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Module 4

Electronic Fundamentals

Exam 19

1. A single integrated circuit Op Amp has how many


a) 4
b) 7
c) 8

2. What is the output of the amplifier shown below?

a) 0V
b) 3V
c) 5V

3. A thyristor is commonly used for

a) voltage regulation
b) overvolts regulation
c) rectification

4. A diode which emits photons when conducting is a

a) zener
b) varactor
c) light emitting

5. Avalanche breakdown occurs when

a) forward bias becomes excessive

b) forward bias exceeds a certain value
c) reverse bias exceeds a certain value
6. The electrodes of an SCR are

a) anode, cathode, source

b) source, drain, gate
c) gate, cathode, anode

7. What gives an LED its colour?

a) A gas
b) The cover
c) Composition and impurity of the compound

8. For conduction of a transistor the emitter junction


a) fwd biased
b) reverse biased
c) fwd or reverse as appropriate to the input

9. In a PNP transistor which way does conventional

current flow

a) base to emitter
b) collector to emitter
c) emitter to collector

10. Infinite gain, infinite input impedance & zero

output impedance is characteristic of a

a) Class A amp
b) Class B amp
c) Op amp
Answers for Exam 19

Question 1 c Inverting and non-inverting input, output,

positive and negative supply, two offset null
connections (for a potentiometer) plus one
leg not used = 8. Aircraft Electricity and
Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 140

Question 2 c A basic adding op-amp. 4 + 0 + 1 = 5

Question 3 c A thyrister (especially an SCR) is often used

for rectification

Question 4 c Photons = light, so a diode which emits light

is a Light Emitting Diode.

Question 5 c Avalanche breakdown occurs when reverse bias

exceeds a certain value.

Question 6 c The electrodes of an SCR are the anode,

cathode and the gate. Aircraft Electricity
and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 120

Question 7 c It is the doping element which gives an LED

its colour.

Question 8 a For a transistor to switch on, the base-

emitter (or just emitter) junction must be
forward biased. Aircraft Electricity and
Electronics 5th Edition Eismin Page 116

Question 9 c In a PNP transistor, the main current flow is

Emitter to Collector (reverse of what it is
with an NPN transistor).

Question 10 c Infinite gain, infinite input impedance and

zero output impedance are characteristics of
the ideal op amp.

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