fruits: berry or capsule
• Seeds: many, endospermous
Economic Importance
• Many plants belonging to this family are source of food (tomato, brinjal, potato), spice (chilli);
medicine (belladonna, ashwagandha); fumigatory (tobacco); ornamentals (petunia)

• The ovules develop into seeds.
• A seed is made up of a seed coat and an embryo.
• The embryo is made up of a radicle, an embryonal axis and cotyledons.
• Seed coat two layers, the outer testa and the inner tegmen.
• The hilum is a scar on the seed coat through which the developing seeds were attached to the
fruit. Above the hilum is a small pore known as Micropyle.
• At the two ends of the embryonal axis are present the radicle and the plumule. • Some seeds
are endospermic in which endosperm persists like in castor. In non endospermic seed (bean,
gram and pea) the endosperm is not present in mature seeds.
• Dicotyledons have two cotyledon while monocots have one cotyledon (Scutellum)
• The fruit is a mature or ripened ovary.
• If a fruit is formed without fertilization of the ovary, it is called a parthenocarpic fruit.
• Generally, the fruit consists of a wall or pericarp and seeds.
• The pericarp may be dry or fleshy.
• When pericarp is thick and fleshy, it is differentiated into the outer epicarp, the middle
mesocarp and the inner endocarp.
• In mango and coconut, the fruit is known as a drupe. They develop from monocarpellary
superior ovaries and are one seeded.

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