Institute Name: Indian Institute of Science (IR-O-U-0220)

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National Institutional Ranking Framework

Ministry of Education
Government of India
Data Submitted by Institution for India Rankings '2022'
Institute Name: Indian Institute of Science [IR-O-U-0220]

Sanctioned (Approved) Intake

Academic Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16

UG [4 Years Program(s)] 120 120 120 120 - -

PG [2 Year Program(s)] 457 456 - - - -

PG [3 Year Program(s)] 28 75 56 - - -

Total Actual Student Strength (Program(s) Offered by your Institution)

(All programs No. of Male No. of Female Total Students Within State Outside State Outside Economically Socially No. of students No. of students No. of students No. of students
of all years) Students Students (Including male (Including male Country Backward Challenged receiving full receiving full receiving full who are not
& female) & female) (Including male (Including male (SC+ST+OBC tuition fee tuition fee tuition fee receiving full
& female) & female) Including male reimbursement reimbursement reimbursement tuition fee
& female) from the State from Institution from the Private reimbursement
and Central Funds Bodies

UG [4 Years 453 68 521 83 433 5 19 248 0 0 105 162


PG [2 Year 811 128 939 36 898 5 97 463 0 0 190 370


PG [3 Year 143 39 182 12 159 11 13 45 0 0 27 31


Placement & Higher Studies

UG [4 Years Program(s)]: Placement & higher studies for previous 3 years

Academic Year No. of first year No. of first year Academic Year No. of students Academic Year No. of students No. of students Median salary of No. of students
students intake in the students admitted in admitted through graduating in placed placed selected for Higher
year the year Lateral entry minimum stipulated graduates(Amount in Studies
time Rs.)

2015-16 120 116 2016-17 0 2018-19 98 3 1150000(Eleven Lakh 95

Fifty thousand rupees)

2016-17 120 115 2017-18 0 2019-20 83 12 1000000(Ten lakh 71


2017-18 120 105 2018-19 0 2020-21 91 6 1350000(Thirteen Lakh 85

Fifty thousand rupees)

PG [2 Years Program(s)]: Placement & higher studies for previous 3 years

Academic Year No. of first year No. of first year Academic Year No. of students graduating in minimum No. of students Median salary of No. of students
students intake in the students admitted in stipulated time placed placed selected for Higher
year the year graduates(Amount in Studies

2017-18 441 373 2018-19 317 231 1822000(Eighteen 34

Lakh twenty Two
2018-19 456 295 2019-20 233 159 2354590(Twenty three 9
lakh fifty four thousand
five hundred ninety)

2019-20 456 421 2020-21 386 234 2000000(Twenty lakh 30


PG [3 Years Program(s)]: Placement & higher studies for previous 3 years

Academic Year No. of first year No. of first year Academic Year No. of students Academic Year No. of students No. of students Median salary of No. of students
students intake in the students admitted in admitted through graduating in placed placed selected for Higher
year the year Lateral entry minimum stipulated graduates(Amount in Studies
time Rs.)

2016-17 54 54 2017-18 0 2018-19 52 20 3041843(Thirty lakh 16

forty one thousand
eight hundred forty
three rupees)

2017-18 56 54 2018-19 0 2019-20 52 33 2375000(Twenty three 6

lakh seventy five
thousand )

2018-19 56 54 2019-20 0 2020-21 51 36 2169000(Twenty one 15

lakh sixty nine
thousand rupees)

Ph.D Student Details

Ph.D (Student pursuing doctoral program till 2020-21)

Total Students

Full Time 2808

Part Time 159

No. of Ph.D students graduated (including Integrated Ph.D)

2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

Full Time 329 336 402

Part Time 23 20 23

Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Capital expenditure for previous 3 years
Financial Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Utilised Amount

Annual Capital Expenditure on Academic Activities and Resources (excluding expenditure on buildings)

Library 162497776 (Sixteen Crores Twenty Four Lakhs Ninety Seven 154075611 (Fifteen Crores Forty Lakh Seventy Five Thousand 153536378 (Fifteen Crores thirty five lakhs thirty six thousand
Thousand Seven Seventy Six) Six Hundred Eleven) three hundred and seventy eight)

New Equipment for Laboratories 1662208873 (One Sixty Six Crores Twenty Two Lakhs Eight 511733876 (Fifty One Crore Seventeen Lakh thirty three 1300208567 (one thirty crores two lakhs eight thousand five
Thousand Eight seventy Three) thousand eight seventy six) hundred sixty seven)

Engineering Workshops 16537825 (One Crore Sixty Five Lakhs Thirty Seven Thousand 45132989 (Four crores fifty one lakhs thirty two thousand nine 4925000 (Forty nine lakhs twenty five thousand)
Eight Hundred and Twenty Five) eighty nine)

Studios 0 (Zero) 7694288 (Seventy Six Lakhs Ninety Four Thousand Two 1639633 (Sixteen Lakhs Thirty nine thousand six Hundred and
Hundred and Eighty Eight only) Thirty Three only)
Other expenditure on creation of Capital Assets (excluding 533739409 (Fifty Three Crores Thirty Seven Lakhs Thirty Nine 303342811 (Thirty Crore thirty Three Lakh forty two thousand 169002439 (SIXTEEN CRORE NINETY LAKH TWO
expenditure on Land and Building) Thousand Four Hundred and Nine) eight hundred eleven) THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY NINE)

Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Operational expenditure for previous 3 years
Financial Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Utilised Amount

Annual Operational Expenditure

Salaries (Teaching and Non Teaching staff) 4083641812 (Four Hundred and Eight Crores Thirty Six Lakhs 4205647106 (Four Hundred twenty Crore fifty Six Lakh forty 4080480048 (Four Hundred Eight Crore Four Lakh Eighty
Forty One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twelve) seven thousand one hundred six) Thousand Forty Eight)

Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure or consumables and 1317385662 (One Hundred and Thirty One Crores Seventy 1476221672 (One Hundred forty seven crore sixty two lakh 2307923742 (Two Hundred and Thirty Crore Seventy Nine
other running expenditures(excluding maintenance of hostels Three Lakhs Eighty Five Thousand Six hundred Sixty Two) twenty one thousand six hundred seventy two) Lakh Twenty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Two)
and allied services,rent of the building, depreciation cost, etc)

Seminars/Conferences/Workshops 4816410 (Forty Eight Lakhs Sixteen Thousand Four Hundred 40961615 (Four crore nine lakhs sixty one thousand six 53583184 (Five Crore Thirty Five Lakh Eighty Three Thousand
and Ten) hundred fifteen) One Hundred Eighty Four)

Sponsored Research Details

Financial Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

Total no. of Sponsored Projects 1594 1236 1001

Total no. of Funding Agencies 189 153 237

Total Amount Received (Amount in Rupees) 5257220083 4452945226 3811242036

Amount Received in Words Five Hundred and Twenty Five Crores Seventy Two Lakhs Four Hundred forty Five Crore twenty Nine Lakh forty five Four Hundred forty Five Crore twenty Nine Lakh forty five
Twenty Thousand and Eighty Three thousand two hundred twenty six thousand two hundred twenty six

Consultancy Project Details

Financial Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

Total no. of Consultancy Projects 224 233 389

Total no. of Client Organizations 167 188 315

Total Amount Received (Amount in Rupees) 730156841 545452150 501720169

Amount Received in Words Seventy three crores one lakh fifty six thousand eight hundred Fifty Four Crore fifty Four Lakh fifty two thousand one hundred Fifty Crore Seventeen Lakh twenty Thousand One hundred
forty one fifty Sixty Nine

Executive Development Program/Management Development Programs

Financial Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19

Total no. of Executive Development Programs/ Management 10 20 17

Development Programs

Total no. of Participants 386 478 411

Total Annual Earnings (Amount in Rupees)(Excluding Lodging 13821063 7855184 6752895

& Boarding Charges)

Total Annual Earnings in Words Rupees One crore thirty eight lacs twenty one thousand and Seventy eight lacs fifty five thousand one hundred and eighty Sixty seven lakhs fifty two thousand eight hundred ninety five
sixty three four

PCS Facilities: Facilities of Physically Challenged Students

1. Do your institution buildings have Lifts/Ramps? Yes, more than 80% of the buildings

2. Do your institution have provision for walking aids, including wheelchairs and transportation from one building to another for Yes
handicapped students?

3. Do your institution buildings have specially designed toilets for handicapped students? Yes, more than 80% of the buildings

Faculty Details
Number of faculty members entered 465

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