DLL Week 1.2 - Stat and Proba Q3

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GRADES 1 to 12 President Diosdado Macapagal

School Grade Level GRADE 11

High School
Teacher Jessie Grace C. De Luna Learning Area
WEEK 1 (MAY 2-5, 2023)


Teaching Date and Time Quarter 4th QUARTER

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed
I. OBJECTIVES using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives supports the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lesson. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guide.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of tests of hypotheses on the population mean and population proportion.

The learner is able to perform appropriate tests of hypotheses involving the population mean and population proportion to make
B. Performance Standards
inferences in real-life problems in different disciplines.
Illustrates a probability distribution for a
discrete random variable and its properties.
(e) types of errors in hypothesis testing. M11/12SP-IIIa-4
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives To assess the prior knowledge of the
Constructs the probability mass function of a
(a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; (c)
students in Statistics and Probability. Calculates the probabilities of committing discrete random variable and its
Write the LC code for each level of significance; (d) rejection regionM11/12SP-
corresponding histogram. M11/12SP-IIIa-5
IVa-1 a Type I and Type II error.
Computes probabilities corresponding to a
given random variable. M11/12SP-IIIa-6


II. CONTENT Diagnostic Test Hypothesis Testing

III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used on different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

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4. Additional Materials from
Statistics and Probability Module Statistics and Probability Module Statistics and Probability Module Statistics and Probability Module
Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources Quipper Quipper Quipper

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that the students will learn well. Always be guided by the demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with
IV. PROCEDURES multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.

Before we learn about statistical hypotheses, let Suppose you want to determine the
us watch a short animation entitled “Love in The frequency of exercise of all young adults
Time of Advertising.” in the country.
Consider the situation below.
TheCGBros. “CGI 3D Animated Short Classic: a. Will you be able to ask all young adults
‘Love In The Time Of Advertising’ - by Wolf and in the country? Why or why not?
Crow.” YouTube video, 8:18. Posted 16 June b. What can you do if you cannot get data
2017. Retrieved 01 October 2019 from In a court trial, the fate of the defendant from the whole population?
https://bit.ly/2KHskVh. lies on the decision of a judge. The judge
makes a correct decision if (i) the
defendant is acquitted and does not
- Discussion of class
A. Reviewing previous lesson or commit the crime or (ii) the defendant is
requirements for the 4th Guide Questions:
convicted and commit the crime. However,
presenting the new lesson
Quarter. the judge makes a wrong decision if (i) the
● What was the story about?
defendant is acquitted but commit the
● How did the woman respond to the crime, or (ii) the defendant is convicted but
advertisements on the billboard?
does not commit the crime. In your
● Give examples of current advertisements and opinion, between the two possible wrong
their claims. decisions, which do you think is a more

● Do you think these claims are true? serious one? Why

● Have you tested these claims before?

Should you believe everything these ads are saying? Why?

B. Establishing a purpose for the Presentation of fourth quarter Hypothesis Testing Like in a court trial, four possibilities exist  What is a population? What is a
lesson lessons/topics. in hypothesis testing. sample?
a statistical method of using sample data to  What do you remember about
determine the probability that a given hypothesis These are: parameters? How about
about the population is true statistics?
1. Acceptance of the null hypothesis when
 Why do we need samples from
Steps in Hypothesis Testing: it is true.
a population?
a. Formulate the null and alternative 2. Acceptance of the null hypothesis when  Why can’t we get data from the
hypotheses. it is false. whole population?
b. Determine the level of significance.
c. Calculate the test statistic and identify 3. Rejection of the null hypothesis when it
the rejection region. is true.
d. Make a decision.
e. Draw a conclusion. 4. Rejection of the null hypothesis when it
is false.

Statistical Hypothesis
It is a right decision if we accept a true null
a statement about a population parameter hypothesis or reject a false null
hypothesis. However, we commit an error

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Example: if we accept a false null hypothesis (Type

The daily mean number of patients in an II error) or reject a true null hypothesis
emergency room is 74. (Type I error).

Null Hypothesis Type I Error Parameter – characteristic or measure of

a population.
the hypothesis that is assumed to be true. It uses an error in hypothesis testing that occurs
a relation symbol with a statement of equality, when a true null hypothesis is rejected. The parameter is also referred to as the
such as ≥ , ≤, and ¿ , and is denoted by H 0. true or actual value.

Example: Example:
Let’s say a medical researcher wants to
The average life expectancy μ1 of females is the Let’s say a medical researcher has the determine the mean number of patients in
following hypotheses about the population an emergency room each day. In this
same as the average life expectancy μ2 of males.
mean number μ of patients in an case, the parameter is the population
( H 0 : μ1=μ2 ) emergency room daily.   daily mean number of patients in the
emergency room.

Administration of pretest.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of Alternative Hypothesis H 0 : The mean number of patients in the
the new lesson (50 item multiple choice test) emergency room daily is 74.
the hypothesis that is contrary to the null
hypothesis. It uses a relation symbol with no
statement of equality, such as ¿ ,<, and ≠ , and
H A : The mean number of patients in the
emergency room daily is not 74.
is denoted by H A.
Suppose the null hypothesis is true. That
The average life expectancy μ1 of females is is, the population mean number of
patients in the emergency room daily is
different from the average life expectancy μ2 of really 74. A type I error will occur if the
medical researcher concludes that the
males. ( H A : μ1 ≠ μ2 )
mean number of patients is not 74, thus
rejecting the true null hypothesis.

D. Discussing new concepts and Directional Test of Hypothesis or One-tailed Type II Error Example 1:
practicing new skills #1 Test
an error in hypothesis testing that occurs The hypotheses of a test are as follows:
a type of hypothesis test that makes use of only when a false null hypothesis is not
one side or tail of the distribution. It can either be rejected  
a right-tailed or left-tailed test.
H 0 :The population mean number of
Right-tailed Test hours students spend studying after
school is at most 2.5 hours. (
a type of directional test of hypothesis or one-
tailed test that is used when an assertion is made Let’s say a medical researcher has the H 0 : μ≤ 2.5)
that the parameter falls within the positive end of following hypotheses about the population
the distribution. In a right-tailed test, the mean number μ of patients in an  
alternative hypothesis uses comparatives such as emergency room daily.
greater than, higher than, better than, superior to, H A : The population mean number of
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exceeds, above, increased, etc. hours students spend studying after
school is greater than 2.5 hours. (
Example: H 0 : The mean number of patients in the H A : μ>2.5 )
emergency room daily is 74.
 H 0 :The mean number of hours  
students spend studying after school is  
at most 2.5 hours. ( H 0 : μ≤ 2.5 ) What is the parameter?
H A : The mean number of patients in the
 H A : The mean number of hours emergency room daily is not 74.
students spend studying after school is
Example 2:
greater than 2.5 hours. ( H A : μ>2.5 )  
A store owner wants to know if the daily
Suppose the null hypothesis is not true;
Left-tailed Test average number of customers in the
that is, the mean number of patients in the
clothing shop is greater than 246. What is
a type of directional test of hypothesis or one- emergency room daily is not 74. A type II
the parameter?
tailed test that is used when an assertion is made error will occur if the medical researcher
that the parameter falls within the negative end of concludes that the mean number of
the distribution. In a left-tailed test, the alternative patients is 74, thus not rejecting the false
hypothesis uses comparatives such as less than, null hypothesis.
smaller than, inferior to, lower than, below,
decreased, etc.
Example 1:
Consider the following hypotheses.
 H 0 :The mean number of hours students
spend studying after school is at least 2.5  
hours. ( H 0 : μ≥ 2.5 )
H O : μ=200
 H A : The mean number of hours
students spend studying after school is H A : μ ≠ 200
less than 2.5 hours. ( H A : μ<2.5 )

When will a type I error and a type II error

Non-directional Test of Hypothesis occur?

or Two-tailed Test

a type of hypothesis test that makes use of two Example 2: A researcher wants to test
opposite sides or tails of the distribution. It is used whether there is a difference between the
when no assertion is made on whether the mean frequency of exercise between
parameter falls within the positive or negative end teens and adults. When will a type I error
of the distribution. In a two-tailed test, the and a type II error occur?
alternative hypothesis uses comparatives such as
not equal to, different from, not the same as, etc.
A type I error is generally considered as a
more serious error than a type II error.
Example: This is the reason why in research,
researchers will often state a null
 H 0 :The mean number of hours students hypothesis than an alternative hypothesis.
spend studying after school is equal to 2.5

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hours. ( H 0 : μ=2.5 )

H A : The mean number of hours students spend

studying after school is not 2.5 hours. (
H A : μ ≠ 2.5)
Level of Significance Example 3:
A gym instructor wants to test if the
the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis in Important properties of Type I and Type weights of his students are reduced after
favor of the alternative hypothesis when it is really II errors an exercise program. Before the exercise
true, denoted by α . program, the average weight of his
1. A decrease in the probability of type I students was 145 lbs.
error (denoted by α ) would result in an  What is the parameter?
 Name the given statistics
In hypothesis testing, the researcher decides what increase in the probability of the Type II
level of significance to use at the beginning of the error (denoted by β ) and vice-versa.
test. Conventional significance levels such as
2. The probability of committing a type I
E. Discussing new concepts and 0.05 and 0.01 are frequently used in hypothesis
Checking of pretest. error (which also corresponds to the area
practicing new skills #2 testing because of the desire to maintain a low
probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it of the critical region), can be reduced by
is actually true. adjusting the critical value(s).

3. Increasing the sample size will reduce

the probability of Type I and Type II error.
4. The probability of Type II error will be a
A significance level of α =0.05 means that maximum if the true value of a parameter
there is a 5% chance of rejecting a true null is close to the hypothesized value.
hypothesis. In other words, we are 95% confident
that a right decision is made.

Rejection Region Level of Significance

the set of values in which the null hypothesis is In testing a given hypothesis, the
rejected maximum probability with which we would

be willing to risk a Type I error is called the

level of significance ( α ) of the test.

F. Developing mastery In practice, a level of significance of 0.05

or 0.01 is customary, although other
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) values may also be used. If for example a
5% level of significance is chosen, then
there are about 5 chances in 100 that we
would reject the hypothesis when it

should be accepted. In other words,

whenever the null hypothesis is true, we
are about 95% confident that we would
make the right decision.

G. Finding practical applications of I. Determine the type of test needed for each When will a type I and a type II error Identify the parameter and name the given
statement. For each item, underline the key word
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or phrase, then write two-tailed, left-tailed, or statistics in each situation.
right-tailed on the blank before each number.

________ 1. There is no significant difference

between the mean height of plants on normal soil 1. A researcher wants to estimate the
and the mean height of plants on soil with average weight of men aged 40 or older.
commercial fertilizer. From a simple random sample of 56 men,
the researcher obtains a sample mean
________ 2. The mean age of students in the weight of 130 lbs.
contemporary dance class is significantly lower
than the mean age of students in the tap dance 2. A nutritionist wants to estimate the
class. mean amount of sodium consumed by
occur? children under the age of 8. From random
_________ 3. The mean number of children in sample of 65 children, the nutritionist
each household in a barangay is below 4. obtains a sample mean of 2 990
1. Researcher A claims that an average milligrams of sodium consumed.
_________ 4. The average weight of the parcels professional typist has a mean typing
exceeds one kilogram. 3. The Department of Agriculture wants to
speed of 75 words per minute.
estimate the average farm size in Central
concepts and skills in daily living Researcher B wants to test whether this
_________ 5. The mean temperature for the Luzon. From a simple random sample of
claim is true.
whole year is equal to 21 degrees Celsius. 50 farms, they obtain a sample farm size
2. A department head wants to test the of 875 acres.
claim that the daily average water intake
4. A school principal wants to estimate the
II. A research team wants to know whether the of each employee is greater than 1.3
proportion of high school students who
mean stress level of employees with pets is liters. When will a type I error and a type II
had read at least one book during the
different from the mean stress level of employees error occur?
previous school year. A random sample of
without pets. State the null and alternative
hypotheses in words and in symbols. 189 students is obtained and 94 of those
students had read at least one book
during the previous year.

5. The president of a company conducted

a study on the average salary of all its

employees. From a random sample of 65

employees, it was found out that the mean
salary is ₱12 000.

What are the null and alternative hypotheses? When does a type I occur? How about a How do you define a parameter?
type II error?

What are some examples of claims in Can we get the exact value of a
H. Making generalizations and Discussion of some of the questions to give advertisements? What are the errors that you have done in parameter?
abstractions about the lesson preview for the upcoming lessons. your life?

What possible errors can be committed in What are the steps in hypothesis testing?
hypothesis testing? In hypothesis testing, can we be 100%
sure that we will not commit an error?

I. Evaluating learning Identify whether each of the following Write P if the given statement involves a
situations illustrate a Type I or a parameter or N if not.
State the null and alternative hypotheses of the
following. Then, determine the type of test needed
Page 6 of 8 Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
by writing two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed. Type II error.

1. A researcher concludes that the ______1. A teacher got the scores of all
average salary of private school teachers her students in a quiz and computed an
1. Researcher A claims that an average is Php 10,000.00 when it is not.
professional typist has a mean typing average score of 95.
speed of 75 words per minute. 2. A clothing line company concludes that
Researcher B wants to test whether this the proportion of housewives throughout ______2. The average number of children
claim is true. in a random sample of 200 households is
Metro Manila who prefer Department 2.
2. A teacher wants to test the claim that Stores exceeds 40% when it is equal to
female students have less absences ______3. The average weight of all
compared to male students 40%. athletes in a league is 150 lbs.

3. Mrs. Patata concludes that the average ______4. From a sample of 40 voters,
salt content of its potato chips is equal to 30% are voting for Candidate A.

150 mg when it is not. ______5. The average salary of all young

adults in a village is ₱32 500.
4. A certain brand of coffee advertised as
having a net weight of 250 grams. A

researcher concluded that it is not equal to

250 grams when it is.

5. A manufacturer of detergent powder

concludes that 25% of the customers
prefer brand Y when in fact it is greater
than 25%.

J. Additional activities for application

or remediation


Reflect on your teaching and asses yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
VI. REFLECTION supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the


B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies

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worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized materials

did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Recorded by:


Subject Teacher Mathematics Coordinator Academic Head

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