Large Intestine Pattern Differentiation in Chinese Medicine

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The passage discusses several patterns of Large Intestine dysfunction including Damp-Heat, Heat, Dryness, and Cold. It covers etiological factors, signs and symptoms, tongue and pulse presentations, and treatment principles and points for each pattern.

The main patterns discussed are Damp-Heat, Heat, Dryness, and Cold in the Large Intestine. Damp-Heat can cause diarrhea with foul stool while Heat can cause constipation. Dryness affects fluid metabolism and Cold is a deficiency pattern.

Dietary factors like excess cold/raw foods or hot/greasy foods are discussed. Emotional factors like sadness and worry are also covered. Exogenous pathogens like Cold can also invade the Large Intestine.

Large Intestine Pattern Differentiation in Chinese Medicine

Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine Heat in the Large Intestine Dryness of the Large Intestine Cold in the Large Intestine

Large Intestine main function: to receive food from the Small Intestine, absorb fluids and excrete the remainder as feces. Diet Can directly affect the Large Intestine. Excessive consumption of Cold and raw food can cause Interior Cold (diarrhea: loose stools) Excessive greasy and hot foods can cause Damp-Heat in Large Intestine (foul urgent and loose stool with burning) Emotions Lung/Large Intestine belong to Metal element; affected by SADNESS and also by worry. Worry causes Lung Qi to become deficient and fail to descend, which can contribute to stagnation of Qi in Large Intestine (abdominal pain and constipation). Also Stagnation of Liver Qi can affect the Intestines in the same way. Exogenous Pathogens Cold can directly invade the Large Intestine causing abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine


Abdominal Pain Excess pattern Diarrhea Dampness impairs fluid absorption in the intestines Mucus and Blood in the Stool Damp causes mucus, heat causes extravasation of Blood Foul stool, burning anus Heat Scanty and dark urine Heat Fever and sweating


Thirst without a desire to drink Heat causes thirst, Dampness causes a lack of desire to drink Heavy sensation in the body and limbs Dampness Stuffiness in the chest and epigastrium Dampness


Red body with a sticky yellow coat


Slippery and Rapid

Too much hot and greasy foods plus emotional problems

Example: worry and anxiety over long period. All cause interior Heat. May accompany other patterns involving Interior Heat such as Liver Qi Stagnation with Liver Fire.

Treatment Principle

Clear Heat, resolve Dampness, stop diarrhea


SP 9 (Yinlingquan ) Clear Damp from Lower Burner SP 6 (SanYinjiao) Clear Damp from Lower Burner REN 3 (Zhongji ) Clear Damp from Lower Burner BL 22 (Sanjiaoshu) Clear Damp from Lower Burner BL 25 (Dachangshu) Back Shu of Large Intestine; stops diarrhea BL 17 (Geshu) Stops Bleeding REN 12 (Zhongwan) Resolves Dampness LI 11 (Quchi)

Clears Heat and Dampness

ST 37 (Shangjuxu) Lower Sea point of Large Intestine Stops diarrhea BL 20 (Pishu) Regulates Spleen to resolve Dampness


Sedate, moxa not applicable

Heat in the Large Intestine


Constipation with Dry Stools Heat burning fluids Burning sensation in mouth Heat Burning sensation in Anus Heat Scanty and dark urine Heat in the Lower Jiao


Thick yellow coating (possible brown or black coating)


Full and rapid Pulse

Too much hot foods (alcohol, lamb, beef) and dry foods (baked or broiled meats)

Treatment Principle
Clear Heat in Large Intestine and Stomach, Promote Body Fluids


REN 4 (Gyanyuan) Tonifies Yin and Fluids LI 11 (Quchi) Clears Heat in Large Intestine ST 37 (Shangjuxu) Lower He Sea point of Large Intestine. Good for chronic conditions

ST 44 (Neiting) Clears Stomach Heat LI 2 (Erjian) Clears Heat in Large Intestine SP 6 (SanYinjiao) Nourish Yin and promote Body Fluids REN 12 (Zhongwan ) Nourish Yin and promote Body Fluids Ki 6 (Zhaohai) Nourish Yin and promote Body Fluids

Dryness of the Large Intestine (Exhausted Fluid of Large Intestine)


Dry stools that are hard to pass Dry mouth and throat, possible thin body type Chronic Yin or Blood Deficiency

Dry, pale, and red with no coating


This pattern usually accompanies other patterns,

Example: Yin or Blood Deficiency. Yin Deficiency produces a red or red and peeled Tongue, whereas Blood Deficiency produces a Tongue that is pale.

This pattern is most common in older people and in women after childbirth.

Treatment Principle
Promote fluids in Large Intestine


ST 36 (Zusanli) Promotes fluids in Large Intestine (Stomach is the Origin of Fluids) SP 6 (SanYinjiao ) Tonify Yin and promote Fluids

Ren 4 (Guanyuan) Tonify Yin and promote Fluids KI 6 (Zhaohai) Tonifies Yin and promotes Fluids, moistens stool.


Tonify all points

Cold in the Large Intestine (Subcategory of Deficient Spleen Yang)


Loose stools Yang fails to transform fluids Dull abdominal pain Deficiency Borborygmus Spleen and Large Intestine Qi Deficiency Pale urine Yang Deficiency Cold Limbs


Pale tongue



Treatment Principle

Tonify and warm Large Intestine and Spleen


REN 6 (Qihai) Tonifies Qi and stops chronic diarrhea ST 25 (Tianshu) Front Mu point of Large Intestine. Stops diarrhea and pain. ST 36 (Zusanli) Tonifies Spleen Qi ST 37 (Shangjuxu) Lower Sea point of Large Intestine. Stops chronic diarrhea

BL 25 (Dachangshu) Back Shu point of Large Intestine. Tonifies Large Intestine BL 20 (Pishu) Tonifies Spleen Qi

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