El Fili

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One morning in the month of December, the steamer Tabo, which was carrying many travelers to the
province of Laguna, struggled to overcome the strong current of the Pasig River.

This craft is heavy and round like a mug which is where its name comes from. On its deck were Don
Custodio, Ben Zayb, Father Irene, Father Salvi, Donya Victorina, Captain General and Simoum.

The dispute became heated when talk of subordinating the Pasig River to solve the travel problem was
brought up. Don Custodio's suggestion: keep a duck. The jeweler Simoun, who is a well-known advisor
to the Captain General, entered into the heat of the debate and said that the problem of the unsound
lakes is very easy. He said, build a straight canal that will connect Laguna lake and Manila bay.

Simoun's interlocutors were very surprised by his mentors, but they continued to listen to his
suggestions. Simoun's interlocutors were even more amazed when he suggested that the workers
should not be paid and that prisoners and captives would be better off doing the work. He continued
that, if necessary, even the elderly and children will be worked. Let the workers bring their own food
and equipment. Don Custodio and some priests answered. According to other riders, people will surely
riot if this happens. The hot topic turned to the ducks that are raised in Pateros and Pasig and what they
eat became a point of conversation.

When Donya Victorina heard this, she said sarcastically that if everyone spends time taking care of the
ducks, there will definitely be more ducks that she hates and hates so much.


Simoun headed below deck and the lower deck was crowded with passengers. There were two students
who were looked up to by others, Basilio who was studying medicine and a great physician and a poet
who had just graduated from Ateneo, Isagani.

Captain Basilio was talking to them, they talked about Captain Tiyago. Basilio was sent home by the old
man, said Father Irene, who has been the captain's advisor in recent days and the conversation turned
to the school the students planned for teaching Spanish. It will not succeed according to Captain Basilio.
Basilio and Isagani defended it because they said everything needed to make it happen was ready and
then old Basilio walked away. They talked about Paulita Gomez, Isagani's girlfriend who is extremely
beautiful, rich and educated that's why Donya Victorina is his aunt. Donya Victorina asks Isagani to find
her husband, de Espadana, who is still hiding in her father's house, Father Florentino.

Simoun arrived and was talked to by friends and basilio introduced Isagani to Simoun. Simoun said that
he does not visit Basilio's province because this province is poor and cannot buy jewelry. Isagani
objected adamantly and said they don't shop for jewelry because they don't need it the Simoun smiled.
He said that the province is poor, because the priests in the church are Filipinos. Simoun invited to drink
beer but refused.

According to Simoun, Padre Camorra said that Filipinos are lazy because they drink water and not beer.
Basilio responded quickly. Tell Padre Camorra that if he drinks water instead of beer, maybe the cause of
the rumors will disappear. Isagani added, water drowns wine and beer and extinguishes fire, which
when heated spits out. It becomes a vast sea and destroys the sky. He ignored Basilio's charge. Simoun
asked what he would answer if Father Camorra asked when the water would become a deep and wide
ocean. Isagani's response, when heated by the fire and at the moment when the little river fragments
come together in the depths dug by man. Basilio recited a poem by Isagani about the cooperation of fire
and water in operating a steam engine. According to Simoun, it is a dream, because the machine is still
to be found.

Only when Simoun left was Isagani fully acquainted with the jeweler called Kardinal Moreno. A servant
came. Father Florentino sent for the nephew. But the captain saw Father Florentino and invited him to
come on deck.

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