2020 - Ruiz - Sustainable and Carbon Negative C Footprint NaOH Technology For CO2 Capture

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org/journal/ascecg Research Article

Sustainable and Negative Carbon Footprint Solid-Based NaOH

Technology for CO2 Capture
Claudia Ruiz, Luis Rincoń , Ricardo R. Contreras, Claudio Sidney, and Jorge Almarza*

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ABSTRACT: We report a highly efficient system for CO2 capture and conversion
to a “green” solid carbonate that utilizes solid NaOH. This novel technology has
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important advantages over the currently available technologies regarding percent of

CO2 capture, heat production, and carbonate yields. The study uses a techno-
economic analysis as a quantitative tool in the valuation of CO2 capture for an
environmental and economic gains objective. We highlight two important
advantages of this technology that go hand in hand with a sustainable development:
low economic cost and negative energy and carbon footprint.

KEYWORDS: NaOH technology, Carbon dioxide capture, Energy efficient, Negative footprint technology, Green carbonate,
Circular economy, Green chemical

CO2 emissions are currently a major global issue 1−3
that has
Solid sorbents have the potential to reduce the overall costs
related to CO2 capture by reducing the energy required to
release CO2 during material regeneration due to less
prompted scientists to develop processes for capturing CO2
evaporation of water and lower specific heat capacity. Sjostrom
from point and diffuse sources.4 Now, in the beginning of the and Krutka27 evaluated 27 different sorbent materials on a
21st century, a sustainable technology is required.5−9 Even laboratory scale in a cyclic temperature swing adsorption/
though there are many technological proposals, the results of regeneration CO 2 capture process in simulated coal
recent techno-economic studies are not very encouraging.10,11 combustion flue gas. The supported amines exhibited the
Some of the processes for CO2 capture from industries highest working CO2 capacities, although they can become
involve hot-carbonate (alkali salt) systems,12 using potassium poisoned by the presence of SO2. On the other hands, solid
carbonate (K2CO3) or sodium carbonate (NaCO3), adsorb- sorbents are technologies based on organic sorbents or
ents,13−15 or more recently, molecular-sieve (zeolite), activated inorganic mix compounds with the capacity for mmol
bauxite, activated alumina, silica-gel processes,16 and tradi- capture/g of sorbent.28 Furthermore, the synthesis process of
tional chemical looping.17 Chemical absorption using aqueous any compound and the union to a polymeric matrix
amine18,19 and ammonia solutions is currently the only mature significantly increases both the cost of the sorbent and its
technology regarding CO2 capture, which has been widely carbon footprint involving economic and environmental
deployed on industrial applications since the late 1970s.20 viability.
These processes, under high pressure and low temperature Metal hydroxides and particularly sodium materials have
conditions, use primary, secondary, or tertiary amines. long been known to capture CO2 and have been extensively
Conventionally, monoethanolamine (MEA),21 piperazine studied with different capture methods.29−32 Nikulshina et al.33
(PZ),22 diethanolamine (DEA),23 and, in particular, methyl- reported three Na-based thermochemical cycles for capturing
diethanolamine (MDEA)24 have increasingly been studied and
used during the last years.25 More recently, a process has been Received: September 24, 2020
proposed for CO2 capture founded in metal−organic frame- Revised: November 30, 2020
works (MOF). Using this technology that requires far less Published: December 16, 2020
energy though large-scale production has not been perfected,
and questions over its long-term stability for sustained CO2
capture projects mean that its high cost is not yet merited.26

© 2020 American Chemical Society https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07093

19003 ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 19003−19012
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering pubs.acs.org/journal/ascecg Research Article

CO2 from synthetic air (500 ppm). The energetic and kinetic heated from room temperature to 1050 °C, with a ramp of 10 °C/min
parameters obtained impede the application of Na-based in synthetic air (21% v/v oxygen in argon) employed as the carrier

sorbents (NaOH, Na2CO3, NaHCO3, Na2O) for capturing
CO2. Although Tavan et al.34 reported that in a 4% CO2 gas
stream, which passes through a spray dryer at 100 °C to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
achieve drying of NaOH, the capture capacity doubles if the Carbon Dioxide Capture Process Using Solid-Based
same conditions are compared but at temperatures below 50 NaOH Technology. We used a small-scale model converter
°C. Alternatively, the captured CO2 can be converted into to test the amount of CO2 captured using a solid-based NaOH
value-added products.35 Furthermore, the separation of the technology. Sodium hydroxide was chosen as the sorbent due
carbonate and bicarbonates generated require high energy to its ability to adsorb CO2 at ambient temperature with fast
during the drying process. At this moment, among the kinetics and an affordable price. Figure 1a shows a schematic
challenges in CO2 capture, we can highlight that the
regeneration step is energy consuming (>750 °C). On the
other hand, current technologies for CO2 capture would also
require appropriate disposal that “delays” its reentry into the
The purpose of this research is to present an efficient patent
technology based on solid NaOH for CO2 capture by
estimating the energy requirements per unit of CO2 captured.
Accordingly, we present a novel solid-based NaOH technology
for CO2 capture from air. A small-scale test result shows a
nonconventional capture capacity, even if only sodium
carbonate is formed.
Furthermore, we present results on prototypes (indoor and
semi-industrial systems) to measure CO2 absorption and
provide an engineering−economic analysis and its feasible
technology to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Finally,
we present a preliminary energetic and eco-economic assess-
ment and the possible integration of this technology into a
sustainability model. Consequently, the final objective is for
our technology to be a full circle carbon capture and utilization
(CCU), where we minimize CO2 capture costs by selling the
green high-purity value-added green carbonates to industry.
Additionally, we compared the present technology with the
best amine processing technology (methyldiethanolamine,
MDEA) and indirect calcium looping with alkali (KOH/
NaOH). In all cases, substantial gains in terms of energy and
carbon footprint are observed.


Sodium hydroxide was purchased from Gie-Tec GmbH (Eiterfeld,
Germany). Sodium carbonate was obtained from PanReac Appli-
Chem (Darmstadt, Germany). CO2 gas was purchased from Air
Liquid (Madrid, Spain). The gas concentration was determined using Figure 1. (a) General scheme of the gas analyzing system Horiba-
an analyzer type HORIBA Multi-Component Gas Analyzer/VA- Environics. The overall circuit is operated via the software CO2-
5112G, consisting of a nondispersive infrared method of double REMO. (b) Commercial NaOH captured CO2 after three rounds at
beams (NDIR-Non dispersive infrared). The instrumentation bench ambient temperature. In each round, the entire sample is massed. One
also has a mixer Environics Gas Dilution System/Series 4040, a part is analyzed through potentiometric studies, and the other is used
sample changer M&C Gas Conditioning Unit with Temperature for the CO2 capture study. (c) Stages of the study process in each
controller/CSS series, two flow controller systems Precision Gas Mass round of capture. Stabilization of the gas source in 5% CO2 and
Flow Controller/MCS-Series, M-Series, a differential pressure trans- capture phase until saturation of chemical converter.
ducer OMEGA Differential Pressure Transmitter/Model PX2300 and
a trace detector of humidity in gases based on a P2O5 sensor DKS
Aquatrace IV/Typ-R. These instruments were operated using CO2 drawing of the apparatus. The pressure of the inlet stream is
REMO software from TCA Spain. Determination of the NaOH considered to be 1 bar; a pressure drop of 0.50 bar is observed
concentration used the ASTM E15.01 method and was additionally inside the tube. Under the capture conditions, 3.00 g of
measured through a pH-meter pH60 DHS, with a 0.1/0.01 unit of pH commercial NaOH in layers of 1.00 g inside a Falcon canonical
resolution. For the characterization of X-ray powder diffraction, a tube captured CO2 after three rounds (Figure 1b) at ambient
XRD Panalytical Empyrean diffractometer (Cu Kα) was employed.
temperature (20 °C). The solid is crushed and dried after each
CO2 capture by the prototype (8.500 ppm v/v in atmospheric air)
was evaluated with three Aranet internal sensors (Araranet Pro 12 step. A 5% CO2 stream was used throughout the experiment.
station with four sensors in line/Sofware Aranet Pro v2.3.5) placed in The amount of CO2 captured was obtained through two
different positions inside the metal box. Solid product obtained after methods: I (direct) and II (indirect). Method I consisted of
capture of CO2 in the prototype was analyzed by TG-DSC-MS (Delta following the concentration of CO2 at the end of the reactor
Engineering & Chemsitry GmbH). Here, 100 mg of sample was until the system was saturated and no more CO2 was adsorbed.
19004 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07093
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 19003−19012
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Figure 2. (a) XRD patterns of Na2CO3 obtained by CO2 capture (red line) and Na2CO3 standard (blue line). (b) Thermal curves recorded as well
as the spectra of selected mass detected during the heating of the sample sodium carbonate from RT to 1050 with a rate of 10 °C/min.

The general instrumentation system used to evaluate the analysis for method II showed a relationship of 0.642 + 0.022
capture capacity of the converters included gas sensors (see mol of Na2CO3 per mole of NaOH. The fact that in both cases
Materials and Methods). A typical profile of the CO 2 the ratio between the moles of CO2 (or Na2CO3) and moles of
concentration percentage is shown in Figure 1c. From the NaOH was larger than 0.50, without any evidence of NaHCO3
gas flow (1.3 L/min), we obtained the volume of CO2 formation, is indicative of a departure from classic reaction
captured. From this volume, we calculated the moles of CO2 stoichiometry.37
using the ideal gas equation. Similar values were obtained by Alternatively, it is possible to consider the NaOH purity to
employing the virial equation. The typical error in moles of obtain an accurate ratio between CO2 moles (method I) or
CO2 from this method is about 1%. This error was calculated Na2CO3 moles (method II) per mol of NaOH. To estimate the
assuming a 1% random error in the CO2 profile per second. purity of NaOH, it is assumed that a solution of 1.00 g of fresh
Method II was based on the ASTM E291-18 standard
NaOH in 100 mL of water must have a pH of 13.40. In all
procedure36 for NaOH determination. Carbon dioxide capture
was obtained from the amount of NaOH remaining as a cases, the pH was lower, typically between 13.11 and 13.23;
function of the pH value in a solution of 1% (p/v) NaOH. We therefore, purity between 68% and 72% is assumed. The
assumed that the pH values come from a solution of NaOH powder X-ray diffraction of the fresh NaOH only detected
and a hydrated form of NaOH or Na2CO3. The typical error in NaOH and NaOH·H2O; thus, it is assumed that fresh NaOH
moles of CO2 from this method is about 1.5%. is nearly 30% water. After considering the NaOH purity,
Method I showed a mean value of 0.0443 + 0.0012 mol of method I indicated a ratio of 0.89 CO2 moles per moles of
CO2 per 3.0 g of NaOH (0.650 kg of CO2 per kg of NaOH). NaOH and 0.96 Na2CO3 moles per moles of NaOH.
In the case of 100% pure NaOH, this value means a Surprisingly, even with these high yields of CO2 adsorption,
relationship of 0.57 mol of CO2 per mole of NaOH. A similar the different experimental techniques, including powder X-ray
19005 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07093
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Figure 3. (a) Capacity of the indoor prototype at a concentration of 0.85% CO2 (8500 ppm). Sensors 1−3 are located inside the experimental box.
Sensor 4 is located outside the experimental box with ambient conditions. (b) Capacity of the laboratory prototype with an industry source at a
concentration of 16% CO2.

diffraction, indicate that pure Na2CO3 is a unique result prototype in ambient conditions at a concentration of 0.85%
(Figure 2a). CO2 (8500 ppm). It should be noted that 5 min after the
Additionally, classic volumetric techniques and TG-DSC-MS equipment was switched on the CO2 concentration of the
analysis were used. A titration with HCl solution and analysis system changed from very contaminated (or toxic) to an
using Metrohm automatic equipment in line was used. In the acceptable concentration of 1200 ppm (ASHRAE recommen-
last technique, the titration curve of the sample is highly similar dations for indoor air quality).41 Also, just 11 min after this
to that of Na2CO3. In the TG-DSC-MS analysis (Figure 2b), result, the CO2 values inside the box dropped to 0 ppm.
four peaks were selected to be monitored: 18 m/z (H2O), 17 The second real-condition experiment was evaluated under
m/z (OH), 28 m/z (CO), and 44 m/z (CO2). The melting real conditions of a gas stream from the furnace of a Spanish
point of sodium carbonate is reported to be 851 °C37 and was cement plant (Figure 3b). The emissions at the end of the
found experimentally to be 869 °C, a shift that may evidence furnace were measured with the gas analyzer (in onward) at a
the presence of different phases of sodium carbonate.38−40 controlled flow rate of 0.4−0.5 L/min, and the gases treated by
Two additional experiments were carried out under real the system with the NaOH technology were measured in the
conditions. The first experiment consisted of carbon dioxide gas analyzer (out onward). During the test, 12 L of gases were
capture using a prototype for indoor spaces. The prototype processed with an observed CO2 uptake of 99.9% that
included laminar plates of 7 cm × 12 cm with solid NaOH (3− corresponds to uptake of 3.7 g of CO2.
4 mm thick) that were introduced in a hermetic metal box In summary, these two last evaluations undoubtedly
(dimensions 101.5 cm × 80.5 cm × 61.5 cm; volume 0.503 demonstrate that the solid-based NaOH technology for carbon
m3). An interior fan blowed air through the plates at a flow of dioxide capture in laboratory experimental conditions and real
20 m3/h. Before turning on the prototype, the average conditions exhibits excellent performance.
concentration of the air in the metal box, measured with an On one hand, based on the experimental results (methods I
Aranet sensor (see Materials and Methods), was 8.500 ppm of and II), the presence of sodium bicarbonate was not observed,
CO2. The experiment was stopped when the internal sensors and less than 1% water was detected in the final product.
reached the value of zero. Figure 3a shows the capacity of the However, water was present in the initial gas fed into the
19006 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07093
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 19003−19012
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Figure 4. Input−output balance of NaOH-based technology for (a) flue gas and (b) atmospheric air per kg of CO2 at the point of capture.

stream or finally bound to carbonate as a sodium carbonate carbon dioxide from air or a flue gas stream (coming from a
hydrate. It is interesting to notice the relation of approximately nearby production plant) per kg of avoided emission of CO2.
1 mol of CO2 absorbed per mole of solid NaOH to produce For comparison, as reference technologies, we include the best
one mole of high purity sodium carbonate (“green carbonate”). amine processing technology (methyldiethanolamine, MDEA)
This observation prompts us to think in alternative ways for and an indirect Ca-looping process with NaOH and
CO2 absorption under solid NaOH that contains sodium causticization but modified in order to use NaOH instead of
carbonate. On the other hand, the use of solid sodium KOH.29 In this last technology, there are two connected
hydroxide under our study conditions allows for a favorable chemical cycles. In the first CO2 cycle capture, carbon dioxide
stoichiometric balance both during the capture of CO2 and in (flue gas or air) reacts with NaOH (aqueous) to form Na2CO3.
the generation of nearly two times the expected mass of In the second cycle, this sodium carbonate precipitate reacts
sodium carbonate. with Ca(OH)2 to form CaCO3. The calcium carbonate is
Moreover, the high percent of CO2 adsorption per NaOH calcined to liberate CO2 producing CaO, which is hydrated to
can be explained due to the additional energetic stabilization of produce Ca(OH)2 and close the cycle.29 More recently, a new
nearly 35 kJ per bond of Na+ for CO32− (based on preliminary study on the absorption of CO2 using KOH and causticization
DFT PBE/cc-pvDZ calculations on laminar sheets of planar was published.44 The process consists of a first CO2 cycle
sodium carbonate using the pyscf sorftware).42 It is worth capture from atmospheric air using a 1 M aqueous solution of
mentioning that one of the phases of sodium carbonate shows KOH. In the second cycle, Na2CO3 reacts with Ca(OH)2 to
planar graphite-like structure, where an interaction between regenerate KOH and produce CaCO3, which is reacted in a
sodium and the carbon of the carbonate ion Na-CO3 is plated, calciner to release captured CO2, while the calcium oxide is
and that would become the anhydrous form of NaCO3.43 This reacted with steam water to produce again Ca(OH)2 which is
stabilization would explain the increased thermal stabilization recycled back into the process. The process is self-sustained
in the TGA-DSC-MS studies. These planar configurations from an energy point of view; it uses methane to generate heat,
partially compensate for a deficit of the Na+ atoms. It should steam, and electricity. In order to determine the life cycle
not be forgotten that the TGA/DSC seems to indicate profile of the systems under analysis, inventory data for the
hydration water. Thus, other forms of octahedral carbonates, supply of chemicals and energy were taken from the ecoinvent
like α-Na 2 CO 3 , β-Na 2 CO 3 , γ-Na 2 CO 3 , and δ-Na 2 CO 3 3.5 database (average European data), and the analysis was
phases,39 can be found. Further experiments can clarify if the implemented in specific LCA software (SimaPro 8.5). The
exact nature is planar or octahedral. final mass balances of the NaOH system with flue gas and
Sustainability Model for Carbon Capture. A sustain- atmospheric air (approximate content of 0.04% of CO2) are
ability assessment of new technologies focuses on three main represented in Figure 4.
areas. In the following sections, we briefly discuss environ- The production of sodium hydroxide is likely the main
mental assessment, economic assessment, social impact contributor to the carbon footprint of the present technology.
assessment. Three sources of sodium hydroxide can be considered:
Environmental Assessment. Life cycle assessment commercial NaOH, low-energy NaOH, and low-impact or
(LCA) is a standardized methodology widely used to evaluate green NaOH. Low-energy NaOH is produced through an
the potential environmental impacts of a product system. For experimental process called ABLE (alkalinity based on low
carbon capture, storage, and/or utilization, LCA is a key energy), which reduces the energy consumption from the
methodology for the evaluation of the environmental credit of conventional electrolytic process by 80% due to the
CO2 removal from air or from flue gas. The goal of this LCA coproduction of HCl instead of H2 and Cl2. For the green
study is to evaluate and compare the life cycle environmental (or low-impact) NaOH, the ABLE process was assumed to
performance of various different systems aimed to capture employ wind power instead of electricity from the grid. The
19007 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07093
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 19003−19012
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Figure 5. (a) Operating cost of CO2 capture, (b) energy footprint, (c) carbon footprint, and (d) LCA index between MDEA technologies,
carbonate-looping technology, and solid-based NaOH technology.

scale of analysis is 1 Mt/year of CO2 (fed from flue gas) or 1 combine carbon and energy footprints into a single score, in
ton per day (fed from atmospheric air). The utilization of CO2- particular, if you need a simple way to evaluate several CO2
based products, in particular, sodium carbonate, reduces the capture technologies. Here, we integrated both values in a
carbon footprint of our technology, as it replaces the carbon single index. Figure 5 shows the integrated value of the carbon
footprint of current mining and chemical manufacturing and energy footprints for each system in relative values to
processes of high-purity carbonates. The results of the facilitate a comparative study for the identification of the most
assessment are summarized in Figure 5. The lowest carbon suitable CO2 capture solutions. For the carbon footprint, a
and energy footprints have been found for the present solid- reference value of 0.50 kg CO2eq per kg of NaOH and 8.58 MJ
based NaOH technology when using flue gas from power per kg of NaOH was used (ABLE process) and a production of
stations as a source of CO2, substituting a commercial sodium “green” Na2CO3 with an impact of −1.01 kg of CO2 per kg of
carbonate technology. Na2CO3 produced. Since EF is an order of magnitude larger
Carbon footprint (CF) is the total emissions caused by the than CF, the index is calculated as EF + 10 CF. The NaOH-
process, expressed as kg CO2 equivalents. Just like a carbon based technology footprints were calculated using the scheme
footprint, energy footprints (EF) are environmental footprints of Figure 4 using reference footprints. For flue gas, the energy
focusing on a single environmental issue, the balance of balance is negligible, while it is of high relevance for
primary nonrenewable energy consumption. Hence, an energy atmospheric air due to the high consumption of electricity
footprint is the assessment of the energy consumption related for compression. Two options are evaluated: atmospheric CO2
to a defined product. From the analyst point of view, this and flue gas from power plants. The energy footprint and
indicator represents the environmental efficiency of the overall primary energy demand of the selected scenarios have been
scenario of the application of the technology; higher cost assessed using LCA methodology. Negative values indicate net
means lower environmental efficiency of carbon capture and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings, and they are
lower cost means higher efficiency. It is often convenient to therefore considered to have the most favorable life cycle
19008 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07093
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 19003−19012
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering pubs.acs.org/journal/ascecg Research Article

performance regarding global warming. Overall, the solid- show that solid-based NaOH technology is the only CO2
based NaOH technology might have a great potential as a CO2 capture strategy with negative overall operating costs. Using
capture solution for the treatment of flue gas streams when COMTRADE data for 2019, in the mass balance of the
guaranteeing the use of environmentally friendly sodium NaOH(solid)-based technology, 1 ton of NaOH is equivalent
hydroxide and the displacement of conventional sodium to 2.6 tons Na2CO3. Then, 1 ton of NaOH per €540/ton is
carbonate production. A causticization cycle is not mandatory equal to €540; minus 2.6 tons Na2CO3 per €270/ton is equal
in the NaOH solid base technology. The causticization step, an to €702, resulting in negative €162, with a gross margin of €62/
endothermic process, is energetically and carbon footprint ton Na2CO3. The operating cost is extremely sensitive to the
demanding, particularly in liquid solutions. Therefore, totally cost of sodium hydroxide and the selling price of sodium
or partially avoiding the causticization step represents a carbonate. The blast parameter produces a negative cost; i.e., a
considerable savings in energy. Additionally, the energy benefit is obtained from the avoidance of CO2.
released is significantly higher than in aqueous solution We understand there may be demand for pure CO2 to be
methods; as a consequence, there is a greater potential to be used in other CCU applications, in which case, our technology
recycled than in the liquid phase where the energy tends to allows for the causticization to take place at the most
disperse.45 convenient location using the lowest-cost transport and
The following findings are highlighted: (i) It is highly logistics. In this case, we would regenerate the hydroxides
advisible to use either low-energy or green low-energy NaOH that can be reused with a neutral energy footprint by
with this technology. (ii) Better energy footprint results appear compensating the energy harnessed from our CO2 capture
when capturing CO2 from flue gas instead of capturing it from reaction
the air. (iii) It is also advisible to use the sodium carbonate On the other hand, stoichiometric simulations show
product from the present technology to avoid the conventional potentially higher gross margins when producing alternatives
production of sodium carbonate, rather than using it for such as potassium and calcium carbonates. Although other
NaOH generation or the production of construction materials. factors may also have a role (e.g., electricity price), their
In comparison with the other models built for comparison influence and the system’s sensitivity are of a much lower
with alternative carbon capture and storage systems, the solid- magnitude.
based NaOH technology has the lowest associated costs and Energy Assessment. New technologies like solid-based
the lowest life cycle impact provided that (i) low impact NaOH have a chance if they are economically and
sodium hydroxide is sourced and (ii) full substitution of thermodynamically feasible. A theoretical value of 127.6 kJ
sodium carbonate production is achievable. The results of the per mol of CO2 is predicted for the heat of reaction between
life cycle assessment, using flue gas from power stations as a solid NaOH and CO2 based on classic stoichiometry (1 mol of
source of CO2 for the energy footprint (−16.72 MJ/kg CO2) CO2 reacts with 2 mol of NaOH). This value corresponds to
and the carbon footprint (−2.45 kg CO2eq/kg CO2abs) 0.872 kWh per kg of CO2 captured and is considered a low
suggest that the use of solid hydroxides is an interesting limit value. A theoretical value of 1.319 kWh per kg of CO2 is
technology to consider as a CO2 capture tool. predicted for a 1:1 relation between NaOH and CO2 assuming
Economic Assessment. The economic performance is a heat of formation for the reaction product of −1062.0 kJ per
evaluated through the calculation of three main indicators: raw mol of CO2. Unfortunately, the increment of temperature in
material transformation costs during the CO2 capture process, the reactor in the small-scale model converter used in this work
energy assessment, and GHG avoidance cost/benefits. did not allow an indirect quantification of the reaction heat. To
Raw Material Transformation Costs of Carbon illustrate how heat could be recovered in an industrial process,
Dioxide Capture. The economic performance is evaluated the reactor exit gas temperature is estimated at 175 °C and
through the calculation of raw material consumption costs, used to generate 12-bar steam, with a minimum temperature
which are reported in cost per ton of CO2 adsorbed at the drop of 18 °C. Using this approach, the heat exchanger can
point of capture. This indicator represents the operational cost recover 0.66 kWh per kg of captured CO2 (approximately 50%
of the process, without considering the life cycle emissions of efficiency). If the steam obtained is then used for electricity
CO2. The revenues from secondary products or byproducts, generation in a steam cycle microturbine, the recovered
which can be directly marketed, are subtracted. For reference electricity is approximately 8% efficiency of the thermal energy
cases, it includes the cost of CO2 compression and transport. released during the capture and transformation reaction. These
Figure 5 shows the operating cost per ton of CO2 captured. numbers, however, are not indicative of the potential energy
Since this is a simplified assessment, this work only produced recovery but are an example of dependencies between the flow
gross estimates of the operating cost rather than a precise of gas and the amount of available heat and work. To study the
estimation. A more detailed evaluation is probably not required heat and electricity recovery potential would require a much
at this stage of technology development. We considered several deeper research, which is outside the scope of this work.
scenarios for the present carbon capture technology, and the The GHG avoidance cost/benefits are reported per ton of
best reference technology scenarios are reported. The CO2eq actually removed from industrial emissions or air in a
minimum calculated cost for the solid-based NaOH technol- life cycle perspective. The solid-based NaOH technology can
ogy per ton of avoided CO2eq is around 16.5 EUR2018 therefore be of particular interest to industrial emitters located
(calculated from an operating cost perspective) when conven- in jurisdictions where allowance emissions are required, often
tional stoichiometry is used. This value is negative, −52.6 at a cost to emitters, as it creates an additional opportunity to
EUR2018, when we consider the yield of sodium carbonates reduce operating costs.
reported in this work. These costs are estimated when the Social Impact Assessment of Sodium Hydroxide
solid-based NaOH technology uses CO2 from flue gas, uses Technology. Looking beyond the current “take−make−
low carbon footprint sodium hydroxide, and substitutes the waste” extractive industrial model, a circular economy aims
current production methods of sodium carbonate. Our findings to redefine growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits.
19009 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07093
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 19003−19012
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering pubs.acs.org/journal/ascecg Research Article

Figure 6. Sustainability model (CCS−CCU) of solid hydroxide technology.

This entails gradually decoupling economic activity from the investment cost of the NaOH used. From a life cycle
consumption of finite resources and designing waste out of the perspective, the lowest carbon and energy footprints were
system. Underpinned by a transition to renewable energy found for the present technology using flue gas from power
sources, the circular model builds economic, natural, and social stations as a source of CO2, using sodium hydroxide with the
capital (Figure 6). The high-purity carbonates produced with lowest carbon footprint, and substituting commercial sodium
our technology stimulate a circular economy by providing an
carbonate. The absolute value of the lowest carbon footprint is
economically viable operation with a negative carbon footprint
and producing value-added raw materials for various other actually much higher than the actual mass of carbon dioxide in
industrial applications. This technology provides economic and the final carbonate. This means that the system is able to avoid
environmental sustainability to a carbonate industry facing larger emissions than the amount chemically adsorbed by the
ever-increasing resistance to new mining concessions, while solid, assuming there is no barrier for the commercialization of
creating convenient availability of carbonates wherever CO2 the produced sodium carbonate. Economically, the minimum
emissions can be captured. On the other hand, market surplus calculated cost for the solid-based NaOH technology per ton
carbonates can be processed to regenerate chemical converters of avoided CO2eq is negative €52.6. These costs are estimated
by separating pure CO2 at convenient locations for both the when using CO2 from flue gas, using green sodium hydroxide,
existing CCS applications as well as the growing CCU uses like and producing sodium carbonate. No process using
enhanced oil recovery and synthetic fuels. The advantage of commercial sodium hydroxide has been found to have an
sodium hydroxide technology when regenerating the chemical
actual negative carbon footprint, except for those regenerating
converters is that both the solid carbonate and solid hydroxide
are stable and innocuous, which allows using the existing land sodium hydroxides with CaO looping and producing com-
and sea freight infrastructure for a lower CO2 transport cost. pressed CO2 for storage. Finally, the solid-based NaOH
Current European legislation and the costs associated with technology for the capture of CO2 proposed in this article has
CO2 emission allowances increasing in value, pose a threat to the advantage that sodium hydroxide is widely available and
the global market competitiveness of the European industry that it is energy efficient since all the steps of the process are
and therefore to employment levels within the European exothermic. Furthermore, the total regeneration of the
Union (EU). Infrastructure investments, both by private hydroxides is not rigorously necessary. This implies that
enterprise and governments, are built around the current additional causticization steps could be required. Consistently,
urban and industrial complexes developed based on a CO2- this technology has a negative carbon footprint and valuable
emitting energy sources. We propose that developing the “solid products. Direct commercialization of the produced carbonates
hydroxide technology” to the industrial level will not only
results in a net reduction of carbon emissions, thereby
address GHG reduction targets generating a circular economy
through the production of “green carbonates” but will also increasing the sustainability index of the present technology.
protect and enhance the current labor force in the EU.

Corresponding Author
The use of solid sodium hydroxide under our study conditions Jorge Almarza − Ecological World of Life, Laboratorio de
allows a favorable stoichiometric balance both in CO2 capture Transformación Química de Gases Efecto Invernadero
and in the generation of nearly twice the mass of sodium (LTQGEI), Fundación Gómez Pardo, 28003 Madrid,
carbonate. This mass gain allows an interesting and sustainable España; Ecological World for Life GmbH, Berlin-Köpenick
economic balance in relation to both the CO2 capture and the 12557, Deuschland; Email: [email protected]
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This paper was published ASAP on December 16, 2020, with
errors in Figure 6. These were corrected in the verion of the
paper published ASAP on December 18, 2020.

19012 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c07093
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 19003−19012

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